IQD CALLS Chat Saturday Night 5-2-20

IQD CALLS Chat Saturday Night 5-2-20

Kaperoni   More Float juice today :)

Kaperoni   "Waste millions of dollars" .. "Crazy" trade is officially established in Iraq

Praatha News Agency 131 2020-05-02   The economy is based on the language of pure numbers that cannot be interpreted, as one plus one equals two, and money is always spent only on matters of value and feasibility, but paying it on trivial goods is an act that is not conceived by a sound mind.

It is no longer hidden from the presence of millions of dollars in transfers for importing useless agricultural goods and crops and transfers for imaginary traders, all of which are in the "currency auction", which has become a "bad reputation" that drains the hard currency from Iraq in legal and circumvent methods, according to specialists who described what is going on as Act as a "crazy trade".

And economist Mohammed Tohme said in an interview with Alsumaria News, that "most of the imports that enter Iraq are luxury or secondary, whether it is goods or even agricultural crops, and therefore this means a depletion of Iraq's fortunes through the auction portal that the bank conducts daily."

He continues, "It is not reasonable to import agricultural crops in millions of dollars, while Iraqi oil imports for the month of April do not exceed one billion and a half billion," calling on the "Integrity and Judicial Commission to conduct an immediate investigation and announce the extent of corruption that is done through the auction."

Tohme notes that "all countries of the world follow the policy of floating currency except in Iraq because the currency auction is one of the chapters of corruption that feed the pockets of spoilers," stressing that "floating the Iraqi dinar will protect Iraq 's reserves from hard currency from loss and waste."

Kaperoni   As for the economist, Mohamed Hamid, said in an interview with Alsumaria News, "The currency auction is one of the most corrupt files in Iraq, because of the waste of money from the hard currency obtained by selling it for oil in exchange for fake projects and imports that do not exist at all at the time the Iraqi economy suffers a paralysis Because of the low price of a barrel of crude oil, the resort to borrowing from international banks and the depletion of the war against ISIS, which has not ended yet. "

Hamid notes that "the profits that banks receive from the currency auction make these banks, some of which were established without scrutiny, without a direction to the market and bear the risks and loans within the framework of providing the service to the citizen."

"It is strange and shameful that Iraq exports the most valuable wealth in the world, which is oil, and then the hard currency that Iraq got through is sold through the currency auction by importing goods of no value instead of developing economic activities," the citizen of the gesture said in an interview with Alsumaria News.

He adds, "All the oil producing countries left the rentier economy except in Iraq as a result of some people intent on keeping Iraq within the circle of import and maximum benefit from the oil wealth that is wasted daily through auction."

The citizen Saad Hamzah said in an interview with Alsumaria News that "Iraq does not need imports of this size that we see in the markets," adding that "it does not make sense to import agricultural crops and Iraq has two rivers that do not have this blessing in all countries of the world."

Kaperoni   Hamza shows that "the currency auction is only one of the types of corruption legislated by law in order to protect spoilers," calling for "supervisory authorities and the Integrity Commission to take their role in revealing the corruption in public money."

The Central Bank of Iraq sells the dollar to private banks and money transfer companies through the auction that it conducts daily at an amount of 150 million dollars, which increases these numbers or decreases according to demand by these banks, which affects in one way or another the reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq, which was affected significantly in recent times As a result of the lack of symmetry between what he gets from the dollar and the auction sale process.

It is noteworthy that the frequency of accusations escalated regarding the currency smuggling operations that cast a shadow over the selling prices of the dollar in local markets and led to an increase in its exchange rate a few months ago, while deputies called for the government to stop selling the currency at auctions of the central bank, others confirmed that Iraq was losing Significant money from being smuggled daily out of the border.


Kaperoni   Love this part. Maybe some will learn from it?

Kaperoni   Tohme notes that "all countries of the world follow the policy of floating currency except in Iraq because the currency auction is one of the chapters of corruption that feed the pockets of spoilers," stressing that "floating the Iraqi dinar will protect Iraq 's reserves from hard currency from loss and waste."

tman23   Kaperoni "Ahhhh ... YOU AND YOUR FLOAT .... Nobody gives a rats except you

tman23   67,000 people in USA dead from covid19 .... it’s all through the news releases .. you can run that right along side of Kaps posted news reports ... CDC SAYING DEATHS ARE HALF OF THAT LIKE 37k

Dave   LeLe yet so many nurses/aids., drs ,police, firefighters have died.?

LeLe   Dave I'm not saying people are not dying. Something about this virus just doesn't seem right. We should have shut down everything for 2 weeks if it was that serious. Yet you stay inside, but you can go out and walk and exercise. There's a lot of questions????????

Kaperoni   tman23 not my float  . I'm just describing what monetary policy really is  

LeLe   Kaperoni we have been playing nice in here. There has not been any name calling.

LeLe   Kaperoni why do you feel the need to call out the Guru's?

Sandyf    @Kaperoni Tohme notes that "all countries of the world follow the policy of floating currency except in Iraq

 This guy needs to let the IMF know, they are under the impression that only 34% of members are on a floating exchange arrangement.

Table 3. Exchange Rate Arrangements, 2010–18

(Percent of IMF members as of April 30)1

Exchange Rate Arrangement 20102 20113 20123 2013 2014 2015 20164 2017 2018

Hard peg 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.1 13.1 12.6 13.0 12.5 12.5

No separate legal tender 6.3 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 7.3 6.8 6.8

Currency board 6.9 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 5.8 5.7 5.7 5.7

Soft peg 39.7 43.2 39.5 42.9 43.5 47.1 39.6 42.2 46.4

Conventional peg 23.3 22.6 22.6 23.6 23.0 23.0 22.9 22.4 22.4

Stabilized arrangement 12.7 12.1 8.4 9.9 11.0 11.5 9.4 12.5 14.1

Crawling peg 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6

Crawl-like arrangement 1.1 6.3 6.3 7.9 7.9 10.5 5.2 5.2 7.8

Pegged exchange rate within horizontal bands 1.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Floating 36.0 34.7 34.7 34.0 34.0 35.1 37.0 35.9 34.4

Floating 20.1 18.9 18.4 18.3 18.8 19.4 20.8 19.8 18.2

Free floating 15.9 15.8 16.3 15.7 15.2 15.7 16.1 16.1 16.1


Other managed arrangements 11.1 8.9 12.6 9.9 9.4 5.2 10.4 9.4 6.8

xyz   Al-Kazemi prepares for a tough parliamentary session to vote on his ministerial team

Political circles suggested that the parliament voted on the new government booth in batches. She talked about great difficulties that Al-Kazemi will face in the House of Representatives due to the objections and reservations expressed by certain parliamentary blocs to more than six candidates, as well as the rotation of some ministers of the resigned government.

Yonadam Kanna, head of the Rafidain Parliamentary Bloc, said in a statement to Al-Mada that " Parliament will give confidence to the majority of cabinet cabinet candidates to be presented by Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kazemi ," noting that "there are parliamentary blocs that have observations on a certain number of candidates."

And the Shiite forces reached with the taxpayer after more than three meetings an agreement to pass his government in the House of Representatives, provided that some amendments and changes are made to the ministerial list and the failure to renew confidence for the ministers of the resigned government.

Kanna adds that the passage of Al-Kazemi’s government in the form of payments that come in order to overcome the constitutional ceilings that set the deadline for the person to present his government within a month. In the integrity, and some of them were arrested. "

The head of the Rafidain Parliamentary Bloc explains that “ There are six candidates from the list of proposed Al-Kazemi reservations from certain parliamentary blocs that are difficult to give them confidence. ” He pointed out that “it is assumed that the taxpayer directs a request to the Presidency of the Parliament in the coming hours to set a date for the voting session on the cabinet after Agreement with the majority of political blocs . News agencies and social media dealt with a leaked list of cabinet candidates charged with forming the government, Mustafa Al-Kazem

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Frank26 and KTFA Members Late Saturday Night 5-2-2020


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