FRANK26…3-21-25……..I GOT A FEELING
Friday Night Conference Call
FRANK26…3-21-25……..I GOT A FEELING
Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests
Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#
Friday Night Conference Call
FRANK26…3-21-25……..I GOT A FEELING
Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests
Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-20-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-20-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, March 20. Happy first day of spring to everybody and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in again all over the world. We're glad to have you, and we're looking forward to having a good call tonight.
So let's do this. Let's talk about where we are on the Intel front.
And I don't have quite as complete the intel that I was hoping to get this afternoon. We've lost connection with my one of my sources that I don't know, I will probably from tonight after the call, that is typical, sometimes, if we lose contact during the day.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-20-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, March 20. Happy first day of spring to everybody and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in again all over the world. We're glad to have you, and we're looking forward to having a good call tonight.
So let's do this. Let's talk about where we are on the Intel front.
And I don't have quite as complete the intel that I was hoping to get this afternoon. We've lost connection with my one of my sources that I don't know, I will probably from tonight after the call, that is typical, sometimes, if we lose contact during the day.
But here's the thing, what we have is what we were expecting was for everything to start this day with notifications. Now, here's what appears to be happening. At our last discussion about rates and about screens, we had the Forex with the new currencies that are all up in value. There's 18 total that are going up in value. Those rates were populating on all screens.
Forex with the rates linking, moving up and down, populating coming in, going up and all that. And then same thing on bank screen, same thing on redemption center screens.
And what we had understood was, if those rates are solid by last night, before midnight, then we would be good to go today. Well, I'm not sure that they all filled in to solid rates. Okay?
So then we thought, Well, okay, let's see what happens today, and let's see if those rates become solid during the day or by midnight tonight. All right?
And then we had information that showed, okay, yeah, the Forex rates directly are tied to and affect the rates at the banks, but redemption center rates, which is what we're all going for, redemption center rates are not directly tied to the forex and therefore can be put up at whatever rates the countries decide when the redemption centers are going to have for us, not necessarily the same as are on forex or on the bank screens.
And we know that's the case. We know that redemption center rates, for the most part, can be higher than those at the banks.
Okay, we've talked about rate of the dinar. We've talked about the Iraq Dinar Contract rate being way higher than bank screen rates. Even thought about getting to and they will be, it would be quite a bit higher. And I've told you guys roughly where expected to be, and I told you that several times, so that's still in play. It's still looking good.
We know the zim is on par with the USN dollar, and we know that the Dong is probably the only one we know of for sure that should be the same on bank screen says it is on redemption center screens.
However, if you have Dong only, we still recommend this call and center appointment for the redemption centers, because there are additional perks and information that you should get when you go in and exchange the Dong so we'll see how all that comes together.
Now, we had heard earlier today that our timing may be tied to a period which would introduce the currencies as new currencies, if you will, to the Forex no longer exotic currency, like what they are right now, but the revalued currency numbers would show up and be posted either Wednesday or Sunday.
And we thought, if we don't have anything by today, it looks like we could be delayed all the way till the weekend, which is only a couple days away, until Saturday. So we could be there. We could get notifications as early as tomorrow and start exchanges Saturday, or we could get pushed all the way to Sunday and get going Monday or Tuesday.
All of this is in play right now because we don't know exactly where the rates stand as being solid on redemption center screens yet, if they are solid now or solid tomorrow, it looks good that we would be notified tomorrow, but we don't have that confirmed yet, so I'm going to try to get that confirmed, which won't help this call tonight, but I'll try to help it, or I'll Try to confirm it after the call tonight, providing that can happen.
The other thing is that bond holders are looking to get their access to funds at the point, I'm going to say probably Saturday. It could be tomorrow, but it could also be on Saturday, and now bonds are only being transacted in two cities in the US, Reno and Miami, both at Wells Fargo locations Reno and Miami, no longer in New York, no longer Atlanta, not in Zurich or Geneva Switzerland, but only in Reno and Miami.
And we have sources on the ground in both those areas, Reno and Miami, and reporting on the number of flights that are coming in every hour into those two cities to transact their bonds. But guess what?
These bond holders are all international. They're coming from other places around the world to do this here, that's the activity that people are seeing in Reno, with extra flights going in six, seven an hour in and out of Reno, but we might have maybe three flights an hour coming in and out by the International Airport, private side, for bondholders.
So for Wells Fargo, sort of and so, so that's what's happening. So bondholders are held back just like we are, until everything is ready to go.
Now, President Trump made a very short address that was taped for a crypto currency summit today. He made a little blurb from the Oval Office. I got to hear it today after he made that and it was recorded, and so it was played for this crypto currency Summit.
And what was interesting is he talked about the value of five of these crypto coins, and I think we know which they are. We've got Bitcoin. We've got oh gosh, let's see which ones they've got, Solano garden XRP, which is ripple, XRP, and Etherium. I think you're five right there.
Those five will actually add value to the US dollar, but in a very real sense, it's the gold back US dollar we call the USN that is adding value to those crypto coins. So they both are working together in conjunction.
And as I mentioned on Tuesdays call, I believe it's gold Donald and and Bitcoin already have a relationship that's tied together by blockchain technology, where they can interact between those two coins, I predict they'll all be interactive, where they'll all be tradable, movable, sellable, viable on each of those coin platforms moving forward.
We’ll see if there's a consolidation, if there's elimination, right? I don't think any of those five will be limited, at least that's what it looks like now –
So as zim holders. I've been told I don't think we have to worry about that one up that for ourselves. It's good for people that maybe don't have currency or don't even know about the currency - to be involved in and President Trump's in favor of them, and has spoken about it several times, and here he addressed the summit, if you will, cryptocurrency summit today, so I’m encouraged by where that's going.
And also I've heard that more and more IRS agents we're getting ready to and I want to see us move into NESARA for this country, and GESARA for the global economic security (Strategic) and reformation act, global economic security (Strategic) and reformation act. And this NESARA our national economic security (Strategic) and reformation act.
But I'm looking forward to occur in this country for us, because we know what's included in it. We know that we have a 14% consumption tax. We know that state income taxes, which are not happening in seven of our states right now, but Florida and Texas and Massachusetts and Wyoming, there are several states don't have state income tax. There won't be state income tax in any state.
But the Consumption Tax will be collected and monitored by quote, unquote, IRS agents in each state. But it's going to be like decentralized, just like education is going to go to the states and being part of the state will manage, will manage and manage education in each state.
The same thing is going to be true about collecting consumption tax on new items that we purchase, but it won't be affected on used items that we buy or a lot of other things, and it's not so we're not having our federal income tax or state income tax, and I'm not sure how real estate taxes are affected. I think they may go away too, but we'll have to see about that.
So when the NESARA does fully kick in, not only do we get debt relief and R and R, and, you know, everything that we're looking to receive from it, but we go to the consumption tax, which is going to be way better for everybody, including us. It'll be so much better. So I'm looking forward to that.
Now when is it going to kick in? Gosh, we thought it would kick in by now. I was told within 15 days of the 10th of the month. Well, tomorrow's the 25th and it hasn't kicked in yet. I'm going to say we're going to have to see what happens, because right now, we're looking to have information come in that's about the Social Security increase, also information that confirms the tax structure.
Everything else, there's quite a bit that has to come out. Will it happen before in the month, which today is, what the 20th that's eight days away, 11 days away, to the 31st it could, it could. We could still get our increase of social added on as an extra payment this month.
I've told, been told that would, that would probably be the case, because it hasn't had any. Nobody's had an increase in their social security on the Wednesdays.And we’ve hit three Wednesdays as of yesterday, right? The fifth, the 12th and 19th, and the last Wednesday is the 26th so we'll get that. You know, when we get it - would it be this month? We'll just have to wait and see,
But we know that r and r for us when we go in for our exchanges will be there when we go in to exchange and redeem our zim, two of the four that should be there as soon as we get numbers and set appointments and go -- Will tomorrow come into play for numbers, where we would start on Saturday. Don't know that was what we got yesterday. Now that may have changed.
That's the thing about this intel guys, as you know, it has changed more times than not, and maybe we're not there until the weekend and and, you know, Monday or Tuesday next week, I really don't know. I'm sorry. I wish I could be more definitive.
At this point, we kind of lost connection actually to get that information. I will say this, there has been an effort for certain bond pay masters in Reno and in Miami to no longer make calls out of that area. They've got major things happening that are keeping those calls from going.
So this shows how close we are, the fact that they're restricting their own pay masters from Wells Fargo, from speaking on their phone. And so that's what we have to look at and say, Okay, well, I guess that means that we're very, very close. And that's exactly what it means.
So everything else is moving in the direction that we wanted to go behind the scenes, President Trump has a great job of contacting President Putin of Russia, and they had a good hour and a half call two days ago. And then yesterday, President Trump had a call or so close to an hour with President Zelensky, they're agreeing in principle to the terms that President Trump has come up with for a cease fire, at least a temporary cease fire, and a work toward a lasting treaty of peace.
And of course, way Hamas is going down there in Israel. Things are, things are not quite peaceful down there right now, but I'm sure that we're working to try to establish that and get that done.
My understanding is we're not to have war under the GESARA treaty or the GESARA Act, and hopefully we're moving toward getting that put into place, putting it into effect. I know, for example, that Iraq has revalued their currency, and it's been put out their in country rate, their international rate. Same thing's true for Vietnam.
They put their rate out yesterday, and the rest of the countries were looking to have do the same thing. I believe it was going to be the Afghanistan, Afghani, Indonesia rupiah, and maybe a couple of others had their rate out as revalued. I haven't heard that that had happened, but that was next, of course, the rest of the currencies, which are totally 17 or 18 total that are coming up substantially in value.
That's all those rates that are being put on the Forex and on bank and redemption center screens that are fluctuating up and down right now, trading and hopefully that will solidify, possibly by midnight tonight, if so, we got a good chance of getting notified tomorrow, but we'll have to see you guys are gonna have to have to just watch this along with us. Watch for emails. Watch for your email from Wells Fargo with the toll free number in it – also check big call universe.com see if we put up the 800 number over the weekend or whatever it is that I slash. We get it soon as I get it and validate it verify it.
Bob and Raleigh put it up on big call universe.com be sure that you are registered mentorship site will send you an email with number in it - we'll be in touch with you after this goes to know we're doing with our projects, and we'll it'll take us a while to get websites up and running to where you can go
So that’s what I have to say, we're very close on and we'll keep you prized on that we have a call Tuesday. We don't know at this point whether we will or not. If we do it should be hopefully it'll be a celebration call.
Okay, so let's hope for that, in which case we would do it and have the recorded celebration call ready for you. We could do the call sooner. We get the numbers sooner, and we started setting appointments and exchange. Then we'll probably do a recorded celebration call.
So anyway, I'm excited about where we are guys. I wish I could give you an exact timing for this, but just hang in there and know that it's very, very close, and we'll, we'll be in touch with all right, so see, and let's pray the call out,
Well, good night everybody, and have a good night and keep an eye on our emails.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:17:17
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:01
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 36:36
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:02:22
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:27:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:4O
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 44:24
Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Friday Afternoon 3-21-25
Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,
WASHINGTON/DUBAI, March 21 (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates has committed to a 10-year, $1.4 trillion investment framework in the United States after top UAE officials met President Donald Trump this week, the White House said on Friday.
Th e framework will "substantially increase the UAE's existing investments in the U.S. economy" in AI infrastructure, semiconductors, energy, and manufacturing, the White House said in a statement.
Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,
WASHINGTON/DUBAI, March 21 (Reuters) - The United Arab Emirates has committed to a 10-year, $1.4 trillion investment framework in the United States after top UAE officials met President Donald Trump this week, the White House said on Friday.
The framework will "substantially increase the UAE's existing investments in the U.S. economy" in AI infrastructure, semiconductors, energy, and manufacturing, the White House said in a statement.
The White House did not outline how UAE investments would reach $1.4 trillion, with some of the deals unveiled as part of the framework having already been announced.
The only fully new deal appeared to be an investment by Emirates Global Aluminium in what would be the first new aluminum smelter in the United States in 35 years, the White House said, adding the plant "would nearly double U.S. domestic aluminum production".
"Developing a primary aluminium smelter in the U.S. has been part of EGA's ambitions for several years," a spokesperson for the firm said in a statement.
The UAE, an oil producer and longtime security partner of the U.S., is looking to deepen investment ties with Washington and is emerging as a global leader in AI, one of the sectors it is betting on to diversify its economy away from energy.
In September, UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan met former U.S. President Joe Biden, in the first visit of a UAE president to the White House, as the two leaders discussed deepening cooperation in areas such as AI, investments and space exploration.
Gulf sovereign wealth funds, including Abu Dhabi's $330-billion Mubadala, are already big U.S. investors, and Trump and his family have business ties to the region.
Trump in January asked Saudi Arabia to spend upwards of $1 trillion in the U.S. economy, over four years, including purchases of military equipment, and said this month he likely would make his first trip abroad to the Gulf country to seal an investment agreement.
The deal, which could happen between this month or the next, would come at a time when Saudi Arabia, the Arab world's biggest economy, has been taking a more prominent role in U.S. foreign policy. The Gulf country is set to host diplomatic talks around Ukraine involving the United States and Russia next week.
The White House said on Friday the UAE agreement resulted from a meeting that Trump held on Tuesday with national security adviser Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed Al Nahyan in the Oval Office and a dinner that Vice President JD Vance and several cabinet members held with the UAE delegation, which included the heads of major UAE sovereign wealth funds and corporations.
Among the tie-ups highlighted on Friday was a partnership between UAE sovereign wealth fund ADQ, which is chaired by Sheikh Tahnoon, and U.S. private equity firm Energy Capital Partners, for a $25 billion U.S.-focused initiative to invest in energy infrastructure and data centers. That had been previously announced two days ago.
A commitment by XRG, the international investment arm of UAE state oil company ADNOC launched in November, to support U.S. natural gas production and exports with an investment in the NextDecade liquefied natural gas export facility in Texas, had previously been made public last year by ADNOC, under Biden.
@ Newshounds News™
The Albanese-led government intends to release draft legislation in 2025 for public consultation and promised to work with Australia’s four largest banks to better understand de-banking.
Australia’s government, under its ruling center-left Labor Party, has proposed a new crypto framework regulating exchanges under existing financial services laws and has promised to tackle debanking.
It comes ahead of a federal election slated to be held on or before May 17, which current polling shows is shaping up to a dead heat between Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s Labor and the opposing Coalition led by Peter Dutton.
The Treasury Department said in a March 21 statement that crypto exchanges, custody services and some brokerage firms that trade or store crypto will come under the new laws.
The regime imposes similar compliance requirements as other financial services in the country, such as following rules safeguarding customer assets, obtaining an Australian Financial Services Licence and meeting minimum capital requirements.
In August 2022, the government initiated a series of industry consultations to draft a crypto regulatory framework.
“Our legislative reforms will extend existing financial services laws to key digital asset platforms, but not to all of the digital asset ecosystem,” the Treasury said in its statement.
Small-scale and startup platforms that don’t meet specific size thresholds will be exempt, along with firms that develop blockchain-related software or create digital assets that aren’t financial products.
Payment stablecoins will be treated as a type of stored-value facility under the Government’s Payments Licensing Reforms; however, some stablecoins and wrapped tokens will be exempt.
“Dealing or secondary market trading in these products will be not treated as a dealing activity, and platforms where they are traded will not be treated as operating a market simply because of that trading activity,” the Treasury said.
As part of its crypto agenda, Albanese’s government has also promised to work with Australia’s four largest banks to better understand the extent and nature of de-banking.
There will also be a review into a central bank digital currency and an Enhanced Regulatory Sandbox in 2025, allowing businesses to test new financial products without needing a license.
Albanese’s government intends to release a draft of the legislation for public consultation. However, a change of government could be on the horizon with a looming federal election, a date for which is yet to be called.
Dutton’s center-right Coalition had earlier promised to prioritize crypto regulation if it wins the election.
The latest YouGov poll published on March 20 shows the Coalition and Labor neck in neck for a two-party preferred vote.
Caroline Bowler, the CEO of local crypto exchange BTC Markets, said in a statement shared with Cointelegraph that the areas of reform are sensible and would keep Australia competitive with global peers.
However, she thinks there “will be additional detail required on capital adequacy and custody requirements.”
“We need to ensure that these requirements aren’t overly burdensome for business investment in Australia,” Bowler said.
Kraken Australia’s managing director, Jonathon Miller, said there is an “urgent need for bespoke crypto legislation” to address the existing confusion and uncertainty in the country’s industry.
“We believe that by establishing a clear crypto regulatory framework and mitigating problems like debanking, government can remove the barriers hampering growth in the Australian economy,” he said.
@ Newshounds News™
Source: CoinTelegraph
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Thank you Dinar Recaps
More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Afternoon 3-21-2025
Clare: Video: Iraq's $17bn Trade Corridor to Bypass the Suez Canal
21st March 2025 in Construction & Engineering In Iraq,
By John Lee.
The Wall Street Journal has produced a video documenting Iraq's proposed 740-mile trade route between Asia and Europe - the Development Road.
Clare: Video: Iraq's $17bn Trade Corridor to Bypass the Suez Canal
21st March 2025 in Construction & Engineering In Iraq,
By John Lee.
The Wall Street Journal has produced a video documenting Iraq's proposed 740-mile trade route between Asia and Europe - the Development Road.
(Source: WSJ) LINK
Clare: New shipping line: Umm Qasr receives first mega-ship from South Korea
On Wednesday, Farhan Al-Fartousi, Director of Iraq's Ports, announced the inauguration of a new maritime line with the arrival of a South Korean giant vessel at Umm Qasr Port.
In a statement to Shafaq News, Al-Fartousi described the launch of the new line as "an important historical step," noting that this journey is the first of its kind.
The first giant container ship of the South Korean company HMM arrived at Umm Qasr Ports, marking the beginning of a new era of trade cooperation between Iraq and South Korea.
"The ship is 366 meters long, with a maximum capacity of 16,000 containers, although it arrived with a lower load," Al-Fartousi added.
He emphasized that Iraq is working to strengthen cooperation with leading countries in maritime transport to "achieve the best economic benefits."
Al-Fartousi also anticipated a greater flow of goods and commodities through Iraq's ports in the future, "which will contribute to boosting trade activity and fostering national economic growth in Iraq."LINK
Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/
Mnt Goat I am going to show you the ...events that...can have a huge impact on moving forward with the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar. These events include: 1. ...the direct implementation of the ASYCUDA SYSTEM at customs throughout Iraq. 2. ...the “White Paper” Pillars of Financial Reform... we know that the...efforts are all but fully completed. 3. ...the issue of the parallel market (black market) and the CBI now tells us they have to “kill it” permanently. 4. The Silk Road and Industrial Cities projects. 5. The US has already declared that Iraq must deal with the Iranian militia...According to the US president, Iraq must reverse its course from an Iranian puppet state. 6. The passing of the Oil and Gas law... I firmly believe that it will be convergence of these six (6) activities above that will get us the reinstatement back to FOREX.
Frank26 In the beginning, the exchange rate is looking for at least 1 to 1 with the American dollar, not to be matched with it but to be paired with it and possibly a basket of international currencies with value for each other. Then later on the Real Effective Exchange Rate will come in a float...As the whole world uses your currency it will climb in international value by trading it...using it...selling it, by crossing it from bank to bank, platform to platform. The dinar will grow internationally, then at that point the CBI will control this financial growth of your exchange rate by monitoring it and then capping it at a specific number that was tested and approved through the RV phase of your monetary reform.
s the Bank of England Being Cleaned Out of Gold? "Countries Should Be Worried" - Mike Maloney
Are we witnessing a modern-day bank run on gold reserves at the Bank of England? In this riveting episode, Mike Maloney and Alan Hibbard delve into the tidal wave of gold leaving London for Switzerland—ultimately bound for U.S. exchanges.
Discover why global ETFs are hitting record-breaking inflows, why countries around the world should be worried about their gold, and what it all means for the next phase of this massive gold bull market.
DOGE Races to Repatriate US Gold - LFTV Ep 215
Kinesis Money: 3-21-2025
n this week’s Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire reflects on the Federal Reserve’s focus on large-scale bullion repatriations ahead of the US Treasury gold audit, driven by Trump’s initiative, and its impact on both the gold market and EFP spreads.
Andrew also examines how these moves, combined with intensifying central bank buying and shifting market dynamics are strengthening gold demand, while paper gold positions face increasing pressure ahead of Basel III compliance in July 2025.
00:00 Start
01:50 Gold price outlook for Q2
08:05 Gold & silver charts and market analysis
17:25 How Trump's tariffs triggered the Fed’s gold repatriation efforts
25:05 Surge in US fund managers buying COMEX and ETFs
30:30 Silver poised for a strong rally towards $38
BRICS Just Took Another Step against the US Dollar
BRICS Just Took Another Step against the US Dollar
Geopolitical Analyst: 3-20-2025
The landscape of global finance is shifting, and the BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – are at the forefront of a potential revolution.
In a bold move that challenges the long-standing dominance of the US dollar, BRICS finance ministers recently finalized a new payment mechanism designed to bypass the dollar in international trade.
But what does this actually mean, how will it affect the flow of goods and money around the world, and most importantly, how could it impact you?
BRICS Just Took Another Step against the US Dollar
Geopolitical Analyst: 3-20-2025
The landscape of global finance is shifting, and the BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – are at the forefront of a potential revolution.
In a bold move that challenges the long-standing dominance of the US dollar, BRICS finance ministers recently finalized a new payment mechanism designed to bypass the dollar in international trade.
But what does this actually mean, how will it affect the flow of goods and money around the world, and most importantly, how could it impact you?
For years, the BRICS nations have been subtly chipping away at the US dollar’s seemingly unshakeable reign. This recent agreement marks a significant escalation, signaling a clear intention to de-dollarize international trade and reclaim economic sovereignty. But why is this such a monumental development?
The US dollar has been the world’s undisputed reserve currency for decades, facilitating over 88% of global foreign exchange transactions. Its stability and widespread acceptance have made it the go-to currency for international trade and a crucial asset for many nations to stabilize their economies. However, the BRICS nations are now resolutely saying, “No more.”
The recent steps taken by the BRICS nations are already sending ripples throughout the global financial system. The international monetary order, which has been heavily reliant on the US dollar for decades, is facing an unprecedented challenge. If these trends continue, the dollar’s dominance could weaken considerably over the next decade.
A key driver behind this shift is the growing frustration amongst many countries, particularly in the developing world, regarding their dependence on the US-led financial system.
The present global financial infrastructure grants the US considerable leverage over other nations, enabling Washington to impose sanctions, restrict access to the SWIFT payment system, and influence international lending institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.
The BRICS nations’ move to de-dollarize is not just a financial maneuver, it’s a statement of intent. It represents a desire for greater economic independence and a challenge to the established global financial order.
As this movement gains momentum, it will undoubtedly reshape the future of global trade and have a ripple effect on economies and individuals around the world. It’s a development worth watching closely, as it could redefine the economic landscape for years to come.
Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 03/21/2025
Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 03/21/2025
Mark has been taken off youtube for a week. So try Rumble and Twitch this week to find him
The rolling chat does not work well on Rumble…so cannot easily post member questions or comments… Notes will be very short this week.
MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 03/21/2025
Mark has been taken off youtube for a week. So try Rumble and Twitch this week to find him
The rolling chat does not work well on Rumble…so cannot easily post member questions or comments… Notes will be very short this week.
MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
MZ: We were hoping to have youtube back today….but not yet. We should be in out last 24 hours so I do expect Saturday Mornings podcast to be back on youtube.
Member: Did you hear President Trump say April 2 is “Liberation Day”?
MZ: Yes…it’s a big conversation around the world
Member: We all wonder liberation from what? The Cabal, fiat money, taxes? Inquiring minds want to know.
Member: Reciprocal tariffs start on April 2nd
Member: Fun fact: It was US mint for the Coin Act April 2, 1792
MZ: I do have a wealth management crew trained in doing redemptions that is working tomorrow. They do not yet know if they are also working on Sunday.
MZ: We have some groups that are scheduling staffing for “CURRENCY” exchanges. They are letting them know when to be there. So, things appear to be moving forward.
MZ: I do not know the timing. Do I think it’s this weekend? It’s possible…but I do not know it’s certain. .
Member: (from Dinar Guru) Mnt Goat I am going to show you the ...events that...can have a huge impact on moving forward with the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar. These events include: 1. ...the direct implementation of the ASYCUDA SYSTEM at customs throughout Iraq. 2. ...the “White Paper” Pillars of Financial Reform... we know that the...efforts are all but fully completed. 3. ...the issue of the parallel market (black market) and the CBI now tells us they have to “kill it” permanently. 4. The Silk Road and Industrial Cities projects. 5. The US has already declared that Iraq must deal with the Iranian militia...According to the US president, Iraq must reverse its course from an Iranian puppet state. 6. The passing of the Oil and Gas law... I firmly believe that it will be convergence of these six (6) activities above that will get us the reinstatement back to FOREX.
MZ: In those white papers they talk about lifting the purchasing power of all Iraqis and a new exchange rate. The only way to kill the parallel market is to change the value. Mnt.Goat had a great one today.
MZ: “Iraq attempts to encourage Amazon to build facilities in Iraq” At their current rate-Why would Amazon go??? Financially it wouldn’t make much sense unless they were ready for prosperity of Iraqi citizens. I think this might be a clue.
MZ: “Khamenei defies Trumps threats: You will receive a strong slap if you move against Iran” I think he is used to presidents threatening but never do anything…..Trump is different. He does what he says. No hidden meanings here.
MZ: “China flexes rare earth dominance with million tonne discovery” They already control about 60% of the production of rare earth minerals in the world. There have been a number of big finds like this recently. Big announcement from Australia last week. Also Uganda.
MZ: We know whenever the fiat cycle breaks – it moves to commodities and countries are starting to position themselves with commodities to support the values of their currencies.
Member: How long until tier 4b and tier 5 go?
MZ: Tier 5 doesn’t really count. It’s the public who did not go with tier 4. My guess is they will put tier 4a and tier 4b through then a week or two after that an announcement will be made for the general public.
Member: Can we give our two weeks notice yet
Member: Let's pray that this is our weekend!
Mr. Cottrell joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his opinions and information.
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Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.
Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Friday Morning 3-21-25
Good Morning Dinar Recaps,
Brad Garlinghouse, CEO of Ripple, recently announced that the SEC has finally dropped its appeal against Ripple, marking the end of a lengthy legal battle that lasted over three years. The SEC has decided not to pursue further legal action, confirming that Ripple is no longer under threat from the regulatory body.
This decision has had an immediate impact on XRP’s price, which surged following the announcement. The legal saga, which began with the SEC’s claim that Ripple violated securities laws by selling XRP, has been a major point of contention in the cryptocurrency space.
Good Morning Dinar Recaps,
Brad Garlinghouse, CEO of Ripple, recently announced that the SEC has finally dropped its appeal against Ripple, marking the end of a lengthy legal battle that lasted over three years. The SEC has decided not to pursue further legal action, confirming that Ripple is no longer under threat from the regulatory body.
This decision has had an immediate impact on XRP’s price, which surged following the announcement. The legal saga, which began with the SEC’s claim that Ripple violated securities laws by selling XRP, has been a major point of contention in the cryptocurrency space.
Fox Business journalist Eleanor Terrett responded, explaining that the SEC still needs to formally approve the withdrawal of its appeal. Once the Commission gives the green light, they can expect a press release similar to the one issued earlier this year when the SEC dismissed its lawsuit against Coinbase.
Terrett added that the SEC typically addresses matters of litigation and enforcement during their closed meetings. The dismissal of the Ripple case will likely be discussed at one of these meetings, which is scheduled for next Thursday.
@ Newshounds News™
Source: Coinpedia and Twitter
Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse says the firm’s dollar-pegged crypto asset will become a top stablecoin by the end of the year after the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) dropped its lawsuit against the payments platform.
In a new interview, Garlinghouse says that RLUSD – which launched in December 2024 – will grow into a top-five stablecoin after the regulatory agency dropped its lawsuit against Ripple Labs for allegedly violating securities law.
According to Garlinghouse, the stablecoins sector of the industry should see massive growth in the next few years.
“I think we’re underestimating how big [stablecoins] might get. Today, that market is about $230 billion. Some smart people think that may go up 10x in the next five years – I think that’s probably right…
Ripple launched its own stablecoin at the end of the last year that’s already ahead of our own internal forecast in terms of where we are at this point…
We’re still really small, but the goal is by the end of the year, for RLUSD, Ripple’s stablecoin, to be one of the top five in the market, and I think the whole market is going to grow dramatically this year.”
Earlier this week, the SEC announced it is dropping its case against Ripple Labs for allegedly selling unregistered securities, causing XRP, the digital asset associated with the firm, to rally.
Ripple was initially sued by the SEC in 2020, but a judge in 2022 ruled that the open-market sales of XRP to retail investors do not qualify as securities.
XRP is trading for $2.47 at time of writing, a 2.4% decrease on the day while RLUSD has a market cap of $169.6 billion.
@ Newshounds News™
Source: DailyHodl
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2 Ways an Economic Downturn in 2025 Is Your Chance To Get Rich
2 Ways an Economic Downturn in 2025 Is Your Chance To Get Rich, According to Robert Kiyosaki
Adam Palasciano Wed, March 19, 2025 GOBankingRates
Economic downturns are inevitable from time to time. Whether it’s a minor dip in the stock market or something as significant as 2008’s Great Recession, we all need to be financially prepared for whatever lies ahead. However, whatever’s coming next might be big, perhaps as big as the Great Depression.
In a recent post on X, financial expert and “Rich Dad Poor Dad” author Robert Kiyosaki predicted the next “Greater Depression” in 2025:
2 Ways an Economic Downturn in 2025 Is Your Chance To Get Rich, According to Robert Kiyosaki
Adam Palasciano Wed, March 19, 2025 GOBankingRates
Economic downturns are inevitable from time to time. Whether it’s a minor dip in the stock market or something as significant as 2008’s Great Recession, we all need to be financially prepared for whatever lies ahead. However, whatever’s coming next might be big, perhaps as big as the Great Depression.
In a recent post on X, financial expert and “Rich Dad Poor Dad” author Robert Kiyosaki predicted the next “Greater Depression” in 2025:
“In 2014 I published RD’s Prophecy predicting the biggest stock market crash in history. Unfortunately that ‘prophecy’ is coming true, in 2025. Markets are crashing and my concern is the world may be entering into another ‘Greater Depression,'” said Kiyosaki.
Under the new administration, The Wall Street Journal reported that the S&P 500 recently saw its biggest drop in years, down more than 10% from its February 19, 2025, record high. This drop can likely be attributed to Trump’s threat of upcoming tariffs on foreign nations.
No matter the exact reason, economic uncertainty may lie ahead and you’ll need to be prepared. This includes figuring out how to grow your wealth at the same time.
Here are two important ways to leverage an economic downturn to get rich, according to Kiyosaki.
Invest in Gold, Silver and Bitcoin
Kiyosaki is a proponent of investing in precious metals like gold and silver as well as cryptocurrency like bitcoin (BTC) ahead of an expected economic downturn.
“For years I have [advised] people to do what I do …. which is buy gold, silver and bitcoin,” said Kiyosaki.
Here are the current prices of gold, silver and bitcoin to prove his point:
According to APMEX, the price of gold is reaching an all-time high. The current price per 1 troy ounce of gold is around $3,013.40. This figure represents about a 13.7% increase from just three months ago and a giant 43.5% increase from just one year ago.
APMEX also reported that the price per 1 troy ounce of silver is around $33.96. This figure represents about a 10.7% increase from just three months ago and a significant 45.1% increase from just one year ago.
TO READ MORE: https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/2-ways-economic-downturn-2025-200122152.html
News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 3-21-2025
Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 21 March 2025
Compiled Fri. 21March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note: It was all about money. Just in the past four weeks the Trump/Musk DOGE investigations have verified a mind boggling Deepstate money laundering scheme: the U.S. Treasury cannot account for $4.1 trillion in payments.
That amounts to over a third of the National Debt – which was supposedly owed to the privately owned by bankers of the Deepstate Federal Reserve as a result of them charging US Taxpayers interest to use their own monies – the US Dollar having been made fiat long ago by the same Deepstate perpetrators.
Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 21 March 2025
Compiled Fri. 21March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Judy Note: It was all about money. Just in the past four weeks the Trump/Musk DOGE investigations have verified a mind boggling Deepstate money laundering scheme: the U.S. Treasury cannot account for $4.1 trillion in payments.
That amounts to over a third of the National Debt – which was supposedly owed to the privately owned by bankers of the Deepstate Federal Reserve as a result of them charging US Taxpayers interest to use their own monies – the US Dollar having been made fiat long ago by the same Deepstate perpetrators.
Global Currency Reset:
Thurs. 20 March 2025 Bruce:
There were 18 currencies in the World going up in value.
The Dinar has (allegedly) revalued.
The new currency rates were now (allegedly) on the Bank, Redemption Center and Forex screens and populating up in value.
Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) would not receive our appointments until the rates were solid on the screens, which they weren’t yet.
The Forex screen rate is not the rate we would receive at the Redemption Center, which would be (allegedly) higher except for the Dong.
Bond Holders were going into Reno and Miami (not Zurich or New York) to redeem their bonds and will likely have access to their accounts by Sat. 22 March.
Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will (allegedly) receive notification to set redemption appointments sometime between Fri. 21 March and Tues. 25 March.
Wed. 19 March 2025 Wolverine: Gold backed currency (allegedly) started Tues. 18 March. People in Colombia are getting paid on the bond. Good news from Zurich.
Wed. 19 March 2025 Mike Bara: I have been told Zurich and Reno are paying out. I have reports that things were extremely active in Reno. Exchanging money, money flowing. Different groups of people from those we were hearing from. I have been told of people being paid in Zurich.
Wed. 19 March 2025 Jen: What we got on Monday is that most paymasters have funds to distribute. They will (allegedly) do so this week. Approximately 90% complete on other tiers.
Wed. 19 March 2025 Elaina: I have been tracking a lot of pieces of data for money movements and watching various centers of influence. This morning, I observed 30 private aircraft fly into Reno in very quick succession. Between 900am and 945am PST. A US Government Learjet came in at 830am PST. There was also a higher than normal number of private aircraft that arrived into Zurich in the last 24 hours.
Global Currency Reset – It’s Happening Now! …Quantum Financial System on Telegram
The Storm Has Arrived! The gold-backed financial system has BEGUN. Reports confirm payouts are moving FAST in Colombia, Zurich, and Reno. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for. Iraq’s codes are (allegedly) being released. The revaluation is imminent. Paymasters are locked in, and high-level banking elites are scrambling.
MONEY IS MOVING. Once Reno is fully confirmed, within HOURS the Dinar will revalue. The pieces are falling into place! The corrupt fiat system is crumbling in real time. Sources from Zurich and Reno confirm large payouts happening NOW. If Reno is active, the Dinar RV will explode within 72 hours—or even TONIGHT.
Massive financial movements cannot be ignored. Private jets flooded Reno and Zurich in rapid succession, and a U.S. Government Learjet landed at 8:30 AM PST. What are they preparing for? The answer is clear: Tier 4B is about to be unleashed.
TRUMP CLEARED THE PATH! The Deepstate minions in Iraq were eliminated so that Iran couldn’t interfere with this reset. The Cabal fought to delay it, but they failed. Trump’s operatives ensured Iraq could proceed without retaliation. The result? The Forex rates are ready to shift. This is financial warfare, and we are WINNING.
Banks are already showing the new rates! Chase & JP Morgan screens confirm skyrocketing values: IQD: $5.23 VND: $3.89
The system is nearly 90% complete. Notifications are set to drop ANY MOMENT. Emails will start rolling out AS SOON AS TODAY. Do NOT be caught off guard—have everything prepared.
THE FINAL COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN! Keep an eye on your emails. The next 24 hours could change EVERYTHING. The fiat system is on life support, and the new financial era is about to begin. STAY READY. IT’S HAPPENING!
Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2025/03/21/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-march-21-2025/
Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/
Frank26 I very strongly believe as the cards are being dealt out, we investors of the Iraqi dinar are holding a trump card...Security and stability is the only thing that we need. Do we need to calculate the exchange rate? No. The RV phase took care of that over a dozen years ago. Do we need to get the banks up to modern technology, up to par with the rest of the international world? No, the US Treasury is on the ninth floor, the whole freaking floor! ...Do you think that's for 1310? No, I don't Frank. Well good for you then because you hold a trump card don't you? Yes you do.
MarkZ [via PDK] Question: Mark do you think there’s a chance this could go into April? No – I do not. IMO, There is a possibility that exchanges could go into April…just because exchanges could take awhile. I do have 3 different groups that have expressed to me their expectations to be processed over the weekend. If this happens it is highly possible to see 4a moving over the weekend...I already have some wealth managers/redemption folks tell me they are scheduled to work this weekend.
Fed Chair Jerome Powell: ‘Uncertainty Today Is Unusually Elevated’
Kitco News: 3-20-2025
The Federal Reserve kept interest rates unchanged in a range of 4.25% to 4.5%, with policymakers projecting two rate cuts coming in 2025.
The Fed’s economic outlook also called for higher inflation and lower economic growth.
At his press conference following the central bank’s March decision, Fed Chair Jerome Powell stated: “Uncertainty today is unusually elevated,” adding that “policy is not on a preset course.”
“Tidbits From TNT” Friday Morning 3-21-2025
Tishwash: Minister of Finance Stresses Importance of Modernizing Debt Management and Financial Analysis from Geneva
Minister of Finance Taif Sami stressed the importance of modernizing debt management and committing to developing financial management mechanisms and enhancing transparency to support economic sustainability.
The Ministry of Finance stated in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), "Minister of Finance Taif Sami participated today, Thursday, in the opening session of the United Nations Trade and Development Advisory Group meeting taking place in Geneva. The meeting aims to enhance the efficiency of debt management and develop financial analysis mechanisms in line with national and international strategies."
Tishwash: Minister of Finance Stresses Importance of Modernizing Debt Management and Financial Analysis from Geneva
Minister of Finance Taif Sami stressed the importance of modernizing debt management and committing to developing financial management mechanisms and enhancing transparency to support economic sustainability.
The Ministry of Finance stated in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), "Minister of Finance Taif Sami participated today, Thursday, in the opening session of the United Nations Trade and Development Advisory Group meeting taking place in Geneva. The meeting aims to enhance the efficiency of debt management and develop financial analysis mechanisms in line with national and international strategies."
She added, "The session addressed the follow-up on the implementation of the Data Management Financial Services (DAMFAD) program for the period from 2020 to 2024, in addition to discussing the strategic plan for the next period (2025-2028), with a focus on ways to continuously develop and update the approved mechanisms.
The meeting also included a discussion session bringing together current and potential users of DAMFAD, providing an opportunity to exchange experiences and opinions to enhance the quality of services provided."
She continued, "As part of enhancing international cooperation, a donor consultation meeting was held to expand the financial support network. This reflects the Ministry of Finance's commitment to working together with all relevant stakeholders to achieve national financial goals.
The conference also witnessed the release of the seventh generation of the DAMFAD system, with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) affirming its continued support for the Ministry of Finance and the Public Debt Department. UNCTAD representatives expressed their willingness to provide the necessary training for public debt cadres on the new system, which will contribute to enhancing debt management efficiency and achieving greater financial transparency."
During the conference, the Minister emphasized the importance of modernizing debt management and the commitment to developing financial management mechanisms and enhancing transparency to support economic sustainability.
This event is an important step within the Ministry's strategy to achieve higher financial efficiency, enhance economic stability, and build greater confidence in the national financial system. link
Tishwash: A source told Baghdad Today the reason for the stalled oil negotiations between Baghdad and Erbil.
An informed source reported on Thursday (March 20, 2025) that the meeting between the delegations of the federal government and the Kurdistan Region increased tensions between the two parties, instead of reaching solutions.
The source added to Baghdad Today that "the reason for this is the federal delegation's insistence on handing over management of the central oil fields, which are managed by the regional government."
He pointed out that "the federal authorities insist on handing it over to them, so that the British company BP can invest in it."
He concluded by saying, "During the meeting, it was decided to send specialized technical teams to monitor the progress of work in the fields, audit production volumes, and monitor the quantities being exported by truck."
In turn, the regional government spokesman, Peshwa Hawrami, said, "We have declared since the beginning of the dispute with the federal government that we have nothing to hide regarding financial matters, oil, and other issues."
Kurdistan Regional Government Prime Minister Masrour Barzani had previously stated that the contract between the British company and the Iraqi government concerned "disputed areas."
It's worth noting that the Kurdistan Region of Iraq lost approximately $20 billion in oil revenues as a result of the Iraqi government's victory in a case at the International Court of Justice, which barred Turkey from exporting resources from the Kurdistan Region without first obtaining the approval of the Baghdad government. The ban on exporting resources from the region remains in place to this day. link
Tishwash: Central Bank: Digital currency reduces cash flow outside banks
On Thursday, March 20, 2025, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, described digital currency as "limiting the flow of cash outside banks." He also spoke of a plan to establish a data center that would serve as a foundation for digital transformation.
The Iraqi government faces challenges in managing dinar liquidity, as it suffers from a chronic shortage of this currency, affecting its ability to meet its financial obligations to pay employee salaries, repay debts, and finance projects.
Al-Alaq said in a press statement followed by Al-Jabal, "Financial technologies are developing rapidly, in line with the requirements of the financial and banking sector in terms of speed, accuracy, and economic efficiency, in addition to transparency and oversight. The reality of the digital revolution is imposing itself on all sectors, including the financial and banking sector, which stands to benefit most from the major transformations taking place."
He added, "Digital currency can serve many purposes, limiting the flow of cash outside banks and achieving a high degree of transparency, as funds can be tracked, whether in consumption, investment, savings, or even in legitimate and illegitimate businesses. It also provides important databases for analytical purposes, not just for the movement of paper money. In addition, digital currency offers economies of scale, including the ability to print and track currency."
Al-Alaq explained, "We have begun taking steps in coordination with international organizations to review initial experiments in the digital currency file, which we do not wish to delay." He noted, "There are existing experiments in some countries in the region, and we are also following up with the Arab Monetary Fund to develop appropriate steps in this direction, and what is required is infrastructure."
He continued, "The Central Bank possesses advanced infrastructure. The new bank building houses a sophisticated data center, and we are working to establish a data center that will represent a successful foundation for digital transformation."
The Central Bank of Iraq previously announced its move to issue a digital currency as an alternative to paper currency, a shift that could reshape the payments landscape and the national economy entirely.
This move comes in response to "increasing challenges in managing traditional cash," amid a global trend toward financial digitization.
Al-Alaq said, "The financial and banking system will witness fundamental transformations, including the decline of paper currencies and their replacement by digital payments by central banks."
He explained that "the Central Bank is moving to create its own digital currency to gradually replace paper transactions, as is happening at some central banks around the world link
Mot: Was going to Scratch this un - but NO!! - Decided to Share anyways
Mot HUH!!!????
Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Thursday Evening 3-20-25
Good Evening Dinar Recaps,
At the Digital Asset Summit 2025, President Donald Trump spoke via video, sharing his vision for the U.S. to lead in the world of crypto and financial technologies. He expressed that while it won’t be easy, the U.S. is already ahead, having hosted the first-ever White House Digital Summit just two weeks ago.
The summit brought together top leaders in the crypto space for discussions led by Crypto Czar David Sachs. Trump also reflected on his recent executive order to create a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve and U.S. Digital Asset Stockpile, which will help the government maximize the value of its crypto holdings, unlike the previous administration’s actions.
Good Evening Dinar Recaps,
At the Digital Asset Summit 2025, President Donald Trump spoke via video, sharing his vision for the U.S. to lead in the world of crypto and financial technologies. He expressed that while it won’t be easy, the U.S. is already ahead, having hosted the first-ever White House Digital Summit just two weeks ago.
The summit brought together top leaders in the crypto space for discussions led by Crypto Czar David Sachs. Trump also reflected on his recent executive order to create a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve and U.S. Digital Asset Stockpile, which will help the government maximize the value of its crypto holdings, unlike the previous administration’s actions.
Trump went on to criticize the past administration’s approach to crypto, particularly its regulatory actions, calling them a misuse of government power. He said that with his leadership, the U.S. is ending this regulatory “war” and promised a more supportive environment for crypto.
Trump also called on Congress to pass clear, sensible regulations for stablecoins and market structures, which would help boost innovation and investment in the industry.
“We are ending the previous administration’s regulatory war on crypto and Bitcoin, which includes stopping the lawless ‘Operation Chokepoint 2.0.’ This operation went far beyond regulation — it was a form of government weaponization, and frankly, it was a disgrace. But as of January 20, 2025, all of that is over,” he said.
He concluded by expressing excitement about the energy of the crypto community, believing it embodies the spirit that built America, and reaffirming that the future of finance will be led by the U.S.
The Strategic Bitcoin Reserve will hold about 200,000 bitcoins that have been seized by federal agencies. The U.S. Digital Asset Stockpile will include other types of digital assets, also seized through legal processes.
The Treasury will oversee these assets and decide how to manage or sell them if needed. The goal of this executive order is to centralize and properly manage the country’s digital assets, ensuring their value is maximized.
@ Newshounds News™
Source: Coinpedia
Anticipated moves by President Trump and Senate Republicans appear intent on using crypto policy to achieve a broader goal: ending the Fed’s independence.
As President Donald Trump continues to test the limits of executive authority by reshaping all manner of U.S. government agencies, one such battle appears poised to rope in the cryptocurrency industry: a brewing war against the Federal Reserve and its publicly stated mission to remain independent.
Since the early 1950s, the Fed has enjoyed final say on key decisions related to the American banking system and U.S. monetary policy. Now the Trump administration and its Republican allies in Congress appear intent on taking over some of that decision-making—first and foremost via numerous crypto-related policy initiatives.
As Decrypt reported last week, the White House is planning to soon issue another cryptocurrency-focused executive order that will, among other things, likely direct the Fed to change its policies on withholding coveted master accounts from so-called crypto banks—financial institutions that possess banking licenses but also offer crypto custody services to their clients.
Master accounts, which allow banks to access the Fed’s financial services, are crucial for serving customers at scale. Should crypto banks finally receive such approval, the development would constitute a massive victory for the digital assets industry.
Only the precious few crypto-focused banks that are registered as depository institutions, such as Kraken Financial, a subdivision of the cryptocurrency exchange Kraken, and Caitlin Long’s Custodia, would be immediately eligible to receive master accounts.
Master account approvals have, for decades, been the final say of the Fed’s seven-member board of governors. And while those governors are appointed by the president, their decisions have not been openly overridden by the executive branch ever since an informal agreement granted them policy-making independence in 1951, according to the Fed.
Last month, Trump laid the groundwork to begin undoing that understanding by signing an executive order declaring he had the right to dictate the Fed’s policies related to the “supervision and regulation of financial institutions.” That policy category would likely include the Fed’s decision-making related to master accounts.
Trump’s order did make the caveat that the Fed will continue to shape its own “monetary policy” on sensitive matters like interest rates. But efforts are brewing in Washington to undo even the Fed’s monetary policy independence—and once again, those plans run straight through the crypto industry.
Last week, Sen. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) introduced a bill, the Bitcoin Act, that would obligate the U.S. government to buy some $80 billion worth of Bitcoin in an effort to bolster a federal Strategic Bitcoin Reserve. That huge sum of crypto would be paid for, chiefly, by a scheme that would compel the Fed to have its Nixon-era gold certificates reissued at market prices.
Because gold has appreciated by some 6,000% in the intervening years, new gold certificates would theoretically be worth hundreds of billions more than the old ones. The Fed would receive these new, more valuable certificates—but then have to immediately fork over $80 billion to the Treasury Secretary to fund Bitcoin purchases.
A Capitol Hill source with direct knowledge of the thinking that went into the Bitcoin Act told Decrypt that no one has yet tried to tap into such a fundraising mechanism because, for decades, legislators and presidents alike have been hesitant to explicitly direct the Fed.
That position has now changed.
“The view [behind the Bitcoin Act] is in line with the president’s, that there’s no such thing as an independent agency,” the source said. “The Federal Reserve can be instructed, especially through legislation.”
The Capitol Hill insider added that Republicans have likely been emboldened in recent years to take a stronger stance on overseeing the policies of ostensibly independent federal agencies because of the perceived politicization of these agencies, exemplified by the alleged political targeting that took place in the anti-crypto “Operation Chokepoint 2.0.”
Trump is by no means the first president to push against the Fed’s independence in the modern era. Presidents from both parties have pressured the Fed to enact or undo certain policies.
In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson went so far as to physically assault then-Fed chair William McChesney Martin over a disagreement about raising interest rates, according to one biographer.
But still, since the 1950s, no president has successfully managed, or meaningfully tried, to rip key decision-making powers back from the Fed’s governors—at least not explicitly.
Should Trump and his congressional allies keep pressing forward on that goal—and should crypto policy become the tip of that spear—how might the digital assets industry react?
One crypto lobbyist told Decrypt that the Trump administration appears to be using crypto-related policy as a “test case” for reclaiming control over independent agencies.
On one hand, those efforts could unlock crucial victories crypto leaders wouldn’t have dared dream of even a year ago.
On the other hand, the same moves could not only end up in contentious litigation, but also associate the crypto industry—which has tried desperately to avoid political polarization—with a precedent-bucking agenda that is increasingly testing the limits of the U.S. Constitution.
“I can't tell yet if it’s a good thing or a bad thing,” the crypto lobbyist said. “But we’ll take it. Right?”
@ Newshounds News™
Source: Decrypt
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