Friday Night Update with MarkZ 3-11-2022

Friday Evening News with MarkZ 03/11/2022

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  End of another week

Member: Hope there is good news tonight

Member: Waited all day to hear some good news. Before the weekend starts ugh

MZ: As of this afternoon redemption folks will still be working this weekend. They don’t think they will be seeing people but are required to be there….I am hoping they surprise all of us….

MZ: In Iraq I am being told the NEER (Nominal Effective Exchange Rate) rate is for in country. ($1-$1.50) and is still in the works….so that is great news for us.  It may be forcing the culmination of this event.

MZ: Even the goat said this…..(Dinar Guru)  Mnt Goat   ...The news about the Iraqi dinar is still all about changing the exchange rate...they know they have to complete the project to delete the zeros and reinstate the dinar back to the global currency exchanges and let the market drive it.  ...I will tell you when they do...the money shall flow into Iraq...the IMF just had a briefing with the government of Iraq and told them what they still needed to do. They need to back their currency or it may flop when they do reinstate it.  ...I still want to emphasize that the rate is being artificially suppressed as the value has been in the currency all along. Just the oil revenues alone can sustain at least a $3+ rate...

MZ: in Iraq today the conversations are about seating the government on Monday and a reinstatement of the rate to coincide with this. So everything still appears to be moving forward.

Member: Bruce: An executive from the lead bank Wells Fargo said Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) notifications would come out Mon. 14 March, with appointments starting on Ides of March Tues. 15 March.

Member:  Tiers 1, 2, 3 bond holders were to be made liquid with bonds paid out Thurs. night 10 March, or after markets closed on Fri. 11 March.

Member: I tried to purchase Dong yesterday at Chase and was told it is not available and that it is on the restricted list! I had purchased some from them a month ago

Member: With Russia now off the swift system…I hear there is a good chance the markets will crash on Monday….

Member: USA is good & broke. Broke in so many ways. We shall, however; rise like the Phoenix when it's time to do clean-up on every aisle!

Member: Just imagine going through delay after delay for 8 years. A lot of us have been in longer. I’ve seen a lot of back and forth on all the currencies. It’s enough to get admitted to the mental ward!

Member: I think maybe it will happen on Purim - celebration of Jews salvation from Haman in the story of Esther - so many correlations.

MZ: Be sure to watch this video from Dr. Shabibi who is answering revaluation and rednomination questions at the US Chamber of Commerce. He is explaining they have zero intention of just dropping the zeros and investors not making any dollars…He wants to reinstate its value and then issue lower denominations. …this is him discussing it.….he is the mastermind of the Dinar Revaluation…listen to it in his own words.

Dr Shabibi answering questions

Member: Still hearing the Zim payout will be a structured payout ….Is this just noise?

MZ: From all my people I talk to -its just noise….The structured payout is only for the humanitarian projects….not for what you receive personally.

Member Will there be a capital gains tax if Iraq dinar goes early?

MZ: I am being told no…..I hope that is accurate.

Member:  Thanks Mark and moderators for all your work!

Member: Have a Great weekend everyone!!

MZ: Maybe tomorrow I will get an update from redemption centers….Did they add another NDA…If Iraq is going to move forward with the NEER…..I assume they may need a tougher NDA…maybe there are some adjustments going on and serious changes??? I hope I hear from them tomorrow. Can’t wait to find out….

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

The next stream is tomorrow at 12 Noon est……..unless….


 Iraqi News Early Friday Afternoon 3-11-22


News, Rumors and Opinions Friday 3-11-2022