IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 5-7-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 5-7-20

Wilder   Facebook goes quiet on Libra, as China prepares to launch world’s first official digital currency.

Wilder   LeLe is he leaning towards a flat tax system?

Wilder   Does Trump Want Tax Cuts In The Next Stimulus Package? Capital Gains Tax Cuts? Suspend payroll taxes?

LeLe   Wilder right. Thanks

kevin311312   Member of Parliamentary Integrity: We approached the judiciary to prevent travel of former ministers   09:40 - 07/05/20200

kevin311312   Information / Baghdad   Member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Youssef Al-Kalabi, revealed on Thursday that the judicial authorities have approached the former ministers by preventing them from traveling outside the country.

In a statement to Al-Maalouma, Al-Kalabi said, "The Parliamentary Integrity Committee addressed the judicial authorities to prevent former ministers during the era of the Abdul-Mahdi government from traveling outside the country until the investigation with them."

Al-Kallabi called on Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to "bring the ministers who were accused of corruption to the judiciary."

The House of Representatives voted, at dawn today, Thursday, 15 ministers in the government of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, while refusing to pass four others and delaying the vote on two

Xyz   Britain declares its readiness to support Al-Kazemi in three important files

Baghdad Post Thursday, 07 May 2020 10:09 a.m.  The British Ambassador to Iraq, Steve Hickey, announced yesterday, Wednesday, that his country looks forward to working with the new Iraqi government headed by Mustafa Al-Kazemi.

He said in a tweet on his Twitter account: "Congratulations to Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi for assuming the position of Prime Minister."

He added, "The United Kingdom stands ready to support your government to eradicate the Corona virus, and to work for economic and security reform, as well as in the fight against ISIS."

He continued, "I look forward to working with you and your government to continue the strong partnership between our two countries."    LINK

xyz   Representatives asked the judiciary to prevent the travel of Abdul-Mahdi's ministers out of Iraq

Thursday, 07 May 2020 11:22 AM   Member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Yousef Al-Kalabi , revealed that the judicial authorities had approached to prevent the former ministers from traveling outside the country.

Al-Kalabi said in a press statement: "The Parliamentary Integrity Committee addressed the judicial authorities to prevent former ministers during the era of the Abdul-Mahdi government from traveling outside the country until the investigation of them."

He called on Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to bring the ministers who were accused of corruption to the judiciary.  LINK 

Xyz   Parliamentary Finance reveals the date for sending the budget to Parliament

The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed, Thursday, the date for the government to send a draft federal budget law for 2020 to the House of Representatives.

Committee member Hanin Qaddo said in a statement to "Information", that "Mustafa Al-Kazemi after granting him confidence begins today from forming a committee of economic experts and members of the Finance Committee to amend the budget items in a way that suits the conditions that the country is going through", pointing out that"Al-Kazemi will be presented to Parliament Austerity budget. ”

He added that "the federal budget project for 2020 will be free of job grades and attention will be focused on the operational part of the budget related to the salaries of employees, retirees and other financial obligations,"noting that "Al-Kazemi will send the budget bill to the parliament before Eid al-Fitr."

And a responsible government source revealed, earlier, that the budget preparation team prepared a number of proposals for submission to the Council of Ministers, indicating that among the proposals deducted 75% of the allocations for special grades.

Dave   gosh how long has it been to replace Allawi.........6 months or least they managed that

Baxter   Iraq moves about like Evolution Does

Dave   either adapt or go extinct........fine line with these guys

Baxter   Dave they are going extinct... they dont know how to adapt...

Xyz   Government consultant: There are packages of measures to revitalize the national economyاقتصاد/344460/مستشار-حكومي-هنالك-حزم-من-الإجراءات-لتنشيط-الاقتصا

The Prime Minister's advisor for financial affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, announced today, Thursday, that there are packages of measures to revitalize the national economy, stressing that among them is the adoption of microcredit for young people on concessional terms.

Saleh said in an interview reported by the Iraqi News Agency, "There are packages of important measures to revitalize the national economy," noting that "the first package of them includes the approval of small loans for young people on very soft terms, as well as large loans for the fields of agricultural activity, manufacturing, and services, especially as they are considered Generating income and return. "

He added that "this initiative represents the integration of the monetary and financial policies of Iraq towards building economic stability and strengthening markets in addition to advancing sustainable development paths and raising levels of employment and use and combating recession."

Saleh pointed out that "the package will go out as a priority to revitalize the agricultural movement in fundamental aspects, including facilitating the acquisition and possession of agricultural lands, supporting agricultural production and agricultural technology, and in accordance with the requirements of strengthening Iraq's food security and advancing national agriculture."

He continued, "The first package will be taken over by the Al-Kazemi government to support the macro economy and the national market and move the state apparatus more efficiently

Baxter   All of the Nurses and doctors... who volunteered to go to New York to help out with the Virus... Gov Cuomo is now telling them that they will have to pay income taxes to New York on any Money that they made there...

Baxter   plus any taxes incurred with their own states

Dan   CBS News - 66% of N.Y. coronavirus hospitalizations are people who stayed home.

Dan   Clintons On the Run As Durham Resurrects Clinton Foundation Probe Charity, Vaccine Fraud


Doug_W   Baxter I saw taht yesterday a NICE way to say thanks eh?

Baxter   yep

Doug_W   if that state had not been SO mismanaged he wouldn't be begging for $ now

Baxter   This country... is in serious..serious trouble....

Baxter   all of the swimming pools are closed here for the summer... we have one company that puts in pools..and they have so many orders they will never get them all in this summer

Baxter   just to go swimming....   and our swimming season is about 3 1/2 months at best

Doug_W   this will take years to fully "even out"

Baxter   yep   years and years

Baxter   I dont know what to believe any more

Doug_W   as long as I keep getting my disability I am GOOD

Baxter   our Gov cut 775 million dollars out of the budget today   COVID Symptom Tracker   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


“Sweep the Leg”


Lynette Zang and X22 with Bix Weir Thursday PM 5-7-2020