More "Tidbits From TNT" Tuesday Night 12-12-2023


CandyKisses:  Iraq begins electoral silence on Friday. Documents

Shafaq News / The Media and Communications Commission announced, on Monday, that the "electoral silence" begins from next Friday, December 15, until the closure of the last electoral center.

This came in a book sent by the authority to media institutions in which it called on the institutions to abide by electoral silence and not to promote any entity or candidate.

Electoral silence is a period determined by law preceding every presidential or parliamentary elections, in which the practice of political propaganda is prohibited, during which all parties and independent and coalition parties are prohibited from exercising any activity within the framework of their electoral campaign, and in which candidates are strictly prohibited from carrying out any process that falls within the promotion, propaganda and winning the favor of voters.

CandyKisses:  Parliamentary Finance: Government transactions other than the dollar will contribute to fixing its official rate


The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed on Tuesday that the government's orientation towards currencies other than the dollar in foreign dealings will contribute to fixing its official rate of 1,320 dinars to the dollar.

A member of the committee, Jamal Kojar, said in an interview with Al-Maalouma that "the government's orientation towards currencies other than the dollar will facilitate the issue of trade on the one hand and push traders to deal with the platform more and reduce pressure on the dollar instead of focusing on it, stressing that it will contribute to stabilizing its official price."

He added, "The government has spent only 20% of the current year's budget, and it is assumed that after December 20, a good part of the budget will be spent for five days until the accounts are closed."

A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee pointed out that "with the beginning of the new year, the budget tables for the next year 2024 will be sent."


CandyKisses:  Integrity Commission: "Where did you get this?" campaign succeeded in recovering $ 10 million to the state treasury

Economy Baghdad News

The head of the Federal Integrity Commission, Judge Haider Hanoune, announced on Tuesday the success of the "Where did you get this?" campaign by recovering $ 10 million and 100 billion dinars to the state treasury.

Hanoun said in a speech during his participation in the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, and followed by "Economy News", that "there is a lack of cooperation by the countries that host the smuggled corruption funds to return them to Iraq," noting that "there are unprecedented achievements achieved by the current government during the first year of its life in terms of combating corruption and preventing its spread."

"The government has placed the fight against corruption at the top of its government programme and allocated the necessary funds to finance anti-corruption programs in the tripartite budget," he said, pointing out that "there is collective action between the three authorities in Iraq to combat corruption and support the efforts of the Integrity Commission and enable it to carry out its job duties."

"The Integrity Commission's success in activating the National Strategy for Integrity and Anti-Corruption and its inclusion of various organizational levels, as well as its success in forming a field media team to communicate with the media and investigative journalism in the field of monitoring corruption cases," Hannun said.

"The Integrity Commission launched a campaign where did you get this? For illicit gain operations, through which more than 10 million US dollars and more than 100 billion Iraqi dinars were recovered," noting that "the commission has intensified the seizure of bribers of the crime witnessed recently

Mot: Poor ole ""Earl"" siigghhhhhh

Mot: .. Now That Un - Worked fur HIm!!! 


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 12-12-23


Economist's "News and Views" Tuesday 12-12-2023