IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Night 1-7-20

IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Night 1-7-20

Biff    Well the missile are falling in Iraq at this moment.

biff   At 0145 GMT Iran launched an missile attack on US Base in Iraq

Baxter   YEP... FOX News says Multiple cruise missles from Iran are hitting our bases

biff   Bring out the MOABs

Baxter   Just wipe them out... totally

biff   The Israel went on alert too

biff   Baxter I lived at Al Asad airbase

biff   Camp Mesa  I was with the CPATT Advisor

Baxter   really... wow


biff   I'm a veteran now i'm a terrorist snh

biff   smh

biff   why baxter why

Baxter   Im just a veteran..

Baxter   fox news is live in baghdad

Baxter   ha      My Dimes are in DEEEEEEP Trouble Im afraid

biff   lol

biff   * wolf blitzer

Baxter   worthless

biff   I just hope we get no pilots shot down.

Baxter   so doI

biff   Baxter Al Asad is big air base. The Yogoslavia built the base in the 80.

biff   80s

Baxter   yes.. they said we have a lot of troops there

biff   there Kuwait Jordan bahrain

Baxter    Fox news is saying they also targeted places in Kurdistan..

Young_SC   Baxter Your dimes are fine

Baxter   Hi YoungSC... thx.. LOL

biff   Iran is big country and they mobile launchers

biff   Can you Puff the Magic Dragon Baxter

biff   lol

biff   C 130 GUNSHIP

Baxter    I was in a Douglas Gunship....

biff   Nice

Baxter   in charge of 3 puff the magic dragon guns...

biff   20mm cannon

Baxter   each gun had 10 barrels... each barrel could fire 1000 rounds a minute

biff   thats it

Baxter   at night... when firing... each fifth bullet was a tracer round... it looked like a flashlight in the sky

Baxter   at 20,000 feet... at 150 knots... we could put a bullet in every 8 square inches... 300 yards wide..

biff   The US can turn that place into Dresden Germany

biff   That was the plan during WW2

biff   Bombing into the stone age

Baxter   yep...its time

biff   Let people in Iran rise up against the mullas

biff   they are ready hurting and staving

Baxter   Trumps sactions are killing Iran....

biff   and no money

Baxter   Hopefully he is attempting to rid Iraq of them... so we can spend my Dimes

biff   Take out the Iranian Navy

Baxter    that would take about five minutes

biff   cripple them

Baxter    I watched a very interesting program the other night of what kind of cameras we have in space... they said they can zero a camera in on our Moon... and if someone would like a match on the moon... we could see it.... can you imagine that?

biff    Baxter if you go to Global Security Miltary base it will give info on Al Asad

Baxter   ok... thx

biff    Yeah we have that Tech. Canada has that Tech too. It's pretty scary

Baxter    Just think of what they can see on earth... my goodness

biff   Out of a million people you pick out who your looking for

Baxter   yep

Biff   thats Sat Tech for you

Baxter   Fox news showing Iranian missles being fired...

Baxter    now they are saying ..over 30 missles fired

biff   Did you every see the movie the Falcon and Snowman

Baxter   No I didnt

biff   Great movie timothy dalton and sean penn

Patty   gold hit 1600 troy oz?

biff   Frankie Frankie lol he's on

Wilder   Is this true? U S bombing iran? AMTV .   

crazy crypto   lets hit Iran now!!!!

crazy crypto   hit them hard and fast

Wilder   I agree

spankie   live news

spankie   go time-

spankie   take out the nukes and communications

Wilder   spankie So it's true?

spankie   click the link above

Wilder  K

biff   Someone on another said 20 killed i'm checking info

Matt   Dow Jones Industrial Average

INDEXDJX: .DJI  28,583.68 −119.70 (0.42%)


"Iran Theatrics" by Sierra (NZ) 1-8-2020


News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Night 1-7-2020