Humor, News Dinar Recaps 20 Humor, News Dinar Recaps 20

More "Tidbits From TNT" Tuesday Night 12-12-2023


CandyKisses:  Iraq begins electoral silence on Friday. Documents

Shafaq News / The Media and Communications Commission announced, on Monday, that the "electoral silence" begins from next Friday, December 15, until the closure of the last electoral center.

This came in a book sent by the authority to media institutions in which it called on the institutions to abide by electoral silence and not to promote any entity or candidate.

Electoral silence is a period determined by law preceding every presidential or parliamentary elections, in which the practice of political propaganda is prohibited, during which all parties and independent and coalition parties are prohibited from exercising any activity within the framework of their electoral campaign, and in which candidates are strictly prohibited from carrying out any process that falls within the promotion, propaganda and winning the favor of voters.


CandyKisses:  Iraq begins electoral silence on Friday. Documents

Shafaq News / The Media and Communications Commission announced, on Monday, that the "electoral silence" begins from next Friday, December 15, until the closure of the last electoral center.

This came in a book sent by the authority to media institutions in which it called on the institutions to abide by electoral silence and not to promote any entity or candidate.

Electoral silence is a period determined by law preceding every presidential or parliamentary elections, in which the practice of political propaganda is prohibited, during which all parties and independent and coalition parties are prohibited from exercising any activity within the framework of their electoral campaign, and in which candidates are strictly prohibited from carrying out any process that falls within the promotion, propaganda and winning the favor of voters.

CandyKisses:  Parliamentary Finance: Government transactions other than the dollar will contribute to fixing its official rate


The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed on Tuesday that the government's orientation towards currencies other than the dollar in foreign dealings will contribute to fixing its official rate of 1,320 dinars to the dollar.

A member of the committee, Jamal Kojar, said in an interview with Al-Maalouma that "the government's orientation towards currencies other than the dollar will facilitate the issue of trade on the one hand and push traders to deal with the platform more and reduce pressure on the dollar instead of focusing on it, stressing that it will contribute to stabilizing its official price."

He added, "The government has spent only 20% of the current year's budget, and it is assumed that after December 20, a good part of the budget will be spent for five days until the accounts are closed."

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee pointed out that "with the beginning of the new year, the budget tables for the next year 2024 will be sent."


CandyKisses:  Integrity Commission: "Where did you get this?" campaign succeeded in recovering $ 10 million to the state treasury

Economy Baghdad News

The head of the Federal Integrity Commission, Judge Haider Hanoune, announced on Tuesday the success of the "Where did you get this?" campaign by recovering $ 10 million and 100 billion dinars to the state treasury.

Hanoun said in a speech during his participation in the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, and followed by "Economy News", that "there is a lack of cooperation by the countries that host the smuggled corruption funds to return them to Iraq," noting that "there are unprecedented achievements achieved by the current government during the first year of its life in terms of combating corruption and preventing its spread."

"The government has placed the fight against corruption at the top of its government programme and allocated the necessary funds to finance anti-corruption programs in the tripartite budget," he said, pointing out that "there is collective action between the three authorities in Iraq to combat corruption and support the efforts of the Integrity Commission and enable it to carry out its job duties."

"The Integrity Commission's success in activating the National Strategy for Integrity and Anti-Corruption and its inclusion of various organizational levels, as well as its success in forming a field media team to communicate with the media and investigative journalism in the field of monitoring corruption cases," Hannun said.

"The Integrity Commission launched a campaign where did you get this? For illicit gain operations, through which more than 10 million US dollars and more than 100 billion Iraqi dinars were recovered," noting that "the commission has intensified the seizure of bribers of the crime witnessed recently

Mot: Poor ole ""Earl"" siigghhhhhh

Mot: .. Now That Un - Worked fur HIm!!! 

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Chats and Rumors, News Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Tuesday 12-12-2023


Tishwash:  Democratic Party: The current stage requires approving the oil and gas law

On Tuesday, the representative of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Sharif Suleiman, stressed the country’s need to pass the oil and gas law in order to avoid problems between the center and the region, pointing to the possibility of amending the laws to suit the country’s needs.

Suleiman told Al-Maalouma, “Iraq is in dire need of an oil and gas law, especially since the current stage is witnessing problems between the region and the center due to the lack of this law, which can spare the two sides any disputes between them.”

He added, "Most of the laws have been amended, including the Federal Budget Law. If all parties reach agreements to pass the Oil and Gas Law, the door will be opened to amending the Budget Law in line with the wordings of the new law."


Tishwash:  Democratic Party: The current stage requires approving the oil and gas law

On Tuesday, the representative of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Sharif Suleiman, stressed the country’s need to pass the oil and gas law in order to avoid problems between the center and the region, pointing to the possibility of amending the laws to suit the country’s needs.

Suleiman told Al-Maalouma, “Iraq is in dire need of an oil and gas law, especially since the current stage is witnessing problems between the region and the center due to the lack of this law, which can spare the two sides any disputes between them.”

He added, "Most of the laws have been amended, including the Federal Budget Law. If all parties reach agreements to pass the Oil and Gas Law, the door will be opened to amending the Budget Law in line with the wordings of the new law."

He stated that "the laws are not considered a written book, as they are all subject to amendment according to formulas presented through the proposals of the relevant parliamentary committees or by the Prime Minister, in proportion to the requirements of the stage or the country's need to amend any law enacted in Parliament."   link

Tishwash:  Parliamentary Finance: Government transactions in non-dollar currencies will contribute to stabilizing its official rate

The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, on Tuesday, that the government’s move toward currencies other than the dollar in foreign dealings will contribute to stabilizing its official rate of 1,320 dinars to the dollar.

Committee member Jamal Cougar said in an interview followed by “Al-Ma’louma” that “the government’s move towards currencies other than the dollar will facilitate the trade issue on the one hand and push traders to deal with the platform more and reduce pressure on the dollar instead of focusing on it, stressing that it will contribute to stabilizing its official price.” ".

He added, "The government has spent only 20% of the current year's budget, and it is assumed that after December 20, a good portion of the budget will be spent for a period of five days until the accounts are closed." 

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee pointed out that, “With the beginning of the new year, the budget schedules for next year 2024 will be sent.”  link


CandyKisses:  Globally.. Dollar Falls, Yen Stabilizes Amid Anticipation of US Inflation Data

Economy News-Baghdad

The U.S. dollar fell as the Japanese yen settled in trading on Tuesday, in Asia as traders awaited inflation data in the United States and an anticipated series of central bank meetings.

Dollar index contracts fell 0.5 percent to 145.46 yen. Both currencies have been volatile for days, with the yen rising on comments from the Bank of Japan seen as tightening before falling again on reports that played down expectations of an imminent change in monetary policy.

ANZ economist Tom Kenney said: "There has been talk of the Bank of Japan moving to raise interest rates and there are expectations that it will happen by next week."

High iron ore prices and a rebound in Chinese property shares supported the Australian and New Zealand dollars, while other currencies were little changed.

The New Zealand dollar rose 0.5 percent to 0.6154 percent.

The euro was priced at $1.0765 and the pound sterling was $1.2577.

U.S. inflation data will set the framework for Wednesday's decision by the Federal Reserve.

Later in the week, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Norway and the Swiss National Bank are due to meet, and Norway is expected to be the only one to raise rates.


Tishwash:  Iraqi Oil Minister: Fossil fuels will remain the main source of energy in the world

Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Iraqi Oil Minister, Hayyan Abdul-Ghani, today, Tuesday, defended the production of fossil fuels in response to the recent demands and calls to limit it and even dispense with it, which were issued by the “COP 28” conference. For climate, which was held in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

This came during his chairmanship of the second ministerial session on energy, environment and sustainable development within the activities of the 12th Arab Energy Conference.

Abdul Ghani said in a speech in which he opened the session that fossil fuels will remain the main source of energy in the whole world, stressing the necessity of preserving oil as a strategic commodity for producing countries because their economies depend on oil energy sources as a major resource.

He pointed to the importance of the traditional energy sector and energy transformations in the Arab countries and their various paths, including the transition to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and the common Arab market for electricity and green hydrogen.

Abdul Ghani added that Arab countries produce oil, but thermal emissions come from industrialized countries that use this oil, and they must increase the efficiency of their equipment to benefit from this energy to reduce harmful emissions.

He continued by saying that we are all working to promote and support renewable and clean energy sources and projects, and our projects on the ground confirm this.  link

Mot: Just Part of the Raising of the ""Wee Folks"" 

Mot:  . Guess What!!!!! 

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Monday Evening  12-11-23

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Monday Evening  12-11-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Dollar Prices Stabilize In Baghdad With The Stock Market Closed

Economy  Monday, December 11, 2023 Baghdad/National News Center  The prices of the US dollar stabilized against the Iraqi dinar, today, Monday, in the markets of the capital, Baghdad, with the stock market closed.  The National News Center correspondent said, “Dollar prices stabilized with the closure of the main Kifah and Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad, recording 157,300 dinars against 100 dollars, while dollar prices recorded this morning 157,400 dinars against 100 dollars.”

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Monday Evening  12-11-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Dollar Prices Stabilize In Baghdad With The Stock Market Closed

Economy  Monday, December 11, 2023 Baghdad/National News Center  The prices of the US dollar stabilized against the Iraqi dinar, today, Monday, in the markets of the capital, Baghdad, with the stock market closed.  The National News Center correspondent said, “Dollar prices stabilized with the closure of the main Kifah and Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad, recording 157,300 dinars against 100 dollars, while dollar prices recorded this morning 157,400 dinars against 100 dollars.”

He added, "Selling prices in exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad stabilized, as the selling price reached 157,500 dinars for 100 dollars, while the purchase price reached 156,000 dinars for 100 dollars."

Central Bank Sales Exceed $220 Million Today  Monday 11, December 2023 11:59 | Economical Number Of Readings: 416 

Baghdad / NINA / The Central Bank of Iraq announced, today, Monday, its total sales of foreign currency through the electronic window.

The total amounts of transfers abroad (remittances, credits) amounted to $204,502,584, while the total amount of cash sales amounted to $16,060,000, and the total amount of sales amounted to $220,562,584.

The cash sale was set at 1,305 dinars per dollar, while the sale of bond credits, international electronic card settlements, and foreign transfers was set at 1,310 dinars to the dollar. /End 11

The Ministry Of Planning Announces The Imminent Formation Of The Permanent Council For Private Sector Development

The Ministry of Planning   Money  and business   Economy News – Baghdad  Today, Monday, the Ministry of Planning announced the approval of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani for Minister Muhammad Tamim to assume the presidency of the Permanent Council for the Development of the Private Sector, confirming the imminent formation of the council.

A statement from the ministry, received by Al-Iqtisad News, stated that “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani agreed to assume the presidency of the Permanent Council for the Development of the Private Sector, based on a request submitted by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, Muhammad Ali Tamim, in order to give the council the role and space.” which should be occupied."

The statement explained, “The formation of the Permanent Council for Private Sector Management comes in line with the adoptions of the ministerial curriculum, which emphasizes the commitment to support the private sector, whether in the field of implementation or legislation, as a partner in reconstruction and construction,” pointing out that “the Ministry is keen to provide all kinds of support for this.” The sector, for its vital role in revitalizing and developing the Iraqi economy.”

He pointed out, "The Permanent Council for Private Sector Development will include in its membership representatives of private sector unions and associations in accordance with the objectives of the government program," indicating that "the Ministry has taken a number of measures as part of preparations to transform the Council from its temporary capacity to its permanent capacity."

He stated, “The Private Sector Development Council was formed in 2021 to be one of the main outcomes of the Private Sector Development Strategy, 2014-2030, and represents the highest structure to supervise the strategy, and provides the appropriate opportunity for the private sector to manage itself, and it will also be a platform for dialogue and interaction.” Coordination and integration between the public and private sectors.”

The statement noted, “The Council includes in its membership representatives of more than (15) entities representing unions, associations, and private sector actors, including businesswomen and youth, in addition to the participation of government agencies, namely the Ministries of Planning, Finance, Industry, Minerals, Trade, Labor, and Social Affairs, in addition to the Central Bank.”

He pointed out, "Nominations for membership in the General Authority of the Council in its permanent capacity were opened for approximately three months, and the number of applicants reached (228) candidates representing most of the private sector entities. The applicants were evaluated according to the differentiation points based on the criteria that were approved after presenting them to the private sector." (160) members will be selected for membership in the General Authority, distributed among 13 economic and investment sectors.

The statement explained that “the public authority seats are distributed among the economic and investment sectors over the (13) sectors according to the relative importance of each sector,” noting that “it is hoped to benefit from the experiences of countries whose economies have developed by relying on the private sector, as a pioneer and partner in the state’s economic decision-making.” "Including the experience of South Korea."

The statement stressed that "the Council will seek to provide an opportunity to hold periodic meetings with the Council of Ministers, in the presence of the private sector and direct dialogue to reach decisions implemented by sectoral ministries and entities not affiliated with the Ministry and the governorates, in addition to the Council and its representatives attending meetings of the Ministerial Council for the Economy that discuss topics related to the private sector."

The Ministry of Planning concluded its statement by saying, “The Prime Minister’s presidency of the Permanent Council for Private Sector Development represents an important addition to achieving more support for this sector, because of its importance in achieving the goal, advancing the process of economic development, and increasing the importance and percentage of this sector’s participation in the country’s economy.”  Views 34 12/11/2023

The Iraqi Stock Exchange Closed Up By 1.06%

Market  Economy News – Baghdad  The Iraqi Stock Exchange closed today, Monday, up by 1.06%.

The session traded shares of 30 companies, with the number of shares traded reaching more than 2.4 billion shares, with a value of more than 3.5 billion dinars.

Shares of Al-Mansour Bank rose by 14.8%, followed by Meat Marketing by 10%, and Al-Karkh Toy City by 3.9%.  Shares of the Economy Bank fell by 11.1%, followed by Dar Al Salam Insurance by 7.2%.

Views 30 12/11/2023

Oil Continues Its Gains As America Seeks To Buy Strategic Reserves

Economy |  11/12/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News   Oil prices rose in Monday's trading for the second session in a row, thus compensating for part of the losses they suffered in the past period.

US West Texas Intermediate crude futures rose by 0.66% to $71.70 per barrel, while global Brent crude futures rose by 0.73% to $76.39 per barrel, according to Bloomberg data.

Oil contracts ended last week's trading on an upward note, as US crude contracts closed trading on Friday at $71.23 per barrel, an increase of 2.75% from the previous settlement price.

Meanwhile, Brent contracts ended trading at $75.84 per barrel, an increase of 2.4% from the previous closing price.

The rise comes as markets evaluate the call for Russia, Saudi Arabia, and members of the “OPEC+” group to join the voluntary production cuts.


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:

Provoking Points To Ponder on Adversity:

You have within you, right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you.

Now, here are three steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action.

First, treat every problem or difficulty as if it were a “test,” sent to see how capable and competent you are. Look for ways to grow and benefit, to “pass” the test with high marks.

Second, stay calm no matter what happens. The longer you can stay calm and relaxed, the better decisions you can make and the faster you will be out of your difficulty.

Third, ask other people who have had the same problem for their advice. Don’t try to solve it all by yourself.

And finally, no matter what it is, say to yourself, “This too, shall pass.”

Brian Tracy is the bestselling author of more than 42 books, published in 40 countries and translated into dozens of languages. Brian is a world renowned speaker and seminar leader, addressing more than 250,000 people each year throughout the US, Canada and in 40 other countries. 

About the Author
Brian is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, and President of Brian Tracy University, a private on-line University for Sales and Entrepreneurship. 

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: Iraq Dinar - Fix to the Global Financial System

Iraq Dinar - Fix to the Global Financial System

MilitiaMan and Crew:  12-11-2023

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Angel1,  Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraq Dinar - Fix to the Global Financial System

MilitiaMan and Crew:  12-11-2023

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Angel1,  Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 12-11-23

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 12-11-23
Good evening Dinar Recaps,

Banking Announcement:
A US Congressional Bill HR 8950 is set for a vote in January 2024 that will cement cryptocurrencies as commodities and not securities. 
All crypto on the blockchain will be regulated as a commodity by the CFTC - this will be signed into US law as early as January when the H.R.8950 - Digital Commodities Consumer Protection Act of 2022 - goes for final vote and presidential signature.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 12-11-23
Good evening Dinar Recaps,

Banking Announcement:
A US Congressional Bill HR 8950 is set for a vote in January 2024 that will cement cryptocurrencies as commodities and not securities. 
All crypto on the blockchain will be regulated as a commodity by the CFTC - this will be signed into US law as early as January when the H.R.8950 - Digital Commodities Consumer Protection Act of 2022 - goes for final vote and presidential signature.

The SEC will get jurisdiction on Securities backed by crypto assets like Spot ETFs.

© Bull Runners

Banks who are prepared to make their move in January 2024 will benefit greatly from this decision. They will be able to revalue their gold reserves.

Once this legislative bill is signed into law, it will create a market signal for gold to run to its real value.

It will begin creating price pressures on the Commodity Market, Cryptocurrency Market, and all Tokenized Assets in the Market backed by gold and other commodities.

This will begin to reset prices across all sectors of the Global Market.

© Goldilocks
Congress Link

"This bill grants exclusive jurisdiction to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission over activity involving digital commodities as specified by the bill.

The bill defines digital commodities as fungible digital forms of personal property that can be transferred from person to person without an intermediary. Excluded from this definition are securities, interests in physical commodities, and U.S.-backed digital currencies. The commission does not have jurisdiction over digital commodities used solely for the purchase or sale of a good or service.

Digital commodity platforms (including brokers, custodians, dealers, and trading facilities) must register with the commission and comply with risk management and good governance procedures. The bill also sets forth recordkeeping requirements, conflict of interest standards, and other consumer protections."

And more...

"Google will allow ads for U.S. based-crypto trusts from January, with the change seemingly coming in the same month that spot Bitcoin ETFs are predicted to be approved.

In a Dec. 6 policy change log, Google said its crypto and related products ad policy will be updated on Jan. 29, 2024, to allow ads from “advertisers offering Cryptocurrency Coin Trust targeting the United States.”

Cryptocurrency Coin Trusts were exampled as “financial products that allow investors to trade shares in trusts holding large pools of digital currency” — likely including ETFs.

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this 👆


Banking Announcement:

Cantons of Basel, Zurich have moved from their pilot program to settling their digital bonds with wholesale CBDCs.

The settlement happened on December 1, 2023 as part of Project Helvetia Phase III. This project was first announced by the Saudi National Bank in November 2023.

"The initiative explores real-world use cases of a wholesale CBDC for commercial banks and is designed to run until the middle of 2024."

© Goldilocks


Banking Announcement:

“IBM applauds EU negotiators for reaching a provisional agreement on the world’s first comprehensive AI legislation. We have long urged the EU to take a carefully balanced approach, focused on regulating high-risk applications of AI while promoting transparency, explainability, and safety among all AI models. As lawmakers work through the remaining technical details, we encourage EU policymakers to retain this focus on risk and accountability, rather than algorithms. 
We share the goals of enabling AI’s safe and trustworthy development and creating an open, pro-innovation AI ecosystem, and recognize that both government and industry have roles to play. Recently, IBM announced watsonx-governance ( to provide organizations with the toolkit they need to manage risk, embrace transparency, and anticipate compliance with AI-focused regulation like this.

IBM looks forward to working with the EU institutions, governments, and other stakeholders to support the responsible uptake and governance of AI so its benefits are enjoyed broadly across business and society.”


Protocol 20 Announcement:

"Stellar’s Galactic Reset: Protocol 20 Upgrade Shines Bright on December 18th"

"The Stellar network has been preparing to support smart contracts through the Soroban platform that has been in development for the past two years with an initial funding of $100 million.

Anyone who runs Stellar-associated software has been informed to update the respective versions before January 30, 2024, when the public network will be upgraded to enable it to support DeFi protocols." CryptoNewsFlash Link


New Banking Settlement Announcements:

China is persuading African nations to use the Chinese Yuan instead of the US dollar for cross-border transactions as it moves to expand the BRICS alliance.

Zambia exports raw and processed copper to China each year for $2 billion. China is pushing de-dollarization by encouraging Zambia to pay for copper using the Yuan.

China has been instrumental in promoting the de-dollarization movement across many developing countries, including those in Africa.


Today’s sale of 3-year Treasury notes was met with low demand, with *primary dealers forced to take on a large portion of the treasury sale to make up for a lack of bidders.

*Primary dealers are trading counterparties of the New York Fed in its implementation of monetary policy. Primary dealers are expected to make markets for the New York Fed on behalf of its *official accountholders.

*Official accountholders for the NT Fed are the U.S. government, foreign governments, other central banks, and official international organizations.

From Greg Mannarino


The average perceived probability of missing a minimum debt payment over the next three months decreased by 0.2 percentage point to 11.8% in November, a level comparable to those prevailing just before the pandemic.

After reaching its lowest reading in three years last month, the median expected year-ahead change in taxes (at current income level) bounced back by 0.3 percentage point to 4.1% in November.
Median year-ahead expected growth in government debt increased to 10% in November from 9.8% in October.
The mean perceived probability that the average interest rate on saving accounts will be higher in 12 months decreased by 0.8 percentage point to 29.5%.

Perceptions about households’ current financial situation were mostly unchanged compared to last month. In contrast, consumers were more optimistic about their year-ahead financial situation with a smaller share expecting to be worse off.

The mean perceived probability that U.S. stock prices will be higher 12 months from now rose by 2.3 percentage points to 36.5%.

About the Survey of Consumer Expectations (SCE)
The SCE contains information about how consumers expect overall inflation and prices for food, gas, housing, and education to behave. It also provides insight into Americans’ views about job prospects and earnings growth and their expectations about future spending and access to credit.

The SCE also provides measures of uncertainty regarding consumers’ outlooks. Expectations are also available by age, geography, income, education, and numeracy.

The SCE is a nationally representative, internet-based survey of a rotating panel of approximately 1,300 household heads. Respondents participate in the panel for up to 12 months, with a roughly equal number rotating in and out of the panel each month.

Unlike comparable surveys based on repeated cross-sections with a different set of respondents in each wave, this panel allows us to observe the changes in expectations and behavior of the same individuals over time. For further information on the SCE, please refer to an overview of the survey methodology here, the interactive chart guide, and the survey questionnaire
Contact  Mariah Measey   (347) 978-3071

An Overview of the Survey of Consumer Expectations


Swiss finance sector told to ‘green’ up its act


Navigating Currency Exchange Risks With Multicurrency Accounts  Forbes Link




JUST IN: $150 million liquidated from the crypto market in the past 45 minutes. @WatcherGuru


I've NEVER BEEN MORE BULLISH ON SILVER! This Is Will Be the Catalyst for 100 Oz - Andy Schectman


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Monday Afternoon 12-11-23

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Monday Afternoon 12-11-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Report: More Than 90 Trillion Dinars In Cash Are In Circulation Outside The Banking System In Iraq
Economy     Iraq     breaking     Economic institution     Money in circulation     Outside the banking system
2023-12-09 21:55  Shafaq News/ The Future Iraq Foundation for Economic Studies and Consultations counted, on Sunday, the local currency circulating outside the banking system in the country during the year 2023, and said that it exceeded 90 trillion dinars.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Monday Afternoon 12-11-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Report: More Than 90 Trillion Dinars In Cash Are In Circulation Outside The Banking System In Iraq
Economy     Iraq     breaking     Economic institution     Money in circulation     Outside the banking system
2023-12-09 21:55  Shafaq News/ The Future Iraq Foundation for Economic Studies and Consultations counted, on Sunday, the local currency circulating outside the banking system in the country during the year 2023, and said that it exceeded 90 trillion dinars.

The institution stated in a report published today that the value of the issued cash currency increased from 78 trillion dinars at the beginning of the year 2022 to reach more than 102 trillion dinars at the end of the year 2023, with a
growth rate in the issued cash currency amounting to 9.24% during 2023 and a growth rate in 2022 amounting to 20%, an increase.

For the year 2019, by 58 trillion Iraqi dinars, according to data from the Central Bank of Iraq. The report added that the  cash currency outside the banking system amounted to approximately 93 trillion Iraqi dinars, an increase of 30% compared to 2022, and
it is the highest volume of funds existing outside the banking system throughout the history of the Iraqi banking system.
According to data from the Ministry of Planning, the  population of Iraq reached 43 million people in 2023, representing only 60% of them over the age of 15 years.
Therefore, the number of Iraqis’ population who are more than 15 years old exceeds 26 million people, and based on the Ministry’s figures Work, which indicates that the size of
social welfare beneficiaries is approximately 14 million people, while the number of adult Iraqi citizens who are not covered by social welfare is approximately 12 million people.
The report indicated that, based on data from the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Planning, and the Central Bank of Iraq, it can be concluded that the average value of each Iraqi’s 12 million people hoarding money in the Iraqi currency “exclusively” is approximately 7.2 million Iraqi dinars per citizen, higher than in 2019, which was approximately 4 million. Iraqi Dinar.
According to the Foundation, considering that each home contains at least two adults (a man and a woman) who are not covered by social care, the rate of each Iraqi home hoarding money exclusively in the Iraqi currency amounts to 15 million Iraqi dinarswhich is a higher percentage than in 2019which was approximately 8.12 million dinarsIraqi.
The report noted that, based on these official figures issued by official bodies, every adult Iraqi citizen over the age of 15 (man and woman) who is not a beneficiary of social welfare was able to increase his money stored in Iraqi dinars by 1.2 million Iraqi dinars during the years 2022 and 2023 despite From the decline in the value of the dinar compared to the dollar in the local market, in addition to the rise in commodity prices and the rise in inflation rates by 4%, according to data from the Ministry of Planning.

Hoarded money is defined as the value of money that a person keeps away from the banking system, and does not invest it or buy his own assets, but rather keeps it away from financial institutions and exclusively in the Iraqi currency and not in other currencies.
The institution concluded in its report that some believe that these numbers may be illogical, and that Iraqis are suffering from a major shortage of funds and deteriorating social conditions.
However, what is proven is that the Central Bank of Iraq has, in two years, exported more than 24 trillion Iraqi dinars, warning that more Of the 22 trillion Iraqi dinars that were hoarded by adult citizens and non-beneficiaries of social welfare.اقتصـاد/م-سسة-اقتصادية-كثر-من-90-تريليون-دينار-العملة-النقدية-المتداولة-خارج-المنظومة-المصرفية-بالعراق

A Fine Of 3 Times The Price.. Iraq Reveals How To Deal With Goods That “Violate Specifications”

Economy |12-7-2023, 20:49 |  Baghdad Today – Baghdad  Today, Thursday (December 7, 2023), the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control of the Ministry of Planning commented on the sale of “traditional” goods of international brands in the Iraqi market.

The director of the media and relations department of the agency, Shaker Al-Abadi, told “Baghdad Today” that

“there are controls that prevent the entry of any industrial goods that do not meet the specifications, and there are international companies that Iraq has contracted with in all countries of the world.

They examine the materials before they enter the country, and upon their arrival they are examined.” And also check it during the first examination. Al-Abadi stated,

 “Any goods that come to Iraq after being examined by the foreign company and do not conform to international specifications, those companies will be fined three times the price of the goods, and

for this reason there are strict procedures to follow up on the work of these companies, and they are all international companies and most countries in the world deal with them in this way.” the field". He added,

"Non-original materials that do not meet specifications enter Iraq through smuggling and fraudulent methods and are not subject to oversight and approval by the Central Standardization and Quality Control.

Most of these materials enter through the border crossings of the Kurdistan region, which are outside the control of the federal government, and more." Of the 80% of non-original goods hit the market, their origin is in the region.  They enter from there and are then smuggled to other Iraqi provinces.”  

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani announced yesterday during his speech at the conference on reforming the tax system in Iraq, that   

“total imports, according to data from the Ministry of Planning, indicate imports worth 42 billion dollars, of machinery, goods and products, and data from the Central Bureau of Statistics indicate the presence of imports worth 16 billion dollars.”  This means that $26 billion was not subject to customs duties and taxes.”غرامة-3-أضعاف-السعر.-العراق-يكشف-كيفية-التعامل-مع-البضائع-المخالفة-للمواصفات.html

In 2023.. Iraq Is Eighth Globally In The Organized Crime Index

 security     2023-12-11 | 357 views  Al-Sumaria News – Statistics  The Global Organized Crime Index showed that Iraq’s ranking in the crime index increased during the year 2023 compared to 2021, as Iraq ranked eighth in the world and second in the Asian continent.

According to the index reviewed by Al-Sumaria News, the degree of crime in Iraq during the year 2023 reached 7.13 degrees, compared to the year 2021, which then reached 7.05 degrees.

The index shows that  Iraq is ranked eighth out of 193 countries globally in the crime index, and ranked second out of 46 countries on the Asian continent, and first out of 14 countries in the West Asia region.

The types of organized crime spread in Iraq included many cases, and the criminal markets represented by human trafficking and smuggling, extortion, trade in counterfeit goods, and arms and drug trade came in first place.

In 2023.. Iraq is eighth globally in the organized crime index Clip_image004لثقلثقلثقلثقلثقلث-638378761075778764.pngفي-2023-العراق-الثامن-عالميا-بمؤشر-الجريمة-المنظمة


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:

Provoking Points To Ponder on Adversity:

Since your behaviors on the outside are the real indicators of who you are on the inside, only by observing how you behave when things go wrong can you tell what you really have inside you.

Let’s make one thing clear at the beginning. Life is a continuous succession of both small and large problems. They never end. No sooner do you get control of one situation when you are hit by another. Life is a process of “two steps forward and one step back.” 

When you become a great success, you simply exchange one type of problem for another. 

Before, you had small problems with limited consequences; now you have large problems with enormous consequences. 

No matter how smart and clever and careful you are, you’ll face challenges, difficulties and sometimes heartbreaking adversities every day, week and month of your life.

And thank heaven for that! You couldn’t possibly have become the person you are today if you had not had to contend with adversity on your way up.

Perhaps your chief aim in life is to develop a noble character, to become an excellent human being, to become everything you are capable of becoming. 

Only by contending with challenges that seem to be beyond your strength to handle at the moment can you grow more surely toward the stars.

The starting point in dealing with any difficulty is simply to relax. Clear your mind. Get yourself into a state where you’re calm and cool and in full control of your emotions and senses. Back off mentally, and become as objective as possible.

Step back and look at the problem with a certain amount of detachment, as if it were happening to someone else. When you can analyze your adversities clearly, you sometimes see opportunities to turn them to your best advantage.

Remember, too, that you are never sent a difficulty that is too big for you to handle. Whatever problems or adversities you face, you have within you the resources to deal with them. You have the creative ability to find a solution to your problem. 

You have within you, right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you.

Now, here are three steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action.

Continued…………………………. More to Come

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Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Monday Afternoon 12-11-23

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Monday Afternoon 12-11-23

Automation To Control Dollar Trade Transactions

The first  12/11/2023    Baghdad: Muhannad Abdul Wahab   The Parliamentary Finance Committee called on the Central Bank, taxes, ports, national security, and the rest of the concerned parties to adopt a tight electronic automation system in external and internal transactions to control the rise of the dollar.

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Mustafa Al-Karawi, said in an interview with “Al-Sabah”: “The operations of supplying the dollar from the US Federal Bank will ease the pressure and contribute to providing the currency for internal and external commercial transactions, and at the same time the government will control the dollar file through the Central Bank of Iraq as it is part of From the system regulating the dollar dealing strategy.”

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Monday Afternoon 12-11-23

Automation To Control Dollar Trade Transactions

The first  12/11/2023    Baghdad: Muhannad Abdul Wahab   The Parliamentary Finance Committee called on the Central Bank, taxes, ports, national security, and the rest of the concerned parties to adopt a tight electronic automation system in external and internal transactions to control the rise of the dollar.

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Mustafa Al-Karawi, said in an interview with “Al-Sabah”: “The operations of supplying the dollar from the US Federal Bank will ease the pressure and contribute to providing the currency for internal and external commercial transactions, and at the same time the government will control the dollar file through the Central Bank of Iraq as it is part of From the system regulating the dollar dealing strategy.”

Al-Karaawi called on the rest of the government agencies, such as customs, taxes, and border crossings, to “strive more to implement their duties to control the issue of the rise in the dollar, in addition to the National Security, which follows up on trade exchange operations.”

He added, "The operations of controlling the dollar require a complete circle of work and concerted efforts between the Central Bank and the relevant government agencies so that we can control foreign transfers and compare incoming goods with outgoing goods. This is a positive step towards automating dollar transactions through a strict system that controls the movement of the dollar."

Edited by: Wael Al-Maluk

The Iraqi Dinar Crisis Sparks A Sharp Dispute Within The Finance Committee

Posted On2023-12-10 By Sotaliraq  Al-Khazali revealed the loss of 35 trillion dinars and described the “Central Bank” as a “failure.”

Representative Muhammad Nouri Al-Khazali accused the Central Bank of failure and stealing state funds, which sparked a sharp dispute with the Finance Committee (Reuters)

Baghdad: Fadel Al-Nashmi  - December 10, 2023 AD - Jumada al-Awwal 26,  The crisis of the Iraqi dinar, whose exchange rates have been witnessing a continuous decline against the US dollar for months, has caused a sharp division within the ranks of the Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament, against the backdrop of strong criticism directed by its member, Representative Muhammad Nouri Al-Khazali, of the financial policies adopted by the Central Bank, revealing a loss of 35 trillion dinars. Iraqi (about 21 billion dollars).

Al-Khazali said in media statements: “More than 35 trillion printed Iraqi dinars do not exist inside Iraq, knowing that there are only two neighboring countries that deal with Iraq in dinars,” in reference to Iran.

He added: “The control of the parties and the existing quotas within the financial system is what established the failure of the Iraqi economy, and there is no country so far that relies on paper accounts and does not have final accounts in banks, no electronic automation, and more than 73 private banks except Iraq.”

He described the Central Bank as “a failure and does not aim for real management,” considering that “the control of some parties over its decisions affected the price of the dollar, and the biggest mistake was pricing the dollar in the budget at 132 thousand versus 100 dollars because it cost Iraq a loss of more than 9 trillion and the difference between it and Market prices are great.

Pointing out that the Iraqi economy is completely linked to the United States, Al-Khazali said, “We used to receive 3 payments in dollars, and today only one.” Also, the US Federal Reserve’s sanctions caused the exchange rate to explode, and it deals with us according to the missiles that fall on the Ain al-Assad base and the embassy,” referring to the missile attacks launched by armed factions loyal to Iran on the bases and places where American forces are present inside Iraq.

Al-Khazali’s statements sparked the anger and dissatisfaction of the Finance Committee and its head of the “State of Law” coalition, Atwan Al-Atwani, as she issued a statement in which she said: “We followed with great astonishment and disapproval the irresponsible statements made by Representative Muhammad Nouri Al-Khazali during his hosting on one of the satellite channels to talk about monetary policy in the country.” And the procedures of the Central Bank of Iraq.

The statement continued: “While we categorically deny the allegations made by Mr. Representative, as they lack credibility, accuracy and objectivity, and indicate his lack of familiarity with the procedures and duties of the committee, we express our strong rejection of these allegations due to their great abuse of the tasks and duties of the Parliamentary Finance Committee in particular and the legislative authority in particular.” general"

The committee called on the Presidency of the House of Representatives to “form an investigative committee to determine the veracity and source of these dangerous statements, and to take deterrent legal measures against anyone who intentionally harms the reputation of the Iraqi state and its constitutional institutions.”

It also confirmed that the monetary policy of the Central Bank, especially with regard to currency printing, is subject to monetary standards and foundations, and is consistent with the stability of the economic situation and the level of inflation, and that the Finance Committee has a clear work program to monitor the executive authority.

Representative Al-Khazali responded by launching a scathing attack on the Finance Committee and its Chairman, in which he said: “We saw the so-called important statement issued by the Finance Committee issued on December 9, and it contains many lies and attacks on me personally.”

He added: “After inquiring from the members of the Finance Committee, gentlemen and ladies, it became clear that they had no knowledge of the statement and that it was issued by Representative Atwan Al-Atwani (Chairman of the Committee), who exceeded his powers and used disrespectful words and phrases, and even went so far as to replace the Central Bank and defend its failed policy and demand the formation of An investigation committee was launched against me, forgetting that I am a representative and for what I say I bear personal responsibility.”

He continued: “While I hold him fully responsible for the material and psychological harm that was caused to me by resorting to the Iraqi judiciary, I am surprised by this trivial method of electoral competition, in which he wanted to confuse facts as clear as the sun, the most important of which is that the biggest cause of these financial problems is that the so-called Atwan Al-Atwani was It is still a reason for the failure of the Finance Committee to perform its oversight mission.”  LINK

Al-Khazali called on the Finance Committee to withdraw confidence from Al-Atwani as its chairman. LINK

The Future Of Oil Is In Danger.. Final Hours To Announce A New Global Agreement On Climate

Economy  2023-12-11   1,581 views  Alsumaria News - International An  unprecedented dynamic to abandon fossil fuels clearly dominates the 28th session of the United Nations Climate Conference held in Dubai, amid opposition from Saudi Arabia and most OPEC countries, in addition to the ambiguity surrounding the terms of the possible settlement 24 hours before the end of the conference.

It is expected that a new draft of the conference’s final agreement will be revealed on Monday morning, the penultimate day before the conference’s conclusion.

This new text will launch an intense series of negotiations that may be followed by one or more nights during which delegates and observers will have no time to sleep. During 28 years, climate conferences rarely ended on time, according to [url= %D9%81 %D8%A8/ar/]AFP[.

However, the designated president of COP28, the Emirati Sultan Al Jaber, who also serves as president of the giant oil company ADNOC, promised a “historic” agreement on December 12, the anniversary of the announcement of the Paris Agreement.

The agreement concluded in 2015 stipulates limiting global warming to less than two degrees Celsius compared to the temperature that was recorded in the world during the period that preceded the industrial revolution, and if possible to within 1.5 degrees Celsius.

“Everyone has to be flexible,” Al Jaber said on Sunday, adding, “We have to move forward much faster.”

The new text expected on Monday, which will likely include options or formulas in parentheses, will test Al-Jaber’s ability to reach a compromise in the final hours.

So far, delegates and ministers have made little progress despite arduous negotiations and the most secret bilateral meetings in Expo City Dubai, the venue of the conference.  LINK

Provoking Points to Ponder on Giving:

Gifts allow us to demonstrate exactly how little we know about a person. And nothing pisses a person off more than being shoved into the wrong pigeonhole. Pam Davis, House M.D., It's A Wonderful Lie, 

A gift in season is a double favor to the needy. Publilius Syrus (~100 BC), Moral Sayings, 100 B.C.

He doubly benefits the needy who gives quickly.  Publilius Syrus (~100 BC), Maxims

The spirit in which a thing is given determines that in which the debt is acknowledged; it's the intention, not the face-value of the gift, that's weighed. Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD), Letters to Lucilius, 100 A.D.

We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give  Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)

Purchase not friends by gifts; when thou ceasest to give, such will cease to love. Thomas Fuller (1608 - 1661)

Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.  William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), Hamlet, 1600

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Chats and Rumors, News Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Monday Morning 12-11-2023


CandyKisses:  Border forces thwart attempt to smuggle 76 bank cards at Najaf International Airport

Economy Baghdad News

The Border Forces Command announced, on Sunday, the seizure of (3) defendants in possession of (76) bank cards prepared for smuggling at Najaf International Airport.

The command said in a statement, seen by "Economy News", that "the detachments of the police station Kumarak Najaf Airport of the police directorate of the fifth region (3) managed to seize defendants in possession of (76) bank cards of various types."

She pointed out that "it was packed with sums of money prepared for smuggling," noting that "the report of the seizure of assets was organized and the seizures were referred to the competent authorities."


CandyKisses:  Border forces thwart attempt to smuggle 76 bank cards at Najaf International Airport

Economy Baghdad News

The Border Forces Command announced, on Sunday, the seizure of (3) defendants in possession of (76) bank cards prepared for smuggling at Najaf International Airport.

The command said in a statement, seen by "Economy News", that "the detachments of the police station Kumarak Najaf Airport of the police directorate of the fifth region (3) managed to seize defendants in possession of (76) bank cards of various types."

She pointed out that "it was packed with sums of money prepared for smuggling," noting that "the report of the seizure of assets was organized and the seizures were referred to the competent authorities."

Tishwash:  Samsung: Iraq represents the most prominent market in the Middle East

Samsung Electronics Levant and a number of media representatives discussed ways to enhance cooperation in a way that serves and strengthens the local market. The company expressed its thanks and appreciation to its media partners and journalists who contributed to the success of Samsung’s events and covered its news with all dedication and mastery. 

On this occasion, Sangmin Kim, General Manager of Samsung Electronics Levant in Iraq, said: “We are very grateful for the efforts of all media professionals and journalists for their constant support and great contribution to our success here in Iraq. Your strong and effective concern for the presence of the Samsung brand in all media outlets It contributes significantly to conveying our message and achieving our goals in the Iraqi market.”

Kim added: “Samsung is keen to hold this type of event that brings it together with its partners who have always contributed to its success, with the aim of strengthening the ties between Samsung and the press and media sector on the one hand, and enhancing communication with them and informing them of the achievements and developments that Samsung has achieved from generation to generation.

 It is distinguished by The Iraqi market is one of the most important markets in the Middle East and North Africa, which Samsung seeks to supply and enrich with the latest devices, accessories and technologies, as well as achieving further growth in it by meeting the needs and desires of our customers in a way that exceeds their expectations.”

The event included an exchange of conversations between Samsung and representatives of media companies about the Iraqi market and the needs of customers in it. Samsung displayed the most prominent technologies that it was keen to have in the Iraqi market, including SmartThings technology, which contributed to making customers’ lives easier and more flexible. link


Tishwash:  An organization estimates that there are 90 trillion dinars outside the banking system

The “Future Iraq” Foundation for Economic Studies and Consultations counted the local currency circulating outside the country’s banking system during the year 2023, and said that it exceeded 90 trillion dinars.

The institution stated in a report that the value of the issued cash currency increased from 78 trillion dinars at the beginning of the year 2022 to reach more than 102 trillion dinars at the end of the year 2023, with a growth rate in the issued cash currency amounting to 9.24% during 2023 and a growth rate in 2022 amounting to 20%, an increase over the year. 2019 by 58 trillion Iraqi dinars, according to data from the Central Bank of Iraq.

The report added that the cash currency outside the banking system amounted to approximately 93 trillion Iraqi dinars, an increase of 30% compared to 2022, and it is the highest volume of funds existing outside the banking system throughout the history of the Iraqi banking system.

According to data from the Ministry of Planning, the population of Iraq in 2023 reached approximately 43 million people, representing only 60% of them over the age of 15 years. Therefore, the number of Iraqis’ population who are more than 15 years old exceeds 26 million people, and based on the Ministry’s figures Work, which indicates that the size of social welfare beneficiaries is approximately 14 million people, while the number of adult Iraqi citizens who are not covered by social welfare is approximately 12 million people.

The report indicated that, based on data from the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Planning, and the Central Bank of Iraq, it can be concluded that the average value of each Iraqi’s 12 million people hoarding money in the Iraqi currency “exclusively” is approximately 7.2 million Iraqi dinars per citizen, higher than the year 2019, which was approximately 4 million. Iraqi Dinar.

According to the Foundation, considering that each home contains at least two adults (a man and a woman) who are not covered by social care, the rate of each Iraqi home hoarding money exclusively in the Iraqi currency amounts to 15 million Iraqi dinars, which is a higher percentage than in 2019, which was approximately 8.12 million dinars. Iraqi.

The report noted that, based on these official figures issued by official bodies, every adult Iraqi citizen over the age of 15 (man and woman) who is not a beneficiary of social welfare was able to increase his money stored in Iraqi dinars by 1.2 million Iraqi dinars during the years 2022 and 2023 despite From the decline in the value of the dinar compared to the dollar in the local market, in addition to the rise in commodity prices and the rise in inflation rates by 4%, according to data from the Ministry of Planning.

Hoarded money is defined as the value of money that a person keeps away from the banking system, and does not invest it or buy his own assets, but rather keeps it away from financial institutions and exclusively in the Iraqi currency and not in other currencies.

The institution concluded in its report that some believe that these numbers may be illogical, and that Iraqis are suffering from a major shortage of funds and deteriorating social conditions. However, what is proven is that the Central Bank of Iraq has, in two years, exported more than 24 trillion Iraqi dinars, warning that more Of the 22 trillion Iraqi dinars that were hoarded by adult citizens and non-beneficiaries of social welfare.  link

Mot: . Great Way to Start da Daze!!!!

Mot:  .... DRUM ROLLLLL --- 

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Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 12-10-23

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 12-10-23

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Report: 2023 global shipping trends and the route to 2024- Logistics Middle East

"According to Container xChange’s Trends and Impacts annual report, the sector has been largely influenced by the comparatively subdued growth in container demand, driven by a host of adverse economic influences, including surging inflation, heightened interest rates, and consequent shifts in consumer spending patterns."   The shipping landscape has changed significantly along with consumer sentiment. At this time, consumers have cut their spending on non-essential goods by 74%, and it is expected to carry on into 2024.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 12-10-23

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Report: 2023 global shipping trends and the route to 2024- Logistics Middle East

"According to Container xChange’s Trends and Impacts annual report, the sector has been largely influenced by the comparatively subdued growth in container demand, driven by a host of adverse economic influences, including surging inflation, heightened interest rates, and consequent shifts in consumer spending patterns."   The shipping landscape has changed significantly along with consumer sentiment. At this time, consumers have cut their spending on non-essential goods by 74%, and it is expected to carry on into 2024.

Uncertainty about the global economy is forcing many people to pull back from spending their money on items beyond their essential needs.

This will slow down money velocity between countries. It will cause overstock in merchant products creating more competition for those who still have money to buy goods that remain in their warehouses.

Many price variations and correlations will begin to surface in 2024 causing both volatility and new price pressures on goods and services across the markets.

New networks are beginning to form in the new digital economy, and these new connections will formulate opportunities and jobs unlike any we have seen before.

The world is changing. It is time to get on the right side of these new digital assets coming into play. Nothing can stop what is coming.    Container xChange’s

© Goldilocks


BEIJING: China's Commerce Minister Wang Wentao met Saudi Arabia's Minister of Investment Khalid Al-Falih in Beijing on Sunday and discussed expanding cooperation in trade and investment, the Chinese commerce ministry said.

China and Saudi Arabia central banks sign local currency swap agreement

China is willing to work with Saudi Arabia to jointly promote the Belt and Road initiative and Saudi Arabia's "Vision 2030" initiative, the ministry quoted Wang as saying, adding that the two countries would also expand cooperation in energy and resources, infrastructure and technology.


Alchemy Pay (ACH): The Payment Solution Service Provider

Alchemy Pay is a payment service provider. It is a bridge builder between the old fiat currency and the new digital world of cryptocurrency.

Alchemy Pay is an open-source protocol system that can rapidly produce development platforms for crypto and Fiat systems to be bridged together in our next economy.

They have integrated the world of traditional payment programs with Blockchain Decentralized Ledger Technologies.

This is what we have been going over for the last 2 years in this room. We have been looking at how international law, government legislation, and the financial system work together to build a new decentralized digital economy based upon traditional markets and banking systems as a foundation to build upon.

We have come a long way my friends.

© Goldilocks
The Coin Republic Link


Price pressure on gold after "Goldilocks" U.S. jobs data 

We are finding, as of late, that there are many ways for foreign currency or cross-border payments to move across borders through the new digital payment system.  

Many Quantum Technologies are currently interfacing their digital systems together as we speak.

Traditional Assets are continuing to be tokenized, and they will have a real-world value when gold is finally set free to support them.

Watch gold.

© Goldilocks
Kitco News Link


China is rushing to secure uranium, gold, and copper.

Pick a mineral, and you will see China trying to secure it.

This is all part of their strategy.

I have been documenting this for years.

Elements are the ultimate form of leverage.



FOMC Meeting December 2023 Date and Time: Jerome Powell-led Panel To Announce Decision On US Interest Rates This Week   

Markets News, Times Now News Link



CONFERENCE REPORT to Accompany H.R. 2670


As the $886 billion 2024 National Defense Authorization Act bill clears its final hurdles, crypto regulations are left to future debate.


From the Paris agreement to COP28, how oil and gas giants try to influence the global climate agenda
The Conversation Link


Benefits of Accelerating the Climate Transition Outweigh the Costs   IMF Link


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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Sunday Afternoon 12-10-23

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Sunday Afternoon 12-10-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Iraq Requests The Assistance Of The US Treasury In Tracking Iraqi Funds During The Era Of The Previous Regime

Political |  10/12/2023  Iraq requests the assistance of the US Treasury in tracking Iraqi funds during the era of the previous regime  

Iraq And Britain Are Discussing Increasing The Volume Of Trade Exchange Between The Two Countries

Economy | 10/12/2023  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The delegation of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, headed by Abdul Razzaq Al-Zuhairi, discussed with the Iraqi ambassador in London, Muhammad Jaafar Al-Sadr, the prospects for economic and commercial cooperation between Iraq and the United Kingdom.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Sunday Afternoon 12-10-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Iraq Requests The Assistance Of The US Treasury In Tracking Iraqi Funds During The Era Of The Previous Regime

Political |  10/12/2023  Iraq requests the assistance of the US Treasury in tracking Iraqi funds during the era of the previous regime

Iraq And Britain Are Discussing Increasing The Volume Of Trade Exchange Between The Two Countries

Economy | 10/12/2023  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The delegation of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, headed by Abdul Razzaq Al-Zuhairi, discussed with the Iraqi ambassador in London, Muhammad Jaafar Al-Sadr, the prospects for economic and commercial cooperation between Iraq and

The Federation of Chambers of Commerce stated in a statement received by Mawazine News, “The delegation of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, headed by Abdul Razzaq Al-Zuhairi, held a meeting with the Iraqi ambassador to London, Muhammad Jaafar Al-Sadr, at the headquarters of the Iraqi embassy in London, in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council, Abdul Latif Nayef and Najib Shukr.”

Mahmoud, Director General of the Legal Department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, in the presence of the staff of the economic department at the embassy and advisors to the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce.”

The statement added, "The meeting discussed several main topics related to economic aspects between Iraq and the United Kingdom."

The President of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce expressed his desire to open the horizons of economic cooperation with the United Kingdom, increase the volume of trade exchange between the two countries, facilitate the entry of businessmen from both countries and participate in trade exhibitions, as well as discuss benefiting from British commercial arbitration centers, as Iraq is on the verge of legislating the arbitration law, which is considered... It is one of the main factors to attract investors and those wishing to enter the Iraqi market.”

For his part, the ambassador expressed his "strong desire to open horizons for economic cooperation and create strong economic bridges that serve this partnership, and the embassy is ready to support all economic activities between the two countries."

Association Of Private Banks: Establishing More Than 1.2 Million Bank Accounts Within 9 Months

 Economy News – Baghdad  The Iraqi Private Banks Association revealed growth in accounts, bank cards, and electronic payment devices after the great support provided by Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani and the Central Bank of Iraq to the banking sector, through activating electronic payment in government and private institutions and reforming foreign trade financing mechanisms.

The Executive Director of the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Ali Tariq, said in a press statement that the Iraqi banking sector is witnessing significant growth, thanks to support from the government and the Central Bank of Iraq, noting that banks and electronic payment companies have good infrastructure, with a significant expansion in their services, Which increased confidence between the banking sector and citizens.

Tariq pointed out that bank accounts grew by 14% if they reached 10.02 million bank accounts by September 30, 2023, after there were more than 8.79 million accounts at the end of the year 2022, which means the creation of more than 1.2 million accounts within 9 months, indicating that the accounts Current accounts grew by 17.7% and reached 3.54 million accounts, savings accounts grew by 11% to reach 5.55 million accounts, while fixed deposit accounts grew by 4.6% to reach 236.8 thousand accounts, and corporate accounts increased by 5% to reach 688.7 thousand accounts.

He confirmed that the number of bank cards increased by 14.2%, as banks and electronic payment companies issued 2.3 million new cards during the past 9 months, bringing the total number of cards to 18.5 million cards, pointing out that point-of-sale devices grew by 117% during this period, reaching 23,261 devices. While at the end of last year there were 10,718 devices.

Tariq noted that ATMs grew by 30.5% and reached 2,901 after there were 2,223 machines at the end of last year.

The Executive Director pointed out that the transformations witnessed by the financial sector in Iraq are important in achieving economic reform, and this is due to the support from the government and the Central Bank, and the change in the process of external transfer to finance trade, has made companies’ bank accounts rise significantly.   12/10/2023 -

The Dollar Exchange Rate Fell To Less Than 1,570 Dinars

Market  Economy News – Baghdad  The exchange rate of the US dollar on Iraqi stock exchanges fell, on Sunday, to below 1,570 dinars. In Baghdad, the exchange rate of the US dollar reached 1,570 dinars.

In Erbil Governorate, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, the exchange rate of the US dollar reached 1,568 dinars.Views 33 12/10/2023 -


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:


Provoking Points To Ponder on Adversity:

It is of great benefit to have something in life which stretches us from time to time -- Makes us reach higher than we thought we could, think deeper than we believed ourselves capable, and stand taller than we imagined possible -- Those times of stretching sometimes move us out of our comfort zones but may cause us to reach for the best that is within us and grow.  Anonymous

How to be calm, cool and effective in dealing with any problem in life

By Brian Tracy   Published: April / May 2008

You will have to deal with countless problems and difficulties throughout your life. They never end. The only question is, “How good are you?” when it comes to overcoming the inevitable adversities of life.

Here’s a question for you: What are you made of? What are you really made of? When push comes to shove, when the rubber meets the road, when the chips are down, what lies at the very core of your character?

You learn what you’re really made of only when things go wrong and you are tumbled, end over end, by some adversity or setback that hits you like a Mack truck coming out of an alley.   

Continued…………………………. More to Come

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

Swiss Banking Giant Pays Fine for Helping Americans Hide Money in Secret Accounts

Swiss Banking Giant Pays Fine for Helping Americans Hide Money in Secret Accounts

Saturday, 9 December 2023, 23:16 PM

Swiss Banking Giant Pays $122,900,000 Fine for Helping Americans Hide $5,600,000,000 in Secret Accounts

A private bank in Switzerland has agreed to pay a $122.9 million fine for helping wealthy US citizens hide a staggering $5.6 billion in assets.

According to the Justice Department, Banque Pictet & Cie allowed Americans to secretly hold billions of dollars in 1,637 bank accounts from 2008 to 2014.

Swiss Banking Giant Pays Fine for Helping Americans Hide Money in Secret Accounts

Saturday, 9 December 2023, 23:16 PM

Swiss Banking Giant Pays $122,900,000 Fine for Helping Americans Hide $5,600,000,000 in Secret Accounts

A private bank in Switzerland has agreed to pay a $122.9 million fine for helping wealthy US citizens hide a staggering $5.6 billion in assets.

According to the Justice Department, Banque Pictet & Cie allowed Americans to secretly hold billions of dollars in 1,637 bank accounts from 2008 to 2014.

Officials at the Justice Department say the shady accounts shielded the clients from paying $50.6 million in taxes.

“Today, Banque Pictet et Cie admitted to actively helping U.S. taxpayers use coded accounts, foreign trusts and entities, nominee beneficiaries and other deceits to conceal their income and assets abroad.

For this criminal conduct the bank will be paying nearly $122.9 million in restitution, disgorgement of fees and a financial penalty, and is required to fully cooperate with investigations relating to these secret accounts.”

The fe will be used, in part, to pay taxes that the bank’s clients were avoiding and recoup any profit that the bank made on the accounts.

The firm is cooperating with the Justice Department and is also required to support future investigations into the people who hid their assets at the bank.

Banque Pictet et Cie is owned by The Pictet Group, which was founded back in 1805 and has about $691 billion in assets.

The Pictet Group primarily operates in Switzerland, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Bahamas and has two main business divisions – institutional asset management and private banking for individuals.

Source: The Daily Hodl

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