Bob Moriarty and Lynette Zang Wednesday 7-27-2022

Bob Moriarty: Welcome to the 4th Turning Crisis Stage

Palisades Gold Radio:  7-27-2022

Tom welcomes Robert Moriarty back to the program. Bob discusses the capital destruction that has occurred within both the cryptocurrency and stock markets. He believes crypto is analogous to beanie babies because of the amount of different currencies.

Interference in the markets is creating more problems than if the government and Fed had done nothing at all. Weak banks and businesses deserve to fail, but instead we keep moving the goal posts and continue the bad policies.

The Fed has painted themselves into a corner and is now putting gasoline onto the fire. We've created forty percent of new money in the past couple of years, and that increase in money supply is causing higher prices.

If they raise rates another percent, they will blow up the stock market. They can either crash markets or create hyperinflation. Both are bad choices. We're going to see deflation, then hyperinflation.

The debt-based system is ending, but the West hasn't recognized it yet.

Economic power will shift eastwards. Most investors in equity market participants are quite clueless and have never experienced a real market crash. Sanctions on Russia have only impacted every country but Russia.

 Europe is essentially committing suicide. The Ruble after the initial drop strengthened massively, even outperforming the dollar's recent performance.

The best currency in the world this year has been the Russian Ruble.

If sanctions aren't working, why don't they consider eliminating them instead of begging Putin for gas. He explains why he hates all governments equally. Governments are run by sociopaths who want power. We see this in the Europe, Netherlands and Canada where during a food crisis they are telling farmers they can't grow food.

All of which seems to go back to the World Economic Forum. They are intentionally destroying the world economy, but people are waking up.

We're in the middle of a giant shift, but one that will surprise the globalists. The choice is freedom or totalitarianism, which we witnessed with the Truckers in Canada.

Bob explains the ineffectiveness of the recent health policies and why the cure is worse than the disease.

The idea that children are vulnerable to the disease is completely laughable. What is being done is a war crime. The bigger the organization, the worse it gets, and we see this with the abject stupidity like in the European Union.

U.S. Dollar is Losing & Danger is Getting Worse

Lynette Zang:  7-27-2022

On one hand, I keep telling you that the dollar is dying as well as all the other Fiat money.

On the other hand, what does Wall Street keeps telling you? How “strong the dollar” is? "The dollar is so strong" Well, that is what we're going to talk about in this video.


0:00 Chief Market Analyst

1:33 Dollar Doom Loop

5:44 Performance Against the Dollar

9:33 Corporate Profits

15:00 Asia’s Dollar Index

16:15 Spot Gold Market is Manipulated

19:36 The Safest Monetary Asset


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