Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Wednesday Morning 4-17-2024


Tishwash:  US Supports Iraq in joining WTO

At a meeting on Monday between Iraq's Minister of Planning, Mohammed Tameem, and US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, Iraq renewed its commitment to joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) and to protect intellectual property rights.

The United States has pledged support for a series of projects under the International Visitor Leadership Program aimed at developing expertise in these areas among Iraqis.

Both parties have recognized the importance of strategic projects and infrastructure development in Iraq, which will support regional integration and enhance international trade. ink


Tishwash:  US Supports Iraq in joining WTO

At a meeting on Monday between Iraq's Minister of Planning, Mohammed Tameem, and US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, Iraq renewed its commitment to joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) and to protect intellectual property rights.

The United States has pledged support for a series of projects under the International Visitor Leadership Program aimed at developing expertise in these areas among Iraqis.

Both parties have recognized the importance of strategic projects and infrastructure development in Iraq, which will support regional integration and enhance international trade. ink

CandyKisses:  Meetings at the American Chamber of Commerce between the Iraqi private sector and the American banking sector

Wednesday, April 17, 2024 8:06

Baghdad (NINA) - On the sidelines of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani's visit to the United States of America, meetings were held in Washington at the American Chamber of Commerce between the Iraqi private sector and the American banking sector to support long-term projects in Iraq.

This is the first time that the Iraqi government has supported the private sector with bonds to qualify it in negotiations with the American side./


Tishwash:  A new government position regarding the 2024 budget schedules.. Have they been completed?

On Wednesday, the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, considered the presentation of the financial tables for the fiscal year 2024 by the executive authority for parliamentary approval, “a flexible legislative path as an integral part of the financial constants and principles” of the tripartite budget law.

Saleh said in a statement followed by Al-Eqtisad News, “These tables include revenues, public expenditures, and the estimated hypothetical deficit, and they are within the law that was originally legislated by the House of Representatives and published in the Official Gazette last year.”

He added: "The proposed financial schedules, which are being prepared by the executive authority today and which have become almost complete, are based on the financial legislation in force and approved under the aforementioned tripartite budget law."

He continued, "The financial schedules prepared for the year 2024 will take into account the urgent economic and social conditions and changes required by the need for economic development in the year 2024, especially new investment projects, and financial commitments and pledges during the current year, with a view to implementing them as an annual financial plan within the framework of the principles of the tripartite general budget itself." In letter and spirit   link


Tishwash:  Al-Sudani: The issue of ending the presence of the international coalition represents an Iraqi demand

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed, on Tuesday, that the transition to bilateral relations with the coalition countries is a desire and a departure from Iraq's national interests, while he indicated work to remove Iraq from the arena of conflict in the region.

The Prime Minister’s Media Office stated in a statement received by “Al-Ma’louma” that “the most prominent thing in the press interview conducted by Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ Al-Sudani with the American CNN news network is that he said: “My visit to Washington comes at a sensitive and important time for our relations.” bilateral relations and what is happening in the region, and we agreed on the importance of stopping the escalation and not engaging in further mutual retaliatory actions; Because it affects the security and safety of the peoples of the region.”

He added, "Iraq, since the beginning of the events of October 7, was one of the first to warn of the danger of the continuation of this conflict and its dangerous repercussions," pointing out that "international navigation in the Red Sea is being obstructed and what is happening in Lebanon and Syria and the recent escalation is one of the repercussions of this conflict." ".

He pointed out that "the region cannot bear these events and everyone must put pressure to stop this escalation," stressing that "we will not be lax in enforcing the law and maintaining security and stability in Iraq, and we have taken immediate and practical measures in this matter."

He continued: "We are working to remove Iraq from the arena of conflict, while maintaining our principled position regarding the aggression taking place against Gaza and the Palestinian territories, because this is the root of the problem," indicating that "the region cannot be reduced to reactions. Rather, there is a process of genocide to which the Palestinians are being subjected." In front of the eyes of the world and the international community, which, along with its systems and laws, has failed to protect innocent civilians.”

He pointed out that "the casualties of women and children are unacceptable, and it is the root of the problem, because once this war stops, the region will witness a breakthrough and stability," noting that "the difference in positions between us and the United States regarding events in the region is not small in describing the events. But we agree that there is international law, general principles, humanitarian law, the laws of war, and the principle of protecting diplomatic missions.”

He explained: “We want to implement these values ​​and principles called for by the international community, so where are the UN Security Council resolutions and the recommendations of international conferences regarding the Palestinian issue? Since the Oslo, Madrid and Sharm El-Sheikh conferences, as well as the recent Security Council resolution,” he added, adding: “I do not think that President Biden He disagrees with me on these principles, nor does any country that calls for an international order that respects humanity.”

He stated that “the attack that took place on the Iranian mission in Damascus is a clear violation and contradicts international law, which prompted Iran to respond, even though we made an effort to contain this situation,” adding: “We are facing a real problem with what is happening in Gaza, which affects the stability of the region and the world.” “Ignoring the root of this problem means more repercussions and the expansion of the arena of conflict in a sensitive area for the world.”

He continued: "We have not received reports or indications of the launch of missiles or drones from Iraq during the Iranian attack, and our position is clear that we will not allow Iraq to be thrown into the arena of conflict, and we are committed to this matter," explaining that "Iran cannot be involved in every issue related to the Iraqi situation." “The issue of ending the coalition is an Iraqi demand, and it is part of the government program that the House of Representatives voted on, and these are facts that must not be overlooked.”

He stressed that "there has been a discussion about the mission of the coalition between the Iraqi government and the United States since August 2023, and Iraq today is different from what it was ten years ago when the coalition was formed," noting that "ISIS today does not represent a threat to the security of the Iraqi state, and it is natural for the government to take the initiative to organize The topic of the international alliance.

He pointed out that “our security services have reached the highest levels of efficiency, readiness, control, and maintenance of security and stability in Iraq,” stressing, “According to the data on the ground, we initiated dialogue with the United States, which was achieved through the approval of the Supreme Military Committee, which meets continuously to present proposals.” About the timetable for ending the international coalition’s mission.”

He pointed out that "the transition to bilateral relations with the coalition countries is a desire and based on Iraq's national interests and not from the desires of specific countries or positions," noting that "we have understandings and committees for joint security cooperation between Iraq and the United States, which hold their meetings on an ongoing basis and establish a sustainable relationship and bilateral security partnership." In accordance with what was stipulated in the Constitution and the Strategic Framework Agreement.”   link

Mot: .. OUCHIE!!!!

Mot:  .... Yeppers... me Latest INternet Learning Lesson!! ~~~

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday AM 4-17-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 17 April 2024

Compiled Wed. 17 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:  (Rumors) 

Mon. 15 April MarkZ: The Bond Folks have expectations of things starting from between Mon. 15 April to Mon. 22 April. We were told from day one that bonds need to be close to completion or well underway before they pull the trigger. We will know by tomorrow from European contacts if the Bonds have kicked off. Tues. 16 April Update MarkZ: Mark couldn’t get hold of any of his Bond Holder contacts. The calls went to voicemail, while another said he was in “Blackout.”

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 17 April 2024

Compiled Wed. 17 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:  (Rumors) 

Mon. 15 April MarkZ: The Bond Folks have expectations of things starting from between Mon. 15 April to Mon. 22 April. We were told from day one that bonds need to be close to completion or well underway before they pull the trigger. We will know by tomorrow from European contacts if the Bonds have kicked off. Tues. 16 April Update MarkZ: Mark couldn’t get hold of any of his Bond Holder contacts. The calls went to voicemail, while another said he was in “Blackout.”

Tues. 16 April Bruce: Bond Holders were expecting their emails to exchange tomorrow Wed. 17 April or Thurs. 18 April. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) should go around the same time. Yesterday a lower Tier Bank told us that they expected liquidity Wed. 17 April or Thurs. 18 April. The Iraqi Dinar rate has not yet been made public, but the Dinar is on the back screens of the Forex and trading upward with a Contract Rate that is very high. The Dong Rate is also trading upward in a good direction.

Mon. 15 April TNT Tony: The Three Letter Agencies were saying that the RV could go anytime after 5pm Mon. 15 April through Wed. 17 April. Banks were looking for it into tomorrow morning Tues. 16 April. But Tony thinks we won’t see it until next week.

Tues. 16 April Wolverine: “My Contact confirmed that there was a “pause” on everything because of our safety. But it was lifted. She said this is the closest we have ever been. She doesn’t want to give dates. But things can go any moment. Keep watching Iraq – big announcement coming soon.” Ginger: “I shared late last week that the “Pause” had indeed been lifted and things were set in motion again.”

Global Financial Crisis:

Tues. 16 April Frank 26:There are many Chief Executive Officers of many banks around the world at the US Treasury meeting right now with Sudani, Alaq and Barzani…Also…CEOs of CitiBank, Chase Bank and Bank of America are there.  We also have all of the JP Morgan representatives, Merril Lynch, all investment companies you can think of, all of them are meeting…The meetings are going on now…This [Iraqi] entourage is here in the United States to meet with their counter parts.

Black Swan Events Have Begun:

Tues. 16 April: Copenhagen Denmark’s historic 17th-century Børsen Stock Exchange building in Copenhagen is on fire. The famous spire of the world’s oldest stock exchange, Börsen, collapsed as a result of a strong fire, reports Reuters. The building is 400 years old. The 54-meter spire was made in the shape of the twisted tails of dragons.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   We are now in position IMO that the banks that are going to exchange the Iraqi dinar are now on alert.

Walkingstick  [Walkingstick's former Iraqi bank partner Number One Update]  Number One is with Sudani.  That's why Number One is in DC right now.  He owns 6 banks and 4 of them are in Iraq.  Those banks are playing a part of the monetary reform inside of Iraq.  Also, outside with the private bank satellite banks that are representing the Central Bank of Iraq.  They're going to Michigan because Aki [Iraqi Bank Manager] is in Michigan.

Nader From The Mid East  I believe it's going to happen.  I believe it's going to change.  I believe it's going to change, happen when it's ready to happen.  That's it.  When you see the coalition leave...the government of Iraq sovereign and nobody control it and when you see a new dinar that's when the exchange rate will change.  Simple as that.

Inflation To 'Rebound', Crash Markets And Send Interest Rates Soaring | Louis Gave & David Hay

David Lin:  4-17-2024

Louis Gave, CEO of Gavekal, and David Hay, Co-CIO of Evergreen Gavekal, join forces to discuss the coming rebound of inflation and all the market implications that come with it.

0:00 - Intro

1:36 - Rebound of inflation

 7:37 - Fed policy

16:13 - 8% interest rate?

23:07 - Inflation and spending

33:14 - Invasion of Taiwan?

 37:11 - Market bubble

46:00 - Market outlook

 48:34 – Gold

 51:53 - Asset allocation

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Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday Afternoon 4-16-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday Afternoon 4-16-24

The Bank of iraqi is ready to set the rate 2024 – 3:09

Al Sudani Big Announcment About IQD RV 2024 – 2:25

Al-Sudani Meeting With US President – 3:10

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Tuesday Afternoon 4-16-24

The Bank of iraqi is ready to set the rate 2024 – 3:09

Al Sudani Big Announcment About IQD RV 2024 – 2:25

Al-Sudani Meeting With US President – 3:10

 The Bank of iraqi is ready to set the rate 2024-3:09

Al Sudani Big Announcment About IQD RV 2024 – 2:25

Al-Sudani Meeting With US President – 3:10

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Evening 4-16-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Evening 4-16-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The Sudanese Advisor Expects The Dollar To Decline After The Washington Discussions

Economy | 12:31 - 04/16/2024  Mawazine News - Baghdad,  the political advisor to the Prime Minister, Sobhan Mulla Jiyad, expected Iraq's readiness to transform the relationship with the "International Coalition" into bilateral relations, anticipating a relative decline in the "dollar" with the Sudanese visit to Washington.

Mullah Jiyad said in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News: “Iraq wants to transform the relationship with the International Coalition into bilateral relations.”

He added, "We expect the dollar to decline relatively with the Sudanese visit to Washington," noting that "Iraq wants to transform the relationship with the International Coalition into bilateral relations."

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Evening 4-16-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The Sudanese Advisor Expects The Dollar To Decline After The Washington Discussions

Economy | 12:31 - 04/16/2024  Mawazine News - Baghdad,  the political advisor to the Prime Minister, Sobhan Mulla Jiyad, expected Iraq's readiness to transform the relationship with the "International Coalition" into bilateral relations, anticipating a relative decline in the "dollar" with the Sudanese visit to Washington.

Mullah Jiyad said in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News: “Iraq wants to transform the relationship with the International Coalition into bilateral relations.”

He added, "We expect the dollar to decline relatively with the Sudanese visit to Washington," noting that "Iraq wants to transform the relationship with the International Coalition into bilateral relations."

Politician: Iraq's Exit From American Control Over Its Economy Will Take A Long Time

Economy | 08:54 - 04/16/2024   Mawazine News - Baghdad,  political affairs expert, Osama Al-Saeedi, confirmed that Iraq's exit from American hegemony over its economy will take a long time.

Al-Saeedi said, in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News, that “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani traveled to Washington in order to correct the economic and development relationship with the United States of America in order to advance the Iraqi reality.”

He added, "Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is acting realistically with the United States of America regarding the security file, because America has previously stated that its forces will not withdraw from Iraqi territory unless guarantees are provided by the Iraqi side."

He pointed out that "the occupation of Kuwait carried out by the fallen regime of Saddam Hussein brought Iraqi funds into the American Federal Reserve, pointing out that the issue of Iraq's exit from American control over its economy requires a long time that may take 5 years."

Influential People Are Manipulating The Reputation Of The Banking Sector... Refusal To Pay Debts Threatens The First Bank In Iraq

Economy      04-16-2024 | 3,281 views  Al-Sumaria News – Local  On March 15, the banking sector in Iraq received a major blow caused by cooperation and collusion with influential people,

 which led to significant damage to one of the most important banks and ranked first among the rest of the Iraqi banks, which is the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI).

 The Iraqi Trade Bank is the first Iraqi bank ever to be included in Fitch’s credit rating, which relates to the extent of the bank’s safety in borrowing and lending.

 The bank obtained the rating in 2018 as the first Iraqi bank to obtain this rating, and

 its rating at that time was within the B range, which enjoys stable safety..

 After this achievement, borrowers from the Iraqi Trade Bank failed to repay the borrowing money they owed, which caused the Iraqi Trade Bank’s rating to be reduced by Fitch Credit Rating Agency from B- to CCC+,

 bringing the bank’s rating down for the first time to this level, after many people declined.

 Powerful borrowers are able to repay funds to the Trade Bank of Iraq.

 The debts owed by these influential borrowers to the bank amounted to one billion dollars, and

while the current administration of the Iraqi Trade Bank moved to file lawsuits and seize the movable and immovable funds of the debtors who are reluctant to pay, and they are influential figures,

these influential people began to take ways to “circumvent” the law, to refrain from... Payment, which threatens to lose the bank’s money, which it cannot recover.

Observers and specialists believe that the reduction of the bank's credit rating, which is a strong blow to the Iraqi banking sector, will not stop at this point, and

the bank's rating may be reduced to lower levels if this crisis continues and no judicial or governmental decisions are obtained obligating those who are reluctant to pay back the money.

The Parliamentary Integrity Commission previously called on the Prime Minister and the Public Prosecution to support and stand with the management of the Iraqi Trade Bank in order to take steps to put an end to the people who drain the people’s money and endanger the position of the Iraqi Trade Bank. In the same context,

he issued a court ruling requiring the Iraqi Bank to pay 215 million. Dollars for the benefit of influential people, and

observers believe that there are suspicions of cooperation between them and influential people working to steal public money.متنفذون-يتلاعبون-بسمعة-القطاع-المصرفي-امتناع-عن-تسديد-ديون-يهدد-المصرف

Parliamentary Finance: The Private Sector Is The Only Path To Economic Stability

Chairman of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al-Atwani   Economy News - Baghdad

The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced, on Tuesday, its intention to host the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, to ​​discuss three main files, while indicating that the private sector is the only path to economic stability.

The head of the committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, said in a statement reported by the official news agency, and seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the Prime Minister directed support for private banks,” indicating that “the committee intends to host the Governor of the Central Bank regarding this directive, as well as the issue of the dollar exchange rate and discussing what Adopted by the Finance Committee of the Sustainable Development Project.

He explained, "The committee adopted enhancing non-oil revenues, as there is an urgent need for development projects and increasing revenues, given that the price and quantity of oil are fixed, so there is no expansion in spending," noting that "this experience will be discussed with the Governor of the Central Bank."

He expressed his "support for the Prime Minister's directives regarding supporting private banks and involving them in the Iraqi economy," noting that "the private sector is the only way to raise sustainable development and economic stability, and this comes through the automation system, digital transformation, and a set of other measures."128 views  04/16/2024 -

The government reveals the scenes of Biden and Al-Sudani’s meeting

Political | 04/16/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The official spokesman for the Iraqi government, Bassem Al-Awadi, confirmed that Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani’s meeting with US President Joe Biden discussed issues, including the coalition forces in Iraq. Al-Awadi said in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News, that “ending the mission of the international coalition in Iraq is an issue.” "It was raised with Washington."

He added, "We aim to enhance security and intelligence cooperation with the United States."

He continued, "Iraq seeks to end the mission of the international coalition in a way that guarantees the interests of the people, and we call for not expanding the conflict in the region."

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit : 


Provoking Points To Ponder On Failures and Mistakes

Nothing succeeds like failure.- Rebecca West

Because a fellow has failed once or twice, or a dozen times, you don't want to set him down as a failure until he's dead or loses his courage - and that's the same thing.- George Horace Lorimer

What we have most to fear is failure of the heart.- Sonia Johnson

No man is a failure who is enjoying life.- William Feather

You are beaten to earth? Well, well, what's that? Come up with a smiling face, it's nothing against you to fall down flat, but to lie there - that's disgrace.- Edmund Vance Cooke

He alone fails who gives up and lies down.- Ralph Waldo Trine

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Tuesday Evening 4-16-24

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Tuesday Evening 4-16-24

Iraqi dinar on fire big news for investors – 2:50

Vietnam Dong prices still not in investors favour – 1:37

Finally Good News For Iraqi Dinar Investors After Meeting – 3:33

Iraqi dinar latest exchange rate update – 2:04

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Tuesday Evening 4-16-24

Iraqi dinar on fire big news for investors – 2:50

Vietnam Dong prices still not in investors favour – 1:37

Finally Good News For Iraqi Dinar Investors After Meeting – 3:33

Iraqi dinar latest exchange rate update – 2:04

 Iraqi dinar on fire big news for investors – 2:50

Vietnam Dong prices still not in investors favour – 1:37

Finally Good News For Iraqi Dinar Investors After Meeting – 3:33

Iraqi dinar latest exchange rate update – 2:04

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 4-16-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 4-16-24
Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Yesterday, Hong Kong regulators adopted both spot Bitcoin ETF and spot Ether ETF. In 2021, mainland China and cryptocurrency trading was banned. Since that time, China has been working diligently to regulate this industry.

And now, China's largest family is in process of funding the above projects. "ChinaAMC, Harvest Global and Bosera International are among those that have been given the green light to issue ETFs."

China AMC is the first Exchange Traded Fund manager in China, and they are the investment manager of the Asian Bond Fund China Fund.

ETFs track a specific set of index assets allowing you to invest in many Assets in that particular sector. ETFs allow you to invest in a grouping of companies and digitize them in a group fund.

This process allows sectors of the market to be joined together in a single asset group class bringing the new digital economy inside the marketplace.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 4-16-24
Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Yesterday, Hong Kong regulators adopted both spot Bitcoin ETF and spot Ether ETF. In 2021, mainland China and cryptocurrency trading was banned. Since that time, China has been working diligently to regulate this industry.

And now, China's largest family is in process of funding the above projects. "ChinaAMC, Harvest Global and Bosera International are among those that have been given the green light to issue ETFs."

China AMC is the first Exchange Traded Fund manager in China, and they are the investment manager of the Asian Bond Fund China Fund.

ETFs track a specific set of index assets allowing you to invest in many Assets in that particular sector. ETFs allow you to invest in a grouping of companies and digitize them in a group fund.

This process allows sectors of the market to be joined together in a single asset group class bringing the new digital economy inside the marketplace.

Inside a Global Market, this allows Trading to take place between our Eastern countries and Western countries at the push of a button in a matter of seconds.

The Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) is now ISO 20022 compliant allowing this Global messaging system to clarify trades between the East and the West going forward.

For large banking transactions in the US, CHIPS is the most used for trades in cross-border International trading.

This is why the Markets in Crypto Assets regulatory process ending by the end of May is so important. MICA will become the standard by which many countries formulate their own regulatory process in trade.

Ripple and the SEC are currently involved in final negotiations. It is expected that they will come up with an agreement to settle this week.

Ripple would allow settlement of trades to take place within seconds between the East and West through their Network.

So much is coming together at once. It is important that we put the pieces together to see how close we are to the ability to transact on the new QFS. Nothing can happen until all moving parts are working together.

Ripple has agreed to implement a new Stablecoin that represents the US dollar. This coordinated effort will allow Global trading systems to fulfill payment transactions through the XRP settlement coin within seconds.

The SEC has put Ripple through rigorous scrutiny for the last few years. It is basically a coin that has gone through the regulatory process already and awaiting it's approval to move forward on the International stage.

Stablecoin laws are already on the table in Congress to clarify new protocols inside the new digital asset based trading system. As we witness all of these coordinated efforts move into their implementation stage, it is important for us to recognize and acknowledge the work that has been done globally for the last decade or so to make this possible.

For the last 3 years, this room has witnessed our new QFS being built from the ground up. Our baby has grown up and getting ready to move out into the world.  CNBC  Esma Europa  Investopedia  Sortly  Linkedin      Wikipedia

© Goldilocks


Currently, our markets are moving into what is called a reflation trade. This happens when price actions begin to reflect more correlations with inflation prices than true fundamentals.

This is why we're having to realign or reset our markets along with banking system to synchronize our new Quantum Financial System with authentic values only Gold can provide.

When our new tokenized assets begin to reflect values based on gold prices, it will move our markets into authentic price actions going forward.  Barons

© Goldilocks


During Iraq's visit to the US, they talked about a comprehensive economic relationship. In essence, this is a free trade agreement.

A free trade agreement is cooperation between two countries that develops trade relations and investment opportunities on an International level.

Trade deals increase imports and exports between two countries. This has the ability to bring into line exchange rates accomplishing less risk on both parties normalizing their trade exchanges between each other.

In other words, a free trade agreement with Iraq would bring an equilibrium of exchange rates between our countries allowing this trade relationship to move our currencies into a real value between us.  Youtube    Carlson School   Trade   Small Business   Investopedia   Wikipedia


© Goldilocks


Next Bitcoin Halving 2024 Date & Countdown [BTC Clock]


Ripple Vs. SEC Update: Expert Says Both Parties Have Reached A Settlement Agreement | Bitcoinist


Iraq maintains its 30th rank with the largest gold reserves - Iraqi News



👆 If risk in this market is not contained, we are going to see a meltdown. Thus, the reason why I shared with you the next 3 to 5 weeks will be a challenge for the market in finding new price patterns.

It is important to not get so fixated on what's going on with the market except for the debt sectors of the market. The real action is going on behind the scenes, and we cover that each day.


What Is Bitcoin Halving?

The Bitcoin Halving is when Bitcoin's mining reward is split in half. It takes the blockchain network about four years to open 210,000 more blocks, a standard set by the blockchain's creators to continuously reduce the rate at which the cryptocurrency is introduced.

The first reward was 50 bitcoin. Previous halving dates were:
Nov. 28, 2012, to 25 bitcoins
July 9, 2016, to 12.5 bitcoins
May 11, 2020, to 6.25 bitcoins

The next halving is expected to occur in April 2024, when the block reward will fall to 3.125 BTC.

As of March 2024, about 19.65 million bitcoins were in circulation, leaving just around 1.35 million to be released via mining rewards.   Investopedia




You Won’t Believe What Nostradamus Predicted For 2024! | Youtube


The US Commitment to Iraq is Revealed Iraqi PM Visits the White House | Youtube


Hearing Entitled: Agency Audit: Reviewing CFPB Financial Reporting & Transparency | Youtube


Ripple Proposes Native Lending Protocol to Expand XRP Earning Opportunities - Times Tabloid - Latest Cryptocurrency News, Bitcoin (BTC) News, Ethereum (ETH) News, Shiba Inu (SHIB) News, Ripple's XRP News | Times Tabloid




BIS Announcement of the new Financial System:

"Finternet: The BIS vision that underpins the Unified Ledger tokenization push" 
Ledger Insights

👆 more on this tomorrow...


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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Afternoon 4-16-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Afternoon 4-16-24

Prime Minister & President of US Confirm IQD Reinstatement – 3:32

Gorgeous News ✅ IMF Report On Tv – 3:41

Washington DC Meeting Secret Revealed Investors – 4:58

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Tuesday Afternoon 4-16-24

Prime Minister & President of US Confirm IQD Reinstatement – 3:32

Gorgeous News IMF Report On Tv – 3:41

Washington DC Meeting Secret Revealed Investors – 4:58

 Prime Minister & President of US Confirm IQD Reinstatement – 3:32

Gorgeous News IMF Report On Tv – 3:41

Washington DC Meeting Secret Revealed Investors – 4:58

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Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 4-16-24

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 4-16-24

Parliamentary Finance Reveals Two Reasons Behind The Delay In Sending Budget Schedules

Policy  Information / Baghdad..   On Tuesday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the fact of the delay in sending the 2024 budget tables to the House of Representatives for the purpose of voting, indicating that the tables are complete, pointing out that there are two main reasons behind the delay in sending them to Parliament.

Follow the “Al-Ma’louma” channel on Telegram.. News that does not require documentation..

Committee member Representative Hussein Moanis told Al-Ma’louma, “The problem with delaying the 2024 budget schedules does not lie in the completeness of its details, but rather the problem relates to two technical and monetary issues.”

He added, "The government has accomplished what it had to do, but the lack of cash is the main reason for the government's delay in sending these schedules," noting that "most of the projects have begun to stop due to a lack of financial funding."

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 4-16-24

Parliamentary Finance Reveals Two Reasons Behind The Delay In Sending Budget Schedules

Policy  Information / Baghdad..   On Tuesday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the fact of the delay in sending the 2024 budget tables to the House of Representatives for the purpose of voting, indicating that the tables are complete, pointing out that there are two main reasons behind the delay in sending them to Parliament.

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Committee member Representative Hussein Moanis told Al-Ma’louma, “The problem with delaying the 2024 budget schedules does not lie in the completeness of its details, but rather the problem relates to two technical and monetary issues.”

He added, "The government has accomplished what it had to do, but the lack of cash is the main reason for the government's delay in sending these schedules," noting that "most of the projects have begun to stop due to a lack of financial funding."

Mu'nis explained, "The Finance Committee hopes that the government will provide sufficient cash, especially after the end of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani's visit to Washington."

On June 12, 2023, the House of Representatives approved the financial budget law for the three years 2023, 2024, and 2025, as the budget approved more expenditures and investments as a direct result of the increase in oil revenues, which constitute 90% of the country’s revenues. Ended/25 AD  LINK

America Gives Up The Region's Oil And Acknowledges The Federal Court's Decision

April 16, 2024  Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: The oil affairs advisor in the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Bahjat Ahmed, criticized on Tuesday. What he described as “the United States turning its back on the Kurdistan oil file.”

Ahmed said in an interview followed by Al-Masala, “The White House confirmed that US President Joe Biden urged that Iraq must reach the level of energy self-sufficiency by 2030 and no longer needs foreign countries,” adding that “it is clear that America has abandoned the region’s oil.” It did not attach any importance to it and acknowledged the decision of the Federal Court and the International Arbitration Court in Pars, and what the media is talking about discussing the Kurdistan oil file and its re-export is not true.”

He pointed out that “the oil line that is being repaired now is for Mosul-Kirkuk oil via Turkish Ceyhan, and has no relation to Kurdistan oil at all.”

The joint statement of the Iraqi-American discussions that took place in the White House talked about discussing future plans to develop Iraq’s resources and ensuring that all Iraqis benefit from their country’s natural wealth, in accordance with the Iraqi constitution, the importance of ensuring Iraqi oil’s access to international markets, and the desire to reopen the oil pipeline. pipelines between Iraq and Turkey. President Biden also praised the efforts of the Prime Minister and the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government to reach a solution to all outstanding legacy issues, including the current arrangements to pay two months’ salaries to employees of the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government, and encouraged continued progress.

Parliamentary Meeting In Preparation For The Arrival Of The 2024 Budget Schedules

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad   Today, Tuesday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee held a meeting headed by Atwan Al-Atwani in preparation for the arrival of the 2024 budget schedules.

Al-Atwani’s media office stated in a statement received by Al-Iqtisad News Agency, “The Parliamentary Finance Committee held a meeting today headed by Atwan Al-Atwani, and hosted the Director-General of the Accounting Department and the Director-General of the Budget Department at the Ministry of Finance.”

Al-Atwani confirmed that “this meeting came in preparation for the arrival of the 2024 budget schedules,” pointing out that “we discussed a number of files, including the delayed release of funding, and we reviewed the 2023 spending schedules.”   Added 04/16/2024 -

Iraq Records The Highest Quarterly Growth Rate In Customs Revenues

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  Advisor to the Ministry of Finance and Head of the Customs Authority, Hassan Hamoud Al-Ugaili, announced the highest quarterly growth rate in customs revenues in the authority’s history, indicating the escalation of steps to implement the automation system (ASYCUDA) in five land and sea centers.

Al-Ugaili said in a statement followed by Al-Iqtisad News: “We achieved outstanding financial results in the first quarter of 2024, with revenues increasing since the beginning of the millennium by 120%, amounting to more than 471 billion dinars, compared to revenues for the year 2023 amounting to 257 billion dinars.”

He attributed this increase in revenues to the Commission’s adoption of a number of administrative reforms, as well as accountability, monitoring, and strictness in combating smuggling and evasion, in addition to simplifying and reconsidering obstructive procedures, punishing abusers, and referring corruption cases to the Integrity Commission,

 in addition to implementing the ASYCUDA automation system, which has enhanced a significant leap in the volume of Revenues are sufficient to achieve added annual revenue by reducing the budget deficit gap and financing many important strategic projects in financing public budgets.

Al-Ugaili stressed the importance of the region’s authority’s commitment to the pricing system to collect customs duties at the region’s ports and to close unofficial ones in order to preserve the sustainability of the economic system and federal revenues, to protect national goods and products, to ensure the extraction of rights and fees from imported goods, to prevent any competition that might harm the local economy, and to prevent the entry of prohibited goods. It was necessary to The region carries out customs transactions in accordance with the Federal Customs Law.

Al-Ugaili also revealed that all administrative and technical procedures have been prepared for the opening of the automation system (ASYCUDA) during the next month of May in five customs centers in each of the central port and the southern port in Umm Qasr, as well as in the Safwan land port with the State of Kuwait, the Arar land port with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Tarbil port. Land with the Kingdom of Jordan, bringing the operational total of automation to 9 land, sea and air ports.

He stated that the Authority has completed training programs for about 800 people, including employees, discharge agents and transport companies, to work on the smart automation platform, machine learning (ML) and other cognitive technologies for collecting data.

This allows companies and discharge agents to reduce the manual time spent on repetitive business processes and reduce human errors, with a decrease in... Human intervention, which saves companies time and money, reduces resource expenses, enhances workflow through automatic responses and can provide support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, calling on importing and transporting companies with headquarters in Baghdad to join their workers and join the mandatory courses at the center. Which was recently opened at the Authority’s headquarters.  Views 144 04/16/2024 -

Iraq And 13 Arab Countries Possess About 1,500 Tons Of Global Gold Reserves

Money  and business  Economy News _ Baghdad  The World Gold Council revealed on Monday that Iraq and 13 Arab countries possess approximately 1,500 tons of global yellow metal reserves.

The Council said in its latest schedule for the month of April, which Al-Iqtisad News reviewed, that “Iraq, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Morocco, Tunisia, Bahrain, and Yemen, their global reserves of gold amounted to one million and 481 thousand kilograms.”

He added, "Iraq maintained its ranking of 30th globally out of the 100 countries listed in the table with the largest gold reserves, as its gold possessions amounted to 142.6 tons, which represents 8.4% of the rest of its other reserves."

He pointed out that "the United States of America tops the list with the largest possession of gold in the world with 8,133.5 tons, followed by Germany with 3,352.3 tons, then Italy with 2,451.8 tons, while Yemen ranked 99th with 1.5 tons, followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina with the same amount of 1.5 tons."

The Council stated that “Iraq announced on June 27, 2022, the purchase of new quantities of gold amounting to approximately 34 tons, an increase of 35% over what it had in possession, while in May it announced the purchase of 2.3 tons of gold.”

It is noteworthy that the World Gold Council, which is based in the United Kingdom, has extensive experience and deep knowledge of the factors causing market change, and its members consist of the largest gold mining companies in the world. Views 68 04/15/2024 -

Minister of Planning: Iraq is working with its partners to stimulate its economy

Economy | 05:15 - 04/15/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad  Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, Muhammad Ali Tamim, confirmed today, Monday, that the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani is focusing on economic reform and establishing partnerships with countries around the world.

Tamim said in a joint press conference held with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in Washington, followed by Mawazine News, “We hope in today’s meeting to come up with positive decisions,” stressing that “the Iraqi government warns of the widening escalation and calls for restraint.”

Tamim added: "Today we are focusing on the agriculture, industry, investment and energy sectors," noting that "the Iraqi government is working to expand its economic partnerships."

He continued, "The Iraqi government is working to expand its international partnerships and gas investment," explaining that "Iraq is working with its partners to stimulate its economy."

Provoking Points To Ponder on Failures and Mistakes:

Your success depends on your ability to dream and follow through on those dreams.- Jinger Heath

Keep trying. Take care of the small circle around you. When you have succeeded with them, then move outwards, one small step at a time.- Audrey Hepburn

It is better to be young in your failures than old in your successes.- Flannery O'Connor

There might be false starts and do-overs. You are entitled to experiment before you find your calling.- Jane Pauley

Life is the only real counselor. Wisdom unfiltered through personal experience does not become a part of the moral tissue.- Edith Wharton

The only failure which lacks dignity is the failure to try.- Malcolm F. MacNeil

To know that one has never really tried - that is the only death.- Marie Dressier

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Economics, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Economist's "News and Views" Tuesday 4-16-2024

Jim Willie: 'Gold's The Safe Haven When There's No Escaping The Debt Default'

Arcadia Economics:  4-16-2024

With gold and #silver rallying while there's been a selloff in the bond market, today Dr. Jim Willie checks in to share his view on what's happening. J

im talks about how Japan is selling US treasuries, which has added to the pressure in the debt market.

Meanwhile, the Fed continues walking an increasingly fine line of balancing whether to cut or raise interest rates, as inflation has continued to run at higher than desired rates.

All of which has contributed to what we're seeing in the gold and silver markets. And to hear from Dr. Jim Willie, click to watch the video now!

Jim Willie: 'Gold's The Safe Haven When There's No Escaping The Debt Default'

Arcadia Economics:  4-16-2024

With gold and #silver rallying while there's been a selloff in the bond market, today Dr. Jim Willie checks in to share his view on what's happening. J

im talks about how Japan is selling US treasuries, which has added to the pressure in the debt market.

Meanwhile, the Fed continues walking an increasingly fine line of balancing whether to cut or raise interest rates, as inflation has continued to run at higher than desired rates.

All of which has contributed to what we're seeing in the gold and silver markets. And to hear from Dr. Jim Willie, click to watch the video now!

A Second Wave of Inflation has Begun (just like the 1970s)

Heresy financial:  4-15-2024


 0:00 Video Overview

0:10 2020 Money Printing

2:33 The Cantillon Effect

5:33 The Jobs Market

8:22 Will the Fed Cut Rates

This Report Is PROOF That An Economic Crisis Is Coming

Atlantis Report:  4-16-2024

The rising number of layoffs across various industries is a worrying trend. Despite the supposed economic growth, many people are losing their jobs. Even industries that were believed to be safe are not immune.

This is causing concern as it hasn't been seen in recent years. Moreover, the level of consumer debt is another alarming issue.

The fact that around one-third of Americans are struggling to pay their bills indicates that not everyone is benefiting from the so-called economic boom.

With the possibility of inflation and interest rate hikes, people already burdened by debt face an uncertain future.

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Tuesday Evening Chat with MarkZ 4-16-2024

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Taco Tuesday evening

Member: Any news from bond folks tonight???

MZ:  My calls to bond folks went straight to voice mail so I reached out to other bond contacts and again straight to voice mail. So then I reached out to some group leaders  and one used the term “blackout” and another said “I cannot share”  But we are close. So I went straight to voice mail for bonds….and they had appointments this week that as far as I know have not been changed.

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Taco Tuesday evening

Member: Any news from bond folks tonight???

MZ:  My calls to bond folks went straight to voice mail so I reached out to other bond contacts and again straight to voice mail. So then I reached out to some group leaders  and one used the term “blackout” and another said “I cannot share”  But we are close. So I went straight to voice mail for bonds….and they had appointments this week that as far as I know have not been changed.

MZ: The group leaders I know Are under a “blackout”  and will not share. I think this is a very good sign.

MZ:  Most of my bond conversations had been with appointments for final contracts and payments after the 15th   and the 22nd. .…... But have not seen any I can verify yet. We need at least a third to a half of historic bonds paid before we go. So my logical mind is saying the 22nd is the soonest we could see something.

MZ: I could be wrong and it could absolutely go anytime…even in the next 2 minutes and it would not surprise me.

Member: How many bond holders do you know.

MZ: Probably 3 of the top 5 groups. I argue I know enough folks to know if it has gone. .

MZ: We know Sudani right now is traveling all over the US. We know people are positioning …and everything coming together is to me –very important.

Member: I think Sudani needs to be back in Iraq before the RV goes.

MZ: I think so too…but , I could be wrong. I personally believe the earliest we could see it is the 22nd or 23rd.   I originally thought Sudani was going to do it before he came to the US….but now that I know the bond schedules- it makes more sense to me that they do it when he gets back to Iraq, I cannot imagine him not wanting to be in country for it.

Member: I believe he will be home on Monday….

Member: MilitiaMan : after 21 years  of the dollar auction- Iraq is close to closing the window amid reassurances and warnings.

MZ: This is so important to where we are at. This is absolutely huge news.

Member: I went to my regular place where I buy dinars and they wouldn’t sell Iraqi dinars or Vietnamese dongs just the other day .

Member:  I guess you are not going to be able to tell us when you go- because you will be under an NDA.

MZ: I have an NDA with a SKR that I did many years ago….I have not received any dollars and I will not get any before you guys go too.

Member: Thank you Mark and Mods….enjoy the rest of your night

Member: KEEP THE FAITH, to lose focus on your faith gives the enemy a path to your positive energy

Member: Everyone have a good evening and pleasant dreams through the night. May God bless all of you at sunrise.



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Indoeisia and Zimbabwe News" Posted by Harambe at TNT 4-16-2024


Harambe:  Indonesian rupiah hits 4-year low, prompts central bank intervention, Money News | AsiaOne 4-16-24

The Indonesian rupiah on Tuesday (April 16) slid to its weakest in four years as the market reopened after the Eid al-Fitr holidays, prompting the central bank to intervene.

The rupiah weakened as much as 2.27 per cent to 16,200 per US dollar, its weakest level since early April 2020, leading the decline among emerging Asia currencies.

While Indonesian markets were closed for the holidays, the US dollar had gained after strong US economic data and rising inflation led markets to push out expectations for when the Federal Reserve could start cutting interest rates.

"Bank Indonesia is taking steps to maintain rupiah stability by maintaining supply-demand balance in foreign exchange market, through triple interventions," Edi Susianto, the central bank's head of monetary department, told Reuters.


Harambe:  Indonesian rupiah hits 4-year low, prompts central bank intervention, Money News | AsiaOne 4-16-24

The Indonesian rupiah on Tuesday (April 16) slid to its weakest in four years as the market reopened after the Eid al-Fitr holidays, prompting the central bank to intervene.

The rupiah weakened as much as 2.27 per cent to 16,200 per US dollar, its weakest level since early April 2020, leading the decline among emerging Asia currencies.

While Indonesian markets were closed for the holidays, the US dollar had gained after strong US economic data and rising inflation led markets to push out expectations for when the Federal Reserve could start cutting interest rates.

"Bank Indonesia is taking steps to maintain rupiah stability by maintaining supply-demand balance in foreign exchange market, through triple interventions," Edi Susianto, the central bank's head of monetary department, told Reuters.

The central bank is intervening especially through the spot and domestic non-deliverable forwards, he added, while boosting attractiveness of rupiah-denominated assets.

The benchmark stock index also weakened, dropping as much as 3.02 per cent on Tuesday, before regaining some of the losses.

Yield of the benchmark 10-year bonds rose to 6.83 per cent, its highest since November 2023.


Harambe:  Zimbabwe’s New Central Banker Vows to Regain Investor Confidence | Bloomberg 4-16-24

 Zimbabwe’s new central bank governor vowed to restore confidence in the institution that’s repeatedly failed to stabilize prices and the nation’s currency.

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe is rolling out a ‘Back to Basics’ plan that will initially focus on consolidating the introduction of the nation’s new national currency — the ZiG, John Mushayavanhu said in a circular to staff. It will also seek a “paradigm shift” in culture at the bank to rebuild its credibility and relevance, he said.

“The market has lost confidence and trust in the credibility and impact of the central bank’s policies over the years, and this calls for a focused re-orientation and change in the way we do things in pursuit of our statutory mandate,” Mushayavanhu said in the note. 

Mushayavanhu’s first policy measure after taking over as governor was the introduction of the ZiG — short for Zimbabwe Gold — on April 5. The new unit backed by gold and a basket of foreign currencies is the southern African nation’s sixth attempt to create a functioning local currency since 2008. A single ZiG is worth about 7 US cents, the price of a milligram of gold.  

The currency has strengthened 1.5% since its introduction and traded at 13.36 per US dollar on Tuesday, according to central bank data.

Dubbed by commercial bankers as “John the Second” after taking over from former Governor John Mangudya last month, Mushayavanhu said other reforms planned by the central bank include “identifying and plugging leakages and restructuring the Reserve Bank’s balance sheet from short-term pressures likely to undermine the efficacy of our policies.”

The bank will also seek to collate and disseminate credible data and appoint a panel to monitor the effectiveness of monetary policy. Along with the new currency, Mushayavanhu also introduced a new interest rate on April 5 — one set at 20%, compared with 130% previously, which was the highest central bank rate in the world.

The ZiG replaced the Zimbabwean dollar, which lost four-fifths of its value against the greenback this year before being replaced, fanning inflation and evoking bitter memories for citizens of the days of hyperinflation.

Zimbabwe stopped publishing local currency inflation data last year, after adopting a measure that better reflects the dominant role the US dollar plays in the economy. Under the measure inflation quickened to a seven-month high of 55.3% in March.

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