Even More News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 4-14-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 14 April 2021

Compiled Wed. 14 April 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Tier 4B Notification At Any Time

On Tues. evening 13 April our Military Intel Contact said that bond liquidity for the last of the bond seller recipient accounts should be completed, with key bond holders getting access to 1% of their funds starting Wed 14 April. If all went as planned, Tier 4B notification would happen on Wed.-Thurs. 14-15 April.

Bruce on Tues. 13 April: There was a high expectation for notification of Tier 4B to come out on Wed. 14 April. Bond holders should have monies in their account Tues. night 13 April, with access to those monies on Wed. 14 April. The new currency rates have already been locked in.

On Sun. 11 April at 10:56 pm and 11:33 pm EDT Military and RV teams in Hong Kong, Singapore and Zurich started the process of key bond release to all tiers.

By Mon. 12 April pilot-test exchanges went smoothly, including Tier 3-4 test groups in Stockton CA, Gary IN, and Detroit MI. People have left the bank with accessible cash.

Reviews and audits of those tests were now occurring and if no more Cabal obstructionists interfered, it would lead to key bonds going live.

According to our Military Intel Contact CIA and Mossad satellite communication and mainframes have been put down so that the Deep State could no longer interfere with the Global Currency Reset.

Obstruction attempts by Deep State Cabal/ Illuminati “insiders” on RV teams to siphon funds from the key bond liquidity processing-settlement-closing-posting procedures were completely stopped, with Illuminati perpetrators arrested by Sat. 10 April.

Ramadan and Prince Philip’s funeral would not interfere with the RV liquidity release.

Restored Republic:

On Fri. 9 April the new Starlink Communication System was activated and sometime very soon would take over all Mass Media to enforce a temporary Martial Law worldwide.

There would be Ten Days of Darkness where uncensored news about the takedown of the Cabal would be broadcast in three eight hour movie sessions per day (24 hours a day) on all Media networks worldwide.

Expect a possible Stock Market crash, planes and trains grounded, Internet go down and occasional electricity outages as a switchover was made to the new Telsa Free Energy system.


Tues. 13 April 2021 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 712-770-4016 pin123456#

On Sat. 9 April there was a major concern with some of the 58 groups of bond holders – that stopped the bond flow for about 12 hours.

By Sun. morning 10 April it had resumed with about 17 groups started again.

There was a high expectation for notification of Tier 4B to come out Wed. 14 April.

Bond holders should have monies in their account Tues. night 13 April, with access on Wed. 14 April.

The new currency rates were locked in.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/04/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_14.html


Emailed to Recaps: 

Holly:  We are all making connections with people in these communities and rooms. Some will be long lasting and partnerships to co-create the world. Many of the people in these rooms have been closer than family. Some family members do not understand us, this rv journey we are on and think we are crazy just to believe it.

The people in these rooms have laughed, cried, comforted us, consoled us, been our support and strength in trying times. We have loved and encouraged each other. Some of us have been together for a decade as just a constant moniker in these rooms.

Know that you all share a very important common bond, we are the dreamers for a better world. We have the servants heart for humanity and we all came together for this moment in time.

 I am blessed and honored to travel with you all. The future looks so bright and I am excited to venture forward with my fellow dreamers.

Rv News: It looks like there is some movement. Many are gagged and are not talking. Compliance is getting done globally. The initial people to kick this off should be funded later this week. Once the funnel starts, it will be a trickle and then the flood will happen.

Hungary Gold Reserves up 3000% while MSM claim gold is dead!

Mike Harris:  Apr 11, 2021

Market Update for 9th April 2021. The week MSM Bloomberg declared gold dead and Hungary ramped up reserves by 3000%!



"Coffee With MarkZ" Wednesday Morning Chat 4-14-2021


News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Morning 4-14-2021