Friday Evening Update with MarkZ 1-7-2022

Friday Evening News with MarkZ 01/07/2022

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Friday evening, looking forward to a blessed weekend!

Member: markz thanks for all your hard work and mods too

Member: Hope you’re still improving Mark. Need to be ready for your appointment

MZ: I’m going to keep it short tonight….my voice is going..

MZ: The news really has been great. I have been trying to sit on some of it but there has been nearly 30 programs funded this week.

MZ: We are seeing bonds move…we are seeing programs move…and soon it will be time for 4a and 4b.

MZ: CMKX is one of those programs I was told that was fully funded this week for release. We knew the money was there for it….But, I was told it is now in position in the QFS.

Member: Dow crashed today, down -4.81. HAHAHA

Member: Any confirmation on the QFS activating yet?

MZ: The QFS is definitely prepared. We are not on it yet and they are running occasional tests to confirm its ready for execution.

MZ: This is a methodical, planned rollout. We don’t know the exact timing but I can tell you they are making steady progress. This is coming from a contact that is as high up as you can get in the contintal US.

Member: Apparently all central banks are now going to be called treasury banks

MZ: I am personally excited where we are at now.

Frank:  Frank 26 says we are standing on the last step

MZ: Here is what I told you all to watch……the 10 year treasury note is imploding. All eyes are on the bond markets right now.

MZ: Zerohedge article” One bank braces for catastrophic “rate shock” as liquidity supernova turns negative.”

MZ: Those 2 articles go hand in hand….referring to the bond market…..its going supernova. we were told to watch for it and its happening .

Member: So, no later than the end of the month if you had to guess?

MZ: Yes…If I had to guess. No later than that.

​Member: Thank you for the Intel tonight!!! We needed something to stay extra positive… it’s been quiet the last few days.

Member: What I read this AM. On Curency Room, Telegram.Ace, said; "So here we are again Friday."Big Kahuna, said, "But totally different than any other Friday. There will not be another Friday like this one"

Member: We are on the precipice of a new world

Member: Mark, I know you're not feeling well. Do you plan on Saturday News??? Feel better Brother

MZ: Please don’t email me this weekend….I am barely hanging on….got to get some rest and get better.

MZ: I will see you all tomorrow at noon if my voice is up for it…..if not I will send a tweet.

Member:  Markz take off a day and rest your voice. take care!!

Please listen to replay for all the information

The next stream is tomorrow at 12:00 noon est……..unless he is sick.


More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Night 1-7-2022


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