Bluwolf "The Times of Victory are Approaching Now" 8-28-2022
.Recaps note: This was sent to us from a third party, not directly from Bluwolf.
Just in from Bluwolf
Attention everyone … well this blessing is about to begin.
Be prepared with documents in hand. All changes will be made by HSBC or WF. You need two forms of ID with photos, two forms that identify your residence, birth certificate. Need an area code of the state y'all want to switch to.
As I told you earlier, we are almost ready to receive this blessing, according to the Pentagon, we are minute by minute in this aiming to receive the 800 at any moment.
Getting the arks of change ready for Monday to Tuesday of this week. Others are also informing them the same thing I had already warned them and that's confirmation.
Recaps note: This was sent to us from a third party, not directly from Bluwolf.
Just in from Bluwolf
Attention everyone … well this blessing is about to begin.
Be prepared with documents in hand. All changes will be made by HSBC or WF. You need two forms of ID with photos, two forms that identify your residence, birth certificate. Need an area code of the state y'all want to switch to.
As I told you earlier, we are almost ready to receive this blessing, according to the Pentagon, we are minute by minute in this aiming to receive the 800 at any moment.
Getting the arks of change ready for Monday to Tuesday of this week. Others are also informing them the same thing I had already warned them and that's confirmation.
Now don't fill my phone with calls because they are already on alert, I just ask you to pray that there is no attempt to obstruct any. The rats will be high and comfortable and I understand Zimbabwe will be changed like this without any zeros elimination. I understand it will be based on 1-1 USTN.
Reno already has his money in his coffers, the codes are activated, just a sequence is missing that would start everything. EVERYTHING = PP, PRIVATE PLACEMENTS, GCR, SAINT GERMAIN TRUST (everything that is going to emerge comes out of this trust period. )WHICH TOOK OVER 400 YEARS TO BE DISTRIBUTED, THE GCR<, THE RV OF ALL 209 COUNTRIES.
History may forget me or Bruce, Cap, Okie, Studley, Stewart, James Mendez, even Terry K, but you know they just like me never sold them dreams and never lost faith to this GOD'S BLESSING to this human Age.
The times of victory are approaching now I just recommend you to be with a little box prepared in a corner of your room to start your business trip.
Be blessed and stay alert. But that if you are prudent and do not despair because that is not what God expects of you. And as a spiritual being I can assure you that if they despair, then criticize, then doubt and that only interrupts the arrival of this blessing, you are either the wick of light or you are the wick of destruction. Which one are you.
Thoughts From Bluwolf 6-7-2022
.Note: This was sent to us by several of our readers…not directly from Bluwolf himself. We are not 100% sure if it really was posted by him…..so please consider as rumor for now.
BLUWOLF: 6-7-2022
Attention P.R. and all Spanish-speaking countries, well this blessing is about to begin. Be ready with documents in hand. All changes will be made by HSBC or WF. They need two forms of photo ID, two forms of residency identification, birth certificate.
You need an area code of the State where you want to change. As I have told you before, we are
already on the verge of receiving this blessing, according to the Pentagon we are up to date on
this with a view to receiving the 800 at any moment.
Opening the coffers of change for him within Monday to Tuesday of this week. Others are also informing you of the same thing that I had already told them and that is confirmation.
Note: This was sent to us by several of our readers…not directly from Bluwolf himself. We are not 100% sure if it really was posted by him…..so please consider as rumor for now.
BLUWOLF: 6-7-2022
Attention P.R. and all Spanish-speaking countries, well this blessing is about to begin. Be ready with documents in hand. All changes will be made by HSBC or WF. They need two forms of photo ID, two forms of residency identification, birth certificate.
You need an area code of the State where you want to change. As I have told you before, we are already on the verge of receiving this blessing, according to the Pentagon we are up to date on this with a view to receiving the 800 at any moment.
Opening the coffers of change for him within Monday to Tuesday of this week. Others are also informing you of the same thing that I had already told them and that is confirmation.
Now do not fill my phone with calls because you are already on alert, I only ask you to pray that there is no attempt to obstruct any.
Rates will be a comfortable high that will come out of this trust, period.) WHICH TAKES OVER 400 YEARS TO BE DISTRIBUTED, THE GCR <, THE RV OF ALL 209 COUNTRIES.
History may forget me or Bruce, Cap, Okie, Studley, James Mendez, even Terry K, but you know that they, like me, never sold them dreams and never lost faith in this BLESSING OF GOD for this humanity.
The times of victory are drawing near now, I only recommend that you have a small package ready in the corner of your room to start your business trip.
Be blessed and be on alert. But that is if you are prudent and do not despair because that is not what God expects of you. And as a spiritual being I can assure you that if you get desperate then you criticize, then you doubt and that only interrupts the arrival of this blessing, you are either the wick of light or you are the wick of destruction. which one are you.
"Federal Reseve News" with Ron Paul and Greg Mannarino 10-20-2021
.Ron Paul | Out of Control Economy with Suppressed Gold Prices, Empty Shelves
Stansberry Research: Oct 20, 2021
It’s a fallacy to keep gold prices low to show the economy is doing alright, says Dr. Ron Paul, former U.S. Congressman and Host of The Ron Paul Liberty Report.
He surveys the U.S. economic landscape and asserts that, "the depreciation of money [U.S. dollars] is ongoing, and it's not going to stop." Dr. Paul tells our Daniela Cambone that transitory price inflation is playing havoc with the economy, where some Americans are feeling the effects of this much more than others.
"The transfer of wealth from one group to another we are witnessing," stems from the Federal Reserve, where he says it's time to, "get rid of the Fed."
Dr. Paul encourages the flourishment within the crypto and gold communities concluding that, "liberty is the most valuable asset that we can strive for."
Ron Paul | Out of Control Economy with Suppressed Gold Prices, Empty Shelves
Stansberry Research: Oct 20, 2021
It’s a fallacy to keep gold prices low to show the economy is doing alright, says Dr. Ron Paul, former U.S. Congressman and Host of The Ron Paul Liberty Report.
He surveys the U.S. economic landscape and asserts that, "the depreciation of money [U.S. dollars] is ongoing, and it's not going to stop." Dr. Paul tells our Daniela Cambone that transitory price inflation is playing havoc with the economy, where some Americans are feeling the effects of this much more than others.
"The transfer of wealth from one group to another we are witnessing," stems from the Federal Reserve, where he says it's time to, "get rid of the Fed."
Dr. Paul encourages the flourishment within the crypto and gold communities concluding that, "liberty is the most valuable asset that we can strive for."
FED. WILL INVESTIGATE ITSELF! Plus Important Updates: Stocks, Markets, Bitcoin, Gold, Silver, CRUDE.
Greg Mannarino: Oct 20, 2021
Max Keiser, Mike Maloney and Lynette Zang Thursday PM 5-27-2021
.Keiser Report | Beggars Can’t Be Choosers | E1702
May 27, 2021
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the surging US trade deficit with China and how the elite are now trying to negotiate with the reality they set in motion back in 2001.
What they are learning is that beggars can’t be choosers.
In the second half Max chats to Chris Fenton, author of ‘Feeding the Dragon’, about Hollywood selling out to China. Max asks whether or not the US can even afford to alter the course their elite set in motion.
Keiser Report | Beggars Can’t Be Choosers | E1702
May 27, 2021
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the surging US trade deficit with China and how the elite are now trying to negotiate with the reality they set in motion back in 2001.
What they are learning is that beggars can’t be choosers.
In the second half Max chats to Chris Fenton, author of ‘Feeding the Dragon’, about Hollywood selling out to China. Max asks whether or not the US can even afford to alter the course their elite set in motion.
Is This Type of Vicious Inflation Closing In on USA?
Premiered 41 minutes ago
Is This the Kind of Inflation Closing In on USA? For those hoping for a longer video, you’re in luck today.
Join Mike Maloney, Jeff Clark and Adam Taggart in this in-depth update on government spending, inflation, gold, silver, Bitcoin…and more.
Streamed live 2 hours ago
Open Message From Bluwolf 12-2-2020 "We Will Have a Merry Christmas!"
.Thank you Bluwolf!!
Open Message from Bluwolf, Wednesday Morning - sent to Dinar Recaps
I for 20 years have been strait forward always putting God family and country first. I started with 35 souls following then it went to my beloved 600 whom to this day are still with me.
Shortly after this I saw how my people in Puerto Rico started to get involved in the dinar and later the dong making my little spot of the Earth the Nation with the most dinars per square feet.
Also from those 600 beautiful people WE are now in the millions thanks to my teaching of faith and indurence.
When I speak out to you I am precise and to the point for I like many have very good sources and in very high places.
Thank you Bluwolf!!
Open Message from Bluwolf, Wednesday Morning - sent to Dinar Recaps
I for 20 years have been strait forward always putting God family and country first. I started with 35 souls following then it went to my beloved 600 whom to this day are still with me.
Shortly after this I saw how my people in Puerto Rico started to get involved in the dinar and later the dong making my little spot of the Earth the Nation with the most dinars per square feet.
Also from those 600 beautiful people WE are now in the millions thanks to my teaching of faith and indurence.
When I speak out to you I am precise and to the point for I like many have very good sources and in very high places.
My people have seen that I give out valuable information both hours or days before the next guy. The variables or shifts that transpire is not because of false information but SIMPLY BECAUSE OF CORRUPT GOVERNMENT PARTIES AND THERE PUPPETRY AGENDAS AND THE SO CALL ELITES. YOU CALL THEM DEEP STATE…. I CALL THEM SOMETHING ELSE excuse my french.
Look I don't control this outcome that is up to your Commander in Chief and I just want you to know my voice as of many others have reach his ears and we have encourage to give the GO.
And you know what he is really pushing it forward thanks to all who have written to him. We encourage him to release the RV/ redemption last 2nd of October and he ordered it but then because of a security breach that was postponed somehow till today.
Someone mentioned my name in a call and dare to call all the above a BLUWOLF JINX and that I did not appreciate at all. I am a very serious and outspoken person of God , I am not a clown, I am not a liar, I don't go around mentioning names nor do I make fun of serious in fact all peoples.
My job according to Jehová God is for me 1st to establish faith in all for a prosperous future. 2nd to be a pastor of sheep keeping them all together and safe. 3rd to make sure that the head count will grow for THE KINGDOM OF GOD JEHOVÁ, done deal from only 34 souls to record MILLIONS.
Listen I take my responsibility very seriously and I am not a charlatan, I speak only when the time is precise and I cut it very short.
I BLUWOLF am not someones example of a JINX so don't you ever go there again.
Your blessing are now just hours away, I pray that it finally gets through and gets done. And this will only get done if Mr.President overrides everything and does so.
You now have my blessing and my congratulations, I bless thy PROSPEROUS, just make sure that you do right by God as you promise and you shall be well for if you don't well that would be another story.
Please share this message if you can with all rooms.
I just hope that my integrity is still intact after this someones lost for words.
Good day , God bless, Na'maste Bluwolf 12.2.2020
"QFS Update" From Rod Steel and Charlie Ward Monday 9-21-2020
.QFS Update from Rod Steel and Charlie Ward
Premiered 3 hours ago
About minute 14:00
CW: We are living in amazing times right now…..a lot is happening behind the scenes. It’s been carefully planned out.
Most people in the world do not have any idea what is happening. They see the virus…hear about vaccines….they see the riots and 5G….they know something is going on…..things do not add up….
About minute 22:00
RS: We do know Iraq is making great strides with the Prime Minister in getting rid of the Iranian influence over there. He did it all in 48 hours or less.
QFS Update from Rod Steel and Charlie Ward
Premiered 3 hours ago
About minute 14:00
CW: We are living in amazing times right now…..a lot is happening behind the scenes. It’s been carefully planned out.
Most people in the world do not have any idea what is happening. They see the virus…hear about vaccines….they see the riots and 5G….they know something is going on…..things do not add up….
About minute 22:00
RS: We do know Iraq is making great strides with the Prime Minister in getting rid of the Iranian influence over there. He did it all in 48 hours or less.
QFS intel starts about minute 23:30
RS: Its all based on the Cross Border Interbank Payment system or CIPS
Inside CIPS is the QFS. It is a Artificial Intelligence private virtual network …It is a QFS3D smartphone digital currency that you will be able to operate on any media format.
It provides a pristine, clean integrity movement of money and funds from Central banking to desination accounts.
It will cover a new global network for asset backed funds and will replace the US centrally controlled SWIFT system.
This has not fully happened yet but will protect all parties from corruption , usuary and manipulation within the banking system.
This is not a crypto currency is is based on an asset backed digital currency.
Please listen to full video for all the details……………..
Note: Mr Steel appears to be reading the notes transcribed from PDK with the MarkZ/Michael Cotrell stream on September 4th, 2020…Good information to reveiw.
BIG MarkZ/Michael Cottrell QFS/Exchange Chat Friday 9-4-2020
Transcription by PDK: Recaps Link to original transcript.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-KKtqHQUQ0
"Open Message to ears of Our President" - Bluwolf Post, emailed to Dinar Recaps
.Today is 7.7.2020 and it is 17:34 pm ast .
We do have confirmations of exchanges at different countries worldwide, we have the liberation of the GCR fully .
We do have the highest security install so no one should worry about being shot at by some punk sniper.
We do have the bank personnel fully install waiting to start executing the exchange and to give out the emails and the 800 #.
The dinar is well close to 28 usn at this current time frame but could change. The rates on all 209 currencies are astronomical at this point and no they will not be seen through the forex, ABSOLUTELY no DOUBLE DIPPING.
But we still are waiting for the U.S. to take heed and finally release this thing so that humanity as a whole will finally be free from all debt as promised by Jehovah God because this is a blessing and not a financial happening.
Today is 7.7.2020 and it is 17:34 pm ast.
We do have confirmations of exchanges at different countries worldwide, we have the liberation of the GCR fully.
We do have the highest security install so no one should worry about being shot at by some punk sniper.
We do have the bank personnel fully install waiting to start executing the exchange and to give out the emails and the 800 #.
The dinar is well close to 28 usn at this current time frame but could change. The rates on all 209 currencies are astronomical at this point and no they will not be seen through the forex, ABSOLUTELY no DOUBLE DIPPING.
But we still are waiting for the U.S. to take heed and finally release this thing so that humanity as a whole will finally be free from all debt as promised by Jehovah God because this is a blessing and not a financial happening.
I just wish that this message would fall into the ears of this president for I want him to know that the best thing that could happen to America, its territories, and the rest of the world is for him as the President of these United States to finally release this blessing for all to see and for all to finally be free as it was always intended by GESARA/NESARA and the GCR/RV and now the redemption of the Zim bond.
Mister President sir, it is now your turn to do that which is right for history and freedom of the people of the world.
I already know the outcome of this and its set to happen just as described above.
Sir the time is NOW. JUST DO IT !
True Friendship to Family; Thank You - Message from Bluwolf, sent to Dinar Recaps
My thoughts and my heart goes out to those whom are being deceived. I know that I have never deceived anyone in my 20 year journey.
There are so many out there whom from a simple avatar in a room became my companions later they became my friends and during the last 16 years they have become my family.
I know that we have waited long for our blessing to arrive but like all blessings from above it is and always will be in God's perfect timing and not before. Both the time and the date is His ruling not that of man.
Those that know me can only speak good things of me, those that speak negative things of my person then they never really knew me at all or cared to. Some come to me for there interest on where we really are in this investment because they really want like me to be a part of that magnificent army of my Lord Jehovah God and His son Jesus ,THE ARMY OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD, one that for the last 20 years I put my two cents to create.
My thoughts and my heart goes out to those whom are being deceived. I know that I have never deceived anyone in my 20 year journey.
There are so many out there whom from a simple avatar in a room became my companions later they became my friends and during the last 16 years they have become my family.
I know that we have waited long for our blessing to arrive but like all blessings from above it is and always will be in God's perfect timing and not before. Both the time and the date is His ruling not that of man.
Those that know me can only speak good things of me, those that speak negative things of my person then they never really knew me at all or cared to. Some come to me for there interest on where we really are in this investment because they really want like me to be a part of that magnificent army of my Lord Jehovah God and His son Jesus ,THE ARMY OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD, one that for the last 20 years I put my two cents to create.
But some only want info so that they can hurry in and stampede to any God forsaken bank and get the peanuts rates that some irresponsible s and evil people are putting out there. I can only do like Noah and abide to what God instructed me to do and that is it.
From 34 to 600 from 600 to 3,250,000 and from 3,250,000 to over 50,000,000 worldwide. Well with those numbers which are the real score by the way I think my mission here is about over. But no I will hang in there though I am in deed very tired. I will seize only when the very last of you come out of the bank victorious and happy with the correct amount and the highest rates.
One thing I have taught you to follow me in your own footprints and not to ever follow me as sheep. So listen if you hear someone and start to be dependent on what he or she is stating and you start to criticize and doubt what others like me are saying then you must steer away from these folks because you are being lured in like sheep to a corral or like a tired fish on the lured. And I cannot help you there just like Noah did I must close the ark and never look back.
I am looking forward to phase two of God's blessing and that is doing good to humanity and I am sure that many of you will walk with me side by side in this magnificent and wild journey that only God can whip up.
So I guess I will catch you all and see on the other side. God bless all, much health,much prosperity and many shall be the blessings.
Na'mastes, Happy Journeys,
4.21.2020 15:27 pm edt
Bluwolf, Ed and Frank26 Saturday Night 3-14-2020
.Emailed to Recaps: Bluwolf
Blu's: Things to do right now in order to keep your dialogs by phone and your texts safe from spys.
*You need to encrypt your cellphones,tablets and your PC's
And this must be done as off today.
*You must install a vpn. (Ex Virtual Shield)
Once installed your wifi and your location will be changed to a remote ip in some foriegn space and time.
*Once you get your 800 appointment you must deviate from social media (fb, messenger, whatsup etc.)
Emailed to Recaps: Bluwolf
Blu's: Things to do right now in order to keep your dialogs by phone and your texts safe from spys.
*You need to encrypt your cellphones,tablets and your PC's
And this must be done as off today.
*You must install a vpn.
Once installed your wifi and your location will be changed to a remote ip in some foriegn space and time.
*Once you get your 800 appointment you must deviate from social media (fb, messenger, whatsup etc.)
*You must get into and encrypted email account.
*You must install and encrypted browser on your PC's and tablets
*And you must muffle up and stop communicating this rv/redemption with others
The NSA will be sweeping in on all conversations and texts coming out of your devices. And if caught they will take your monies and close your accounts, count on it.
*Have your project worksheet ready, make a copy and leave same with your WM in your first 20 minute appointment.
*Remember that this is all your monies and that the banks have to create this humanitarian bubble centered around you not around them.
Remember to create different accounts for all your currencies (one for dinar,one for dong etc.) Remember to create a trust FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD
This is strictly to be use for Godly purposes not humanitarian. Use same motherload model.
*I recommend moving to a new place to a new address immediately
I encourage that all future help be given out anonymously. Remember to please payoff all debt immediately.
*Remember to create a motherload account and never to use same.(only transfer money from it)
*Do all projects here forth utilizing only the returns in interest.
*Steer away from corrupted politicians and there causes.
And stay away from politics as a whole.
*Create a Trust for your children and there generations to come. Leave a legacy to last a lifetime. And last and not least ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR LIVES IN A GODLY MATTER.
Please share
Alliance's Possible Corona-Virus Cover Op 2020 -- Step By Step / by Ed
The following was found on 8kun:
Get Civilians and Children off the streets, out of schools and away from public events. This prevents the cabal from doing mass-killings for distraction or to take revenge.
Quarantine provides cover for mass arrests. Self-quarantine is the world leader and the Hollywood celeb version of the CEO mass resignations.
Shutting down airports and borders = no escape for cabal. (Earthquakes in Glen Falls, NY is destroying the remaining Deep Underground Military Base hideouts and shuttles.)
Capture/execute cabal figureheads and celebs swiftly without having to red-pill the public which can come later when the dust has settled.
0% Payroll tax, extend the 4/15 deadline for income tax filing to restructure the IRS. Cutoff tax revenue to shutoff the IRS money being funneled to the cabal.
Draining the swamp operation is disguised as a Public Health & Safety response.
Donald J. Trump's initials = DJT = 4/10/20 (Possible pivot date for next wave ie; GCR)
Frank26: 3-14-20 Q&A part 1
These videos are in Franks Opinion
Frank26 3-14-20 Q&A part 2
Bluwolf, TNT, KTFA and Judy Friday PM 11-22-19
.Short message sent to Recaps from Bluwolf
Today would be a magnificent day in honor of JFK to liberate the 800 # ,the RV of 209 countries and the Global Currency Reset for which he died for.
Short message sent to Recaps from Bluwolf
Today would be a magnificent day in honor of JFK to liberate the 800 # ,the RV of 209 countries and the Global Currency Reset for which he died for.
WE WILL NEVER FORGET... Assassination of John F. Kennedy 56 years ago today
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated on November 22, 1963, at 12:30 p.m. Central Standard Time, in Dallas, Texas, while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza.
HIS LAST MINUTE BEFORE SHOTS FIRED... President John F. Kennedy is seen riding in motorcade approximately one minute before he was shot in Dallas, Tx.
12:40 p.m. CST: CBS breaks into the live soap opera "As The World Turns" with a bulletin from Walter Cronkite. It's the first national report on the shooting on television.
President Kennedy was the emergency room at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas. Doctors at Parkland Memorial Hospital were working frantically to save the president, but the effort was futile. Kennedy was pronounced dead at 1 p.m. CST / 2 p.m. EST. There was no official announcement for another half hour, but there were already news reports to that effect.
1:38 p.m. CST: On CBS TV, Walter Cronkite delivers the officials news that Kennedy is dead and that Johnson will be sworn in as the nation's 36th president.
Walter Cronkite read the words "President Kennedy died at 1:00 p.m. Central standard time, 2 o'clock Eastern standard time, some 38 minutes ago" to a stunned national audience.
JFK FUNERAL https://youtu.be/wcPs6ZI3C64
Fishkissed: 11/21/2019 Quote on twitter from Sec.Pompeo, “I have asked the Iranian protestors to send us their videos, photos, and information documenting the regime’s crackdown on protestors. The U.S. will expose and sanction the abuses.”
Samson: Trump: Iran blocks Internet to cover up “death and tragedy”
21st November, 2019
Accused US President Donald Trump Iranian government, on Thursday, cutting off the Internet to cover up what is going on from the "death and tragedy," amid a wave of protests, which affected about one hundred Iranian city during the past few days and caused deaths.
Trump wrote on Twitter: "Iran has become unstable to the extent that the system closed the Internet have completely even the great Iranian people are not able to talk about the massive violence that is happening inside the country.
They do not want any transparency, believing that the world will not discover the death and tragedy caused by the Iranian regime!” LINK
Samson: US State Department responds to news of Pompeo's intention to resign
2019/11/21 20:36
US State Department spokesman Morgan Ortacus has denied reports in the US media that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo intends to resign.
The US media, published news that the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo told three officials that he intends to resign from his position, and that he intends to run for the Senate from Kansas. The Time magazine, which originally published the news, cited three Republican officials, without mentioning their names, one in the administration of President Donald Trump, the other in the government, and the third, a former employee who rotated several positions in US government.
Pompeo had intended to stay until the spring of 2020 as US secretary of state, but the US media said he may "come after looking for a way out of the crisis." In the event of the resignation of the Secretary of State, he will be the 70th official to resign from the Trump administration, where the figure includes officials who have been dismissed by the US president himself. LINK
Thank you Judy
(EXCERPT) Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Nov. 22 2019
Judy Note on What We Think We May Know (or not) as of Fri. Morning 22 Nov:
1. President Trump has turned the US part of the Global Currency Reset over to the military and we were ordered under Military Law High Alert as of Thurs. 21 Nov. 3 am EDT.
2. The reset was underway, nothing would stop it, with an exact date having been set to send out the 800#s.
3. Several Zurich and Hong Kong sources were told they would have liquidity by Tues. 26 Nov.
4. The 800#s release should happen prior to Tues. 26 Nov., while Iraqi contacts claimed the reset would happen on Sun. 24 Nov., which was early Mon. morning EDT 25 Nov.
5. China has announced that they were going to asset-backed digital currency within days. Several other countries were already functioning under asset-backed digital currency.
6. Last Sun. 17 Nov. Bankers were told that the GCR green light had been turned on; the reset of 209 world currencies would not be stopped and would complete before Thanksgiving Thurs. 28 Nov.
7. The heart of the FISA Abuse Report came from an investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails and private server. What was alleged to be found was a spy operation on the Trump campaign and Presidency headed by Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton. Using the Clinton Foundation and in connection with the Deep State, they had funneled monies to the Ukraine in a “Pay for Play” con. They then tried in treasonous acts, to impeach a duly elected US President.
8. The FISA Abuse Report was said to be a phone book thick and contained criminal charges against a multitude of high profile individuals.
9. Evidently several arrests of those high profile individuals were made last Tues. 19 Nov. Rumor was that included Bill Clinton (based on a release of an FBI interview with his alleged child rape victim). According to Benjamin Fulford, those arrests also included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and head of the Impeachment Inquiry, Adam Schiff.
10. The explosive FISA Abuse Report was scheduled to be released on Mon. 9 Dec. according to Fox News. The author, Inspector General Michael Horowitz, would testify on the report before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wed. 11 Dec.
11. Deep State individuals, groups, organizations and agencies have been implicated in various crimes. There was a group of 737 people that ran over 80% of the major companies and these were the ones being targeted.
12. Deep State players also included lawyers, judges, prominent politicians, Royals and Vatican-Catholic leaders.
13. Deep State players including Bankers, Rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Clintons, US Inc., Queen Elizabeth, the Vatican and Pope Francis not only ran, along with various mafias, the global monetary system, but international child exploitation and organ harvesting, gun and drug trafficking rings.
14. According to testimonies of Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors born into the Occult, these Deep State players were all deeply involved in the worship of Satan through regularly held pedophilia parties and Child Sacrifice rites.
15. Jeffrey Epstein owned various properties where young teens and children were kidnapped and taken for use in those Satanic rites. There he recorded for the Deep State, those pedophilia parties and Child Sacrifice rites in order to blackmail politicians and global elites to do their bidding.
16. The majority of indictments included pedophilia charges on the over 144,000 sealed indictments against global and political elites filed in federal courts across the nation since Trump took office.
A. Nov. 22 2019 Morning Chat with MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz
Zurich and Hong Kong were still expecting liquidity in their accounts by Tues. 26 Nov.
B. Nov. 22 2019 Operation Disclosure Intel Alert: RV/Intelligence Alert: "Awakening" -- November 22, 2019 (Disclaimer: The following was an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)
1. The DECLAS process would begin once the FISA report was released.
2. Officials of the Obama administration would be exposed of corruption linking to Ukraine that involved the Clinton Foundation and more.
3. The Federal Reserve (Fed) and the IRS would also be exposed of committing various crimes during the DECLAS process. Once the Fed was exposed, President Trump was expected to issue an EO to declare the Fed a criminal operation and strip them of their legal status.
4. Many more individuals, groups, organizations, agencies and more would be implicated with various crimes.
5. Prince Andrew was ordered to stand down from royal duties by the Queen as US authorities were expected to issue a subpoena. Prince Andrew was expected to testify under oath over his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2019/11/20/prince-andrew-quits-public-life-prepares-give-evidence-epstein/
6. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was recently indicted on multiple corruption charges. https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2019-11-21/israeli-attorney-general-benjamin-netanyahu
7. The mass awakening was picking up speed as Prince Andrew, Hillary Clinton and Netanyahu would soon be heading to court.
8. Major changes in the financial system were expected to occur by the end of this year and throughout 2020.
9. Countries were expected to transition to an asset-backed monetary system prior to a gold standard monetary system.
10. According to sources, the Iraqi Dinar was expected to revalue before the end of the year.
C. Nov. 22 2019 12:40 am EDT Fake Impeachment, Royals Epstein Problem, Fulford: Benjamin Fulford Interview: The Royal's Epstein Problem and Fake Impeachments https://benjaminfulford.net & Fulfordshop.com
1. Fulford heard from his source with a press pass that Pelosi and Schiff were arrested.
2. The Gnostic Illuminati were opposed to the bloodline rule and in the evils they indulged in.
3. There was a group of 737 people that ran over 80% of the major companies and these were the ones being targeted.
4. These people literally were fighting for their lives, as once humanity became aware of the truth there would be nowhere to turn.
5. Fulford published a list on his website of over 1,000 names in Epstein’s Black Book. Prince Andrew stood out, but other royals were in there too.
To Read full Post : https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2019/11/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_22.html
Bluwolf, Frank26, Bix Weir and More Thursday Evening 10-10-19
.Sent to Recaps:
BluWolf: Today I got a message that concerns me about a very distinguished gentleman that has been a very dear friend for many years to all in dinarland.
This Angel of God now has some issues with his health and that worries all who know and admire him.
Though I will not say his name, I do request for all like I to pray to the Lord of heaven so that he may cure this wonderful gentleman from Oklahoma.
My heart is with you my dear friend. Get well soon.
Na'mastes Bluwolf
Sent to Recaps:
BluWolf: Today I got a message that concerns me about a very distinguished gentleman that has been a very dear friend for many years to all in dinarland.
This Angel of God now has some issues with his health and that worries all who know and admire him.
Though I will not say his name, I do request for all like I to pray to the Lord of heaven so that he may cure this wonderful gentleman from Oklahoma.
My heart is with you my dear friend. Get well soon.
Na'mastes Bluwolf
Frank26: GO. 10-10-19
I am to deliver a package to you tonight, and you need to take it to God in prayer.
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Whitelions ...this is an exchange only and we as privet [private ?] people have 2 years to turn in where as the banks of the world have 10 years. either Iraq can ask the banks to turn in as they need or the banks can turn in as the rate changes at a penny or 2. we will take our dinar to the banks and they will deal with the cbi from there...we do know the CBI has told us how they will handle the dinar its on their web site. [10 yrs to redeem?] ...for the banks of the world yes for us and all the people taking it to the banks 2 years... this is really close...the demonstrations have set it back a little...
"Amazing Q Proof" by Sierra (NZ) - 10.9.19
Check out the little six minute video in this Twitter feed - President Trump is speaking and he gives the Q sign...
— Majestic 12 (@TS_SCI_MAJIC12) October 9, 2019
Now scroll down to Q drop number 879 which features in the video. You will see that he used the same phrase from the Q drop while he gave the Q sign. Amazing! https://qanon.pub/?q=Buckle%20up
'"Set the STAGE" - POTUS.
Do you believe?
Buckle up.'
It is a very good question - DO you believe?? Do you believe that the Alliance team has been working with Donald Trump long before he was elected? Do you believe that the Q movement may have also started around that time? Do you believe - as Q often states - 'the future proves the past'?
Q always says: 'You have it all.' We do indeed. We have all the information we need to follow the Alliance destruction of the Deep State in real time. The last Q post was 2nd August, over two months ago. The alternative media has not been sitting idle, waiting for the next Q drop. They have been diligently following the unfolding story, confident that the Alliance team has the plan under full control.
Everything points to The Storm hitting the Deep State this month. It's no coincidence that President Trump assembled his top military leaders for a meeting, dinner and photo session this week - replicating the photo of two years ago when he told the media present in the room...'Do you know what this is? This is the calm before the storm...'
That Storm is about to hit with the force of a D5 avalanche. The satanic Deep State has nowhere to hide now. Another Q statement: 'No one escapes the PAIN.'
I recommend that you take the advice offered by Q and 'buckle up'! And remember to pray for President Trump and the Alliance team. We are all in this together.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
Federal Reserve’s Latest Bailouts More Proof Bad Times Ahead
Ron Paul: Oct 8, 2019
Bix Weir
ALERT! Another HUGE Bank Bailout of $236B Today...and RISING!!
RoadtoRoota: Oct 10, 2019
WOW! Another huge jump in Bank Bailout money was injected into the Repo Market today and it is only INCREASING!! Watch for a MEGA bailout operation from the Federal Reserve in the next FEW DAYS as the Banking Derivative Problem is gutting the "Too Big to Fail" banks.