Friday Evening Iraq Economic News Highlights 9-30-22

Friday Evening Iraq Economic News Highlights 9-30-22

A Deputy Files A Lawsuit Against Al-Kazemi For Transferring 2.9 Trillion To The Region Without Legal Basis

Political | 07:25 - 29/09/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News  Independent MP Mustafa Jabbar Sanad confirmed, on Thursday, filing a lawsuit against Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi regarding his transfer of 2.9 trillion in favor of the region without a legal basis.

Sanad said in a Facebook post, which was followed by / Mawazine News /, "I ask for help: the court date against the Prime Minister is on 3-10-2022 regarding his transfer of 2.9 trillion in favor of the region without legal basis, according to the opinion of legal experts, the case will be dismissed because I am not affected by the issue despite Be a member of the Finance Committee.

Sanad continued, "One of the governors, ministers, or departments that were damaged as a result of the transfer of funds must be submitted, so that the conditions of the case are fulfilled, so my invitation to any brave and keen on public money from the above addresses to join me and unify the case." Ended 29/R77

Al-Halbousi's First Deputy Issues His First Official Address To Al-Kazemi To End Files Related To Young People..Document

Political | 08:11 - 29/09/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News   The First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, issued his first official address to the Prime Minister to end pending files.

According to a document received by "Mawazine News", it stated: "The first official correspondence after assuming the position of "First Deputy Speaker of Parliament," Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, calls on the Prime Minister to end the pending files (for contracts), (daily procedure), (lecturers), and (certificate holders). high school) and (first graduates).

Commerce Publishes A Table Of The Ministry Of Industry's Products Ready For Export[/Size]

local| 11:29 - 30/09/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News   The General Company for Exhibitions and Commercial Services, affiliated to the Ministry of Commerce, revealed lists of the products of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals companies prepared and ready for export.

A schedule issued by the company, followed by / Mawazine News, stated that "the General Company for Construction Industries is ready to export 21 materials distributed between crushed gravel for filters, in addition to sand for filters, and various irrigation systems."

The table indicated that Diyala General Company has 4 materials intended for export dedicated to the electrical industries and mug candles, while the General Ibn Majid Company owns 10 materials related to heavy engineering industries, while the Iraqi General Cement Company exports ordinary and resistant cement and live and extinguished light.

The table shows that the General Company for Food Products exports 4 materials, distributed between shaving and toothpaste and Sumer powder, pointing out that the General Company for Mining Industries exports asphalt coatings and the developed bitumen.

He stated that the General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries issues 17 items distributed between air conditioners and accessories for refrigeration devices, while the General Al-Faris Company issues 27 items distributed between filters and basins of various uses, in addition to the Al-Kindi State Company for the production of vaccines and veterinary medicines that exports 8 veterinary materials and various vaccines.

As for the General Company for Textile and Leather Industries, it issues 74 items distributed between carpets of various types and woolen, cotton and leather clothing.

Setting A Date For The Completion Of The Electrical Connection With Jordan

Reconstruction and building   Economy News – Baghdad  The Mayor of Al-Rutba District in Anbar Governorate announced, on Thursday, the date of completion of the electrical connection with Jordan.

The mayor of Al-Rutba district, Imad Mishaal Al-Dulaimi, told the official news agency, "We visited the work site of the Iraqi-Jordanian electrical connection line 400, Risha - Trebil - Rutba - Qaim, in order to prepare and choose the appropriate site to lay the foundation stone for this project."

He added, "The work is continuing by (General Electric) and another Iraqi company, and it is still in its early stages."

Al-Dulaimi stressed that "this line is very important for the district of Al-Rutba, as it will restore the national electricity current to the city, which has been suffering from complete power cuts since 2014 until now, in addition to the project's importance to the Western Desert and Akashat, as well as encouraging industry and investment in these areas, and the project will also contribute to In providing water to the city that depends on wells.”

He pointed out that "the interconnection project will be completed in the next year 2023, when the electric current will be launched on Line 400 of the National Connection."

 506 . views   Added 09/29/2022 - 7:00 PM  Update 09/30/2022 - 12:57 PM

Baghdad Stock Exchange Closes With A Decrease In The Dollar Exchange Rates

2022-09-30 05:01   Shafaq News/ The exchange rates of the dollar fell against the Iraqi dinar, on Thursday, with the closure of the main stock exchange in Baghdad.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the central Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad closed at 147,350 Iraqi dinars for 100 dollars, while the selling prices on the stock exchange this morning were 147,500 Iraqi dinars for 100 dollars.

Our correspondent indicated that the buying and selling prices in banking shops in the local markets in Baghdad stabilized, as the selling price amounted to 148000 Iraqi dinars, while the purchase prices amounted to 147000 dinars per 100 dollars.   LINK

Minister Of Communications: Iraq Is A Suitable Environment For Investment In Digital Services

 Calendar 2022/09/29     Views 810  Baghdad / Al-Mawrid News  The Minister of Communications, Arkan Al-Shaibani, confirmed today, Thursday, that the government supports the communications and information technology sector.

Al-Shaibani said in a statement, "The Iraqi government supports the communications and information technology sector and seeks to advance it at the local and international levels."

The statement added that "this came during his speech at the Conference on Communications and Information Technology held in Romania in Bucharest, where the Minister extended his thanks and appreciation to the Romanian Minister of Communications, the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union and members of the Council."

Al-Shaibani spoke about the "challenges and problems that Iraq faced during the previous eras and terrorist attacks, which affected the implementation of important projects and its reflection on the development of the telecommunications sector."

He pointed to "the importance of Iraq's strategic location as the shortest way to link the continent of Asia and Europe, in addition to the fact that Iraq is a suitable environment for investment in all branches and digital services, which contributes to the development of the communications and information technology sector in Iraq."

At The Direction Of The Prime Minister.. Compensation Of 641 Farmers In The Independent Raparin Administration

Erbil (Kurdistan 24) - Under the direction of Kurdistan Regional Government Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, 641 farmers will be compensated in the vicinity of the independent Raparin administration.

According to what was stated in an official letter, signed by the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, 641 farmers whose agricultural lands are located on the municipal borders will be compensated, in order to achieve justice and equality.

According to the book, each farmer will be compensated with a plot of 200 square meters for two dunams of land.

The supervisor of the independent Raparin administration, Hewa Qarni, told Kurdistan 24 that the farmers had demanded compensation earlier, after their agricultural lands fell within the limits of the beginnings.

Qarni confirmed that these farmers own ownership documents on these lands, and therefore, in order to achieve justice, the Prime Minister ordered compensation to the farmers, which we consider an important decision that contributed to solving a major problem.   LINK

After Reaching International Forums, The Iraqi Company TNFX Obtains A Global License

Money  and business   Economy News-Baghdad  The Iraqi company "TNFX" obtained a global permit from the Seychelles Securities Commission.  TNFX was able to reach international forums during the past years of its work inside and outside Iraq, culminating in obtaining this license.

The license allows it to deal financially in Iraq and abroad, and it is one of the reliable international financial dealing companies.   25 . views  Added 09/30/2022 - 12:20 PM  Update 09/30/2022 - 12:57 PM


Friday Evening Iraq Parliament News Highlights 9-30-22


"The Fed Has Permanently Distorted the World" Dr. Nomi Prins