Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-22-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-22-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – it’s Tuesday March 22nd  and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in once again – all over the globe

So let’s go in to the intel and see if we have anything we can bring out tonight for you – the good news is that things are moving in the correct direction for  us - and this is primarily based around the bond holders still – 

Bond holders started getting paid – out and moving slowly but not getting all of them paid-out right now but we have examples of people that have received emails from their supporting banks / paymasters that they are about to be made liquid a day – or two or three days – or whenever that is - it’s happening – now – much more frequently than it did –

The other thing that we’re getting yesterday – and this started at 0600 am yesterday - we did hear that – we use to call  them the intermediate groups -  the fines & penalties – the CMKX – the farm claims – and even prosperity packages – stated trickling out – was the word that was used - trickling out - yesterday – Monday at 6 am and is continuing to pay out –

Now – we have been told that those intermediates would take between 72-96 hours to pay out – which is 3-4 days – which means they should be done by Thursday maybe Friday at the latest – so that is very positive

The other thing we’re hearing as far as tier 4A is the groups that have been based out West we usually refer to -  in Reno – there is activity that is going on there that suggests that those groups are being at least paid out to  their upper paymasters before down streaming to those individuals accounts – but that could be released very shortly – that’s nice on 4A  is moving along –

We had information from the redemption centers that we talk to that was telling about a final in house meeting that were taking on in the redemption centers themselves this morning – and they were an 1 hr 45 min meetings started around 9:30 – that is very positive – Anytime a final in house meeting is talked about – key in on the word final – that is a positive thing – for us to hear

The other thing that is really good is we got word that the two large global funds – the Rodriquez Trust and the St Germaine Trust are both going to be utilized to fund NESARA and GESARA –

We know the Rodriquez Trust is supposed to pay our US Treasury half of what they need for NESARA tonight overnight and tomorrow – so half of the money that is required for NESARA is coming out of the Rodriquez Trust the other half would come out of the other Trust – the St Germaine Trust -

We told you last Thursday that no longer – we had a rumor that the St Germaine Trust would only be payable on Christmas Day or Easter Sunday – that is NOT true – that was a falsehood that has been put out by the Deep State and it is NOT correct

So these can fund and like I said – The Rodriquez Trust is going to fund out over night  tonight and or tomorrow -  so that is a very positive move forward so we’ll get the US Treasury the NESARA money for our country and GESARA  will get the funds that have been designated for international banks to receive for paying out the GESARA programs ok and its sort of been up to Charlie Ward to determine which banks would go to – he is sort of the head guy when it comes to the GESARA – and how that’s going to be implemented  - so that is positive as far as that goes – 

As far as ourselves and when could we be notified – we only had one individual that gave us an idea that we might be notified today – that did not work out for us - we did not get notified – we don’t know if with everything that’s happening – whether or not we’re going to get notified this week – tomorrow - Thursday -  I don’t want to write it off – it’s only Tuesday night (now) I think we are in a good position –

However – we’re not quite sure when it’s going to go for us – we know that the end of the fiat financial system – meaning our fiat non gold backed dollar – our Federal Reserve Note USD – will probably continue - it’s clean up of those dollars internationally by the end of the month –

The fact that I heard that was going to happen toward the end of the month – it may be – and I only put this out as a theory - it may be that the USN  at least digital may start somewhere around the first of April - maybe before then – so we’re in a pattern where we’re looking for more and more information to indicate  when our start is going to be -

When are we going to see our notifications – set our appointments and go for exchanges and redemption of zim? – It seems like the majority of information that’s coming out – 90-95 % of it is dealing with the bonds and bond holders

We know that German bonds for a large part were taken care of today by bank of America and they were told that the holder of those German bonds would be able to have access to those bonds tomorrow Wednesday – Let’s see if that holds true – Let’s see if the moving forward of what’s going on out West with those groups - Let’s see if that moves forward in a way that we can find it –

Maybe – just maybe there’s a surprise for us in terms of or notifications and exchanges still this week – we just don’t have anything concrete that I can lay out for you to show you that right now – as much as I wanted to do that tonight - so let’s just keep an eye on it and see where that goes

I want to say - wish I could say we are right there – I know we are very close – I do not know exactly how soon this is going to go – thanks everyone for listening


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:19:55


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