MilitiaMan, Fleming, Pimpy and more Thursday Afternoon 2-11-2021


Don961:  Parliamentary Finance clarifies to the NRT when the budget will be settled and how long the current dollar price will remain

On Monday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee suggested that the federal budget for the current year be decided next week to be ready for a vote on it inside the parliament, noting that the dollar exchange rate will remain as it is now, until another budget comes, whether it is supplementary or the 2022 budget

Committee member Jamal Cougar said, "The government has submitted the budget to the House of Representatives late and that it is controversial, it takes a long time, because the House of Representatives has the right to scrutinize all the details of the budget and see its merits

Cougar added, "There are many points that still need to be decided, including the proportion of the share of the Kurdistan Region that has not been agreed upon so far," indicating that "the issue of the oil-producing provinces has been resolved through the establishment of the petrodollar fund and their dues will be deposited in it, whether in cash or, by utilizing the equivalent and equal of petrodollars of oil to be sold directly and transferring its revenues into projects

With regard to the price of the dollar in the Iraqi market, Cougar said, "The price of the dollar will remain as it is now until the coming of another budget,whether supplementalor the 2022 budget, then it will be possible to change the price if the government has a large abundance that helps to overcome the expenditures of budget pressure, because the sudden change It will confuse the market and cause people to worry about the central bank’s decisions

And he added, “The committee agreed with the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, during its meeting with him and with a number of ministers to monitor the disbursement of the budget in light of the economic crisis that the country is going through through three axes, the first before the
vote, and after approval to issue instructions, and the last to implement this budget to be This complementary part to the government in controlling the flow of the exchange process   LINK 


MilitiaMan:  Delta some key points in this one.. imo.. Glad to see you take note.. Clearly they are suggesting they may have a supplementary budget that can be changed to something different when needed to be.

They don't want to confuse the market. But, with having large "abundance" (EXCHANGE RATE CHANGE) it would suffice the market so they say, effectively. imo. 

They are talking about a fund with using an "equivalent" that is equal to the petro dollar. So, once they have abundance or a "higher exchange rate" of the local currency, they'll only have to pay the equivalent, which may be far less and not confusing.  By having to put out far less cash per barrel takes that out of the equation, imo.

More the Abundance in "Exchange Rate" of the IQD it will take less cash to get the equivalency to trade. The markets won't find that confusing one bit.. imo.

Once they implement the budget numbers, then the compliments of doing so will help the flow of the exchange process.. If that is the read and accurately, I like this one!! Mucho Dinaro!! imo ~ MM 


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick  [via Guru Frank26]   Lifting the 3 zeros from their exchange rate should be a hot topic in articles in the near approximate future.

Petra   I want everyone to understand that they are throwing around a lot of confusion.  A huge amount of confusion...I believe we are in the end days of this...

Frank26   In case you missed it the CBI stopped the auctions...[Monday].  They can't use the American dollar anymore...So what's left to use?  What's left is the Iraqi dinar.  But the Iraqi dinar has no value - not only for the citizens but also for the government to run its country especially with the budget at those astronomical numbers.  The IMF knows this too.  And the World Bank knows this too.  Both of them have said very clearly Iraq is in the process of raising the value of their currency...the stoppage of the auctions is a step of the monetary reform of the Iraqi is a crucial step in adding value, lifting the 3 zeros from their exchange rate and it's being done. 


Fleming Thursday RV update

Our military intel contact said everyone is still in mega-anticipation mode—he is confirming Mr. Fleming’s sources saying that the shotgun liquidity start was planned to be initiated with bond liquidity moving at higher tiers in Reno and with other buyers today Thu 11 Feb, and that the balance of liquidity movement would be on Mon 15 Feb;

He said what this means is that the initiation of the 72 hour shotgun start is happening some time over the coming 24 hours and that there was a green light for Reno at 8am PST and a global green light for higher level liquidity movement at 9:15am PST this morning Thu 11 Feb; 

He said again that our T4B notifications could come any time during the 72-hour shotgun start window from now through Sat 13 Feb into Mon-Tue 15-16 Feb; so he said Stay ready and watch for the email notifications and Secure Web Link.

He is confirming MarkZ’s info this morning Thu 11 Feb: MarkZ said that he  talked to a quite a few “whales” or big investors, and they have received a notice to pack their bags and prepare for travel as early as this weekend for redemption and exchanges;(edited)

Our guy’s info matches MarkZ’s that we are at a higher level of alert then we have been in 6-8 years.

Iraqi Dinar News for 02/10/21 - plus a new platform to look at

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:

Bix Weir:

GOLD/SILVER RATIO ALERT! Rigged Gold-to-Silver Ratio Ready to "SNAP BACK" to 1-to-1!!

Feb 11, 2021

People ask me all the time..."How high is the Silver price going after Silver manipulation ends?!"

 My answer is "NOBODY KNOWS!" ...but a good gauge would be the Gold-to-Silver Price Ratio coming into line with REALITY...and that's much closer to 1-to-1 than it's current 70-to-1!!



More News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Evening 2-11-2021


Some "Thursday News" Posted by Samson 2-11-2021