Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday AM 5-2-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday AM 5-2-24

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

"CFTC Approves Final Rule Amending the Capital and Financial Reporting Requirements of Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants"

The Commodities Futures and Trading Commission has been fast-tracking this rule through as of late. They even went so far as to do this Final Rule in-house to avoid it taking any longer than it had to take otherwise. When it comes to money/foreign exchanges, everything is reported to Uncle Sam. This Final Rule for Swap Dealers to report Capital gains of Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants is in the process of going inside the Federal Register. The effective date of this rule that will enable us to exchange with Swap Dealers is 30 days from publication inside the Federal Register. This puts us close to the end of May when we will first be able to exchange if everything is completed by that time with "technological operability" and laws that govern the process of Foreign Currency Exchanges.   CFTC © Goldilocks


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday AM 5-2-24

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

"CFTC Approves Final Rule Amending the Capital and Financial Reporting Requirements of Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants"

The Commodities Futures and Trading Commission has been fast-tracking this rule through as of late. They even went so far as to do this Final Rule in-house to avoid it taking any longer than it had to take otherwise.

When it comes to money/foreign exchanges, everything is reported to Uncle Sam. This Final Rule for Swap Dealers to report Capital gains of Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants is in the process of going inside the Federal Register.

The effective date of this rule that will enable us to exchange with Swap Dealers is 30 days from publication inside the Federal Register. This puts us close to the end of May when we will first be able to exchange if everything is completed by that time with "technological operability" and laws that govern the process of Foreign Currency Exchanges.   CFTC

© Goldilocks


Pretty soon, you're going to hear me start talking about CBDCs. This does not mean that I am a fan of that particular coin, it's just the reality of where we are going. And, I am committed to letting you know exactly what is going on with the new digital economy.

Like it or not, CBDCs will be a part of it at the very least on the wholesale level. The retail level remains to be seen. If it does reach the retail level, it will have to meet new private policy laws.

That being said, I see the making of CBDCs on the retail level coming out years from now if at all. Cross your fingers and hope that Stablecoins are all we need.

© Goldilocks


Fed Meeting Today: Interest Rates Decision Due; Watch Powell's Speech |  Barrons


The Dow has lost 5.00% the last 4 weeks. It looks like we're going to lose some more ground going forward.

We talked about these adjustments taking place about a month ago. I shared with you that we had three to five weeks to go through a downturn inside the markets.

Hopefully, the bleeding will stop this week going into next week, but the fundamentals are not looking good.

The FOMC meeting is today. So far, I am hearing that a cautious approach may lead to no interest rate changes at best. The actions today will determine the reactions of traders moving forward on the market.

© Goldilocks


Federal Register Announcement:

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Commission or CFTC) is amending its swap execution facility (SEF) regulations related to uncleared swap confirmations, and making associated technical and conforming changes. | 
Federal Register

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article


Foreign Currency Exchange Tax Issues | Small Business

If your company exchanges currency at a profit, it must pay tax on the gains it realizes from the transaction.


If Treasury Bonds Hit 5%, You're Gonna See Some Serious Sh*t | Zero Hedge


FOMC Press Conference May 1, 2024 | Youtube


The Fed keeps rates on hold.
   - No interest rate changes at this time.


Ripple XRP - IMF CONFIRMED MIND-BLOWING FOR XRP... Brad Garlinghouse (Best Crypto To Buy Now 2024) | Youtube


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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Thursday Morning 5-2-2024


Tishwash:  hmmmmm I guess they mean it this time? 

His financial advisor: The dollar exchange rate in the parallel market is gradually approaching the official one

Today, Thursday, Adviser to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, explained the dangers of the exchange rate fluctuations in the event that demands for floating the dinar are met, while confirming that the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market is gradually approaching the official one. Saleh said to the official agency, followed by Mawazine News, that “calls for floating the dinar to end the gap between the official exchange rate and the parallel market may be possible in an economy in which the free market alone influences the movement of the balance of payments, and not in an economy in which the rentier government sector is dominant and generates currency reserves.”


Tishwash:  hmmmmm I guess they mean it this time? 

His financial advisor: The dollar exchange rate in the parallel market is gradually approaching the official one

Today, Thursday, Adviser to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, explained the dangers of the exchange rate fluctuations in the event that demands for floating the dinar are met, while confirming that the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market is gradually approaching the official one.

Saleh said to the official agency, followed by Mawazine News, that “calls for floating the dinar to end the gap between the official exchange rate and the parallel market may be possible in an economy in which the free market alone influences the movement of the balance of payments, and not in an economy in which the rentier government sector is dominant and generates currency reserves.”

Foreign currency, as the monetary authority alone is the main source of supply of foreign currency that meets the desired demand for foreign exchange in the money market, to provide stability in this market and achieve a desired and homogeneous exchange rate through the interventionist role played by monetary policy.

He added, "Claims for flotation mean in all cases adopting the prevailing exchange rate in the parallel market to achieve the goal of stability and balance in the official exchange rate itself at a new point reached by the market at the end of the supposed flotation policy and returning to stability again.

Also, the flotation scenario means in all cases the withdrawal of the authority." Cash from being an essential central supply of foreign currency, to be replaced by new forces supplying foreign currency from free market makers, which only have a weak, limited supply of foreign exchange, and at the same time they carry an uncontrolled package of inflationary expectations and are called in economic literature the forces generating expectations. "inflationary".

He continued, "The hypothetical new supply forces for foreign exchange adopted by the exchange market in that scenario will mean the dominance of supply forces from speculators with very limited quantities of foreign exchange available for supply in the parallel market, matched by an open demand for foreign currency on the part of the market that undoubtedly exceeds that limited parallel supply." of foreign exchange, perhaps by more than 10 times at least in our estimation, and such a policy of floating to achieve a homogeneous equilibrium exchange rate would be an open and perhaps unruly situation, as long as the central government supply of foreign currency would be absent from the market, and we would not then obtain any equilibrium point in the exchange rate.

 An exchange rate that is sought to float except with a widespread deterioration of the exchange rate as long as it is controlled by forces that generate inflationary expectations, as we noted in a highly unilateral rentier economy, and it is an exchange rate whose mechanisms will move in a market that is incomplete in terms of production in its compensation for the required supply of goods and services.

Saleh warned, “Then no one knows how much the new exchange rate resulting from the flotation will be, which will undoubtedly be accompanied by a prior wave of inflationary expectations, which is a dangerous wave whose directions are difficult to control, which may force monetary policy according to this floating scenario by intervening with foreign reserves.” It is an unjustified extravagance in foreign exchange to impose a state of stability in the general level of prices again just to adopt it when exchange rates reach low rates, and no one knows how much they will reach.”

He pointed out that "the difference in the two prices currently, in which the parallel market is gradually approaching the official market, did not come about due to the short supply of foreign exchange at the Monetary Authority, but rather came about due to a sudden external factor imposed by the compliance platform and administrative audit restrictions on external transfer movements, which is a matter related to the deficit in the authority's reserves."

Cash is about bringing the two prices closer in light of a very high level of foreign reserves. The commercial efficiency of those reserves is the highest in Iraq’s financial history, and they are covered in foreign currency that touches more than 16 months of imports compared to the global standard of three months of imports.  link


Tishwash: New agreements between Iraq and Iran on facilitating trade

Iranian media reported today, Wednesday (May 1, 2024), that Iraq and Iran have reached new agreements on facilitating trade movement between the two countries.

Mohammad Rezvani Far, Deputy Minister of Economy and Director General of Iranian Customs, and Hassan Hammoud Hassani, Advisor to the Ministry of Finance and Director General of Iraqi Customs, emphasized the facilitation of trade in addition to the new customs agreements between the two countries.

The Iranian official agency, according to what was translated by “Baghdad Today”, quoted Radwani as saying, “This meeting along the long borders and near 5 important provinces bordering Iran and Iraq, which requires doubling trade between Iran and Iraq, and developing relations, coordination and cooperation.”

Radwani added, "Regular border meetings between border customs directors in the two countries can contribute to the effectiveness of this cooperation," indicating that "Iranian Customs is fully prepared to exchange customs information with Iraqi Customs in order to facilitate and develop trade."

The Iranian official considered that "exchanging and coordinating procedures and policies and applying similar methods at various border points, in addition to matching working days and hours in customs offices in the two countries, is important and vital for trade exchange."

The Iranian Deputy Minister of Economy called for "expediting notification of changes in customs procedures and regulations in the two countries."

Radwanifar stated that “the cornerstone of customs policies to facilitate and develop trade lies in the World Customs Organization,” noting “the importance of this organization,” calling for “consensus and consultation among Islamic countries in promoting common goals and interests.”

For his part, the head of the Iraqi Customs Authority, Hassan Hamoud Hassani, described the Iranian side as “one of Iraq’s most important trading partners, and included developing trade relations between the two countries as one of his country’s priorities.”

He expressed his satisfaction with “the progress of customs cooperation between the two countries,” expressing his hope to “follow up on common issues with continued cooperation and exchange of views.”

The head of Iraqi customs promised to "continue coordination between his government and the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government in order to implement customs unity in these two regions."

Hassani also expressed his regret "about the phenomenon of fuel smuggling at the common border crossings between the two countries," adding that "Iraqi customs will cooperate with the Iranian side in resolving this problem."

It is noteworthy that during the meeting, it was agreed to sign an agreement on cooperation and mutual administrative assistance in customs affairs between the governments of the two countries, with the aim of facilitating the electronic exchange of customs information and providing facilities in performing customs procedures at the border level of the two countries, and agreeing to sign an agreement to facilitate the temporary entry of goods vehicles between Iran and Iraq. And the establishment of a designated parking lot outside the customs borders of the two countries in order to prevent the risks resulting from the stopping of trucks carrying fuel materials in the border area, as well as the establishment of representatives of the organizations that issue import licenses, including standards, health and quarantine units, and related organizations in the Iraqi border customs, among others. link


Tishwash:  Al-Sudani: The government is serious about moving to a diversified economy and supporting the industrial sector

Al-Sudani in his speech at the opening of the continuous casting factory at the General Company for Steel Industries in the capital, Baghdad

The state and the government are committed to paying attention to and caring for the rights of workers, especially since the government has made important strides in guaranteeing the rights of workers at the level of legislation represented by the Labor, Retirement and Social Security Law.

The government has placed industry as an important sector for economic reform in our dear country, based on the fact that Iraq is an industrial country, just as it is an oil and agricultural country, in light of the availability of all work requirements, including raw materials and infrastructure. 

We affirm the government's commitment and seriousness to support the industrial sector to move from a country dependent on oil revenues to a diversified economy, and this goal can only be achieved with the presence of an active and financially and technically capable private sector. 

Life returned to the General Company for Steel Industries by operating the continuous casting plant to convert large quantities of scrap into iron billets.

This year is a year of achievements, and the government is implementing this slogan in word and deed by opening many projects that were stalled.  link

Mot: .. True Story.. siiiiggghhhhhh 

Mot: Found the Perfect RV Clock I Did!!!! ....................

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 5-2-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 2 May 2024 Compiled Thurs. 2 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington,

Global Currency Reset:  (RUMORS)

Wed. 1 May 2024 BREAKING: Zimbabwe’s New Gold-backed Currency (ZiG) Has Officially Entered General Circulation Today – American Media Group ( The fall of the Zim dollar, which plummeted over 70% in value against the U.S. dollar, paved the way for the birth of ZiG. Anchored by the intrinsic value of gold and supported by a backdrop of precious minerals, the ZiG debuted at an impressive 13.4 to the dollar on its first day of circulation. 

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 2 May 2024

Compiled Thurs. 2 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington,

Global Currency Reset:  (RUMORS)

Wed. 1 May 2024 BREAKING: Zimbabwe’s New Gold-backed Currency (ZiG) Has Officially Entered General Circulation Today – American Media Group ( The fall of the Zim dollar, which plummeted over 70% in value against the U.S. dollar, paved the way for the birth of ZiG. Anchored by the intrinsic value of gold and supported by a backdrop of precious minerals, the ZiG debuted at an impressive 13.4 to the dollar on its first day of circulation. 

Tues. 30 April Dawn Saddleup on Telegram: One banker in Texas with contacts n Iraq says in country IQD RATE is $3.91. It will float. On Wed. 1 May Turkey will start energy pipelines flowing to Iraq so they say Iraq can’t do that unless it changes the rate of Exchange. Things are moving. Pray God’s intervention in this. As so many are hurting and so many want to Give A lot!

Tues. 30 April Wolverine Colombia: “As of this morning Tues 30 April at 10 am Bonds Holders from Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru were going to Bogota, Colombia to get exchanged. We know that the process has started and certain people were being paid.

Tues. 30 April Bruce: The Global Financial System and Global Emergency Alert System have been connected globally. Nesara/Gesara should be announced around Thurs. or Fri. 2, 3 May. We should get our R&R allowances and increases in Social Security in May.

Wed. 1 May The Event 5D – NESARA and GESARA: The United States Gov. the Most Corrupt Place on Earth – Get Rid of Biden, and Start the New Money System! (Where We Go One, We Go All) – American Media Group (


Wed. 1 May 2024, Ariel: Hold onto to your Zim-Notes people.

The Zimbabwe Bond Notes (You Hold) could not be paid out in any form prior to this announcement. A Bond is a Promissory Note issued by a government and can legally not be refused.

Look at the writing on the Zim-Notes you hold. What does it say? “I promise to pay bearer on demand”.  Do you understand the gravity of this statement? Do you understand how rich in natural resources Zimbabwe is?

The Royal Bank of Zimbabwe $835,000,082,302,000,000 (13 metric tons of in ground gold estimated to yield $14 billion per annum by RBZ going forward) is the richest in the world.

People, did you know I had a private contract back in 2016 exclusively for Zim-Notes only? I have many of you this already last year. I even uploaded the process in a condensed format to give people an idea of how it was supposed to go. But that was 10+ years ago. Some of my followers remember that. Because a couple of them were also a part of it.

The amount of un-mined Gold in Zimbabwe is astonishing. There is more than enough to back all the millions of printed 2008-2009 Bonds alone. Not even mentioning the other minerals.

People Zimbabwe no longer just had gold backed digital coins. The paper is also being supported by the new gold standard. You now hold very valuable bonds in your possession. Do you know how far ahead you are of those who are oblivious to this?

The government said that Holders of physical gold coins, at their discretion, will be able to exchange or convert, through the banking system… into gold-backed digital tokens,” the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe said in a statement inviting individual and corporate entities to use the digital currency that can be bought either in Zimbabwean dollars or foreign currency.

Zimbabwe is now in a process to get all the 2008 to 2009 Zim Promissory Notes (Bond) off the streets. This should be done very soon. Remember Iraq is doing the same thing. Everything they are doing in their local economies is to ensure maximums value for their new precious metal based economy.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Saleh is saying the start of implementation of the government and banking reforms has started.  FRANK: Woohoo! ...The new exchange rate is the pivotal role they are about to give them...    

Clare  Article: "On a tour that included Karbala, Babylon, and Ur... Two American tourists: We felt  completely safe in Iraq"  Quote: "Hudson and Emily Crider, travel the world on a mission to explore each country and document its  cultural experiences...In a series of more than 20 videos, the Criders detail what it's like to be an American tourist in Iraq,  offer travel tips and debunk misconceptions about the country...They said: As Christians, we found (Karbala) a wonderful city to see and the people were very welcoming. It is really special that they allow people of all religions to come here and learn more  about their beliefs.”  

Currency Rates & News IQD, Gold, BRICS, VND HTG ARS

Edu Matrix:  5-2-2024

Currency Rates & News IQD Gold BRICS VND HTG ARS - What is happening in the world of currency. BRICS Disturbing News for the West, Gold is Skyrocketing

When Will De-Dollarisation Happen?

Nomad Capitalist:  4-30-2024

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Wednesday Evening 5-1-24

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Wednesday Evening 5-1-24

Iraqi dinar now you can cash 25000 Iraqi dinar Note – 2:48

Iraqi dinar RV And RI Latest big update it’s Massive – 2:17

Iraqi Dinar rate not In risk – 1:22


Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Wednesday Evening 5-1-24

Iraqi dinar now you can cash 25000 Iraqi dinar Note – 2:48

Iraqi dinar RV And RI Latest big update it’s Massive – 2:17

Iraqi Dinar rate not In risk – 1:22

 Iraqi dinar now you can cash 25000 Iraqi dinar Note – 2:48

Iraqi dinar RV And RI Latest big update it’s Massive – 2:17

Iraqi Dinar rate not In risk – 1:22

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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

‘Automatic Millionaire’ David Bach: 7 Retirement Planning Tips He Swears By

‘Automatic Millionaire’ David Bach: 7 Retirement Planning Tips He Swears By

Kristopher Kane  Tue, April 30, 2024

Planning for retirement can be challenging and even a little scary. It’s an issue that raises some serious questions that need serious answers. Many of us put off retirement planning because it seems too far away or we’re having difficulty making ends meet with our current earnings.

How much should you save? What are the best methods for growing your nest egg? Where should you invest? David Bach, financial expert and author of 10 New York Times bestsellers, has some advice that might help make answering these questions easier.

Keep reading for a look at seven of Bach’s best tips for retirement, including how much you should try to save, what to do with those savings and how to make the most of your retirement fund.

Tip No. 1: Set Aside an Hour of Earnings Each Day

Bach’s first piece of advice is his trademark go-to phrase: Pay yourself first.

‘Automatic Millionaire’ David Bach: 7 Retirement Planning Tips He Swears By

Kristopher Kane  Tue, April 30, 2024

Planning for retirement can be challenging and even a little scary. It’s an issue that raises some serious questions that need serious answers. Many of us put off retirement planning because it seems too far away or we’re having difficulty making ends meet with our current earnings.

How much should you save? What are the best methods for growing your nest egg? Where should you invest? David Bach, financial expert and author of 10 New York Times bestsellers, has some advice that might help make answering these questions easier.

Keep reading for a look at seven of Bach’s best tips for retirement, including how much you should try to save, what to do with those savings and how to make the most of your retirement fund.

Tip No. 1: Set Aside an Hour of Earnings Each Day

Bach’s first piece of advice is his trademark go-to phrase: Pay yourself first.

He says, “You’re going to work about 2,000 hours this year, assuming you have a job.”

He goes on to say that most Americans will work around 90,000 hours over the course of their careers, from their first day on the job until retirement. Bach has long maintained that “pay yourself first” means you should keep the first hour of your pay and dedicate it to long-term savings.

For most of us, that 2,000 hours will be over a year of 40-hour work weeks, or around 260 working days per year. This means your goal would be to set aside around 260 times your hourly rate of pay.

For the sake of demonstration, let’s work with a round number and say you make $100 an hour (the actual average hourly wage is considerably less — between $34 and $35). At the end of the year, you will want to have saved a minimum of $26,000, or 260 times the amount you earned for the first hour of every working day that year.

Be Aware: These 8 Expenses Can Kill Your Retirement — Should You Ditch Them ASAP?

Tip No. 2: Put Your Savings in a Retirement Account

It’s not enough to “pay yourself first” if you don’t make good use of that money. Bach recommends that “you move the money into a 401(k), 403(b) or IRA account. If you don’t have one of those retirement accounts then get an IRA account today and get it set up automatically. Ask your employer if you can have the money automatically moved from your paycheck to your IRA account.”

Bach says most employers should be able to offer this kind of automatic diversion of funds, but if not, you may be able to make arrangements with your bank.

“If they won’t do it, then have your paycheck automatically deposited, and then set up your bank account to automatically move the money into your IRA account before you can touch it.”

Tip No. 3: Manage Your Retirement Savings Wisely

 To Read More:

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Wednesday Evening 5-1-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Wednesday Evening 5-1-24

Chase Bank Fully Decided Iraqi Dinar RV Done – 3:33

Finally Dinar Current RV Exchange Your Iraqi Dinar Old 25,000 FROM Us bank – 3:56

Iraqi Dinar  Very Impressive News For investors – 3:34

WOW Finally Amazing Iraqi Dinar $6.44 & Vietnam Dong $4.10 Dollar – 4:28

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Wednesday Evening 5-1-24

Chase Bank Fully Decided Iraqi Dinar RV Done – 3:33

Finally Dinar Current RV Exchange Your Iraqi Dinar Old 25,000 FROM Us bank – 3:56

Iraqi Dinar  Very Impressive News For investors – 3:34

WOW Finally Amazing Iraqi Dinar $6.44 & Vietnam Dong $4.10 Dollar – 4:28

Chase Bank Fully Decided Iraqi Dinar RV Done – 3:33

Finally Dinar Current RV Exchange Your Iraqi Dinar Old 25,000 FROM Us bank – 3:56

Iraqi Dinar  Very Impressive News For investors – 3:34

WOW Finally Amazing Iraqi Dinar $6.44 & Vietnam Dong $4.10 Dollar – 4:28

Read More

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday Afternoon 5-1-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday Afternoon 5-1-24

A Thousand Dinars Every Month.. An Expert Predicts The Shape Of The Final Journey Of Dollar Prices

 Economy |Baghdad today – Sulaymaniyah  Today, Wednesday (May 1, 2024), the economic expert, Farman Hussein, expected the continued decline of the dollar’s ​​exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar until it reaches the official rate of the Central Bank of Iraq.

 The Central Bank sells the dollar at a price of 1,320 dinars, while the dollar is currently trading in the local markets in Baghdad and the governorates, and in what is known as the “parallel market,” at 1,470 dinars or a little more.

 Hussein told "Baghdad Today" that  "the efforts of the government and the Central Bank were important in strengthening dependence on the dinar, and quashing rumors that were promoting a significant rise in the price of the dollar and its crossing the barrier of 200 thousand dinars for 100 dollars."

He added,   "The government erased fears of the rise of the dollar and increased reliance on the dinar, and the current demand for the dollar is only for those in need.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday Afternoon 5-1-24

A Thousand Dinars Every Month.. An Expert Predicts The Shape Of The Final Journey Of Dollar Prices

 Economy |Baghdad today – Sulaymaniyah  Today, Wednesday (May 1, 2024), the economic expert, Farman Hussein, expected the continued decline of the dollar’s ​​exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar until it reaches the official rate of the Central Bank of Iraq.

 The Central Bank sells the dollar at a price of 1,320 dinars, while the dollar is currently trading in the local markets in Baghdad and the governorates, and in what is known as the “parallel market,” at 1,470 dinars or a little more.

 Hussein told "Baghdad Today" that  "the efforts of the government and the Central Bank were important in strengthening dependence on the dinar, and quashing rumors that were promoting a significant rise in the price of the dollar and its crossing the barrier of 200 thousand dinars for 100 dollars."

He added,   "The government erased fears of the rise of the dollar and increased reliance on the dinar, and the current demand for the dollar is only for those in need.

 Therefore, we will go towards a greater decline and it may stabilize in the coming weeks at 140 thousand dinars." 

 Hussein expected "the dollar to decline gradually every month or two, at a rate of one or two thousand, to reach the official government rate."

The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, had previously attributed the noticeable decline in the dollar exchange rate to “the economic policy that played a major role in imposing a climate of stability in the general level of the dollar exchange rates,” indicating that

 “the state of superiority of the official exchange market in financing foreign trade.” For Iraq, it caused a decline in the effects of the parallel market and a decline in its illegal activities.”

 The Parliamentary Investment and Development Committee also acknowledged the decline in exchange rates and the achievement of positive results in the local markets in recent months, while

 economic affairs specialists point out the necessity of preserving the economic gains achieved recently, especially the stability of prices in the local markets, which they attributed to the decline. Parallel dollar.ألف-دينار-كل-شهر.-مختص-يتوقع-شكل-الرحلة-النهائية-لأسعار-الدولار.html    

Al-Sudani Stresses The Importance Of Following Up On The Understandings Reached Between Iraq And America 

Politics |Baghdad Today – Baghdad   The Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, stressed this evening, Tuesday, (April 30, 2024), the importance of following up on the understandings reached between Iraq and America.

 A statement from his office, received by “Baghdad Today”, stated that  Al-Sudani “chaired, this evening, a meeting that included a number of advisors to the Prime Minister, and

 the meeting discussed the file of the  Washington visit, and following up on the implementation of the agreements and understandings concluded by the official Iraqi delegation, headed by the Prime Minister, with the American side.” During the recent visit,

 this is based on the government’s approach in closely following up on all the files it is working on, including those related to foreign relations and understandings with the governments of countries, the latest of which is the file of the relationship with the United States.

The meeting witnessed, according to the statement,  “a discussion of the results of the meetings of the Supreme Coordinating Committee (HCC), concerned with  activating the framework agreement between Iraq and the United States with its seven axes, as well as a discussion of the important economic partnership file that the Iraqi private sector concluded with major American companies.”

 Al-Sudani stressed   “the importance of following up on the understandings reached between Iraq and the United States in many areas, in order to arrange the bilateral relationship, in a way that serves the highest interests of Iraq.”

His Excellency pointed to the necessity of benefiting from the competencies that the Iraqi communities abound in, in reconstruction campaigns and providing services, And in implementing the priorities of the government program,” he described “these competencies as idle wealth.”

 The Prime Minister directed the advisors to arrange priorities in following up on the outcomes of the Washington visit, and that

 each advisor should follow up on a specific file, along with the relevant ministry and the Iraqi embassy in Washington, and submit to him what is verified of it.

 Al-Sudani also directed the appointment of a special secretariat for the Higher Coordination Committee (HSS), and an emphasis on continuing periodic meetings, to follow up and review what has been accomplished.السوداني-يؤكد-أهمية-متابعة-ما-تمّ-التوصل-إليه-من-تفاهمات-بين-العراق-وامريكا.html   

Oil And White Products

 Economical 05/02/2024  Walid Khaled Al-Zaidi   If we want to transform from a country that exports its products to a country that manufactures them instead of selling them as basic products to global markets,

we must  recognize that crude oil is only a raw material that is involved in other activities such as manufacturing industries that generate  huge economic benefits and the establishment of projects for heavy industries and other projects and energy generation work.

And  rehabilitating the services and transportation sectors and  stimulating trade of both internal and external types, in addition to employing the labor force in factories, laboratories and production workshops, thus strengthening the foundations of the economies of those countries.

 Therefore, the process of transformation  from a country that sources raw materials  to a country that manufactures them to produce other materials and goods that are more useful and more widely used is a major and promising development leap. At the comprehensive economic level,

but it must be strengthened with the will and culture to transform

      from the stage of primitive activities

     to advanced industrial activities, as well as

      large-scale organization for the purpose of industrialization.

And   preparing for conscious human development to enter the system of the global industrial society.

 We are no less prepared than the countries of the industrial transformation known as the Industrial Revolution that occurred in the mid-eighteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century in regions of Europe such as Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and Belgium, as well as North America, which possessed the characteristics of this early transformation and was accompanied by technological progress, financial investments, and early developments in class consciousness.

And theories related to this matter, as  talk has now begun about an Iraqi government strategy to

      maximize national production and

      enhance its role in global oil markets and to

      ensure diversification of national production of refining energy and prepare to

     rely on optimal investment of oil and gas wealth and   not rely only on oil exports, but rather on multiple sources that develop income. Iraqi National.

 Developing mechanisms for dealing with wealth, which represents the main source of the national economy in  maximizing the production of oil derivatives and the refining industry in Iraq, and  converting crude oil into white products is a basis for achieving self-sufficiency,  stopping imports, and  gradually shifting to exporting these products to global markets instead of marketing crude oil without manufacturing. Its derivatives and   through the shift to marketing and trade of white products, which raises Iraq’s position in the oil and commercial markets and places it in an advanced position.

 On time scales, we see that our country is one of the countries lagging behind in catching up with the industrialized countries that have worked to invest their natural resources and transform them into raw materials for the establishment of industry instead of exporting them.

Indeed, this has gone beyond importing raw materials in addition to what they have available to develop the work of the industrial sector and increase its positive effects on its overall activities.

 And the high annual income rates of members of its societies, whether for workers in the industry or the rest of the citizens.

 Its products constituted distinguishing marks in global markets, in addition to the quality of services it provided of all kinds.

 This matter is very natural for it to move the thoughts of those in charge of the national economy, especially when they  look at the oil sector and find in it

  A wide space for comprehensive national development through which the base of benefits from this wealth can be expanded due to the additional incentives it provides for investment and economic growth.     

The Iraq Stock Exchange Receives The Shield Of The Arab Financial Markets Union In Doha

Economy    Yesterday, 23:49  Baghdad – INA   The Iraq Stock Exchange received the shield of the Arab Financial Markets Union in Doha.:

 A statement by the Iraqi Stock Exchange, received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), stated that  “the Iraqi Stock Exchange participated with the Arab financial markets in the work of the meeting of the General Authority for Arab Financial Markets, and the opening of the trading session of the Qatar Stock Exchange, in addition to the annual conference of the Arab Financial Markets Union sponsored by the Stock Exchange.”

Qatar, which was hosted by the Doha Stock Exchange/State of Qatar for its 2024 edition.” 

He added,  "He also participated in financial market discussions with financial technology experts and the future of trading in financial instruments and ongoing financial market experiences, and discussed the performance of Arab financial markets that are members of the Arab Federation AFCM and joint cooperation plans," pointing out that "the Iraqi Stock Exchange won the position for the second year."

 First in average daily trading volume for 2023 indices, and won the Arab Capital Markets Federation shield in Doha.”  He continued:  “While the Saudi Tadawul market achieved the best position in the number of contracts executed and in the trading value achieved for the indicators of the year 2023,” noting that

“the Egyptian Stock Exchange achieved the best return on trading and the best number of new investors for the year 2023, along with the stock exchanges of Jordan (Amman), Bahrain, and Abu Dhabi.” As the best stock exchange in ESG indicators and PE ratio.   

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit :

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday Afternoon 5-1-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday Afternoon 5-1-24

Finally Central Bank Of Iraq Announce IQD New Rate – 2:48

Iraqi Dinar Massive Exchange Rate – 3:01

Finally Iraqi Dinar RV Happening In Next 12 To 24 Hours – 3:04

Iraqi Dinar Massive Latest Update – 4:14

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday Afternoon 5-1-24

Finally Central Bank Of Iraq Announce IQD New Rate – 2:48

Iraqi Dinar Massive Exchange Rate – 3:01

Finally Iraqi Dinar RV Happening In Next 12 To 24 Hours – 3:04

Iraqi Dinar Massive Latest Update – 4:14

Finally Central Bank Of Iraq Announce IQD New Rate – 2:48

Iraqi Dinar Massive Exchange Rate – 3:01

Finally Iraqi Dinar RV Happening In Next 12 To 24 Hours – 3:04

Iraqi Dinar Massive Latest Update – 4:14

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Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20 Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20



Wednesday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#


Wednesday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Evening 5-1-2024


Clare:  Economist reassures: Financial liquidity is available and there are no risks to the Iraqi dinar

5/1/2024   Baghdad, Economic affairs expert Safwan Qusay confirmed that financial liquidity is available and there are no high risks regarding the existence of the Iraqi dinar.

Qusay said, in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News, that “oil revenues rose during the first three months of this year, and this is thanks to the current government’s policy and with Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani personally supervising this success.” He added, "Iraq currently embraces more than 600 investment projects, including the Baghdad Metro."

He pointed out, "Iraq has completed all its financial needs, and the rest of it needs the price of a barrel of oil to reach only $96 to cover the financial deficit."

He pointed out that "there should be rationalization and advice in local financial consumption." LINK


ClareEconomist reassures: Financial liquidity is available and there are no risks to the Iraqi dinar

5/1/2024   Baghdad,

Economic affairs expert Safwan Qusay confirmed that financial liquidity is available and there are no high risks regarding the existence of the Iraqi dinar.

Qusay said, in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News, that “oil revenues rose during the first three months of this year, and this is thanks to the current government’s policy and with Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani personally supervising this success.”
He added, "Iraq currently embraces more than 600 investment projects, including the Baghdad Metro."

He pointed out, "Iraq has completed all its financial needs, and the rest of it needs the price of a barrel of oil to reach only $96 to cover the financial deficit."

He pointed out that "there should be rationalization and advice in local financial consumption." LINK

Clare: Al-Sudani: Service projects in Iraq “will not stop”


 Al-Sudani congratulated the workers on their International Day, 

“We extend our warmest congratulations and best wishes to the workers in Iraq and the world on the anniversary of their most important day.”

He added: “We affirm our commitment to all Iraqi workers, men and women, to provide a work environment that preserves their dignity and guarantees their material and moral rights because they represent a supreme value in our country, where service, reconstruction and development projects have begun and will not stop with the help of the Almighty God.”  LINK

DeepWoodz:  To the citizens again. The theme is clear, it’s down to helping them. Their dignity. Their national pride. 

You know what Frank mentioned yesterday is the biggest symbol of national pride. A new national currency that you can carry enough in your wallet to be able to take your family out to dinner. Buy groceries. Etc…

Sounds like a day of announcements is on the agenda. Or at least to me, it has that feeling about it…


Clare:  An economic expert for NINA: The World Bank’s expectations that Iraq will achieve a high growth rate are “positive expectations”...and several factors that will contribute to it.


Economic affairs expert, Raad Tawij, confirmed that the World Bank’s expectations that Iraq will achieve a high growth rate are positive expectations, indicating that there are several factors that will contribute to Iraq achieving this rank.

Twig said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency ( NINA ): “The Iraqi economy has gone through varying rates of economic growth. In some years, the growth rate was negative and to a large degree, but in most years the growth rates were positive, and there is an expectation that the Iraqi economy will achieve a growth rate.” It reaches 6% and is at the forefront of the Arab countries.

He stressed that one of the most important factors that will contribute to Iraq being at the forefront of the Arab countries and help in this high rate of GDP is the rise in oil prices to approximately 90 dollars and a daily production rate of five million barrels per day in light of international reserves. Approximately 112 billion dollars, in light of digital transformation, financial inclusion, and advanced electronic payment compared to the countries of the region.

He pointed out that it is possible to benefit from the high rate of economic growth, with the progress made in combating money laundering, provided that this is conditional upon carrying out economic reform, controlling government finances, and working towards achieving it. Financial sustainability for all generations, working to diversify sources of national income, getting rid of rentierism, reviving productive sectors in the Iraqi economy, and benefiting from the Iraq Fund for Development and expanding its role.   LINK

DeepWoodz:  This sounds like reasons out of the KTFA handbook on why they can change the rate. 


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Walkingstick and Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:  Alaq the CBI governor is on the television and he's talking about the banks and the financial inclusion.  They are saying to us that there are changes coming...Iraq has just given us Identity Program.  This will be launched next Thursday on the 6th...They called them Unified National Cards.  WALKINGSTICK:  Those are nothing more but identification cards because you're going to be needed them when you go into the bank to get your new currency.  

Mnt Goat    ...What will May bring us investors? I have to tell you that April’s news was amazing and I don’t know how the news can top last month except maybe give us what we are looking for. Am I saying its going to RV in May? Of course one knows the date of this event...Does it seem that we are very close? Yes, it seems this is just around the bend and the finish line is in our sights. ...there is a huge glimmer of hope we could see the RV very soon.

KNOCKOUT: China’s BOLD Move Threatens To Dethrone The US In Europe’s Economy

Sean Foo:  5-1-2024

In a bold move, China is moving fast to court the EU economy away from the US. President will be visiting France, Serbia and Hungary to show Europe there are big benefits in partnering and trading with China.

More importantly, building China's trade allows them to secure their economy against US economic sanctions.

Here's what you must know!

Timestamps & Chapters:

0:00 China's EU Charm Offensive

3:11 EU Needs The Chinese Market

6:20 China Economy Strengthens Further

8:54 France & Hungary To Win Big

11:52 China's Big Agenda

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Wednesday Evening Chat With MarkZ 5-1-2024

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Evening to all

Member: So what’s new today Mark?

MZ: Well some chatter from another different contractor that is hearing the same as the previous contractors. So, multiple confirmations that are hearing a range of rates from the mid to upper $3.s.

MZ: They work in different industry’s in different companies….and they think it will be extremely soon.

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Evening to all

Member: So what’s new today Mark?

MZ: Well some chatter from another different contractor that is hearing the same as the previous contractors. So, multiple confirmations that are hearing a range of rates from the mid to upper $3.s.

MZ: They work in different industry’s in different companies….and they think it will be extremely soon.

Member: Doesn’t the rate have to change by the 9th?? Iraq joining WTO

Member: We all hope and pray they do.

Member: Mark has Iraq checked all the boxes needed for RV?

MZ: That is the question?  Is there an opportune time for them to pull this thing?

Member: Mark, Would that $3.90 rate include the “oil for dinar” contract rate? Is that still on the table for us?

MZ: I am told no- that would not be our contract rate…that would be the street rate. ..and yes I am told the contract rate is still very much a thing and expected to be more than the street rate. .

Member: I would absolutely take the street rate if it was right now.

MZ: I’m with you.

Member: Are the bonds being paid out in the new dollar? If that's true then shouldn't CMKM start to be paid out since 30 plus percent has been paid out by now????

MZ: No new news from bond people today.

Member: I drove by a chase location this morning and saw a security guard holding the door for a lady leaving but then looked like he was staying posted at the door.

Member: I heard Banks must comply with basel 3 by May 2nd. (tomorrow). More banks' failure coming.

MZ: “ Republic’s first seizure signals more bank failures to come”  They have already told us more banks will fail.  The FDIC is going to be hard pressed to bail everybody out.

Member: Went to my Bank today. They are excited about the new Currency

Member: Would love to see what they look like.

Member: (From Dinar Guru) Mnt Goat    ...What will May bring us investors? I have to tell you that April’s news was amazing and I don’t know how the news can top last month except maybe give us what we are looking for. Am I saying its going to RV in May? Of course one knows the date of this event...Does it seem that we are very close? Yes, it seems this is just around the bend and the finish line is in our sights. ...there is a huge glimmer of hope we could see the RV very soon.

MZ: That’s a great one from Mountain Goat. I am glad you shared it. We just need to hang on until we cross the finish line.

Member: If I’m out of the country for the RV and have a few IQD  on me- will I be able to exchange those to get back?

MZ: Absolutely

Member: We so very, very, very, VERY much appreciate all you do for us. Mark

Member: Thanks to all. Everyone enjoy your evening.

CBD Guru’s join the stream tonight. Please listen to the replay for their information.




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



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