Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

De dollarization 2024: BRICS finishes US dollar

De dollarization 2024: BRICS finishes US dollar

Fasepo:  4-7-2024

The growing trend of de-dollarization, particularly since the events of 9/11, is closely linked to the strategic use of the US dollar as a tool of economic statecraft by the United States.

This use has been characterized by leveraging the dollar's central role in global finance to enforce and implement US foreign policy objectives through sanctions and financial controls.

Since 9/11, the US has significantly expanded the use of its financial power to target not only states but also individuals and entities deemed as threats. The weaponization of the dollar became particularly evident with the implementation of financial sanctions against countries

De dollarization 2024: BRICS finishes US dollar

Fasepo:  4-7-2024

The growing trend of de-dollarization, particularly since the events of 9/11, is closely linked to the strategic use of the US dollar as a tool of economic statecraft by the United States.

This use has been characterized by leveraging the dollar's central role in global finance to enforce and implement US foreign policy objectives through sanctions and financial controls.

Since 9/11, the US has significantly expanded the use of its financial power to target not only states but also individuals and entities deemed as threats. The weaponization of the dollar became particularly evident with the implementation of financial sanctions against countries

like Iran and Russia, which were intended to exert economic pressure without direct military engagement.

For instance, sanctions have been a critical tool in US efforts to influence Russia's actions in Ukraine, leveraging the dollar's dominance to restrict Russian access to global financial markets and services.

This financial strategy relies heavily on international banking and financial communication systems like SWIFT, which, due to the dollar's dominance, fall under the influence of the US.

The use of SWIFT has enabled the US to exclude entire nations from the international financial system, significantly affecting those nations' economies and putting immense pressure on their financial stability and sovereignty.

 The reaction to these actions has been a concerted push by several nations to reduce their reliance on the US dollar to avoid such vulnerabilities.

Countries, particularly those frequently at odds with US policies, have been motivated to seek alternatives that would lessen the impact of US sanctions.

This has led to increased use of local currencies in bilateral trade, the accumulation of gold reserves as an alternative to dollar assets, and the exploration of other international currencies for trade and reserve holdings.

The broad effects of US financial policies and the perceived overreach in using the dollar as a weapon have thus spurred on de-dollarization efforts, as countries seek to mitigate their exposure to US policy shifts and sanctions.

 These efforts reflect a desire for greater economic independence and a shift towards a more multipolar global financial system, where the US dollar would potentially have less sway.

 In this video, we explore the trend of moving away from the US dollar among countries in the Global South. We will discuss the rhetorical approaches and current strategies employed by the BRICS nations and other countries in the Global South as they seek alternatives to the US dollar in international trade and finance.

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America’s Biggest Bank Sounds the Alarm Bell

America’s Biggest Bank Sounds the Alarm Bell

Notes From the Field By James Hickman (Simon Black) April 8, 2024

Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase, did not open his annual shareholder letter with rosy language about the state of the world, or even enthusiasm about his bank’s record profits.

Instead, he describes “yet another year of significant challenges” including the war in Ukraine, war in the Middle East, extreme tensions with China, higher food and energy prices, turmoil in the banking sector, outrageous government deficits, and even major risks with the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy.

Dimon writes that “America’s global leadership role is being challenged outside by other nations and inside by our polarized electorate,” and that this is a “time of great crises”.

America’s Biggest Bank Sounds the Alarm Bell

Notes From the Field By James Hickman (Simon Black) April 8, 2024

Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan Chase, did not open his annual shareholder letter with rosy language about the state of the world, or even enthusiasm about his bank’s record profits.

Instead, he describes “yet another year of significant challenges” including the war in Ukraine, war in the Middle East, extreme tensions with China, higher food and energy prices, turmoil in the banking sector, outrageous government deficits, and even major risks with the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy.

Dimon writes that “America’s global leadership role is being challenged outside by other nations and inside by our polarized electorate,” and that this is a “time of great crises”.

He went on with a few charts and thoughts about the bank’s business and financial performance over the last year… and then dedicated most of the remaining 57 pages of his letter to the serious problems which face the world.

His observations are wide-reaching-- from the decay of social cohesion to the prospect of war and higher inflation, to the serious potential for a reset of the Bretton Woods system (which made the US dollar the world’s reserve currency).

Frankly the letter almost reads as a manifesto written by someone who is completely fed up with government incompetence and positioning himself to run for office. I can’t agree with everything he says, but it’s obvious that his ideas are balanced and well thought out.

There are a few points in particular worth repeating.

1. Keep it in perspective; the world is not coming to an end

“If you read the newspaper from virtually any day of any year since World War II,” Dimon writes, “there is abundant coverage on wars — hot and cold — inflation, recession, polarized politics, terrorist attacks, migration and starvation. As appalling as these events have been, the world was generally on a path to becoming stronger and safer.”

This is absolutely a true statement. It’s easy to get caught up in the negativity while missing the abundance of growth and opportunity.

In the year 1918, most people probably thought that the world was coming to an end. The Great War was at its peak, economies were faltering, inflation was surging, rationing and shortages were everywhere… and then the Spanish flu popped up and killed tens of millions of people.

Bleak times indeed. And yet the next century was the most prosperous in human history… despite a very bumpy path along the way.

This is similar to where we are today. Yes, Inspired Idiots have caused a gigantic mess. But the general trajectory of the human species is still improving.

2. That said, long-term risks should not be underestimated. Especially for the West.

Dimon finds that there is “too much emphasis on short-term, monthly data and too little on long-term trends”, and he talks about inflation as a great example.

Economists and investors tend to be almost singularly focused on monthly inflation reports in an effort to divine if and when the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates.

They’re entirely missing the point, Dimon writes. Month by month, and even year by year, inflation numbers could vary wildly. But if you look at the big picture, you’ll see substantial evidence for future inflation.

We’ve been writing about this for a long time. In fact, since inception we’ve only been focused on long-term trends… and we see these as highly inflationary.

Similar to our view, Dimon understands how “ongoing fiscal [deficit] spending, remilitarization of the world, restructuring of global trade, capital needs of the new green economy, and possibly higher energy costs in the future” are all inflationary in the long run.

The inflation might not show up next month or next quarter, but he believes (as do we) that the coming years are full of “persistent inflationary pressures”.

There are also significant risks to the current US-led global order; America’s influence is waning, and Dimon writes that the “international rules-based order established by the Western world after World War II is clearly under attack by outside forces, somewhat weakened by its own failures [and] confusing and overlapping regime of policies.”

As part of this, he talks about the distinct possibility for a reset of the post-WW2 financial system (known as Bretton Woods) that anointed the US dollar as the global reserve currency. He puts it succinctly: “we may need a new Bretton Woods.”

We’ve been writing about this for years; the dollar’s decline is a long-term trend, but for us, it’s an obvious one. You cannot run multi-trillion-dollar deficits each year and still expect to be the world’s economic superpower.

It’s notable that even someone like Dimon can see this coming.

3. These problems are still solvable.

We’ve written extensively that the problems facing the US and the West are still solvable. For now. But every year that the problems continue to be ignored brings the country closer to a point of no return... where there is no way out but default.

Dimon is not shy about offering up suggestions, many of which we have written about in the past. He talks about border security, streamlining sensible regulations, and economic policies which prioritize growth.

“Unfortunately,” Dimon writes, “the message America hears is that the federal government does not value business — that business is the problem and not part of the solution.”

“There are fewer individuals in government who have any significant experience in starting or running a company, which is apparent every day in the political rhetoric that demonizes businesses and free enterprise and that damages confidence in America’s institutions.”

He says he finds it “astounding that many in Congress know what to do and want to do it but are simply unable to pass legislation because of partisan politics”.

He goes on to list a multitude of government failures and the “staggering number of policies, systems, and operations that are underperforming”, including pitiful public schools, broken healthcare, infrastructure woes (especially the energy grid), terrible immigration policy, Social Security’s looming insolvency, and more.

Dimon states very clearly that the federal government “needs to earn back trust through competence and effective policymaking.”

True statement. But I’m not holding my breath. Because in related news, the White House just announced that Joe Biden is working on yet another way to forgive student debt for 30 million Americans.

He doesn’t seem to care that the Supreme Court already rejected his previous effort to forgive student debt, saying he did not have the legal authority.

It’s pathetic that the cost of university education is so high… especially given how many degrees in an AI-world are useless. Plus many universities these days are just hotbeds of radicalization. It hardly seems worth taking on $80,000 of debt for such a dubious outcome.

But nevertheless, taxpayers have footed the bill for college and loaned out over $1 trillion to students across the country.

This is a basic tenet of capitalism (which Mr. Biden claims to embrace): debts have to be paid.

But because this guy’s poll numbers are so pathetic-- especially with young people-- he’s trying to score points by canceling their debts.

Well, canceling student debt means that taxpayers will lose hundreds of billions in loans that they made. So rather than taking steps to strengthen America’s balance sheet, the President is once again violating the law to make the balance sheet worse… all to improve his image among young voters.

This is hardly a way to restore trust in government. So again, I’m not holding my breath.

Dimon’s letter is worth the read if you have the time. You might not agree with everything he says, but it is rather telling that the CEO of the country’s largest bank is speaking so plainly about obvious risks.

It’s another reminder of why it makes so much sense to have a Plan B.

To your freedom,

James Hickman (Simon Black)  Co-Founder, Schiff Sovereign LLC

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Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Monday AM 4-8-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Monday AM 4-8-24

Iraqi dinar Realized and revaluation date Fixed – 2:30

Federal Bank & IMF Restored VND Value At $3.80 - 2:37

Chase Bank Open Windows Exchange Your Dinar On 15th April – 4:28

Rafidain Bank Great News For IQD - 2:32

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Monday AM 4-8-24

Iraqi dinar Realized and revaluation date Fixed – 2:30

Federal Bank & IMF Restored VND Value At $3.80 - 2:37

Chase Bank Open Windows Exchange Your Dinar On 15th April – 4:28

Rafidain Bank Great News For IQD - 2:32

 Iraqi dinar Realized and revaluation date Fixed- 2:30

Federal Bank & IMF Restored VND Value At $3.80 – 2:37

Chase Bank Open Windows Exchange Your Dinar On 15th April – 4:28

Rafidain Bank Great News For IQD – 2:32

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Monday AM 4-8-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Monday AM 4-8-24

WOW Dong Value Update – 3:21

Iraq President Announce New Rate – 3:45

WOW It's Massive New Update About IQD – 4:24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Monday AM 4-8-24

WOW Dong Value Update – 3:21

Iraq President Announce New Rate – 3:45

WOW It's Massive New Update About IQD – 4:24

 WOW Dong Value Update – 3:21

Iraq President Announce New Rate – 3:45

WOW It's Massive New Update About IQD – 4:24

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

"Coffee With MarkZ" Monday Morning Chat 4-8-2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: ​​Good morning, everybody. Hope you had a great weekend. Let's get this done.

Member: I am ready for a explosive week!!!

Member: Ramadan ends today I believe.

Member: The Iraq Stock Exchange announced, on Monday, the suspension of its activity for a period of six days. For Eid Al Fitr.

Member: MarkZ Did you catch that Iraq closed their stock market until the 14th I we either go now while they are closed or when they open.IMO

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: ​​Good morning, everybody. Hope you had a great weekend. Let's get this done.

Member: I am ready for a explosive week!!!

Member: Ramadan ends today I believe.

Member: The Iraq Stock Exchange announced, on Monday, the suspension of its activity for a period of six days. For Eid Al Fitr.

Member: MarkZ Did you catch that Iraq closed their stock market until the 14th I we either go now while they are closed or when they open.IMO

Member: I think we will go after Eid. It's mandatory that Muslims donate a certain percentage to charity during this time. (per my Pakistani friend)

MZ: Also the Zig launches today. The Zimbabwe gold backed currency just launched in their markets.

MZ: “Zimbabwe introduces a new currency-Promising the ZIG will be launched on Monday”  and here from Bloomberg  “ Zimbabwe’s banking services disrupted ahead of ZIG launch”  This is a big day in Zimbabwe

Member: Watching the roll-out process with the new Zim Dollar is important

Member: So the Zig is different from the Zim bond notes we hold?

Member: Our Zim is a bond, it’s not the currency that Zimbabwe is using! Their new zig currency is for their in country use!

Member: I wonder Is the ZIG trading in country for the old Zim Dollar on a 1:1 basis? Because this is what we are looking for similarly here USD<USN 1:1

Member: in the news; US closed Iraq oil revenue act. does that hurt the people or RV?

Member: The fact that executive order 13303 wasn't extended or renewed is a good thing. That was the US controlling  Iraqi's oil dollars as I understand it....

MZ: We do have more confirmations of bond appointments and final bond contracts payout between the 15th and the 22nd. This seems it will be a huge week for bonds…It is reassuring seeing this much activity right now.

Member: Unless they kick the can as usual.

Member:  If the bondholders would be going between the 15th and 22nd, in your estimation. opinion only!. do you think we'll go at the end of the month then?

Member: Mark, do the bond holders have to 100% finished b4 we get our appointments?

Member: I was told Bond holders will take up to 6 months to be fully processed….and we do not have to wait for all of them to be finished before we exchange…..just a percentage of them have to start..

MZ: “Price level determination under the gold standard”  This is from the Federal Reserve bank of Philadelphia……They did this analysis this year- this February. They broke down all the intricacies of returning to the gold standard. Short term price fluctuations as everything settles down….   then long term price stability.

MZ: Of course Zimbabwe is going gold backed. Russia has the gold backed ruble, China internationally has a gold backed –oil yuan. I think we will see more countries do the same thing.  Denmark is actively looking at doing the same…..It is coming.

Member: if Denmark is announcing publically that they are pursuing gold backed currency…IMO they have already done it.

MZ: I agree.

Member: I haven't found a bank yet to exchange in . Only BOA (don't trust) and WF (same!). all others are credit unions or state banks. Not sure state banks will exchange.

Member: Searching for a bank before they announce is probably not going to go well. They keep it private for security is what I was told by bank personnel.

Member: Is it true that Chase has our new currency notes in their vaults?

MZ: There are sure a lot of rumors that Chase has them …..also lots of rumors that many banks now have them ….in preparation. .

Member: I heard Frank26 is in Hawaii with Dinars to buy a house when this thing happens soon

Member: Iraq was promised an announcement by end of Ramadon, well todays the day, if they dont get it do you think there will be hell to pay?

Member: Kim Clement Prophesied about Iraq and the Dinar and there will be blessings in the world. He said this July 18, 2015

Member: They have to force the hand of whoever is holding this up!! We need this now!!

Member: Praying this is our Week!

Member: Thanks to all for keeping us hanging in there…….Maybe its finally going to happen!!

​​Member: Have a very blessed day and see all you fantastic looking people tonight.

Stacie Z joins the stream at the end. Please listen to the replay for her information.




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 4-8-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 8 April 2024

Compiled Mon. 8 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Solar Eclipse on Mon. 8 April: “The Sun will turn to darkness before the Great Day of the Lord.”

Fri. 5 April Frank26: The US did not sign the Executive Order 13303. It has been signed by every President since 2003. As long as it was signed Iraq couldn’t revalue their currency. The US has 48 hours to return $115 billion. Trillions are becoming millions. Sudani promised during Ramadan. It ends the 8th, and EID is the 9th-14th. It will be done before Sudani meets in Washington on the 15th. Walking Stick says our window is 9th-14th April.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 8 April 2024

Compiled Mon. 8 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Solar Eclipse on Mon. 8 April: “The Sun will turn to darkness before the Great Day of the Lord.”

Fri. 5 April Frank26: The US did not sign the Executive Order 13303. It has been signed by every President since 2003. As long as it was signed Iraq couldn’t revalue their currency. The US has 48 hours to return $115 billion. Trillions are becoming millions. Sudani promised during Ramadan. It ends the 8th, and EID is the 9th-14th. It will be done before Sudani meets in Washington on the 15th. Walking Stick says our window is 9th-14th April.

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

On Wed. 3 April Morning the redemption center leaders and bank managers throughout the United States, entered the access codes for the Global Currency Reset and sent them to the US Treasury at about 11:30 p.m. …Wolverine

On Fri. 5 April the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) injected gold-backed digital tokens (GBDT) known as Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG). Banks now have the new Forex rates…Wolverine

It was rumored that Tier 3 Fines, Sanctions, Farm Claims, CMKX payments and Bond Holders started Fri. 5 April.

Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) could go at any time.

While some Bond Holders have received emails that notified of liquidity to their accounts, actual payments were said scheduled to begin on Wed. 10 April.

Brazil Banks report Tier4b liquidity release to be on Tues, Wed, Thurs. 9, 10, 11 April.

While some New York banks were told announcement of the Global Currency Reset would happen by Mon. 15 April, most believe the General Public announcement will be on Sun, Mon, 21st or 22nd April.

Restored Republic THE BIG BANG, Benjamin Fulford:

Under GESARA, currency undergoes a transformation, with Nesara introducing Rainbow “Treasury” Notes backed by precious metals, augmented by the integration of Quantum Starlink and internationally regulated USA Coins adhering to ISO20022 standards, also backed by metals.



Elimination of the national debt of all nations of the world.

No taxes. Only a fixed sales tax of around 15% on new goods.

Waiving of mortgages and other bank departments due to illegal government activities.

World Peace for 1,000 years.

Gold Standard!

Build and rebuild in all countries at 1950s prices.

The power goes back to We The People. Global distribution of wealth.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Sandy Ingram  The real effective exchange rate (REER) is a measure of the relative strength of a country's currency in relation to an index or basket of other major currencies.  The REER is used to judge whether the country's currency is undervalued or overvalued or, ideally, fairly valued... Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER)...It is an index of the weighted average of bilateral exchange rates of home currency with respect to a basket of currencies of trading partners.  An increase in NEER indicates an appreciation of the local currency against the weighted basket of currencies of its trading partners.  [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Sandy Ingram   Iraq's top five export trading partners are India, with $38.8 billion, China with $34 billion, the United States with $10.3 billion, South Korea with 8.21 billion, and Greece with $6.27 billion.  Based on Iraq's export partners the Iraqi dinar definitely could be worth more.  However everything is speculative until the US and Iraq give the green light to float, revalue, reinstate or increase the value of the Iraqi dinar...This could happen overnight but it is unlikely.   [Post 2 of 2]

ALERT! Massive Changes in SILVER Prices Coming | Bill Holter GOLD & SILVER Price Prediction

Smart Stock Trading:  4-6-2024

Currency Updates & Important News IQD VND ZIM HTG TRY ARS & Gold

Edu Matrix:  4-7-2024

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Monday Morning 4-8-2024


Tishwash:  The Iraqi market suspends its activity for 6 days

The Iraq Stock Exchange announced, on Monday, the suspension of its activity for a period of six days.

The market stated, in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency: “Based on the Council of Ministers’ decision to declare a six-year official holiday for Eid al-Fitr, the market’s activities and trading sessions will stop for six days.”

He explained, "The holiday will be starting Tuesday, April 9, and trading sessions will resume on Sunday, April 14."

It is noteworthy that the Iraq Stock Exchange organizes five trading sessions weekly from Sunday to Thursday, and 103 Iraqi joint stock companies are listed, representing the sectors of banking, communications, industry, agriculture, insurance, financial investment, tourism, hotels and services.   link


Tishwash:  The Iraqi market suspends its activity for 6 days

The Iraq Stock Exchange announced, on Monday, the suspension of its activity for a period of six days.

The market stated, in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency: “Based on the Council of Ministers’ decision to declare a six-year official holiday for Eid al-Fitr, the market’s activities and trading sessions will stop for six days.”

He explained, "The holiday will be starting Tuesday, April 9, and trading sessions will resume on Sunday, April 14."

It is noteworthy that the Iraq Stock Exchange organizes five trading sessions weekly from Sunday to Thursday, and 103 Iraqi joint stock companies are listed, representing the sectors of banking, communications, industry, agriculture, insurance, financial investment, tourism, hotels and services.   link

Tishwash:  Although it was scheduled a year ago.. MP: A large deficit and delay in the 2024 budget

Member of the Finance Committee, MP Jamal Cougar, announced today, Sunday, that there is a large deficit in the 2024 budget, estimated at 84 trillion dinars.  

Cougar said in a statement to the Maalouma Agency, “The federal budget for the year 2024 will be delayed according to the words of the Minister of Finance,” noting that “The Finance Committee submitted its question to the Ministry of Finance a month ago.” 

He added, "The budget schedules and items are the same and have not changed much from the previous year's budget, as it is a tripartite budget, but some amendments have been made to it," noting, "Will this be the last and final amendment to the budget or not?" 

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi government announced last year the launch of the tripartite budget project, to facilitate the financial process in the country faster, especially since Iraq is going through an urbanization phase launched by the Iraqi government.  

Observers believe that the delay in the Iraqi budget had a significant impact on the economic movement, coinciding with its deficit and the lack of financial liquidity, which had a negative impact on the citizen during the days of the blessed Eid and on the Iraqi market  link


CandyKissses:   World Bank Supports Iraq’s Financial Reform Program

Finance Minister Satif Sami has met with Jean-Christophe Carre, the Regional Director for the Middle East at the World Bank, along with the bank's Special Representative in Iraq, Richard Abdulnour, and a number of experts and specialists.

The meeting discussed development project priorities and ways in which the World Bank can support enhancing financial and business sectors and improving the investment environment. There was an emphasis on the continuation of bilateral coordination to promote sustainable development and support the government's economic reform program in Iraq.

Minister Sami highlighted the ministry's efforts and plans to accelerate financial and banking reforms in line with the Iraqi government's vision to strengthen the national economy, achieve economic balance, and correct fiscal policy in Iraq.

The World Bank representative emphasized continued serious and fruitful cooperation with the Iraqi government, providing necessary expertise for development projects and reforms related to the financial and business sectors.

(Source: Ministry of Finance)


CandyKisses:  Gold continues record high amid speculative buying

Gold prices continued their record high on Monday, supported by speculative buying and continuing tensions in the Middle East, which overshadowed strong job growth in the United States in March.

By 04:06 GMT, spot gold was up 0.6 percent at $2,343.89 an ounce after hitting a record high of $2,353.79 earlier in the session.

U.S. gold futures gained 0.7 percent to $2,361.09.

U.S. stocks closed higher on Friday, after a strong jobs report reinforced the view that the economy remains healthy, even as the Federal Reserve suggested the Fed may delay a rate cut.

Geopolitical tensions in the Middle East could also be another driving force for gold.

Strong purchases by central banks, safe-haven inflows amid rising geopolitical risks, and demand from funds following momentum have boosted bullion gains by 12% so far this year.

U.S. job growth beat expectations in March, suggesting the economy ended the first quarter on solid footing and may delay expected rate cuts from the Fed this year.

Spot silver rose 1.4 percent to $27.85 an ounce, platinum gained 0.1 percent to $928.11 and palladium gained 0.4 percent to $1,006.88.

Mot:  .. Are Youuuuuuuuuuuuu Ready!!!!?????

Mot ..... Don’t forget to protect your horses from the eclipse

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: Iraqi Dinar - Reforms - Solutions - Iraq a Whole - Sustainable Development - Integration - Equations

Iraqi Dinar - Reforms - Solutions - Iraq a Whole - Sustainable Development - Integration - Equations

MilitiaMan and Crew:  4-7-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraqi Dinar - Reforms - Solutions - Iraq a Whole - Sustainable Development - Integration - Equations

MilitiaMan and Crew:  4-7-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Sunday Afternoon 4-7-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Sunday Afternoon 4-7-24

Finally It's Going Good Dinar Exchange Rate WOW – 3:34

Al Sudani Big Statement About IQD RV 6 April – 2:59

Iraqi Dinar Economic Revaluation – 3:09

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Sunday Afternoon 4-7-24

Finally It's Going Good Dinar Exchange Rate WOW – 3:34

Al Sudani Big Statement About IQD RV 6 April – 2:59

Iraqi Dinar Economic Revaluation – 3:09

 Finally It's Going Good Dinar Exchange Rate WOW – 3:34

Al Sudani Big Statement About IQD RV 6 April - 2:59

Iraqi Dinar Economic Revaluation – 3:09

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 4-7-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 4-7-24

  Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Been in contact with many of my sources throughout the day from Technical Developers to Banking contacts.

My understanding is that we are progressing well with the MICA regulations which stands for Markets in Crypto Assets.

These regulations will allow us to move forward with the new digital economy, and we are still on target to finish these by the end of May.

These are much-needed changes to the banking system that will allow us to move forward with new Banking and Market values. I would not expect anything to happen this month due to these updates.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Take this time to enjoy your family and friends. These things mean so much more than anything we will receive monetarily going forward.

© Goldilocks


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 4-7-24

  Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Been in contact with many of my sources throughout the day from Technical Developers to Banking contacts.

My understanding is that we are progressing well with the MICA regulations which stands for Markets in Crypto Assets.

These regulations will allow us to move forward with the new digital economy, and we are still on target to finish these by the end of May.

These are much-needed changes to the banking system that will allow us to move forward with new Banking and Market values. I would not expect anything to happen this month due to these updates.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Take this time to enjoy your family and friends. These things mean so much more than anything we will receive monetarily going forward.

© Goldilocks


“These reforms improve the integrity and stability of domestic and global derivatives markets,” said Commissioner Johnson.

On April 9, Market Risk Advisory Committee Meeting of the CFTC will be convening on reforms of the derivatives markets which includes Forex.

There are other items on the agenda for this meeting, but this is the one that concerns most of us in this room.   CFTC

Yes, the forex is still doing their reforms on foreign currency.

© Goldilocks


Iraq is in the process of signing bilateral agreements that will support their infrastructure through their shipping ports.

This move will help Iraq to spend their money locally and support their own economy. Projects such as this will help justify new values on their Iraqi Dinar.

The agreement allows Iraq to level up their economy. It gives them a consistent and continued sustainable income to help many sectors of their Market grow and sustain themselves with a higher level of living.

It is decisions like these that allow a currency to feel and experience price pressures that are needed to raise its value for the good of the community and all that trade with them.   Arab News

Watch the water.

© Goldilocks


"Global trade is likely peaking now. According to a report by the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank."

Many countries are beginning to manufacture products in their own country that used to be imported from others.

The last three Presidents have chosen not to make any changes to the judges that govern the World Trade Organization. This is being called an existential threat to the Global Economy.

For some time, the World Trade Organization has needed to change percentages in weight given to certain countries gaining momentum in trading relationships. Many of these changes are being refactored at the present time and expect to formulate new ratios by the end of the year.

These new ratios being calculated don't keep us from a gradual incline in some of these currencies that are being placed on a More Level Playing Field with other countries until they reach an RV status.

Many of these changes needing to take effect will come about from new regulations, rather than, a rules-based decision that was made at Bretton Woods 2 in 1944.

This brings us up to where we are now, the regulation of our new digital economy will bring about the needed changes in trade relation weight ratios for our currencies around the world based on supply and demand going forward.

These new digital regulated (ie MICA) changes will form new price patterns on each country's currencies and reset our Global Mechanisms to meet the needs of countries choosing to use their local currencies and trade over the dollar going forward.

When the World Trade Organization completes its new calculations to reform a new Global Trading Economy, Bretton Woods 3 will come into being.

There should be an announcement of this new agreement by Bretton Woods 3 that will lead us into much-needed changes around the world. JD Supra  Council on Foreign Relations  St Louis Fed

NOW, do you see why I keep asking you to WATCH THE WATER.

© Goldilocks



Specific foreign exchange derivatives include: foreign currency forward contracts, foreign currency futures, foreign currency swaps, currency options, and foreign exchange binary options. These instruments are called derivatives because their value is derived from an underlying asset, a foreign currency.  Springer


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The Trade Winds Are Turning: Insights into the 2024 National Trade Estimate | CSIS


Room for rules-based global trade remains, but WTO showing signs of geopolitical tension |  Engineering News


USTR Issues Communication To WTO Members On Climate, Trade | RT News


The US and EU concluded a two-day session of their Trade and Technology Council on Friday ending up with a 12-page agreement between all parties involved. Economic Times India Times White House


‘Gold’ hydrogen: The next clean fuel? - E&E News by POLITICO 


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Economist's "Sunday Thoughts and Opinions" 4-7-2024

Stock Market And S&P WILL Crash By At Least 50% or More, Get Ready

Atlantis Report:  4-7-2024

Financial markets have a long history of experiencing significant ups and downs, with periods of irrational optimism followed by harsh economic realities.

As we go through the current economy, there are numerous concerning indicators suggesting that we may be on the verge of a significant market downturn.

Such an event could potentially lead to a crash of staggering proportions. The alarming prospect demands our attention and preparedness, as the consequences could have far-reaching impacts on various sectors.

Today, we will examine the key factors contributing to this economic downturn and explore the underlying forces that could worsen a market meltdown.

Stock Market And S&P WILL Crash By At Least 50% or More, Get Ready

Atlantis Report:  4-7-2024

Financial markets have a long history of experiencing significant ups and downs, with periods of irrational optimism followed by harsh economic realities.

As we go through the current economy, there are numerous concerning indicators suggesting that we may be on the verge of a significant market downturn.

Such an event could potentially lead to a crash of staggering proportions. The alarming prospect demands our attention and preparedness, as the consequences could have far-reaching impacts on various sectors.

Today, we will examine the key factors contributing to this economic downturn and explore the underlying forces that could worsen a market meltdown.


Greg  Mannarino:  4-7-2024

Is There No Alternative to U.S. Dollar as King of Global Reserve Currencies or Is Its Demise Coming?

Kitco News:  4-6-2024

Is the U.S. dollar in imminent danger as the world's reserve currency?

Frank Giustra, CEO of Fiore Group, and Pierre Lassonde, Chairman Emeritus at Franco-Nevada, debate de-dollarization and its consequences in this Kitco Insights Interactive Mining Titans' Power Panel hosted by Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News.

Giustra and Lassonde discuss the global monetary system's future, the resilience of the U.S. dollar, and gold's critical role. Lassonde shares his gold price forecast.

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