Monday AM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 7-18-22

Monday AM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 7-18-22

Al-Halbousi Meets With Heads Of Parliamentary Blocs - Urgent

Policy   2022-07-18 | 05:08   Source:   Alsumaria news   1,071 views   Today, Monday, Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi met with heads of parliamentary blocs.  Our correspondent said, "The Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, met with the heads of parliamentary blocs."

Earlier, the Presidency of the House of Representatives called for a meeting to agree on a date for holding a session to elect the President of the Republic.

The Presidency of the House of Representatives stated, in a statement, that "the Presidency of the House of Representatives invites the heads of political blocs to a meeting on Monday, July 18, at 11 am."  LINK

The coordination framework sets the criteria for the new prime minister[/size]

Policy   2022-07-17 | 06:55  Source:  Alsumaria news   6,377 views   Alsumaria News – Baghdad    The deputy of the Sadiqoun bloc, which is affiliated with the coordination framework, Zainab Juma Al-Moussawi, revealed today, Sunday, the agreed standards within the coordination framework for the personality of the new Iraqi prime minister.

Al-Moussawi said in a statement received by Alsumaria News, "The coordinating framework forces, during their continuous meetings, set fixed criteria for choosing a prime minister in order to run the country in the next stage."

She added, "The most important of these criteria is that it is acceptable to the religious authority in Najaf and is not covered by the Accountability and Justice Law and who is not accused or convicted of corruption cases."

Al-Moussawi indicated, "The coordinating framework forces will soon announce the name of a candidate for the position of prime minister after the Iraqi parliament goes to vote on the Kurdish parties' candidate for the presidency of the Iraqi republic."   LINK

Al-Sadr surrounds the tire with several advice...Does he stick to them? ‎

Sumerian special   2022-07-18 | 04:24   Source:   Sumerian  1,224 views   Before announcing the name of the candidate for the position of prime minister... Al-Sadr surrounds the framework with several advice, some of which are related to the specifications of the prime minister and others concerned with the government formation. Will the framework adhere to the advice of the leader of the movement, although the visions between the two parties are still different until now.

With the approaching date for announcing the candidate who will be tasked with forming the government, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, surrounds the framework with a number of advice, the most prominent of which is that it is not possible to form a government with a loose weapon and not to return the experimenter to the position.

Al-Sadr’s vision in the specifications of the next prime minister does not seem to differ much from the vision of the framework, which is still looking for a suitable personality for the current circumstance and able to avoid crises, even if gradually, and the names are so far in the process of discussion and negotiation, as political sources revealed that the prime ministerial candidate is not necessarily that He is one of the leaders of the first or second row of the framework, and he may be from outside the political scene as an independent, but professional and efficient figure

As the decision approaches, 8 candidates are vying for the position of prime minister

02:18 | 2022-07-18  The delegation of the coordination framework leaves Al-Hanana after the end of its meeting with Al-Sadr

05:57 | 2021-12-29   Decisive week?

1- Al-Sadr surrounds the framework with a set of advice before announcing the name of the candidate for the position of prime minister

2- Al-Sadr’s advice focused on several points, most notably: a government without uncontrolled weapons and led by an untested person

3- Will the coordination framework adhere to Al-Sadr’s advice or will it differ with him on some points?

4- Politicians: the vision of the framework is not different from the vision of Al-Sadr in the specifications of the prime minister

5- The coordination framework: the candidate for the prime minister is not necessarily one of the leaders of the first or second line   LINK

An Iraqi Government Delegation Arrives In New York

Time: 07/14/2022    {Local: Al Furat News} The Minister of Planning, Khaled Battal Al-Najm, has arrived at the head of a government delegation to New York, to participate in the work of the high-level political forum of the United Nations, which will last for several days.

The Iraqi delegation included the Director General of the Regional and Local Development Department Muhammad Mohsen Al-Sayed, the Director General of the Regional and Local Development Department Maha Abdul Karim, in addition to Iraq's permanent representative to the United Nations Muhammad Bahr Al-Uloum.

The first day of the forum witnessed the participation of the Iraqi delegation headed by the Minister of Planning in the first inaugural session which was held in the United Nations General Assembly Hall, with the participation of the heads of delegations of the participating countries.

On the other hand, members of the Iraqi delegation participated in a number of sessions and events that are held on the sidelines of the annual high-level political forum of the United Nations.

It is hoped that Minister of Planning Khaled Batal Al-Najm will deliver Iraq's speech on the second day of the forum, during which he will review a number of important economic and development issues.

As The Decision Approaches, 8 Candidates Are Vying For The Position Of Prime Minister

Sumerian special  2022-07-18 | 03:18  Source:   Sumerian   7,191 views   Sources suggest that the coordination framework will meet on Monday or Tuesday of this week to officially announce the names nominated for the position of Prime Minister.

While the political circles circulate two lists of candidates and each list contains a number of them, the first list includes three candidates from the leaders known in the framework, one of whom is a former prime minister and a former minister, while the second list includes five candidates, who are a former minister, two governors, a current deputy and a leader in the framework.

In order for the framework to come out with three candidates from the first and second list, their names will be decided in the next meeting, according to the sources, and then one of the names will be chosen as a candidate for the largest bloc, provided that that candidate is accepted by the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, and this is what the head of the Fatah Alliance Hadi al-Amiri seeks.     LINK

The Democrat Is Courting The Coordinator: Will You Vote For Our Candidate Or For Those Who Refused To Criminalize Normalization?

Sumerian special   2022-07-18 | 02:58  3,315 views  Alsumaria news/Baghdad:  Kurdistan Democratic Party member Wafaa Muhammad called today, Monday, for the coordinating framework to state his explicit position in front of his fans regarding the person he will vote for for the position of President of the Republic.

Muhammad said in an interview with Alsumaria News, "The coordinating framework, along with the resigning representatives from the Sadrist bloc, had a decisive and clear position in collecting signatures and preparing a proposed law criminalizing normalization with the Zionist entity, which is a national position that counts for them in front of their masses and all the authentic Iraqi components."

He added, "The distinguishing point raised by a leader Sadrist Movement  Muqtada al-Sadr

It is the abstention of the President of the Republic and the Protector of the Constitution from ratifying the law until the expiry of the 15-day period for it to be automatically published in the official newspaper, which is what the Constitution stipulates.

Coordination and voted on it, therefore, history today will write in clear letters the nature of the position of the representatives of the masses of the center and the south in their support for the candidate “supporting normalization” and refusal to sign a law criminalizing it or to rise strongly and defend a firm belief among all Iraqis that the Zionist entity is an enemy of all Iraqis, and it has not and will not be There is no normalization with them."

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He added, "The first contender to protect the constitution is a security minister in the Kurdistan Regional Government who confronted terrorism and crime, and here we are asking the question frankly to everyone who voted and promised a law criminalizing normalization.

Will you vote for those who rejected the law? Or would you vote for those who defended the security of the country and the blood of its people?" It is very simple, and we hope that his answer will be simpler than that of the leaders and deputies of the coordination framework."   LINK

Al-Kildani On The Turkish Bombing: Decision-Makers Have Two Options

Policy   2022-07-17 | 13:44   Source:   Alsumaria news   2,261 views  The Secretary-General of the Babylon Movement, Rayan Al-Kildani, considered, on Sunday, that the official decision-makers have two options regarding the Turkish bombing.

Al-Kildani said in a tweet on "Twitter", "When the homeland is desecrated and innocent lives are violated by the hostile bombing of Turkey onMosulOfficial decision-makers have two options.

"Either they are satisfied with the Turkish aggression and encourage it, or they fear Erdogan's reaction to their anger, even if the dogs bark at them, let them be ashamed of their dogs," he added.

Today, Sunday, a security source reported the killing and wounding of 7 people, including a woman, as a result of the bombing of a drone, in the province ofNineveh.   LINK

Iraq And Bangladesh: The Necessity Of Activating Bilateral Agreements

Policy  2022-07-17 | 12:10   540 views  Today, Sunday, Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein discussed with the Bangladeshi ambassador to Iraq activating mutual interests and facing common risks, while stressing the need to activate bilateral agreements.

She said Ministry of Foreign Affairs -

In a statement received by Alsumaria News, Hussein "received the ambassador of the Republic of Yemen BangladeshI have Iraq Amadi Fadloul Bari, and during the meeting, the progress of bilateral relations between the two countries was reviewed Baghdad And the Dhakaand ways to strengthen it to serve the interests of the two friendly peoples.”

Hussein asserted,IraqKeen to establish the best relations with all countries of the world, to activate mutual interests and face common risks, calling for the necessity of activating the agreements signed betweenIraqAnd theBangladesh".

For his part, Amdi Fadloul affirmed "his country's keenness to enhance joint cooperation, and the importance of exchanging visits between officials of the two countries."   LINK

Parliament Presidency Meets With Heads Of Political Blocs

Iraq   12:24 - 07-18-2022   Today, Monday, the Presidency of the House of Representatives held a meeting with the heads of the parliamentary blocs to discuss the agenda of the next session.

The meeting is scheduled to include a discussion of the distribution of replacement members for the Sadrist bloc's deputies to the committees.

Integrity: Two Summonses Were Issued Against The Mayor Of Samarra And Baiji

Iraq   11:10 - 07-18 2022   The Investigation Department of the Federal Integrity Commission confirmed today, Monday, the issuance of two summonses against the District Commissioner of Samarra and Baiji Districts in Salah al-Din Governorate.

The department said in a statement, "The Salah al-Din Investigation Court, which is specialized in integrity issues, issued an order to bring in the mayor of Samarra, for exploiting his position and embezzling the salaries of the permanent owners' employees for two consecutive months during 2014, and illegally seizing them," indicating that "the order was issued based on provisions Article (316) of the Penal Code.

She added, "The court issued a second order to bring in the former mayor of Baiji, in the case of deliberately violating his job duties through the manipulation that accompanied the Baiji Tourist City project," noting that "the Salah al-Din Investigation Court, which is specialized in integrity issues, issued the recruitment order, based on the provisions of Article ( 331) of the Penal Code.

The Supreme Judicial Council Issues A Clarification Regarding The Abolition Of Judgments In Absentia[/Size]

Iraq   14:26 - 07-17-2022   Today, Sunday, the Supreme Judicial Council issued a clarification regarding the abolition of judgments in absentia and the provision of food to detainees.

A statement of the council stated, "Based on the appeal submitted by Lviv to the families of the prisoners, it was decided to cancel the judgments in absentia for the accused in the event that the complainants and the plaintiffs waived the personal right, it would be in the event that the crime in question was a private right crime, but if it was a public right crime, the waiver It does not mean rescinding the ruling.

With regard to providing food to detainees and convicts who are held in reform prisons, the statement explained, "The Ministry of Justice is competent in this, as the ministry that manages prisons, juvenile rehabilitation institutions and observation houses contracts with private companies, and the contract determines the quantity and type of food that is provided to inmates, depositors and detainees."

He noted that "the judges and members of the public prosecution follow up during their inspection tours the validity of the food provided by the contractors and the extent of the arrival of meals at the specified times."


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