Judy, Pimpy and more....Sunday Morning 5-1-2022

RV Excerpts/Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 1 May 2022

Compiled Sun, 1 May 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Today Sun. 1 May the Global Currency Reset was now (Allegedly) official around the world, while the old financial system was bankrupt, Central Banks were shutting down, along with Congress, the White House, IRS and Federal Reserve.

Watch the Water: China’s Three Gorges Dam was about to break; the Stock Market was in free fall; announcement of Queen Elizabeth’s death was imminent

Have your food storage ready. Grab your popcorn. The fun begins Monday 2 May.

Historical Perspective (Rumors) of the GCR:

On Fri. 22 April at 6:00 am EST they launched Funds for the Global Currency Reset according to Dr. Charlie Ward

At midnight Tues. 26 April 2022 the United Nations lost control (Allegedly) over all sovereign nations, which then began switching their currencies from the World Bank bankrupt SWIFT system to a gold/asset-backed CIPS system.

The last two countries to join the Global Currency Reset – Iraq and Venezuela – have finally signed and delivered their ISO 20022 paperwork.

Sovereign Nations new currency rates have begun trading on the back screens.

This coming weekend Tier 3 Bond Holders (10% of monies), Intermediaries, Prosperity Packages, CMKX, Fines and Penalties, Adjudicated Settlements, Farm Claim Payouts were expecting to be paid out according to Bruce.

On Sat. 30 April Sovereign Gold Bonds went online. (It’s interesting to note that on 30 April 1945 exactly 77 years ago, Germany was liberated from the Nazis by the Russians, However, with Operation Paperclip, the Nazis escaped to the US and all over the world). This time there is no escape – History will not repeat itself.

We expect Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group who hold Zim Bonds and 210 nation’s foreign currencies to be revalued) to be notified on Tues. 3 May to start appointments on Wed. 4 May, or could be notified late morning Wed. 4 May to start appointments on that Wed, or start on Thurs. 5 May, according to Bruce.


Global Financial Crisis:

Nasdaq 100 Falls 13% in April, Biggest Monthly Drop Since 2008: (Judy Note: and what else happened in 2008? The so-called “Mortgage Crisis” when the Cabal went bankrupt and BRICS formed to do a Global Currency Reset) https://twitter.com/investingcom/status/1520134365082181634?s=28&t=A2f-muA1e16a-v8_r0uEEg

Crypto Currencies backed by gold/metal were the new currencies available under GESARA.

Sovereign Gold Bonds just went online.

Central Banks are shutting down — bankrupted. Old financial systems bankrupted. Congress, White House, IRS, Feds, Federal Reserve are shut down — U.S. Corporation is bankrupted.

Gold-backed currency, digital assets, QFS, Nesara/ Gesara is growing.

Stock Market Update: https://money.cnn.com/data/markets 

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/05/01/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-may-1-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  When the rate change happens, for the sake of this just to keep it simplistic, let's say lo and behold the next day it's $3.22.  We're not all gonna pack our bags, get in our cars, jump on our boats, jump on a plane run to Iraq and exchange it.  We don't exchange with the Iraqi banks.  We exchange with our banks.  Whatever country you're in if you have a bank that now has removed the restrictions off of the Iraqi dinar and they have acknowledged the rate of $3.22 you just walk on down there to your bank, show them the dinar, they'll verify it before they even deposit it.  [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Pimpy  They'll tell you how much is going to be deposited into your account.  Give them the thumbs up.  You're done.  That's you and your bank.  Now what happens is that bank - your local branch then does what? ...they send that currency over to the federal reserve.  Or if they have enough people coming in buying Iraqi dinars, they might hold on to it and then use it because people are purchasing Iraq dinar.  But if they have a large surplus of Iraqi dinar then they'll send it back over to the federal reserve...the Federal Reserve will either keep it on their book ad build up their foreign reserves [or send it to Iraq]... [Post 2 of 2]

Top 5 Ways to benefit from this Inflation !!

The Nomad Economist:  4-30-2022

A famous quote attributed to Stanford economist Paul Romer is: “A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.” When the electricity goes out, candle sales go up. There's always a business opportunity in a recession.

Money doesn't really disappear. People simply begin to save and/or allocate funds to pay off the debt, which created good economic days before the recession. Understanding this cycle will help you tap into the minds of consumers and how they think.

Smart businessmen profit from recessions. The whole cycle between boom and bust is vitally essential to the business. You want to buy low and sell high.

Warren Buffet - the smartest investor in the world- gave the advice to be greedy when others are fearful (during a recession) and fearful when others are greedy (in a boom) . So the smart businessman accumulates cash and borrowing power in a boom and buys heavily in a recession.

During recessions, smart businessmen do things they cannot easily do in good times, e.g., they rebuild, restructure, acquire new assets or companies, and they prepare themselves well for the next boom. First of all, they anticipate recessions and are ready for them. This means they have hoarded cash and have become leaner so that they can survive on lower levels of revenue and profitability.

 In good times, the supply of money and labor supply can be tight. Employees have other employment options because there are plenty of jobs available in the job market. When a recession hits, employees realize that they are lucky to have a job, so they better hold on to it. Therefore employees are on their best behavior during recessions.

Best time to restructure your business because there will be the least amount of resistance from your employees. Best time to rebuild things you want rebuilding because you have higher negotiating leverage over your vendors.

Best time to borrow money because interest rates will likely to be low. Best time to acquire customers from failing competitors. Good time to buy office space in geographic areas you want to expand because real estate will be cheaper.

The following expressions will save you a fortune and reduce your anxiety long-term, I will paraphrase: Wall Street has predicted 3 of the last 20 recessions and crashes. Put 1,000 economists in the room, and you will get 1,000 different answers. Market timing doesn’t work. Stay the course.

This quote from Warren Buffett sums it up. "Stop trying to predict the direction of the stock market, the economy, interest rates, or elections."  

 “It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it’s a depression when you lose yours.” - Harry Truman (US President 1945-53),

This quote from Truman, is just as relevant today. In a recession, companies typically look to cut costs any which way they can – training budgets are cut, working hours may be reduced, and when the outlook is really bleak, jobs are cut too.

These are the top 5 things you need to do in order to prepare for the looming recession: #1. Invest every month, regardless of whether markets are going up or down, into stock and bond indexes. #2. Raise your bond indexes as you age. #3. Reinvest your dividends. #4. Never get too excited when markets rise or too depressed when they fall. #5. Take the financial media with a pinch of salt or switch It off entirely.

Just look at Trump and Brexit. “Everybody” was so worried in 2016. Look at China and the trade war in 2018–2019. All the while, markets quietly hit new record highs, as they always do long-term. Fear is profitable for the media but not the average investor. The impact of a recession can last a lifetime.



"Tidbits From TNT" Sunday 5-1-2022


More Iraqi News Saturday Night 4-30-22