Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

BRICS vs European Union: The End of Western Bulleying

BRICS vs European Union: The End of Western Bulleying

Fastepo:  4-23-2024

BRICS+ significantly outperforms the European Union in several key areas, leveraging its expansive natural resources and developing robust financial systems to enhance its global standing.

With major oil producers like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, BRICS+ now controls a substantial portion of the world's oil production, in stark contrast to the EU's minor role and heavy reliance on energy imports.

 Additionally, initiatives like the New Development Bank and efforts towards de-dollarization, particularly by Russia and China, illustrate BRICS+'s strides in reducing dependence on Western financial systems and the US dollar in international trade.

In agriculture, countries like China, Russia, and Brazil contribute massively to global grain production, with China alone far surpassing the EU's output.

BRICS vs European Union: The End of Western Bulleying

Fastepo:  4-23-2024

BRICS+ significantly outperforms the European Union in several key areas, leveraging its expansive natural resources and developing robust financial systems to enhance its global standing.

With major oil producers like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, BRICS+ now controls a substantial portion of the world's oil production, in stark contrast to the EU's minor role and heavy reliance on energy imports.

 Additionally, initiatives like the New Development Bank and efforts towards de-dollarization, particularly by Russia and China, illustrate BRICS+'s strides in reducing dependence on Western financial systems and the US dollar in international trade.

In agriculture, countries like China, Russia, and Brazil contribute massively to global grain production, with China alone far surpassing the EU's output.

Collectively, BRICS+ not only accounts for a larger population but also a significant share of global GDP, enabling it to exert considerable influence in international forums.

This economic scale and resource control position BRICS+ as a formidable counterbalance to traditional Western powers, contrasting with the EU's focus on sustainability and regulatory standards in economic development.

 In this video, we analyze the standing of the European Union against BRICS+ as of April 2024.

We explore the strengths of each bloc and discuss their prospects, comparing the outlook for BRICS+ and the European Union.

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-23-24

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-23-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, April 23rd and you're listening to the big call. Glad everybody's out there and it's tuned in, hopefully our SAT team has everything going out all over the globe as they have been doing for months and months now for us which has been great – and we like the fact that we're reaching, sometimes over 18 million listeners almost live - three seconds behind live, as my voice is being translated into many, many languages around the globe. That's cool. And we'd like that. And so let's, let's pray the call in

10:08 Let's do this. Today is just the 23rd  tomorrow is the 24th  I don't know that that is significant, specifically, but it could be - for the bondholders who are still waiting to get their email to give them access to their accounts. That is happening  

Now - We were told earlier today that they're all over the bondholders - meaning, the bondholders are being handled, they're being worked on they're being released emails. I don't know if that's happening as deeply as I heard it, but I know that they plan to let them have those emails and get access to their account in the next couple of days  - meaning  two days.

Now, we have received some intel from our redemption centers - and what happened was on Sunday, the staff went into redemption centers to listen to a video or watch a video, which was about an hour and a half long, and that was up on the quantum financial system and also on the new banking system and what the banks could do and couldn't do.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-23-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, April 23rd and you're listening to the big call. Glad everybody's out there and it's tuned in, hopefully our SAT team has everything going out all over the globe as they have been doing for months and months now for us which has been great – and we like the fact that we're reaching, sometimes over 18 million listeners almost live - three seconds behind live, as my voice is being translated into many, many languages around the globe. That's cool. And we'd like that. And so let's, let's pray the call in

10:08 Let's do this. Today is just the 23rd  tomorrow is the 24th  I don't know that that is significant, specifically, but it could be - for the bondholders who are still waiting to get their email to give them access to their accounts. That is happening  

Now - We were told earlier today that they're all over the bondholders - meaning, the bondholders are being handled, they're being worked on they're being released emails. I don't know if that's happening as deeply as I heard it, but I know that they plan to let them have those emails and get access to their account in the next couple of days  - meaning  two days.

Now, we have received some intel from our redemption centers - and what happened was on Sunday, the staff went into redemption centers to listen to a video or watch a video, which was about an hour and a half long, and that was up on the quantum financial system and also on the new banking system and what the banks could do and couldn't do.

For example, we don't believe the banks will try to make money off of our money anymore in the banks. That's what we've been told. Let's see what it all looks like when we get into the appointment. And we might have a few questions answered.

But that's what they did Sunday. Monday they went in thinking we would receive our 800 numbers and they went in around nine o'clock so they could so that we could get appointments  set - and that was yesterday. Well, the numbers didn't come in yesterday.  So that changed their schedule.

Today. They were scheduled redemption centers were scheduled to go in at 830 in the morning, and some one redemption center specifically would stay open till nine o'clock at night for the next nine days. 830 in the morning to 9pm which is nine days now that would have been if we had started exchanges today.  Well, we don't have numbers  - so we can't start exchanges yet. That's how they were scheduled though.

And I thought well, that's a great schedule if it comes through  and if we do get the 800 numbers we can set appointments and start changes today.

Well - it didn't happen. So what is happening apparently, so we're getting this from two separate redemption centers. Two separate sources is saying that everything should be released to us and have a climactic conclusion by end of this week.

In other words, it might turn into a little bit of a frenzy of numbers coming in emails  to the bondholders - setting appointments, all of that, like magically coming to fruition at the end of the week. We could call that Thursday, Friday, we can even call it into Saturday - it's not clear. They didn't give that specific day where this all go and happen.

But I am encouraged by one head of a redemption center. And remember, this is a banned phrase of the big call but I'm going to use it even though its banned -  that phrase was  “this is the week.”

Now, I’m kidding when I talk about banned phrases – but of course but if this head of the Center is saying this is the week for us to go - . So we have to at least hope that is correct. And then we are going this week weekend, whichever it is, but I'm encouraged when I hear that - Because I think well, we don't have it on a Wednesday or Thursday necessarily. But if we can get through this week and we do have the week next week and have it I'm sure we'll all be grateful and be thankful that we got it this week.

 So we have heard from - you know what --  it might end up being? The things come through on Charlie Ward's Thursday. It is possible. I don't have an update from him yet but doo expect to him yet but late tonight. So that can’t help us tonight on the big call. So I think what we need to do is realize what's happening at the redemption centers -

What are they seeing? On the Bank screens ? They are seeing  19 currencies  going up consistently  in value --  these are the currencies that we know about – 3/ 4/ 5 /6 Were all invested in to some extent or another -  

And so they’re watching  those as of actually Sunday and yesterday, Monday, Tuesday, blowing up in value that's  going to top out for a couple of days.

And I knew that was gonna be the case on the dong - we had a very good rate on it over the weekend – but we also know that this is a currency that may continue to go up a little bit more every day in value.

And we knew that was the case in years and years ago. That could be the case that certain currencies were moving up, but they might move up in the next few days, more than a day or two ago or something. I don't think it's going to change my strategy to go in for my exchange and redemptions of zim

is doing very well - It has been on par - It is past being on par with the US and dollar. That's a good thing.

Everything is right where it needs to be –

Now -- What  we don’t know is how many more days if it is this week, and we are being told that – does this happen tomorrow -  Thursday?  Friday?  Saturday?  - We don’t know

Do we does this happen tomorrow? Thursday, Friday, Saturday? We don't know. But we're gonna hang in there as if it is they're coming to us within the next few days.

So stay tuned.  I'll have to stay tuned again.

And if we have a call on Thursday, we'll have a much better idea of probably as to whether we're going this week or not. But that is dependent on the Intel coming through and fortunately  we've had a couple of good days where we have received some indication from the redemption centers of what's happening.

I know that there were Vimeo calls on today. And I just think they're trying to tie up loose ends. They've got the information out on the quantum financial system. They got the info out on the new banking system and to the redemption center people – and I think we are going to be pleased with the information that we have moving forward. It's going to all conclude and like I said they are expecting a very positive result to come to fruition for us this week

So that's the best information that I have so far.  Okay, so everybody's up to speed, there are ever looking to see what is happening from our point of view, Bond holders are expecting to get notified. Over the next couple of days, but I think if we're on a shot gun start so we should be there pretty much in the same time frame

It could be a slight delay. They could go ahead of us by 12 to 14 hours. But in any event we should get notified with numbers and set our appointments pretty soon.

I hope that's been helpful for everybody. I want to thank everybody that tuned in Thank you SAT team for getting the word out – internationally  - all over the globe – and thank you Sue for bringing your information and helping  with your segment and your teaching everything that you do for us and the praise reports. And then thank you also Bob for bringing this valuable information

So I think that's what I wanted to share with you guys tonight.  Alright, so let's do this. Let's go ahead and pray the call out to look forward to having thing occur bondholders in the next couple of days, and hopefully for us as well as notifications. Alright, notifications come in. Let's go ahead and pray the call out.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-23-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:05:15

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-18-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  58:58

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-16-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   58:48

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-11-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:01:31

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-9-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:03:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-4-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:05:40

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-2-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:17

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-28-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:05:40

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-26-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:05:25

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-21-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:01:31

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Wednesday 4-24-2024


CandyKisses:  Turkish Transport Minister announces a four-way summit on the "development road" project soon

 ISTANBUL (NINA) - Turkish Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uroglu announced that a four-way ministerial summit between Turkey, Iraq, the UAE and Qatar will be held soon regarding the "development road" project.

The Turkish minister said in a press statement: The memorandum of understanding signed yesterday between Turkey, Iraq, Qatar and the UAE in Baghdad to cooperate on the "development road" project was a bilateral agreement, but with joint Turkish and Iraqi efforts that also included the UAE and Qatar.

He added that weekly meetings are taking place between officials of both Turkey and Iraq, and a four-way summit will be held in the next two months.

Uraloglu said they would open offices in Iraq and Turkey as part of the project in the coming months, noting that with the operation of the development road, trade volume will rise from $20 billion to $40 billion.


CandyKisses:  Turkish Transport Minister announces a four-way summit on the "development road" project soon

 ISTANBUL (NINA) - Turkish Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uroglu announced that a four-way ministerial summit between Turkey, Iraq, the UAE and Qatar will be held soon regarding the "development road" project.

The Turkish minister said in a press statement: The memorandum of understanding signed yesterday between Turkey, Iraq, Qatar and the UAE in Baghdad to cooperate on the "development road" project was a bilateral agreement, but with joint Turkish and Iraqi efforts that also included the UAE and Qatar.

He added that weekly meetings are taking place between officials of both Turkey and Iraq, and a four-way summit will be held in the next two months.

Uraloglu said they would open offices in Iraq and Turkey as part of the project in the coming months, noting that with the operation of the development road, trade volume will rise from $20 billion to $40 billion.

Turkey, Iraq, Qatar and the UAE signed in Baghdad yesterday a four-way memorandum of understanding for cooperation on the "development road" project, under the auspices of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani.

The "Development Road" project is a road and railway extending from Iraq to Turkey and its ports, with a length of 1,200 km inside Iraq, and aims to transport goods between Europe and the Arab Gulf countries.

Tishwash:  Venezuela Hires Rothschild as Adviser on Defaulted Debt Pile

 Venezuela’s government has hired Rothschild & Co. as a financial adviser to provide an overview of its foreign debt obligations, according to people familiar with the matter.

Rothschild is working to map out what the administration owes and to whom, said the people, who asked for anonymity to discuss a contract that has not been made public. Debt mapping is normally a preliminary step taken by a government before it prepares to start a restructuring.

Representatives for Paris-based Rothschild declined to comment. A press official for Venezuela’s Finance Ministry did not respond to messages seeking comment.

Venezuela owes roughly $154 billion to overseas lenders — according to an estimate from economist Francisco Rodriguez, a professor at the University of Denver — including global bonds issued by the government and state oil company, which have been in default for more than six years. It’s been accumulating interest on those bonds and court judgments for unpaid commercial loans.

Sovereign bonds trade for around 20 cents on the dollar, while defaulted notes issued by Petroleos de Venezuela SA exchange hands for around 11 cents, according to indicative pricing compiled by Bloomberg. The debt has rallied since JPMorgan Chase & Co. laid out a plan to re-weight the securities in widely followed emerging-market debt indexes back in February.

REDD Intelligence first reported Venezuela mandated Rothschild as an adviser. The hiring comes amid a recent push by President Nicolas Maduro’s administration to reengage with global markets, mulitilateral institutions and ratings firms after years of international isolation. Over the years, the president has made overtures that it was willing to work with creditors, though those talks have never progressed.

Washington doesn’t recognize Maduro, and sanctions prohibit the government from selling debt on US markets. Sanctions would need to changed before a debt restructuring could be carried out.

Relations between the two countries worsened last week as the US reimposed sanctions on the oil and gas industries, citing Maduro’s failure to live up to promises to hold a fair election later this year. Venezuela, in turn, said Washington had breached a political agreement signed last year in Doha.

Read more: US to Reinstate Venezuela Sanctions, Says Maduro Broke Deal

The country is set to vote on July 28 in an election that will pit Maduro against a candidate for the opposition, likely ambassador Edmundo Gonzalez.   link


Tishwash: Al-Sudani directs the ministers to follow up on the implementation of the memorandums of understanding concluded with America and Turkey

Today, Tuesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani directed the ministers to follow up on the implementation of the memorandums of understanding and agreements signed with the United States and Turkey.

Al-Sudani’s office stated in a statement received by Mawazine News, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani reviewed, at the beginning of the Council of Ministers today, the results of his official visit to the United States this month, which produced results that are in favor of Iraq in terms of economy, politics, security, and regional stability.”

In the interest of building bilateral strategic relations, in addition to signing a number of memorandums of understanding and partnership between the Iraqi public and private sectors on the one hand, and between major leading American companies and financial and banking institutions on the other hand.”

The statement added, "Al-Sudani also reviewed the visit of the Turkish President to Baghdad yesterday, which witnessed the signing of the bilateral strategic framework agreement, and the signing of 26 joint memorandums of understanding for various institutions between the two countries, which will be reflected in the economic and development partnership, in addition to the quadripartite understanding that included Iraq, Turkey and Qatar."

And the UAE, regarding the development road project, the investment opportunities it brings, and entering into a new phase of security and economic understandings and in the field of water management and water shares in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, all of which will push relations forward.”

During the session, the Prime Minister directed the ministers to “follow up the implementation of the memorandums of understanding, and provide the utmost efforts in order to achieve the highest levels of mutual benefit, for all sectors and activities covered by the memorandums of understanding, in addition to assigning the committees concerned with securing the requirements for success and good implementation of the agreements and understandings signed with the states.” United States and Turkey.  link

Mot: .... Say Do Ya Know what day 

Mot: . OK -- Fess Up!! --WHOOOOOOOOO is Holding This UP!!??? 

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Wednesday AM 4-24-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Wednesday AM 4-24-24

Its Massive News For Dinar Holder- - 2:31

Chase Bank Massive Announcement On IQD RV – 4:13

WOW RV Happens On Friday IQD Going International – 2:03

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Wednesday AM 4-24-24

Its Massive News For Dinar Holder- - 2:31

Chase Bank Massive Announcement On IQD RV – 4:13

WOW RV Happens On Friday IQD Going International – 2:03

 Its Massive News For Dinar Holder- - 2:31

Chase Bank Massive Announcement On IQD RV – 4:13

WOW RV Happens On Friday IQD Going International – 2:03

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 04/24/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 04/24/2024

Member: Good morning RV Brothers and Sisters

Member: I have a bottle of Dom that was a gift at our wedding 21 years ago - just waiting for the GO

Member: So has RV started?

MZ I believe it has started and is not going back.

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 04/24/2024

Member: Good morning RV Brothers and Sisters

Member: I have a bottle of Dom that was a gift at our wedding 21 years ago - just waiting for the GO

Member: So has RV started?

MZ I believe it has started and is not going back.

MZ: We continue to get more reports from the bond side and the group side. It very much appears to be well underway.

Member: Historic Bonds are being paid!!!!!! Whoo hoo!!! We have to be close to our turn.

Member: How long will it take to trickle down to us?

MZ: That is what I am trying to figure out.

Member: I heard from a friend yesterday that has Chinese bonds –She was told by the bond people that it would take around 2-3 weeks for payouts.

MZ: There are many on the bond side getting notices of payments. We are seeing real and clear progress on the bond side.

Member: If we only need 30%  done before we can go……it probably won’t be that long.

Member: How is the rate out and we’re not getting our notifications?

Member: Rate has not hit the FOREX yet ... and its a temp rate from what I hear. Our rate at the exchange could be a little higher due to the oil for dinar program

Member: Heard Iraq officially joins WTO on the 9th of May ??  If so – the new rate should be released before then?

MZ: Let’s talk about Venezuela: “BRICS: Another country OFFICIALLY ditches the US dollar” They have ditched USD in favor of other local currencies. Anything but the US dollar for their oil….they no longer sell their oil for the USD. This is powerful .

MZ: “Maduro’s Venezuela hires the Rothschilds to help restructure it’s foreign debt” This sstory broke this morning at the Gateway pundit. Believe it or not this is a positive sign as they prepare.Venezuela wants to return to the world stage and ditch the US dollar.  

Member: And IMF warns America's unsustainable fiscal practices creating risks for GLOBAL economy.

Member: I thought the Rothschilds are big deep state crooks? Oh well.

Member: Is it true they will not let people with a felony RV?

MZ: If you have paid your debt to society –you have nothing to worry about.

MZ: “From a few days ago –in case you missed it “ Vietnam Central Bank plans forex intervention” They are ready to defend and strengthen its currency. You are finally starting to see it in the news. It’s not all about Iraq.

Member: I’m confused. We watch bonds and Iraq for re-evaluation. Mr C states Dragon family needs “perp walks” to release gold for RV funding. Are we watching the wrong thing?

Member: The rats can run but they can't hide- but perhaps it will all go at once. Arrests and RV?

Member: We need Nesara?

Member: It seems like the economy must collapse so that the world will be open to NESARA.

Member: Where in Dinar Recaps will the notice be posted? There are so many sections?

Member: I would say right on the very top…in huge letters. They said a while ago that they would post fireworks and a big congratulations post on the front page.

MZ: We do not know exactly when we get notifications. But you will probably receive notifications from several different places.  Including any currency dealers you purchased from. The banks told me they will sent notices to the Currency news aggregating sites to send to their mail lists like Recaps, Chronicles and others. There is a zero chance you will miss it.

Member: Plus Mark, Frank, TNT, Bruce and every other guru.

Member: How much cash can we take after we exchange?

MZ: I am told ZERO. There will not be cash at our exchanges for security purposes. It would be foolish to walk out of there with a lot of cash…..BUT, after you are done- you can go to your bank and see a teller to get the cash you need.

Member: My chase bank said they will contact me when it is time.

MZ: If you have a relationship with a banker already….they will happily reach out to you when its time.

Member: Is this the first time you have seen this much positive info Mark?

MZ: This is unprecedented. We have never seen this type of movement…. This is an absolute first in this journey.  

Member: Thank you Mark you have calmed down a lot of people this morning

Member: i can’t wait till i can prove to my kids I am not nuts.

Member: Our “I told you so” day is coming…..Thank God.

Thanks Mark, Andy and mods……everyone enjoy your day….the best is yet to come

Andy Schecctman from Miles Franklin joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions.  



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Wednesday AM 4-24-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Wednesday AM 4-24-24

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

Recently, gold has found its own path. It is becoming increasingly bold in determining its own path.

There have been recent attempts to short the market in gold, and there just doesn't seem to be anything powerful enough to do it.

Gold has awakened into a life determined by real fundamentals unlike anything else on the market.

Our tokenized assets and Stablecoins will be supported by a commodity of real value going forward, and nothing seems to be able to stop it from realizing its potential going forward. Schwab

© Goldilocks

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Wednesday AM 4-24-24

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

Recently, gold has found its own path. It is becoming increasingly bold in determining its own path.

There have been recent attempts to short the market in gold, and there just doesn't seem to be anything powerful enough to do it.

Gold has awakened into a life determined by real fundamentals unlike anything else on the market.

Our tokenized assets and Stablecoins will be supported by a commodity of real value going forward, and nothing seems to be able to stop it from realizing its potential going forward.  Schwab

© Goldilocks





CBI Banker in Iraq Contact:

Dee and I just finished a conversation with our CBI Banker in Iraq with ties to the Foreign Remittance Department.

Iraq is currently increasing the amount of Gold they hold that will support their currency.

Iraq is encouraging people to use a debit (Visa & Master) Card as much as possible, so they can get used to becoming a cashless society.

As far as a rate is concerned, they are looking to move from 1,310 to 1,000 soon.

Many new agreements have been signed with other countries to increase the demand for their currency as of late.

He expressed that they still need more goods to sell to increase their money velocity.

Iraq has not moved to a position of removing the three zeros on their currency just yet.

It was mentioned that they are still working with their Foreign Corresponding Bank to complete their banking reforms this year.

© Goldilocks


Institutional Digital Assets: The Future of Finance Is Here | CoinDesk


SEC Lawyers Resign After Judge Sanctions the Regulator for 'Gross Abuse of Power' – Legal Bitcoin News

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article


Institutional Digital Assets: The Future of Finance Is Here | CoinDesk


SEC Lawyers Resign After Judge Sanctions the Regulator for 'Gross Abuse of Power' – Legal Bitcoin News

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article


"CFTC Approves Final Rules on Swap Confirmation Requirements for Swap Execution Facilities (SEFs)"

These rules go into effect 30 days after they have been placed in the Federal Register. "An essential component of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) is its framework for the regulation of swaps, including central clearing and trade execution requirements, registration and comprehensive regulation of swap dealers, and recordkeeping and reporting requirements."

The final rules amend CFTC Regulation 37.6(b) to require such confirmation to take place “as soon as technologically practicable.”

We have two things holding us back at this point in moving forward with the newly amended and final rules of swap executions on Securities such as Foreign Currency.

1) This amendment and final rule has to go to the Federal Registry which doesn't take long.

2) This new amendment can be implemented as soon as "technologically practicable.”

Yes, as soon as the QFS is completely finished. Stay tuned, this room will keep you updated on QFS developments as they are happening each and "every day" as we have done for the last 3 years. CFTC 1 CFTC 2   Investopedia

© Goldilocks






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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday 4-24-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 24 April 2024 Compiled Wed. 24 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (Rumors)

Tues. 23 April Both Wolverine and TNT Tony maintained that Reno started the Global Currency Reset process last Fri. 19 April.

Tues. 23 April MarkZ: “Bonds are now being paid out (made liquid). Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notified to set appointments for exchanges after 30% of the bonds have been paid out. …There are people who have already received their money to spend. It’s on a descending scale and we must wait patiently our turn. Be happy that the money movement has already started.”

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 24 April 2024

Compiled Wed. 24 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (Rumors)

Tues. 23 April Both Wolverine and TNT Tony maintained that Reno started the Global Currency Reset process last Fri. 19 April.

Tues. 23 April MarkZ: “Bonds are now being paid out (made liquid). Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notified to set appointments for exchanges after 30% of the bonds have been paid out. …There are people who have already received their money to spend. It’s on a descending scale and we must wait patiently our turn. Be happy that the money movement has already started.”

On Mon. 22 April an Iraqi citizen used his Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) Debit Card to purchase an item in Texas and found the exchange rate at that moment was $3.90 USD per 1 Iraqi Dinar.

Tues. 23 April Bruce The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#: “Redemption Center sources say everything will be released by the end of the week. One Redemption Center Head said ‘This is the week.’ Since Sun. 21 April 19 currencies have been going up in value on the Forex. Zim has been on par with the US Dollar and was now over par. While most currencies will top out, the Dong may continue to go up in value.”

Tues. 23 April Wolverine: “I have incredible news coming through. This is real and happening.  I have received news that we are days, or even hours away from this happening.

We do not know the exact timing, as it is a military operation out of our control.

Please, I would like all of you to pray, and get your things in order to go to the redemption center to exchange your currency.

Wells Fargo received notifications two days ago, and we should be getting those notifications in our Inbox by Monday. The source for this information is very reliable and serious.

Releases for the DF operations can be paid on Wednesday the 24th, a date set by the institution itself.  

A representative of Columbia #1 project manager – confirmed notifications – Brazil, Colombia, USA.

It started with delivery protocols for your Tier4B internet group lead representative, which started Sunday April 21st.

Banks are ready and adapted to 100% QFS.

Michael Ruben says we will have a beautiful week this week.

Mauricio is going to get the codes by Monday or Tuesday. As soon as he gets those codes, he will be able to release those funds for his platform. 

We are just waiting for notifications to get to our inbox. This should happen on Monday but it might happen today, as well, so keep an eye on your inbox. 

First there will be a beautiful video put together by a friend, then the sounding of the Trumpets of Freedom, and then the Opera.

That is it, my friends. Take care, Wolverine.

Update, Tues. 23 April Wolverine: “An audio came out from the owner of the Pentecostal Group in Columbia. Michael Rueben who is the number one Paymaster over all the Paymasters in the World, had a meeting with the committee. He said that things have started. They are releasing to The People and we are going to have a beautiful week this week. … In Mexico the banks are closing and will be closed for five days.

Tues. 23 April Rubix Q 777: Michael Ruben oversees all of Columbia’s GCR implementation and is based in NY, US. The green light comes from this specific office from a bank in New York.

Tues. 23 April 2024 Zimbabwe Gives its People Land and Gold – The Best Is Yet To Come | Operation Disclosure Official

On April 22nd, 2024, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications and Real Time Gross Settlements is upgrading to the ISO20022 messaging system. The Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited and the Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited will soon after do a market-wide testing to make sure the clearing systems of the East and West are synchronized. Once this interface is complete and tested, the new settlement messaging system for tokenized assets through Stablecoins, already tested and regulated, in Hong Kong will be able to move digital money in cross-border International trades. This will enable foreign currency exchanges to take place on this new Digital Financial Settlement System.

Global Economic Collapse:

Tues. 23 April Black Swan Event About To Devastate Economy:

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   Article:  "CEO of JPMorgan Chase expresses support for Iraq"  Take a picture of this.  Next time Chase tells you it's a scam put this right up to their faces.

Deepwoodz  Article: "The Iraqi Central Governor reveals the plan to reform the banking system and talks about sanctions"  Quote: “the detailed study of this project will be presented in the eighth month, and then there will be clarity about the road map..."  Im not sure how to take this. Standing on this side of the rate change makes me naturally want to say something negative, but I have to consider all the facts.  Iraq did not JUST NOW begin their banking reforms. They also did not JUST NOW begin to do a study of their monetary reform, exchange rate, or otherwise...I’m pretty sure there has never been anything like what Iraq is going through right now. There are no experts that have actually done this exact thing before. It really is a monumental task that will have a global impact. I'm as ready as anyone to cash in and I wish it were that simple. Truth is though, it is happening. We are so far down this road now there is no turning back. 

HYPER-ALERT! The Debt/Liquidity CRISIS Is MUCH WORSE Than We Think! Here Is The PROOF!

Greg Mannarino:  4-23-2024

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday AM 4-24-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday AM 4-24-24

Finally CBI Announce On TV Screen IQD RV – 3:24

US Treasury Set New Exchange Rate – 3:13

This is Good News For IQD Holder’s – 3:01

Chase Bank Huge Announcement IQD New Rate – 2:44

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Wednesday AM 4-24-24

Finally CBI Announce On TV Screen IQD RV – 3:24

US Treasury Set New Exchange Rate – 3:13

This is Good News For IQD Holder’s – 3:01

Chase Bank Huge Announcement IQD New Rate – 2:44

Finally CBI Announce On TV Screen IQD RV – 3:24

US Treasury Set New Exchange Rate – 3:13

This is Good News For IQD Holder’s – 3:01

Chase Bank Huge Announcement IQD New Rate – 2:44

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: IQD Update - Iraqi Dinar - Global Deals - Support - USA- Turkey - Timing- Currency Value - Tabled

IQD Update - Iraqi Dinar - Global Deals - Support - USA- Turkey - Timing- Currency Value - Tabled

MilitiaMan and Crew:  4-23-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

IQD Update - Iraqi Dinar - Global Deals - Support - USA- Turkey - Timing- Currency Value - Tabled

MilitiaMan and Crew:  4-23-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20 Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20

KTFA Tues. Night CC:“FRANK26….4-23-24…..SAT PHONE CALL”


Tuesday Night Conference Call

“FRANK26….4-23-24…..SAT PHONE CALL”

This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#


Tuesday Night Conference Call

“FRANK26….4-23-24…..SAT PHONE CALL”

This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Tuesday Evening 4-23-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Tuesday Evening 4-23-24

The US Treasury Praises The Actions Of The Government And The Central Bank In The Washington Meetings

Economy News – Baghdad  Samir Al-Nusairi    During the visit of the Prime Minister to Washington and his meeting, in the presence of the Governor of the Central Bank, with the US Treasury delegation, and the negotiations that took place regarding the financial and banking reform strategy implemented by the government and the Central Bank, the American side emphasized its praise of the reform measures and steps,

which resulted in organizing foreign trade financing and complying with international standards in 2023 and the past months of 2024, and to bridge part of the gap between the official price and the price equivalent to the dinar exchange rate against the US dollar.

This refutes the criticisms, allegations and media exaggerations of some satellite channels by insulting the Central Bank and the banking sector and pointing out some violations in the issue of controlling the monetary dollar, which were addressed at the time of the beginning of the application of the electronic platform.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Tuesday Evening 4-23-24

The US Treasury Praises The Actions Of The Government And The Central Bank In The Washington Meetings

Economy News – Baghdad  Samir Al-Nusairi    During the visit of the Prime Minister to Washington and his meeting, in the presence of the Governor of the Central Bank, with the US Treasury delegation, and the negotiations that took place regarding the financial and banking reform strategy implemented by the government and the Central Bank, the American side emphasized its praise of the reform measures and steps,

which resulted in organizing foreign trade financing and complying with international standards in 2023 and the past months of 2024, and to bridge part of the gap between the official price and the price equivalent to the dinar exchange rate against the US dollar.

This refutes the criticisms, allegations and media exaggerations of some satellite channels by insulting the Central Bank and the banking sector and pointing out some violations in the issue of controlling the monetary dollar, which were addressed at the time of the beginning of the application of the electronic platform.

What is important and what must be confirmed now is that 100% of the external transfers that were made were in accordance with the relationship What is new between our banks and international correspondent banks, in accordance with the instructions and mechanisms of the electronic platform, are sound and transparent transfers in accordance with international standards, and that the window for selling foreign currency is an economic indicator that achieves one of the objectives of monetary policy.

“Accusing the Central Bank and banks of wasting foreign currency without evidence proving the existence of suspicions of corruption, money laundering, or currency smuggling, and the proposition that says selling currency is a waste of public money is a description that has nothing to do with the economic process.”

It must be noted that “the process of the currency sale window began to be implemented by the Central Bank on 10/4/2004 in implementation of Article 28 of the Central Bank Law No. 56 of 2004, which allows the Central Bank to buy and sell foreign currency, and this process has continued to meet the needs of the Ministry of Finance for currency.”

The local government, for the purposes of the operating budget, purchased the dinar from the public for the purpose of controlling liquidity levels, which is known as the monetary sterilization process on the one hand, and to recycle the dinar and resell it to the Ministry of Finance for the purposes of paying salaries and wages, securing government expenditures, as well as meeting and covering imports, and maintaining the stability of the exchange rate targeted by the Central Bank.

“The foreign currency selling window is considered one of the largest open market operations in controlling local liquidity levels and putting the cash surplus on its proper paths. It is a good economic indicator and achieves one of the goals of monetary policy, and this is consistent with the multi-dimensional functions that the Central Bank of Iraq performs, as it is concerned with financial stability.”

It manages the payments system, manages foreign reserves, licenses and monitors banks and financial institutions, and sets preventive controls, in addition to other tasks related to monetary issuance and publishing economic data, indicators and forecasts.”

“The basic tasks carried out by the central bank are to manage monetary policy, which aims to control inflation, stimulate the economy, balance the balance of payments, and achieve monetary stability.”

274 views 04/23/2024 -

Central Bank Sales Today Exceed $282 Million

Tuesday 23 April 2024 | Economical Number of readings: 195  Baghdad / NINA / The Central Bank of Iraq announced, today, Tuesday, its total sales of foreign currency through the electronic window.

The total amounts of transfers abroad (remittances, credits) amounted to $257,194,465, while the total amount of cash sales amounted to $25,430,000, and the total amount of sales amounted to $282,624,465.

The cash selling price was 1,305 dinars per dollar, while the bond credits, international settlements for the electronic card, and foreign transfers were 1,310 dinars per dollar. /End 11

"Al-Eqtisad News" Publishes The Full Decisions Of The Council Of Ministers Session

Economy News – Baghdad  Al-Eqtisad News publishes the full decisions of the sixteenth Cabinet session held on Tuesday, the most prominent of which was raising the acceptance rate of top graduates of technical institutes at universities to 20%.

The Prime Minister’s media office said in a statement, seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired the sixteenth regular session of the Council of Ministers, in which the general conditions in the country were discussed, a number of important files were discussed, and topics were discussed.” listed on the agenda and take decisions and recommendations thereon.”

The statement added, "At the beginning of the session, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani reviewed the results of his official visit to the United States this month, which produced results that are in the interest of Iraq in terms of economy, politics, security, and regional stability, and in the interest of building bilateral strategic relations, in addition to the signing of a number of Memorandums of understanding and partnership between the Iraqi public and private sectors on the one hand, and between major leading American companies and financial and banking institutions on the other hand.”

He explained, "Al-Sudani reviewed the visit of the Turkish President to Baghdad yesterday, which witnessed the signing of the bilateral strategic framework agreement, and the signing of 26 joint memorandums of understanding for various institutions between the two countries, which will be reflected in the economic and development partnership, in addition to the quadripartite understanding that included Iraq, Turkey, Qatar, and the UAE.

Regarding the development road project, the investment opportunities it holds, and entering into a new phase of security and economic understandings and in the field of water management and water shares in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, all of which will push relations forward.”

Al-Sudani directed, according to the statement, “the ministers to follow up on the implementation of the memorandums of understanding, and to provide the utmost efforts in order to achieve the highest levels of mutual benefit, for all sectors and activities covered by the memorandums of understanding, in addition to assigning the committees concerned with securing the requirements for success and good implementation of the agreements and understandings signed with the United States and Turkey.”

During the session, the Council of Ministers followed up on service projects, infrastructure projects, and lagging projects, and took a number of decisions related to spare orders and implementation, as follows:

1- Increasing the amount of reserve for the project (construction of the Abu Ghar-Tel al-Lahm quarries road with a length of 45 km) within the project (construction of the Abu Ghar-Tal al-Lahm quarries road) included in the investment budget tables of the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works/ among the priority projects related to the implementation of the Council’s decision. Ministers (301 in 2021).

2- Increasing the total cost of the project (study, design and implementation of an integrated concrete water project with a capacity of 1000 m3/hour, with transmission lines to the Umm Qasr district).

3- Increasing the total cost and reserve amount for the project (reconstruction of Al-Fayhaa Bridge in Basra).

4- Increasing the total cost and reserve amount for the project (Fallujah Third Bridge and its approaches in Anbar Governorate).

5- Increasing the total cost and the amount of reserve for the project (constructing the Juwaiba-Al-Hamidiyah (Al-Mamoun) Bridge).

6- Increasing the total cost and the amount of reserve for the project (completion of the rehabilitation and expansion of Karbala Children’s Hospital/second phase).

7-Developing a project (supervision and control for the establishment of Shatrah General Hospital with a capacity of 200 beds and furnishing), within the total cost of the project.

8- Increasing the amount of reserve for the project (constructing the second corridor of the Batira - Al-Fajr - Al-Budair road, with a length of (163) km, the first phase within Maysan Governorate, with a length of (72) km, increasing the total cost of the project, and creating a project called (the two concrete Sababat bridges).

9- Creating a project called (removing optical cable conflicts for the Sababat Bridges).

10- Increasing the total cost and the amount of reserve for the project (establishing the Palace of Justice in Najaf Al-Ashraf).

He continued, "In order to make room for outstanding students of institutes to complete university studies, the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Human Development (24011 B) for the year 2024 was approved regarding increasing the acceptance rate of top students who graduate from technical institutes from (10%) to (20%)."

For admission exclusively to universities, and to the corresponding or nearby specializations, in order to allow students who are graduates of the institutes to apply to complete their initial university studies.”

He continued, "The Council decided to exclude the backup network project, and the project to rehabilitate and develop the paths of the national optical cable network, from the contracting methods stipulated in the Contract Implementation Instructions No. 2 of 2014, for the purposes of the national mobile phone license, in order to meet the increasing requirements of state institutions for digital transformation projects and secure the needs of... Mobile companies, state institutions, and citizens benefit from the increased Internet capacity, fiber optic projects (FTTH), an alternative to copper landlines, and international transit projects for Iraq.”

He pointed out that "the Council approved the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for the Economy (24131 Q), which included approval of the request of the Ministry of Oil, regarding the issue of converting gas compressors from temporary to permanent customs entry for the benefit of the Basra Gas Company, and the General Authority of Customs transferring gas compressors with (14) compressors from A temporary customs entry to a permanent one,

for the benefit of the Basra Gas Company, provided that it is among its assets (the share of the South Oil Company (51%) in accordance with Council of Ministers Resolution (446 of 2012), and payment of the resulting expenses, in accordance with the law, and borne by the Basra Gas Company.” .

He added, "In the field of energy, the Council approved the signing of a memorandum of understanding for associated gas to generate electric power between the Ministry of Electricity and Siemens Energy. It also approved the inclusion of the projects required to be implemented by the Ministries (Planning and Finance) in accordance with the aforementioned memorandum of understanding and the availability of the necessary allocations and funding."

The Council voted to grant the Ministry of Electricity the necessary powers to proceed with implementation, as an exception to the contracting methods stipulated in the Instructions for Implementing Government Contracts (2 of 2014), in a way that ensures speedy completion and achieving the desired goal of signing the aforementioned memorandum of understanding.

He pointed out that, "In the same vein, the Council canceled Cabinet Resolution No. (308 of 2019), which included financing the Ministry of Electricity with the necessary allocations to establish a secondary station (400) KV, and financing three (132) KV stations with lines, provided that they are of Outside the Ministry's budget.

The statement confirmed, “The Council approved the draft law to cancel the (defunct) Revolutionary Command Council’s Decision No. (103) on January 27, 1988, which was reviewed by the State Council, and approved referring the draft law to the House of Representatives based on the provisions of the Constitution, as the aforementioned decision had He merged the Department of Relations and the Department of Planning into one department, and abolished administrative formations in the Ministry of Justice.

He also abolished the Department of Estate Affairs in the Directorate for the Welfare of Minors, abolished its jurisdiction to release estates in accordance with the Law for the Care of Minors, and entrusted the release of estates to the personal status courts.

He stated that "the draft law for the first amendment to the Martyrs Foundation Law No. 2 of 2016 was approved, which was reviewed by the State Council and referred to the House of Representatives, based on the provisions of the Constitution, taking into consideration the observations that were presented at the Council of Ministers meeting."

He continued, "The Council of Ministers granted the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning the authority to negotiate and sign a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Planning in the Republic of Iraq and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), based on the Treaty Contracting Law (35 of 2015), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs prepared the necessary authorization document."

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Iraq, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, in accordance with the approved contexts, and submitting it to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers in order to obtain the signature of the Prime Minister.

The Council decided, according to the statement, “It was decided to authorize the Minister of Justice to negotiate and sign two draft cooperation agreements between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Republic of Italy, and between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the field of transferring those sentenced to custodial sentences, based on the provisions of the Constitution, and to prepare a Ministry Foreign Ministry:

The necessary authorization document on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Iraq for the Minister of Justice, in accordance with the approved contexts, and submitting it to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to obtain the signature of the Prime Minister.

Views 101 04/23/2024 -

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Provoking Points To Ponder on Failures and Mistakes

We will be victorious if we have not forgotten how to learn.- Rosa Luxemburg

It is the true nature of mankind to learn from mistakes, not from example.- Fred Hoyle

The psychotherapist learns little or nothing from his successes. They mainly confirm him in his mistakes, while his failures, on the other hand, are priceless experiences in that they not only open up the way to a deeper truth, but force him to change his views and methods.- Carl Jung

Failure ... is, in a sense, the highway to success, inasmuch as every discovery of what is false leads us to seek earnestly after what is true, and every fresh experience points out some form of error which we shall afterward carefully avoid.- John Keats

We need to teach a highly educated person that it is not a disgrace to fail and that he must analyze every failure to find its cause. He must learn how to fail intelligently, for failing is one of the greatest arts of the world.- Charles F. Kettering

When a man is pushed, tormented, defeated, he has a chance to learn something; he has been put on his wits; on his manhood; he has gained the facts; learned his ignorance; is cured of the insanity of conceit; has got moderation and real skill.- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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