More Iraqi News Tuesday PM 4-12-21

More Iraqi News Tuesday PM 4-12-21
TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Al-Kazemi Reveals Campaigns To Prevent Manipulation Of Commodity Prices: Raising Them Is Linked To The Greed Of Merchants

Political| 02:21 - 13/04/2021   BAGHDAD - Mawazine News, the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, revealed, on Tuesday, campaigns to prevent manipulation of commodity prices, while he confirmed that raising commodity prices is linked to the greed of some merchants.

"We congratulate the Iraqi people on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan, the month of goodness, love and tolerance," Al-Kazemi said during the cabinet session.

He added, "Following up on the issues and needs of citizens and easing bureaucratic procedures is one of our priorities, and all ministers should make more efforts to provide for these needs."

He continued: "We came to serve the citizens and overcome the challenges that the country is going through and not for a political goal. We have areas in which we have succeeded and other areas that need follow-up and increased work."

And he renewed his directives to the Ministry of Commerce to "continuously work to provide more foodstuffs in the ration card and to make its best efforts."

He emphasized, "The increase in commodity prices is mostly linked to the greed of some merchants," revealing, "We have campaigns to prevent this price manipulation."

And he added, "We have succeeded in increasing the central bank’s reserves of the dollar after the reform measures that we have taken."

He concluded: “The Ministry of Health has made an effort to provide vaccines for the Corona epidemic, and it is very important that there be encouragement for citizens to take the vaccine.” Ended 6/29 N

Source: Political Pressure On The Minister Of Finance To Return The Dismissed Director Of Rafidain To His Work

Time: 04/13/2021 13:38:53 Read: 1,742 times   {Economist: Al Furat News} An informed source said that the Minister of Finance, Ali Allawi, is under political pressure to restore the dismissed director general of the Rafidain Bank, Hussein Ali Muheisen, accused of corruption, to his position in the management of the bank.

The source told {Euphrates News} that "the former director of Rafidain is accused of corruption and signing investment contracts with companies without guarantees, which caused great damage to the Rafidain Bank."

On March 9, the Minister of Finance, Ali Allawi, issued an order to withdraw the hand of the General Director of Al-Rafidain Bank, Hussein Ali Muheisen Agency, and refer him to investigation, "for signing a contract with an electronic payment company without completing the legal procedures."

And it was decided, according to Allawi's order, to "assign {Bilal Sabah} Director General of the Industrial Bank, to walk the affairs of {Rafidain Bank} until the completion of the investigation."   LINK

A Bloc Calling For The Formation Of An International Coalition To Recover The Smuggled Iraqi Money

Time: 04/13/2021 13:28:03 Read: 1,261 times   {Politics: Al-Furat News} The head of the Parliamentary Change Bloc, Yusef Muhammad, called for the formation of an international coalition to fight corruption and return Iraqi money smuggled abroad.

Muhammad said in a statement that Al-Furat News received a copy of it, that "in parallel with the reform steps in the financial and economic field and support for other non-oil sectors that were approved in the budget law for this year, especially support for the agricultural and industrial sector in Iraq, there must be practical steps in the field of Combating corruption judicially and through existing institutions, and activating mechanisms for returning smuggled and stolen money by setting specific touches and mechanisms in this field.

He added, "The return of these funds needs political mechanisms represented in perpetuating pressure on state institutions to carry out their tasks in this field, activating the partnership of the International Alliance to fight corruption and support Iraq in returning money smuggled as a result of illicit gain or corruption or Iraqi money that was controlled during the previous regime."

And that "the second mechanism is the legal amendment of the Iraq Fund for Recovery of Funds to facilitate the process of returning smuggled funds, as well as setting up judicial mechanisms for follow-up and investigation of corruption files and money that smuggled abroad."   LINK

American Report Sounds The Alarm About The Marshes Of Iraq

Time: 04/13/2021 11:40:45 Read: 3,848 times  The American New York Times shed light on the "marshes in southern Iraq", which are water bodies located near the southeastern borders of Mesopotamia, to appear as an oasis in the middle of the desert, but it faces the risk of drought from time to time for several reasons.

This region includes the ancient Sumerian cities of Ur, Uruk and Eridu, which were established in Mesopotamia between the fourth and third millennium BC on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates.

The marshes are home to a people called the Maadan, also known as the Marsh Arabs, who live deep in wet areas, and work in raising buffaloes in isolated places, most of which can only be reached by boat.

Others live in small cities along the Tigris or Euphrates rivers that feed the marshes. But many residents of Ma'dan left it decades ago, when war, famine and oppression destroyed it.

By the early 2000s, less than 10 percent of the region's original wetlands were working swamps.

Today, after being submerged and partially restored, the marshes are under threat again due to climate change, a lack of environmental awareness at the local level, and perhaps most importantly, the construction of dams in Turkey and Syria, according to the New York Times.

In 2018, a very hot summer followed by little rain caused a dangerous drought. In some areas, the water level has decreased by more than three feet.

As a result, buffalo keepers lost about a third of their livestock, and many were forced to leave when the areas turned into desert, migrating to neighboring cities or further afield; To the poor suburbs of Karbala, Basra and Baghdad.

But after a few months, the water began to rise. The displaced have returned, but the stakes remain high for the people who live here.

If the already depleted marshes dry up again, the Ma'dan people may have no choice but to leave and move away from a peaceful area in a troubled land, the New York Times says.   LINK


Apr-202 13  I present to our honorable Iraqi people, in its name to the entire Islamic nation, and to those who love good and peace everywhere, with my sincere wishes and the deepest good hopes on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan.

On the advent of these blessed days, I call on all the sons of our patient and proud people to make this holy month an occasion for friendship, transcendence and unity, and a meeting on the love and elevation of Iraq.

I am confident that the near future will be the radiance of progress, filled with good and generous life, with work, brotherhood, self-sacrifice, and giving priority to the interest of our dear Iraq.

Happy New Year, Iraq Mustafa Al-Kazemi,Prime Minister  April 13, 2021

Banks Economy News – Baghdad  Central Bank Governor Mostafa Ghaleb Makhaif Met, On Tuesday, With A Delegation From The French Development Agency (AFD) To Discuss Ways Of Joint Cooperation.

In a statement received by Al-Iqtisad News, the Central Bank said that his governor assured the delegation of the importance of international technical support to implement the financial and economic reforms presented in the white paper.

According to the statement, Ghalib suggested "holding a meeting between the French Development Agency and the private banking sector to define the area of ​​joint cooperation."

For its part, the French Development Agency expressed its desire to establish a branch in Iraq to increase cooperation, as well as to provide loans for service and productive projects of the Iraqi government, and to provide funding for the public and private sectors, according to the statement.

It is reported that the French Development Agency (AFD) is a public institution for development financing that works to combat poverty and promote economic growth in developing countries.

Number of observations 115 Date of addendum 04/13/2021


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