Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-20-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-20-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, March 20. Happy first day of spring to everybody and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in again all over the world. We're glad to have you, and we're looking forward to having a good call tonight.
So let's do this. Let's talk about where we are on the Intel front.
And I don't have quite as complete the intel that I was hoping to get this afternoon. We've lost connection with my one of my sources that I don't know, I will probably from tonight after the call, that is typical, sometimes, if we lose contact during the day.
But here's the thing, what we have is what we were expecting was for everything to start this day with notifications. Now, here's what appears to be happening. At our last discussion about rates and about screens, we had the Forex with the new currencies that are all up in value. There's 18 total that are going up in value. Those rates were populating on all screens.
Forex with the rates linking, moving up and down, populating coming in, going up and all that. And then same thing on bank screen, same thing on redemption center screens.
And what we had understood was, if those rates are solid by last night, before midnight, then we would be good to go today. Well, I'm not sure that they all filled in to solid rates. Okay?
So then we thought, Well, okay, let's see what happens today, and let's see if those rates become solid during the day or by midnight tonight. All right?
And then we had information that showed, okay, yeah, the Forex rates directly are tied to and affect the rates at the banks, but redemption center rates, which is what we're all going for, redemption center rates are not directly tied to the forex and therefore can be put up at whatever rates the countries decide when the redemption centers are going to have for us, not necessarily the same as are on forex or on the bank screens.
And we know that's the case. We know that redemption center rates, for the most part, can be higher than those at the banks.
Okay, we've talked about rate of the dinar. We've talked about the Iraq Dinar Contract rate being way higher than bank screen rates. Even thought about getting to and they will be, it would be quite a bit higher. And I've told you guys roughly where expected to be, and I told you that several times, so that's still in play. It's still looking good.
We know the zim is on par with the USN dollar, and we know that the Dong is probably the only one we know of for sure that should be the same on bank screen says it is on redemption center screens.
However, if you have Dong only, we still recommend this call and center appointment for the redemption centers, because there are additional perks and information that you should get when you go in and exchange the Dong so we'll see how all that comes together.
Now, we had heard earlier today that our timing may be tied to a period which would introduce the currencies as new currencies, if you will, to the Forex no longer exotic currency, like what they are right now, but the revalued currency numbers would show up and be posted either Wednesday or Sunday.
And we thought, if we don't have anything by today, it looks like we could be delayed all the way till the weekend, which is only a couple days away, until Saturday. So we could be there. We could get notifications as early as tomorrow and start exchanges Saturday, or we could get pushed all the way to Sunday and get going Monday or Tuesday.
All of this is in play right now because we don't know exactly where the rates stand as being solid on redemption center screens yet, if they are solid now or solid tomorrow, it looks good that we would be notified tomorrow, but we don't have that confirmed yet, so I'm going to try to get that confirmed, which won't help this call tonight, but I'll try to help it, or I'll Try to confirm it after the call tonight, providing that can happen.
The other thing is that bond holders are looking to get their access to funds at the point, I'm going to say probably Saturday. It could be tomorrow, but it could also be on Saturday, and now bonds are only being transacted in two cities in the US, Reno and Miami, both at Wells Fargo locations Reno and Miami, no longer in New York, no longer Atlanta, not in Zurich or Geneva Switzerland, but only in Reno and Miami.
And we have sources on the ground in both those areas, Reno and Miami, and reporting on the number of flights that are coming in every hour into those two cities to transact their bonds. But guess what?
These bond holders are all international. They're coming from other places around the world to do this here, that's the activity that people are seeing in Reno, with extra flights going in six, seven an hour in and out of Reno, but we might have maybe three flights an hour coming in and out by the International Airport, private side, for bondholders.
So for Wells Fargo, sort of and so, so that's what's happening. So bondholders are held back just like we are, until everything is ready to go.
Now, President Trump made a very short address that was taped for a crypto currency summit today. He made a little blurb from the Oval Office. I got to hear it today after he made that and it was recorded, and so it was played for this crypto currency Summit.
And what was interesting is he talked about the value of five of these crypto coins, and I think we know which they are. We've got Bitcoin. We've got oh gosh, let's see which ones they've got, Solano garden XRP, which is ripple, XRP, and Etherium. I think you're five right there.
Those five will actually add value to the US dollar, but in a very real sense, it's the gold back US dollar we call the USN that is adding value to those crypto coins. So they both are working together in conjunction.
And as I mentioned on Tuesdays call, I believe it's gold Donald and and Bitcoin already have a relationship that's tied together by blockchain technology, where they can interact between those two coins, I predict they'll all be interactive, where they'll all be tradable, movable, sellable, viable on each of those coin platforms moving forward.
We’ll see if there's a consolidation, if there's elimination, right? I don't think any of those five will be limited, at least that's what it looks like now –
So as zim holders. I've been told I don't think we have to worry about that one up that for ourselves. It's good for people that maybe don't have currency or don't even know about the currency - to be involved in and President Trump's in favor of them, and has spoken about it several times, and here he addressed the summit, if you will, cryptocurrency summit today, so I’m encouraged by where that's going.
And also I've heard that more and more IRS agents we're getting ready to and I want to see us move into NESARA for this country, and GESARA for the global economic security (Strategic) and reformation act, global economic security (Strategic) and reformation act. And this NESARA our national economic security (Strategic) and reformation act.
But I'm looking forward to occur in this country for us, because we know what's included in it. We know that we have a 14% consumption tax. We know that state income taxes, which are not happening in seven of our states right now, but Florida and Texas and Massachusetts and Wyoming, there are several states don't have state income tax. There won't be state income tax in any state.
But the Consumption Tax will be collected and monitored by quote, unquote, IRS agents in each state. But it's going to be like decentralized, just like education is going to go to the states and being part of the state will manage, will manage and manage education in each state.
The same thing is going to be true about collecting consumption tax on new items that we purchase, but it won't be affected on used items that we buy or a lot of other things, and it's not so we're not having our federal income tax or state income tax, and I'm not sure how real estate taxes are affected. I think they may go away too, but we'll have to see about that.
So when the NESARA does fully kick in, not only do we get debt relief and R and R, and, you know, everything that we're looking to receive from it, but we go to the consumption tax, which is going to be way better for everybody, including us. It'll be so much better. So I'm looking forward to that.
Now when is it going to kick in? Gosh, we thought it would kick in by now. I was told within 15 days of the 10th of the month. Well, tomorrow's the 25th and it hasn't kicked in yet. I'm going to say we're going to have to see what happens, because right now, we're looking to have information come in that's about the Social Security increase, also information that confirms the tax structure.
Everything else, there's quite a bit that has to come out. Will it happen before in the month, which today is, what the 20th that's eight days away, 11 days away, to the 31st it could, it could. We could still get our increase of social added on as an extra payment this month.
I've told, been told that would, that would probably be the case, because it hasn't had any. Nobody's had an increase in their social security on the Wednesdays.And we’ve hit three Wednesdays as of yesterday, right? The fifth, the 12th and 19th, and the last Wednesday is the 26th so we'll get that. You know, when we get it - would it be this month? We'll just have to wait and see,
But we know that r and r for us when we go in for our exchanges will be there when we go in to exchange and redeem our zim, two of the four that should be there as soon as we get numbers and set appointments and go -- Will tomorrow come into play for numbers, where we would start on Saturday. Don't know that was what we got yesterday. Now that may have changed.
That's the thing about this intel guys, as you know, it has changed more times than not, and maybe we're not there until the weekend and and, you know, Monday or Tuesday next week, I really don't know. I'm sorry. I wish I could be more definitive.
At this point, we kind of lost connection actually to get that information. I will say this, there has been an effort for certain bond pay masters in Reno and in Miami to no longer make calls out of that area. They've got major things happening that are keeping those calls from going.
So this shows how close we are, the fact that they're restricting their own pay masters from Wells Fargo, from speaking on their phone. And so that's what we have to look at and say, Okay, well, I guess that means that we're very, very close. And that's exactly what it means.
So everything else is moving in the direction that we wanted to go behind the scenes, President Trump has a great job of contacting President Putin of Russia, and they had a good hour and a half call two days ago. And then yesterday, President Trump had a call or so close to an hour with President Zelensky, they're agreeing in principle to the terms that President Trump has come up with for a cease fire, at least a temporary cease fire, and a work toward a lasting treaty of peace.
And of course, way Hamas is going down there in Israel. Things are, things are not quite peaceful down there right now, but I'm sure that we're working to try to establish that and get that done.
My understanding is we're not to have war under the GESARA treaty or the GESARA Act, and hopefully we're moving toward getting that put into place, putting it into effect. I know, for example, that Iraq has revalued their currency, and it's been put out their in country rate, their international rate. Same thing's true for Vietnam.
They put their rate out yesterday, and the rest of the countries were looking to have do the same thing. I believe it was going to be the Afghanistan, Afghani, Indonesia rupiah, and maybe a couple of others had their rate out as revalued. I haven't heard that that had happened, but that was next, of course, the rest of the currencies, which are totally 17 or 18 total that are coming up substantially in value.
That's all those rates that are being put on the Forex and on bank and redemption center screens that are fluctuating up and down right now, trading and hopefully that will solidify, possibly by midnight tonight, if so, we got a good chance of getting notified tomorrow, but we'll have to see you guys are gonna have to have to just watch this along with us. Watch for emails. Watch for your email from Wells Fargo with the toll free number in it – also check big call see if we put up the 800 number over the weekend or whatever it is that I slash. We get it soon as I get it and validate it verify it.
Bob and Raleigh put it up on big call be sure that you are registered mentorship site will send you an email with number in it - we'll be in touch with you after this goes to know we're doing with our projects, and we'll it'll take us a while to get websites up and running to where you can go
So that’s what I have to say, we're very close on and we'll keep you prized on that we have a call Tuesday. We don't know at this point whether we will or not. If we do it should be hopefully it'll be a celebration call.
Okay, so let's hope for that, in which case we would do it and have the recorded celebration call ready for you. We could do the call sooner. We get the numbers sooner, and we started setting appointments and exchange. Then we'll probably do a recorded celebration call.
So anyway, I'm excited about where we are guys. I wish I could give you an exact timing for this, but just hang in there and know that it's very, very close, and we'll, we'll be in touch with all right, so see, and let's pray the call out,
Well, good night everybody, and have a good night and keep an eye on our emails.
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