Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Tuesday Evening 4-23-24

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Tuesday Evening 4-23-24

Iraqi dinar 25000 Notes On Trending Now On Forex – 2:46

Iraqi dinar big announcement be Alert – 2:16

Iraqi Dinar Big Big Good News $3+ - 2:18

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Tuesday Evening 4-23-24

Iraqi dinar 25000 Notes On Trending Now On Forex – 2:46

Iraqi dinar big announcement be Alert – 2:16

Iraqi Dinar Big Big Good News $3+ - 2:18

 Iraqi dinar 25000 Notes On Trending Now On Forex – 2:46

Iraqi dinar big announcement be Alert – 2:16

Iraqi Dinar Big Big Good News $3+ - 2:18

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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

10 Poor Money Habits Hurting Relationships the Most

Apr 23

10 Poor Money Habits Hurting Relationships the Most

Cindy Lamothe Mon, April 22, 2024

Love and money don’t always go hand in hand. As one recent GOBankingRates survey revealed, poor money habits have a significant impact on people’s relationships.

The survey, which polled over 1,000 Americans, found that some of the biggest concerns around love and finances have to do with spending mindlessly and not planning for the future.

Harmful Money Habits

When asked what poor money habits were impacting their relationship, here’s what the survey respondents who were in a relationship said:

10 Poor Money Habits Hurting Relationships the Most

Cindy Lamothe   Mon, April 22, 2024

Love and money don’t always go hand in hand. As one recent GOBankingRates survey revealed, poor money habits have a significant impact on people’s relationships.

The survey, which polled over 1,000 Americans, found that some of the biggest concerns around love and finances have to do with spending mindlessly and not planning for the future.

Harmful Money Habits

When asked what poor money habits were impacting their relationship, here’s what the survey respondents who were in a relationship said:

Using credit cards too much to buy things: 18.65%

Impulse shopping: 17.96%

Living beyond your means: 16.77%

Not prioritizing saving: 16.57%

Not creating a budget: 15.18%

Not building an emergency fund: 13.89%

Not investing: 10.12%

Making minimum monthly payments instead of a full payment: 10.02%

Not paying bills on time: 8.93%

Lifestyle inflation: 7.94%

About 26% said that none of these habits had impacted their relationship.

According to the results, Gen X was most concerned about credit card overuse, while millennials and Gen Z worried most over impulse shopping — though living beyond their means was a close second for millennials.

Below, experts detail how these poor money habits hurt relationships — and what you can do about it.

How These Habits Hurt Your Relationship

“Financial problems like overusing credit cards, impulse shopping, living beyond means and not budgeting or saving can put a huge strain on romantic relationships,” said Loretta Kilday, senior attorney at Debt Consolidation Care.

“When couples overspend and rack up debt, it can cause a lot of stress, anxiety and fights as they try to keep up with bills and pay off what they owe,” she explained. “Living above their means can also make partners feel entitled or like they can never have the lifestyle they want, which breeds frustration and blame.”

Not having a budget or savings, she added, leaves couples high and dry when emergencies pop up or when it comes to long-term goals. “They clash over money choices because they are not on the same page. Hiding purchases or debts from each other shatters trust and intimacy, too.”

To keep money from messing with their relationship, Kilday said couples have to put financial teamwork first.

“That means getting real about goals, making a budget together and being upfront about spending and saving. Working as a team to handle money in a healthy, honest way cuts down stress and makes the relationship stronger in the long run.”

Different Spending Habits Lead to Adversity

To Read More Go To Original Article:

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ and Zester. 04/23/2024

Evening News with MarkZ and Zester. 04/23/2024

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening Mark Mods and fellow RV’ers

Member: One for the money two for the show three get ready for RV…. let’s go let’s go

Member: I heard that the invention of the spoon was an important point in human history. It caused…quite a stir.

Member: It all sounds good but we are still waiting and wandering…. I sure hope we get some news that has teeth in it….

Member: With a lot of people under NDA s -that's good news

Evening News with MarkZ and Zester. 04/23/2024

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening Mark Mods and fellow RV’ers

Member: One for the money two for the show three get ready for RV…. let’s go let’s go

Member: I heard that the invention of the spoon was an important point in human history. It caused…quite a stir.

Member: It all sounds good but we are still waiting and wandering…. I sure hope we get some news that has teeth in it….

Member: With a lot of people under NDA s -that's good news

MZ: That is great news. There are a number of high profile paymasters under an NDA now. Along with all the bondholders under NDA’s….This is exceptional news. Now we need to know “when” for the rest of us.

MZ: But, it’s fantastic and exciting to finally see some movement from some of the biggest of groups. There are also more and more bond confirmations that make me feel warm and fuzzy. We don’t know when they will be complete but am excited over the progress I am seeing.

Member: Are you under an NDA now Mark?

MZ: When I am- you won’t need to ask…I will tell you.

Member: You said Bond money is moving this morning. What does that mean for us as a timeline?

MZ: I don’t know exactly. That is what I am trying to pin down. But, I firmly believe it has started and cannot be stopped now.

Member: There is a rumor a contractor living in the US used his CBI card and the rate was about $3.91

MZ: About a million of you sent that to me today. There have been inconsistencies between people here and inconsistencies on rates and payments for different contractors. But we are seeing those irregularities that I attribute to testing the system or priming the pump. Seeing how everything works together.

MZ:  As we understand it the AI for the QFS is controlling things. If there is a value change on one…they have to see how it affects others. So to me- they are testing the system….or priming the pump to see how it works. The lucky ones chosen to do this just got one heck of a windfall.

Member: Do you believe the $3.91 story is real?

MZ: Yes I do believe it’s real But, I do not believe that is the rate everybody gets because I have talked to some with these debit cards in the US and they have not seen that rate change. Whereas others have… I think they are priming the pump and testing the system.

MZ: “ IMF issues warning to Biden Administration on out of control deficit spending.” We are watching things unfold in front of our eyes.

Member: Can u explain who actually pulls the trigger? Is it Iraq, IMF, military or U.S. getting so confused?

Member: At that level…we may never know for sure.

Member: Thanks to Mark and Zester…….everyone enjoy your evening…..sweet RV dreams

Zester joins the stream today. Please listen to Replay for his information and opinions.



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Economist’s: “Sound Money, Reset, and More” 4-23-2024

Stefan Gleason - U.S. States Seeking Shelter From the U.S. Dollar

Silver Bullion TV:  4-22-2024

Patrick Vierra from SBTV spoke with the CEO from Money Metals Stefan Gleason.

 Stefan is an advocate for sound money as are many of the U.S. states.

However, even if the individual states may see gold and silver as sound money, the federal government does not and prefers a central bank digital currency or CBDC.

 Interesting times ahead, come see why.

Stefan Gleason - U.S. States Seeking Shelter From the U.S. Dollar

Silver Bullion TV:  4-22-2024

Patrick Vierra from SBTV spoke with the CEO from Money Metals Stefan Gleason.

 Stefan is an advocate for sound money as are many of the U.S. states.

However, even if the individual states may see gold and silver as sound money, the federal government does not and prefers a central bank digital currency or CBDC.

 Interesting times ahead, come see why.

Discussed in this interview:

01:22 The States and sound money

 12:54 Government is not hearing the people

23:05 The Fed wants a central bank digital currency, a CBDC

29:28 Less trust with the U.S.

32:09 Seeking monetary shelter from the USD

The “Biggest” Survival Game of Our Lives, Only Gold and These Rules Can Save You: Market Sniper

Daniela Cambone: 4-23-2024

“I actually fear it’s going to be so big that you won’t be able to trade it all.

There will be a stop reset and then there will be a formal reveal to try to get faith back in a system,” says Francis Hunt, trader, investor, and the mastermind behind The Market Sniper.

In an interview with Daniela Cambone, Hunt sees the gold price soaring to $3,000 an ounce, urging viewers to consider gold as a valuable investment opportunity.

He sheds light on the ongoing financial reset, emphasizing the significance of geopolitical risks, strong dollar fluctuations, and mounting debt crises.

”You were born to cope with these times. Make sure you're a survivor through to thrive and we think is the financial planning you should do for a reset environment.”


 00:00 Jerome Powell

3:30 Debt collapse/FX market

 5:37 Japanese yen

7:11 Gold

 10:22 Rally of gold

12:17 Price for gold

17:50 It’s time to get into gold

19:45 Gold/silver ratio

27:40 Bitcoin

30:48 Financial reset

Argentina Heads To China For Economic RESCUE As Farm Outbreaks Devastate Export Revenues

Sean Foo:  4-23-2024

Argentina is facing an export crisis. With inflation still raging, an outbreak in their corn harvest threatens to collapse their export revenues.

 It's not a surprise that the Argentine Central Bank is running to China to secure their Yuan swap line for their vital imports.

Here's what you must know and why Argentina's in desperation mode.

Timestamps & Chapters:

0:00 Milei's Running To China

2:58 Argentina's Farm Outbreaks

 6:26 Scrambling For China's Swap Line

9:16 Argentina Needs Chinese Imports

10:16 Spending $300M On Fighter Jets

12:54 More Currency Devaluation Coming

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday Afternoon 4-23-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday Afternoon 4-23-24

CBI Announced About IQD RV Latest Update – 3:12

Wait is Over JP Morgan Chase Bank RV Approved – 2:48

Iraqi Dinar Massive Reinstatement – 3:04

Al Sudani Big Announcment IQD Exchange Rate – 4:13

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday Afternoon 4-23-24

CBI Announced About IQD RV Latest Update – 3:12

Wait is Over JP Morgan Chase Bank RV Approved – 2:48

Iraqi Dinar Massive Reinstatement – 3:04

Al Sudani Big Announcment IQD Exchange Rate – 4:13

 CBI Announced About IQD RV Latest Update – 3:12

Wait is Over JP Morgan Chase Bank RV Approved – 2:48

Iraqi Dinar Massive Reinstatement – 3:04

Al Sudani Big Announcment IQD Exchange Rate – 4:13

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 4-23-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 4-23-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"HANOI (Bloomberg): Vietnam’s central bank said it sold dollars to some banks, intervening in the foreign exchange market as the currency fell to a record low."

Today, Vietnam did a currency intervention. They sold some of their dollars to some banks. Let's take a look at why this move was made and why it makes sense.

Vietnam is currently applying for the BRICS system. The need to hold dollars in trade going forward does not make as much sense anymore. It would make more sense to hold the trading currency of the BRICS system that will carry enough weight to justify new Dong rates going forward.

At the same time, the BRICS Nations have a requirement that Nations who join them own gold. Gold increases the net worth of a country's own currency, and backing in Gold will enable Vietnam to trade under a Gold Standard.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 4-23-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"HANOI (Bloomberg): Vietnam’s central bank said it sold dollars to some banks, intervening in the foreign exchange market as the currency fell to a record low."

Today, Vietnam did a currency intervention. They sold some of their dollars to some banks. Let's take a look at why this move was made and why it makes sense.

Vietnam is currently applying for the BRICS system. The need to hold dollars in trade going forward does not make as much sense anymore. It would make more sense to hold the trading currency of the BRICS system that will carry enough weight to justify new Dong rates going forward.

At the same time, the BRICS Nations have a requirement that Nations who join them own gold. Gold increases the net worth of a country's own currency, and backing in Gold will enable Vietnam to trade under a Gold Standard.

You will notice in an article below that Vietnam has begun buying more Gold.

Currently, Europe and the US carry a lot of weight in trading values through the WTO. China and other countries who are part of the BRICS system are edging up to near-similar levels of trade that will equate the US and Europe.

This will level the playing field for countries such as Vietnam, and it makes sense for them to begin dumping their dollars for currencies inside the BRICS Nations and Gold.

Holding these new reserves in the BRICS Nations will allow Vietnam to raise the value of their currency through new trading mechanisms inside the new digital economy and more holdings in Gold.

The Star   RT Business   Investopedia1   JP Morgan  Investopedia2  The Investor VN  Vietnam Investment Review 

"All roads lead to gold, and 'digital gold' will set us free."

© Goldilocks


The Commodities Futures Trading Commission has issued an announcement.

The CFTC is extending the comment period for new rules being applied on the swap execution facilities.

This affects the DCMs in Part 37 and 38. The Designated Contract Markets are boards of trade (or exchanges) that operate under the regulatory oversight of the CFTC.

"The proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on March 19, 2024. It had a 60-day comment period scheduled to close on April 22, 2024."

The following is what was considered in yesterday's meeting.

"Final Rule: Capital and Financial Reporting Requirements for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants

Final Rule: Adopting Amendments to the Large Trader Reporting Rules for Futures and Options"

May 13th, 2024 is the deadline for this comment period. At that time, we will be able to move forward with the final rules on executing foreign currency exchange swaps.  The final rule is the implementation phase.  CFTC1  CFTC2  CFTC3  CFTC4   Federal Register    Investopedia    CFTC5

© Goldilocks


A new round of sanctions are being applied to Venezuela and their oil economy.

This article speaks of Venezuela moving to other payment methods such as cryptocurrencies as preferred payments.

This will shift payments from the dollar to new digital asset opportunities for this country.

It is a growing trend and opportunity for countries who wish to exercise their Sovereignty going forward. Reuters

© Goldilocks


"Therefore, trading of foreign currency futures contracts, or options thereon, is lawful if it occurs on designated contract markets or derivatives transaction execution facilities."

* Designated Contract Markets (DCM)

* Derivatives Transaction Execution Facilities

Please ask if the facility you are trading at is one of the two above-approved designated exchange facility.

It will not be a legal facility to exchange your currency in unless it is. By the way, a bank is a designated facility that encompasses both of the above criteria and requirements.   CFTC

© Goldilocks


👆One more thing, these designated facilities (banks) do have 1-800 #s.

Just look on the back of your debit card or call your bank if you have any further questions.


Jim Willie: 'Gold's The Safe Haven When There's No Escaping The Debt Default' | Youtube


The BRICS economic union is currently in the process of creating a single financial system in 2024 to facilitate trade within the bloc without using the US dollar.

Such an idea would be crucial to the implementation of the BRICS plans. Specifically, the effect of its de-dollarization would be greatly enhanced by a financial system that brings together the possibilities of using digital currencies. Moreover, it increases pressure on the dollar, which the US has already assured will not get a digital counterpart.    Crypto Dnes


Kremlin says Russia and China have almost abandoned the dollar in trade

Russia and China have almost completely abandoned the US dollar in their mutual settlements, and more than 90% of transactions between the two countries are now carried out in their national currencies. | UNN


The Copper Supply Shortage Is Here | SchiffGold

👆 Keep saving those copper nickels and pennies...


The movement from brick and mortar sales continue to melt down as the online sales for the same merchandise is continuing to climb. | Wolf Street


Vietnamese furniture products introduced at Milan Design Week - EIN Presswire


Vietnam to have opportunities from digitalisation, green transformation: IMF | VOV VN


Factors influencing Vietnam’s FMCG market | VOV VN


Vietnam surpasses India, Thailand to become Singapore’s top rice supplier - VnExpress International | VN Express 


Billionaire-Owned Media Has Gone Full Throttle to Save Fellow Billionaire, Jamie Dimon |  Wall Street on Parade


Copper pennies at $3.00. Right NOW? | Youtube

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article





Generative A.I. Arrives in the Gene Editing World of CRISPR   |  The New York Times


A new legislation to regulate stablecoins filed in the US Senate may benefit the issuers as reported by investment banking firm TD Cowen.  | Crypto Times

👆 more on this tomorrow...


  ‘‘Lummis-Gillibrand Payment Stablecoin Act’’  




Ripple Offers to Pay SEC Penalty For XRP | Youtube


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 4-23-24

New financial interest thwarts the government's plans to close the deficit
Monday, 04-22-2024, Karar Al-Assadi 356
The Iraqi government has resorted to issuing financial bonds and selling them to citizens with the aim of filling the financial deficit in the budget and also to enhance the state’s non-oil revenues, which is a slogan raised by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to his government, and while specialists praise this approach, others identify obstacles that do not encourage the success of this experiment due to the lack of interest.

Banking achieved by “freezing” millions of dinars in exchange for revenues does not constitute a temptation to attract the citizen.

Economic expert Mazhar Muhammad Saleh says, “The bonds currently in circulation (Injaz), which were recently issued by the Ministry of Finance, are one of the medium-term government debt instruments,

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 4-23-24

New financial interest thwarts the government's plans to close the deficit
Monday, 04-22-2024, Karar Al-Assadi 356
The Iraqi government has resorted to issuing financial bonds and selling them to citizens with the aim of filling the financial deficit in the budget and also to enhance the state’s non-oil revenues, which is a slogan raised by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to his government, and while specialists praise this approach, others identify obstacles that do not encourage the success of this experiment due to the lack of interest.
Banking achieved by “freezing” millions of dinars in exchange for revenues does not constitute a temptation to attract the citizen.
Economic expert Mazhar Muhammad Saleh says, “The bonds currently in circulation (Injaz), which were recently issued by the Ministry of Finance, are one of the medium-term government debt instruments,
which differ from treasury transfers as a debt instrument also in terms of maturity dates and the interest granted or paid, as
treasury transfers are mostly directed.” To the banking system, while
Enjaz bonds are mostly a means of borrowing to the public.”

On April 15, 2023, Rafidain Bank announced the issuance of “Enjaz” bonds to citizens, offering them in two categories, the 
     first in the amount of 500 thousand dinars with an annual interest of 6.5 percent, paid every six months for a period of two years, and the
     second in the amount of one million dinars with an annual interest of 8.5 percent every six months for a period of four years.

 He added,   “These bonds were issued for the purposes of financing part of the planned deficit in the federal general budget for the year 2024, and engaging in direct borrowing from the public of lenders, especially those who have savings or financial surpluses, and
at the same time have the desire to invest their surplus funds in these highly collateralized sovereign bonds, as
they are subject to... (Injaz) bonds for the credit rating of the Republic of Iraq, which is currently set at grade B, similar to nearly 80 countries in the world.”

 He continues,   “We believe that the bonds finance 7 to 10 percent of the planned deficit in the annual general budget, through the contribution of the public of lenders by investing their available financial surpluses by possessing these bonds in return for the government receiving cash amounts that contribute to filling the deficit in public expenditures during the period.” Fiscal year 2024.”

Mazhar points out that   “government bank branches undertake the sale of these bonds to the public and provide the holder of that bond with an electronic document first,
then he is provided with a paper document showing the details of the single bond that he will be in possession of.
The bond is also issued in several denominations, such as the half-million dinar denomination and the one million dinar denomination.” The maturity periods also vary.  

He explains that  “the one million dinar bond earns an annual interest rate of 8.5 percent and is paid every six months, and its maturity is four years, that is, the date of its amortization.

He also notes that the bond sale, which began on April 15, will continue to be offered until May 15 of next year.”

It is noteworthy that  “Enjaz bonds are the highest in interest after the (Emaar) bonds and (Building) bonds that were offered in previous years, in which the interest rate reached 7 percent annually, and the holder of the bond can transfer its possession back to another holder, as government bonds are among the Preferred debts cannot collect interest or at the time of their repayment, so they can be mortgaged as excellent collateral.
Thus, holders of government bonds can liquidate the bond as a financial instrument and convert it into cash immediately by promoting it for sale in the secondary financial market and at any time before its maturity date and recovering the principal amount of cash paid in return. “Possession.”
The Ministry of Finance had previously announced the launch of a new issue of government bonds under the name “Injaz” for public subscription, indicating that
they are government bonds denominated in the Iraqi dinar in the denomination of 500 thousand dinars, for a period of two years with an annual interest of 6.5 percent paid every six months, and a bond of the denomination of one million dinars for the term. Four years with an annual interest rate of 8.5 percent, paid every six months.

For his part, the economic expert and professor of management and economics at the Iraqi University, Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani, explains, “
This is a normal measure taken by most governments in the world, and  Iraq is not the first country to do it when it needs financing to fill the deficit or for investment projects, as it sometimes issues these bonds to achieve goals.” Specific, for example, building bridges, dams, or specific services,
but the purpose of these bonds in Iraq is to fill a deficit in the general budget and as a measure to withdraw liquidity from the market.”

 He added,   “These bonds have an issuance period.
For example, the half-million dinar bond has a duration of two years, and the million-dinar bond has an issuance period of four years

After that, the Ministry of Finance is obligated to return the bond amount to the buyer or extend it in the event of strong demand for it, but the interest is paid every six months.” By the Ministry of Finance, and it is certainly possible to sell them through the Iraqi Stock Exchange, just like the shares of companies that are sold in this market.”

Al-Mashhadani explains,   “When we talk about the deficit, we are talking about 80 or 92 trillion dinars, which is the value of the budget deficit, and
this issuance of bonds worth two trillion dinars, or even if it was worth four trillion dinars, it cannot cover the entire budget deficit, so it is an attempt.” To create a kind of culture for individuals to invest in financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, and banks in order to obtain financial interest.”

 He added,   “These policies are not considered to be very successful, and
this issuance can mainly benefit banks, but
the vast majority of citizens do not believe that they will benefit from purchasing these bonds.
For example, the average Iraqi family has the ability for a citizen to buy, for example, 10 million dinars in bonds, which means 10 bonds worth One million dinars, in order to obtain an interest of 8.5 percent, which is not a large percentage and does not constitute a rewarding return for what was invested.”

Al-Mashhadani points out that   “commercial work can achieve a profitable return much greater than government bond returns.
Investing one million dinars in the market, for example, enables an individual to recycle it several times in the market, in contrast, and obtain large profitable returns equal to or greater than the amount invested, as long as There is inflation, and there are high profits from investment returns in commercial markets.”
On June 12, 2023, the Iraqi Parliament voted on the federal budget law for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025, in an initiative that is the first of its kind in the country’s history in terms of the size of the budget as well as the number of fiscal years, with a value of 197 trillion and 828 billion dinars, with a financial deficit of 63 trillion. One dinar, which is approximately one-third of the budget.
In turn, the economic expert, Hammam Al-Shamaa, agrees with Al-Mashhadani, that
“the goal of announcing the sale of government bonds to citizens and institutions is to fill the deficit on the one hand and provide financial liquidity on the other hand, since the
total monthly spending at the present time exceeds eight trillion dinars, among the Central Bank’s sales.”
The currency selling window does not exceed five trillion dinars per month.”

 He continues,   “Therefore, they need liquidity to cover expenses, and this liquidity is expensive, and
the deficit is very large, reaching 35 percent of the gross domestic product, and
it is a cost that falls on the shoulders of future generations.
Government spending is now taking place at the expense of the future, and  this year itself must be recorded. It is an inaccurate financial policy with dimensions.” “More political than economic dimensions.”
It is noteworthy that the Ministry of Finance recently issued government bonds to contribute to society’s contribution to the development of the Iraqi economy, as the
subscription funds contribute to financing economic development projects and achieving financial stability in the country.

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit :


Provoking Points To Ponder on Failures and Mistakes

What is defeat? Nothing but education, nothing but the first step to something better.- Wendell Phillips

From their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn wisdom for the future.- Plutarch

Having harvested all the knowledge and wisdom we can from our mistakes and failures, we should put them behind us and go ahead.- Edith Johnson

I think success has no rules, but you can learn a great deal from failure.- Jean Kerr

Failure is just another way to learn how to do something right.- Marian Wright Edelman

There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from.- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon 4-23-2024


Clare:  Deputy: The budget schedules will arrive next week

4/23/2024   Information / Baghdad...

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Representative Mudar Al-Karawi, confirmed on Tuesday that the 2024 deadlines will arrive next week.

Al-Karawi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “The 2024 budget schedules will reach Parliament next week according to our expectations,” pointing out that “the Finance Committee will discuss all its items during its sessions.”

He added, “There is a vision regarding resolving many files, including Baghdad’s lecturers and administrators and allocations.” “We seek to guarantee the rights of all segments in the budget schedules, in addition to creating high flexibility in their implementation through coordination with all relevant parties.”

 It is noteworthy that Parliament is awaiting the 2024 schedules from The government is in order to study it before voting on it so that it can take its course in actual implementation.”     LINK


Clare:  Deputy: The budget schedules will arrive next week

4/23/2024   Information / Baghdad...

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Representative Mudar Al-Karawi, confirmed on Tuesday that the 2024 deadlines will arrive next week.

Al-Karawi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “The 2024 budget schedules will reach Parliament next week according to our expectations,” pointing out that “the Finance Committee will discuss all its items during its sessions.”

He added, “There is a vision regarding resolving many files, including Baghdad’s lecturers and administrators and allocations.” “We seek to guarantee the rights of all segments in the budget schedules, in addition to creating high flexibility in their implementation through coordination with all relevant parties.”

 It is noteworthy that Parliament is awaiting the 2024 schedules from The government is in order to study it before voting on it so that it can take its course in actual implementation.”     LINK

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:  [Alaq] is live and he is telling us be patient, we're working on raising the value of the dinar.  He talked about how the IMF is helping and he talked about cleaning up the books...He wants us all to be patient.  FRANK:  You have been reassured by the right people that you're supposed to trust...You're about to get a new exchange rate with new denominations of lower notes because there going to lift the three zeros...I'm excited for you...Let's see what Sudani does next.

Militia Man  Article quote:  "...we present to them [IMF] a letter signed by the governor of the central bank and their desire begins...Here it's starting to tell you the governor of the Central Bank has sent a letter, and the Ministry of Finance is involved, to the fund...without them saying it looks like they will accept article VIII compliance for their currency.



Tishwash:  Saleh: Submitting budget schedules to Parliament is a constitutional and regulatory context

The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed that submitting the budget schedules to the House of Representatives is a “constitutional and supervisory context.”

Saleh told {Al-Furat News} agency, “From both a constitutional and legal standpoint, the provisions that have been approved in the Federal General Budget Law No. 13 of 2023 (the tripartite budget) have become binding for implementation and in accordance with the instructions for implementing the general budget, both its operational and emergency parts, and because the application of the annual budget process The three medium-term financial plans have been approved in our country for the first time and in accordance with one of the texts included in the amended Federal Financial Management Law No. 6 of 2019.”

He stated, “The text stated in the Tripartite Budget Law that the executive authority submits tables related to expenditures, revenues, and the estimated deficit for the current fiscal year 2024 is a constitutional and supervisory context and falls within the duties of the legislative authority.”

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Haitham Al-Zahwan, announced on the 21st of this month, “There is a possibility to send the 2024 budget and approve it before the legislative recess of the House of Representatives begins next May 9.”

Al-Zahwan attributed the reasons for the delay in the arrival of the 2024 budget schedules to “the continuation of work on them,” expecting that “they will be sent within the coming days.”

The head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, said in a statement that the committee is awaiting the arrival of the 2024 budget schedules during this month, while he stressed the effort to correct the path of the budget by maximizing non-oil revenues, encouraging the private sector, and reducing operational spending.  link

Iraq is budget

Nader:  4-23-2024

Washington Receives a WARNING from the IMF to STOP SPENDING

Lena Petrova:  4-23-2024

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Tuesday 4-23-2024


CandyKisses:  Parliamentary Foreign Ministry: The quadripartite agreement of the development road project will contribute to stimulating economic growth and enhancing regional and international cooperation

 Baghdad / Nina / The Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee affirmed its support for the government's efforts and positive steps to build integrated strategic relations regionally and internationally, and pointed out the need for these steps to be a real turning point in Iraq's foreign policy.

The committee said, in a press statement, that "the quadripartite agreement between Iraq, Turkey, Qatar and the Emirates on the development road project, will contribute to stimulating economic growth and strengthening regional and international cooperation relations, by achieving economic integration and striving towards a sustainable economy between East and West."


CandyKisses:  Parliamentary Foreign Ministry: The quadripartite agreement of the development road project will contribute to stimulating economic growth and enhancing regional and international cooperation

 Baghdad / Nina / The Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee affirmed its support for the government's efforts and positive steps to build integrated strategic relations regionally and internationally, and pointed out the need for these steps to be a real turning point in Iraq's foreign policy.

The committee said, in a press statement, that "the quadripartite agreement between Iraq, Turkey, Qatar and the Emirates on the development road project, will contribute to stimulating economic growth and strengthening regional and international cooperation relations, by achieving economic integration and striving towards a sustainable economy between East and West."

The committee appreciated the efforts of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani related to developing bilateral relations and building real long-term strategic partnerships between Iraq and Turkey, which culminated in the visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and discussing the files of water, security, energy and economy, and the signing of important agreements and memoranda of understanding between the two countries

Including the signing of the strategic framework agreement between Iraq and Turkey, and the framework agreement for cooperation in the field of water, which includes mechanisms and radical treatments for the entire water system and achieves an effective partnership. aims to ensure the provision of water, water and food security to Iraq./Ends5

Tishwash:  After two decades of neglect... Iraq adopts a strategy to invest in phosphate

 Oil is not the only thing that Iraq owns, but due to the political and security conditions that the country has witnessed over the past years, successive governments have not succeeded in investing in mineral resources other than oil, which has made Iraq a hostage to oil export operations, which constitute the main source of the country’s budget with more than 95%.

With Iraq possessing a huge reserve of phosphate, amounting to 9 percent of the global reserve, Representative Mudar Al-Karawi revealed the adoption of a strategy to invest in phosphate and operate its factories.

It is noteworthy that phosphate, fertilizer, brick, paste and pharmaceutical factories are all stopped or almost stopped, although they are intertwined with the agricultural and industrial sectors.

Al-Karawi said in a press statement, “Iraq possesses huge reserves of phosphate, which is used in various industries, including fertilizers of various kinds, and which constitutes an economic sector whose financial ceilings worldwide reach tens of billions of dollars annually.”

He added, "Despite the huge reserves of phosphate, Iraq imports 60-70% of its needs from abroad at double prices," pointing out that "the government has actually begun to adopt a strategy for investing in phosphate, operating its factories, and pumping its production, especially since phosphate represents the third largest natural wealth in the country." The country after oil and gas.

He pointed out that "the documented reserves in several regions of Iraq, especially the western one, indicate that they are sufficient for production for many decades, meaning that we are facing a wealth that will not be depleted in the short term, in light of the presence of dozens of markets to receive it in order to revive agriculture."

The specialized international economic website Statista published a report on the natural resources possessed by the countries of the world, where Iraq ranked ninth in the world, as it possesses 15.9 trillion dollars in natural resources, and its desert terrain contains oil, natural gas, phosphate and sulfur, according to the website.

Crude oil constitutes about 90 percent of state budget revenues, while other imports are marginal in the form of taxes and customs revenues, and some revenues from the transportation and communications sector, among others.

Iraq has a reserve amounting to 9 percent of the global reserve of phosphate, but this huge reserve has remained buried underground since 2003 and has not been invested or exported, at a time when the country depends on importing this material, which is used in many industries.

The annual export rate of phosphate products from Iraq abroad, especially to East Asian countries, before the Gulf War in 1991, amounted to half a million tons annually, with almost constant revenues that were included within the country’s non-oil resources.

Most of the phosphate reserves are located in the Al-Qaim region, and the area extending over 80 kilometers is known as “phosphate mines.”

Phosphate plants in Anbar have turned into rubble since 2003, despite the dependence of many industries on this material, in addition to its previously supplying the state treasury with 22 percent of its revenues during the previous regime.

The industrial sector in Iraq in general has been facing a major deterioration since the year 2003 until now, with most factories stopping and turning to imports. The Federation of Iraqi Industries estimated years ago the percentage of stalled projects at 40 thousand projects, and successive government programs always include a theme of revitalizing the local economy and industry. However, without achieving any promise, the wheel of trade exchange with the countries of the region continues while neglecting the local industry.  link


Tishwash:  Oil sets 5 government goals for optimal investment of national wealth

Today, Tuesday, revealed a government strategy to maximize national production and enhance Iraq’s economic role in global oil markets, while stressing the keenness to increase national production of refining energy.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Oil, Assem Jihad, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The strategy of the government and the ministry depends on the optimal investment of oil and gas wealth,” indicating that “the strategy requires not relying only on the export of oil, but rather diversifying the sources that enhance the Iraqi national income through... Developing mechanisms for dealing with wealth, which represents the main source of the national economy.”

Jihad added, "The government's strategy aims to maximize national production of petroleum products and the refining industry in Iraq, transform crude oil into white products, and achieve the priority of self-sufficiency, stopping imports, and gradually shifting to exporting these products to global markets," indicating that "the shift to marketing and product trade Al-Bayda achieves more revenues from exporting crude oil and contributes to strengthening Iraq’s position in the oil and commercial markets, and strengthens and supports the national economy, which depends directly on this wealth.”

He pointed out that "the Ministry of Oil adopted the strategy announced by the Prime Minister by converting 40% of crude oil into petroleum products, and last year it announced 7 investment opportunities in which it called on private sector companies and national and foreign investing companies to cooperate with the National Investment Authority and develop a promising program." Companies were invited to establish a number of investment refineries, including the Maysan Refinery Investment Project with a capacity of 150,000 barrels, the Qayyarah Refinery Project in Nineveh Governorate with a capacity of 70,000 barrels, the black oil hydrogenation project in Basra Governorate with a capacity of 30,000 barrels, and the Nasiriyah Refinery Project in Dhi Qar Governorate with capacity. 150 thousand barrels, and the Samawa refinery project in Al-Muthanna Governorate with a capacity of 150 thousand barrels, and also the Al-Kut Refinery project in Wasit Governorate with a capacity of 100 thousand barrels per day

And the rehabilitation of Al-Samoud refineries in Baiji, whose capacity reaches approximately 280 to 300 thousand barrels per day as refining capacities after... Rehabilitation and reconstruction operations, and after the Karbala refinery entered national production and also after the addition of the fourth unit with a capacity of 70 thousand barrels per day in the southern refineries, production became approximately 280 thousand barrels of refining capacity for the southern refineries in addition to other projects, and this will reflect positively on the national production of refining industries that represent the market and demand. Higher Petroleum Products.

He pointed out that “after achieving self-sufficiency, Iraq seeks to implement a strategy that enhances its economic role in the global oil markets,” noting that “the Ministry is keen to increase national production of refining energy and the announcement of inviting national and international companies to invest represents a shift in the government’s strategy towards encouraging... Investments in the crude oil settlement and refining sector open new horizons for national and foreign companies specialized in this field.”

He stated that "the government and the ministry are working on several axes for wealth, including the axis of internal use to meet local needs and attention to specifications, the axis of exporting crude oil and strengthening Iraq's role in global markets, and the axis of maximizing national production from refining industries and optimal investment of associated or natural gas," indicating that "the government's strategy depends on A contract for integrated project partnerships that include several axes, including integrated projects that include oil extraction and associated gas investment with the establishment of electric power stations, a refinery, petrochemical industries, and others that contribute to enhancing Iraq’s wealth.

Regarding the Al-Faw refinery, Jihad confirmed that “the Al-Faw refinery and petrochemical industries project is one of the promising projects in the refining industry in Iraq and the first project to be established in the ports of southern Iraq, and the government is working to accelerate its implementation,” explaining that “the refinery includes a petrochemical factory, tanks, export platforms and all related facilities.” Which contributes to achieving an integrated project aimed at investing and exporting these products.” 

He stressed that "establishing the refinery in the Iraqi oil export port represents high flexibility in the process of marketing oil products and guarantees high revenues," adding that "the government hopes that this project will be one of the promising projects that is being established by one of the largest Chinese government companies."

He pointed out that "the government and the ministry are working to expedite the signing of the final contract after completing the due procedures."
He explained, "The refinery will enhance the country's refining capacity by 300,000 barrels per day, as well as a petrochemical plant, tanks and facilities, and is considered one of the giant projects in the region." link

Mot: ... 3 Thingies bout ole tuesdays!! 

Mot: ....... its a sign!!! 

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

“Coffee With MarkZ” Tuesday Morning Chat 4-23-2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome Back Mark!! GTSY!! Hello Everyone!!

Member: We could sure use some good news today.

MZ: The news I get continues to be fantastic. I hear things are well underway on the bond side. Money is moving and I heard that from many sources that I have great faith and trust in. Makes me feel good. Really good.

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome Back Mark!! GTSY!! Hello Everyone!!

Member: We could sure use some good news today.

MZ: The news I get continues to be fantastic. I hear things are well underway on the bond side. Money is moving and I heard that from many sources that I have great faith and trust in. Makes me feel good. Really good.

MZ: We have bond movement. Not sure it it’s enough yet- but we have bond movement. Things are progressing. We just want it faster. But, this is the first time I have seen bond movement like this. With real spendable money.

MZ:  I get reports from Iraq and bankers that things are well underway.  And when they get to a certain point they will pull the trigger for us.

MZ: We don’t know when it’s going to happen but the earliest I am hearing is yesterday or today…..the latest I am hearing is May 9th.    

Member: So when we get to 30% of the bonds paid – we could go?

MZ: That is what I am hearing …When they have paid 30% of the historic bonds- they let her rip.

MZ: It has certainly taken longer than we all thought it would.

Member: Did the bond people get US notes for payout?

MZ: I am sorry but I cannot answer that.

Member: Now there is a US delegation heading to Baghdad?

MZ: US delegations have been going back and forth to Iraq for some time- in preparation. Over the weekend we had Sudani point blank saying that they are preparing and it would be the CBI’s responsibility for a revaluatuion. Things are phenomenal

Member: I am surprised there is not leaks from Sudani’s government

MZ: They have done an amazing job ….very impressive.

Member: Have they released the small notes in Iraq yet.

MZ: As of this morning there are no small notes on the streets there…..yet.

Member: Quote from Al Alaq regarding 1 hundred billion foreign dollars in reserve and 150 tons of gold in England?

Member: I read last night that when sudani tells cbi then tells imf then it has a policy to be announced to the universe.

Member: Charlie Ward once said - 3+ yrs back - that it'd all drop like dominos and the RV (4b) would be in those dominos. A lot of what he said back then has come true. Just saying.....

Member: I believe dinar alone first 100%. The rest later. That's what Ariel Frank and MM think Mark. dinar first domino

Member: Angel_1776- said the earliest time he heard of was yesterday and it could be anytime between yesterday and May 9th is his latest dates he has heard so far.

Member: Went to a Chase bank to open a account in CA. j asked the banker about the Iraqi Dinars and he confirmed its happening.

Member: Nader said it could be June 2024. We all thought he was crazy- But, He could be right.

MZ: I think we will beat his projection.

Member: A recent article on Vietnam says they can change the rate whenever they want.

MZ: That is pretty clear. Vietnam is prepared to change their rate.

Member: Been here for a while, still not clear what an historic bond is...

Member: There are many kinds. Chinese railroad bonds, Dragon bonds, German bonds….Mexican bonds, Super Pechelli bonds………over a hundred years of historic bonds waiting to be paid in many countries.

Member: would you please explain the relationship between the "bond holders" and the dinar revaluation?

MZ: We have covered this many times. It’s part of the reset……The historic bonds are part of canceling the books on the old system before we can move on with the new.

Member: I think bonds tell the whole story. I feel like a circus seal with new hoops to jump through every week now. Tired of jumping. LOL

Member: The important thing to focus on is the end and not getting frustrated and throw in the towel just before it happens

Member: Did you know that May the 5th is the Orthodox Easter. Maybe that will be when it happens?

Member: It’s also Cinco De Mayo… we could celebrate with Margaritas  lol

Member: Tomorrow is Nisan 17: Resurrection day, the day Noah’s Ark landed, and the day the Red Sea parted. Sounds like a Biblical Day to me!! Let’s Go!

Member: Chinese like numbers. Tomorrow date is pretty cool….4-24-2024….sounds lucky to me.

Member: Mark if the switch is flipped during the day (whenever) will you be doing a live podcast or will you wait until your scheduled evening time?

Member: Mark has always said he will come on instantly as soon as it happens. ..anytime – any day.

Member: Thanks Mark and Great to see you - Get Rested - Seeya tonight! Feel better.




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

9 Reasons You Should Never Ask for $2 Bills From the Bank

I’m a Bank Teller: 9 Reasons You Should Never Ask for $2 Bills From the Bank

Laura Beck Sun, April 21, 2024

Two dollar bills — what grandfather doesn’t love giving them and what kid doesn’t love getting them? But they’re not all whimsy and fun times — in fact, bank teller Rachael P. said they can be more than a little annoying.

The longtime bank teller said nothing can slow down her day more than a customer asking for a $2 bill. “Seriously, you don’t want to be that person,” she said.

Here are the reasons you should never ask for a $2 bill from the bank.

They Most Likely Don’t Have Them

“Most people don’t even know $2 bills exist,” Rachael said. “So we don’t keep a lot of them in around. When someone does ask for them, we usually have to special order them, which is honestly a pain in the butt.”

I’m a Bank Teller: 9 Reasons You Should Never Ask for $2 Bills From the Bank

Laura Beck   Sun, April 21, 2024

Two dollar bills — what grandfather doesn’t love giving them and what kid doesn’t love getting them? But they’re not all whimsy and fun times — in fact, bank teller Rachael P. said they can be more than a little annoying.

The longtime bank teller said nothing can slow down her day more than a customer asking for a $2 bill. “Seriously, you don’t want to be that person,” she said.

Here are the reasons you should never ask for a $2 bill from the bank.

They Most Likely Don’t Have Them

“Most people don’t even know $2 bills exist,” Rachael said. “So we don’t keep a lot of them in around. When someone does ask for them, we usually have to special order them, which is honestly a pain in the butt.”

There Is No Room in the Drawer

“Our cash drawers are set up for the bills we use every day,” Rachael said. “You know, ones, fives, tens, twenties. We don’t have a specific spot for $2 bills, so we have to just stick them wherever they fit. It messes up our system and makes it harder to balance everything at the end of the day.

“Do you know how many days my till has been off by two bucks? More than I’d like to share!”

They Put a Wrench in Our Flow

“It might sound a little goofy, but when we’re counting out cash, we’re in a total zone,” Rachael said. “We’re used to dealing with the standard bills. But when you throw $2 bills into the mix, it’s like hitting a speed bump. It slows us down and disrupts our rhythm.”

They Baffle the Newbies  

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