Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20 Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20

Frank26: " News and Views" Sunday 4-7-2024



 Iraq ranks high on the list of “most influential” countries in the world


Iraq ranked high on the list of “most influential” countries in the world for the year 2024, an index that measures 11 details that include military power, international alliances, trade, culture, diplomatic influence, and others.

Iraq ranked 49th globally out of 194 countries, while it ranked fourth in the Arab world after Saudi Arabia, which ranked ninth globally, then the Emirates and Egypt, and then Iraq, whose global score reached 83 out of 100.



 Iraq ranks high on the list of “most influential” countries in the world


Iraq ranked high on the list of “most influential” countries in the world for the year 2024, an index that measures 11 details that include military power, international alliances, trade, culture, diplomatic influence, and others.

Iraq ranked 49th globally out of 194 countries, while it ranked fourth in the Arab world after Saudi Arabia, which ranked ninth globally, then the Emirates and Egypt, and then Iraq, whose global score reached 83 out of 100.

In first place in the world, the United States of America came in the world for the year 2024, with a number of points reaching 95.3 out of 100, and then China came with a number of points reaching 95 points out of 100.

The index includes the perceptions of more than 320,000 experts, such as politicians and business leaders, and countries are ranked based on the highest scores among 11 characteristics: military strength, strong international alliances, highly respected state leadership, international trade and travel, and power. Economic, country culture, diplomatic influence, global diaspora, media influence, being beneficial to other countries in need, and how connected those countries are to the rest of the world, according to SeaWorld.   LINK


A new position from the World Bank regarding the Grand Port of Al-Faw

 4/6/2024   Baghdad

The World Bank expected, today, Saturday, that Iraq will enter the global trade route once the large Al-Faw port is operational.

Ibrahim Dajani, Director of the World Bank’s Transport Sector in the Middle East and North Africa region, wrote during his visit to Al-Faw Port, “Once Al-Faw Port is occupied, Iraq will be placed on the path of global trade between the East and Europe, which will provide opportunities for investment in logistical centers and industrial and commercial activities, as it will provide job opportunities.” For young women and men.”

He added, "I am happy with the Iraqi government's decision to enter into a partnership with the World Bank to achieve this important endeavor."

The large port of Al-Faw is located on the Al-Faw Peninsula, south of Basra Governorate. The cost of the project is about 5 billion dollars, with a total area of ​​54 square kilometers. The capacity of the planned port is estimated at 99 million tons annually, to be one of the largest ports overlooking the Gulf and the tenth largest in the world.

Iraq has completed the construction of more than 60% of an undersea tunnel linking the coastal region to international trade links through what is known as the development road with Turkey.

By the year 2038, Iraq is expected to earn $4 billion from the new port activity, to which indirect revenues will be added, such as transit services through the development road extending to Turkey and Europe, which competes with several global trade lines, thanks to the reduction in time.   LINK



Install 1,000 ATMs in cities in the Kurdistan Region by the end of 2024


The process of registering employees in the Kurdistan Region continues with the “Hasbi” project, which is a digital financial payment system. Employee registration has reached 260,000 people, and 153,000 cards have been issued to those registered.

The regional government said in a statement today, Friday, that by the end of 2024, about 1,000 ATMs will be installed in all governorates, districts and regions of Kurdistan, so that employees can easily receive their salaries.

According to the statement, the number of banks participating in the project is constantly increasing, and so far they are (BBAC - NBI - RT - Cihan - IIB), all of which have been recognized and accredited by the Central Bank of Iraq.

Since last year, as a pilot, Erbil Maternity Hospital employees have received their salaries through the “My Account” banking system.

At the end of last year, the faculties of arts, agriculture, and science at Saladin University received their salaries through the same system.   LINK


 Iraq and Saudi Arabia sign 12 memorandums of understanding for specific investment projects


Iraq and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia signed memorandums of understanding with 12 Saudi companies with the aim of enhancing cooperation in a number of specific investment projects.

 A statement from the ministry, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, said, "The memorandums of understanding signed with 12 Saudi companies came with the Iraq Fund for Development, with the aim of enhancing cooperation in a number of qualitative investment projects in Iraq."

Last December, Saudi Arabia signed a partnership agreement with Iraq in the field of industrial investments for the private sector, as part of the two countries’ efforts to strengthen their bilateral relations and attract foreign investments.   LINK


Frank26:  "GIVE BACK 8.5% ON A 4 YEAR BOND NOTE ON A PROGRAM RATE OF 1320... NO WAY!!!"........F26

 "A good investment"... What is the goal of the Iraqi Central Bank in issuing financial bonds with high annual interest?

 4/6/2024 – Baghdad

With inflation rates in Iraq currently reaching 5.5%, and expectations that it will reach 6% by the end of the year, the Central Bank announced the launch of financial bonds with the highest annual interest, at 8.5%, as well as for deposits in the private banking sector.

According to economic expert Manar Al-Obaidi, in a post on his page on the Facebook platform, the aim of these bonds is to attract and encourage capital outside the banking system through high interest rates to enter the banking sector, adding that the annual interest rate announced by the Central Bank is encouraging to the investor and depositors, due to its high content. , which is considered a good return on investment compared to its lack of risk.

Al-Obaidi stressed that these bonds are guaranteed by sovereign guarantees of a country that currently has sufficient money reserves, and therefore the risk rate of these bonds is zero and non-existent, and they are purchased through the Iraq Stock Exchange and through market intermediaries.

Al-Obeidi encouraged buying these bonds and selling them in the future at a higher price, meaning that the investment should not only be in the deposit interest but also in the price of the bond itself.

In his publication, Al-Obaidi touched on “depositing money in the private banking sector,” explaining that there are 4 to 5 private banks that own the largest share of the market and their financial data, and are considered very excellent and achieve great control in the Iraqi market. The decision to choose the bank to place deposits depends on the annual interest rate and method. Benefiting from the interest, how to break the deposit, as well as the financial statements of the bank and the extent of its presence and spread in Iraq.

Al-Obaidi concluded his post by “emphasizing that the success of investment depends on two factors: the first is the amount of profit, and the second is the amount of risk, and only the owner of the money can decide the amount of risk to be taken in exchange for the profit rate,” stressing that investing in bonds and deposits is a good solution for those who do not He wants to intervene in the field of investment and its challenges.”   LINK


Frank26:  "THE HCL... IS HERE... BECAUSE OF THE NEW EXCHANGE RATE.".............F26

 In the presence of Nechirvan Barzani and Al-Sudani... the start of the state administration coalition meeting


The State Administration Coalition held an extraordinary meeting this evening, Saturday, in the presence of the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani.

And earlier; The President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, confirmed that an initial agreement had been reached on the oil file, which is one of the most prominent outstanding problems between Baghdad and the region.

Barzani, who is visiting Baghdad, said in an interview with reporters after his meeting with Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani: “We thank the Prime Minister for his efforts to solve the problems between Baghdad and Kurdistan, and in the same way his efforts to solve the rest of the problems in Iraq, and we note that since he took office until today, he has been working on Serving Iraq as a whole, including the Kurdistan Region.  LINK

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Afternoon 4-7-2024


Clare:  The Council of Ministers holds its regular session today instead of Tuesday due to the Eid al-Fitr holiday

4/7/2024   Baghdad – 

Today, Sunday, the Council of Ministers held its regular session under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani. The session was postponed from its scheduled date every Tuesday due to the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

A statement from Al-Sudani’s office, a copy of which was received by 964 Network:

The Council of Ministers holds its regular session under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, which was postponed to its scheduled date due to the Eid Al-Fitr holiday.   LINK


Clare:  The Council of Ministers holds its regular session today instead of Tuesday due to the Eid al-Fitr holiday

4/7/2024   Baghdad – 

Today, Sunday, the Council of Ministers held its regular session under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani. The session was postponed from its scheduled date every Tuesday due to the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

A statement from Al-Sudani’s office, a copy of which was received by 964 Network:

The Council of Ministers holds its regular session under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, which was postponed to its scheduled date due to the Eid Al-Fitr holiday.   LINK

Clare:  Al-Sudani confirms to Plasschaert that Iraq has completed many of the requirements for transformation and the completion of its constitutional institutions


Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed today, Sunday, to the United Nations representative that Iraq has completed many of the requirements for transformation and the completion of its constitutional institutions, which was documented by recent UN reports.

His media office stated in a statement received by {Al-Furat News}, that "the latter received the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jeanine Plasschaert, and during the meeting, the relationship between Iraq and the United Nations was discussed, and the most prominent files and programs in which the United Nations organization is working to support Iraq." And in various fields.” 

The Prime Minister confirmed that Iraq has completed many of the requirements for transformation and the completion of its constitutional institutions, which was documented in recent international reports, pointing to the importance of continuing cooperation between Iraq and the United Nations agencies operating in Iraq, with their various activities.LINK





Don961:  Al-Rafidain announces the launch of the comprehensive banking system

Economy | 09:07 - 04/06/2024   Mawazine News - Baghdad 

Al-Rafidain Bank announced, on Saturday, the launch of the comprehensive banking system in the branches of Al-Waziriya and Al-Ma’rifa in Baghdad and Al-Shuhada in Holy Karbala.

He stated to the Bank in a statement received by Mawazine News, that “the plan for digital transformation and adoption of the comprehensive banking system is proceeding according to the set timings to include all branches of the bank with the application of the system.”

He pointed out that "one of the priorities and objectives of the government program is electronic transformation in financial transactions, reducing episodes of red tape for citizens, and reducing time and effort in completing citizens' transactions."   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Samson  Article: ”WTO - ACCESSIONS - MAY 9th, 2024 - Includes Iraq"

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:  Have not seen any of it on the news today about the lower notes that are going to be distributed in May...However there are a lot of rumors saying it was something out here today.  We have not seen yet but we are looking... FRANK:  There are many rumors about the monetary reform right now.  Yes there seems to be a rumor about the lower notes...let's see what happens this coming week.  Let's see how things start to unfold. 

CORNERED: Japan Faces Painful Currency Collapse As Cheap China Exports Grabs Market Share

Sean Foo:  4-5-2024

Japan's economic gloom is getting worse. The end of yield curve control or negative interest rates has exposed the reality of the economy.

Because of overwhelming debt, the Bank of Japan is trapped and has to save a collapsing Yen. But dumping tons of dollars won't change Japan's structural problems which include a competitive China and higher US interest rates.

 Here's what you must know!

Timestamps & Chapters

: 0:00 Japan's Economy Is Trapped

 2:47 China Cheap Exports Nightmare

5:53 Japan Consumer Collapse

8:44 A Pointless Dollar Dump

11:55 Investment Leaving Japan

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

The Great Fiat Currency Reset: Myth or Inevitable Reality? : Awake-In-3D

The Great Fiat Currency Reset: Myth or Inevitable Reality?

On April 1, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

The prospect of a “Fiat Currency Reset” stirs the pot of financial discourse, promising or threatening to redraw the very lines of our monetary system.

Over the past 15 years, global discussion and expectation of a “Fiat Currency Reset” has emerged as a phoenix rising from the ashes of economic uncertainty.

With central banks and governments worldwide losing control of inflation, currency devaluation, and mounting debts, the question of whether a reset is a mere myth or an inevitable future becomes increasingly pertinent.

The Great Fiat Currency Reset: Myth or Inevitable Reality?

On April 1, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

The prospect of a “Fiat Currency Reset” stirs the pot of financial discourse, promising or threatening to redraw the very lines of our monetary system.

Over the past 15 years, global discussion and expectation of a “Fiat Currency Reset” has emerged as a phoenix rising from the ashes of economic uncertainty.

With central banks and governments worldwide losing control of inflation, currency devaluation, and mounting debts, the question of whether a reset is a mere myth or an inevitable future becomes increasingly pertinent.

The Genesis of the Debate

The idea of a fiat currency reset revolves around the comprehensive overhaul of the global monetary system, specifically the revaluation or devaluation of national currencies not backed by physical commodities.

Unlike the gold-standard era, today’s fiat currencies derive their value from government decree and public trust. However, this trust is under scrutiny as inflation rates soar and debts balloon to unsustainable levels.

Economic Indicators and Potential Triggers

A closer examination of economic indicators reveals troubling signs. Inflation rates in several major economies have reached heights unseen in decades, eroding purchasing power and igniting fears of stagflation. Concurrently, global debt, swelled by plandemic-related spending and expansive monetary policies, has reached a staggering $313 trillion, according to the Institute of International Finance.

Such conditions are ripe for speculation on a fiat currency reset. Historically, economic crises have prompted drastic monetary reforms, from the Bretton Woods Agreement to the Plaza Accord. Today’s triggers could range from a catastrophic debt default by a major economy to a sudden loss of confidence in a leading fiat currency.

Central Bank Policies: Fuel to the Fire?

Central banks find themselves at the epicenter of this debate. Their policies, particularly quantitative easing and low interest rates, have been double-edged swords. While stabilizing economies during downturns, these policies have also inflated asset bubbles and debt levels, raising questions about their long-term sustainability.

The advent of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) adds another layer to the discussion. Proponents argue that CBDCs could offer more efficient payment systems and greater financial inclusion. However, critics fear they may grant governments unprecedented control over financial transactions, potentially paving the way for a fiat reset through digital means.

The Role of Gold and Devaluation Trends
Gold has traditionally been a barometer of financial health and a hedge against fiat currency devaluation. In times of economic turmoil, investors flock to gold, driving up its value as confidence in fiat currencies wanes. This dynamic underscores gold’s significant relevance in discussions about a fiat currency reset.

Moreover, currency devaluation trends highlight the vulnerability of fiat money. Countries engaging in competitive devaluation to boost export competitiveness inadvertently fuel a race to the bottom, undermining global financial stability and reinforcing the case for a reset.

Implications for Savings and Investments

For the average person, the prospect of a fiat currency reset holds great uncertainty. Savings and investments denominated in fiat currencies could face significant risks in the event of a reset, from devaluation to conversion into new monetary units. Financial experts advocate for diversified portfolios, including assets less susceptible to inflationary pressures and currency risks, such as precious metals, real estate, and cryptocurrencies.

Surviving a Fiat Currency Reset

Survival strategies in a fiat currency reset scenario emphasize financial prudence and diversification. A growing list of financial planners recommend building a reserve of physical assets, such as gold and silver, and exploring digital currencies as alternative stores of value. Additionally, staying informed about central bank policies and global economic trends is crucial for timely adjustments to financial strategies.

Conclusion: Navigating Uncharted Waters

The debate over a fiat currency reset encapsulates the broader challenges facing the global financial system. While a comprehensive reset remains unpredictable, the underlying economic pressures are undeniable.

In this era of government and central planner fiscal insanity, the prospect of a global fiat currency reset challenges us to rethink our assumptions about money, purchasing power value, and stability.

Whether or not a reset materializes the way we expect, the discussion it sparks is invaluable, pushing all of us to confront the realities of our fiat currency financial system experiment and consider the path forward with positivity, engagement, and courage.

© GCR Real-Time News

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Sunday AM 4-7-24

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Sunday AM 4-7-24

Iraqi dinar RV Emergency date and time announcement – 1:50

HCL New rate for Iraqi dinar done – 1:47

Vietnam Dong big positive new for dinar investors after long time – 1:16

Iraqi dinar ready for new rate – 2:40

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Sunday AM 4-7-24

Iraqi dinar RV Emergency date and time announcement – 1:50

HCL New rate for Iraqi dinar done – 1:47

Vietnam Dong big positive new for dinar investors after long time – 1:16

Iraqi dinar ready for new rate – 2:40

Iraqi dinar RV Emergency date and time announcement – 1:50

HCL New rate for Iraqi dinar done – 1:47

Vietnam Dong big positive new for dinar investors after long time – 1:16

Iraqi dinar ready for new rate – 2:40

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Sunday 4-7-2024


Tishwash:  Signing a strategic partnership contract with Kuwait to pass international communications traffic to Europe via Iraq

 The General Company for Communications and Informatics, one of the formations of the Ministry of Communications, signed a strategic contract, today, Sunday, to pass international communications traffic to Europe via Iraq via Turkey through temporary transit (transit) with the Kuwaiti “Zajel” company.

Minister of Communications, Hiam Al-Yasiri, said in a statement today that the signing of the contract comes to strengthen Iraq’s strategic position in the region and maximize financial revenues in implementation of the government program and the general federal budget law.

She indicated that this contract is the first of a number of contracts and projects for submarine and transit cables to pass communications traffic from the Gulf countries and the countries of South and West Asia to the continent of Europe through Iraqi sea and land ports, passing through Turkey.


Tishwash:  Signing a strategic partnership contract with Kuwait to pass international communications traffic to Europe via Iraq

 The General Company for Communications and Informatics, one of the formations of the Ministry of Communications, signed a strategic contract, today, Sunday, to pass international communications traffic to Europe via Iraq via Turkey through temporary transit (transit) with the Kuwaiti “Zajel” company.

Minister of Communications, Hiam Al-Yasiri, said in a statement today that the signing of the contract comes to strengthen Iraq’s strategic position in the region and maximize financial revenues in implementation of the government program and the general federal budget law.

She indicated that this contract is the first of a number of contracts and projects for submarine and transit cables to pass communications traffic from the Gulf countries and the countries of South and West Asia to the continent of Europe through Iraqi sea and land ports, passing through Turkey.

Al-Yasiri added that this project and other similar projects that are currently under procedures will make Iraq a safe land corridor that competes with the only international sea corridor in the region that passes through the Suez Canal, and these projects will contribute to enhancing the security stability of the country due to the presence of commercial interests and joint work with the rest of the countries of the region and the world. In addition, it will fill an important part of the countries' growing need for large and large Internet capacities.

The minister indicated that the ministry will sign other similar contracts soon, including with Saudi Arabia to land a third submarine cable for Iraq in Al-Faw, in addition to the existence of initial approvals to connect the UAE to Al-Faw and to pass its capacity through Iraqi territory, and there are other measures with Oman and the Kingdom of Bahrain, as all the Arab Gulf states want By passing its missions through Iraq to Europe. link


The Prime Minister's visit to Washington... developments and expectations

 Political circles in Baghdad are awaiting the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to Washington, scheduled for mid-April, which is considered the first of its kind for al-Sudani after he assumed the presidency of the government a year and a half ago.

The two sides expect that the visit will address important issues, including scheduling the foreign military presence in Iraq, supporting the government’s economic reforms, in addition to the relationship between Baghdad and Erbil, which is suffering from an ongoing crisis.

The political researcher, Mujasha Al-Tamimi, explained that the Sudanese visit will focus on “only two issues,” noting that the visit will focus on activating the strategic framework agreement signed with the United States in 2008, and requesting economic support for Iraq while providing guarantees to combat corruption and money laundering.

Al-Tamimi added that the visit will witness broad participation from businessmen and experts in the fields of economics and finance, with the aim of attracting more American companies to invest in the Iraqi market.

For his part, the academic and political researcher, Abdul Aziz Al-Issawi, confirmed that the visit will focus on scheduling the foreign presence in Iraq, and said that it comes at a very important time with the escalation of demands in this regard.

Al-Issawi added that the primary goal of the visit is to initiate actual steps for dialogue with the United States and the international coalition to schedule the foreign presence in Iraq, in addition to strengthening bilateral relations in the fields of economy, investment, education, culture, and energy.

The Iraqi Prime Minister's visit to Washington comes in light of increased political sensitivity, especially with the approaching US presidential elections, which may affect bilateral relations between the two countries

The visit is expected to witness further developments and fruitful talks, and may pave the way for strengthening relations between Baghdad and Washington in the near future. link


Tishwash:  Iraqi Fintechs Shine in Forbes' Top 50 Middle East Ranking

Iraqi fintech companies, Iraq Wallet (ZainCash Iraq) and NEO Pay Iraq, have clinched spots in Forbes' prestigious Top 50 Fintech Companies in the Middle East, underscoring the burgeoning creativity within Iraq's financial technology sector.

The Iraq Wallet, powered by ZainCash Iraq, secured the 6th spot regionally, while NEO Pay Iraq landed at 35th in the Middle East. Iraq Wallet has emerged as a go-to platform for financial solutions, offering a comprehensive range of financial services including local and international money transfers, bill payments, cash-in/out services, mobile recharge, and QR payments. It boasts 1.2 million app downloads and a network of 10,000 agents strategically positioned across Iraq.

Under the leadership of Yazen Altimimi, ZainCash's broad acceptance underscores its relevance to various stakeholders, from individuals and SMEs to major corporations, government entities, and humanitarian organizations.

Similarly, NEO Pay Iraq has garnered acclaim for its innovative digital payment processing. Led by Zaid Fawzi Ibrahim, the platform facilitated $400 million in transactions in 2023 alone, with 100,000 active users and 300,000 app downloads by December 2023, indicative of its rapid growth.

NEO Pay introduced a Visa platinum business card tailored to Iraqi merchants and professionals, a move that gained significant traction. Forbes reports an anticipated issuance of 208,000 cards by March 2024.

The inclusion of Iraq Wallet (ZainCash Iraq) and NEO Pay Iraq in Forbes' esteemed list highlights the transformative impact of fintech on Iraq's financial landscape.   link

Mot:  ....... using chopsticks

Mot: . and Yet More Cost Saving insight into Raising the ""Wee Folks"" LOL

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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

How To Switch Banks: An Easy Step-By-Step Guide

How To Switch Banks: An Easy Step-By-Step Guide

Follow these steps for switching banks painlessly.

Bob Haegele  Thu, April 4, 2024

Switching banks might seem like a daunting task. It means creating new accounts, updating automatic payments, and getting accustomed to your new bank’s policies and features. Even so, switching banks is sometimes necessary — and it could help you save money.

How? Perhaps other banks have lower fees or pay higher interest rates on their accounts. For instance, according to the Federal Reserve, the average national deposit rate on savings accounts was just 0.47% as of March 18, 2024. However, some high-yield savings accounts pay over 5% APY.

Whether you’re looking to switch due to better rates, lower fees, or some other reason, this guide will cover all the steps you need to take.

How to switch banks

The process of switching banks isn’t difficult if you follow the right steps. Here’s how to make the switch.

How To Switch Banks: An Easy Step-By-Step Guide

Follow these steps for switching banks painlessly.

Bob Haegele  Thu, April 4, 2024

Switching banks might seem like a daunting task. It means creating new accounts, updating automatic payments, and getting accustomed to your new bank’s policies and features. Even so, switching banks is sometimes necessary — and it could help you save money.

How? Perhaps other banks have lower fees or pay higher interest rates on their accounts. For instance, according to the Federal Reserve, the average national deposit rate on savings accounts was just 0.47% as of March 18, 2024. However, some high-yield savings accounts pay over 5% APY.

Whether you’re looking to switch due to better rates, lower fees, or some other reason, this guide will cover all the steps you need to take.

How to switch banks

The process of switching banks isn’t difficult if you follow the right steps. Here’s how to make the switch.

Step 1: Research Financial Institutions

If you’re thinking about switching banks, you probably already have one or two in mind. However, you should clearly understand why you plan to switch. Are you switching due to higher interest rates, lower fees, or better security? This will help guide your research so you can target banks with the right features.

Once you know why you want to switch, look into local banks, credit unions, and online banks. During your search, target financial institutions with features that motivate you to switch. Some banks may offer new customer promotions that offer a small reward for opening an account.

Step 2: Open Your New Account

Once you are ready to open your new account, gather the documentation you need to apply. This might include your driver’s license or passport for identity verification, proof of address, and Social Security number.

Based on your needs, decide which type of account you will open, such as a checking or savings account. Most banks and credit unions let you apply online, but you might also decide to open an account in person.

Fill out the form with all necessary information and submit it. Barring any issues, your new account will be open right away.

Step 3: Transition Automatic Payments And Deposits

An important step we don’t always consider is transferring your automatic payments and deposits to your new account. If any of these transactions fail, you could accidentally overdraft or delay an important payment.

First, make a list of all your automatic payments and transfers. These might include rent or mortgage payments, utilities, streaming services, and direct deposits from your employer. Don’t forget about automatic transfers that happen less often, like quarterly insurance premiums or annual dues.

Then, update your automatic transfers by visiting the provider’s website or app and updating your account with the new bank account information. The change may sometimes take one or two billing cycles to take effect.

Step 4: Transfer Your Money

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Saturday Evening 4-6-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Saturday Evening 4-6-24

Today IQD 2.89$ Set New Big Rate Update – 3:06

Iraqi Dinar Latest Exchange Rate Update – 3:02

Iraqi Dinar Massive RV Update – 3:27

WOW Amazing Update About IQD RV – 3:13

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Saturday Evening 4-6-24

Today IQD 2.89$ Set New Big Rate Update – 3:06

Iraqi Dinar Latest Exchange Rate Update – 3:02

Iraqi Dinar Massive RV Update – 3:27

WOW Amazing Update About IQD RV – 3:13

 Today IQD 2.89$ Set New Big Rate Update – 3:06

Iraqi Dinar Latest Exchange Rate Update – 3:02

Iraqi Dinar Massive RV Update – 3:27

WOW Amazing Update About IQD RV – 3:13

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday AM 4-7-2024


Clare:  Install 1,000 ATMs in cities in the Kurdistan Region by the end of 2024


The process of registering employees in the Kurdistan Region continues with the “Hasbi” project, which is a digital financial payment system. Employee registration has reached 260,000 people, and 153,000 cards have been issued to those registered.

The regional government said in a statement today, Friday, that by the end of 2024, about 1,000 ATMs will be installed in all governorates, districts and regions of Kurdistan, so that employees can easily receive their salaries.

According to the statement, the number of banks participating in the project is constantly increasing, and so far they are (BBAC - NBI - RT - Cihan - IIB), all of which have been recognized and accredited by the Central Bank of Iraq.


Clare:  Install 1,000 ATMs in cities in the Kurdistan Region by the end of 2024


The process of registering employees in the Kurdistan Region continues with the “Hasbi” project, which is a digital financial payment system. Employee registration has reached 260,000 people, and 153,000 cards have been issued to those registered.

The regional government said in a statement today, Friday, that by the end of 2024, about 1,000 ATMs will be installed in all governorates, districts and regions of Kurdistan, so that employees can easily receive their salaries.

According to the statement, the number of banks participating in the project is constantly increasing, and so far they are (BBAC - NBI - RT - Cihan - IIB), all of which have been recognized and accredited by the Central Bank of Iraq.

Since last year, as a pilot, Erbil Maternity Hospital employees have received their salaries through the “My Account” banking system.

At the end of last year, the faculties of arts, agriculture, and science at Saladin University received their salaries through the same system.  LINK

Clare:  A new position from the World Bank regarding the Grand Port of Al-Faw



The World Bank expected, today, Saturday, that Iraq will enter the global trade route once the large Al-Faw port is operational.

Ibrahim Dajani, Director of the World Bank’s Transport Sector in the Middle East and North Africa region, wrote during his visit to Al-Faw Port, “Once Al-Faw Port is occupied, Iraq will be placed on the path of global trade between the East and Europe, which will provide opportunities for investment in logistical centers and industrial and commercial activities, as it will provide job opportunities.” For young women and men.”

He added, "I am happy with the Iraqi government's decision to enter into a partnership with the World Bank to achieve this important endeavor."

The large port of Al-Faw is located on the Al-Faw Peninsula, south of Basra Governorate. The cost of the project is about 5 billion dollars, with a total area of ​​54 square kilometers. The capacity of the planned port is estimated at 99 million tons annually, to be one of the largest ports overlooking the Gulf and the tenth largest in the world.

Iraq has completed the construction of more than 60% of an undersea tunnel linking the coastal region to international trade links through what is known as the development road with Turkey.

By the year 2038, Iraq is expected to earn $4 billion from the new port activity, to which indirect revenues will be added, such as transit services through the development road extending to Turkey and Europe, which competes with several global trade lines, thanks to the reduction in time.   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Mnt Goat   What are the next steps?  We know it is the in-country rate needed to support the Project to Delete the Zeros as the next steps and, by design, it is to retrieve all this stashed currency and get it into the banks from the hordes in the Iraqi homes. Common sense then dictates to us that the only way they will be successful in these next steps is to raise the program rate higher over the dollar to create an incentive for this purpose. This will be the second rate change we have been told would occur and have been waiting for [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Mnt Goat  But remember that with these next steps, this is still in the “program” rate and for in-country only. We will still NOT be able to exchange our dinars outside Iraq until the reinstatement which follows the Project to Delete the Zeros... there is much work to be done yet before we go off to the bank to exchange...So now, we are just waiting for the “giant” leap when the CBI gives them the second rate change. This should bring in much if not all the remaining currency back to the banks that they need desperately for the economy. This second rate change should coincide with the project to delete the zeros... [post 2 of 2]


Lena Petrova:  4-7-2024

ALERT! Buckle Up for the Silver Rigging END GAME! $50/oz, $500/oz, $5,000/oz or HIGHER?!

(Bix Weir)  4-7-2024

We don't know how high the price of Silver will rise WHEN the manipulation ends BUT we do know that the price of Silver has been suppressed for over 170 YEARS!

That's a lot of ground to make up and I for one will be HODLing right through the rise!!

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

The New Gold Standard? Zimbabwe’s ZiG Currency and Its Quest for Economic Stability

The New Gold Standard? Zimbabwe’s ZiG Currency and Its Quest for Economic Stability

On April 5, 2024
By Awake-In-3D

Gold-Backed and Geared Up: Is ZiG the Solution to Zimbabwe’s Monetary Meltdown? Here’s a factual deep-dive into this revolutionary currency launch.

Zimbabwe’s latest maneuver in its long-standing battle against economic instability is nothing short of revolutionary.

The introduction of the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), a new gold-backed currency, marks a bold stride toward economic stabilization and away from decades of monetary turmoil.

The New Gold Standard? Zimbabwe’s ZiG Currency and Its Quest for Economic Stability

On April 5, 2024
By Awake-In-3D

Gold-Backed and Geared Up: Is ZiG the Solution to Zimbabwe’s Monetary Meltdown? Here’s a factual deep-dive into this revolutionary currency launch.

Zimbabwe’s latest maneuver in its long-standing battle against economic instability is nothing short of revolutionary.

The introduction of the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG), a new gold-backed currency, marks a bold stride toward economic stabilization and away from decades of monetary turmoil.

As someone deeply entrenched in the analysis of currency and economic trends, I can’t help but view this development through a lens of cautious optimism and perhaps a dash of skepticism.

Here’s my deep-dive into the what, why, and how of new ZiG.

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), under the guidance of incoming governor John Mushayavanhu, has rolled out ZiG in various denominations, from the 1 ZiG note to the lofty 200 ZiG note, even including fractional values like a half and a quarter ZiG.

This initiative isn’t just a change of currency; it’s a strategic overhaul aiming to peg the nation’s monetary value (purchasing power) to something as universally valued as gold, alongside foreign currencies and precious minerals.

The Zimbabwean economy has been on a roller coaster of crises for the last 25 years, with the RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) currency plummeting in value and inflation rates reaching alarming highs.

The introduction of ZiG is a bid to anchor the economy on the stable and universally recognized value of gold, ensuring that the currency has tangible backing beyond mere government promises.

But how does the RBZ plan to implement this ambitious project?

Zimbabweans are given a mere 21-day window to exchange their old, inflation-ravaged notes for new ZiG currency, a tight time frame that underscores the urgency of the transition.

Moreover, the multi-currency system remains, allowing the ZiG to coexist with the US dollar, which notably accounts for 85% of transactions in Zimbabwe. This inclusivity of foreign currencies alongside the ZiG suggests a much more pragmatic approach to stabilizing the economy while retaining flexibility in transactions.

The crux of the matter, however, lies in whether the ZiG can truly lift Zimbabwe from its monetary and economic abyss.

The promise is there: a currency backed by gold and precious minerals offers a buffer against the hyperinflation that has historically plagued Zimbabwean currency.

Yet, history whispers warnings of past attempts that faltered despite initial optimism. The bond note, introduced with similar hopes, crashed as the government resorted to printing money recklessly.

Despite these cautionary tales, the strategic underpinnings of the ZiG – particularly its backing by a “composite basket of reserves” and its structured implementation through banking systems – present a glimmer of hope.

The insistence on a gold-backed currency, governed by tangible assets rather than the whims of printing presses, suggests a commitment to stability and value preservation.

The setting of the exchange rate for the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency at US$1 to 13.56 ZiG is a pivotal element in Zimbabwe’s latest attempt at economic reform.

It represents a calculated attempt to bridge the vast purchasing power differential between the beleaguered Zimbabwean dollar and the global benchmark of the US dollar, seeking to offer a semblance of stability and confidence in the new currency.

This strategic peg against the US dollar is intended to ground the ZiG’s value in the international currency market, providing a clear benchmark for both domestic and international stakeholders.

Moreover, by anchoring the ZiG to a defined US dollar rate, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe aims to mitigate the rampant inflation and value erosion that has plagued previous currencies, positioning the ZiG as a viable and stable monetary unit in the eyes of the world.

This exchange rate is not merely a financial metric; it’s a worldwide broadcast of Zimbabwe’s commitment to economic stability and a testament to the central bank’s strategic foresight in leveraging the intrinsic value of gold to back its currency.

However, skepticism remains warranted.

Zimbabweans’ trust in their central bank is tenuous, at best, following years of economic mismanagement. Moreover, the external challenges, such as the severe drought affecting the country’s maize production, complicate the ZiG’s potential success.

These factors, combined with the public’s subdued reaction to the ZiG’s launch, highlight the uphill battle facing Zimbabwe’s latest economic strategy.

While the ZiG represents a daring and potentially transformative step towards finally achieving economic stability, its success hinges on the government’s discipline, the central bank’s transparency, and the international community’s reception.

Will the ZiG finally lift Zimbabwe out of its economic quagmire?

Only time will tell.

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Evening 4-6-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Evening 4-6-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Advisor To The Association Of Banks: The Success Of The Banking File Negotiations In Washington Contributes To Protecting The Iraqi Banking System From Collapse

Advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Samir Al-Nusairi

Economy News – Baghdad  Advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Samir Al-Nusairi, expected, on Saturday, that the success of the US restrictions negotiations file on 28 private banks with the US Treasury in Washington will contribute to protecting the Iraqi banking system from damage and collapse.

Al-Nusairi said in an interview with Al-Iqtisad News, “We are only a few days away from the expected meeting of the Prime Minister with the American President and the American administration, which makes it very important, in this critical and complex stage that the banking system is going through, that the agenda includes meetings and negotiations with the leaders of the American administration.”

The Treasury Department and the US Federal Reserve call for determining the next and clear paths for bilateral economic relations between the two countries, which have broad relations in all fields.”

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Evening 4-6-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Advisor To The Association Of Banks: The Success Of The Banking File Negotiations In Washington Contributes To Protecting The Iraqi Banking System From Collapse

Advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Samir Al-Nusairi

Economy News – Baghdad  Advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Samir Al-Nusairi, expected, on Saturday, that the success of the US restrictions negotiations file on 28 private banks with the US Treasury in Washington will contribute to protecting the Iraqi banking system from damage and collapse.

Al-Nusairi said in an interview with Al-Iqtisad News, “We are only a few days away from the expected meeting of the Prime Minister with the American President and the American administration, which makes it very important, in this critical and complex stage that the banking system is going through, that the agenda includes meetings and negotiations with the leaders of the American administration.”

The Treasury Department and the US Federal Reserve call for determining the next and clear paths for bilateral economic relations between the two countries, which have broad relations in all fields.”

He explained, "One of the important files that will be included in the discussions, with the participation of the Central Bank and the Iraqi Private Banks Association, is the issue of financial and banking reform and protecting the Iraqi banking sector from collapse after the issuance of sanctions and restrictions by depriving 50% of the total private banking sector from dealing in the US dollar, which is the main foreign currency for banking and commercial transactions." In Iraq and international banking relations a long time ago.”

He pointed out that "the inputs and outputs of this important visit must convince the American side to reconsider the sanctions and restrictions imposed, especially since all the affected banks are currently subject to audit by K2 International, and this confirms the good faith of the banks that the reasons for the deprivation of dealing in the US dollar were not serious and intentional mistakes." .

He continued, "The importance of restoring activity and protecting the private banking system and ensuring the results of its work comes through the electronic platform for the year 2023, which has confirmed its safety and transparency."

Al-Nusairi concluded his speech by saying, “Failure to reach quick solutions to this issue will lead to confusion in the commercial and banking market and will affect ration card supplies, which are the primary food source for a large segment of the Iraqi people, and weaken the plans and procedures of the Central Bank and the government in financial and banking reform, and the lack of control over the stability of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.” And the national economy was damaged.”

Views 49 04/06/2024 -

"A Good Investment"... What Is The Goal Of The Iraqi Central Bank In Issuing Financial Bonds With High Annual Interest?

Economy News – Baghdad   With inflation rates in Iraq currently reaching 5.5%, and expectations that it will reach 6% by the end of the year, the Central Bank announced the launch of financial bonds with the highest annual interest, at 8.5%, as well as for deposits in the private banking sector.

According to economic expert Manar Al-Obaidi, in a post on his page on the Facebook platform, the aim of these bonds is to attract and encourage capital outside the banking system through high interest rates to enter the banking sector, adding that the annual interest rate announced by the Central Bank is encouraging to the investor and depositors, due to its high content. , which is considered a good return on investment compared to its lack of risk.

Al-Obaidi stressed that these bonds are guaranteed by sovereign guarantees of a country that currently has sufficient money reserves, and therefore the risk rate of these bonds is zero and non-existent, and they are purchased through the Iraq Stock Exchange and through market intermediaries.

Al-Obeidi encouraged buying these bonds and selling them in the future at a higher price, meaning that the investment should not only be in the deposit interest but also in the price of the bond itself.

In his publication, Al-Obaidi touched on “depositing money in the private banking sector,” explaining that there are 4 to 5 private banks that own the largest share of the market and their financial data, and are considered very excellent and achieve great control in the Iraqi market.

The decision to choose the bank to place deposits depends on the annual interest rate and method. Benefiting from the interest, how to break the deposit, as well as the financial statements of the bank and the extent of its presence and spread in Iraq.

Al-Obaidi concluded his post by “emphasizing that the success of investment depends on two factors: the first is the amount of profit, and the second is the amount of risk, and only the owner of the money can decide the amount of risk to be taken in exchange for the profit rate,” stressing that investing in bonds and deposits is a good solution for those who do not He wants to intervene in the field of investment and its challenges.”    4/06/2024 -

Expert: The Volume Of Loans Is Approaching The Stage Of Danger, And The Sudanese Must Find Quick Solutions

Economy |  04/06/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad  Crisis affairs expert Ali Jabbar confirmed that there are huge corruption operations within state institutions in planning, construction, and managing state revenues.

Jabbar said, in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News, that “the latest report of the International Monetary Fund stated that there is corruption in planning, construction, and the proper management of state revenues, stressing that there is huge waste and corruption operations within state institutions.”

He added, "Planning for service projects and projects to relieve bottlenecks in Iraq may not be compatible with the budget drowned in debt, indicating that the volume of loans is approaching the danger stage and the government of Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani must find quick solutions."

He pointed out that "if the current government or the next government wants to succeed in overcoming this crisis, it must adopt a single strategy, which is to assign individuals with investment minds and knowledge in the field of investment to get out of this crisis."

Iraq Exports 5.5 Million Barrels Of Oil To America During The Past Month

Economy - 04/06/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad  The US Energy Information Administration confirmed that Iraq's oil exports to the United States rose last March to more than 5 million barrels.

The administration stated, in its table, that “Iraq exported 5.483 million barrels of crude oil to America during the month of last March, with an average of 176 thousand barrels per day, higher than the month of February, in which exports reached 4.379 million barrels and an average of 173 thousand barrels per day.”

She added, "Iraq exported an average of 93,000 barrels per day of crude oil to America during the first week of last March, while it exported an average of 252,000 barrels per day in the second week, while it exported an average of 244,000 barrels per day in the third week, while it was exported during... The fourth week averages 91 thousand barrels per day.”

She explained, "Iraq came in fifth place in its exports to America during the past month, after (Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil), and in second place in the Arab world after Saudi Arabia, whose exports to America exceeded the barrier of 9 million barrels.

Stability in dollar exchange rates in Baghdad, Basra and Erbil

Saturday 06, April 2024 10:22 | EconomicalNumber of readings: 212

Baghdad / NINA / The exchange rates of the dollar against the dinar witnessed stability this Saturday morning in Baghdad, Basra and Erbil.   Below is a list of dollar selling prices:

$100 = 147,550 dinars in Baghdad    $100 = 147,650 dinars in Basra    $100 = 147,600 dinars in Erbil.

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit : 


Provoking Points To Ponder On Failures and Mistakes

 I believe we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime.- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

A chief is a man who assumes responsibility. He does not say "My men were beaten," he says, "I was beaten."- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The most considerable difference I note among men is not in their readiness to fall into error, but in their readiness to acknowledge these inevitable lapses.- Thomas Henry Huxley

It is very easy to forgive others their mistakes. It takes more grit and gumption to forgive them for having witnessed your own.- Jessamyn West

Whenever at an accusation blind rage burns up within us, the reason is that some arrow has pierced the joints of our harness. Behind our shining armour of righteous indignation lurks a convicted and only half-repentant sinner ... [and] we may be almost sure some sharp and bitter grain of truth lurks within it, and the wound is best probed.- Jane Harrison

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Saturday Afternoon 4-6-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Saturday Afternoon 4-6-24

Finally Chase Bank Confirm New Exchange Rate $2.80 – 4:23

Vietnam Dong Massive Exchange Rate – 2:26

Sudani Officially Announced IQD RV And Set Exchange Rate – 4:15

Iraqi Dinar Update By Wolverine – 2:07

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Saturday Afternoon 4-6-24

Finally Chase Bank Confirm New Exchange Rate $2.80 – 4:23

Vietnam Dong Massive Exchange Rate – 2:26

Sudani Officially Announced IQD RV And Set Exchange Rate – 4:15

Iraqi Dinar Update By Wolverine – 2:07

 Finally Chase Bank Confirm New Exchange Rate $2.80 – 4:23

Vietnam Dong Massive Exchange Rate – 2:26

Sudani Officially Announced IQD RV And Set Exchange Rate – 4:15

Iraqi Dinar Update By Wolverine – 2:07

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