Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Simon Hunt: Will the Dollar or Bond Market Be Sacrificed First in the Next Crisis?

Simon Hunt: Will the Dollar or Bond Market Be Sacrificed First in the Next Crisis?

Palisades Gold Radio:  4-11-2024

Tom welcomes back Simon Hunt to the show. They discuss various economic and geopolitical issues shaping the global landscape. Topics range from potential conflicts and their impact on markets to the shift towards physical assets and a gold-backed monetary system.

 Simon touches upon underreported inflation, economic instability in America, China's role in reshaping the global economy, potential crisis scenarios, and the importance of diplomacy versus war.

Simon is concerned about the risk of conflicts escalating, with Russia as a key player, and the emergence of gold-backed currencies to counteract perceived vulnerabilities in fiat currencies.

Simon Hunt: Will the Dollar or Bond Market Be Sacrificed First in the Next Crisis?

Palisades Gold Radio:  4-11-2024

Tom welcomes back Simon Hunt to the show. They discuss various economic and geopolitical issues shaping the global landscape. Topics range from potential conflicts and their impact on markets to the shift towards physical assets and a gold-backed monetary system.

 Simon touches upon underreported inflation, economic instability in America, China's role in reshaping the global economy, potential crisis scenarios, and the importance of diplomacy versus war.

Simon is concerned about the risk of conflicts escalating, with Russia as a key player, and the emergence of gold-backed currencies to counteract perceived vulnerabilities in fiat currencies.

Additionally, they discuss the significance of rising interest rates, potential crises, and implications for U.S. elections and global geopolitical outcomes.

Throughout, Simon encourages caution and emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying economic trends and geopolitical dynamics.

Time Stamp References:

0:00 - Introduction

0:46 - The World & War

 5:38 - Equity Complacency

 7:02 - Russia & Syria

 9:17 - Economic Catalysts

14:32 - Serious Correction

18:18 - Leveraged Bank System

 19:24 - Capital Shifts & China

22:57 - Gold Backed Currency

 29:26 - Dollar & Rates

30:53 - Chinese Demographics

 33:50 - China's Manufacturing

 37:40 - Nuclear Energy

39:31 - China Debt

42:32 - Chasing Rainbows

 44:30 - Europe In Recession

 48:15 - Inflation Issues

52:25 - Expect More Unknowns

53:35 - Wrap Up

Talking Points From This Episode

 - Geopolitical tensions could lead to significant market shocks in equity and base metal markets before mid-year due to underreported inflation and weak economic activity.

- Shift towards gold-backed currencies is inevitable as countries seek alternatives to perceived vulnerabilities in fiat currencies, with China and Russia likely taking a leading role.

 - Diplomacy could prevent war, but tensions between the US and countries like Russia suggest that war may be an outcome if Washington continues to support the dollar at the expense of its treasury market.

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Friday 4-12-2024


Tishwash:  Before the start of the new working hours and the timing system was disrupted...demands to extend the Eid holiday

 Today, Thursday (April 11, 2024), a number of citizens called on Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani to extend the Eid al-Fitr holiday to next Tuesday instead of Saturday, as it is an exceptional holiday for several reasons, including the coincidence that the date of the holiday coincides between the sects, as well as the start of the holiday. Implementing the new appointment system for ministries and institutions.

"Baghdad Today" monitored a group of appeals on social media sites demanding that the Eid al-Fitr holiday be extended to next Tuesday, while the government set the Eid holiday from last Tuesday, April 9, until Saturday, April 13, provided that official working hours will resume in government institutions. All, on Sunday, April 14, 2024.


Tishwash:  Before the start of the new working hours and the timing system was disrupted...demands to extend the Eid holiday

 Today, Thursday (April 11, 2024), a number of citizens called on Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani to extend the Eid al-Fitr holiday to next Tuesday instead of Saturday, as it is an exceptional holiday for several reasons, including the coincidence that the date of the holiday coincides between the sects, as well as the start of the holiday. Implementing the new appointment system for ministries and institutions.

"Baghdad Today" monitored a group of appeals on social media sites demanding that the Eid al-Fitr holiday be extended to next Tuesday, while the government set the Eid holiday from last Tuesday, April 9, until Saturday, April 13, provided that official working hours will resume in government institutions. All, on Sunday, April 14, 2024.

It is hoped that all government departments and institutions will begin new working hours after the end of the Eid holiday, as the working hours of government departments and ministries in the Green Zone will be from seven to two in the afternoon.

The departments of education, interior, defense, and health will be from eight to three in the afternoon, and higher education, transportation, trade, and housing will be from nine in the morning to four in the afternoon.

 As for universities and colleges, the working hours will be from ten in the morning until five in the afternoon. The decision will begin to be implemented experimentally after the Eid and for a period of 3 months.  link


CandyKisses:  Al-Sudani says his meeting with Biden is “an opportunity to put the partnership between the two countries on a new basis.”

Shafaq News/ Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani considered, on Thursday, the meeting that he will have with President Joe Biden during his upcoming visit to the United States of America in mid-April “will be an opportunity to put the American-Iraqi partnership on a new and more sustainable basis.”

This was stated in an article published in “Farn Affairs” magazine, today’s issue.

“Our discussions will emphasize the continuing importance of our economic relations, cooperation in combating money laundering and terrorist financing, and the use of political and diplomatic tools to defuse regional tensions,” he wrote in his article.

He added, "The war against terrorism will remain a central topic for our governments," adding, "We recognize and appreciate the critical role played by the United States and other members of the international coalition to combat ISIS in defeating terrorism."

Al-Sudani added: This support has helped Iraq achieve stability, make great strides on the path to democracy, the rule of law, and ensure the government’s monopoly on the use of force.

He continued, "The time is right for our relationship to become broader, while recognizing the growing capabilities of our forces to defend Iraq and ensure the safety of its citizens - and to contribute in essential ways to building a prosperous and stable Iraq."

The Iraqi Prime Minister concluded his article by saying that the relationship “in its new form, our partnership can represent a source of mutual benefit for both our countries, and a driving force for achieving stability in the Middle East.”


Tishwash:  Al-Sudani to American companies: The current stability in Iraq is encouraging for you to engage in development projects

 Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, called on American companies to work inside Iraq.

Al-Sudani said, the current stability in Iraq should encourage American companies to engage in important development projects in the fields of energy, communications, housing, health care, education, transportation, and others.

He added that it is also important that we combat corruption, which is the other side of terrorism, as its impact is no less devastating, and that we work to ensure that the people’s money is directed towards valuable goals, and that it is also imperative that we work to diversify our economy away from dependence on oil, even while we benefit from it. From our position as the second largest oil exporting country in OPEC (in addition to our possession of large reserves of natural gas)

Al-Sudani stated, “Our urgent need for American expertise and technology extends to clean energy and the green economy, as we seek to develop sustainable and renewable sectors,” adding that “the strategic framework agreement established the legal basis for these activities, and that by investing in them, it will enable us to put Iraq in a position that helps it strengthen Its democracy, strengthening the state, and strengthening the rule of law, are the pillars that will allow us to restore Iraq to its historical brilliance  link


CandyKisses:  Iraq imports $70 billion last year from 11 countries

Baghdad - Iraq Today:

The "Iraq of the Future" Foundation for Economic Studies and Consultations announced that the country imported goods with a financial value of about 70 billion US dollars from 11 countries during the year 2023.

The institution said in a report published that it was based on the data of official customs authorities issued by the "most important" countries exporting various goods to Iraq, which are 11 countries.

The 11 countries are: UAE, China, Turkey, India, USA, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, South Korea, Germany, Japan and Iran.

According to the report, the total official imports of Iraq from these countries only in 2023 amounted to 67.25 billion US dollars, an increase of 6% compared to 2022, where the value of those countries' exports to Iraq was 63.5 billion US dollars.

The report also indicated that the exports of countries to Iraq except Iran amounted to 58 billion US dollars, up by 2.8% compared to 2022, which was 56 billion US dollars.

The Foundation expected that the exports of other countries not mentioned in the report to Iraq will be worth 3-5 billion US dollars, and therefore the total exports of countries to Iraq in 2023 will be worth 71 billion US dollars.

The report noted that these imports, with the exception of Iran's imports, need a daily purchase rate of hard currency of about 206 million US dollars, and if imports of services are added, which include (purchase of software, purchase of licenses, electronic services, etc.), which there is no clear statistics on their value, it is expected that the need today for dollars for external transfer (except for imports of Iran) reaches 225 million US dollars to cover all of Iraq's needs of dollars for trade purposes only.

Mot:  Tired! -- I Really Dids!! 

Mot: ... Yeppers... its Windy!! ~~~~~

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Markz and Mr. Cottrell Friday Morning Chat 4-12-2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy FriYay!!

Member: Hello all you wonderful people!

Member: Any RV news today Mark????????

Member:  Mark, do you truly believe this has started and there’s no turning back?

Member: Do you think we will walk away with liquid, spendable money when we exchange our currencies? None of this 1% now, 9 % then and $90 % later?

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy FriYay!!

Member: Hello all you wonderful people!

Member: Any RV news today Mark????????

Member:  Mark, do you truly believe this has started and there’s no turning back?

Member: Do you think we will walk away with liquid, spendable money when we exchange our currencies? None of this 1% now, 9 % then and $90 % later?

MZ: I have been told repeatedly that we will walk away with free and clear spendable money. They need liquidity in the markets and they need us to start spending.

Member: Given the chance I will personally throw some serious liquidity into the system on day 2 of the RV. I have a house calling my name!

Member: What if a person refuses to sign the NDA?

MZ: First , I am very much convinced at this point that short of Zim- you are not going to have one. But let’s just say we do and you don’t want to sign it? My guess is you will just get a lower rate.

Member: DOW Down - Gold breaks $2400 and Silver at 3 year high. All good signs!

Member: Got an appointment with a wealth manager today at chase just waiting on the RV

Member: Vietnam has started working on joining BRICS. While currently participating in the BRICS+ dialogue, Vietnamese authorities are addressing the issues related to joining.

Member:  I wonder will the VND Revalue concurrently with the IQD, or will it Revalue shortly after?

Member: It seems to me we may have to wait until the Iraqi PM returns from his visit to the US?

MZ: It’s possible. If I were him I would like to be in my own country when it happens. But, there are several Iraqi contacts that seem to think he is going to announce it the day before he comes here. He is supposed to be in the US in 3 days.

Member: Sudani looks to be coming to the US on the 15th. We hear the last of the bond payments are on the 22nd.

MZ: That is why I think it more likely to happen toward the tail end of the 22ndto see our new rate. But Iraqi contacts think Sudani is going to announce it in Iraq before he heads to the US on the 15th…. I hope they are right and I am wrong.

Member: And  Next week, the World Bank and the IMF are meeting in Washington DC for their Spring Meetings 2024. This year, the meetings will be compressed between 17th and 19th April, with some ancillary events happening between Monday 15th and Friday 20th. A lot is happening next week.

Member: Interesting fact… April 15th the sinking of the Titanic!

Member: There is a rumor that NESARA will be officially announced this Monday April 15th?

Member: There is another rumor that the new US republic has joined BRICS.  Not the US corporation….but the Republic………hope its true.

MZ: “Zimbabwe reports positive transition to new currency”  It is coming along well and is tied directly to gold.

MZ: “Chinese Yuan officially overtakes US dollar”  they are talking inside of Russia for foreign exchanges and foreign transactions. The Chinese yuan is the top traded foreign currency in Russia.

Member: Thank goodness for BRICS. I think they are forcing the Reset to happen worldwide

MZ: “Gold and Silver entering the exponential phase”  By Egon Von Gaertz. . And Gold Telegraph has been insightful lately. Gold is at an all time high even with the majority of fiat currencies. Follow the road paved in gold. Years of financial mismanagement is bubbling up to the surface. If you slowly pull back the systems layers it leads to gold. Revaluations happen to coincide with resets. Enjoy the show.

MZ: This is key…..”Revaluations coincide with resets”  and the whole system will reset to commodities. Gold will be in the captains seat with this reset. It’s happening before our eyes. It is unavoidable and will happen.

Member: QQQ Mark are you assuming that you will be given the Contact numbers or email for us to make our Appointments around the globe???

Member: That is what he has said for the last few years. I don’t think it has changed?  

Member: To all of us who are waiting on the RV is like driving through a thunderstorm… you have to go through it to get to it

Member: Will you have a show tonight or are you traveling?

MZ: There is NO SHOW TONIGHT . I will be traveling……But I hope to have a normal podcast tomorrow morning.  Then head to the event in Tennessee tomorrow.

Member: Safe travels Mark…..and everyone have a wonderful weekend.

Mr. Cottrell and CBD Guru’s join the stream today. Please listen to the replay for their information and opinions.




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Thursday Evening 4-11-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Thursday Evening 4-11-24

Iraqi Dinar Big Massive Update – 2:46

Finally Wait Is Over IQD Currency Exchange Rate – 3:05

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Today – 3:47

Vietnamese Dong Latest Update -2:27

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Thursday Evening 4-11-24

Iraqi Dinar Big Massive Update – 2:46

Finally Wait Is Over IQD Currency Exchange Rate – 3:05

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Today – 3:47

Vietnamese Dong Latest Update -2:27

 Iraqi Dinar Big Massive Update – 2:46

Finally Wait Is Over IQD Currency Exchange Rate – 3:05

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Today – 3:47

Vietnamese Dong Latest Update – 2:27

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Friday AM 4-12-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Friday AM 4-12-24

It's Happening IMO & IMF Fully Decided Iraqi Dinar RV RI RD – 4:13

RV Update Holy Month End hopefulness Rises as Exchange Rate Hits $1.32! – 3:10

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Friday AM 4-12-24

It's Happening IMO & IMF Fully Decided Iraqi Dinar RV RI RD – 4:13

RV Update Holy Month End hopefulness Rises as Exchange Rate Hits $1.32! – 3:10

 It's Happening IMO & IMF Fully Decided Iraqi Dinar RV RI RD – 4:13

RV Update Holy Month End hopefulness Rises as Exchange Rate Hits $1.32! – 3:10

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Friday AM 4-12-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 12 April 2024

Compiled Fri. 12 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

On Fri. 5 April the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) injected gold-backed digital tokens (GBDT) known as Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG). Banks now have the new Forex rates…Wolverine On Fri. 5 April Zimbabwe announced it is replacing it’s collapsing local currency with a new one backed by gold:

It was rumored that Tier 3 Fines, Sanctions, Farm Claims, CMKX payments and Bond Holders started Fri. 5 April.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 12 April 2024

Compiled Fri. 12 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

On Fri. 5 April the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) injected gold-backed digital tokens (GBDT) known as Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG). Banks now have the new Forex rates…Wolverine On Fri. 5 April Zimbabwe announced it is replacing it’s collapsing local currency with a new one backed by gold:

It was rumored that Tier 3 Fines, Sanctions, Farm Claims, CMKX payments and Bond Holders started Fri. 5 April.

Thurs. 11 April Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (  667-770-1866, pin123456#:

“Yesterday (Wed. 10 April) a Source indicated that the window to receive notification for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) was between now and Mon. 15 April. A Bond Paymaster said that the Military would give the Green Light to the USA Treasury to release the email notification from Wells Fargo. I think we can expect release overnight Sun. 14 April to Mon. morning 15 April.

Thurs. 11 April Wolverine: Military is in charge now of the release of our emails and will give green light to Treasury for Release. Sunday night into Monday the 15th for Notifications is what a few people believe. Bruce believes it will be on Monday, the 15th. It’s active, guys. MarkZ said the 15th. I think this week will be a good week for the bonds, but for the currency, I am looking at the 15th of April.

While some New York banks were told announcement of the Global Currency Reset would happen by Mon. 15 April, most believe that General Public announcement will be on Sun, 21 April or Mon 22 April.

Thurs. 11 April: The Gold Rush: The Zimbabwe’s Decisive Step Towards Economic Resurgence With Gold-backed Currency and Alliance with BRICS New Development Bank – American Media Group (

GESARA/NESARA Quantum Financial System Reset:

BRICS Plan to Redefine Global Economics:

Elites Black Rock SWIFT System Secrets of Crypto Currencies:

Global Financial Crisis:

Thurs. 11 April Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom: We are approaching the main event. The collapse of the American empire. Great discharge of US debt around the world. US government bonds are now a toxic asset. Gold is up 30% in 6 months. The only thing left for them is to print money. The Ponzi scheme is over. Expect skyrocketing inflation and a massive crash.

The US stock market is headed for a crash, despite the rallying S&P 500:

China has been buying more gold than any other nation since 2020, with India in second place. Both nations are part of the BRICS coalition looking to ditch the dollar for international trade.

Sweden has scrapped the UN 2030 Agenda designed to completely control peoples of the World and has abandoned the Deep State Cabal’s cashless society non-asset-backed digital financial system. No one wants to be part of a sinking ship.

Key inflation data was leaked to the Deep State Cabal’s BlackRock and JP Morgan by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, allowing their traders to make market moving bets – Bloomberg and NYT.

What would you do if your bank said you can’t withdraw YOUR money? That’s why it’s SO important to be prepared. You think it will never happen here? It’s happening NOW in Australia!

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Sandy Ingram  In Zimbabwe, the new currency, Zimbabwe Gold (ZIG) will be circulated alongside foreign currencies.  Banks have to convert their current Zimbabwean dollar balances into the new Ziggy currency which will go into effect immediately.  People have 21 days to exchange their old notes and coins for new ones.  It is expected the new currency will have a profound on inflation...The new currency is anchored by a composite basket of foreign currency and precious metals, mainly gold...The ZIG has denominations between 1 and 200.

Pimpy  I read this book [Quest For Good Money]...I kept playing with the numbers, reading my ass off...This is the formula they use [to determine the exchange rate]...The person that wrote the book said if they can get their inflation down, at it is down,...and they can catch up to their dinar price should be at the pre-war rate...which is over $3.00So I did the formula based on all the information they gave me, it came out to $3.56...I said wow, that's going to be phenomenal...that is worth getting excited about...The study does tell you that there's no reason Iraq can't be the most valuable currency out there...The question is always going to be whether they re-denominate or not.

What the Government Isn't Telling You About Inflation with Danielle DiMartino Booth

ITM Trading:  4-11-2024

Join Danielle DiMartino Booth as she delves into the complexities of inflation. Discover the forces that shape our economy, from Federal Reserve strategies to unprecedented government spending.

 With Danielle's clear insights, understand how these factors influence your daily life and financial future.


 0:00 Danielle DiMartino Booth

2:14 Pandemic

4:20 Transmission Mechanism

 9:00 Disinflationary Forces

 14:40 Consumer Spending

17:50 Wage Disinflation

20:19 Rate of Inflation

22:52 Truflation

23:53 AI Substitution Factor

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Is the U.S. on the Verge of Adopting a Beneficial Financial System Reset? Awake-In-3D

Monetary Revolution: The Fed Considers Ditching Fiat Currency For Gold

On April 7, 2024   By Awake-In-3D

Is the U.S. on the Verge of Adopting a Beneficial Financial System Reset?

An unbelievable financial report was recently released outlining mathematically modeled scenarios for moving from Fiat to Gold financial systems.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read this Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank’s February 2024 analysis and Working Paper.

The Fed, a principal overlord of modern fiat debt currency finance, is seriously contemplating a move that seems straight out of history books: bringing back a gold-backed currency for the United States and the global financial system.

Monetary Revolution: The Fed Considers Ditching Fiat Currency For Gold

On April 7, 2024   By Awake-In-3D

Is the U.S. on the Verge of Adopting a Beneficial Financial System Reset?

An unbelievable financial report was recently released outlining mathematically modeled scenarios for moving from Fiat to Gold financial systems.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read this Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank’s February 2024 analysis and Working Paper.

The Fed, a principal overlord of modern fiat debt currency finance, is seriously contemplating a move that seems straight out of history books: bringing back a gold-backed currency for the United States and the global financial system.

How does an economy behave in a historical environment where gold is the international monetary standard? We find that key features of this monetary system are long-run price stability and the nonneutrality of money in the short run. The Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank Working Paper. February 2024

This isn’t a drill or a speculative thought experiment.

Given the dire predictions for our current fiat currency system, which is not backed by physical commodities and is on a crash course toward certain failure, this old-school idea suddenly makes all the sense in the world.

About the Philadelphia FED’s Surprising Working Paper

In a groundbreaking analysis released by the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank in February 2024, a compelling case is made for a significant pivot in the United States’ monetary strategy: the return to a gold-backed currency system.

This detailed examination, rooted in meticulously crafted economic modeling and historical insights, raises critical questions about the sustainability of the current fiat currency system.

The Federal Reserve’s exploration into this territory is not merely an academic exercise but a profound indication of the serious considerations at play to avert a financial system collapse that everyone knows is “mathematically certain and inescapable.”

The study, while complex, digs deeply into the foundational principles of the gold standard, underlining how such a system historically ensured long-term price stability and economic equilibrium.

In essence, the gold standard acts as a self-regulating mechanism for the money supply, linking the issuance of currency directly to gold reserves. This link curtails the propensity for unchecked money printing, a critical flaw in fiat systems that often leads to inflation or worse, hyperinflation.

Understanding the Gold Standard

Allow me to break down what this all means.

The gold standard is a monetary system where a country’s currency has a direct link to gold. So, if you have paper money notes, you can exchange it for a certain amount of gold.

Historically, this system kept economies stable because it prevented governments from printing money willy-nilly, which can lead to inflation or even hyperinflation.

The Fed’s report points out that with a gold standard, we’d likely see a more stable long-term economy, with fewer sudden spikes or drops in prices.

Why This Matters Now

You might wonder, why consider this now? The Fed’s analysis shines a light on three big reasons:

  1. Long-term Price Stability: Gold ties the hands of those who print money, ensuring that over time, prices don’t wildly fluctuate. Think of it as a financial thermostat that keeps the economy at a comfortable temperature.

  2. Money That Means Something: Right now, if the economy starts to falter, the government can just decide to print more money. Under a gold standard, this wouldn’t be as easy. Money would have real value tied to something physical, and as a result, its impact on the economy would be more predictable and steady.

  3. Protection from Economic Storms: The world economy is a complex web of trade and investment. The Fed believes that linking money to gold could act as a buffer against sudden shocks from abroad that can send our economy into a tailspin.

The Challenge Ahead

However, don’t think transitioning back to gold would be easy. It would require a delicate restructuring of international trade, balancing how much gold comes in and goes out of the country.

The Fed’s report is clear-eyed about these challenges. It talks about the need for careful policy planning and international cooperation to manage these complex dynamics effectively.

The very fact that the Fed is even considering this move is a wake-up call. It signals a profound concern about the sustainability of our current financial system.

This isn’t about looking backward with nostalgia. It’s suggests a forward-thinking strategy aimed at preventing a total economic collapse.

View the FED’s working papers in full here:

© GCR Real-Time News

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Thursday Evening 4-11-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Thursday Evening 4-11-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

A Government Advisor Announces The Start Of Implementing The Reform Plan In Government And Private Banks

Economy News – Baghdad  Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed on Thursday that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is interested in reforming the course of the private and government banking system, while indicating the start of implementing the reform plan for government banks.

Saleh said, in a statement reported by the official news agency and seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the banking market has a great division. For example, the capital of private banks, or their share of capital from the government, is about 78 percent, while the capital of government banks is 22 percent.”

He continued, "While government banks account for 85 percent of activities and assets, while private banking activity is 15 percent, so there are large disparities between private and government banks."

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Thursday Evening 4-11-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

A Government Advisor Announces The Start Of Implementing The Reform Plan In Government And Private Banks

Economy News – Baghdad  Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed on Thursday that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is interested in reforming the course of the private and government banking system, while indicating the start of implementing the reform plan for government banks.

Saleh said, in a statement reported by the official news agency and seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the banking market has a great division. For example, the capital of private banks, or their share of capital from the government, is about 78 percent, while the capital of government banks is 22 percent.”

He continued, "While government banks account for 85 percent of activities and assets, while private banking activity is 15 percent, so there are large disparities between private and government banks."

He explained, “Private banks have almost coexisted on government allocations, whether through the window or by opening letters of guarantee for projects, meaning that any vibration exposes private banks to serious problems, so approximately 29 banks have been deprived of dealing in foreign currency.”

Saleh added, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is very interested in reforming the course of the private and governmental banking system,” stressing that “there is a reform plan for government banks, and there is a foreign company that evaluates the banking work, its capital, and its functions until they are parallel to the work of international banks.”

He stated, "Private banks are facing a dilemma, especially after being deprived of trading in foreign currencies, even though they have coexisted with this issue. Therefore, the government is trying to create an internal environment that is supportive of them, and they need to correct their situations first."

He went on to say: “The Prime Minister is correctly supportive of private banks, on the condition that these banks improve their course of work,” stressing that “there is a reform plan to correct the course of private banks that will be implemented soon.”

A government source revealed, the day before yesterday, Tuesday, that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani issued a set of measures and steps to revitalize the private banking sector, while directing a study of the possibility of strengthening the needs of private bank branches abroad in foreign currency.

The source said, “As part of the Iraqi government’s efforts to formulate a strategy that stimulates the activity of the private banking sector during the next stage, allowing it to engage more in efforts to diversify the economy and strengthen its foundations, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani directed the adoption of a number of measures and steps in this regard, including: -

1 - The Ministerial Council for the Economy studies a proposal to increase deposits of government institutions and the central government with private banks, enabling them to provide more banking operations and contribute to the development of various vital sectors and increase their ability to provide various financing services inside and outside Iraq.

2- Support by the Iraqi government and the Central Bank of Iraq for banks Iraqi private banks through foreign institutions and banks, taking into account the credit rating of each bank.

3- Studying the possibility of enhancing the needs of private bank branches abroad in foreign currency for the purposes of financing foreign trade - the private sector and in accordance with the applicable contexts.

4- The Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq determining Contribution of foreign capital to Iraqi banks and assessment of the reality of the situation in a way that benefits the Iraqi economy and in accordance with what is stated in Banking Law No. 94 of 2004.

5- Participation of representatives of the private banking sector when discussing relevant issues in all state institutions, including meetings of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq .

6- Studying the reactivation of the financing initiative presented by the Central Bank of Iraq and in accordance with the contexts proposed by the Central Bank in this regard.

7- The Competition and Monopoly Affairs Council shall take the necessary measures under Law No. 14 of 2010 to prevent monopoly in banking services, provided that the Council shall submit reports to the Central Bank of Iraq and in coordination with it periodically and in accordance with the aforementioned law.     Views 174 04/11/2024

Oil Prices Rise Against The Backdrop Of Expectations Of Worsening Conditions In The Middle East

Thursday 11, April 2024  Economical Number of readings: 284  Baghdad / NINA / Oil prices witnessed a new rise, today, Thursday, with investors preparing for worsening conditions in the Middle East that may include Iran, the third largest oil producer in OPEC.

By 03:25 GMT, Brent crude futures rose 30 cents, or 0.3 percent, to $90.78 per barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate crude futures rose 25 cents, or 0.3 percent, to $86.46 per barrel.

Both contracts rose more than 1% in the previous session after three sons of a Hamas leader were assassinated in an Israeli air strike in Gaza, raising fears that ceasefire talks between the two sides would falter.

“Prices remain sensitive to geopolitical developments in the Middle East, with market participants pricing in the risk of supply disruption if tensions persist for a longer period,” said Yip Jun Rong, market strategist.

“This helps offset some risk-off sentiment overnight, as markets recalibrate their interest rate expectations to cut interest rates in June and keep interest rates higher for longer into September,” Yip added, referring to US interest rates. / End

Dollar Exchange Rates In Baghdad

Economy   Thursday, April 11, 2024 Baghdad/National News Center   The exchange rate of the US dollar in Baghdad stabilized today,   Thursday, the second day of Eid al-Fitr, at 148 thousand Iraqi dinars per dollar on the Al-Kifah Stock Exchange.

Purchase price:   The purchase price of the dollar on the Al-Kifah Stock Exchange reached 147 thousand and 800 Iraqi dinars.

Selling price:   The selling price of the dollar on the Al-Kifah Stock Exchange reached 148 thousand and 300 Iraqi dinars.


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit : 


Provoking Points To Ponder On Failures and Mistakes

There is a way to look at the past. Don't hide from it. It will not catch you if you don't repeat it.- Pearl Bailey

Forget your mistakes, but remember what they taught you.- Dorothy Galyean

Supposing you have tried and failed again and again. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.- Mary Pickford

Failure is a disappointment but not defeat.- Jeanne Robertson

Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future.- Corrie ten Boom

Failure is delay, but not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead-end street.- William A. Ward

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young. 04/11/2024

Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young. 04/11/2024

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Join us to discuss Nesara/Gesara and more.


Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young. 04/11/2024

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Join us to discuss Nesara/Gesara and more.


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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday PM 4-11-2024


Clare:  Disclosure of Iraq's creditors internally and externally


 An economic expert revealed the most prominent creditors of Iraq.

Salah Nouri, former director of the Financial Supervision Bureau, told Al-Furat News Agency, “The amount of declared external debt is approximate, because there are external debts in the form of investment projects such as building hospitals and schools, especially the Japanese International Agency. These have complex accounting treatments in order to record them in the Ministry’s records.” Finance.

He stated that "the most prominent creditors are the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, German and Japanese foreign international agencies, and international Islamic development funds, and there are no debts to Arab countries after 2003."


Clare:  Disclosure of Iraq's creditors internally and externally


 An economic expert revealed the most prominent creditors of Iraq.

Salah Nouri, former director of the Financial Supervision Bureau, told Al-Furat News Agency, “The amount of declared external debt is approximate, because there are external debts in the form of investment projects such as building hospitals and schools, especially the Japanese International Agency. These have complex accounting treatments in order to record them in the Ministry’s records.” Finance.

He stated that "the most prominent creditors are the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, German and Japanese foreign international agencies, and international Islamic development funds, and there are no debts to Arab countries after 2003."

Nouri pointed out, “The settlements of external debts through the Paris Club Agreement have ended, and they are related to debts before 2003, and as far as I know there are no new consultations, and the remaining ones mostly belong to the Gulf countries.”

He explained, “As for internal debts, the creditors are government banks.” (Al-Iraqi Trading Company) TBI, Al-Rafidain, Al-Rasheed) in addition to the employees’ retirement fund, which is approximately 60 trillion Iraqi dinars.

On April 8, the Iraqi government announced a reduction in external public debt by more than 50%, bringing the debt down from $19.729 billion late. in 2022, to $15.976 billion in 2023, reaching approximately $8.9 billion in the current year.

Raghad Dakhham     LINK


Claare:  A government advisor announces the start of implementing the reform plan in government and private banks

4/11/2024   Baghdad

Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed on Thursday that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is interested in reforming the course of the private and government banking system, while indicating the start of implementing the reform plan for government banks.

Saleh said, in a statement reported by the official news agency and seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the banking market has a great division. For example, the capital of private banks, or their share of capital from the government, is about 78 percent, while the capital of government banks is 22 percent.”

He continued, "While government banks account for 85 percent of activities and assets, while private banking activity is 15 percent, so there are large disparities between private and government banks."

He explained, “Private banks have almost coexisted on government allocations, whether through the window or by opening letters of guarantee for projects, meaning that any vibration exposes private banks to serious problems, so approximately 29 banks have been deprived of dealing in foreign currency.”

Saleh added, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is very interested in reforming the course of the private and governmental banking system,” stressing that “there is a reform plan for government banks, and there is a foreign company that evaluates the banking work, its capital, and its functions until they are parallel to the work of international banks.”

 He stated, "Private banks are facing a dilemma, especially after being deprived of trading in foreign currencies, even though they have coexisted with this issue. Therefore, the government is trying to create an internal environment that is supportive of them, and they need to correct their situations first." 

He went on to say: “The Prime Minister is correctly supportive of private banks, on the condition that these banks improve their course of work,” stressing that “there is a reform plan to correct the course of private banks that will be implemented soon.”

A government source revealed, the day before yesterday, Tuesday, that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani issued a set of measures and steps to revitalize the private banking sector, while directing a study of the possibility of strengthening the needs of private bank branches abroad in foreign currency.

The source told the Iraqi News Agency (WA): “Within the framework of the Iraqi government’s efforts to formulate a strategy that stimulates the activity of the private banking sector during the next stage, allowing it to engage more in efforts to diversify the economy and strengthen its foundations, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani directed the adoption of a set of measures and steps in this regard.” The matter, including: -

1 - The Ministerial Council for the Economy studies the proposal to increase deposits of government institutions and the central government with private banks, enabling them to provide more banking operations and contribute to the development of various vital sectors and increase their ability to provide various financing services inside and outside Iraq.

2 - Support The Iraqi government and the Central Bank of Iraq to private Iraqi banks through foreign institutions and banks, taking into account the credit rating of each bank.

3- Study the possibility of enhancing the needs of private bank branches abroad in foreign currency for the purposes of financing foreign trade - the private sector and in accordance with the applicable contexts.

4- Establishing The Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq to determine the contribution of foreign capital in Iraqi banks and evaluate the reality of the situation in a way that benefits the Iraqi economy and in accordance with what is stated in Banking Law No. 94 of 2004.

5- Participation of representatives of the private banking sector when discussing relevant issues in all state institutions, including Meetings of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq.

6- Studying the reactivation of the financing initiative presented by the Central Bank of Iraq and in accordance with the contexts proposed by the Central Bank in this regard.

7- The Competition and Monopoly Affairs Council shall take the necessary measures under Law No. 14 of 2010 to prevent monopoly in banking services, provided that the Council shall submit reports to the Central Bank of Iraq and in coordination with it periodically and in accordance with the aforementioned law.   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:  Television is talking about Sudani's trip to Washington.  They saying high security and military personnel will accompany him...It looks like we're going to go this time with a completely different exchange rate.  FRANK:  My hope and prayer is he will talk to you about your new exchange rate because it is time to do so.  He has given you every hint...every scenario...every option of why you're about to have a new value to your currency, about why your currency will be more valuable than the American dollar...I am great hope he will make an announcement that will add purchasing power to your currency and then go to Washington with that power representing him as the leader of Iraq, a free sovereign nation and not the loser of a program rate country with sanctions upon him.

Militia Man  Remember when you say Iraq was paying for all of their major construction at 1310 you'll see...payments were able to disperse out of the DFI fund...Food, currency exchange programs, electricity, oil infrastructure programs, equipment for Iraqis, equipment for security forces, civil services, salaries, Ministry of budget operations - that's a broad spectrum...They had a lot of things that they could tap into that oil money revenue stream dollars [DFI}.  It wasn't in dinars.  Things have changed now...They have a time crunch...Since the DFI has gone into the Iraqi2 Fund you're going to see big changes I'm excited to see...

Is it Time to Invest in BRICS Currencies? Exchange Rates

Edu Matrix:  4-11-2024

Is it Time to Invest in BRICS Currencies? Exchange Rates. Is it time to look at Brazil, India, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa's currency. as potential investments?


Greg  Mannarino:  4-10-2024

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 4-11-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 4-11-24
Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Announcement of the CHIPS Migration to ISO20222 Messaging:

"The adoption of this format by CHIPS (Clearing House Interbank Payment System) enhances the efficiency of payments processing, The Clearing House (TCH) said in a 
news release on Wednesday (April 10), two days after the migration.

It also lets participants and end-user customers gain value from enriched data content like extended remittance information. It lets users query structured message formats for multiple purposes, such as sanctions and compliance screening.

According to the release, the network wrapped its first day of operations on the ISO20022 message format having released 555,345 payments for a value of $1.81 trillion."

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 4-11-24
Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Announcement of the CHIPS Migration to ISO20222 Messaging:

"The adoption of this format by CHIPS (Clearing House Interbank Payment System) enhances the efficiency of payments processing, The Clearing House (TCH) said in a 
news release on Wednesday (April 10), two days after the migration.

It also lets participants and end-user customers gain value from enriched data content like extended remittance information. It lets users query structured message formats for multiple purposes, such as sanctions and compliance screening.

According to the release, the network wrapped its first day of operations on the ISO20022 message format having released 555,345 payments for a value of $1.81 trillion."

The Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) is the largest Clearing House Payment System in the US. It is the largest private-sector, high-value clearing, and settlement system in the world.

On April 8th, 2024 the CHIPS Network successfully migrated to the ISO 20022 messaging system. This allows foreign currency exchanges to be traded on the new digital banking system.

Along with our transactions, there will be a clear message informing both sides of a trade what the exchange is all about with directions for the completion of the transaction.   Pymnts  Investopedia  The Clearinghouse

© Goldilocks


"The Financial Stability Institute (FSI) in a detailed report issued on April 9th, 2024, has emphasized the necessity of a coordinated regulatory approach to Stablecoins across different jurisdictions."

The Financial Stability Institute is calling for the unification of governing laws for Stablecoins throughout the US, UK, and the EU.

Global Regulations are needed for licensing, consumer protection, and AML in 7 jurisdictions.

Markets in Crypto Assets (MICA) are currently in the process of Global Regulations through the European Union.   CoinGape   Investopedia

© Goldilocks

"BRICS refers to certain emerging market countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and more—that seek to establish deeper ties between member nations and cooperate on economic expansion, including trade. The countries act as a counterbalance to traditional Western influence."

When the BRICS Nations become strong enough to have a trading influence equal to or greater than the Western Culture, there will be bilateral agreements "only" as a reason for us to sign documents in the near term.  
This is expected to change in about two decades when the BRICS Nations are expected to be strong enough to overtake the dollar. The transition of the dollar is expected to be a slow process. In the meantime, the Dollar Act is in the process of moving through Congress to support this transition.

To have a (digital) currency strong enough to challenge the dollar or equal within its dominance able to level the playing field for the BRICS Nations, they will more than likely have a gold-backed digital trading coin that will give them the capacity to do so.

At that time or before, the United States will be under a Gold Standard and part of the new leveling playing field.   Congress   Investopedia   ISS Africa

© Goldilocks


What is the latest on #BRICS currencies? | Youtube


Who controls the price of gold in 2024? | Youtube 

👆 is gold about to decouple from the dollar?


Breaking Ripple News: 

Uphold Confirms FedNow Integration for XRP Transactions. Uphold lets users withdraw XRP instantly to US bank accounts using FedNow, easing crypto-to-fiat conversions. | Crypto Adventure  4 days ago

Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA)  | Esma Europa


Markets in Crypto-assets (MiCA) – New EU law on crypto-assets | Twobirds


Is Europe’s MiCA a Template for Global Crypto Regulation? | Coindesk


Global Banking Announcement:

US Treasury and PBOC to Conduct Joint Financial Shock Exercises By Manesh Samtani, exercises will help establish lines of communication between US and Chinese regulators and identify areas of potential cross-border contagion and other risks | 

Derivatives Services Bureau Announcement:

London, Tuesday 9 April 2024 – The Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB), the global golden source of reference data for Over the Counter (OTC) derivatives, today released the latest data on industry readiness for European UPI (Unique Product Identifier) regulatory reporting requirements, which are part of the EU EMIR Refit Regulations.

The European Union will implement UPI reporting from 29 April 2024 as the second G20 jurisdiction, following the US who went live from 29 January 2024, and ahead of the UK effective date in September 2024. |  DSB


Do you see what's happening? We are currently working on Global Payment Systems for the new QFS.



Hong Kong spot Bitcoin ETF Announcement:

HONG KONG (Reuters) - "Spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds could be launched in Hong Kong this month with the first approvals likely to be announced next week, two people familiar with the matter said." | MSN



Since I trade on the markets, you do know I will be very aware the instant our markets flip completely over to the new digital asset-based trading system. This will be all sectors of the market and the value changes that come with it including Forex.   😉

© Goldilocks



President Joe Biden has promised Israel "ironclad" US support amid fears that Tehran could launch reprisals for an attack that killed senior Iranians. | BBC

How Much GOLD Is In Home Depot Sand? | Youtube


We are at the place where Credit Valuation Adjustments are about to begin.

The process will be monitored and assessed throughout most of this year and as new changes take place.

Look for all sectors of the market to be involved in this process such as banking systems and Forex.

Central Banks all over the world continue to focus on accumulating gold. Utilizing Gold as a World Reserve Asset makes this asset a matter of time before a country or countries of significant influence will build upon it's fixed value into their currency.

The BRICS Nations have been looking to do this for some time in the creation of and use of a trading currency that would appeal to all countries around the world.

Sprinkle a little gold dust on this new currency, and you will have a standard by which all trading protocols can be measurable on the QFS and utilized as a bridge asset through a digital asset backed by GOLD such as XRP.   Risk Net

© Goldilocks


Next week, the World Bank and the IMF are meeting in Washington DC for their Spring Meetings 2024. This year, the meetings will be compressed between 17th and 19th April, with some ancillary events happening between Monday 15th and Friday 20th. the schedule of events can be found here.   👇
 Schedule  |  World Bank


Gold & Silver Making MASSIVE Moves! Banks Are STACKING Lots Of Gold! | Youtube


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