Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon 4-16-2024


Clare:  The Sudanese advisor expects the dollar to decline after the Washington discussions

4/16/2024 Baghdad,

The political advisor to the Prime Minister, Sobhan Mulla Jiyad, expected Iraq's readiness to transform the relationship with the "International Coalition" into bilateral relations, anticipating a relative decline in the "dollar" with the Sudanese visit to Washington.

 Mullah Jiyad said in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News: “Iraq wants to transform the relationship with the International Coalition into bilateral relations.”

 He added, "We expect the dollar to decline relatively with the Sudanese visit to Washington," noting that "Iraq wants to transform the relationship with the International Coalition into bilateral relations." LINK


Clare:  The Sudanese advisor expects the dollar to decline after the Washington discussions

4/16/2024 Baghdad,

The political advisor to the Prime Minister, Sobhan Mulla Jiyad, expected Iraq's readiness to transform the relationship with the "International Coalition" into bilateral relations, anticipating a relative decline in the "dollar" with the Sudanese visit to Washington.

 Mullah Jiyad said in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News: “Iraq wants to transform the relationship with the International Coalition into bilateral relations.”

 He added, "We expect the dollar to decline relatively with the Sudanese visit to Washington," noting that "Iraq wants to transform the relationship with the International Coalition into bilateral relations." LINK

Don961:  Experts: The Prime Minister's visit to Washington will bring great financial
and economic gains to Iraq

 Economy / investigations and reports 

Economists and political analysts unanimously agreed on the importance of the economic and financial aspect of PrimeMinister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani's visit, noting that it will strengthen cooperation relations in banking reform and anti-corruption files and achieve significant financial and economic gains for Iraq.

Activating economic and financial cooperation.

Speaking to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), writer and political analyst Haitham Al-Khazali says, “The visit is of great importance because it will discuss activating the Strategic Framework Agreement and moving the relationship with the United States from the security framework to the rest of the frameworks stipulated in the Strategic Framework Agreement by activating cooperation.” In financial, economic, environmental, energy and anti-corruption aspects.”

He added, "We believe that this visit will be crowned with success and contribute to achieving great political and financial gains due to Iraq's increasing importance in the region, its openness to countries of the world, investment opportunities, existing economic resources, the possibility of establishing economic partnership relations with the United States, and cooperation in all other aspects, the most important of which are banking and economic reform, combating corruption, energy, and financial support."

 Effects of climate change.

He continued, "The Prime Minister is expected to meet with officials in the US Treasury Department, and the meeting may contribute to lifting sanctions on some Iraqi banks and easing the conditions for financial transfers to Iraq, which will contribute to consolidating and strengthening the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar."

He added, "It is also hoped that the visit will witness the signing of agreements with companies investing in traditional energy, as well as in the field of clean energy, in cooperation with American companies, while strengthening cooperation in banking reform, activating anti-corruption laws and global transparency agreements, and supporting
Iraq's efforts to recover its wanted persons and money in the United States."

Addressing the issue of disabled banks.

The specialist in financial and banking affairs, Mustafa Akram Hantoush, said in his speech to the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The visit carries economic goals at 50% of its agenda, especially from the banking side, and the Prime Minister is aware and fully oriented towards supporting the reform of the banking sector, which is what included in the ministerial programme.

He added, "The Prime Minister is supposed to meet with representatives of major American banks to request facilities for the Iraqi banking system. He will also meet with officials of the US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve. We expect that there will be an official request to remove sanctions from some of the sanctioned banks that have not been proven to have committed violations."

Iraq has turned into a workshop. 

Meanwhile, economic expert Abdul Hassan Al-Ziyadi confirmed in his speech to the Iraqi News Agency (INA) that “Iraq seeks to invest in the strategic framework agreement and the visit would remove the problems, especially the financial ones, that plagued the relationship between Baghdad and Washington in previous governments, and the current government moved to implement reforms.”

"Really to end it."

He added, "The government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani implemented actual and practical steps in the field of financial and banking reform, accompanied by an economic movement to implement important projects that turned Iraq into a workshop. It invested government work that strengthened political and security stability and provided the appropriate ground for the private sector and foreign investment to exploit the great opportunities in the fields of...

Construction, reconstruction and strategic projects.

He continued, "Activating the strategic framework agreement with its financial, economic, and i
nvestment aspects will contribute to the United States, as the world's first economy, playing an
important role in supporting the investment movement and the Iraqi economy,
" noting that "the Prime Minister accompanied with him a delegation representing the Iraqi Private Sector Council, and this is a precedent that occurs for the first time in Iraqi governments represent great support for this sector in establishing partnerships with American investors and companies to support the investment movement in Iraq.”

An important visit in light of the regional circumstances.

The economic expert, Nabil Al-Tamimi, said in his speech to the Iraqi News Agency (INA) that “the visit is one of the most important stations in formulating Iraq’s foreign policy in light of the current regional circumstances, and its main goal is to chart the future relationship between Baghdad and Washington through bilateral agreements, and in fact, the Prime Minister The ministers are working to draw up a framework for the relationship between Baghdad and Washington that is compatible with Iraqi ambitions to preserve sovereignty as well as enhance economic and trade cooperation and cooperation in combating corruption.”   link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  There are many Chief Executive Officers of many banks around the world at the US Treasury meeting right now with Sudani, Alaq and Barzani...Also...CEOs of CitiBank, Chase Bank and Bank of America are there.  We also have all of the JP Morgan representatives, Merril Lynch, all investment companies you can think of, all of them are meeting...The meetings are going on now...This [Iraqi] entourage is here in the United States to meet with their counter parts.

Militia Man  Al-Sudani's visit to the White House...we know he's already done that...They brought about 130 different people with them.  I think they said three planes worth...That [Large] motorcade yesterday in WDC was so very telling in just how important today and tomorrow will be. If you are not excited by now? Wake up!

The US Commitment to Iraq is Revealed Iraqi PM Visits the White House

Edu Matrix:  4-16-2024

The US Commitment to Iraq is Revealed: The Iraqi PM visits the White House. President Biden talks of commitment to Iraq's economics and energy. The opening statements made by Iraq's Prime Minister and the President of the United States.


Greg Mannarino:  4-16-2024

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Monday Evening 4-15-24

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Monday Evening 4-15-24

Iraqi dinar adjustment on last step against USD – 2:51

Vietnam Dong rate sharply changing – 1:13

Iraqi dinar countdown start for big cash dinar holders – 2:36

Iraqi dinar new exchange rates $3 ? – 2:54

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Monday Evening 4-15-24

Iraqi dinar adjustment on last step against USD – 2:51

Vietnam Dong rate sharply changing – 1:13

Iraqi dinar countdown start for big cash dinar holders – 2:36

Iraqi dinar new exchange rates $3 ? – 2:54

 Iraqi dinar adjustment on last step against USD – 2:51

Vietnam Dong rate sharply changing – 1:13

Iraqi dinar countdown start for big cash dinar holders – 2:36

Iraqi dinar new exchange rates $3 ? 2:54

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Monday Evening 4-15-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Monday Evening 4-15-24

Al Sudani Big Announcment About IQD RV Exchange Rate – 3:20

It's Big Massive Announcment About IQD – 4:11

Finally Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Done Today – 2:39

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Monday Evening 4-15-24

Al Sudani Big Announcment About IQD RV Exchange Rate – 3:20

It's Big Massive Announcment About IQD – 4:11

Finally Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Done Today – 2:39

 Al Sudani Big Announcment About IQD RV Exchange Rate – 3:20

It's Big Massive Announcment About IQD – 4:11

Finally Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Done Today – 2:39

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Tuesday 4-16-2024


Tishwash:  Al-Bayati: Al-Sudani’s visit to Washington will resolve these two files

Former MP Jassim Al-Bayati confirmed on Tuesday that the Sudanese visit to Washington will have positive consequences at various levels, especially military, security and economic, pointing out that the visit would resolve the issue of the American military presence inside Iraq and strengthen the dinar against the dollar.

Al-Bayati told Al-Maalouma, “The visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani will have positive consequences at all stages, whether activating the strategic framework agreement between the two countries or resolving some economic issues.”

He added, "The visit would resolve the files of some banks that were punished by the Dalil countries, as well as resolve the issue of the lack of liquidity of foreign currency (the dollar) in Iraqi banks and find solutions to ensure its availability."


Tishwash:  Al-Bayati: Al-Sudani’s visit to Washington will resolve these two files

Former MP Jassim Al-Bayati confirmed on Tuesday that the Sudanese visit to Washington will have positive consequences at various levels, especially military, security and economic, pointing out that the visit would resolve the issue of the American military presence inside Iraq and strengthen the dinar against the dollar.

Al-Bayati told Al-Maalouma, “The visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani will have positive consequences at all stages, whether activating the strategic framework agreement between the two countries or resolving some economic issues.”

He added, "The visit would resolve the files of some banks that were punished by the Dalil countries, as well as resolve the issue of the lack of liquidity of foreign currency (the dollar) in Iraqi banks and find solutions to ensure its availability."

He stated that "the visit would strengthen the Iraqi dinar currency against the dollar, and ensure that the parallel exchange rate is close to the official one in the local markets, in addition to emphasizing the withdrawal of American ground forces from Iraq and discussing military and security issues."  link

Tishwash:  The visit to Washington is 100% technical and will witness the signing of contracts with major companies - Sudanese Advisor

"Different from its predecessors"

Nasser Al-Asadi, Advisor to the Prime Minister for Transport Affairs, confirmed on Monday that the visit conducted by the Prime Minister and his accompanying delegation to the United States is 100% technical, and it differs from all visits of previous prime ministers, indicating that it will witness the signing of contracts with major companies.

Al-Asadi said in an interview with the official agency, followed by the 964 Network , that “the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington is very important and different from all the visits of previous prime ministers to the United States, as it was always concerned with issues of security, the army, and military movements, but this visit is a technical visit 100 %, and will address the topics of health, education, energy, transportation, services, and various industries, pharmaceutical, construction, mechanical, and food, in addition to the presence of a program included in the visit that specializes in democratic pluralism in Iraq, which is represented by population pluralism and the categories of Iraqi society, its components, and their needs,” stressing that “the importance of the visit comes from these topics.” Which is always discussed internally and never discussed externally.”

He added, "Relations with the United States of America are not just security, army, and military relations. There is global expertise possessed by the United States that can be transferred to Iraq, especially in the fields of aviation and transportation management, tourism management, and banking in insurance companies."

He pointed out that “America is a large country with huge global capabilities and expertise, and Iraq needs to develop the aviation sector in terms of examiners, civil aviation systems, training of pilots and staff in Iraqi Airlines and the Civil Aviation Authority in Iraqi airports, as well as the method of managing Iraqi airports, and therefore it is necessary Transferring this experience and benefiting from it due to our strong relationship with the United States.”

He pointed out that “there are new sectors that have entered the Iraqi market, including the metro transportation sector and the public transportation sector by using multiple methods, and therefore the technology present in the United States must be transferred to Iraq in a modern and advanced manner, and benefit from it through training and developing the relationship with the means of transportation in The United States,” noting that “this is done through transferring technology to Iraq and then managing it and investing in the field of transportation to manage the transportation sector in Iraq.”

He continued: “We had a meeting with the private sector in Iraq, and there are meetings tomorrow and the day after tomorrow with the American private sector, and there must be interaction between the two sectors in order to build an economic revolution inside Iraq,” stressing “the necessity of turning to the private sector and developing it to help the government in Speed ​​up the work".

He noted that “the government proposed the Baghdad Metro project for investment, and thus involved the private sector in this process, especially since the private sector is the one that develops the country and has the upper hand in expanding investment, and therefore the government must help the private sector and open opportunities for it.”

He pointed out that “hundreds of American companies have contacted the Iraqi embassy for the purpose of meeting with the Prime Minister, in addition to contracts that will be signed with large companies in the United States,” adding: “Now we are heading, through our embassy and the commercial attaché, to open opportunities for American companies to invest in Iraq through the Iraqi private sector.”

He stressed “the necessity of building a partnership between these sectors to develop the banking sector in Iraq, as no investor can enter Iraq with a weak banking sector, so a large space has been allocated to discuss this sector, in addition to insurance companies and intellectual property protection, for the advancement of Iraq.” To the investable countries platform.

He stressed that “the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington, and his intention to expand meetings with multiple groups within the American investment sector, will open a big door for the Iraqi private sector, and we have given the opportunity and priority to develop the important service sectors in the country, including pharmaceutical, construction, and food industries that contribute to developing the economic base in the country.” It provides great job opportunities for Iraqi youth who are currently unemployed.”

He concluded by saying: “The importance of this visit is that it is not an ordinary visit, but rather a 100 percent purely economic and technical visit that opens the way for all Iraqi and non-Iraqi sectors to develop the country economically.” link


Tishwash:  After 21 years of the dollar auction... Iraq is close to closing the window amid reassurances and warnings

Iraq is approaching the end of the closure of the dollar selling window at the Central Bank - which has been controversial - over the past two decades.

The Central Bank's management plans to gradually cancel the dollar auction during the year 2024, leading to its complete cancellation by the end of the year, and to maintain it for audit and statistical purposes, in an effort to enable Iraqi banks to establish and establish solid banking relationships with the global and regional banking sector in order to achieve the sobriety of the Iraqi banking sector and full commitment. According to international standards and requirements.

Iraq relies on the platform for selling currency directly to local banks and companies, which was previously known as the daily dollar auction, as one of the mechanisms for preserving the value of the Iraqi dinar and combating speculative operations in the parallel market.
The visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to Washington provided a strong impetus in closing the Central Bank window and moving towards direct commercial banking transactions.

According to the joint statement of the Iraqi-American discussions headed by Al-Sudani and President Joe Biden, the latter “discussed Iraq’s advanced efforts to reform the financial and banking sectors, which help link Iraq to the international economy and increase trade while protecting the Iraqi people from the harmful effects of corruption and money laundering, and what was achieved during the years 2023 and 2024.” “With banks in Iraq expanding (correspondent relationships) with international financial institutions to enable trade financing.”

The statement notes that "the majority of trade financing operations are now carried out through these channels."
Iraq and the United States pledged their commitment to "strengthen their cooperation to achieve greater transparency and cooperation against money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, corruption, and sanctioned activities that could undermine the integrity of the financial systems in both countries."

The two countries expressed their commitment "to support the Central Bank of Iraq in ending the electronic auction platform for international financial transfers by the end of 2024, through direct dealing between licensed banks in Iraq and approved global correspondent banks, to achieve this transformation that will connect Iraqis and Iraqi companies to the international economic system."

In this regard, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed to {Al-Furat News} that the agreement of Iraq and the United States to end the electronic platform of the Central Bank of Iraq for selling the dollar at the official price means the cancellation and end of the foreign currency window that was established since 2003.
Saleh said, “It is not One of the functions of the central banks in the world is to carry out financing operations for foreign trade in their countries. Central banks are banks that work on monetary stability as they are banks that issue the national currency, as well as the function of supervising banking activity and ensuring its safety and stability.

He added, "But Iraq's rentier conditions, and because of the foreign cash flows entering the country through which foreign exchange reserves originating from oil export revenues are created, such a necessity was imposed in financing foreign trade for the private sector through the establishment of the foreign currency window (auction) a month ago." October 2003, during which this window played a dual role in the work of the Central Bank of Iraq’s monetary policy, both in controlling local liquidity levels (monetary sterilization) and the so-called open market process, which requires exchanging the dinar for the dollar for the purposes of external transfer related to financing domestic trade. In addition to achieving the goal of controlling the stability of the Iraqi dinar exchange rate at the same time.”

Saleh noted that, “In order to return to the principles of financing trade through the commercial banks themselves directly by opening documentary credits with correspondent banks abroad, their external accounts opened with their correspondents from foreign banks will be fed with their requests for foreign currency through the Central Bank of Iraq in order to enable them to... Opening documentary credits to finance foreign trade to the private sector in a more transparent manner and at the same time subject to international compliance rules through the role that these international banks with high credit ratings will play.”

He explained, "What practically means canceling the auction or the foreign currency window that was established in October 2003 and its expected lifespan was two years, but unfortunately it continued for more than twenty years!"

He continued, "Based on the above, the efficiency of using foreign currency will undoubtedly increase through continued control of local liquidity levels and the imposition of stability in the Iraqi dinar exchange rate, but in a different way that is consistent with the new banking applications fully approved in the year 2024."

On the other hand, specialists warn against stopping the platform for selling the dollar, especially with the continuing delay in Iraqi banking systems and the failure to activate Iraqi commercial banks’ dealings with international banks, because this will lead to a monetary disaster that will ravage the Iraqi market.
But Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani, the economic expert, downplayed the seriousness of these warnings.

He told {Al-Furat News}, "The subject of the agreement with the American side does not mean that the currency auction will end, but rather it will return to work according to the old mechanism for enhancing balances. However, the Iraqi banks that will be entitled to external transfer must be linked to solid correspondent banks."

He stated, "The mechanism will not change. Rather, the Iraqi Bank will be transformed into a correspondent bank, and its balance will be enhanced by the Central Bank."

Al-Mashhadani ruled out, "The exchange rates in the markets were affected because they are not directly related to these matters. Rather, the decline and rise are due to trade with the sanctioned countries, for which there are no solutions because they are financed from the parallel market, and without solving them, there cannot be stability in exchange rates."
Another economic expert believes it is necessary to tighten control to prevent the "leakage" of the dollar.

Bassem Jamil Antoine told {Al-Furat News}, “When the dollar crisis is addressed scientifically, economically, and financially, there will be a floatation of the currency through supply and demand, so that the citizen will obtain the quantities of dollars to the extent he wants, as the scarcity is now in the dinar and not in the dollar from which it is received.” On a daily basis, no less than 300 to 400 million dollars.”

He stated, "This process goes to the financial stability of the country, as the import is through correspondent banks that transfer money amounts, and this process requires follow-up, time, and knowing the fate of the money."

Antoine explained that "the process of floating the currency must be under conditions, and Iraq differs from other countries because its financial imports in dollars are very large, and there must be control over the process, stopping the leakage of the dollar, and not leaving it floating under the freedom of speculators.

 There will be difficulty in achieving balance, and this matter needs a rule." Productivity away from imports, creating job opportunities and ending unemployment, and this process requires more time and strict oversight to stop the currency auction, which has greatly destroyed the country,” he said.  link

Mot:  Global Warming Must be Real- Heres Proof!!! 

Mot: ... Gunna Beeeeee a Loooong Night I Thinks!!!!

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

"Coffee With MarkZ" Tuesday Morning Chat 4-16-2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Tuesday all! oh, and happy birthday to those celebrating and prayers for those in need

Member:  Good morning everyone. I think I'll buy one of those roller coaster tickets this time. Getting exciting!!!!

Member: Seems like a great day for a RV

MZ:  No Rumble streams this week.

Member: Did you bring your golden hat? Do you feel like they are going to do it (RV) before you get back to PR?

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Tuesday all! oh, and happy birthday to those celebrating and prayers for those in need

Member:  Good morning everyone. I think I'll buy one of those roller coaster tickets this time. Getting exciting!!!!

Member: Seems like a great day for a RV

MZ:  No Rumble streams this week.

Member: Did you bring your golden hat? Do you feel like they are going to do it (RV) before you get back to PR?

Member: Do you think RV in April Mark?

MZ: I think April is still well within the sites and is the goal. I am still being told that and I believe it.

Member: Any Bond Holder updates to brighten the breakfast morning?

Member; Mark said last night that he expects a bond update sometime this afternoon.

MZ: I should have an update shortly. If its steller- I will put it in Telegram , on X (twitter) and on Truth.

MZ: I continue to hear rumors of the different spots that Sudani has visited. I am hearing there was a clandestine meeting with a signatory of seven of the banking families from China. Hang tight guys as we sort this over the next day or two and figure out what is hopeful rumor and what is fact. But things are very positive.

MZ: “From Iraq “Know you money” This is posted by the CBI.  (Shows a picture of dinar bills) This shows the security features of the bills and what to look for. They do show larger and smaller bills. And mention the security features will be the same in “future bills” as well. The show the breakdown on a 250 dinar note and a thousand dinar note.

MZ: Why is this important? A 250 dinar note right now is only worth about .19 cents. But they want you to know how to prove the security of smaller bills so they are not counterfeit. This is a big one for us. From the CBI itself. .

MZ: This is a feel good political piece from Iraq. “Sudani: We are working to move from a military relationship to a full partnership : Biden” We are committed to the interests of Iraq” It’s worth a read.

Member: A rumor is Sudanese ordering big screens for his return?  Hope its RV related.

Member: MilitiaMan and Crew were great late last night

Member: Mark Frank had a bank story the other night and the guy had a date from the bank Frank stopped him from releasing it. Frank is in Hawaii with his team ready to purchase. Property. It’s close!!

Member: Personally, I don't think it will be publicly announced until Al-Sudani returns to Iraq. Probably the last week of April, unless it's delayed yet again...

​​Member: I'm keeping an eye on the U.S Dollar. when that collapses is when we will have no choice but to Reset.

Member: My Credit Union was actually able to confirm the new USN currency yesterday, but wasn't sure when it will roll out

Member: Do you think Dinar will go first ALONE, or will they go in a basket with the others

Member: That's the million dollar question!! Mark says there's a 1% chance that Iraq goes first but he fully expects everyone to go at the same time

MZ And from the Central bank of Vietnam: “VN Central Bank to resume gold bar bidding after 11 years”  There is a big demand in Vietnam for physical metals. And the people are now buying more and more metals.

MZ: “ The complete bankruptcy of Iran’s banking system –OpEd”  This is an opinion all about how the elite think they know better than all of humanity. We are watching more of a populist uprising of the people all around the world. .

Member:  The great awakening is happening……has been planned for a long time

Member: The Copenhagen Stock Exchange has nearly burned down this Morning !


MZ: Symbolic perhaps…or coincidence???

Member:  what the heck happened to silver prices last night/this morning? Yikes

Member: The entire market is being manipulated. Be patient.

Member: Please keep in mind the RV is a GLOBAL event. Iraq is a part of the event. They will ultimately kick off the RV.. Lots of integration taking supposedly taking place within the QFS


Mod Thanks Mark. Hope you have a wonderful visit in Brazil. When do you return to Puerto Rico?

MZ: I will return home next Monday. Everyone have a good day .


For IMPORTANT updates on podcasts, INTEL, and EVENTS, Koukla posts updates for Mark, with this info on Mark's Intel room in Telegram. Join and stay updated daily at:



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 4-16-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 16 April 2024

Compiled Tues. 16 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Mon. 15 April TNT Tony: Three letter agencies were saying the RV could go after 5pm today Mon. 15 April through Wed. 17 April. Banks were looking for it tonight into tomorrow morning Tues. 16 April. But Tony thinks we won’t see it until next week– as many Iraqi leaders and others are here this week, he thinks it makes more sense that leaders would want to be back in their own countries.

Mon. 15 April MarkZ: The Bond Folks have expectations of things starting from between today Mon. 15 April to Mon. 22 April. We were told from day one that bonds need to be close to completion or well underway before they pull the trigger. We will know by tomorrow from European contacts if the Bonds have kicked off.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 16 April 2024

Compiled Tues. 16 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Mon. 15 April TNT Tony: Three letter agencies were saying the RV could go after 5pm today Mon. 15 April through Wed. 17 April. Banks were looking for it tonight into tomorrow morning Tues. 16 April. But Tony thinks we won’t see it until next week– as many Iraqi leaders and others are here this week, he thinks it makes more sense that leaders would want to be back in their own countries.

Mon. 15 April MarkZ: The Bond Folks have expectations of things starting from between today Mon. 15 April to Mon. 22 April. We were told from day one that bonds need to be close to completion or well underway before they pull the trigger. We will know by tomorrow from European contacts if the Bonds have kicked off.

Global Financial Crisis:

Mon. 15 April: Florida just banned the Cabal’s CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency:

Judy Note Correction on Zim Bond Redemption: Thanks to Becky Subrahmanyam and MarkZ I have learned that this statement I made in past reports is not true: “Zimbabwe has announced their gold-backed currency and their bonds must be redeemed by Tues. 30 April 2024.” There are three kinds of Zim money: 2008-2009 Zim Bonds, Zim fiat money and the new asset-backed Zig. MarkZ explained: “The Zim fiat money must be redeemed by Tues. 30 April 2024 for the new Zig. The time limitation has nothing to do with 2008-2009 Trillion Series Zim Bonds that we hope to exchange for USN. The gold/asset backed currency is the new Zig currency and it does not need to be redeemed. Only the Zim fiat money needs to be redeemed by Tues. 30 April 2024.” I apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused. …Judy

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  Sudani, where are you going?  Three places - Michigan...California...Texas...Sudani goes to visit his people in his private banks...In Texas is where the CBI has its servers for its website.  He only has one hour that he's dedicated to Washington DC?  ...Six days and 23 hours is for the reforms...This trip is very powerful.

Mnt Goat  ... I am not sure why, but this Kuwaiti dinar has been in the news so much lately...Remember Dr. Shabibi told us that when Iraq does get reinstated its nominal rate will be no more than around 25% higher than the Kuwaiti dinar.  Remember this is when the Iraqi dinar finally settles down to its nominal after the onslaught by the market once reinstated for trading. Does this mean the Kuwaiti dinar could also revalue? ...quote – “the Kuwaiti dinar has maintained its position as the most expensive currency in the world for many years, and its exchange rate against the dollar is currently 1 to 3.25..."  ...Will the Iraqi dinar over run the long-standing Kuwaiti dinar in its position as the most expensive currency in the world? ...we can clearly now see something BIG is about to happen to these currencies.

Zimbabwe's New Currency Update Rate 13.56 GiZ to $1.00

Edu Matrix:  4-15-2024

Zimbabwe's New Currency Update Exchange Rate 13.56 GiZ to $1.00 - The history of Zimbabwe's currency tactics since 2006. Why the people in Zimbabwe are concerned. However, the new currency is holding its own against the US Dollar

U.S. Economic Crash Worse than 1929 - Peter Schiff Issues Warning

Sachs Reality:  4-15-2024

Peter Schiff says the U.S. has made mistakes that will result in a depression worse than 1929

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: IQD Update - Iraq Dinar - America - Activate - Massive Economic Deals

IQD Update - Iraq Dinar - America - Activate - Massive Economic Deals

MilitiaMan and Crew:  4-15-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

IQD Update - Iraq Dinar - America - Activate - Massive Economic Deals

MilitiaMan and Crew:  4-15-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Monday Evening 4-15-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Monday Evening 4-15-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Al-Sudani From Washington: The Development Road And Al-Faw Port Projects Will Create A New Iraq

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani announced today, Monday, work on a study to establish a department for expatriate affairs. While he indicated that the signing of contracts with Total, the fifth round, and the national effort will enable Iraq to achieve gas self-sufficiency, he stressed that the Development Road and Al-Faw Port projects will create a new Iraq.

The Prime Minister's Media Office stated, in a statement received by Al-Iqtisad News, that "Al-Sudani met with the Iraqi community in Washington and other American states, on the sidelines of his official visit to the United States of America."

He continued, "The Prime Minister expressed his pride and appreciation for the Iraqi communities in the United States and the rest of the world," stressing that "Iraq is for all Iraqis, and the country needs the expertise, experiences, opportunities, and initiatives of Iraqi figures in America."

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Monday Evening 4-15-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Al-Sudani From Washington: The Development Road And Al-Faw Port Projects Will Create A New Iraq

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani announced today, Monday, work on a study to establish a department for expatriate affairs. While he indicated that the signing of contracts with Total, the fifth round, and the national effort will enable Iraq to achieve gas self-sufficiency, he stressed that the Development Road and Al-Faw Port projects will create a new Iraq.

The Prime Minister's Media Office stated, in a statement received by Al-Iqtisad News, that "Al-Sudani met with the Iraqi community in Washington and other American states, on the sidelines of his official visit to the United States of America."

He continued, "The Prime Minister expressed his pride and appreciation for the Iraqi communities in the United States and the rest of the world," stressing that "Iraq is for all Iraqis, and the country needs the expertise, experiences, opportunities, and initiatives of Iraqi figures in America."

He pointed out, "Working on a study to establish a department for expatriate affairs, in order to achieve effective communication with Iraqi communities in the world, as the government is looking for competencies away from quotas."

He added, "Our visit to the United States is important to clarify our vision about the shape of the relationship with America," noting that "America granted Iraq preferences in customs exemption and a memorandum was signed with financing institutions worth 5 billion dollars, all of which are not activated within the strategic framework agreement."

He explained, "Iraq today is different from what it was in 2014, because ISIS no longer poses a threat to Iraq," pointing out that "we want to move to bilateral relations with the countries of the international coalition after the victory over ISIS, similar to the countries of the region, including security relations." .

He stated that "the first meeting of the founding committee stipulated in the framework agreement will be held, and there will be periodic meetings of this committee," stressing that "Iraq is witnessing today an unprecedented recovery, stability, security, real development, and tangible services in all parts of Iraq."

The Prime Minister stated, "The government's first step was to reform oversight institutions, and our measures in combating corruption are professional and not vindictive, as we recovered a lot of money and those wanted in corruption cases who hold other nationalities, and some of the wanted persons voluntarily surrendered themselves to the judiciary."

He pointed out, "The signing of contracts with Total, the fifth round, and the national effort will enable Iraq to achieve gas self-sufficiency within 3-5 years, in addition to starting projects related to refineries," explaining that "2024 will be the last year for importing oil derivatives."

He noted, "Iran is a neighboring country with which we have common interests, and America is a strategic ally and our relationship with it is important, as the relationship with Iran and the United States is an advantage for Iraq, and can be used to reduce tension, and this is what happened in all crises in the region."

He pointed out, "The US Treasury recorded observations on the work of banks in previous years, and not during the current government that adopted the electronic platform."

He pointed out, “The industrial and agricultural sectors were activated, and idle factories were operated, such as fertilizer, iron and steel production factories,” stressing that “the basis of economic advancement is the belief in the role of the private sector, which was supported by the government.”

He stated that "the development road and Al-Faw port projects will create a new Iraq," pointing out that "the development road is the least expensive and fastest project for transporting goods, and its first principles will be signed during the Turkish president's visit soon."

158 views 04/15/2024 -

His Advisor: Sudanese Attention Will Focus On The Economy During His Meeting With The American President

Economy |  04/15/2024  Mawazine News - Baghdad,  the financial advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed that Iraq is linked with the United States through cohesive ties and foundations, the principles of which were outlined in the strategic framework agreement signed between the two countries in 2008 and ratified by the Iraqi Parliament.

Saleh stated, in an interview followed by Mawazine News, that attention will be focused on providing a climate of promising opportunities through which major companies in the United States can contribute to major strategic development projects in Iraq, whether in the path of development or otherwise, especially in the fields of renewable energy, gas, and technology.

Digital and basic federal projects in the areas of transportation, communications, agriculture, investment in natural resources and important aspects of the manufacturing industry.

According to the advisor, this is in addition to benefiting from higher education opportunities, obtaining academic seats in American universities, and accepting scholarships in fields that serve development and economic progress in Iraq.

He explained that what we see today of “positive developments” in the relationship between Iraq and the United States “will turn the page on the past and open a page based on direct economic relations and productive investment opportunities, with a first priority that precedes other priorities, including the establishment of solid banking relations between the two countries that will help them grow and prosper.”

The current banking reform policy in our country will contribute to adding an element of strength to the financing relations between the two friendly countries.

Thus, Counselor Saleh believes that the economic aspect (investment, development, and financing) “will be activated for the first time in this broad form of the strategic framework agreement in order to be consistent with the data and principles of the program.” government in a way that serves the interest of stability and economic prosperity in Iraq.”

Iraq Maintains Its Ranking Of 30th In The World In Terms Of Gold Reserves

Economy |  04/15/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The World Gold Council revealed on Monday that Iraq and 13 Arab countries possess approximately 1,500 tons of global yellow metal reserves.

The council said in a statement, “Iraq, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Morocco, Tunisia, Bahrain, and Yemen, their global reserves of gold amounted to one million and 481 thousand kilograms.”

He added, "Iraq maintained its ranking of 30th globally out of the 100 countries listed in the table with the largest gold reserves, as its gold possessions amounted to 142.6 tons, which represents 8.4% of the rest of its other reserves."

He pointed out that "the United States of America tops the list with the largest possession of gold in the world with 8,133.5 tons, followed by Germany with 3,352.3 tons, then Italy with 2,451.8 tons, while Yemen ranked 99th with 1.5 tons, followed by Bosnia and Herzegovina with the same amount of 1.5 tons."

The Council stated that “Iraq announced on June 27, 2022, the purchase of new quantities of gold amounting to approximately 34 tons, an increase of 35% over what it had in possession, while in May it announced the purchase of 2.3 tons of gold.”

It is noteworthy that the World Gold Council, which is based in the United Kingdom, has extensive experience and deep knowledge of the factors causing market change, and its members consist of the largest gold mining companies in the world.

Oil Declines And Gold Rises Due To Middle East Tensions

Energy  Economy News _ Baghdad  Oil prices fell when Asian markets opened on Monday, with market players cutting risk premiums in the wake of an Iranian attack on Israel late on Saturday.

By 12:56 GMT, Brent crude futures for June delivery fell 24 cents to $90.21 a barrel, and West Texas Intermediate crude futures for May delivery fell 38 cents to $85.28 a barrel.

The Iranian attack, the first from a country in 30 years, raised fears of a broader regional conflict affecting the movement of oil across the Middle East.

Oil prices rose on Friday with anticipation of the Iranian response to the targeting of its consulate, and touched their highest levels since October.

But prices ended the week's transactions down one percent after the International Energy Agency lowered its forecast for oil demand growth this year.

On a parallel level, gold prices rose on Monday, hovering below a record high level reached in the previous session, as escalating tension in the Middle East enhanced appetite for the precious metal, which is considered a safe haven.

By 00:56 GMT, gold in instant transactions rose 0.3 percent to $2,350.59 per ounce. Gold reached an all-time high of $2,431.29 an ounce on Friday.

US gold futures fell 0.3 percent to $2,366.40 an ounce.

Recent US economic data on the labor market and inflation have once again caused market expectations that the Federal Reserve (the US central bank) will reduce interest rates.

Higher interest rates reduce the attractiveness of holding non-interest-bearing gold.

As for other precious metals, silver rose in spot transactions by 0.4 percent to $27.98 per ounce, and platinum fell by 0.1 percent to $973.05 per ounce. Palladium fell 1 percent to $1,038.99 an ounce.

Views 59    04/15/2024 -

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Provoking Points To Ponder On Failures and Mistakes

Not all who seem to fail have failed indeed. Not all who fail have therefore worked in vain. There is no failure for the good and brave.- Archbishop Trench

No honest work of man or woman "fails"; it feeds the sum of all human action.- Michelene Wandor

Defeat in doing right is nevertheless victory.- Frederick W. Robertson

The only failure a man ought to fear is failure in cleaving to the purpose he sees to be best.- George Eliot

Sometimes what you want to do has to fail so you won't.- Margueritte Harmon Bro

There are defeats more triumphant than victories.- Michel de Montaigne

An error gracefully acknowledged is a victory won.- Caroline L. Gascoigne

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 Biden Green Signal To Iraq On IQD RV And New Exchange Rate – 3:56

Wait Is Over Iraqi Dinar Done – 2:01

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 Vietnamese Dong Latest New Update – 3:19

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KTFA Monday Night CC: " FRANK26….4-15-24…….PUT THEM UP"


Monday Night Conference Call

FRANK26….4-15-24…….PUT THEM UP

This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#



Monday Night Conference Call

FRANK26….4-15-24…….PUT THEM UP

This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#


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