News, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 News, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Zimbabwe “Zig” News in Dinarland 5-1-2024


TwoCuteCats:  Zimbabwe Starts Circulating Gold-Back Notes

Zimbabwe’s central bank started circulating ZiG notes and coins among the public, a day after policymakers kept interest rates unchanged at their first meeting since unveiling the new currency.

The ZiG, short for Zimbabwe Gold, is the southern African nation’s sixth attempt since 2008 to deliver a stable domestic currency. It was announced on April 5 and transacting in the unit has been done electronically since trade started three days later.


TwoCuteCats:  Zimbabwe Starts Circulating Gold-Back Notes

Zimbabwe’s central bank started circulating ZiG notes and coins among the public, a day after policymakers kept interest rates unchanged at their first meeting since unveiling the new currency.

The ZiG, short for Zimbabwe Gold, is the southern African nation’s sixth attempt since 2008 to deliver a stable domestic currency. It was announced on April 5 and transacting in the unit has been done electronically since trade started three days later.

Harambe:  Zimbabwe’s as new currency starts circulating - Hurriyet Daily News (5/1/24)

Zimbabwe's new gold-backed currency started circulating on April 30 amid government hopes it could help stabilize the economy, but many locals complained banknotes and coins were too hard to obtain.

 The so-called ZiG, or Zimbabwe Gold, replaced the Zimbabwean dollar, whose value against its U.S. counterpart had collapsed over the past year, pushing up inflation.

The new currency officially started trading earlier this month, but the central bank only released the first two denominations, a 10 ZiG note ($0.70) and a 5 ZiG coin, on April 30.

Despite hopes this would solve a shortage of small change, Zimbabweans were left disappointed.

"Where is the ZiG? Why are we still being given things we don't need for change?" a disgruntled shopper said after being given a bar of chocolate instead of coins at a supermarket in an upmarket suburb in the capital Harare.

Many Zimbabweans have long preferred using U.S. dollars for transactions.

But due to a lack of coins, stores often give change in candies and cookies.

"We haven't had a customer who brought it in cash today," said a shop assistant at another retailer.

Professor Gift Mugano, director for African Governance and Development at the Durban University of Technology, said the central bank released small denominations first to "curb money supply and inflation."

But some stores were marketing goods at inflated prices in the local currency compared to the official U.S. dollar exchange rate.

Soaring prices have piled pressure on Zimbabweans who are already contending with widespread poverty, high unemployment and a severe drought induced by the El Nino weather pattern.

After climbing well into the triple digits last year, inflation was at 57 percent in April.


Zimbabwe’s ZiG is the world’s newest currency and its latest attempt to resolve a money crisis

by: FARAI MUTSAKA, Associated Press, Africa
Posted: Apr 30, 2024

HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Out with the Zimbabwe dollar, in with the ZiG.

Zimbabwe on Tuesday started circulating a new currency to replace one that has been battered by depreciation and often outright rejection by the people.

 The ZiG was introduced electronically in early April, but people are now able to use banknotes and coins.

It’s the southern African country’s latest attempt to halt a long-running currency crisis underlining its persistent economic troubles. The government had previously floated various ideas to replace the Zimbabwe dollar, including introducing gold coins to stem inflation and even trying out a digital currency.

Since it was launched electronically on April 5, the ZiG — short for Zimbabwe Gold and backed by the country’s gold reserves — appears to be heading down the same path of mistrust, with some government departments refusing to accept it.

The ZiG is the sixth currency Zimbabwe has used since the spectacular 2009 collapse of the Zimbabwe dollar amid hyperinflation of 5 billion percent, one of the world’s worst currency crashes to date. That set off a chaotic series of events: first the U.S. dollar was allowed as legal tender, then banned, then unbanned.

A new “bond note” became legal tender, the Zimbabwe dollar was reintroduced before the gold coins and digital currency were tried.

However, nothing brought any currency stability and the U.S. dollar remains the most trusted for ordinary Zimbabweans.

As the shiny new ZiG banknotes hit the streets, the mistrust was evident.

Kudzanayi Mande, a vegetable trader at the crowded Mbare market in the capital of Harare, said she would rather forgo a sale than accept the ZiG. She was confused, the 56-year-old said.

“Already there is an official exchange rate and a depreciated black market rate, so I will wait a bit to see what its real value is,” she said. “The U.S. dollar is still a safer bet.”

The government has allowed some businesses, such as gas stations, to refuse to accept the ZiG in favor of U.S. dollars. Some departments, like the office that issues and renews passports, accept only U.S. dollars.

At the same time, other businesses are being ordered to only use the ZiG, and face punishment if they don’t.

“The government prints the money so it should be the first to accept the currency and everyone else will follow,” said Gift Mugano, an economics professor at South Africa’s Durban University of Technology.

“Otherwise it is behaving like someone who feeds on takeaways but wants others to eat the food they cook,” Mugano said. “It becomes suspicious.”

Many in Zimbabwe still remember when a 100 trillion Zimbabwe dollar banknote was printed in 2009 at the height of the hyperinflation to keep up with spiraling prices.

At one point, a loaf of bread cost more than 500 million Zimbabwe dollars. Prices would change from when customers walked into a grocery store to when they lined up to pay at the cash register. Restaurants stopped displaying prices on menus as they would go up over the course of a dinner. People lugged around bags stuffed with banknotes. Savings and pensions became worthless.

Through the ordeals, the greenback remained precious — and highly valued on the black market.

Across Zimbabwe, the U.S. dollar is still widely used, from paying rent and school fees to buying groceries. Many take their local currency earnings to the black market to exchange for dollars since banks don’t give out U.S. dollars. Some people stash their U.S. dollars at home.

The government of President Emmerson Mnangagwa has taken a hard-line approach — dozens of black market currency dealers were arrested and have been in pretrial detention for weeks, accused of trying to undermine the new currency. After the ZiG was introduced electronically, bank accounts of some businesses were frozen, accused by the government of rejecting the new currency.

Authorities say they have faith in the ZiG because it’s backed by the country’s gold reserves. Mnangagwa said in a speech on Monday it was a matter of “our national identity and dignity” to trust the ZiG.

Though some hopeful Zimbabweans headed for the banks Tuesday to get their hands on the new currency, many remained skeptical after two decades of turmoil.

An online news outlet published a political cartoon showing a policeman struggling to hold up a collapsing house with the word ZiG on it.

The caption: “World’s first police backed currency.”

Source: Wane

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-30-24

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-30-24 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, April 30TH and you're listening to the big call -  Thanks for tuning in all over the globe. Thank you – big call universe wherever you're located all around for tuning into this day, and we're excited to be here. We're excited there's a lot going on. And we, we can’t wait to bring it to you. So let's do this let's pray the call in, as we do on every call

Intel wise, as you guys know, since our last call Thursday, five days past, and we get things every day and sometimes things come and go. They'll get intel that no longer hands out or is it a significant as it was when we get it live, but let's just talk a little bit about what is happening now.

Now one thing that's really big that started this morning, and fully implemented at 6:05am was a what they're calling a global takedown of the bad guys -  this is something that started here is going all the way around the globe. Will take 2-3 days to complete, and this is cleanup.

This is more cleanup. It's close to half a million people. it's a big deal. And this should take care of the majority of the deep state and the people that they've got on their list pick up just a short and sweet version of that and its in full swing as we speak -  so – that’s good -

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-30-24 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, April 30TH and you're listening to the big call -  Thanks for tuning in all over the globe. Thank you – big call universe wherever you're located all around for tuning into this day, and we're excited to be here. We're excited there's a lot going on. And we, we can’t wait to bring it to you. So let's do this - let's pray the call in, as we do on every call

Intel wise, as you guys know, since our last call Thursday, five days past, and we get things every day and sometimes things come and go. They'll get intel that no longer hands out or is it a significant as it was when we get it live, but let's just talk a little bit about what is happening now.

Now one thing that's really big that started this morning, and fully implemented at 6:05am was a what they're calling a global take down of the bad guys -  this is something that started here is going all the way around the globe. Will take 2-3 days to complete, and this is cleanup.

This is more cleanup. It's close to half a million people. it's a big deal. And this should take care of the majority of the deep state and the people that they've got on their list pick up just a short and sweet version of that and its in full swing as we speak -  so – that’s good -  

But  does that have to complete before we start? No, that's the good news. This is ongoing probably take another two or three days to complete, but doesn’t affect us.

Now, bondholders tier 4 tier 3, tier four - We're still waiting to be notified with our emails, set appointments, bondholders are looking for the email to give them access to their funds in their accounts. They're waiting as well.

But the good news is, from what we're hearing what we're hearing from one of our redemptions centers -  one of the leaders of one of the redemption centers that were in touch with - is saying now,  did we think we might get notified today, Tuesday. Yeah - We thought we might it didn't happen.

But obviously we're deferred to what's next. What's next is this particular leader said we should get our 800 numbers tomorrow. That's Wednesday.  The theory is once we get the 800 number – we set our appointment  and maybe we start Thursday,

We may not start tomorrow, depending on when it comes in. but we could very welll get the number set our appointments and start our exchanges on Thursday.

Now that's the long and short of it as far as where the Intel is.

Out of Iraq - Our sources are getting us this. They are saying that tonight  the global reset begins.

I think they're referring to tonight, like at midnight or overnight tonight. Remember Tomorrow is the first of May. I thought we might get notified today and start on the first day. But it looks like what they're doing is  notifying us on the first and hopefully starting on the first or 2nd of May which will be Thursday the second I think that's very, very possible - At this point

Our other source that is not Iraqi, also came in with something that was virtually the same. He said everything begins “tonight”

So that's really not the same as long as we're hearing out of Iraq. Everything begins tonight. We know that the quantum financial system has been connected globally – finally, we know that the pricing went up was it that was Oh, the Emergency Alert System has been fully interconnected. and it's probably interconnected also through the starlink satellite system.

So all of these systems have been interconnected,  and we understand internationally all  countries are on board. So it looks like the NESARA  and I believe GESARA will be announced somewhere around the second or third of May. That's a couple of days away. We should get some action on that.

I think that's terrific news. I think we've waited a long time for this and we're in good shape. Hopefully getting notified and setting our appointments is over 50% of the battle. We really look forward to that. If it's tomorrow - and we don't know what time it is tomorrow - that is a huge win for us. Absolutely huge.

And we're looking forward to that. We're looking forward to setting our appointments  up quite possibly getting exchanges on Thursday, the second of May.

Now we went all the way through April. We thought we could get a number of things happened that we did not receive yet. but I'm being told from our source on R & R that we should have that in the month of May. and we should get an increase in Social Security - for those that qualify that are of that age - in the month of May.

So may it looks like it's gonna bring quite a bit, our April showers bring May flowers – and that’s good news  I'm excited about where we are – I think the timing, hopefully is accurate.

I've told you guys several times now. All we need is for this Intel to be right one time and I'm saying that about this too. Right now it's looking great. Let's believe with all the faith, that that is exactly what is going to happen. And we'll put our faith to this. And we'll say that's exactly what we want to happen and we expect to happen.

So that being said  --  Thank you Bob and Sue - thank you GCK and Jeanie - and Pastor Scott  - and thank you to the SAT team has been getting the big call out all over the globe. Thank you for that. And thank you listeners to the big call, which I call big call universe all over the globe for tuning in. I hope this is our last call. Let's see, based on what happens tomorrow. We'll see what happens. All right. Otherwise, let's have a great night's sleep. And let's see what tomorrow brings. And then we'll pray the call out now and we'll look forward to a really, really wonderful day tomorrow


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-30-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   59:25

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-25-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:21:11

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-23-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:05:15

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-18-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  58:58

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-16-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   58:48

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-11-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:01:31

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-9-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:03:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-4-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:05:40

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-2-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:17

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-28-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:05:40

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-26-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:05:25

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-21-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:01:31

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday 5-1-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 1 May 2024 Compiled Wed. 1 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Tues. 30 April Wolverine Colombia: “As of this morning Tues 30 April at 10 am Bonds Holders from Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru were going to Bogota, Colombia to get exchanged. GOD Bless. Another report stated that Doris Bahos was in Bogota doing the process for the Colombian people. We know that the process has started and certain people were being paid. Keep the Faith. I’m confident that this is our week. God Bless You.”

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 1 May 2024

Compiled Wed. 1 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Tues. 30 April Wolverine Colombia: “As of this morning Tues 30 April at 10 am Bonds Holders from Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru were going to Bogota, Colombia to get exchanged. GOD Bless. Another report stated that Doris Bahos was in Bogota doing the process for the Colombian people. We know that the process has started and certain people were being paid. Keep the Faith. I’m confident that this is our week. God Bless You.”

Tues. 30 April 8:26 pm Banker: “Per my Beeville Doctor the IQD (Iraqi Dinar) Rate in country is still $3.91 as of two minutes ago.”

Mon. 29 April TNT Tony: We are still here waiting for the RV at any moment. Banks were being told by the end of the month, which is tomorrow Tues. 30 April. $28.50 is still the new (Dinar) rate for the first ten days.

Tues. 30 April RV Update by Militiaman: “We will see the dollar decline in the black market soon…the Central Bank’s credit rating [from the World Bank] is an A++ and exceeded the United Arab Emirates…”  That’s the prime minister’s advisor talking…That’s phenomenal.  It’s big.  It says a lot.  It says they have trust.  It says Iraq has the ability to pay back their bills. “…anticipating the impact of the Central Bank agreement with the US Treasury on exchange rates…it is hoped the Central Bank of Iraq will announce the measures that were agreed upon in Washington which could have positive impact on the exchange rate…”   The key focus is they’re talking about the exchange rate, positive impacts, the US Treasury on exchange rates.  That is fascinating.

The top lawmaker in Vietnam has been forced to step down as the country’s anticorruption drive cleans up in preparation for the Dong revaluation.

Tues. 30 April: Zimbabwe’s new gold-backed currency officially entered general circulation today Tues. 30 April.

Tues. 30 April US Treasury Bonds were no longer the Global Reserve Asset for the oil trade. Japan was only the first domino to fall. Other G7 Central Banks will be forced to liquidate. The US Dollar will unravel very fast. This is called a US Treasury Bond default. …Mike Cristo8 RV Highlights on Telegram Tues. 30 April 2024



Tues. 30 April 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#

This morning Tues. 30 April at 6 am a global takedown started of a half of million people of the Cabal.

Bond Holders were still waiting to get access to their funds.

One of the Redemption Center Leaders said we should get our 800 number on Wed. 1 May and start exchanges on Thurs. 2 May.

In Iraq a source said the Global Reset begins on 1 May and start on Thurs. 2 May.

Another source said everything begins tonight.

The Global Financial System and Global Emergency Alert System have been connected globally.

Nesara/Gesara should be announced around Thurs. or Fri. 2, 3 May.

We should get our R&R allowances and increases in Social Security in May.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Yada  As far as Im concerned, they've done all they needed to do and like a funnel, need the rate release to get to the other side...Im of the mind the IMF has given the rate to the central banks and just a matter of coordination of releasing the rate world wide. That is what we are looking at now...I think we are in "Set" position before they fire the gun to go.

Militia Man  Quote on X [Formally Twitter] There's some information out there today that says the Central Bank of Iraq's governor has advised citizens to get ready for a currency exchange...Whether it's true or not we're going to find out...The reason why I bring it up is because that kind of to be expected, they're having financial inclusion...they're talking about that.**

URGENT & BREAKING NEWS Iraq Vietnam How to Buy ZiG Zimbabwe

Edu Matrix:  4-30-2024

You must watch this for yourself, thee are no words to explain what Iraq has done now! Vietnam's clever plan with Hollywood and how to buy Zimbabwe's new currency.

Holy shot wow wow owo love it Iqd fixed exchange rate

Nader:  4-30-2024

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday AM 5-1-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday AM 5-1-24

Today WTO Huge Announced IQD New Value – 3:31

WOW It's Good Iraqi Dinar Big RV – 3:55

Vietnamese Dong Emergency Exchange Value – 4:02

JP Morgan Chase Bank Big IQD Exchange Rate – 3:25

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday AM 5-1-24

Today WTO Huge Announced IQD New Value – 3:31

WOW It's Good Iraqi Dinar Big RV – 3:55

Vietnamese Dong Emergency Exchange Value – 4:02

JP Morgan Chase Bank Big IQD Exchange Rate – 3:25

Today WTO Huge Announced IQD New Value – 3:31

WOW It's Good Iraqi Dinar Big RV – 3:55

Vietnamese Dong Emergency Exchange Value – 4:02

JP Morgan Chase Bank Big IQD Exchange Rate – 3:25

Read More

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday AM 5-1-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday AM 5-1-24

Controls Of Bank Mergers And Unions

DATE: 2024/4/29   All approved banks   M/ Merger controls (merger and union of banks)

 Based on the decision of the Board of Directors of this bank No. (77) of 1941. It is recommended to amend the controls

(Merger and Union of Banks) issued pursuant to our Circular No. (5/4/171) on 05/05/519 in accordance with The attached formula is linked.   with respect.


 - Merger controls (merger and union of banks).

 Central Bank of Iraq

Banking Supervision Department

Licensing, Controls and Instructions Section

Controls and Instructions Division

Merger controls (merger and union of banks)    (2024)


Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday AM 5-1-24

Controls Of Bank Mergers And Unions

DATE: 2024/4/29   All approved banks   M/ Merger controls (merger and union of banks)

 Based on the decision of the Board of Directors of this bank No. (77) of 1941. It is recommended to amend the controls

(Merger and Union of Banks) issued pursuant to our Circular No. (5/4/171) on 05/05/519 in accordance with The attached formula is linked.   with respect.


 - Merger controls (merger and union of banks).

 Central Bank of Iraq

Banking Supervision Department

Licensing, Controls and Instructions Section

Controls and Instructions Division

Merger controls (merger and union of banks)    (2024)


 Based on the provisions of Article (4 10/1) of the Banking Law No. (54) of 1941 and in a manner consistent with Article

(91) of it. The Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq decided to issue the following regulations:

First: terms and definitions

1. Bank: Central Bank of Iraq.

?. Merger: Merging one or more banks with another (merger) or merging two or more banks to form a new bank (union).

According to the cases described below:-

A- Merger: It is an agreement between two or more banks to merge to form one bank so that one of them leaves

About his independence and moral personality for the benefit of others.

B: Union: It is an agreement between two or more banks to merge into one bank so that the identity ends

The legal status of all banks entering the union is in favor of the new bank that has a legal personality

New and new brand name.

The bank resulting from the merger: is the bank that remains in existence after the merger process.

;. The merged bank: is the bank whose legal personality ends after it is annexed by the existing bank Merger process.

Second: Requirements for the merger (merger or merger) of banks

1 Submit a request by banks wishing to merge or unify to this bank.

“The application must include all of the following:

5 Economic and technical feasibility study of the merger or union project (for each bank in Jeddah)

A unified feasibility study for the merger project (merger or union), which will be approved by the boards of directors Banks submitting a merger request (merger or union).

5 General Assembly decision by absolute majority of each bank that wishes to merge (merger). Or the union).

?,” The initial contract between banks wishing to merge (merger or union).

",4 In the event of a union of two or more banks, a carpenter name must be determined for the new bank after the union.

",* How the capital will be distributed in the new bank after the merger or union.

Appointing an officially authorized representative to follow up on the merger or union procedures for this bank and registered Companies.



 ?/ Audited budgets of banks involved in the merger or union for (?) recent years.

7 Any other data or documents that this bank deems necessary to provide.

07 The advisory body that will be appointed to evaluate the financial situation of the banks involved in the merger the Union.

7 Information mentioned in Appendix No. (1).

Third: Procedures for completing the merger (merger or union) of banks

1- Granting physical approval if the requirements mentioned in Paragraph (Second) above are completed.

“- Forming a higher committee and technical committees of the banks included in the merger (merger or union) under the supervision of this

The bank in order to provide technical assistance to the committees and monitor the stages of implementation of the merger project.

“- Develop a comprehensive plan of action to implement the merger (merger or union), taking into account the development of a programme

Accompanied by avoiding the negatives that the merger or union process imposes on employees.

4- One certified auditor of category (A) or an audit firm licensed and published in the

“The Auditors’ Bulletin for the relevant year for the group of merged or united banks” with the aim of:

Unifying the foundations and criteria for financial evaluation.

#- The financial statements must be prepared in accordance with the standard of presentation and disclosure for (?) recent years For the purposes of standardization of comparison.

6- The bank evaluates the financial situation of the banks involved in the merger (merger or union) (provided that:

It includes, as a minimum, what is stated in Appendix No. ()) and with the assistance of an accredited consulting body; On that The banks involved in the merger or union shall bear the advisory fees.

*- The bank issues its decision within (165) days from the date of receipt of the study by the consulting body

By final approval or disapproval of the merger agreement (merger or union), provided that it is accompanied by the decision An adequate statement of the decision’s priorities and reasons.

Fourth: Validity of Damtam

This bank has the authority to direct the merger (merger or union) of banks based on the decision of its board of directors, which it resorts to for the following considerations:

1 Purifying the banking system from faltering banks or those on the verge of bankruptcy and liquidation, and banks that...

It did not reach its specified capital (for Islamic banks).

?- Banks that did not fulfill their obligations with regard to public deposits, creditors, and others related to credit

The pledge that has not been paid to the beneficiary government agencies. 



 *"- In the event that the bank's net accrual ratio poses a threat to the stability of the banking sector.

Fifth: The benefits obtained by the bank resulting from the merger or the new bank in the event of a union

1- The bank resulting from the merger or the united banks will be granted the advantage of investing (09/00) from the mandatory reserve.

In financial instruments issued by this bank for a period of (1) year.

?- The bank resulting from the merger and the new bank in the event of a union are given an additional score within an element

“The bank resulting from the merger, or the new bank in the case of a union, is excluded from the restrictions that regulate the process

Sixth: General provisions

1- All parties negotiating the merger (banks wishing to merge or unify) are subject to confidentiality Banking whether the merger takes place or not.

"- In the event of a merger (merger or union), all contracts concluded with customers of the merging banks will be amended."

the Union); With the liquidation of other obligations.

“Penalties are imposed on banks that provide false information for the purposes of consolidation (merger or union).



Appendix (1)

Information and data necessary for the purposes of merger or union

1- The articles of incorporation, internal regulations and complementary regulations.

>- Information about the organizational structure, jobs, their occupants, description of the work assigned to it and its duration

Their respective service.

?- Salary structure, wages and benefits.

4- The bank’s share of the total banking activity provided to the public inside Iraq:

A- The volume of internal and external financing according to financing formulas.

B- Local and foreign deposits, if any, according to their sectoral and qualitative classification.

A- Cash and pledge credit.

5-The financial position, income statement, cash flow statement, ownership rights, and the accompanying clarifications

These data must be prepared in accordance with Accounting Standard No. (1) related to disclosure for financial institutions

For the last 5 years.

5- Debts, mentioning the parties and any allocations for them, and a statement of bad debts with an explanatory note for each

Including the method of treatment, the guarantees granted, and the availability of the necessary allocations for this.

/- A statement of liabilities, including potential ones, capital pledges, and loss-making contracts that are not specialized

It has a reserve and statement of contingent liabilities and other financial commitments.

8- Statement of amounts and guarantees for long-term internal and external loans in local and foreign currency

All in Jeddah.

4- Statement of the bank’s tax position.

0 Local and foreign investments of various types.

11 Entities benefiting from loans granted by the bank.

7- Classification of fixed assets and their classification according to similar groups: owned lands and buildings Registered in the name of the bank or (which is in the stages of registration in the real estate registration departments)  Its market value and its extinction.

1 Technology used in the bank.

4- Employee rights and post-service returns and allocations allocated to them in the budget.

:copyright:- The mechanism of the banking system for merged or united banks and an explanation of the possibility of integrating them into a banking system

One; Or acquire a new system and enhance it with inputs from the banks’ previous systems. To be

The mechanism is supported by the entity that prepares the banking system.

5- A trial balance for the merged or united banks based on the banking system at the date of submission

the demand.

71 A list of legal lawsuits filed against banks or by banks against their customers, with a specification

Its financial impact and the amount of potential profit/loss.



 Appendix (2)

The minimum requirements that must be taken into account when preparing a study of the financial situation of a merger Or the Union of Banks

 1 Aggregate budget in accordance with international standards,

 1- Reviewing the costs, products and services provided, the volume of loans and deposits, and the performance of investment portfolios Profit and loss analysis.

 “- Reviewing the bank’s operational processes, the organizational structure, and the distribution of human resources to it.

 ?- Reviewing liquidity and the extent of its coverage of potential cash flows based on the maturity of contracts and the extent of compliance with Liquidity requirements of this bank.

5- Reviewing the quality of assets, their classification, and the status of loans and provisions related to non-performing loans.

 1- A detailed review of investment portfolios, which includes identifying the main issues related to the ability to...  Collection (completed, registered and documented).

 "- Evaluating the current status of the credit granted, which includes evaluating the accounting books, the documentary cycle, and the receipt."

Fair value and net realizable value (2/125).

A detailed review of capital adequacy ratios.

9- Reviewing the financial support provided by the government to government banks.

10 Review market risks, exchange rate risks, and interest rate risks.

Review the governance, compliance, risk management, internal flow and anti-laundering framework and system Money.

1- Liquidation of suspended accounts in the banking system; Especially with regard to the bank’s mutual accounts And its branches.



April 30, 2024  Controls for the merger and union of banks..For more, click here    


incomplete and approximate translation of  


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit :


 Provoking Thoughts and Points To Ponder on Character:

The great hope of society is individual character.  - William Ellery Channing

 You must look into people as well as at them.  - Lord Chesterfield

Human improvement is from within outward.  - James Froude

Talent is nurtured in solitude; character is formed in the stormy billows of the world.  - Goethe

 Only what we have wrought into our character during life can we take away with us.  - Wilhelm von Humboldt

Every man has three characters - that which he exhibits, that which he has, and that which he thinks he has.  - Alphonse Karr

Not in the clamor of the crowded street, Not in the shouts and plaudits of the throng, But in ourselves, are triumph and defeat.  - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 05/01/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 05/01/2024

Member: Happy May Day!!

Member: A New month of expectations has arrived

Member: Howdy ya'll anyone heard anything hopeful lately?

Member: Today is a National Holiday in Iraq!

Member: ZIM today given the official launch of their gold backed currency today!

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 05/01/2024

Member: Happy May Day!!

Member: A New month of expectations has arrived

Member: Howdy ya'll anyone heard anything hopeful lately?

Member: Today is a National Holiday in Iraq!

Member: ZIM today given the official launch of their gold backed currency today!

Member: Any bond news today?

MZ: I have no confirmations from anyone overnight. Not from bonds, groups, CMKX – anyone…..just dead silent.

Member: If Bondholders are under strict NDA's. Hence the silence. I heard some have already lost out because they didn't zip it..

Member: Rumor is the Dinar rate is $3.91 ?

Member: I’d be dancing in the streets if that happened!! Whoo hoo!

Member: That would be amazing… they just need to DO IT!!!

​​Member: If Iraq has a rate at 3.91 why aren’t we RV-ing?

MZ: I have had a number of contractors in the last day or two tell me that they were told to prepare for between $3.60-$3.90…so……….that is around that spot.

Member: I wonder why doesn't Vietnam and others put pressure on Iraq for revalue?

Member: Maybe Iraq is waiting for all the other countries to be ready to RV?

MZ: It appears they have all positioned themselves for this month

Member: We need to pay attention to the collapse of the dollar and the banks

MZ: “Stock Market Crash Alert- Mark your calendars for May 1”  Not sure if we will see this today or not as the markets have become so disconnected.  The plunge protection team is doing a good job at floating an artificial market.

Member: Do we need to sigh an NDA at our exchange?

MZ: I was told the need for an NDA for currencies is getting slimmer and slimmer. But you may have one for the humanitarian projects. I could be wrong.

Member: If you need an NDA that could potentially if broken and  negate your funds, I think that would deter people from doing Humanitarian Projects. Imo.

Member: Will we exchange at Redemption centers or Banks.  Many gurus say only go to banks?

Member: , Redemption centers will most likely be located in a bank. Those centers will set up our QFS, with our exchanged funds. We will not know until time to exchange which banks or locations.

​​Member: You guys there has to be Redemption Centers or where else would we be able to do our projects because a bank won't redeem the Zim Bond??? Think about it!!1

Member: I am still worried I will miss notifications

Member: Mark has been clear that there is no way we will miss this event. It will be posted here and other dinar-related websites as well as info sent to currency holders.

Member: Great news everyday but no RV. Keeping my expectations super low.

Member: It’s getting harder to stay positive. But I will hang in there. No other choices.

Member: I definitely wish this movie would end. I sure hope we don’t have to rewatch it.

Member: This is not a movie, it’s a War, spiritual and information!

MZ: We are all ready for this to finish.  But you are right…It’s a war.

​​Member: ahhhhhhhgain you know what the monkey said when he got his tail cutoff …won't be long now

​​Member: Everyone, I know it’s so hard remaining positive after so long but we are blessed. Have a great day.

Member: When we least it expect it- It will appear-SUDDENLY!

Andy Schectman from Miles Franklin joins the stream today. Listen to replay for his information and opinions



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Wednesday 5-1-2024


CandyKisses:  Minister of Labor gives good news to workers: Wait next week

Economy News - Baghdad

Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ahmed Al-Asadi announced on Wednesday an increase in the salary of retired workers by 100,000 dinars.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Labor, received by "Economy News", "Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ahmed Al-Asadi gives good news on the occasion of International Workers' Day, by increasing the salary of retired workers by 100,000 dinars."

He pointed out that "the decision to increase the salary of retired workers will be voted on at the Cabinet meeting next week


CandyKisses:  Minister of Labor gives good news to workers: Wait next week

Economy News - Baghdad

Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ahmed Al-Asadi announced on Wednesday an increase in the salary of retired workers by 100,000 dinars.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Labor, received by "Economy News", "Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ahmed Al-Asadi gives good news on the occasion of International Workers' Day, by increasing the salary of retired workers by 100,000 dinars."

He pointed out that "the decision to increase the salary of retired workers will be voted on at the Cabinet meeting next week

Tishwash:  The International Comprehensive Shopping Festival kicks off in an Iraqi governorate

Today, Wednesday, the activities of the 2024 Governorate International Shopping Festival were launched on the grounds of the Najaf International Fair, which will continue for 10 days with the participation of more than 200 Arab, foreign and local companies.

The media official for the Najaf International Fair, Haider Al-Moussawi, said: “The 12th edition of the Najaf International Comprehensive Shopping Festival, which was held on the grounds of the Najaf International Fair, was attended by eight Arab and foreign countries, namely Egypt, Syria, India, Pakistan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran and Jordan, in addition to... Iraqi companies.

He pointed out, "The number of companies participating in the exhibition reached more than 200 Arab, foreign and local marketing companies, displaying various commodity products that supply the local Iraqi and Najafi markets in particular with various goods."

Al-Mousawi added, "The exhibition is considered a great arena for the owners of companies and factories to meet to support and move the wheel of the local economy in Najaf and the Middle Euphrates region, by viewing the various products of the participating countries," stressing that "the festival witnessed a great demand by citizens for shopping  link


Tishwash:  90 percent of it comes from across the border. Parliament unveils a new strategy to limit currency smuggling

Member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, Representative Yasser Iskandar, confirmed today, Wednesday (May 1, 2024), that 90% of the counterfeit currency comes from across the border.

Iskandar said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", "Counterfeiting foreign currencies is one of the challenges that emerged remarkably in the Iraqi scene after 2003, led by mafias and multinational networks, some of which are for fraud and making money, and others carry an agenda of harming the economic reality."

Iskandar added, “The counterfeiting of currencies was not limited to foreign currencies, including the dollar, but rather extended to the dinar through the highest monetary denominations and in professional ways, which demonstrates the capabilities of the counterfeiting mafias,” pointing out that “90% of the counterfeit currencies come directly from across the border and are the most dangerous because of The development of the counterfeiting machine.

He pointed out that "the Interior Ministry's formations succeeded in reducing the counterfeiting of currencies by dismantling some networks, arresting their members, adopting a new strategy in monitoring and follow-up, and forming specialized teams to undertake the file of prosecuting those involved. He stressed that educating the community and clarifying the features of counterfeit currencies reduced the percentage of those who fall into their trap in... Markets and others, but they remain a source of limitation, especially with the attempts of these networks to continue counterfeiting crimes.”

Iraqis are experiencing widespread anxiety due to information about the spread of large quantities of counterfeit currency denominations of 25,000 Iraqi dinars, while social media has circulated video clips of people who have spotted large quantities of these newly printed counterfeit bills.

On Sunday (April 28, 2024), the National Security Service announced the dismantling of a money counterfeiting gang in Babil Governorate and the arrest of three others in Basra and Anbar Governorates. 

A statement by the agency received by “Baghdad Today” stated, “The National Security Service in Babil Governorate was able, after field efforts and obtaining judicial approvals, to overthrow a two-person gang of counterfeiting US dollar denomination money and promoting it in a number of commercial stores.”

He added, "Our detachments collected complete information about these two individuals to suspect them and track them down until they were caught red-handed. They were seized with an amount of (20,700) counterfeit dollars that they intended to distribute in commercial activities." 

He continued, "In Anbar and Basra governorates, our detachments were able to arrest three people for trading in counterfeit currency after luring them into an ambush, where about (8,000) counterfeit dollars were seized in their possession." 

He pointed out that "the defendants and the seized items were referred to the competent judicial authorities to take the necessary measures in accordance with the law."  link

Mot:   ~ Peasant Maypole Dance ~~~~

Mot:  . Wishing You a ~~~~

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Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20 Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20

KTFA Tues.Night CC: “FRANK26….4-30-24……CONFESSIONS”


Tuesday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#


Tuesday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: Iraqi Dinar - IQD Update - 2024 Budget - Cooperation - Confidence - Al-Sudani - Currency Exchange

Iraqi Dinar - IQD Update - 2024 Budget - Cooperation - Confidence - Al-Sudani - Currency Exchange

MilitiaMan and Crew:  4-30-202<!

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraqi Dinar - IQD Update - 2024 Budget - Cooperation - Confidence - Al-Sudani - Currency Exchange

MilitiaMan and Crew:  4-30-202<!

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Tuesday Evening 4-30-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Tuesday Evening 4-30-24

WOW Chase Bank IQD New exchange rate – 3:25

Its, Amazing US Treasury Announced IQD New exchange Rate – 4:29

Central Bank of IRAQ Finally Announce Exchange Your Three Zero 25,000 IQD Old Notes – 3:33

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Tuesday Evening 4-30-24

WOW Chase Bank IQD New exchange rate – 3:25

Its, Amazing US Treasury Announced IQD New exchange Rate – 4:29

Central Bank of IRAQ Finally Announce Exchange Your Three Zero 25,000 IQD Old Notes – 3:33

WOW Chase Bank IQD New exchange rate – 3:25

Its, Amazing US Treasury Announced IQD New exchange Rate – 4:29

Central Bank of IRAQ Finally Announce Exchange Your Three Zero 25,000 IQD Old Notes – 3:33

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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

6 Money Moves the Rich Make To Stay Rich

6 Money Moves the Rich Make To Stay Rich

Jennifer Taylor  Sun, Apr 28, 2024,

If you’re trying to make more money, studying the rich is a great place to start. Some wealthy people were born into money, while others worked their way to the top. However they got there, many have figured out how to stay rich.

Learning how to make millions is one thing, but mastering the art of keeping that fortune intact is a different task. Many people get rich only to blow through their earnings in a matter of years.

Whether you have come into money or are still figuring out how to get there, keep reading to learn more about how the rich stay rich.

They Avoid Get-Rich-Quick Schemes

One common misconception is that the wealthy constantly look to get richer more quickly through engaging in activities such as picking stocks, said Laurie Samay, director of financial planning at Apexium Financial LP. “In reality, the wealthy are typically more interested in preserving their wealth.”

6 Money Moves the Rich Make To Stay Rich

Jennifer Taylor  Sun, Apr 28, 2024,

If you’re trying to make more money, studying the rich is a great place to start. Some wealthy people were born into money, while others worked their way to the top. However they got there, many have figured out how to stay rich.

Learning how to make millions is one thing, but mastering the art of keeping that fortune intact is a different task. Many people get rich only to blow through their earnings in a matter of years.

Whether you have come into money or are still figuring out how to get there, keep reading to learn more about how the rich stay rich.

They Avoid Get-Rich-Quick Schemes

One common misconception is that the wealthy constantly look to get richer more quickly through engaging in activities such as picking stocks, said Laurie Samay, director of financial planning at Apexium Financial LP. “In reality, the wealthy are typically more interested in preserving their wealth.”

Rather than taking a risk on volatile get-rich-quick schemes, Samay said the wealthy take a slow-and-steady approach to investing, and they focus on diversification. She recommended investing across several asset classes to gradually build wealth.

“Many academic studies have concluded that the mix of stocks and bonds in a portfolio has the greatest influence on performance — even more so than transaction costs and security selection,” Samay said. “Like the rich, your portfolio should be adequately diversified across asset classes.”

Samay said being diversified might include exposure to:

Different types of bonds

Large-cap equities

Small-cap equities

International equities.

You can further diversify by investing in specialty asset classes, such as natural resources and real estate equities, Samay said.

They Make Retirement Savings a Priority

Among the wealthy, saving for retirement is typically a priority, because they want to maintain their current lifestyle — at least to a certain extent — during their golden years, Samay said.

“This principle is just as important for the average Jane or Joe,” she said. “Although it’s tempting to focus on improving your current financial situation, it’s never wise to ignore your future finances.”

Retirement might be decades in your future, but Samay said your best chance of having a financially secure and comfortable retirement is to start putting money aside today. She recommended taking advantage of any employer-sponsored retirement plans available to you.

“In a 401(k) arrangement, your employer will typically match all or a portion of the contributions you make to the plan, giving you more bang for your buck,” Samay said.

If your employer doesn’t offer a retirement plan or you would like to make additional investments, consider contributing to an individual retirement account or a Roth IRA.

“Although you might not be able to max out your contributions today, the sooner you start, the less you’ll have to save in the long run, due to market gains and compounding,” Samay said.

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