Operation Golden Lily – World War II
Operation Golden Lily – World War II
The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer
Contrary to popular belief, gold and silver are real money that cannot be corrupted and represent real value for the exchange of valuable goods and services.
The Looting of Treasure
An important aspect of the Second World War that often goes unnoticed and is rarely discussed is the extensive looting of treasure carried out by the Nazi regime during the war. It is well documented that the Nazis did indeed loot vast amounts of treasure and wealth from across Europe, much of which was reportedly recovered by the Allied forces after the war, but some of which remains missing to this day. Look, Hitler’s Gold Grab – Gold! Man’s greatest obsession.
Operation Golden Lily – World War II
The Final Wake Up Call By Peter B Meyer
Contrary to popular belief, gold and silver are real money that cannot be corrupted and represent real value for the exchange of valuable goods and services.
The Looting of Treasure
An important aspect of the Second World War that often goes unnoticed and is rarely discussed is the extensive looting of treasure carried out by the Nazi regime during the war. It is well documented that the Nazis did indeed loot vast amounts of treasure and wealth from across Europe, much of which was reportedly recovered by the Allied forces after the war, but some of which remains missing to this day. Look, Hitler’s Gold Grab – Gold! Man’s greatest obsession.
Watch this 5 minute video to understand the importance of gold to society. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zfg2dxUXzG0
What has been almost completely brushed aside by historians, however, is the plundering of China and South Asia by the Japanese. Thirteen nations in all, as part of Operation Golden Lily, which continued more aggressively than ever during the Second World War.
The sheer volume of gold and treasure stolen from the Chinese and other nations during this period of the war makes the Nazi looting of Europe look like a run-of-the-mill convenience store robbery.
To this day, it is common knowledge throughout China that enormous wealth was stolen from them both before and during the war, but because of the total secrecy of Operation Golden Lily, as well as the total control of the media in the Western world throughout the 20th century and beyond, this fact has gone completely unreported in the West.
This begs the question:
Knowing full well that treasures beyond imagination have been taken as part of the war effort, why has this not been reported, and where exactly have all these treasures ended up?
Here is a short documentary video on the subject. Note that the man speaking in the film, Rhawn Joseph, claims that the gold and treasures looted by the Japanese totalled $100 billion.
This figure is confirmed in the book Gold Warriors, written by investigative journalists Sterling and Peggy Seagrave.
The Japanese hid vast amounts of these stolen treasures throughout the Philippines. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Le7SCVNA7Z8
The authors wrote: “.
.. a high-ranking Japanese officer, who was a cousin of Emperor Hirohito… (confirms) that the Japanese hid over $100 billion worth of treasures in the Philippines and that it would take ‘more than a century’ to recover it all”.
Based on additional information provided later, this $100 billion estimate turned out to be $240 billion.
Obviously, as the victor, the US felt entitled to share in the spoils. But to make the deal stick, the world’s number one war criminal, Emperor Hirohito, was absolved of all responsibility.
The US began conspiring with mass murderers, war criminals and gangsters to cover up their crimes.
It was imperative that Hirohito and all responsible members of the royal family should never be charged, never be questioned, and that all should go free. Even General Ishii, who commanded the notorious Unit 731, was given immunity.
Ishii struck a private deal with MacArthur. General Ishii had conducted horrible medical experiments on innocent people, injecting Koreans, Chinese, Russians, Americans and others with terrible diseases and then dissecting people alive without anaesthetic.
According to Colonel Sanders,
“MacArthur agreed to immunity for all in return for all the information [Unit 731] had. Ishii went on to become a millionaire and director of Japan’s Green Cross.
Black Eagle Trust Fund
“The Allies, through a vast and complex network of spies, learned of the stories of vast quantities of gold and ancient treasures stolen by the Japanese as part of Operation Golden Lily, and later hidden and buried throughout Japan and the Philippines.” https://www.voltairenet.org/article30068.html
In July 1944, delegates from 44 nations met in New Hampshire and developed the Bretton Woods system of monetary management. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/brettonwoodsagreement.asp
“On the outside, it was presented as an effort to rebuild the world’s financial system in the aftermath of World War II. The idea seemed noble enough. But there was a hidden agenda. Thanks to the extensive espionage networks that had been set up behind the scenes during the war, the highest levels of government were aware of the treasures looted by the Nazis and the Japanese.
In anticipation of the Allied seizure of these riches, delegates set up the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and discussed what to do with the loot once it was in Allied hands.
However, it was not until later in 1945, when both General Dwight D. Eisenhower and General MacArthur had informed President Truman of just how vast the treasures actually were, that the Powers That Be, or the Deep State Cabal, who decided to set up the ultra-secret Black Eagle Trust – named after the Black Eagle symbol of the Third Reich.
One of the key players in the creation of this fund was Henry L Stimson, then US Secretary of War.
Various publicly available reports that have attempted to catalogue the amount of wealth lost in the war in both Europe and Asia have estimated that these treasures amount to a total of 280,000 tonnes of gold, in addition to an abundance of jewels and diamonds.
In 1945, US intelligence officers in Manila discovered, through the bribery and torture of insiders, that the Japanese had hidden large quantities of gold bullion and other looted treasures in the Philippines.
President Truman decided to recover the gold, but to keep these treasures secret.
It would be combined with Japanese treasures recovered during the US occupation and Nazi loot to create a worldwide American political action fund to fight communism.
This ‘black gold’ was placed in a fund called The Black Eagle Trust Fund, which gave the Khazarians in Washington DC virtually unlimited, unaccountable funds, providing an asset base to bolster the treasuries of America’s allies, to bribe political and military leaders, and to manipulate elections in foreign countries for some eighty years. https://www.wanttoknow.info/911/black_eagle_trust_fund
Between 1945 and 1947, astronomical sums of gold bullion and jewels were transferred from Germany, Japan, the Philippines and other countries throughout Asia and placed in 172 accounts in 42 different countries.
Huge sums went directly into the accounts of the Federal Reserve and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland.
Over the years, this wealth has been used as part of a global political action fund to do the following;
TO READ MORE: https://finalwakeupcall.info/en/2025/03/21/operation-golden-lily-world-war-ii/
BRICS Nations are Changing the Global Economy, is the Dollar at Risk?
BRICS Nations are Changing the Global Economy, is the Dollar at Risk?
Geopolitical Analyst: 3-23-2025
For decades, the US dollar has reigned supreme, acting as the linchpin of the global financial system.
From powering international trade to serving as the primary reserve currency for nations worldwide, its dominance has been unchallenged. However, a powerful bloc of nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, collectively known as BRICS – is now actively seeking to disrupt this established order, pushing for a new financial landscape less reliant on the greenback.
BRICS Nations are Changing the Global Economy, is the Dollar at Risk?
Geopolitical Analyst: 3-23-2025
For decades, the US dollar has reigned supreme, acting as the linchpin of the global financial system.
From powering international trade to serving as the primary reserve currency for nations worldwide, its dominance has been unchallenged. However, a powerful bloc of nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, collectively known as BRICS – is now actively seeking to disrupt this established order, pushing for a new financial landscape less reliant on the greenback.
But how serious is this challenge? Could the dollar truly lose its grip on global finance? And what would the ramifications be for the global economy?
The BRICS nations represent a considerable economic force. Together, they account for over 40% of the world’s population and a significant 32% of global GDP when adjusted for purchasing power parity. Over the years, BRICS has evolved beyond a purely economic alliance, forging stronger political and trade relationships, solidifying its influence on the global stage.
One of the primary objectives of this bloc is to reduce their dependence on Western financial institutions and the US dollar-dominated global economy. Understanding the rationale behind this ambition is crucial to grasping the potential shift in the global financial power dynamic.
The answer lies in the perceived weaponization of the dollar by the US government for economic and geopolitical leverage. Because the dollar is the world’s primary reserve currency, the US possesses the power to impose stringent economic sanctions, effectively cutting off nations from global banking systems and controlling significant trade transactions.
The events of 2022 served as a stark reminder of this power. In response to the war in U*****e, the US and its allies froze nearly $300 billion of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves. This bold demonstration of financial power sent shockwaves across the globe, particularly within the BRICS nations.
They realized that their reliance on the dollar made them vulnerable to similar economic repercussions. Consequently, they began taking decisive action to diminish their dependence.
One significant step has been the increased emphasis on trade settlements in local currencies. For instance, India and Russia are now conducting a considerable portion of their trade using the Indian rupee and the Russian ruble, circumventing the need for US dollar transactions.
China, the world’s second-largest economy, has been aggressively promoting the internationalization of its currency, the yuan. The nation has established currency swap agreements with numerous countries and launched the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) as a direct alternative to the US-dominated SWIFT system for international financial transactions.
As a result, China’s trade with countries like Russia, Brazil, and nations in the Middle East is increasingly being settled in yuan. Indeed, by mid-2024, nearly 27% of China’s total trade was settled in yuan, a significant leap from just 17% in 2022, highlighting the growing acceptance and usage of the Chinese currency in global commerce.
Furthermore, the BRICS countries are actively developing new financial institutions to challenge Western dominance. The New Development Bank (NDB), often referred to as the BRICS Bank, was established to provide an alternative to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Unlike the IMF, which often imposes strict conditions on loans, the NDB aims to offer developing nations greater financial autonomy without the perceived influence of Western powers. This is particularly appealing to countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia, many of which have expressed frustration with Western financial policies and lending practices.
The challenge posed by BRICS to the US dollar’s dominance is undeniable. While the dollar remains the undisputed king for now, the concerted efforts of these nations to diversify their financial systems and reduce their reliance on the greenback represent a significant shift in the global economic landscape.
Whether these efforts will ultimately dethrone the dollar remains to be seen, but the increasing momentum behind this movement suggests a future where the global financial system is more multipolar and less reliant on a single currency.
The coming years will be crucial in determining the long-term impact of the BRICS challenge and the future trajectory of the global economy.
Monday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/24/2025
Monday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/24/2025
MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Member: Good morning Mark and mods and everyone!
Member: Dear God let this be the week we are waiting for!!!!!
Member: GM everyone! is it time to break out some laxative to give the powers that control RV so things will get " moving" along?
Monday Coffee with MarkZ. 03/24/2025
MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Member: Good morning Mark and mods and everyone!
Member: Dear God let this be the week we are waiting for!!!!!
Member: GM everyone! is it time to break out some laxative to give the powers that control RV so things will get " moving" along?
Member: The anniversary of Kuwait revaluation was today.
MZ: I am hearing interesting things on the bond side but they have not fully pulled the trigger yet. No individual bond holders running around with lots of money…..yet.
MZ: There are a couple of bond “flippers” who are offering exponentially more than they have ever offered before. They are offering roughly half of what the bonds are actually thought to be worth. Flippers would not do this if they thought they would be out that money for a long time. I find that encouraging that we are close .
MZ: The folks working with the treasuries and Central banks….they have gone silent…Zip. The only people willing to talk are the flippers.
MZ: Group leaders continue to work on the travel arrangements . These group leaders will process the groups as they go through. It doesn’t tell us when…just that we are getting closer.
MZ: Many are already in transit and others are leaving soon. Remember not all bonds have to be paid for us to get notifications to go.
MZ: Remember I was told that 90% of Americans will have an exchange center less than 50 miles from their house.
Member: Is anyone getting paid at all?
MZ: How do I answer that without getting into trouble? I think that is all I need to say.
Member: What is your gut telling you Mark about timing?
MZ: My gut feeling is telling me in the next few days to weeks we should have already been to the banks. But I have not been told a firm date from anyone.
Member: Do you think that when the RV phone number comes out there will be a lot of people getting a busy signal the first time they call the number?
Member: It would make sense to have a large call center for us….for at least the first month.
Member: Mark, WHAT are we actually waiting for? What other processes need to be completed by Iraq?
Member: MM dropped a good one last night. Looks like Sudani is pushing to wrap things up.
MZ: ”After a break of more than a month- the Parliamentary confirmation of the convening parliamentary session is today” They are back at it in Iraq and seem to be pushing forward on key pieces. .
MZ: “All indications indicate that today’s session will be held and the Polpular Mobilization law will be read” This is one of the big sticking points of the US and World Bank to give the “GO” and it may be squared away today.
MZ: “Officially voter registration to begin tomorrow” There are upcoming elections in Iraq. They are updating all of their voter registration logs. And they are using new biometric ID’s.
Member: Sure as heck hope Sudani and Alaq get the RV done before their elections……or we may never get the RV
MmZ: “The Ministry of oil announces the establishment of a fixed platform for the important export of gas to Basra” They are adding another floating dock to move away from Iranian gas imports.
Member: So are we still signing an NDA at our exchange?
MZ: We have no idea what it’s going to look like or even if it’s going to exist. Most of my banking contacts are telling me there will only be an NDA on our projects funds on the Zim.
Member: I’m prepared in case. Loose lips sink ships.
Member: On Telegram, there is a rumor of tier 4B being paid out this week.
Member: Still praying the RV happens before Tax day on April 15th.
Member: There is always the rumor of the St Germaine trust opening at Easter time….but hope things don’t take that long.
Member: Another rumor of March 31 is deadline for RV start
Member: March 31st is end of 1st Qtr; does that mean anything?
Member: We are locked and loaded…Come on RV let’s go!!!!
Member: Everyone have a great day today.
Mod: Remember no podcasts on Monday and Friday Nights now. See everyone in the morning
FOLLOW MARKZ : TWITTER . https://twitter.com/originalmarkz?s=21. TRUTH SOCIAL . https://truthsocial.com/@theoriginalm...
Mod: MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM
MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/
Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.
ZESTER'S LINK TREE: https://linktr.ee/CrazyCryptonaut
News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 3-24-2025
Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 24 March 2025
Compiled Mon. 24 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Global Currency Reset: (Rumors)
Sun. 23 March 2025 Mr. Pool on Telegram: Military oversight active! IQD: $10.21, VND: $6.42, ZIM: special handling. Early Tier 5 reports indicate full accessibility within hours! Public trade screens go live tonight. Tier 4B confirmations now trickling into secure drop zones. Screens are going black. Then green.
Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.
RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 24 March 2025
Compiled Mon. 24 March 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington
Global Currency Reset: (Rumors)
Sun. 23 March 2025 Mr. Pool on Telegram: Military oversight active! IQD: $10.21, VND: $6.42, ZIM: special handling. Early Tier 5 reports indicate full accessibility within hours! Public trade screens go live tonight. Tier 4B confirmations now trickling into secure drop zones. Screens are going black. Then green.
Mr. Pool cont…..The final sequence has initiated – emails, calls & appointments being quietly issued to pre-cleared participants. Citibank, HSBC, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America have moved into isolated mode – all Tier 1 branches now under elevated comms lockdown. No public-facing alerts. No press releases. Only silence. Why? Because this isn’t about the public anymore. It’s about precision. Everything is unfolding exactly as planned.
Sat. 22 March 2025 Wolverine: “It’s official. That’s all I’m allowed to say.
Sun. 23 March 2025 Digital Dinar on X: “Tier 1 + 2 are fully liquid Tier 3 funds have all been moved and are ready to be processed. Many have been paid. Some are still on stand-by, but are fully funded. 4A + 4B will move at the same time. Very quickly. https://t.co/nFaxSh9ReC https://x.com/EXIT_FIAT/status/1903752272301130056 https://x.com/EXIT_FIAT/status/1903752272301130056?t=YMgHaK2W2PReHQXAKCoMyA&s=09
Sat. 22 March 2025 Continuation. System goes live. High Alert: The Banking System Is Transitioning! …The 47th on Telegram (1) Elon Musk ( Parody ) on X: “CONTINUATION SYSTEM GOES LIVE HIGH ALERT: The Banking System Is Transitioning Massive financial activity is now visible across the entire global infrastructure. Inside sources report that Tier 4B final releases are activating in synchronized” / X
Massive financial activity is now visible across the entire global infrastructure. Inside sources report that Tier 4B final releases are activating in synchronized phases. The IMF and BIS have been forced to acknowledge the transition, and attempts to stall the inevitable have FAILED!
Global Reset in Motion! Banks are transitioning to the Quantum Financial System as we speak. Insider chatter confirms full compliance from major financial institutions. The old system is FADING-the future is HERE.
All Eyes On Final Execution Phase: This is the moment where history is being rewritten. The biggest financial event in modern history is UNFOLDING IN REAL TIME.
The next 12 hours are everything! (posted at 10:04 am MST Sat. 22 March 2025)
Various Tier3 holders (not known to each other in USA, EU, Asia) fully liquid as of yesterday Thurs. 20 March.
Apts. started today for some contacts in other groups.
Substantial movement in Reno and Zurich on bonds. Payments for bonds activated in Colombia a few days ago. (bond payouts separate from RV).
Rumors of potential events occurring tonight, possible Military operation.
Trillions of dollars in some accounts primarily held by humanitarian focused individuals.
Tier 2 and Tier 3 liquidity beginning to flow, ancient claims paid out.
Optimism for new Iraqi rate announcement this weekend, followed by exchanges within days.
Higher rates are more likely at a Redemption Center.
Expect process will conclude within a week.
Zim Bonds: 20% for humanitarian efforts, 80% to Bond Holders with options to designate projects from pre-planned list.
April 2 2025 speculated start of Tier 5 (public) tied to US gold-backed dollar.
March 31 2025 midnight deadline for Iraq liquidity agreement from Aug. 2024, pushing the RV timeline.
Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2025/03/24/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-march-24-2025/
Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/
Walkingstick Trump is getting Iraq to repay America in the same way he's getting every nation that has abused us to repay us back, from NATO countries to Iraq...Trump has always wanted a fair deal whether it be with him selling his buildings or him as a president with our American dollar. Iran and Iraq owe the United States of America a lot of money...I can see it in Trump's actions, the monetary reform is the #1 thing for him right now. How else is America going to get repaid?
Frank26 The oil, the blood in the veins of the monetary reform of Iraq, these [railroad] tracks, these ports, these mega ships like this one coming in from South Korea, they are going to explode Iraq. Everything that is in position to coming in to Iraq is amazing. This is a country on steroids very soon. The problem is, they got the steroids, they bought them, they paid for them, they're all set, they got them on the little table, got a glass of water right next to it, you want to inject them, got syringes, everything's all ready to go...but you're not going to have it until the doctor shows up in order to apply it. The same thing with this. Not until Al-Sudani decides, yeah I am ready. He's in charge...Donald Trump is pushing, pushing, pushing for the oil to flow because once it starts to flow it exposes everything...
US Households are on the Verge of Bankruptcy Right Now
Heresy Financial: 3-24-2025
0:00 US Households on the Verge
1:30 $18 Trillion Total
3:00 $13T in Housing vs. $5T in Other Debts
4:00 Real Income Trends & Inflation’s Impact
5:00 Rising Delinquency Rates & Falling Consumption
6:00 Trade Wars & Recession Risks
8:00 Debt, Defaults & Affordability
9:00 Action Plan Part 1: Boost Your Income
10:00 Action Plan Part 2: Aggressively Pay Off Debt
11:00 Action Plan Part 3: Stockpile Assets & Avoid Lifestyle Upgrades
12:00 Economic Rotation & Final Observations
Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Monday Morning 3-24-25
Good Morning Dinar Recaps,
The acting SEC chair urged rulemaking over enforcement to clarify crypto regulations and avoid courtroom confusion.
Acting SEC Chair Urges Crypto Reset—Classification Shouldn’t Be Courtroom Chaos
Acting U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Mark T. Uyeda led the inaugural session of the agency’s Crypto Task Force roundtable on March 21 in Washington D.C. He used the occasion to urge the Commission to move away from regulation through enforcement when dealing with crypto assets.
Good Morning Dinar Recaps,
The acting SEC chair urged rulemaking over enforcement to clarify crypto regulations and avoid courtroom confusion.
Acting SEC Chair Urges Crypto Reset—Classification Shouldn’t Be Courtroom Chaos
Acting U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Mark T. Uyeda led the inaugural session of the agency’s Crypto Task Force roundtable on March 21 in Washington D.C. He used the occasion to urge the Commission to move away from regulation through enforcement when dealing with crypto assets.
Speaking to regulators, legal experts, and market participants, Uyeda argued that the SEC should instead embrace formal rulemaking processes to bring clarity to the digital asset space. He stated:
"This approach of using notice-and-comment rulemaking or explaining the Commission’s thought process through releases – rather than through enforcement actions – should have been considered for classifying crypto assets under the federal securities laws."
His remarks set the tone for a roundtable focused on addressing the fragmented legal interpretations that have defined the crypto landscape for years.
Uyeda examined the inconsistent application of the Howey test, the Supreme Court’s 1946 standard for identifying investment contracts, and how those inconsistencies complicate the classification of crypto assets.
He cited his own past as Chief Advisor to the California Corporations Commissioner, where he argued a certificate of deposit with an attached bonus qualified as an investment contract—a position the court rejected.
According to Uyeda, the legal community remains divided. Some federal circuits, he noted, require pooling of investor funds and pro rata profit distribution, while others accept a broader interpretation centered on shared risk.
There is also disagreement over whether the investor’s gain must stem from post-sale efforts by the promoter or whether significant actions taken before the sale are sufficient to meet Howey’s threshold.
The acting SEC chair noted:
"Differences in opinions among various courts is not unusual. After all, a judicial opinion is limited to the particular facts and circumstances of that case."
“When judicial opinions have created uncertainty for market participants in the past, the Commission and its staff have stepped in to provide guidance,” he clarified. Pointing to past instances where the SEC offered guidance to fill legal gaps—such as in the classification of whisky warehouse receipts and condominium sales—Uyeda suggested that the same approach should have been taken with digital assets.
@ Newshounds News™
Source: Bitcoin News
BRICS member Russia is heavily diversifying its foreign exchange reserves by replacing the US dollar with gold. As of March 2025, gold makes up 34.4% of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves and is worth $217.4 billion. The Central Bank of India is massively accumulating the precious metal to safeguard its economy from market turmoil.
Russia is just one among the BRICS nations that has been aggressively buying gold since 2022. Its counterparts China, India, and Brazil have also been accumulating the glittery metal for 36 months.
The developing countries are looking to sideline the US dollar for foreign exchange reserves as the currency comes with the risk of debt.
If the market crashes, holding the US dollar becomes a financial burden and weakens their respective economy.
Therefore, BRICS members are turning towards gold and other local currencies to distance themselves from the threat of acquiring debt. If the US fails to export the dollar, inflation could wreak havoc in the homeland leading to a rapid price rise for daily essentials.
BRICS Newfound Love for Gold
Speculation is also doing the rounds that BRICS aims to launch a new currency backed by gold in the coming years. Therefore, the alliance members are massively accumulating the metal in their central banks and diversifying their reserves. The goal is to usher into a new era of financial establishment where the US dollar plays no significant role.
@ Newshounds News™
Source: Watcher Guru
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Thank you Dinar Recaps
It’s the Difference Between $70 and $140 Million
It’s the Difference Between $70 and $140 Million [Podcast]
Notes From the Field By James Hickman (Simon Black) March 18, 2025
A few years ago, I was at a private conference listening to a CEO of a silver mining company explain—quite matter-of-factly—how silver prices were being manipulated.
He laid out the whole playbook: how major Wall Street traders would flood the market with short positions in paper silver, drive the price down, and simultaneously accumulate physical silver at rock-bottom prices. Then, once they’d cornered enough physical supply, they’d let prices rise, selling into the momentum they themselves created.
It’s the Difference Between $70 and $140 Million [Podcast]
Notes From the Field By James Hickman (Simon Black) March 18, 2025
A few years ago, I was at a private conference listening to a CEO of a silver mining company explain—quite matter-of-factly—how silver prices were being manipulated.
He laid out the whole playbook: how major Wall Street traders would flood the market with short positions in paper silver, drive the price down, and simultaneously accumulate physical silver at rock-bottom prices. Then, once they’d cornered enough physical supply, they’d let prices rise, selling into the momentum they themselves created.
It was a textbook case of market manipulation—illegal, unethical, but enormously profitable.
But what stuck with me wasn’t the CEO’s explanation. It was the reaction of some of the “finance elite” in the room.
A few of them scoffed. You could practically see them rolling their eyes. Manipulate silver? Why would anyone bother? They arrogantly dismissed the notion outright.
Fast forward a couple of years, and guess what happened? JP Morgan paid a nearly $1 billion fine for precisely this kind of manipulation. Several traders went to prison.
Turns out, the “conspiracy theory” was, in fact, reality.
The reason why it happened is because it could happen. Silver is a small enough market where a few large players can force those kind of price fluctuations.
And to me, that is the primary reason why we likely won’t see a sustained run up in silver prices.
Gold has now hit $3,000 per ounce. So could speculation drive silver to ridiculous heights? Absolutely. The Wall Street traders might even pull the reverse of what they did last time and intentionally drive prices up.
But there is a key difference between silver and gold– gold has an obvious catalyst for higher prices: central banks are buying up gold literally by the metric ton in their efforts to diversify away from the US dollar.
The silver market, on the other hand, is simply too small to absorb that amount of capital.
Gold also provides central banks with the best wealth density to easily store vast fortunes of value.
Think about it like this— a barrel of oil is worth about $70. If you fill up that same barrel with silver, you’d have about $1.5 million of value.
But fill it up with gold and suddenly it’s worth about $140 million!
In other words, gold is the one of the most ‘dense’ forms of wealth in existence… and that’s the primary reason why central banks are loading up on it, instead of silver.
We discuss all this in today’s podcast, as well as another precious metal that central bankers might consider accumulating— and it’s not silver.
We also talk about what gold’s latest milestone means, if investors are too late to the party, and some alternative ways to gain exposure to what will likely be a continuing run up in gold prices.
One of those alternatives is investments in profitable, well-managed precious metals companies which are at the moment incredibly undervalued.
That’s because central banks are buying gold, not gold companies.
The last three precious metals companies that we showcased in our 4th Pillar investment research newsletter fit this exact criteria, and are up 27%, 21%, and 40% respectively.
We still think this is a very sensible approach worth considering.
You can listen here.
Also, you can access the transcript of this video, here.
“Tidbits From TNT” Monday Morning 3-24-2025
Tishwash: After a suspension of more than a month, parliament confirms that the parliament session will convene today.
Arif al-Hamami, a member of the Coordination Framework, confirmed that the House of Representatives will hold its session today, Monday, to proceed with the reading of important laws after sessions were suspended for more than a month.
Al-Hamami told Shafaq News Agency, "The House of Representatives will successfully hold its session today, after sessions were suspended for more than a month due to disagreements over the Popular Mobilization Forces' service and retirement law. However, after the law is submitted for its first reading, the House will proceed with the session and the legislation will be expedited."
Tishwash: After a suspension of more than a month, parliament confirms that the parliament session will convene today.
Arif al-Hamami, a member of the Coordination Framework, confirmed that the House of Representatives will hold its session today, Monday, to proceed with the reading of important laws after sessions were suspended for more than a month.
Al-Hamami told Shafaq News Agency, "The House of Representatives will successfully hold its session today, after sessions were suspended for more than a month due to disagreements over the Popular Mobilization Forces' service and retirement law. However, after the law is submitted for its first reading, the House will proceed with the session and the legislation will be expedited."
He added, "The House of Representatives will work to double its sessions over the coming period to compensate for the absence of a session during the previous period. The House will also witness accelerated activity to activate its oversight and legislative role during the coming period, especially after the Eid al-Fitr holiday."
Political positions vary regarding the inclusion of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) law on the agenda of the parliament session scheduled for Monday. This move aims to end the parliament's nearly two-month hiatus from holding sessions.
The Iraqi Parliament has repeatedly failed to reach a consensus on the provisions of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) law, particularly since it mandates the retirement of more than 3,500 PMF leaders, including the commission's chairman, Faleh al-Fayyadh, who are over the legal retirement age.
A source within the Coordination Framework revealed on March 11 that Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani had withdrawn the Popular Mobilization Forces' civil service and retirement law from the Iraqi parliament to minimize political disagreement and prevent it from interfering with parliamentary sessions. The source added that the convening of parliamentary sessions was now contingent on the law being added to the parliament's agenda.
The House of Representatives is witnessing ongoing disruptions to its sessions, due to the lack of a quorum to hold them, despite the announcement of the agenda and the setting of a session date. link
Tishwash: Al-Sudani forms a 40-member council to promote the private sector.
The Ministry of Planning announced on Sunday the issuance of a royal decree to form a private sector development council, headed by the Prime Minister. The council's members will be 40.
The ministry said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, "A royal order was issued to form the Permanent Private Sector Development Council, headed by Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, and two deputies. The first is Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning Mohammed Ali Tamim, while the second deputy will be a representative of the private sector, elected by the council members."
She added that “the council consists, in addition to the first and second deputies, of (38) members, (10) of whom represent the government agencies related to the private sector development file, while the (28) members represent the various activities under the banner of the private sector, which include industrial and agricultural activities, banking sectors, contracting and public investments, entertainment investments, hotels and restaurants, general trade and commercial agencies, communications and health, private education, residential activity, real estate development and energy.”
She pointed out that "the council includes a group of experts and representatives of youth and entrepreneurship," explaining that "the Permanent Council for Private Sector Development is of great importance, as it is the effective representative of all economic activities in this sector, and will play a fundamental role in formulating economic and investment policy, contributing to achieving a true partnership with the public sector." link
Tishwash: PM Barzani Urges Closer KRG-Iraq Ties in Meeting with World Bank
The discussion between PM Barzani and World Bank Regional Director Jean-Christophe Carret underscored the need for closer cooperation with Baghdad on economic reforms, institutional development, and improved public services.
In a diplomatic engagement aimed at strengthening economic cooperation and accelerating public sector reforms, Kurdistan Region’s Prime Minister Masrour Barzani received a delegation from the World Bank on Sunday.
The delegation was led by Jean-Christophe Carret, the World Bank’s Regional Director for the Middle East.
According to a statement from the KRG, the meeting underscored the importance of deepening collaboration between the Kurdistan Region, the federal government of Iraq, and the World Bank, particularly in areas tied to economic modernization, institutional reform, and improvements in public service delivery.
The visit by the World Bank delegation signals renewed international interest in supporting the KRG’s efforts to modernize its economy and governance structures, particularly at a time when regional and global economic pressures demand more effective and transparent institutions. As the KRG continues to navigate complex political and fiscal challenges, its partnership with global financial institutions like the World Bank is seen as crucial to ensuring long-term stability and prosperity.
The World Bank, founded in 1944 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., is one of the world’s leading international financial institutions. It provides loans, grants, and technical expertise to developing countries to reduce poverty and support sustainable economic development. Over the years, it has played an active role in post-conflict reconstruction and institutional reform in Iraq.
Back in 2016, the World Bank entered into discussions with both the Iraqi federal government and the KRG about providing a major loan to support development and service projects across the country.
As part of the KRG’s broader economic strategy, Prime Minister Masrour Barzani has led efforts to expand banking services across the Kurdistan Region. In his address at HITEX24 on September 3, 2024—covered by Kurdistan24—he announced that banking capacity has increased fivefold since the ninth cabinet took office, reflecting a push to modernize the financial system and reduce reliance on cash-based transactions.
Furthermore, the KRG has made notable strides in digital governance. According to the KRG’s official Strategy for Digital Transformation, spearheaded by the Department of Information Technology (DIT), the government aims to become a regional GovTech powerhouse by 2025. The strategy is underpinned by six Core Strategic Activities (CSAs): strengthening digital governance, building digital architecture, investing in human capital, prioritizing user-centered design, improving security and data privacy, and reforming procurement systems.
The strategy emphasizes a citizen- and business-centric approach to public service, supported by agile and transparent IT infrastructure. It also introduces robust digital principles, including interoperability, data-driven decision-making, and accessibility across government platforms. According to the document, over 50 government services have been digitized, with the long-term vision that all residents will be able to access public services 'anywhere, anytime, on any device.'
The Prime Minister’s Decree No. 104 (2020) formally authorized the DIT to lead and regulate the digital transformation of all KRG entities. As stated in the strategy, the transformation is not only technological but also institutional, involving legal reforms, public awareness campaigns, and engagement with private sector and international stakeholders. This holistic vision is seen as essential for reducing bureaucracy, improving transparency, and unlocking economic opportunities across the Kurdistan Region.
At the World Government Summit 2025 in Dubai, PM Barzani reiterated the Kurdistan Region’s strategic vision, emphasizing institutional reform, youth empowerment, and long-term sustainability. He stated that the KRG seeks to be a regional model for effective governance and forward-looking economic planning.
These developments provide crucial context for the World Bank’s deepening engagement with the Kurdistan Region and underscore the international community’s recognition of the KRG’s ongoing efforts to implement structural reforms and strengthen its institutional foundations. link
Mot: .. These Mondays Ya knows!! ~~~~
Mot: It’s a Health Bar
MilitiaMan & Crew-Iraq Dinar News-Reformed Banks to International Standards-Integration-Global Financial Markets
MilitiaMan & Crew-Iraq Dinar News-Reformed Banks to International Standards-Integration-Global Financial Markets
The Crew: Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man
Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..
MilitiaMan & Crew-Iraq Dinar News-Reformed Banks to International Standards-Integration-Global Financial Markets
The Crew: Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man
Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..
Posted by Mot at TNT: The width of that tunnel is just slightly…
(From Recaps archives)
Mot: ....... And guess what? The width of that tunnel is just slightly
Did you know that the standard railroad gauge in the U.S.—the distance between the rails—is 4 feet, 8.5 inches? That might seem like an odd number, and there's a fascinating story behind it that stretches back thousands of years!
Why was that gauge used in the first place? Well, it's because the first U.S. railroads were designed by English engineers, and that’s how they built them in England. But why did the English use that particular gauge? It turns out that the first rail lines were constructed by the same people who built the old wagon tramways, and they used the same gauge.
(From Recaps archives)
Mot: ....... And guess what? The width of that tunnel is just slightly
Did you know that the standard railroad gauge in the U.S.—the distance between the rails—is 4 feet, 8.5 inches? That might seem like an odd number, and there's a fascinating story behind it that stretches back thousands of years!
Why was that gauge used in the first place? Well, it's because the first U.S. railroads were designed by English engineers, and that’s how they built them in England. But why did the English use that particular gauge? It turns out that the first rail lines were constructed by the same people who built the old wagon tramways, and they used the same gauge.
But why did they use that specific wheel spacing for wagons? The reason goes even further back. If they tried to use a different spacing, the wagon wheels would break more often on the old, long-distance roads in England. You see, the wheels had to match the spacing of the ruts in those roads. And who created those ruts?
The roads were originally built by Imperial Rome for their legions, and those roads have been used ever since. The ruts were made by Roman war chariots, which were all built to a standard width to accommodate the rear ends of two war horses. So, the standard U.S. railroad gauge of 4 feet, 8.5 inches actually originates from the specifications of an Imperial Roman war chariot!
Bureaucracies, it seems, have a knack for enduring the test of time. So, the next time you're handed a specification or process and wonder, "Who on earth came up with this?" you might just be right in thinking it dates back to a couple of horse's... well, you know!
Now, here’s the twist: When you see a Space Shuttle on its launch pad, there are two big solid rocket boosters (SRBs) attached to the sides of the main fuel tank. These SRBs were made by Thiokol at their factory in Utah.
The engineers wanted to make them a bit wider, but there was one problem—the SRBs had to be shipped by train to the launch site. The railroad line passed through a tunnel in the mountains, and the SRBs had to fit through that tunnel.
And guess what? The width of that tunnel is just slightly wider than the railroad track, which, as you now know, is determined by the width of two horses' behinds from ancient Rome.
So, a critical design feature of one of the most advanced transportation systems in the world was dictated by the width of two horses'... well, you get the idea.
Who knew that the influence of ancient horse's behinds could reach all the way into the Space Age?
Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Sunday Afternoon 3-23-25
Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Sunday Afternoon 3-23-25
Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is ready to reset its relationship with the crypto industry, according to Commissioner Hester Peirce.
The SEC’s new “Crypto Task Force” held its inaugural roundtable event on Friday, which brought together regulators, private-sector lawyers and digital asset firm executives.
Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Sunday Afternoon 3-23-25
Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is ready to reset its relationship with the crypto industry, according to Commissioner Hester Peirce.
The SEC’s new “Crypto Task Force” held its inaugural roundtable event on Friday, which brought together regulators, private-sector lawyers and digital asset firm executives.
At the event, Peirce, a longtime crypto advocate, spoke of “a restart of the Commission’s approach to crypto regulation.”
“The formation of the Crypto Task Force gave permission to staff in the building to work earnestly towards a workable framework for crypto regulation, and staff have responded with palpable enthusiasm. The enthusiasm in this room is also palpable, so let us seize the moment and have a meaningful conversation today.
This room is full of people—on the panel, on the Crypto Task Force, on the Commission staff, and in the audience—who are ready for [the] sprint ahead. People have been talking, thinking, and writing about the issues with which we are now wrestling. The roundtable series will allow us to explore the issues collaboratively.”
Peirce leads the Crypto Task Force, which launched in January. The commissioner said last month that the team is currently working on questions related to the security status, public offerings, custody and secondary market trading of crypto assets.
@ Newshounds News™
Source: DailyHodl
Ripple’s recent legal victory over the SEC has caused a huge stir in the crypto world. After a long legal battle, the SEC dropped its lawsuit against Ripple, which has left the industry buzzing with excitement. This decision marks a huge shift in how regulators will handle digital assets in the U.S., and it could set an important precedent for future cases.
Jeremy Hogan, a legal expert, provided a detailed breakdown of the current situation, explaining that while the SEC has dropped its appeal, it’s still unclear if Ripple has agreed to the same.
He said that the judgment from Judge Torres, which includes a $125 million penalty and an injunction, is the worst case scenario for Ripple. Here’s what could happen next:
1. Ripple could continue appealing, seeking a court ruling on whether investment contracts require formal agreements.
2. Ripple might agree to drop its appeal, returning the case to the trial court where both sides could try to amend the judgment.
3. Ripple could drop its appeal and come to a private agreement with the SEC without modifying the judgment.
4. Ripple might just pay the $125 million and move on without further legal action.
This outcome could have lasting effects on the crypto industry, as the SEC’s decision to back off from its aggressive stance signals a potential shift toward more clear and balanced regulatory guidelines
The legal victory clears a major roadblock for Ripple and sets the stage for the company to continue its mission of revolutionizing cross-border payments.
It also suggests a future where digital assets may be regulated under clearer rules, creating opportunities for growth in the industry. If Ripple can maintain this momentum, it could be a game-changer for the crypto space and offer a new path forward for digital currencies.
@ Newshounds News™
Source: Coinpedia
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7 Useful Pieces Of Money Advice From People Who Started Their Own Business
7 Useful Pieces Of Money Advice From People Who Started Their Own Business
Casey Clark Mon, March 17, 2025 HuffPost Life
Money can be a scary topic for a lot of people. Perhaps you don’t even know where to even start when it comes to managing finances and keeping yourself afloat. But there’s one group who needs to nail down financial literacy in order to thrive: people with their own businesses. Without it, they may not earn a living or see success with their endeavor.
We spoke with small business owners about money advice they have for anyone hoping to get a handle on finances, whether you’re a business owner yourself or someone simply looking to try to improve your own personal bank account. Here’s what they suggest:
7 Useful Pieces Of Money Advice From People Who Started Their Own Business
Casey Clark Mon, March 17, 2025 HuffPost Life
Money can be a scary topic for a lot of people. Perhaps you don’t even know where to even start when it comes to managing finances and keeping yourself afloat. But there’s one group who needs to nail down financial literacy in order to thrive: people with their own businesses. Without it, they may not earn a living or see success with their endeavor.
We spoke with small business owners about money advice they have for anyone hoping to get a handle on finances, whether you’re a business owner yourself or someone simply looking to try to improve your own personal bank account. Here’s what they suggest:
1. Make and understand your budget.
Erika Kullberg, an attorney and founder of Erika.com, told HuffPost that having a budget is paramount to success in both business and life.
“Your compensation can fluctuate, so it’s important to understand your cash flow and budget to make sure you’re saving for emergencies and retirement,” she said.
At the most basic level, you should budget for the necessities including housing, transportation, food and health care. Once you have the essentials covered, look at what’s left to budget for buckets like entertainment, subscriptions and savings. The key is knowing every dollar that goes in and out of your account.This guide on making a budget is a good place to start.
2. Educate yourself on tax breaks.
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, employee or a freelancer, it’s important to remember what tax benefits are available to you.
“This will allow you to keep more of your money so you can pay off any debt and save for retirement,” Kullberg said.
For example, if you have your own business, there are certain expenses ― like office supplies, travel costs and moving expenses ― you can write off in your taxes, which can help in the long run. For non-business owners, there are certain credits you can account for as well, such as having children or donating to a charity. A financial advisor will typically be able to help educate you on what tax breaks you’re entitled to based on your income and individual situation.
If you don’t want to spend money on an accountant or financial advisor, there are free resources online that can be helpful. NerdWallet and The Balance are two websites that have information on taxes, investing, budgeting and more that you can view for free. There are also content creators like Vivian Tu who make videos with information about financial literacy and the economy in an easily digestible manner.
TO READ MORE: https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/7-useful-pieces-money-advice-070003234.html