Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

When These 4 Things Happen, the Global Monetary Reset Is Complete

When These 4 Things Happen, the Global Monetary Reset Is Complete

Taylor Kenny:  3-30-2025

They won’t hold a press conference to announce the global monetary reset — but it’s already happening.

Four real-time signals are quietly dismantling the financial system as we know it… and almost no one is paying attention.

 If you don’t know what they are, you’re already behind.

When These 4 Things Happen, the Global Monetary Reset Is Complete

Taylor Kenny:  3-30-2025

They won’t hold a press conference to announce the global monetary reset — but it’s already happening.

Four real-time signals are quietly dismantling the financial system as we know it… and almost no one is paying attention.

 If you don’t know what they are, you’re already behind.

 Join Taylor Kenney as she breaks down each signal and what it means for your wealth, your future, and your family.

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Monday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/31/2025

Monday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/31/2025

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Monday and last day of March. A new month is upon us and brings a new hope.

Member: Happy Monday… start to a new week of waiting.

Member: Anyone think this is our week?

Monday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/31/2025

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Monday and last day of March. A new month is upon us and brings a new hope.

Member: Happy Monday… start to a new week of waiting.

Member: Anyone think this is our week?

Member: I’m hoping this is going to be a great week!!

Member: Hope springs eternal…but boy am I tired.

Member: Did any of your bond contacts receive their money yet Mark? Starting to lose hope.

MZ: How do I say this without getting anybody into trouble?  I will have to think about this…..but I have great hope.

Member: what does your gut say Mark?

MZ: My gut has been notoriously wrong….but based on overwhelming news from bond contacts that they expect full payments this week…..I am looking somewhere around April 8th. So early next week makes sense to me….But remember I have been wrong in the past. 

Member: What does everyone think will happen April 2?

Member: Reciprocal tariffs start…..and lots of msm will lose their minds.

Member; I do not think Nesara will start like many of the rumors over the weekend say it will…..but maybe after the audits of the Fed, The Treasury and Ft. Knox…we will see something happen for us. 

Member: Time to pull the switch on all of this change!

Member: haha, I'm prepared for "liberation day" to be a big nothing burger so getting some libations stocked up!

Member: Why would Trump call April 2nd as "Liberation Day" ? Would that begin the external revenue service where we see DOGE dividend checks? RV happen simultaneously? ?

Member: Anyone know why Trump said Treasury Secretary Bessent is excited about April 2nd??

Member: the trade war is much bigger than anyone thinks. It’s going to cause the worlds markets to go down.

MZ: I think it’s brilliant. We know we need a correction- it is correcting…... We know the stock market is overpriced on stocks versus earnings. This is based on data from the last  94 years. (since 1929)

MZ: At the same time-what else is happening? Stocks are coming down to a more sane  level and a historic rise in metals. For them to reset this……we need a stock market that is valued appropriately. We also need metals to go up to revalue the rate of gold held by the US (It is currently at about $42.00 an ounce) .......

MZ: So gold needs to go up and the market needs to go down. Prices need to deflate back to where they were in the 60’s and 70’s. Those things are happening right now. Gold this morning was $3,127…..we are watching happen what needs to happen. We are watching a reset….but instead of it happening all at one time …We are watching it in slow motion.

Member: Gold Surged up over 3150 this weekend. Rumor is that there was a very important meeting last week with the Chinese Elders and every Treasury department globally. After that meeting, Gold and Silver Surged up.

Member: Would it be possible that the President is going to announce we are back on the Gold Standard on 4/2?

MZ: “ US sets sights on $1.5 Trillion lithium find in McDermott Caldera’s record deposit” This is on the Oregan/ Nevada border and one of the largest lithium deposits found in the US…..……Suddenly many natural resources are being discovered all over the world. ….. Its like they are about to base our wealth on commodities….and go asset backed….everytime in history that fiat has crashed…commodities have always gotten a heck of a boost.

Member: I think we wont see the RV until the budget is balanced…The RV will remove all the foreign debt once the budget is balanced

MZ: That might makes sense. Doge is necessary. They need to fix what is wrong in our government.

Member: The bible says “Don’t put new wine in an old wineskin.”

Member: Maybe things are already being fixed behind the scenes???

Member:  Hearing that Sudani will release the financial reform immediately after Eid. Eid al Fitr will be ending on Liberation Day. Is it possible we see the finish line late on the 2nd?

MZ: it is very possible we see it then. There was a lot of expectation for the weekend. It could be the second but no one knows the timing. Continue to make good decisions and be responsible.

MZ: We absolutely know the system will reset. History shows up that resets are cyclical. They do break and they do reset. We are way past due for a reset.

Member: TNT Posted that 1 and 5 and 10 lower Denomination were released

Member: Tomorrow marks the first day of a new quarter. Shabibi mentioned it starting on a quarter somewhere.

MZ: It would be easiest for them to start then.

Member:  I heard a rumor all contracts in Iraq expire today!!!

MZ: I have not heard that from any of my sources. No one I know agrees with that.

Member: Florida governor this morning talking about eliminating property tax.....

Member: A person named Mel has said a 100T Zim note will be worth about $11 million.

MZ: The lowest I have heard is $11 Million per 1 100T note. I usually hear $30-$50 million. Noone will know for sure until we reach the finish line.

Member: "Luck favors the prepared, dahling" - Edna Mode, The Incredibles

Member: Thank you Mark, for doing your utmost best to keep us sane and hopeful thru all this craziness. you are Greatly Appreciated!

Member: Thank Mark and Mods….Everyone have a wonderful day and see you for coffee tomorrow morning.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.






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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 3-31-2025

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 31 March 2025

Compiled Mon. 31 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 25 March 2025 Mr. Pool: Reports from Reno suggest that the first batches of ZIM holders have been escorted under military guard to classified exchange points.

Thurs. 27 March 2025 Bruce: Bond Holder Paymasters were saying Bond Holders would have access to their accounts over the weekend. As of ten am Thurs. 27 March 12% of Bond Holders had gone through.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 31 March 2025

Compiled Mon. 31 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 25 March 2025 Mr. Pool: Reports from Reno suggest that the first batches of ZIM holders have been escorted under military guard to classified exchange points.

Thurs. 27 March 2025 Bruce: Bond Holder Paymasters were saying Bond Holders would have access to their accounts over the weekend. As of ten am Thurs. 27 March 12% of Bond Holders had gone through. Multiple sources said Tier4b (Us, The Internet Group) would likely get notification to set appointments very soon. The full revaluation will happen after Tues. 1 April 2025. The month of April will see an increase in Social Security payments. On Thurs. 27 March the 800 number was being loaded into the various systems.

Wed. 2 April 2015 is Liberation Day (the anniversary of the April 2 1792 birth of the US Dollar under a gold and silver standard) when gold/asset-backed monies of Nesara/Gesara would (ALLEGEDLY)be released to The People of the World.


Sat. 29 March 2025 Mayhem with Mel, Shakalaka BOOM Call:

The Chinese Elders recently did RV changes on the Treaty and all 209 Countries and their treasuries(ALLEGEDLY) re-signed the treaty.

On Tues. 25 March at 2am EST Tier 3 and T4a Paymasters were (ALLEGEDLY)made LIQUID.

RENO is part of the comms for the RV in process. There are four new Earth Regions (North, South, East and West). The Wealth Transfer will go from East to West.

When the price of gold reached $3,15k it was the (ALLEGEDLY)marker to release the Gold Standard.

Notifications for Tier4b to set appointments were(ALLEGEDLY) set to come out on Mon. 31 March 2025.

There were over 10 million currency holders in the US. There were 1,250 currency holders in Australia. The minimum payouts in the US was expected to be $20 million, with $100 billion expected to be paid out in redemption/ exchanges linked to gold.

It will take 60 days to complete the redemption/exchange process.

MarkZ has reported Agro Checks higher than they will ACTUALLY BE….Still will be a very good rate.

Mel will not have the US RATES. She will only REPORT the Australian Rates. Each country will have different rates. ZIM 100 Trillion Notes will be exchanged at $11 million each, not at a 1:1.

Confirmed: each appointment will be between 12-15 minutes, and if you plan to mention your PROJECT there, only use 5 words to describe it, there will be a LIST of 5 level Projects to view at the appointment.

Appointments will have two skilled and trained professionals handling your redemption/ exchanges. There will be major security at every location. You may take your cell phone, and may want to turn it off, for further location purposes.

Your current bank accounts are(ALLEGEDLY) already Quantum. You will have three months to set your bank accounts as you want. No Trust Accounts are required, not even in the US.

Pango and Boulevard Bonds will be truanted.

401K in US will have access to Super Funds, as will Australia


Mel says she is tired of sitting on her findings about the Yellow Dragoon BONDS. Her call confirmed that out of 20 yellow Dragons, maybe four are REAL. She says to take them and all your currency/bonds with you to appointment.

No Red or Black Dragon Bonds have gone through. The Green Dragoon Bonds were very rare. The real ones have specific features that can be found with the appointment machines

Australia has reset. The Australian Dollar is 50-60 cents to the USD.

The Digital Ledger will show your amounts that will be paid to you.

Australia will have a 2 week NDA, larger amounts may have a 12 month NDA.

You will get a GIFT BAG at your appointment containing things you will need, guidelines, etc.

There are five currencies to pay out in Australia: Dinar, Rupee, Zimbabwe, Agro checks and Dong. Australia Rates on the Dinar is $31.42, Dong is $22.33.

New Zealand will have two centers for appointments.

Med Bed System Protocol: Three weeks after your appointment, you will get your Med bed appointment.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Bruce   [via WiserNow]   The actual full revaluation is supposed to happen...after the first week or so of April, but we don't need all the currencies to be revalued for us to begin our exchanges...we're looking good as everything is  coming together.

Frank26  Sudani has done everything possible to bring security and stability to the monetary reform of the Central Bank of Iraq that is soon to bring you a new exchange rate with purchasing power.  This may be my opinion but the evidence makes it look like a fact.

There are only 4 Ways This Can Go

Heresy Financial:  3-31-2025


00:00 The Hidden Crisis No One’s Talking About

 00:28 Only 4 Ways Out

 01:03 Option 1: Printing (Inflation)

01:49 Yield Curve Control Explained

 02:34 How the Fed Hid the Cost of Debt

 03:00 Bank Deregulation = Stealth QE

03:58 Who Pays the Price for Inflation?

 04:36 Why Inflation Isn’t the Plan (Yet)

04:39 Option 2: Austerity

 05:13 Why Austerity Hurts Short Term

06:01 Surplus vs. Deficit Explained

07:01 Debt Is Bigger Than Dollars

 07:51 What Happens When Debt Shrinks Money

08:33 Deflation = Economic Death Spiral

09:04 The Borrower’s Worst Nightmare

09:28 Why Austerity Likely Won’t Happen

 09:36 Option 3: Default

09:58 Could the Government Just Not Pay?

10:43 Why Lenders Might Be Left Holding the Bag

11:03 Default Would Break the Financial System

11:25 The U.S. Has Defaulted Before

12:22 Why Future Default Is Unlikely

 12:53 Option 4: Productivity

 13:06 How the U.S. Deleveraged After WWII

13:24 Deregulation = Hidden Growth Trigger

13:55 Government Red Tape Is the Real Tax

14:26 The Boot on the Neck of the Economy

14:42 AI + Energy = Explosive Productivity

15:04 Government Will Tax the Boom

15:54 The Coming Mix of All Four Options

 16:45 Austerity? Don’t Count on It

17:01 Inflation + Productivity = Most Likely Outcome


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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Sunday PM 3-30-25

“Al-Sudani Congratulates The Iraqi People And The Islamic Nation On The Occasion Of Eid Al-Fitr

Sunday, March 30, 2025 | Politics Number of reads: 153   Baghdad / NINA / Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani congratulated the Iraqi people and the Islamic nation on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr.

Al-Sudani said in a tweet on the X website: On the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr, we pray to God Almighty to bless its days for our honorable Iraqi people, and for the entire Islamic nation, and to accept our obedience, good deeds and striving to please Him, and to spread peace and security throughout the world.

“Al-Sudani Congratulates The Iraqi People And The Islamic Nation On The Occasion Of Eid Al-Fitr

Sunday, March 30, 2025 | Politics Number of reads: 153   Baghdad / NINA / Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani congratulated the Iraqi people and the Islamic nation on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr.

Al-Sudani said in a tweet on the X website: On the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr, we pray to God Almighty to bless its days for our honorable Iraqi people, and for the entire Islamic nation, and to accept our obedience, good deeds and striving to please Him, and to spread peace and security throughout the world.

He added: We renew our commitment to implementing the government program in all its service, social and economic dimensions, and to continue working at all times and circumstances without stopping, and to exert all efforts for reconstruction and development, in accordance with what is required by the supreme interests of our people and the aspirations of all its sons. / End

The Central Bank To Nina: We Will Launch A Major Initiative To Finance Industrial Projects
Sunday, March 30, 2025 | Economic Number of reads: 394  Baghdad / NINA / The Central Bank of Iraq announced its intention to launch a major initiative to finance industrial projects in cooperation with the Trade Bank of Iraq and the Industrial Bank.

The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency ( NINA ), "We are currently making arrangements to finance major industrial projects through coordination between the Trade Bank of Iraq and the Industrial Bank, by taking advantage of the liquidity available at the Trade Bank of Iraq and recycling these funds in the Industrial Bank to launch a major initiative to finance industrial projects in Iraq, which will see the light soon."

He added, "This initiative was recently proposed by the Council of Ministers, within the framework of the government banking sector reform program and government procedures with the Central Bank, indicating that the Council of Ministers agreed to have cooperation between government banks with a financial surplus to finance a package of industrial projects through the Industrial Bank."

He explained that "all other projects are financed according to their sectoral channels, within the general government direction to support industrial, agricultural, housing, education, health, investment and other projects." / End

Iraq's Oil Exports To The US Exceeded Those Of Saudi Arabia Last Week

Sunday, March 30, 2025| Economic Number of reads: 309  Baghdad / NINA / The US Energy Information Administration announced, on Sunday, that Iraq's oil exports to America during the past week amounted to more than 200,000 barrels per day, exceeding Saudi Arabia's exports.

The administration said in a table, "The average US imports of crude oil during the past week from ten major countries amounted to 5.648 million barrels per day, up by 975,000 barrels per day from the previous week, which averaged 4.673 million barrels per day."

It added that "Iraq's oil exports to America rose, reaching an average of 203,000 barrels per day, thus exceeding Saudi Arabia's oil exports to America, which amounted to 144,000 barrels per day."

The administration indicated that "the largest oil revenues to America during the past week came from Canada, followed by Mexico, then Brazil and Venezuela."

According to the table, "the amount of US imports of crude oil continued from Colombia, Saudi Arabia, Ecuador, Libya and Nigeria." / End

Oil Prices Fall Below $73 A Barrel

Economy | 30/03/2025  Mawazine News – Baghdad  Oil prices witnessed a significant decline on Sunday in evening trading after 2:00 PM GMT, affected by several pressure factors, most notably escalating concerns about new tariffs imposed by the United States, rising US oil inventories, and OPEC's decision to increase production.

According to market data, Brent crude futures for June 2025 delivery fell by $0.58, or 0.79%, to reach $72.76 per barrel. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures for June 2025 delivery also fell by $0.56, or 0.80%, to reach $69.36 per barrel.

These declines come after Washington announced the imposition of additional tariffs on energy imports from Canada, Mexico, and China, raising investor concerns about the repercussions of this move on global demand levels.

In the same context, data from the US Energy Information Administration revealed a greater-than-expected rise in US crude oil inventories during the week ending March 7, increasing by 1.4 million barrels to 435.2 million barrels.

OPEC's decision to increase its oil production by 138,000 barrels per day starting next April added further pressure on prices, amid expectations that this will impact market balance in the coming period.

Exchange Rates In Iraq: 148,500 Dinars To $100 

Economy |  03/30/2025  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The US dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar remained volatile at exchange shops and companies in Baghdad.
The selling rate was 148,500 dinars for $100, while the buying rate was 146,500 dinars for $100.

This rise comes amid a relative buying activity and retail activity among citizens in a number of shopping malls coinciding with the advent of Eid al-Fitr.

For current and reliable Iraqi news please visit:

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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Monday Morning 3-31-25

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,


California Democrat Avelino Valencia has amended a money transmission bill to make Bitcoin and crypto rights a major focus, potentially benefitting the state’s 39.4 million residents.

A Californian lawmaker has just added Bitcoin and crypto investor protections to a February-introduced money transmission bill aimed at securing crypto self-custody rights for the US state’s nearly 40 million residents.

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,


California Democrat Avelino Valencia has amended a money transmission bill to make Bitcoin and crypto rights a major focus, potentially benefitting the state’s 39.4 million residents.

A Californian lawmaker has just added Bitcoin and crypto investor protections to a February-introduced money transmission bill aimed at securing crypto self-custody rights for the US state’s nearly 40 million residents.

California’s Assembly Bill 1052 was introduced as the Money Transmission Act on Feb. 20, 2025, but was amended by Democrat and Banking and Finance Committee chair Avelino Valencia on March 28 to include several Bitcoin  and crypto-related investor protections.

The amendments remove the term “Money Transmission Act,” renaming the legislation to “Digital Assets.”

“California often sets the national blueprint for policy, and if Bitcoin Rights passes here, it can pass anywhere,” Satoshi Action Fund CEO Dennis Porter said in a March 30 statement.

“Once passed, this legislation will guarantee nearly 40 million Californians the right to self-custody their digital assets without fear of discrimination.”

The bill would also deem the use of a digital financial asset as a valid and legal form of payment in private transactions and would prohibit public entities from restricting or taxing digital assets solely based on their use as payment.

The bill would also expand the scope of California’s Political Reform Act of 1974 to prohibit a public official from issuing, sponsoring or promoting a digital asset, security or commodity.

“A public official shall not engage in any transaction or conduct related to a digital asset that creates a conflict of interest with their public duties,” one section of the AB 1052 states.

AB 1052 is now in the “desk process — meaning the bill has been formally introduced and is awaiting its first reading.

A total of 99 merchants currently accept Bitcoin payments in California, BTC Maps data shows.

Ripple Labs, Solana Labs and Kraken are among the largest crypto firms based in California.

A stablecoin-related bill was also introduced in California on Feb. 2, 2025, which aims to provide more clarity over stablecoin collateral requirements, liquidation processes, redemption and settlement mechanisms requirements and security audits.

Bitcoin-related bills and measures near 100 at the US state level

According to Bitcoin Law, 95 Bitcoin-related bills or measures have been introduced at the state level in 35 states, including 36 Bitcoin reserve bills that are still live.

The Texas Senate passed a Bitcoin strategic reserve bill in a 25-5 vote on March 6, while Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear signed a Bitcoin Rights bill into law on March 24.

Earlier this month, US President Donald Trump signed an executive order to create a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve and a Digital Asset Stockpile, both of which will initially use cryptocurrency forfeited in government criminal cases.

@ Newshounds News™



Japan plans to reclassify cryptocurrencies as financial products and implement insider trading restrictions similar to those for traditional financial markets, Nikkei reported Sunday.

For these changes, Japan's Financial Services Agency (FSA) is looking to submit legislation to its parliament as early as 2026, following closed-door consultations with industry experts.

The proposed changes would revise the Financial Instruments and Exchange Actpositioning digital assets differently from securities while acknowledging their investment characteristics.

While specific criteria on the restriction remain under consideration, Nikkei reports that those would likely "resemble" what's already in place for "conventional financial products."

Japan's Financial Instruments and Exchange Act regulates securities and financial instruments categorizing them as either traditional, "Paragraph I Securities" (like bonds and shares) or "Paragraph II Securities" (including trust interests and partnership stakes).

The Act establishes distinct regulatory requirements for public offerings versus private placements, with public offerings generally requiring securities registration statements and continuous reporting.

Meanwhile, collective investment schemes, which proof-of-stake chains could fall under, are used for real estate securitization in Japan. Those face operator registration requirements with specific exemptions only available for qualified institutional investors.

The regulatory shift comes as Japan opens up to crypto adoption, establishing new frameworks and acknowledging how crypto has expanded its use cases from payments to investments and more, urging regulators to redefine how they oversee the sector.

Crypto investments are taxed "up to 55%" in the country, while financial products such as ETFs "face only 20% capital gains tax," Tiger Research senior research analyst Jay Jo told Decrypt.

With better safety measures and if lowered alongside how financial products are treated, this could "attract more institutions to crypto investments," Jo said.

Late last year, Japanese lawmakers urged their regulators to pursue a National Bitcoin Reserve. The country is also home to Metaplanet, a Bitcoin treasury company that has acquired 3,350 BTC so far with plans to add more.

@ Newshounds News™


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Monday Morning 3-31-2025


Tishwash:  Iraq surpasses Saudi Arabia in oil exports to the US

 The U.S. Energy Information Administration announced on Sunday that Iraq's oil exports surpassed those of Saudi Arabia last week, reaching 203,000 barrels per day.

The administration explained, in its weekly schedule, that "the average US imports of crude oil from ten major countries reached 5.648 million barrels per day, an increase of 975,000 barrels from the previous week, when the average was 4.673 million barrels per day."

She added, "Iraq's oil exports to the United States have risen to 203,000 barrels per day, meaning that Iraq has surpassed Saudi Arabia, whose exports reached 144,000 barrels per day."


Tishwash:  Iraq surpasses Saudi Arabia in oil exports to the US

 The U.S. Energy Information Administration announced on Sunday that Iraq's oil exports surpassed those of Saudi Arabia last week, reaching 203,000 barrels per day.

The administration explained, in its weekly schedule, that "the average US imports of crude oil from ten major countries reached 5.648 million barrels per day, an increase of 975,000 barrels from the previous week, when the average was 4.673 million barrels per day."

She added, "Iraq's oil exports to the United States have risen to 203,000 barrels per day, meaning that Iraq has surpassed Saudi Arabia, whose exports reached 144,000 barrels per day."

Regarding other countries, the administration indicated that "the largest US oil revenues last week came from Canada, at a rate of 3.983 million barrels per day, followed by Mexico, at a rate of 393,000 barrels per day, then Brazil, at a rate of 241,000 barrels per day, and Venezuela, at a rate of 195,000 barrels per day."

The report continued, explaining that US crude oil imports also included Colombia at a rate of 190,000 barrels per day, Saudi Arabia at a rate of 144,000 barrels per day, Ecuador at a rate of 127,000 barrels per day, and Libya and Nigeria at a rate of 86,000 barrels per day each.  link


Tishwash:  Central Bank: We will launch a major initiative to finance industrial projects

The Central Bank of Iraq announced on Sunday its intention to launch a major initiative to finance industrial projects in cooperation with the Trade Bank of Iraq and the Industrial Bank.

"We are currently making arrangements to finance major industrial projects through coordination between the Trade Bank of Iraq and the Industrial Bank. This will be done by utilizing the liquidity available at the Trade Bank of Iraq and recycling this money in the Industrial Bank to launch a major initiative to finance industrial projects in Iraq, which will soon see the light of day," Central Bank Governor Ali Al-Alaq told the National News Agency, as reported by Kalamah News.

He added, "This initiative was recently proposed by the Cabinet as part of the government's banking sector reform program and government measures with the Central Bank," noting that "the Cabinet agreed to cooperate between government banks with a financial surplus to finance a package of industrial projects through the Industrial Bank."

He explained that "all other projects are funded according to their sectoral channels, as part of the government's general approach to supporting industrial, agricultural, housing, education, health, investment, and other projects."  link


Tishwash:  Iraq is accelerating its efforts to wean itself off Iranian gas. What are the immediate alternatives? 

Member of the Parliamentary Electricity and Energy Committee, Hatem Al-Saadi, confirmed on Sunday that the government has begun to look for alternatives to Iranian gas to power power plants, especially with the approaching summer season and increased energy demand. He also pointed to a number of alternatives to compensate for Iranian gas, which is under US sanctions.

Al-Saadi said, "The move toward clean energy has become a foregone conclusion, especially after the imposition of US sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran and the resulting damage to Iraq. The Iraqi government had to find alternatives to Iranian gas, which will lead to a significant shortage in electricity supply next summer."

Al-Saadi added, "Solutions must be immediate and swift. There are gas imports from abroad, offshore platforms after construction, and oil pipelines being constructed by the Oil Projects Company from the ports to the power plants in Basra Governorate."

Al-Saadi continued, "The government has begun to move toward renewable energy and existing waste, especially since a number of investment companies are interested in generating electricity by establishing stations after incinerating existing waste in Iraq." He noted that "there is a directive from the Ministry of Electricity to all governorates to provide plots of land for this purpose."

The parliamentary energy member continued, "Electricity is a crucial element, and the government has taken proactive steps to minimize the damage caused by the Iranian gas cutoff. If there is a shortage of electricity, we could witness demonstrations due to the deterioration of electricity services over the past 20 years, due to the rampant corruption of successive governments, without any deterrent to all these corrupt individuals."

Al-Saadi pointed out that "gas imports will currently be from Qatar and the Sultanate of Oman, which are the closest and best options, given their proximity to the Arabian Gulf."  link

Mot:  Amazing how theee Internet has Tought us bout that ""Marital Thingy"" 

Mot: Should eye Share!!?? --- Yeppers!!! -- Why knot!!! 



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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

20 Reasons Why the Federal Reserve is at the Heart of our Economic Problems

20 Reasons Why the Federal Reserve is at the Heart of our Economic Problems

Epic Economist:  3-31-2025

Many Americans feel a sense of unease about the state of the economy. The national debt has ballooned to a staggering $36 trillion, and total societal debt sits at a colossal $102 trillion.

While political debates often center on blaming Democrats or Republicans for this predicament, a deeper understanding reveals a more complex and potentially troubling truth: the system itself may be designed to generate debt.

20 Reasons Why the Federal Reserve is at the Heart of our Economic Problems

Epic Economist:  3-31-2025

Many Americans feel a sense of unease about the state of the economy. The national debt has ballooned to a staggering $36 trillion, and total societal debt sits at a colossal $102 trillion.

While political debates often center on blaming Democrats or Republicans for this predicament, a deeper understanding reveals a more complex and potentially troubling truth: the system itself may be designed to generate debt.

At the heart of this system lies the Federal Reserve, an institution often misunderstood by the general public. Ask the average American to explain its role, and you’ll likely encounter blank stares or vague definitions. This lack of understanding is a significant problem because many believe the Federal Reserve wields immense power over our economic future.

So, what exactly is the Federal Reserve? Many assume it’s a government agency, but this isn’t entirely accurate. In fact, the Federal Reserve has argued in court that it is not an agency of the federal government. This highlights a critical distinction: the Federal Reserve is, in essence, a privately owned banking cartel.

This private entity holds a perpetual monopoly over our monetary system, granted by the U.S. Congress. This means it has the power to create money, set interest rates, and influence the overall financial health of the nation.

Critics argue that this power has been used to systematically erode the value of the U.S. dollar, cripple the economy, and push the government toward bankruptcy.

The Federal Reserve operates with a veil of secrecy, often acting as if it is not accountable to the American people. Yet, its decisions have a profound impact on the lives of every single American citizen, from the interest rate on their mortgage to the price of groceries.

Understanding the Federal Reserve is crucial to understanding the current economic climate. Its structure, its powers, and its actions are not always transparent, but they are arguably the driving force behind many of the economic challenges we face today.

Once you grasp the fundamental role the Federal Reserve plays, you begin to see economic issues through a new and potentially more critical lens.

Instead of simply pointing fingers at political parties, it’s imperative to delve into the mechanics of the Federal Reserve, question its autonomy, and demand greater transparency. Only then can we begin to have a truly informed conversation about the future of our economy and hold accountable the institutions that shape it.

 Is the Federal Reserve solely to blame? Perhaps not. But ignoring its influence is no longer an option if we want to understand, and ultimately address, the mounting economic pressures facing the nation.

Watch the video below from Epic Economist for more information.


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News, Militiaman Dinar Recaps 20 News, Militiaman Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan & Crew:  Central Bank of Iraq-Talks in March - Digital Dinar-Major Initiative to Finance Industrial Projects

MilitiaMan & Crew:  Central Bank of Iraq-Talks in March - Digital Dinar-Major Initiative to Finance Industrial Projects


The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

MilitiaMan & Crew:  Central Bank of Iraq-Talks in March - Digital Dinar-Major Initiative to Finance Industrial Projects


The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Sunday Afternoon 3-30-25

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,


According to an investigation by MailOnline, UK authorities have frozen approximately £6 million ($7.7 million) in crypto since new enforcement powers came into effect last year.

The measures, introduced in April 2024, allow police, law enforcement agencies, and HMRC to freeze suspicious cryptocurrency wallets for up to three years.

Court documents reviewed over the past six months reveal the largest single freezing order was for £1.5 million worth of cryptocurrency held in a wallet hosted by US-based exchange Coinbase.

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,


According to an investigation by MailOnline, UK authorities have frozen approximately £6 million ($7.7 million) in crypto since new enforcement powers came into effect last year.

The measures, introduced in April 2024, allow police, law enforcement agencies, and HMRC to freeze suspicious cryptocurrency wallets for up to three years.

Court documents reviewed over the past six months reveal the largest single freezing order was for £1.5 million worth of cryptocurrency held in a wallet hosted by US-based exchange Coinbase.

HMRC requested this order and issued it at Newcastle Upon Tyne Magistrates’ Court on March 18.

The total frozen amount could be higheras court data from Courtsdesk only covers the past six months due to legal restrictions. The new powers were designed to address the growing use of digital currencies for money laundering, tax evasion, and terrorism financing.

Legal expert says £6 million is a modest amount

Legal experts offer differing perspectives on the importance of these seizures. Nick Barnard, a cryptocurrency legal specialist and partner at Corker Binning, described the £6 million figure as relatively modest “in the grand scheme.” Barnard noted that the new enforcement regime started from scratch last April and needs time to develop fully.

However, lawyer Siobhain Egan told MailOnline that the government is directing increased resources toward freezing cryptocurrency assets. This is part of an aggressive strategy to combat money laundering and terrorism financingEgan adds.

The freezing process usually involves investigators applying for orders without notifying the alleged criminals. This prevents them from moving Bitcoin  or other crypto.

“If police have a major investigation into organized criminals laundering money through crypto, they will go in and seize the assets before they finalize the investigation,” Egan explained.

The UK government is improving its cryptocurrency enforcement actions through the Crime and Policing Bill. The legislation includes provisions for valuing cryptocurrency, implementing procedures for courts to recover illicit funds, and granting the Crown Court expanded powers to issue seizure orders.

@ Newshounds News™
Crypto News



One of the biggest storylines to develop this year has been the ongoing turmoil between the West and the global south. Since his arrival, US President Donald Trump has targeted the group in an effort to end its de-dollarization plans. However, those may be set to take a step forward as the BRICS are lining up a new cross-border payment system that could counter the US dollar.

The bloc has continued to stand by its hopes of diversifying global finance. Although it has not targeted the greenback directly, its moves have sought to lessen reliance on the currency as a global reserve asset. Now, their latest plan may be forwarding that effort, and Trump’s interpretation could have massive ramifications.

BRICS to Launch Cross-Border Payment System: How Will Trump Respond?

At the start of the year, US President Donald Trump threatened BRICS nations with 150% tariffs. Specifically, the move was seeking to counter its promotion of local currencies. This was primarily driven by that promotion, resulting in a lessening of the US dollar’s status.

Although the bloc has capitulated since the warning was issued, things may be changing. Indeed, the BRICS bloc may be nearing a green light for a cross-border payment system that could affect US dollar reliance. Now, all eyes are on what that could mean for the greenback and how Trump will respond.

According to a recent reportRussian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov discussed the development of the payment system on Friday. “At the BRICS platform, we are considering our various financial innovations,” he said

Moreover, he added that this includes “a cross-border payment system, which can be based, in addition to bilateral settlements, on national currencies, taking into account digital technologies and digital financial assets.”

That highlights the system to be critically focused on alternative currencies to the US dollar. Moreover, that pursuit is nothing new to the BRICS members. It has long been subjected to harsh Western sanctions and has since sought to settle trades in alternative currencies. With the rising prominence of crypto, that could also be used in this new payment platform.

It will likely do what similar BRICS projects have done in the past: provide a key area of exploration for developing nations and align countries. It will threaten the US dollar, but not by much. The currency won’t be dethroned as the top global reserve asset. However, the question is now if President Trump will see it that way.

@ Newshounds News™

Source:  Watcher Guru


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

Settling A Loved One's Estate Can Take Up To '900 Hours Of Effort

Settling A Loved One's Estate Can Take Up To '900 Hours Of Effort

Sara Belcher · Podcast Writer  Updated Mon, March 24, 2025  Yahoo Finance

After a loved one dies, those left in charge of settling the estate can spend months tying up loose ends.

"No matter how well you did your planning, there is a house, cars, financial accounts," Hugh Tamassia, co-founder of the estate settlement company Alix, said on the Financial Freestyle podcast (see video above or listen below). "There are subscriptions. There's insurance policies. There's utilities. There's the newspaper that lands on the front door that has to be canceled. There's all these things that have to be dealt with by the next generation. And these things can take up to 900 hours of effort for the children of someone who's passed away."

Settling A Loved One's Estate Can Take Up To '900 Hours Of Effort

Sara Belcher · Podcast Writer  Updated Mon, March 24, 2025  Yahoo Finance

After a loved one dies, those left in charge of settling the estate can spend months tying up loose ends.

"No matter how well you did your planning, there is a house, cars, financial accounts," Hugh Tamassia, co-founder of the estate settlement company Alix, said on the Financial Freestyle podcast (see video above or listen below). "There are subscriptions. There's insurance policies. There's utilities. There's the newspaper that lands on the front door that has to be canceled. There's all these things that have to be dealt with by the next generation. And these things can take up to 900 hours of effort for the children of someone who's passed away."

Tamassia, who spent years working at financial institutions like JPMorgan Chase & Co., American International Group, and Acorns, pointed out that every American will face estate settlement, though they will likely only need to deal with it once in their lifetime.

The Silent Generation and baby boomers are expected to pass up to $84.4 trillion to their children through 2045. But without the proper handling of estates, it'll be difficult for the receiving generations to maintain and build on that inherited wealth.

"It doesn't matter whether you're poor or rich, everyone is going to have this problem," Tamassia said.

However, he noted that estate planning tends to fall more on women and underserved communities. Over 60% of the time, it's the eldest daughter who is expected to wrap up the estates of baby boomer parents, Tamassia said.

"The most common mistake is underestimating what's really ahead of you," he explained. "There's actually an enormous amount of work in shutting down someone's life beyond just what we would immediately think are the small things that need to be done. And the problem is most people don't learn this until they get halfway into it and it's too late."

So what can be done to make this process easier on family members? Tamassia recommended starting by creating a will and establishing a trust.

"But that doesn't handle everything," Tamassia said. He noted that a will and trust don't handle subscriptions, credit card payments, and other smaller financial matters that must be dealt with after a person's death. And the lawyer executing the will isn't likely to advise the deceased's loved ones on these steps either.

"The best plans begin to go stale the moment you leave the lawyer's office," Tamassia said. "If you don't refresh those plans constantly, there's always some assets out there."


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Dinar Recaps Archives, Post RV Info Dinar Recaps 20 Dinar Recaps Archives, Post RV Info Dinar Recaps 20

Suggested Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist

From Recaps Archive by request……..

Note: All items on the checklist may or may not apply to your own individual circumstances…some of the items listed may or may not still be applicable at your exchange apt....ask your banker at the time of your appointment.

Suggested Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist

For your own records

Bank Name_________________________________________

I have________________________ IQN(Iraqi)currency

From Recaps Archive by request……..

Note: All items on the checklist may or may not apply to your own individual circumstances…some of the items listed may or may not still be applicable at your exchange apt....ask your banker at the time of your appointment.

Suggested Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist

For your own records

Bank Name_________________________________________

I have________________________ IQN(Iraqi)currency

I have________________________VNN(Vietnamese)currency

I have________________________1000 notes from2000 ofIDN (Indonesian)currency

I have_________100Trillion,________50Trillion,_______20Trillionand_______10Trillion

FILL IN THE BLANKS for EXCHANGE appointment information that you get from the call
center representative:

Your appointment Information:



The Location____________________


The Day of Your Appointment- Things To Do

1. Make sure you know where you are going. Arrive early so you can “get yourself together, take a deep breath”.Do not loiter. If you are too early, stay SECURELY in the general area but not in the bank
parking lot! 

2. Remember to get in and get the EXCHANGE done, there a lot of other people behind you in line so be thoughtful of their time as well.

You will have time for questions at your second appointment with your new Private Banker/Wealth Manager.

3. Be discrete, be professional, and be alert and aware of your surroundings.  BREATHE!   Seriously consider hiring security to accompany you to your appointment or bring  a trusted friend.

4. Collect business cards from everyone or take their name and phone numbers as well as the location of their regular branch office.

5. Read and Sign the NDA. If it is simple and states you cannot tell anyone except your spouse, lawyer, or CPA (These are the people that need to know how you came about your money for tax purposes) how you came about all of your new found wealth, sign it and move forward with your exchange.

Be prepared to uphold it!

If you break the terms, you could lose your newfound wealth.

If the NDA is more complex and you  are not comfortable with it, simply let them know you would like to explore your options with another banking institution. They may or may not waive the NDA.  



The Day of Your Appointment Things NOT To Do

Do not demand anything while at the bank or act like a lunatic, you will be escorted out.

Remember the Golden Rule “Treat others the way you wish to be Treated”!!!


Suggested Items to Bring to the EXCHANGE Appointment

(Check off the list as you put all items needed together to make sure you remember everything)

“Driver’s License

“Second form of ID (a credit card or passport)

“Your most recent utility bill (Water, power, etc.) to confirm residency in case you have never held an account with the bank you will be exchanging with or for another form of ID

“Power of Attorney Paperwork (If you are exchanging for someone else)

“A pad, pen to take notes, calculator

“Receipts for all currency purchased or gifting letter if  they were a gift in case they are needed (Do not offer them, only do so if they are requested)

“IQN / VNN / IDN / ZWN currency

“Have your TOD designees (Transferable on Death) full legal names, phone numbers, addresses and Social Security Numbers written down that you want listed on your accounts.

You can have multiple TOD designations per account (Wife/Husband, Children, Grandchildren, Nieces/Nephews, etc.)

“Have a list of Cashier’s Checks you will need, if any, along with the exact amounts and who they need to be Payable to


New Account Numbers for each Currency EXCHANGED


Name of Bank Exchanger____________________________________________



Checking Account Number__________________________________________

Checking Routing Number__________________________________________

Savings Account Number (Deposit 50% of your Exchange for Taxes just in case and do not touch until Tax Time)_________________________________________

Add TOD (Transferable on Death) Names to Accounts (Checking and Savings)

“Make sure you receive copies of the deposit slips and all account information

“Get Clean and Clear Certificates – at least 10 or more (Documentation that your money is not tied to anything illegal)

“Get starter checks if needed until your checks arrive

“Get ATM card if you want one

“Set up Online Banking if wanted

“Inquire about Extra Insurance for your funds __________

(Use the same format for all currencies if they are also exchangeable at this time)



Set second appointment with a Private Banker or Wealth  Manager  (The bank will guide as to who you need to speak with based on your EXCHANGE/deposit amount

This appointment will be the one in which you discuss all of your options for investment and
your “perks”

Private Banker Name__________________________
Telephone Number____________________________

Appointment time______________


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