Judy, Lynette and more....Wednesday AM 10-12-2022

RV Excerpts and Rumors from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 12 Oct. 2022

Compiled Wed. 12 Oct. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Fri. 7 Oct. 2022 ChipChat on Phil’s Live “Batter Up”: “By next weekend (Sat. 15 Oct. to Sun. 16 Oct.) we are to see a major public event take place. Once this event unfolds, things will begin to cascade at an alarming rate and we will move into the new QFS under NESARA.”

Mon. 10 Oct. Captain Kyle Live on Telegram: “The last week of Oct. to the first week of Nov. (Sun. 23 Oct. to Tues. 1 Nov. – three days of Disclosure in ten days of Shutdown) the Military will take over using the Emergency Broadcast System.

Tues. 11 Oct. Bruce: “Tier 4B would be notified for their exchange/ redemption appointment setting tomorrow Wed. 12 Oct. There was a meeting today Tues. 11 Oct. at 3pm Reno time where they were deciding what time tomorrow to release the notifications.”

 There were 120 countries (over 50% of the world currencies) on the verge of bankruptcy joining the BRICS Alliance nation states. Their peg to China provided the necessary guarantee to gold/asset-backed currencies. This amount of countries with their currencies joining BRICS Alliance was considered the death of the Central Bank and fiat US dollar – and only a Global Currency Reset could save our global economy.

Last week the Cabal (Chinese Communist Party/ Rothschilds/ Rockefellers/ Vatican/ Blackrock and DAVOS Group) lost a Coup to take over BRICS and the Global Currency Reset in which over half of the world’s currencies have shifted.


Tues. 11 Oct. 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

Tues. 11 Oct. Bruce: “Tier 4B would be notified for their exchange/ redemption appointment setting tomorrow Wed. 12 Oct. There was a meeting today Tues. 11 Oct. at 3pm Reno time where they were deciding what time tomorrow to release the notifications.”

In Reno Paymasters were getting their bond holders accounts paid into. They were looking for emails to get the codes that would give them liquidity.

Bond Holder liquidity, Tier4B notification and Tier 5 (the General Public) would all go at the same time.

The Admirals multiple groups have hydrated accounts that they can get access to.

You will have a Quantum Access Card that will get you into your Quantum Account so you can move funds to an interest bearing account.

The banks have lost their way to create income. There is no charge to move money anywhere. Interest rates will be far lower than now.

NESARA phase 5 (the payout phase) was entered into last Sat. 8 Oct.

Of the 406 different classes of bonds, some have been processed.

Tier 4B sets the rates for Zim platform trades. Those trades begin after Tier 4B finishes.

GESARA is to be announced within the next two weeks (by Sat. 22 Oct.).

On the ten days of Darkness: The only darkness that will happen will be in 90 counties where the Military were doing arrests.

There were 30 countries where their currency rates would go up in value.

The General Public would receive at the banks whatever the Forex rates were on the screen. Tier4B rates would be higher.


Judy Note: What We Think We Know as of Wed. 12 Oct. 2022:

The last week in October the Military will reveal all lies we have been living with over the Emergency Broadcast System.

Also in the last week in Oct. we expected to see various countries being taken over by their Militaries. Military Reserves/Army expected to be activated in the U.S, Canada, UK, EU, Iceland, South American, Mexico, African regions, Malaysia and over 80 other countries.

There has been a failed coup by the Deep State led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), to take over BRICS and the Global Currency Reset.

On Sun. 16 October the Chinese plan to announce their new political stance as a Republic.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/10/12/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-october-12-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   The reforms are marching forward.  The political crisis is now being stimulated by the UN...Jeanine [From the UN] told Kazemi...if he doesn't sit his government we're going to put them back into Chapter VII...In this case this will be a catalyst, a stimulus, booster rockets for the monetary reform.  IMO Kazemi doesn't not want to start all over again.  If he enters Chapter VII...that's a lot of steps he'd have to redo again... The people would tear the country apart.  He wants peace. He doesn't want war.  He wants monetary reform for the citizens.  

Breitling  Question: "What is the central banks's position on the government of Iraq?"  They're fine with it...I keep telling people there's no difference between the Sunni and the Shia.  They're definitely fighting for control.  On how they treat the currency it's exactly the same and the evidence of that is that the CBI has never changed its policies.  Ever.

Economic Collapse Plan Has Been Revealed. Everyone Must Prepare For The Crash - Lynette Zang

The Economic Truth:  10-12-2022

Lynette Zang has been the Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading since 2002. Ms. Zang has been at a certain level in the markets since 1964. She has been working as a banker, stockbroker and world currencies since 1987.


Bullion Gold vs. Collective Gold vs. Spot - Follow The Demand

Lynette Zang:  10-11-2022

Are you noticing spot gold (contract gold) getting whacked? We are told to buy treasuries because of how attractive the yields are. But that's a lie. They can create as much gold and silver that does not exist with those spot contracts. Let me show you the truth today!



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