IQD CALLS Chat Early Sunday 5-10-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Sunday 5-10-20

kevin311312   Karwan@Karwan68105273 ·50m  Breaking news

The President of Kirkuk Court Qazi Ibrahim Khmyi Abdi with 3 others were killed in kirkuk street.

Doug_W   What violence or corruption in Iraq ?

Doug_W   @futuremoney Silver:$15.68 that;s up over a dollar in 2 days

Dave   Trudeau just banned all assault weapons....1500 kinds...2yr amnesty to turn over weapons

Dave   or else....   no more protection from tyrannical Govt i suppose.....

Dave   Michigan allows protesters to invade State legislature packing bazookas over shut down......Us commies just dont get it

Dave least they were not firing them into the they do in the middle -east

Dave   oh oh..... new CV strain......more contagious than earlier........vaccines maybe of no avail if it mutates...........

5-8-2020 Intel Guru Footforward I've said my opinion is to plan for around 3 bucks on the dinar and 5-10 cents on the dong. I never said the rates can't be higher. But I will never give out the specific rate on the dinar. For a reason. People talk to me because they know I can keep my mouth shut and I don't care about attention...

kevin311312   Mustafa Al-Kadhimi @MAKadhimi

The less fortunate and pensioners are my top priority. Therefore, May pension payments will be disbursed as the government cannot neglect those who spent a lifetime for Iraq. The government is at their service.

Dave   Iraq form cabinet today.....9th was to be deadline?

Baxter   they never know what day it is

Dave   nor do I

Dave   ...ok checked......hope to have it done by Eid......

Dave   when ever that is....

Dave   yeah....July 31st............

Dave   ooops July 30th

Dave   Doug_W looks as if you are taking your Dinar with you to NY.....

Dave   unless you change your travel plans and head to Reno.....

Doug_W   NOO Reno

Doug_W   no dinar to NY either

Baxter   ONLY in California..

Dave   Baxter what would be your plan....?

Baxter   I wouldnt step foot in California

Baxter   that place... is just Nuts

Dave  here front line workers with families offered to stay at hotels free as to prevent in accidentally bringing it home ......

tman23   So they say Iraq is cutting all higher level officials salaries to basic salaries, they are offering citizens a discount to pay on past due mortgages, wedding loans and small loans . They are offering a 15 percent discount on water and electric ..... basic salary mandate expires in 30days ... the discounts offered expire June 15 .... GUESS THAT SOLVES THE FINANCIAL QUAGMIRE...LOL

Baxter   I have given up on Iraq.... totally...

hspohio   you mean we're not rich yet?

kevin311312   H. Sumeri@IraqiSecurity·19h  BREAKING: #Iraq’s PM Kadhimi has ordered:

• Protestors still jailed to be released, including those convicted of minor crimes.

• Lt. Gen. Abdulwahab Al-Sa’adi promoted to Commander of the Counter-Terrorism Service,

• Pension payments to be released with no further delays.

kevin311312   He seems to be a grabbing the bull by the horns kind of guy.

kevin311312   Dr. Lucas@Laaask2·9m

#BREAKING   May 10—Wasit Province, S #Iraq Early morning hours local time

Protesters set fire to a site associated to the "Badr" militias, a group linked directly to #Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force

Clay   looks like after all these years maybe just maybe Iraq will finally get their ducks in order

kevin311312   looks like the protests are getting some support.

Clay   Amen for that finally we hope

Dave   seems like Iraq no longer likes dealing with Iran.....or having any connection

Doug_W   we can only HOPE that is true Dave

Dave   Pro Iranian officials getting offices torched .......New PM rehires an anti Iranian General that was axed previously

Doug_W   Dave

DaveI like It!

Doug_W   thot U might

Baxter   Lets Hope he doesnt get shot... hung.. or even worse

Doug_W   amen Bax

Dave   those pro iranian dudes running scared with all those fires across iraq last night

Dave   ?

Dave   talk of resumeing talks regarding that Kuwaiti conference.....

Dave   yes just talk......

Dave   corrupt cleanses

Dave   so.......possible hope.......St Jude intervening ?

Dave   when things look bleakest.......can only get better?   COVID Symptom Tracker   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


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