Very Short Evening News With MarkZ 3-23-2022

Evening News with Mr Z. 03/23/2022

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  we need good news like RV is going ,going, gone

Member: So tired of nothing burgers……wish they would do something already.

Member:  if these people can't do the RV, let other people do it now. stop playing games with it

Member: Why anyone would put Iraq in charge of anything is beyond me

Member: Iraq is not in charge…..just a big cog in the GCR wheel…..

MZ: The majority of the news is coming from the bond side…they had hoped to be completed by Thursday evening. But now they are hearing since there was a late start it may not finish up until Friday or Saturday evening.

MZ: They believe these historic bonds will actually be paid in real dollars. Let’s see if they actually do it instead of just telling us they are going to do it.

MZ: This afternoon we are being told out of Iraq that they may be a few politicians short and might not be able to seat the government on Saturday. I am told to not worry about that …It will have nothing to do with the lawsuit on April 4th.

MZ: Putin told everyone from the west participating in sanctions…they needed to use Rubles if they want any food, gas, fertilizer ect….from Russia.

Member: Can someone answer why if Iraq goes alone, why would zim and dong be delayed? Not understanding that

Member: Because the GCR doesn’t seem to be ready….Thats why Iraq would go alone…..If they do.

Member: How is it even possible Iraq could go first when they are the ones we’ve all been waiting on to see start this??

Member: Iraq may be ready….and waiting on the GCR to be ready……If Iraq gets tired of waiting …it can go on its own for a lower rate…..I believe around $1.50

Member: If Iraq goes by themselves before the RV does that mean the money will be Taxable?

Member: Not sure if anyone knows that yet.

Member: Ed Ocala; Look we are about to get this underway There are a lot of moving parts that are coalescing together so we can get going to our appointments And that timing is narrowing down every few hours

Member: I went to chase in Memphis TN to purchase more VND, they told me it wasn't available any more, also asked if they have the new rainbow currency and they said not yet, they asked where I heard about it?

MZ: See you all Friday for Coffee at 10AM est…..

Member: Mark, prayers for safe journey home tomorrow.

Member: We will miss you tomorrow….have a safe trip home…..See you Friday Morning

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

The next stream is Friday at 10Am est……..


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