Fleming, Breitling, Bix and Lynette Friday PM 5-28-2021

Fleming Friday RV Report

Our military intel contact is confirming Mr. Fleming's sources saying stay ready because:

(1) A source reported that last night Thu 27 May "Reno just said the screens are live . . . Whoa . . . Just waiting on the go";

(2) Another source sent this to Mr. Fleming: From the Green Lantern--He is taking a huge risk by sending this and we owe a gratitude to this great man:

"The  General got liquid--we wait and the other group, the redemption group, they have gotten LIQUID as well and now it’s my turn yahoooooo 

GOD BLESS YOU all and happy birthday my dear friend.

"T4B Group is on its way. Fasten your seat belts everyone and get ready to be anointed by God."

(3) MarkZ's sources in Iraq said that this morning Fri 28 May in Iraq they started breaking out the LD's (lower denominations)-it was widespread--MarkZ said that this means WE ARE THERE.

(4) MarkZ said this morning Fri 28 May that Sheila (CMKX expert) still believes this is our weekend.

(5) Bruce's bond holder (bond seller) sources were told that they would be liquid by tomorow Sat 29 May, which is believed to parallel T4B start: we will see he said.

(6) He is essentially completed but still in process of getting certain things done for the shotgun start which is underway now—that’s all he has on the Admiral for now

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Breitling   Digital currency in Iraq, if they do create it...There's nothing wrong with it.  It's a fantastic idea but it's not going to compete against the Iraqi dinar.  People are saying, 'If they create this digital currency we're going to be sitting here with nothing.That's not true...there is no requirement to get into digital currency.  That's what people are misunderstanding about these...they are not going to get rid of paper notes...  They are creating digital currency because of the convenience.  Think about it.  I have not touched a dollar bill or had coin in my hands for maybe a year...   [post 1 of 2....stay tuned] 

Breitling  ...I use credit cards.  I use bank cards...there's absolutely no reason to be worried.  If Iraq creates a digital currency and you want to get into it, fine.  It's going to be at the same rate that you have now.  Let's say you convert to that digital currency and you want to get out and you want to get back to notes in your hand.  Guess what?  You'll be able to do it.  That's what that means.  Nothing more.  Don't let it get to your head!  I've been getting panic email, 'Oh, my gosh if they wanted to they could stiff us!'  No they can't.  It doesn't work that way...the entire world would lose confidence in that currency and the economy would crash.  Iraq is doing the complete opposite.  They are trying to build their economy up.  [post 2 of 2]


SILVER ALERT! JPM "FINDS" 10M Ounces of Physical Silver for 99% of COMEX June Delivery! (Bix Weir)

May 28, 2021

Where is Jamie Dimon finding all the Physical Silver that is being delivered into the COMEX deliveries? Has JP Morgan been HOARDING SILVER and if they have WHY were they allowed to when the Hunt Brothers were not?

Where is this silver located in their Financial Statements? What kind of Shell Game is JP Morgan playing with Silver?


Lynette Zang: We are heading Towards Huge Currency Collapse

Money Materz”  Premiered 2 hours ago

In this video, Lynette Zang explains why she thinks currency collapse is coming very soon.



The Atlantis Report and The Nomad Economist Friday Night 5-28-2021


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-27-21