Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday 4-13-2024


CandyKisses:  Sudani leaves Baghdad for the United States

Baghdad / Nina /  Saturday 13, April 2024 10:02

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani left the capital Baghdad for the United States of America, at the head of a government and parliamentary delegation and representatives of the private sector, at the beginning of an official visit at the invitation of US President Joseph Biden.


CandyKisses:  Sudani leaves Baghdad for the United States

Baghdad / Nina /  Saturday 13, April 2024 10:02

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani left the capital Baghdad for the United States of America, at the head of a government and parliamentary delegation and representatives of the private sector, at the beginning of an official visit at the invitation of US President Joseph Biden.

Tishwash:  Al-Sudani will stay in America for a week.. And Will Visit 3 States source from Baghdad and another from Washington reveal the agenda

Bankers excited to meet the Treasury

 Two Iraqi and American sources said that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani will spend a week in the United States, including discussions with President Joe Biden, and a tour of 3 states.

The Iraqi government source confirmed to the 964 network that Al-Sudani will hold meetings with businessmen, and will be accompanied by Iraqi bank officials.

Informed sources said that the Iraqi bankers who obtained an American visa hope to cancel or ease sanctions on Iraqi banks, and they expect to hear something about this when they attend a meeting at the headquarters of the Ministry of the Treasury.

Politically, there is no change on the Sudanese agenda, and the political file will remain the transformation of the military mission of the American forces, within the framework of the international coalition, into a “security partnership” with Washington that includes armament and training, and the file of disputes between Baghdad and Erbil will also be on the table.

However, there has been a slight change, and Al-Sudani will discuss with Biden the possibility of an Iranian response to the bombing of Tehran's consulate in Mezze.

A source told the 964 network that Biden will clarify the red lines related to the Iranian threat against Israel.

The American press does not expect “a violent response from Iran against Israel,” and CNN said that Iran may be content with sanctions from the Security Council, while information was circulated regarding “Israel’s acceptance of an Iranian response that can be accommodated if it is limited.”  link


Tishwash:  Iraq is preparing to engage in an economic alliance that brings together Türkiye, Qatar and the UAE

The Turkish Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Abdulkadir Oraloglu, revealed on Friday a Turkish-Iraqi decision to establish a joint mechanism similar to the “Ministerial Council” to follow up on the “Development Road” project.

Oraloglu said in a statement that the visit that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to make to Baghdad at the end of this month will address issues that will enhance cooperation between the two countries in the “development roads” project.

The "Development Road" is an economic project that aims to connect Iraq with Turkey via land roads and railways, with the aim of transporting goods between Europe and the Gulf countries.
Oraloglu pointed out that important steps were taken during the past year regarding the "development path" and that ministerial negotiations were held between the two countries to develop cooperation.

He stated that, in this regard, Ankara hosted technical talks under the supervision of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, with the participation of representatives from the Turkish Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and an Iraqi delegation, including representatives from the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Transport, and the General Authority of Customs.

He added: "As a result of our regular meetings with Iraq, we decided to establish a mechanism similar to the ministerial council between the two countries."

Oraloglu pointed out that he recently held talks with his Iraqi counterpart, Razak Muhaibas Al-Saadawi, during which they agreed to begin establishing a mechanism similar to the existing ministerial councils between Turkey, Hungary, and Serbia.

He explained that they are waiting for the participation of the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, along with Türkiye and Iraq, in the Ministerial Council.  link

Tishwash:  Prime Minister: The visit to Washington comes at a delicate and sensitive circumstance and aims to activate the Strategic Framework Agreement

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed today, Saturday, that his visit to Washington comes at a delicate and sensitive circumstance at the level of bilateral relations and the situation of the region.

The Prime Minister’s Media Office stated in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani made a press statement before his departure for the United States of America, this Saturday morning, in which he confirmed that this visit comes in a delicate and sensitive circumstance at the level of Relations with the United States of America, as well as the level of conditions in the region and the crimes taking place in the Palestinian territories against innocent people, as well as fears of the expansion of the scope of the conflict.”

Al-Sudani stated, “The goal of the visit is to move relations with the United States to a new stage that includes activating the provisions of the Strategic Framework Agreement, which is in line with our government’s program, which focuses on economic and financial reforms and other important fields, as well as productive partnerships with various countries of the world.”

He stressed that "the meeting with President Biden will discuss the circumstances of the region and the escalation it is witnessing, and the joint role in working to calm the situation and prevent the conflict from expanding in a way that affects overall stability in the world. The meeting will also review the work of the Supreme Military Committee between Iraq and the international coalition, which aims to reach an agenda." "A timetable to end the coalition's mission and move to bilateral relations with the countries participating in the coalition."

He pointed out to the Prime Minister that "the visit will witness meetings with the US Secretaries of State, Defense and Treasury, as well as the National Security Advisor, the US Chamber of Commerce and senior officials in oil and industrial companies." 

He reiterated that "the visit carries the desire to build a sustainable strategic partnership, based on mutual respect, and to preserve Iraq's security, sovereignty, and territorial integrity."

The statement explained that "the Prime Minister is accompanied on his official visit to Washington by a government and parliamentary delegation that includes a number of ministers, members of the House of Representatives, and advisors, in addition to representatives from the private sector, including businessmen and industrialists specialized in various sectors, where he will hold extensive discussions with American officials regarding bilateral relations." "And to discuss a group of economic, financial, commercial and security files, as well as files related to education, culture and others. The visit also includes the signing of a number of investment contracts with major American companies."

The statement continued, "The visit will witness the holding of the first meeting of the joint Higher Coordination Committee ( HCC ), with the aim of continuing to activate the strategic framework agreement, in the axes of energy, banking and financial cooperation, transportation, combating corruption, recovering Iraqi funds, and the business sector, in addition to education and culture."   link

Mot: .. the challenge when ur single until you ~~~~~

Mot: the Never Ending ""Relationship Tips"" frum ole ""Mot"" of course!

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Weekend News With MarkZ 4-13-2024

Weekend News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Mark has been traveling….Todays podcast has CBD Gurus for the first 45 minutes then Mark with news

MZ:  Not a whole lot of news overnight- But, I do have 2 redemption center folks that have been asked to come in and work tomorrow. They are not sure what they are doing yet….hoping for an update from them.

MZ: It may be they are doing something logistical or preparatory…or maybe there is a change in process….I do not know for sure. This is from a redemption area in Virginia. I think this is positive.

Weekend News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Mark has been traveling….Todays podcast has CBD Gurus for the first 45 minutes then Mark with news

MZ:  Not a whole lot of news overnight- But, I do have 2 redemption center folks that have been asked to come in and work tomorrow. They are not sure what they are doing yet….hoping for an update from them.

MZ: It may be they are doing something logistical or preparatory…or maybe there is a change in process….I do not know for sure. This is from a redemption area in Virginia. I think this is positive.

MZ: I have on excellent authority that one of the key people from the Chinese families….perhaps the most “Key” person….has arrived in Southern California yesterday.

MZ: I am traveling Monday so not having a morning podcast …..may record a short video- if the mods want. I will try to do something but will not know the timing until I land on the ground.

Member: With so many banks closing- where will we exchange Mark?

MZ: You don’t have to worry. There are plenty of banks and locations set up……Most folks in the US (90%) will have a redeeming bank/redemption center within 50 miles or less of their homes. The only folks that may have to do more traveling is if you live in remote rural areas like Montana , Wyoming or the Dakotas…..

Member: Any chance they will come to us to exchange if you are a disabled veteran and wheelchair bound?

MZ: I was told they will make provisions to get you to them…or if you can’t –they will come to you. Remember they are Mr. Drysdale and you are the Clampets. They need you.

Member: Y’all have a great weekend. Hope you have a great trip Mark.

Mod:  MarkZ's WEEKEND email address: Don't Write Me@NeverOnWEEKENDS.Com


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday AM 4-13-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 13 April 2024

Compiled Sat. 13 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

On Fri. 5 April the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) injected gold-backed digital tokens (GBDT) known as Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG). Banks now have the new Forex rates…Wolverine On Fri. 5 April Zimbabwe announced it is replacing it’s collapsing local currency with a new one backed by gold:

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 13 April 2024

Compiled Sat. 13 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

On Fri. 5 April the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) injected gold-backed digital tokens (GBDT) known as Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG). Banks now have the new Forex rates…Wolverine On Fri. 5 April Zimbabwe announced it is replacing it’s collapsing local currency with a new one backed by gold:

Thurs. 11 April Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#: “Yesterday (Wed. 10 April) a Source indicated that the window to receive notification for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) was between now and Mon. 15 April. A Bond Paymaster said that the Military would give the Green Light to the USA Treasury to release the email notification from Wells Fargo. I think we can expect release overnight Sun. 14 April to Mon. morning 15 April.

Thurs. 11 April Wolverine: “Get ready, it’s going down. The Military is in charge of the release of our emails and will give green light to the new USA Treasury for release. Sunday night into Monday the 15th for Notifications is what a few people believe. Bruce believes it will be on Monday, the 15th. It’s active, guys. MarkZ said the 15th. I think this week will be a good week for the bonds, but for the currency, I am looking at the 15th of April.”

Fri. 12 April TNT Tony: “We are here and ready to go. The good news is that every single contact today said, “This is it. This is the final weekend.” All three letter agencies saying it is done. We will see it over this weekend. The weekend starting at four pm EDT today. Banks are ready. They have been notified. There is nothing in the news in Iraq about the rate today. Don’t do anything till Tues. They want to extend EID through Tues. Asked the government to extend on all social media. No bad news, guys. Everybody in Washington said it’s done (Not going to be done, but it’s done). Should be an announcement over the weekend. The only thing I can see that would stop it depends on what Iran does and when they do it. …I’m feeling good about this with everyone saying we are done. The last meeting has occurred. Should see whole thing over the weekend. They did give me a date. Don’t want you holding your breath. Watch for text and email.”

Fri. 12 April MarkZ: “I think it more likely to happen toward the tail end of the 22nd to see our new rate. But Iraqi contacts think Sudani is going to announce it in Iraq before he heads to the US on the 15th…. I hope they are right and I am wrong.”

Fri. 12 April Banker: “While I am not at liberty to discuss actual particulars, I do wish to relay that very positive events are occurring to our ultimate benefit, with this weekend being of particular importance. Word from Europe, yet unconfirmed, was that major groups were exchanging in the US starting today Fri. 12 April. I received a heads up from Hong Kong, London and my banker…Things are looking very positive at this point in time. Those holding ZIM will have a 10 day window to redeem.”

Fri. 12 April Bank of Baghdad Joins KRGS Financial Initiative:

Thurs. 11 April: Breaking Chains: Charlie Ward Unveils Quantum Financial System (QFS) to End Debt Slavery and Empower Global Finance – American Media Group ( The new Quantum Financial System (QFS) knows no boundaries, extending its reach to all corners of the globe. In March 2017, data on account holders from 209 participating countries was seamlessly integrated into the system, creating a truly global network of financial interconnectedness. 

Thurs. 11 April: The Gold Rush: The Zimbabwe’s Decisive Step Towards Economic Resurgence With Gold-backed Currency and Alliance with BRICS New Development Bank – American Media Group (

Global Financial Crisis:

Unprecedented: Gold and Dollar Rip Higher Simultaneously as Japan and China Currencies Hang in the Balance. The Global Fiat System is Undoing Itself as the Japanese Yen and Chinese Yuan Hold a Delicate Financial Dance.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Mnt Goat  Article Quote:  “Approximately 1,000 ATMs will be installed across all provinces,  districts, and areas of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG) by the end of 2024”  We have been told years ago that the ATMs are  pivotal to the Project to Delete the Zeros... good news!

Breitling  The dinar is real.  The opportunity is real.  I know you have to have an atomic, almost God like patience.  I'm just like everybody else, can't wait for them to add value to it.  But it is real.  I think people who stick with it are going to benefit from it, 100%.  It is real and it will come.


SGT Report:  4-12-2024


Rafi Farber: We're Rounding the Corner to the End Game Sprint

Arcadia Economics:  4-12-2024

Day after day, gold reaches new highs. Silver, just crossing $29, is only now starting to catch up. The miners are still extremely cheap relative to the price of the precious metals that they mine, so while this rally in mining stacks has been nice, it is not that impressive. But it will be.

 Once silver crosses $30, Rafi Farber thinks we'll be back in 1979, when the dollar almost collapsed last time. This time, though, it won't be almost. It will just be.

That's because 93% of the value of the dollar is backed by debt that is quickly losing value as interest rates rise.

That means, if they hike, the dollar falls. If they cut, the dollar falls. Logically, there can be no other possibility. To find out more, click to watch the video now! –

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: Iraq Dinar - IQD Update - US Dollar - Dinar is Better in the Future - SFA - Global - Partnerships

Iraq Dinar - IQD Update - US Dollar - Dinar is Better in the Future - SFA - Global - Partnerships

MilitiaMan and Crew:  4-12-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraq Dinar - IQD Update - US Dollar - Dinar is Better in the Future - SFA - Global - Partnerships

MilitiaMan and Crew:  4-12-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

4 Surprising Things the IRS Already Knows About Your Finances

4 Surprising Things the IRS Already Knows About Your Finances

Sean Bryant  Thu, April 11, 2024

For many Americans, the IRS and the tax filing process may seem complicated and mysterious. What does the IRS already know about you and your finances, and what can they find out?

It turns out, the IRS has the ability to see a surprising amount of your personal information. However, the IRS is likely to seek out personal information only if your tax return signals something suspicious.

Keep reading as we explore what the IRS already knows about you and your finances.

Reported Financial Records

This might not be a huge surprise to many people, but most of the time, the IRS already knows what your tax return will be before it’s even filed. The reason is because they’ve already received copies of your W-2 and 1099 forms.

Your W-2 reports all your previous year’s wage income, while your 1099s list income from freelancing, stock dividends and interest. By law, your employers must submit these documents to the IRS before January 31.

4 Surprising Things the IRS Already Knows About Your Finances

Sean Bryant  Thu, April 11, 2024

For many Americans, the IRS and the tax filing process may seem complicated and mysterious. What does the IRS already know about you and your finances, and what can they find out?

It turns out, the IRS has the ability to see a surprising amount of your personal information. However, the IRS is likely to seek out personal information only if your tax return signals something suspicious.

Keep reading as we explore what the IRS already knows about you and your finances.

Reported Financial Records

This might not be a huge surprise to many people, but most of the time, the IRS already knows what your tax return will be before it’s even filed. The reason is because they’ve already received copies of your W-2 and 1099 forms.

Your W-2 reports all your previous year’s wage income, while your 1099s list income from freelancing, stock dividends and interest. By law, your employers must submit these documents to the IRS before January 31.

Non-Reported Financial Records

During an audit, the IRS may request additional financial records you have not already supplied. If you refuse or don’t provide them by the IRS deadline, the IRS can summon the records directly from your bank or financial institution. You can contest the summons if you can prove that the IRS already has the information, that the summons isn’t for a legitimate purpose, or that the information is irrelevant to the current matter.

“You are mistaken if you think that the IRS knows the details of your income alone. They also have insights into your financial accounts,” says Wayne Bechtol, Senior Tax Accounts at Fiona. “Earning more than $10 from a bank account during the year requires the bank to report it to the IRS on Form 1099-INT. Plus, your dividends and stock sales are reported through 1099-DIV and 1099-B. Thus, the IRS has details of your investment accounts. Additionally, payments through merchants like PayPal is also visible to the IRS because of reporting through Form 1099-K.”

Social Media Postings

Postings on social media, like Facebook or X (formerly Twitter), can be accessed by the IRS. Even tweets from years ago can be used as evidence that you misled or committed tax fraud.

Once something is out there on social media, it can be found.


The American Civil Liberties Union has IRS documentation that reveals that the IRS believes it has the legal authority to open private emails without people’s knowledge and sometimes even without a warrant. Don’t assume your emails are private just because they are not published publicly.

What To Do About It

If you are worried about the IRS accessing your personal information, there are some things that you can do about it. Always file truthful and accurate tax returns, know what is public and what is private, don’t post any contradicting information online, and keep track of legitimate deductions.

File Truthful and Accurate Tax Returns

To Read More Click LINK:

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Friday Evening 4-12-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Friday Evening 4-12-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Advisor To The Association Of Banks: The Prime Minister’s Decisions To Support Private Banks Confirm The Government’s Vision Of Stimulus And Banking Reform

Economy News – Baghdad  Samir Al-Nusairi, advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association, said that the seven decisions recently issued in implementation of the directive of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani regarding supporting our private banks confirm the government’s vision in its governmental approach and strategy that is consistent with the Central Bank’s strategy to reform the banking sector.

He explained that these decisions outlined the executive and supportive procedures for comprehensive reform

For the banking sector, which constitutes the basis and true beginning of successful economic reform, which included the following:

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Friday Evening 4-12-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Advisor To The Association Of Banks: The Prime Minister’s Decisions To Support Private Banks Confirm The Government’s Vision Of Stimulus And Banking Reform

Economy News – Baghdad  Samir Al-Nusairi, advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association, said that the seven decisions recently issued in implementation of the directive of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani regarding supporting our private banks confirm the government’s vision in its governmental approach and strategy that is consistent with the Central Bank’s strategy to reform the banking sector.

He explained that these decisions outlined the executive and supportive procedures for comprehensive reform

For the banking sector, which constitutes the basis and true beginning of successful economic reform, which included the following:

1- Preventing monopoly in banking services

2- Activating the Central Bank’s financing initiatives

3- Increasing cooperation between private banks and the Central Bank in discussing decision-making related to supporting and developing banking work

4- Determining the contribution of foreign capital to Iraqi banks

5- Participation of government institutions and financial funds with private banks and expansion by opening branches in countries

The other

6- Government and Central Bank support for private banks in foreign institutions and banks

7- Increasing reliance on private banks by the Iraqi state and activating the deposit of government deposits

And deposits of government banks with banks


Al-Nusairi stressed that the implementation of the decisions, which came as a result of an in-depth study by the Ministerial Council for the Economy and in the presence of the Central Bank of Iraq, of the challenges facing private banks, especially after 28 private banks were subjected to US Treasury restrictions by stopping their dealings in the US dollar in external transfers, are practical applications to motivate private banks to develop their internal banking operations. And foreign affairs in a way that contributes to economic reform.

Pointing out the importance of discussing this important file to lift US restrictions on these banks during the visit of the Prime Minister and his accompanying delegation to Washington next week.

This file is certainly the focus of the concerns of the government, the Central Bank, the Association of Iraqi Private Banks, and the banking sector in general. We hope that efforts will succeed in creating new balanced relations between the American side and our Iraqi delegation in the field of organizing and developing clear foundations for both parties in banking relations in accordance with international standards.

201 views   04/12/2024 -

Al-Sudani To American Companies: The Current Stability In Iraq Is Encouraging For You To Engage In Development Projects

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani  Reconstruction and building  Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, called on American companies to work inside Iraq.

Al-Sudani said, the current stability in Iraq should encourage American companies to engage in important development projects in the fields of energy, communications, housing, health care, education, transportation, and others.

He added that it is also important that we combat corruption, which is the other side of terrorism, as its impact is no less devastating, and that we work to ensure that the people’s money is directed towards valuable goals, and that it is also imperative that we work to diversify our economy away from dependence on oil, even while we benefit from it. From our position as the second largest oil exporting country in OPEC (in addition to our possession of large reserves of natural gas)

Al-Sudani stated, “Our urgent need for American expertise and technology extends to clean energy and the green economy, as we seek to develop sustainable and renewable sectors,” adding that “the strategic framework agreement established the legal basis for these activities, and that by investing in them, it will enable us to put Iraq in a position that helps it strengthen Its democracy, strengthening the state, and strengthening the rule of law, are the pillars that will allow us to restore Iraq to its historical brilliance.   187 views   04/12/2024 -

Adviser To The Prime Minister: Activating The Strategic Framework Agreement Tops The Agenda Of Sudanese’s Visit To Washington

Friday 12, April 2024 | Political Number of readings: 206  Baghdad / NINA / Fadi Al-Shammari, political advisor to the Prime Minister, confirmed that the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to the United States of America will define the relationship between Baghdad and Washington.

Al-Shammari suggested, in a press statement today, Friday, that “the Prime Minister will place the activation of the framework agreement at the top of the visit’s agenda, in order to achieve enhanced cooperation and coordination with the United States, and activate the terms of the agreement between the two countries, especially in the areas of development, economy, investment, education, technology, artificial intelligence, and climate.”

He added, "The Sudanese seeks to deal with the files in a way that restores balance, strengthens the partnership, matures the relationship between the two countries and defines the nature, identity and nature of the joint relations, by establishing the factors of joint commitment and focusing on the main aspects of the strategic framework agreement, as well as the joint political, security and military files." /End 5

Oil Prices Are Heading For A Weekly Loss Of About One Percent

Economy | 12/04/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  Oil prices recorded an increase during early Friday trading, in light of escalating tension in the Middle East, which raises the possibility of disruption of supplies from the oil-producing region, but prices are heading to suffer a weekly loss amid expectations of a decline in the number of expected cuts to US interest rates this year.

Brent crude futures rose 51 cents, or 0.57 percent, to $90.25 per barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate crude futures rose 61 cents, or 0.72 percent, to $85.63.

Oil prices are still heading for a weekly decline, as Brent and West Texas Intermediate are heading to decline by more than one percent.

These gains erased some of the losses recorded in the previous session, which was dominated by concerns about US inflation, which reduced hopes for lowering interest rates in June.

Suspected Israeli warplanes bombed the Iranian consulate in Damascus in an attack that prompted Iran to vow revenge, heightening tensions in a region already tense over the war in Gaza.

Israel did not claim responsibility for the attack, but Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday that Israel "must be punished, and will be punished" for the attack.


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit : 


Provoking Points To Ponder On Failures and Mistakes

Finite to fail, but infinite to venture.- Emily Dickinson

When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap.- Cynthia Heimel

Failure really isn't terrible if you can say to yourself, hey, I know I'm gonna be successful at what I want to do someday. Failure doesn't become a big hangup then because it's only temporary. If failure is absolute, then it would be a disaster, but as long as it's only temporary you can just go and achieve almost anything.- Jerry Delia Femina

Failure is an event, never a person.- William D. Brown

It is better to be boldly decisive and risk being wrong than to agonize at length and be right too late.- Marilyn Moats Kennedy

I've never met a person, I don't care what his condition, in whom I could not see possibilities. I don't care how much a man may consider himself a failure, I believe in him, for he can change the thing that is wrong in his life anytime he is prepared and ready to do it. Whenever he develops the desire, he can take away from his life the thing that is defeating it. The capacity for reformation and change lies within.- Preston Bradley

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

 Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 4-12-24

 Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 4-12-24
Good evening Dinar Recaps,

Reserve Bank of India Announcement:

India's recent rollout of their Unified Payments Interface (UPI) service this year has been revealing some gaps in their Forex Market.

To fix this issue, a new rule was placed on the Indian Rupee causing concerns through speculators on the price of its value. And,

The RBI is working on:
* Unauthorised FX platforms
* Inadequate price transparency
* Access to government securities
* Encouraging more global participation by Indian players.

The Reserve Bank of India is in process of reforms that will help bridge some of these gaps in the Retail Market.   Several countries around the world utilize the service in foreign currency exchange, and the revamping of their service will help it move more smoothly with more accuracy.  Inc42   Livemint

© Goldilocks


 Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 4-12-24
Good evening Dinar Recaps,

Reserve Bank of India Announcement:

India's recent rollout of their Unified Payments Interface (UPI) service this year has been revealing some gaps in their Forex Market.

To fix this issue, a new rule was placed on the Indian Rupee causing concerns through speculators on the price of its value. And,

The RBI is working on:
* Unauthorised FX platforms
* Inadequate price transparency
* Access to government securities
* Encouraging more global participation by Indian players.

The Reserve Bank of India is in process of reforms that will help bridge some of these gaps in the Retail Market.   Several countries around the world utilize the service in foreign currency exchange, and the revamping of their service will help it move more smoothly with more accuracy.  Inc42   Livemint

© Goldilocks


Can Ripple's XRP Be a Gold-Backed Stablecoin? Black Swan Capitalist Predicts | Binance

As you can see from this chart, Stablecoins in different countries have different names that define and reference their use because of them.

The BIS is calling on countries to come up with a similar reference point that will bring into alignment their ability to trade with one another. How these countries' digital coins, that represent their currency, will help in the measurement of their worth in trade going forward.

These measures include:
* licensing
* reserve asset management
* redemption rights
* capital adequacy
* consumer protection, governance
* risk management
* cyber security
* anti-money laundering

Basically, the BIS is asking countries to come up with a "Mission Statement." A mission statement will help these countries have a common goal and purpose for their existence. It will help to define their culture, goals, and values.  BIS

© Goldilocks



A Repo Market is the ability to secure a loan and repay it the next day with interest building capital for the investor who place bids on these assets in the Chinese Market.

China is beginning to open their Market to offshore accounts desiring to trade with them. Many traders are seizing this opportunity with China's connection to the BRICS Nations and their continued desire to support their economy by gold.

These actions make their Market an appealing place to trade due to a growing return on investment that used to not be in play making their markets appealing to Global Investors. Regulation Asia  Investopedia KWN

© Goldilocks


The demand for fossil fuel is waning as the demand for silver is beginning to rise. Solar power and electric vehicles will be the driving force on the price of silver going forward.

Silver is used to prop up the banking system, and we now have silver shorts taking place that will begin to eat up its profits on this monetary metal.

The transition into renewable energy has begun. Many energy reforms have been in process these last few years with oil and solar power.

Look for a bull run in the commodity sector of our Market to begin moving our economy forward at any moment. Some would say that it has already begun, but you have not seen anything yet. Economic  Times   FX Street

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Silver price cannot be capped! | Youtube




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Gold on the Blockchain? Russia’s Surprise Move! | Youtube


Dfinity Foundation Launches Onchain Accelerator Platform – Blockchain Bitcoin News


Stablecoins Seeing Adoption Cross-Border Settlement Mechanism | Bitcoin World


Prudential Regulation Authority Business Plan 2024/25 | Bank of England


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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday PM 4-12-2024


Clare:  Adviser to the Prime Minister: Activating the Strategic Framework Agreement tops the agenda of Sudanese’s visit to Washington


Fadi Al-Shammari, political advisor to the Prime Minister, confirmed that the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to the United States of America will define the relationship between Baghdad and Washington.

Al-Shammari suggested, in a press statement today, Friday, that “the Prime Minister will place the activation of the framework agreement at the top of the visit’s agenda, in order to achieve enhanced cooperation and coordination with the United States, and activate the terms of the agreement between the two countries, especially in the areas of development, economy, investment, education, technology, artificial intelligence, and climate.”


Clare:  Adviser to the Prime Minister: Activating the Strategic Framework Agreement tops the agenda of Sudanese’s visit to Washington


Fadi Al-Shammari, political advisor to the Prime Minister, confirmed that the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to the United States of America will define the relationship between Baghdad and Washington.

Al-Shammari suggested, in a press statement today, Friday, that “the Prime Minister will place the activation of the framework agreement at the top of the visit’s agenda, in order to achieve enhanced cooperation and coordination with the United States, and activate the terms of the agreement between the two countries, especially in the areas of development, economy, investment, education, technology, artificial intelligence, and climate.”

He added, "The Sudanese seeks to deal with the files in a way that restores balance, strengthens the partnership, matures the relationship between the two countries and defines the nature, identity and nature of the joint relations, by establishing the factors of joint commitment and focusing on the main aspects of the strategic framework agreement, as well as the joint political, security and military files."     LINK

TrevorL:  Good morning to everyone on this Journey. Based on Frank's Version/vision of where we are, there isn't anything left to do but be ready. IMO, I also believe this to be true for the most part. With potentially one hiccup!!

If we get to 4/15 and the meeting with Sudani and Biden comes without a new Currency value then I believe, IMO, that this is a good old fashioned Mexican standoff. The current articles (most of them) all talk about what the meeting is going to be about, we all have our Opinions on this.

The Strategic Framework Agreement and Currency reform. Could it be that this meeting is to horse trade one for the other, Sudani says I will give you America a new very good rate and you give Me (Iraqi) a favorable Agreement that I can take home to apiece all factions (meaning when are you getting the hell out of our Country). Just food for thought while we wait for our blessing.


Clare:  Al-Sudani to American companies: The current stability in Iraq is encouraging for you to engage in development projects


Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, called on American companies to work inside Iraq.

Al-Sudani said, the current stability in Iraq should encourage American companies to engage in important development projects in the fields of energy, communications, housing, health care, education, transportation, and others.

He added that it is also important that we combat corruption, which is the other side of terrorism, as its impact is no less devastating, and that we work to ensure that the people’s money is directed towards valuable goals, and that it is also imperative that we work to diversify our economy away from dependence on oil, even while we benefit from it. From our position as the second largest oil exporting country in OPEC (in addition to our possession of large reserves of natural gas)

Al-Sudani stated, “Our urgent need for American expertise and technology extends to clean energy and the green economy, as we seek to develop sustainable and renewable sectors,” adding that “the strategic framework agreement established the legal basis for these activities, and that by investing in them, it will enable us to put Iraq in a position that helps it strengthen Its democracy, strengthening the state, and strengthening the rule of law, are the pillars that will allow us to restore Iraq to its historical brilliance.



Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26   Iraq is a sovereign nation now with a sovereign currency.  Therefore IMO Sudani goes to Washington to deal with Monetary Reform and banking advancement...Billions and billions are retuning to Iraq.  It's an incredible amount of money that's coming back.  It'll [DFI?] probably come back to them now or after the 15th when Sudani comes back.

Pimpy  There still seems to be some major confusion about what a real effective exchange rate is versus an actual nominal exchange rate...A Real Effective Exchange Rate is for assessing its trade increase in the nations REER is an indication that the exports are becoming more expensive and its imports are becoming cheaper.  It is losing its trade competitiveness.  So the REER is used to check out its competitiveness with other trade partners.  That's it...It's not the same thing as a nominal exchange rate...  

Next week, the World Bank and the IMF are meeting in Washington DC for their Spring Meetings 2024.

This year, the meetings will be compressed between 17th and 19th April, with some ancillary events happening between Monday 15th and Friday 20th.

The schedule of events can be found here.


BRICS members: Will Indonesia Join China or the USA?

Fastepo:  4-12-2024

Indonesia’s strategic maritime position connecting the Indian and Pacific Oceans makes it a key player in global geopolitics, heavily courted by both the United States and China.

The country has strengthened its ties with the U.S. through a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, focusing on defense, economic growth, and environmental projects like the Just Energy Transition Partnership.

 Despite these closer ties with the U.S., Indonesia maintains a cautious approach to the BRICS bloc, which includes China and Russia, due to potential geopolitical tensions and the unclear economic benefits of membership.

 This careful balancing reflects Indonesia’s broader policy of non-alignment, aiming to maximize its strategic autonomy without overly committing to any major global power. In this video, we will explore Indonesia’s relationships with the USA and BRICS and analyze their potential impacts on global geopolitical tensions.

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Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20 Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20



Friday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#


Friday Night Conference Call


This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163   PIN: 156996#

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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

4 Money Lessons From High-Net-Worth People That You Need Right Now

4 Money Lessons From High-Net-Worth People That You Need Right Now

Wola Odeniran, CEPF®  Tue, April 25, 2023

Advisors often work with high-net-worth clients and are able to understand the expectations wealthy clients have about managing their finances. The good news is that some of those takeaways can be applied to clients who are not high-net-worth individuals.

Read on to understand four lessons advisors can take from high-net-worth clients – and how they can be applied to any client.

If you are looking to grow your financial advisory business, check out SmartAsset’s SmartAdvisor platform.

Almost Everyone Needs an Estate Plan

Estate-planning practices apply to every client, no matter their tax bracket, says Renee Fry, co-founder and CEO of Gentreo, a company that provides estate-planning document services.

“Financial advisors should take the example of their high-net-worth clients and apply estate-planning principles to all their customers, regardless of income bracket,” Fry says. “Every person has an estate, regardless of their income level, and thus, everyone should have a plan in place to ensure that their assets are distributed according to their wishes.”

Proper planning can help advisors build a bigger client base. “By doing so, advisors can help ensure their client’s financial security, build long-term trust and differentiate themselves from their competitors,” Fry says.

4 Money Lessons From High-Net-Worth People That You Need Right Now

Wola Odeniran, CEPF®  Tue, April 25, 2023

Advisors often work with high-net-worth clients and are able to understand the expectations wealthy clients have about managing their finances. The good news is that some of those takeaways can be applied to clients who are not high-net-worth individuals.

Read on to understand four lessons advisors can take from high-net-worth clients – and how they can be applied to any client.

If you are looking to grow your financial advisory business, check out SmartAsset’s SmartAdvisor platform.

Almost Everyone Needs an Estate Plan

Estate-planning practices apply to every client, no matter their tax bracket, says Renee Fry, co-founder and CEO of Gentreo, a company that provides estate-planning document services.

“Financial advisors should take the example of their high-net-worth clients and apply estate-planning principles to all their customers, regardless of income bracket,” Fry says. “Every person has an estate, regardless of their income level, and thus, everyone should have a plan in place to ensure that their assets are distributed according to their wishes.”

Proper planning can help advisors build a bigger client base. “By doing so, advisors can help ensure their client’s financial security, build long-term trust and differentiate themselves from their competitors,” Fry says.

If you’re ready to be matched with local advisors that can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

Outside Advice Is Valuable, Even When Clients Are Knowledgeable

Some clients may be titans of business or professional heavyweights, which has helped them benefit financially. “But that doesn’t mean that they know how to budget, how much insurance to have, how to invest or what to do with their wealth in terms of estate and charitable giving,” says Amy Jo Lauber, a certified financial planner and founder of Lauber Financial Planning.

Lauber also says that non-high-net-worth clients, especially those looking to improve their financial situation, often have more financial awareness than those who are wealthy.

“I find people who are living paycheck-to-paycheck are much more aware of their financial situation because they need to be,” Lauber says.

 Index Funds Can Be a Foundation for Client Portfolios

“You do not have to have millions of dollars to own a piece of the largest 500 stocks in America,” says Stephen Maggard, CFP with Abacus Planning Group. “Putting $1,000 into an index fund that tracks the S&P 500 will spread your dollars among America’s 500 largest public companies. And it’s not expensive to do.”

Non-high-net-worth clients have the opportunity to take advantage of index funds that have affordable expense ratios, Maggard says. “These funds are a great way to capture market returns without paying an arm and a leg.”

Combining Money With Financial Planning Is Powerful

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Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8 Calls, Chats and Rumors DINARRECAPS8

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-11-24

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-11-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - it is Thursday, April 11th  and you're tuned in and listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all around the globe. We didn't get numbers on Tuesday night's call, but we got it out there like we have been on previous calls - But we're happy to be here. Let's go ahead and write a call in

Well, what do you think, Bob? Shall we get into the Intel?

Okay, fair enough.  Okay. let's talk about where we are. and what I think about it - what's interesting was yesterday, we got a pretty good source  really one of our better sources indicate that this was going to go between today and Monday the 15th .

All right, that's fine.

And then we found from another source, who happened to be a bond master. It said that the Treasury Well let’s back up -- He said that the military is handlling the releases now of the emails that we're gonna get. Now they'll still come off of the Wells Fargo servers that the military is going to release those – when they get the quote unquote green light or rather when the military gives the green light to Treasury  -- a little different way of looking at it.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-11-24

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - it is Thursday, April 11th  and you're tuned in and listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all around the globe. We didn't get numbers on Tuesday night's call, but we got it out there like we have been on previous calls - But we're happy to be here. Let's go ahead and write a call in

Well, what do you think, Bob? Shall we get into the Intel?

Okay, fair enough.  Okay. let's talk about where we are. and what I think about it - what's interesting was yesterday, we got a pretty good source  really one of our better sources indicate that this was going to go between today and Monday the 15th .

All right, that's fine.

And then we found from another source, who happened to be a bond master. It said that the Treasury Well let’s back up -- He said that the military is handlling the releases now of the emails that we're gonna get. Now they'll still come off of the Wells Fargo servers that the military is going to release those – when they get the quote unquote green light or rather when the military gives the green light to Treasury  -- a little different way of looking at it.

So military is in  charge for this operation.  And when they feel like it's the right time they'll give the green light to Treasury -- Treasury will allow everything to get released.

Now, what we heard yesterday was, we expect the releases to take place Sunday night or overnight Sunday into Monday morning.

It could be that we wake up to them on Monday -- That might be -  I don't know exactly. But that's what a few people believe. And why the 15th ? --  Well, one thing I'm not happy to see this political tax day because remember under NESARA that goes away, --  our federal income tax goes away. And so I'm not thrilled about calling that anything -  meaning Tax Day.

I really think that we are moving into this thing -- now here's the problem. We've heard -- Well, so many times you guys -  about three days, 72 hours, four days, whatever it is, and you guys know it I've said it on the call. But it hasn’t manifested -

But for some reason, it just hasn’t gone -

So what I believe - I've been believing for - is that this information, I don't think it's going before Monday for us. I think it'll be anything until maybe we wake up to it Monday. I don't think it's happening tonight, tomorrow, or Saturday or Sunday. I think it's going to be on Monday.

They never bring anything out early. If anything, it's never or late. So here's a little pessimistic but here's the reason. All I want is for this intel about the 15th  to be true once  - you guys know where I'm coming from we only need it to be right ONCE

Just right once, guess what? We're building. We've got it. We've got our email, we set our appointments, and we're off and running.

So I'm hoping and believing  for the manifestation of this to be Monday morning and for us to get those numbers and set our appointments and for it to be right once. I don’t want I don't need to be right just to be right. I want it to be right for all of us. So that we all get it and we go -- I know you know where I'm coming from on this. Because listen, I'm tired. I'm tired. You guys are tired of hearing me say it's going to be such a such thing this day that day when I’m tired of saying it -  I'm ready for it to go.  - We're all ready for it to go.  We just need the Intel to come through and be right one time.

This appears to be looking good and I think one of the reasons that I think it is -- remember I told you guys I think it was on Tuesday that there was a conference call that the redemption centers had on Saturday for 45 minutes and they more or less threatened everybody in the redemption centers thinking with kind of a threat that if anything leaked, they would get redemption center personnel could face treason charges. Little harsh right. What's the penalty for treason? Yeah, yeah, that's right.

So they backed off of that, goodness, they backed off of that and then they said okay if you guys leak anything - if anything leaks, you're gonna we're gonna remove your ability to earn a percentage on these echanges -  And other people that will be exchanging us will be picking up point 025% of our total exchange of currencies and zim redemption – and bonds for that matter

So they don't want to lose that opportunity. They don't want to get ready to make a bunch of money exchanging us - doesn't come out of our side of it. So it's no big deal for us. But it's a win win win. It's a win for the redemption center staff. It's a win for the bank, because they get hydrated again, with accounts like the primary and secondary wells accounts and it’s a win for us.

Now rates are very good – contract on the dinar really offered to us, and its tied to the price per barrel of oil. Now here's the thing. We said it was always based on the ____ Brent crude price of oil. And today we’re hearing  it might actually be more tied to the price of oil in Iraq being sold , for example, to the country of Turkey. And that's a pretty good number, like one on one. So that's really good. That's roughly where our contract rate is.

Now, here's how we have to  look at this.

I've said this many times this is going are getting it then it's coming up Blah, blah, blah. You guys  have heard it – you know, you probably roll your eyes, the back of your head. All I do is ask it'd be right once. I think we're at that point, for this could be right. Once and for forever. 

And let's see what happens. Let's see where this ends up. I feel I feel good about where we are with the Intel like it is so quiet right now -  the redemption centers zipper lipped.  Banks, zipper lipped. Now that tells us something though, kind of the old no news is good news. Right?

I think I saw the deep state scale and everything else that's going on. There are definitely things that are going on behind the scenes, but I don't know much about it anymore – it’s very quiet

It's very hard time getting some information. We're lucky to get the information now -- we had yesterday about Thursday to Monday -  

I personally think if anything, it'll be Monday. But let's see where this goes and how it manifests for us. I feel like we are at the end of the road here. but we have to have it. it has to manifest - it has to show up to us with toll free numbers, right. We need that.

And I don't think I think we're where we need to be to receive it. So that's all I'm gonna say about that tonight. I feel like it's so quiet right now. it's so hard to get accurate information. And that's a good thing. Believe it or not even I don't like being in the dark. I like having better, more intelligent, more confirmations. blah blah blah. 

But I believe that’s’ all we’re going to get right now – so take it for what it is  and let’s all pray that this intel is true and comes through for us on Monday

 All right. well, thank everybody for coming in tonight.  We're just thank you guys for hanging in there and thank you for the prayers that you gave me I think I'm on the mend, feel a lot better and getting better every day. So let's go ahead pray the call out,


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-4-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:01:31

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-9-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:03:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 4-4-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:05:40

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 4-2-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:17:17

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-28-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:05:40

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-26-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:05:25

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-21-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:01:31

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:11:11

 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  1:18:08

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-12-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:01:30

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-7-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  57:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-5-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:04:40

 Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-29-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  1:07:37

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