More Iraqi News Wednesday PM 2-16-22

More Iraqi News Wednesday PM 2-16-22

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Criticism Of The Government And Assurances That The Budget Will Not Be Passed Without Adjusting The Dollar Exchange Rate

Economic     Last update 02/15/2022 | The Information / Baghdad...Political parties criticized the government's financial performance and the failure to carry out reforms that serve the people, stressing that the next budget will not be voted on without changing the dollar exchange rate.

A member of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Mahmoud Al-Hayani, told Al-Maalouma, "The rise in oil prices came to serve and benefit the government, and the people did not get anything from it, especially since the general citizens suffer from the high cost of living in light of the high prices as a result of the decision to increase the value of the dollar against the dinar.".

On the other hand, the representative of the State of Law coalition, Firas Turki, confirmed to "The Information", that "the coordination framework stands by the reduction of the dollar exchange rate in the 2022 budget, as the budget will not be passed without making adjustments to the exchange rate."

On the other hand, the representative of the coordination framework, Muhammad Al-Ziyadi, told Al-Maalouma that “the framework will set a condition when voting on the next prime minister, as the candidate will not pass without getting a word from him to reduce the exchange rate, but by going to the opposition, then he cannot Setting the conditions, rather asking for a price adjustment.”

In a related context, the representative of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Ibtisam Al-Hilali, told Al-Maalouma, “The framework is determined to obtain all parliamentary signatures within Parliament in order to restore the dollar exchange rate to its predecessor, stressing that the government has achieved its goal of raising the exchange rate, and there is no longer a justification for its continuation with this.” approach”. finished 25

Iraq Forum for Sustainable Development

Wednesday 16 February 2022   285   Abdul-Zahra Muhammad Al-Hindawi   The world's sustainable development forums are important platforms and effective drivers. To support the efforts of countries on the one hand to achieve the seventeen goals adopted by the international community in 2015, which came as a complement to the Millennium Development Goals launched by the United Nations in 2000.

Many countries have sought to establish forums, in order to be platforms for exchanging dialogue, promoting social interaction, profiling people’s consumer behavior, and introducing those goals, which call for concerted efforts to achieve what can be achieved from them by 2030, in accordance with the global vision in this articular.

Iraq was among the countries that pledged to work on the participation of the international community in these endeavors, but the circumstances that the country faced during the period of launching the development goals, caused a clear obstruction of the principles and goals included in the 2030 plan,

and despite these challenges, there are steps that Iraq has taken Perhaps one of them is the completion of the first two voluntary reports 2019 and the second 2021, which were submitted to the United Nations High-Level Political Forum, which have been highly praised and appreciated by the international community, as well as many other efforts made over the past years.

These efforts have finally resulted in the establishment of the Iraq Forum for Sustainable Development, which represents an important step, if properly exploited and invested, towards supporting and strengthening efforts aimed at achieving the goals for which it came, and it is possible to benefit from the experiences of the countries that preceded us in that, and success here requires making available The platform for all economic, social and political activities. It also requires naming focal points for the forum in all ministries, governorates, universities, research centers and active civil society organizations, and providing appropriate conditions for the work of these points, in order to enable them to provide the forum with the latest updates in the field of achieving development goals. sustainable.

It is certain that such events would achieve an effective dialogue atmosphere, during which emphasis is placed on the educational aspects related to social behaviors related to rationalizing consumption, how to preserve sources of wealth and enhance the principle of partnership, and then create a cohesive society, aware of what should be done with it.

The meaning of all this is that the platform of the Iraq Forum for Sustainable Development will be available to everyone, and this makes it an important tributary of the developmental decision-making, economic in the country, and this is the main objective of such events.   LINK

373 Files To Recover Our Looted Money And Pursue The Wanted

Wednesday 16 February 2022   155  Baghdad: Omar Abdul Latif   Iraq seeks to find appropriate mechanisms to recover looted property through international cooperation in the field of confiscation, which is the most important step in the money recovery file, while it has made progress in filing civil cases to recover money in some countries that allowed it to do so by opening 373 money recovery files and prosecuting wanted persons Iraq moved recently.

The head of the "Al-Nahrain Network to Support Integrity and Transparency" Muhammad Rahim Al-Rubaie, a member of the "United Nations Convention against Corruption" coalition, told Al-Sabah: "Iraq's interest in recovering looted assets, which is usually money and convicted or accused persons, started since 2011, and interest in this matter has increased. After the (Baghdad Conference for the Recovery of Stolen Funds), which was held in September of last year in the presence of a group of Arab countries, which had a significant impact on the interaction of specific mechanisms to open files to recover these funds.

He added that "the conference held in the capital, Baghdad, allowed Iraq to exchange experiences, and the Ministries of Justice and Foreign Affairs, the Integrity Commission and the Stolen Funds Recovery Fund sought to work seriously for this with international cooperation, signing agreements and concluding protocols with member states of the United Nations to combat corruption."

And he indicated that "the matter has shown its results now that the Integrity Commission and the Fund have opened (373) files to recover money and accused and convicted persons," describing it as "a good step to implement the chapters of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, especially (Chapter V) of it on the recovery of funds, and Iraq." Take the necessary measures for the immediate recovery of these properties."

Al-Rubaie added, "What Iraq needs is for the countries receiving these funds or those on their soil to allow the accused and convicts to make room in the legal system for the affected countries to take legal and judicial measures against them before their judicial authorities," noting that "some countries allow Iraq to file lawsuits." Civil society to recover money through its judiciary has made progress and is a good step,” expressing his wishes to recover a lot of money during this year or next.

He stressed, "Iraq's need for the Stolen Funds Recovery Fund Law in order to seek community involvement in anti-corruption measures. There are international experiences that have allocated a fund to recover funds that focus on infrastructure projects in poor or corruption-affected areas, so that there will be an important step if Iraq does so, This motivates all segments of society to engage in the fight against corruption and reduce it significantly, as well as new legislation that allows victims of corruption to demand that these corrupt and looters of public money compensate them for the damage they have suffered.  LINK

Today, Warka website displays  "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" 

From September 28, 2021 until today Warka's website displayed an error message:

"Database Connection Failed: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2054] The server requested authentication method unknown to the client"  Today, Warka website displays  "UNDER CONSTRUCTION"

Integrity: Iraq Legally Succeeded In Breaching International Banking Secrecy

Economic     Last update 02/15/2022 | 11:03 AM  The Information/Baghdad...The Federal Integrity Commission revealed, on Tuesday, that Iraq for the first time managed to penetrate international banking secrecy, explaining that this came through the efforts of the Integrity Commission and the Iraq Money Recovery Fund.

The authority indicated in a statement, which was reviewed by / the information /, that "the penetration was carried out through legal procedures, according to which Iraq was able to view the contents of the treasury in Switzerland."

In its statement, the commission confirmed that "Transparency International's reports for the year (2021) indicated a clear improvement and progress in the classification of Iraq among the countries of the world within the report of the Corruption Perceptions Index issued by the organization."

Ports Are Discussing With The International Development Bank Banking Facilities For The Company's Employees

Tuesday 15 February 2022 21:40 | economic    Number of readings: 165  Basra / NINA / - The Director General of the General Company for Iraqi Ports, Farhan Al-Fartousi, discussed with the Director of the International Development Bank, Mahdi Al-Jazaery, and his accompanying delegation, the banking facilities for the company's employees.

The Director-General said in a statement, "We discussed with International Development frameworks of cooperation and coordination, banking and accounting facilities, electronic transactions, insurance and loans provided by the bank to serve the company's employees."  For his part, the Director of the International Development Bank, Mahdi Al-Jazaery, said that there is close cooperation between the ports of Iraq and the Development Bank. /

Al-Rasheed Bank Launches Credit Activities For All Sectors

Wed, Feb 16 2022 7:50 PM   Baghdad / National News Center   On Wednesday, Al-Rasheed Bank announced directing its direct branches to promote transactions for credit activities and for all sectors.

The bank's media office said in a statement received by the "National News Center", that "its branches were directed to directly promote transactions for credit activities and for all sectors."

The bank had previously suspended the work of granting credit for the purposes of the annual application and approval of the credit plan for the year 2022.


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