Judy, Wolverine and more....Wednesday 6-1-2022

RV Excerpts/Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 1 June 2022

Compiled Wed. 1 June 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Reminder on the Global Currency Reset: No one, and I mean Absolutely No One knows the exact time and date that the Global Currency Reset would be finalized, with codes entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments. That deadline would be decided out of calculations of the Military Quantum Computer and based upon concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.

The gold-backed Chinese Yuan has replaced the fiat US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

The King Pin of the GCR – the Iraqi Dinar – was removed from an International Sanction’s List, and Iraq was told they could revalue their Dinar at any time.

On Fri. 20 May the GCR Tokens were issued, with certain qualifying banks given liquidity in the new financial system, according to Charlie Ward, head of the GCR Redemption Committee.

On Mon. 30 May the Sovereign Gold Bonds went live.

Global Currency Reset Funds would be available to the General Public somewhere around the beginning of June according to Charlie Ward

Tues. evening 31 May MarkZ: “I am still hearing from the banks that tomorrow Wed. 1 June is still the go date.


Tues. 31 May 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#:

On Sat. 28 May Bankers had conference call with Redemption Centers that pinpointed Wed. 1 June to start.

All currencies of the world needed to be gold/asset-backed by 9 am EST Wed. 1 June.

All nations of the world had to be on the Quantum Financial System by noon Wed. 1 June.

All banks of the world had to be Basel III compliant by Wed. 1 June.

Iraq to announce the revaluation of their Dinar by their Wed. 1 June.

Conference today in Reno that would decide whether to begin either Wed. or Thurs. 1, 2 June.

A source in New York said we should be notified late morning Wed. 1 June.


The Real News for Tues. 31 May 2022:

Market Crash Is Coming, And It’s Going To Be UGLY’ – Patrick Bet-David Issues Warning On Market: https://youtu.be/YHTNvVGK4EY

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/06/01/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-june-1-2022/


Wednesday Wolverine:  Hi guys

Today is the 1st June 2022 ( please mark this day). This is the day where all energy from all parts of the world have pin pointed to as being the day of our Independence Day.

Within a couple of hours I’m hoping to be joining others from around the world and hoping and praying that we will be celebrating the biggest celebration known to mankind to mark this day as FREEDOM DAY.

If this happens we will not be consumed by our difference anymore and we shall join hands together and respect each other regardless of religion or politics

We will be united in one common goal which is to help the less fortunate and make a difference in this world.

We will travel the globe and spread kindness and spread our wealth to start building this planet so we can all live in abundance and never again have one country above another as we will be in equal bar.

We have a common enemy and that enemy is slowly being eradicated from the face of this planet and never again shall they rule again.

We all be part of history as one day your children and grandchildren will tell our story that we were the CHOSEN ONES chosen by God to free the shackles of mankind.

 The 1st of June 2022 will be known as our Independence Day.

May God bless you all and pray that this really happens today.



Greg Mannarino:  June 1, 2022


[PT. 1] Fed's Financial Stability Report...by LYNETTE ZANG


Everybody always asks me, when is the whole system gonna crash? If you read the Fed's Financial Stability Report that came out recently, you'll notice it talks about the financial system vulnerabilities and how rising rates exacerbate these vulnerabilities. We're gonna talk about what you can do to make sure that you are not vulnerable!



Iraqi News Wednesday Morning 6-1-22


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