Judy, Max Keiser, Jim Willie and more Thursday AM 4-8-2021
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 8 April 2021
Compiled Thurs. 8 April 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington
Judy Note: Notification could come at any time for Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group) to set exchange/ redemption appointments through a Secured Website and 800s.
Snake: There was a banker who was fairly confident that we should have concrete notification sometime between now and Sat. 10 April.
The World Court and RV Team have been working out unexpected issues with Kurdistan & Baghdad on publication of the new Dinar Rate according to our Military Intel Contact.
The General Public would go at the same time as Tier 4B.
You would have ten days to set your appointment and 30 days to go to your appointment.
They hoped to have all Zim redeemed by Sat. 10 April.
Debt relief will be implemented over the next three months.
Humanitarian Projects:
Several months ago our Military Intel Contact stated that the Global Currency Reset Powers that Be were organizing our Humanitarian Projects on a worldwide basis so as to not overlap and be able to support each other. We would be learning more about this at our appointments.
Emergency Broadcast System and Ten Days of Darkness:
Sometime very soon the Emergency Broadcast System would activate the new Starlink Communication System that would usher in Ten Days of Darkness.
On Wed. 7 April Space X successfully launched a Falcon 9 rocket carrying 60 more satellites of the Starlink System. https://www.floridatoday.com/story/tech/science/space/2021/04/07/live-watch-spacex-launch-another-starlink-mission-florida/7122577002/ https://www.space.com/spacex-starlink-23-satellite-mission-launch-rocket-landing
With the Starlink satellites taking over all mass media worldwide documentaries and information broadcasts on real and uncensored news would be played in three eight hour movie sessions per day (24 hours a day) on all TV networks worldwide.
Expect a Stock Market crash, planes and trains to be grounded, Internet to go down and possible electricity outages.
A temporary Martial Law would be enforced worldwide as a switchover was made to the new Telsa Free Energy system and we experienced a NESARA/ GESARA Debt Forgiveness Jubilee.
Read full post here: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/04/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_8.html
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
MilitiaMan the main thing is, is that they tell us the budget will be applied retroactively for many many months. Implementing that retroactively from the 31st tells you them stopping the auctions has all been timed...for this particular purpose because it's all about the exchange rate...it's awesome. Good deal.
Keiser Report | Second Property Mortgage Explosion | E1681
Apr 8, 2021
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the explosion in mortgages for second properties.
In the second half, Max interviews Wolf Richter of wolfstreet.com about whether or not the debt is sustainable.
Future of Silver and Gold: The Global Reset- Jim Willie
GoldCore TV: Premiered Apr 6, 2021
Jim believes that COVID-19 may pave the way for the great currency reset or "The Global Reset", with serious implications for the gold and silver markets as well as the wider economic and societal implications.
What is the great reset? What is going to change? How do we prepare for it?
In this episode, Jim Willie shares his unique opinions on #GlobalCurrencyReset as well as the future of the blockchain, cryptocurrencies and much more.
Significantly, one important outcome of the currency reset he foresees, is a rise in silver and gold prices. He believes that silver should rally strongly, potentially more so than gold. This could be a trigger to send the gold/silver much ratio lower.
Ultimately Jim's target for the gold/silver ratio is 30:1 which he believes will be achieved in a number of stages. First target is 50:1 which could be achieved with a rally in the gold price to $2,500 and a $50 silver price target! Jim expects a breakdown in the COMEX silver contract as it no longer serves as a mechanism for price discovery even in the COMEX gold contract. It now is just about market manipulation and control.
He has no faith in US inflation data that is produced and says that it is distorted and that it distorts economic growth figure like GDP. He believes that this hides the fact that the US economy has in fact shrunk over the last decade rather than grown.
Jim Willie is a big fan of crypto tokens, particularly favouring the Theta coin. He believes that Theta is going to redefine the internet and that the next generation internet is going to be built by the components of Theta for video streaming and many more...
If you want to learn more about Jim Willie and his work visit his website: https://www.golden-jackass.com/
00:00 - Intro
00:42 - All financial markets are broken
03:53 - Yield Curve Control
05:03 - Rising inflation
07:06 - Rising stock markets, rising bond yields, money printing and much more...
11:06 - Massive rally in cryptocurrency market
14:40 - Why Silver is going to cause the breakdown, not GOLD!
16:24 - There is no price discovery in silver market anymore, just CONTROL
21:36 - Idea of currency resetting
25:11 - How to prepare for the Global Reset
30:11 - Gold/Silver Ratio
33:32 - Final thoughts...