Holly, Petra and more...Friday AM 1-7-2022

Holly Friday Report

Good morning roomies! 

If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you have never done-unknown  

We are involved in something that has never been done in the history of the planet, ever. Let that sink in.

So while some get impatient with the waiting, this Rv/GCRhas never been done before.   I spoke to someone yesterday involved in this for 20 years. These are some take always from that conversation:

1. This is not a get rich quick scheme.

2. The real work is being done right now while we wait. What does that mean, this is a transformation not a transaction. We are being transformed daily while we wait so we can handle this abundance. If you miss this part, this is the real magic happening right now. We are in the rv/gcr being transformed from the inside out. Do you feel the shift in your being?

3. When we got involved in this, there is an energy that called you to this and starts working by transforming you every day. Some who are in this longer needed this much time to transform for the work at hand they are being called to do.

4. This money has been waiting for eons to be released, it will only be released when those who have kept it safe know the world is safe to release it. If there is any threat to the safety and security of this money this will not happen.

 5. This is a global event, a global shift and not about getting rich.

6. This money is to be used for humanity and humanitarian projects to heal the world. Have projects ready to do this.

7. If you are impatient and get mad at how long this has taken to be released you need to do some serious inner work because it not about your immediate need, this is way bigger then us, we just get a chance to be at the table.

8. See where you frustration and impatience is coming from, it’s not this it’s something else in your life.

 9. This is all about patience and faith 

10. Work on yourself daily with what emotions come up so you can transform yourself. We are in a transformation process. As the caterpillar that crawled on the ground and transformed into the butterfly to fly, this is being done to us. Yes there are growing pains.

11. Becoming a human angel takes time and we are transitioning into this!

12. Be in peace for the world is on the precipice  of change and you will get your wings. -Holly


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Petra   It's the CBI that has responsibility for the rate.  Set that whole thing aside about forming the government...the first thing they're gonna do I think the leadership is to go right after the budget...get it knocked out...the budget needs the rate...at this point in time we're just waiting for those nice little notes to show up.  That's what we're waiting for...and with that obviously would come the rate...  

Pimpy  The election is done, over with, finalized.  We have the first session coming up.  We have talk about the rate change happening.  No numbers are being thrown around.  My thought is they'll at least restore it back to where it was before...from  1450 dinars back to 1190 dinars.  I know for a lot of people they're like, 'oh that sucks.  That's not what I wanted.'  As long as it's going in the right direction be happy.  As long as they continue down the path follow the white reform papers it seems to me that these increases are going to happen frequently and at a much bigger chunk than that little  jump right there...



Samson:  State of Law: Al-Kazemi’s visit to Najaf was close to Al-Sadr for a second term

6th January, 2022

A member of the State of Law coalition and the winning candidate in the elections, Muhammad Al-Ziyadi, confirmed, on Thursday, that “Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi’s visit to Najaf aims to get closer to the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada Al-Sadr, to renew his second term.

Al-Ziyadi said in an exclusive interview with Mawazine News, “The rapprochement between Al-Kazemi and Al-Sadr is clear between the two parties, and the leader of the current tends to Al-Kazemi for a second term.”

He pointed out that “the dispute between the coordination framework and the current is caused by the rejection of the renewal framework for the three presidencies, and that the Sadrists tend to renew in contrast to the coordination framework that rejects it.”

He added, “From a legal point of view, Al-Kazemi’s actions and decisions that he makes are outside his powers and authority, because he is a prime minister for a transitional phase and the conduct of business.   LINK

LIVING THROUGH HYPERINFLATION: A Conversation with Lynette Zang & Fernando "FerFAL" Aguirre

Jan 6, 2022


FREEFALL... The Economy Continues To MELTDOWN. Very Important Updates.

Greg Mannarino:  Jan 6, 2022



News, Rumors and Opinions Friday 1-7-2022


"Tidbits From TNT" Friday Morning 1-7-2022