Weird Stuff Tonight… 2020 Halloween Stats!
.Weird stuff tonight… 2020 Halloween Stats!
Posted on October 31, 2020
Today is Halloween!
FOX 46 Charlotte
SPECTACULAR It hasn’t happened in decades! For the first time since the 1940s, Halloween will receive some spooky ambiance from a full moon this year. Thanks to Myles Gelbach Photography for sharing MORE
And there’s some weird stuff going on tonight…
– There’s a full moon tonight! This hasn’t happened on Halloween since 1944. So cool!
– Despite the pandemic and huge financial difficulties, Americans will still spend $8.05 Billion this year on Halloween decorations, candy, and costumes.
Weird stuff tonight… 2020 Halloween Stats!
Posted on October 31, 2020
Today is Halloween!
FOX 46 Charlotte
SPECTACULAR It hasn’t happened in decades! For the first time since the 1940s, Halloween will receive some spooky ambiance from a full moon this year. Thanks to Myles Gelbach Photography for sharing MORE
And there’s some weird stuff going on tonight…
– There’s a full moon tonight! This hasn’t happened on Halloween since 1944. So cool!
– Despite the pandemic and huge financial difficulties, Americans will still spend $8.05 Billion this year on Halloween decorations, candy, and costumes.
– 53% of people plan to decorate their homes this year (although only 4% of people plan to walk around and admire other people’s houses)
– 18% of all pets will wear costumes tonight. That’s roughly 33 million dogs and cats who will have funny photos posted on FB and Insta tonight!
– 72% of parents plan to steal their kids candy after they fall asleep tonight.
– Silly string is still banned in Hollywood… Except the penalty for using silly string has now risen to $1023, because of inflation.
– 12% of people will dress in a superhero costume tonight.
– President Trump plans to go as Batman. Melinda will be dressing as Princess Elsa.
– The White House is still holding their annual trick-or-treating party where all of the house-maids, gardeners and security guards will come and ring the front door bell and yell “trick or treat”! Last year, Trump ran out of candy to give out so a couple of the staff members decided to play a trick… They let off a big fart bomb in the white house ball room and it took 3 days to get the smell out! Trump was not happy… But since everyone was in costume, they never caught the culprits and they still work today. Rumor has it they are planning another prank tonight!
Happy Halloween, y’all! Have fun whatever you get up to!
– Joel & Coops
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
And here are last year’s 2019 stats if you’re interested
Lots of Overnight Tragedies, No Overnight Miracles
.Lots of Overnight Tragedies, No Overnight Miracles
by Morgan Housel Oct 20, 2020
“History is the record of man’s steps and slips. It shows us that the steps have been slow and slight; the slips, quick and abounding.” – B.H. Hart
An important thing that explains a lot of things is that good news takes time but bad news happens instantly.
Real GDP per capita increased eight-fold in the last 100 years. America of the 1920s has the same real per-capita GDP as Turkmenistan does today. Our growth over the last 100 years has been unbelievable. But it averages 2% per year, which is easy to ignore in any given year, decade, or lifetime. Americans over age 50 have seen real GDP per person at least double since they were born. But people don’t remember when they were born. They remember the last few months, when progress is always invisible.
Bad news is not shy or subtle. It comes instantly, so fast that it overwhelms your attention and you can’t look away.
Lots of Overnight Tragedies, No Overnight Miracles
by Morgan Housel Oct 20, 2020
“History is the record of man’s steps and slips. It shows us that the steps have been slow and slight; the slips, quick and abounding.” – B.H. Hart
An important thing that explains a lot of things is that good news takes time but bad news happens instantly.
Real GDP per capita increased eight-fold in the last 100 years. America of the 1920s has the same real per-capita GDP as Turkmenistan does today. Our growth over the last 100 years has been unbelievable. But it averages 2% per year, which is easy to ignore in any given year, decade, or lifetime. Americans over age 50 have seen real GDP per person at least double since they were born. But people don’t remember when they were born. They remember the last few months, when progress is always invisible.
Bad news is not shy or subtle. It comes instantly, so fast that it overwhelms your attention and you can’t look away.
Dwight Eisenhower ate a hamburger for dinner on September 24th, 1955. Later that evening he told his wife the onions gave him heartburn. Then he began to panic. The president had a massive heart attack. It easily could have killed him. If it had, Eisenhower would have joined more than 700,000 Americans who died of heart disease that year.
What’s happened since has been extraordinary. But few paid attention.
The age-adjusted death rate per capita from heart disease has declined more than 70% since the 1950s, according to the National Institute of Health. So many Americans die of heart disease that cutting the fatality rate by 70% leads to a number of lives saved that is hard to comprehend.
Had the rate had not declined over the last 65 years – if we hadn’t become better at treating heart disease and the mortality rate plateaued since the 1950s – 25 million more Americans would have died from heart disease over the last 65 years than actually did.
25 million!
Even in a single year the improvement is incredible: more than half a million fewer Americans now die of heart disease each year than would have if we hadn’t made any improvements since the 1950s. Picture the population of Atlanta saved every year. Or a full football stadium saved every month
How is this not a bigger story? Why are we not shouting in the streets about how incredible this is and building statues for cardiologists?
I’ll tell you why: because the improvement happened too slowly for anyone to notice.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
Found Money
.Found Money
By Will Kenton
What is Found Money
Found money refers to any amount of money that has been rediscovered after being forgotten about or abandoned by the rightful owner.
Found money can be used to describe anything from a wad of discarded dollar bills that one finds in the bottom of a washing machine to an uncollected asset discovered by beneficiaries long after the account holder has passed away. Found money always pertains to money that has gone unthought of until it is once again discovered.
In the United States, every state in the United States has an unclaimed property agency that works to get forgotten funds back into the pockets of their rightful owners. They can work to reunite people with unreturned deposits, undisbursed retirement funds and even uncashed payroll checks.
Found Money
By Will Kenton
What is Found Money
Found money refers to any amount of money that has been rediscovered after being forgotten about or abandoned by the rightful owner.
Found money can be used to describe anything from a wad of discarded dollar bills that one finds in the bottom of a washing machine to an uncollected asset discovered by beneficiaries long after the account holder has passed away. Found money always pertains to money that has gone unthought of until it is once again discovered.
In the United States, every state in the United States has an unclaimed property agency that works to get forgotten funds back into the pockets of their rightful owners. They can work to reunite people with unreturned deposits, undisbursed retirement funds and even uncashed payroll checks.
When these attempts are unsuccessful, each state has their own policies and procedures in place for how to deal with leftover funds. In some cases this money defaults to the state after a certain amount of time has passed. Some states allow the funds to remain in limbo indefinitely.
There are many different forms of unclaimed funds. Bank accounts, retirement funds that remained with a previous employer and old bonds are just a few possible examples. Once these unclaimed assets are returned to their proper owner again, they become found money.
An Example of Found Money
Take for example the case of Fran Goldsmith. Her father Fred passed away in 2001. Fran was the executor of his will and the sole beneficiary of his many assets. It took Fran more than a year to organize all of his accounts. She transferred some of his investments into her name, keeping them open. The ones that she wanted to close were liquidated.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
101 Fascinating Money Facts
.101 Fascinating Money Facts
Post From Money Saved Is Money Earned
Team Member Blog February 16, 2019
While we contemplated something along the lines of “Money Lessons from our Founding Fathers,” we thought something more lighthearted and fun, but also informative, was in order.
With those ideas in mind, we’ve spent the last several weeks (okay, maybe just a few hours) scouring the internet looking for the most interesting money facts we could find.
These facts cover U.S. currency, world money, and historical money. They range from the depressing to the exciting, from the shocking to the bizarre.
Here are 101 fascinating money facts for you to enjoy.
101 Fascinating Money Facts
Post From Money Saved Is Money Earned
Team Member Blog February 16, 2019
While we contemplated something along the lines of “Money Lessons from our Founding Fathers,” we thought something more lighthearted and fun, but also informative, was in order.
With those ideas in mind, we’ve spent the last several weeks (okay, maybe just a few hours) scouring the internet looking for the most interesting money facts we could find.
These facts cover U.S. currency, world money, and historical money. They range from the depressing to the exciting, from the shocking to the bizarre.
Here are 101 fascinating money facts for you to enjoy.
General Money Facts
The study of money is called numismatics.
The first Philadelphia Mint used horses in harness to drive the machinery that produced coins.
The first paper money was made in Chine 1,000 years ago.
The first coins were made about 2,500 years ago.
Queen Elizabeth II has appeared on more currency than any other person.
There are over 170 different currencies in use around the world.
There is more Monopoly money printed every year than actual money.
Only 8% of currency is in physical form.
Money is estimated to be dirtier than a toilet.
Pennies planted in the garden will repel slugs.
The TSA collected $765,759.15 in loose change at airport security checkpoints in 2015.
The average allowance is $65 a month.
Piggy banks originated from the “pygg,” a clay used for making jars that held money.
There is an ATM in Antarctica.
Over half of lottery tickets are bought by 5% of people.
Drug Lord Pablo Escobar had so much money laying around that rats ate approximately $1 billion.
Putting bills in the microwave for about 20 seconds will make them crispy again.
The largest denomination ever printed was in Hungary in 1946, worth 100 quintillion pengoes.
The word “salary” comes from sal, meaning “salt” in Latin. Early Romans used salt as money.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
32 Wise Benjamin Franklin Quotes to Learn From
.32 Wise Benjamin Franklin Quotes to Learn From
By Dan Western
Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the United States, and was born in 1706 and died in 1790. Franklin was everything; an author, politician, theorist, inventory, scientist and more.
This is a compilation of 23 wise Benjamin Franklin quotes that we can all learn from. Please share them with all your friends and family.
23 Wise Benjamin Franklin Quotes
1. “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin
2. “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” – Benjamin Franklin
3. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin
32 Wise Benjamin Franklin Quotes to Learn From
By Dan Western
Benjamin Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the United States, and was born in 1706 and died in 1790. Franklin was everything; an author, politician, theorist, inventory, scientist and more.
This is a compilation of 23 wise Benjamin Franklin quotes that we can all learn from. Please share them with all your friends and family .
23 Wise Benjamin Franklin Quotes
1. “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin
2. “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” – Benjamin Franklin
3. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin
4. “Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants.” – Benjamin Franklin
5. “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.” – Benjamin Franklin
6. “To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions.” – Benjamin Franklin
7. “It is the working man who is the happy man. It is the idle man who is the miserable man.” – Benjamin Franklin
8. “Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out.” – Benjamin Franklin
9. “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin
10. “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” – Benjamin Franklin
11. “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin
12. “Lost time is never found again.” – Benjamin Franklin
13. “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.” – Benjamin Franklin
14. “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” – Benjamin Franklin
15. “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” – Benjamin Franklin
16. “Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin
17. “Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship.” – Benjamin Franklin
18. “He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.” – Benjamin Franklin
19. “When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.” – Benjamin Franklin
20. “You may delay, but time will not.” – Benjamin Franklin
21. “All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.” – Benjamin Franklin
22. “Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one.” – Benjamin Franklin
23. “A life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things. There will be sleeping enough in the grave.” – Benjamin Franklin
24. “Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.” – Benjamin Franklin
25. “I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion about the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it.” – Benjamin Franklin
26. “There are two ways of being happy: We must either diminish our wants or augment our means – either may do – the result is the same and it is for each man to decide for himself and to do that which happens to be easier.” – Benjamin Franklin
27. “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” – Benjamin Franklin
28. “If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed.” – Benjamin Franklin
29. “I wake up every morning at nine and grab for the morning paper. Then I look at the obituary page. If my name is not on it, I get up.” – Benjamin Franklin
30. “Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” – Benjamin Franklin
31. “How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them.” – Benjamin Franklin
32. “In my youth, I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” – Benjamin Franklin
Thanks for checking out this list of wise Benjamin Franklin quotes. Don’t forget to share them on social media!
Dirty Money Pours Into The World’s Most Powerful Banks.
.Dirty Money Pours Into The World’s Most Powerful Banks.
THE FINCEN FILES BuzzFeed News September 20, 2020,
Dirty money pours into the world’s most powerful banks. Money from drug cartels, organized crime rings, corrupt leaders. Money that funds terror networks, bloody wars, and human trafficking. All laundered clean. The banks don’t stop the money. And the government doesn’t stop the banks. Thousands of secret suspicious activity reports offer a never-before-seen picture of corruption and complicity — and how the government lets it flourish.
A huge trove of secret government documents reveals for the first time how the giants of Western banking move trillions of dollars in suspicious transactions, enriching themselves and their shareholders while facilitating the work of terrorists, kleptocrats, and drug kingpins. And the US government, despite its vast powers, fails to stop it.
Today, the FinCEN Files — thousands of “suspicious activity reports” and other US government documents — offer an unprecedented view of global financial corruption, the banks enabling it, and the government agencies that watch as it flourishes. BuzzFeed News has shared these reports with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and more than 100 news organizations in 88 countries.
Dirty Money Pours Into The World’s Most Powerful Banks.
THE FINCEN FILES BuzzFeed News September 20, 2020,
Dirty Money Pours Into The World’s Most Powerful Banks. Money from drug cartels, organized crime rings, corrupt leaders. Money that funds terror networks, bloody wars, and human trafficking. All laundered clean. The banks don’t stop the money. And the government doesn’t stop the banks. Thousands of secret suspicious activity reports offer a never-before-seen picture of corruption and complicity — and how the government lets it flourish.
A huge trove of secret government documents reveals for the first time how the giants of Western banking move trillions of dollars in suspicious transactions, enriching themselves and their shareholders while facilitating the work of terrorists, kleptocrats, and drug kingpins. And the US government, despite its vast powers, fails to stop it.
Today, the FinCEN Files — thousands of “suspicious activity reports” and other US government documents — offer an unprecedented view of global financial corruption, the banks enabling it, and the government agencies that watch as it flourishes. BuzzFeed News has shared these reports with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and more than 100 news organizations in 88 countries.
These documents, compiled by banks, shared with the government, but kept from public view, expose the hollowness of banking safeguards, and the ease with which criminals have exploited them. Profits from deadly drug wars, fortunes embezzled from developing countries, and hard-earned savings stolen in a Ponzi scheme were all allowed to flow into and out of these financial institutions, despite warnings from the banks’ own employees.
Money laundering is a crime that makes other crimes possible. It can accelerate economic inequality, drain public funds, undermine democracy, and destabilize nations — and the banks play a key role. “Some of these people in those crisp white shirts in their sharp suits are feeding off the tragedy of people dying all over the world,” said Martin Woods, a former suspicious transactions investigator for Wachovia.
“Some of these people in those crisp white shirts in their sharp suits are feeding off the tragedy of people dying all over the world.”
Laws that were meant to stop financial crime have instead allowed it to flourish. So long as a bank files a notice that it may be facilitating criminal activity, it all but immunizes itself and its executives from criminal prosecution. The suspicious activity alert effectively gives them a free pass to keep moving the money and collecting the fees.
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, or FinCEN, is the agency within the Treasury Department charged with combating money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes. It collects millions of these suspicious activity reports, known as SARs. It makes them available to US law enforcement agencies and other nations’ financial intelligence operations. It even compiles a report called “Kleptocracy Weekly” that summarizes the dealings of foreign leaders such as Russian President Vladimir Putin.
What it does not do is force the banks to shut the money laundering down. In the rare instances when the US government does crack down on banks, it often relies on sweetheart deals called deferred prosecution agreements, which include fines but no high-level arrests.
The Trump administration has made it even harder to hold executives personally accountable, under guidance by former deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein that warned government agencies against “piling on.” Rosenstein did not respond to requests for comment, but after this article was published, he wrote to say that his policies sought to “encourage prosecutors to pursue charges against the people responsible for corporate wrongdoing.”
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
16 Of The Most Expensive Mistakes In History
.16 Of The Most Expensive Mistakes In History
A Regretful Sellout For Ronald Wayne
Alongside Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne was instrumental during the formative years of Apple. Afraid of past experiences and skeptical about the future, Wayne sold his share in Apple for just $800 (£516), 11 days after Apple was formed. According to reports, Wayne would have been worth more than £25 billion today had he kept his stock.
Toshihide Iguchi's Prolonged Miscalculation
Japanese bank executive Toshihide Iguchi converted a US $70,000 debt (£45,000) into a loss of $1.1 billion (£709 million) for the Daiwa Bank after he failed to recover a bet made on U.S. government bonds in 1983. Though Iguchi managed to dodge authorities for over a decade, FBI agents finally caught up with him after 12 years.
16 Of The Most Expensive Mistakes In History
A Regretful Sellout For Ronald Wayne
Alongside Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne was instrumental during the formative years of Apple. Afraid of past experiences and skeptical about the future, Wayne sold his share in Apple for just $800 (£516), 11 days after Apple was formed. According to reports, Wayne would have been worth more than £25 billion today had he kept his stock.
Toshihide Iguchi's Prolonged Miscalculation
Japanese bank executive Toshihide Iguchi converted a US $70,000 debt (£45,000) into a loss of $1.1 billion (£709 million) for the Daiwa Bank after he failed to recover a bet made on U.S. government bonds in 1983. Though Iguchi managed to dodge authorities for over a decade, FBI agents finally caught up with him after 12 years.
Rogue Trader Nick Leeson
Seldom does an individual bring about the downfall of an entire financial institution, but “Rogue Trader” Nick Leeson managed to do so by causing the collapse of the oldest investment bank in the United Kingdom—Barings Bank—in the mid '90s.
His unauthorized speculative trading brought him success at first, but in the end, disaster struck as losses ballooned to over £190 million. He fled to Singapore, where he was arrested and sentenced to six years in prison.
Mathematical Error Ends £80-Million NASA Mars Probe
NASA spent around £80 million on the Mars Climate Orbiter, which was originally designed to study the climate on Mars. However, a small mathematical error proved to be the orbiter’s undoing as NASA lost contact with the probe, and it was eventually destroyed over the planet in 1999.
Sar Alexander II Sells Off Alaska For Just £4.6 Million
During the late 19th century, Russian emperor Tsar Alexander II was unable to look at Alaska as something other than a land with a lot of ice cover. Fearful of a forceful takeover of Alaska by the United States, the Tsar decided to sell the vast territory to the United States for just £4.6 million in March 1867.
Since the values of ruble and dollar at the time were almost similar, Russia gained little in cash and lost natural resources worth billions of dollars.
A £116 Million Jackpot That Went Unclaimed
A British couple lost a fortune of around £116 million in 2010. A woman’s ticket for the Euro Millions lottery won the jackpot, but her husband threw it in the trash, which meant that they could not claim the prize money.
Equipment Fault Causes A £230 Billion Nuclear Disaster
A tragedy that still send shivers down the spines of many around the world, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster was caused by an equipment failure in four reactors that went out of control during a test.
The entire 1986 disaster cost around a massive £230 billion in cleanup and in the value of lost farmland. The loss at today's inflated rate stands at around a staggering £464 billion!
Xerox Fails To Protect Commercial Secret From Apple
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
Five Things That Matter More in Life Than Wealth
.Five Things That Matter More in Life Than Wealth
By Maria Nedeva
I’ve been thinking lately that my relationship with wealth and money is like the one of someone suffering from bulimia has with food. I oscillate between a state where money – making it, keeping it and investing it – dominates completely and another one where I’m not that bothered.
How do people find a balance? How do you find a balance between ‘money rules’ and ‘there are more important things in life’? For me, money has never been important when separate from the things that it can bring with it. And I’m not talking about new kitchen, fancy shoes and all the consumerist stuff with which we clutter our lives.
Money is important to me not because of what I could buy with it but because of the independence, security and quality of life it brings with it.
Five Things That Matter More in Life Than Wealth
By Maria Nedeva
I’ve been thinking lately that my relationship with wealth and money is like the one of someone suffering from bulimia has with food. I oscillate between a state where money – making it, keeping it and investing it – dominates completely and another one where I’m not that bothered.
How do people find a balance? How do you find a balance between ‘money rules’ and ‘there are more important things in life’? For me, money has never been important when separate from the things that it can bring with it. And I’m not talking about new kitchen, fancy shoes and all the consumerist stuff with which we clutter our lives.
Money is important to me not because of what I could buy with it but because of the independence, security and quality of life it brings with it.
Today I’m in a contemplative mood. This morning we saw close friends who have been having tough time over the past year. They were both reminded of their own mortality in no uncertain terms. Talking to these friends made me reflect on the things in life that matter more than life.
Here they are. #1. Health #2. Wisdom #3. Freedom #4. Family #5. Friendship
Finally… Can you think of things that matter in life more than money?
#1. Health
Obvious, isn’t it. There is nothing in life that is more important than health. Anything is possible when one is healthy: fun, laughter and building wealth. Following some text results, I had back couple of weeks ago, I must focus on my health. Have reached the age where ‘prevention is better than cure.’
#2. Wisdom
Wisdom, in my mind, has three elements to it:
Knowledge. Wisdom and ignorance don’t go together well. To achieve wisdom, one needs to learn about many aspects of life. (Personal finance bundles this one under ‘invest in yourself’ though there is a certain bias towards knowledge that can be used to make money. The knowledge you need for wisdom doesn’t have to be like that.)
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
A Tale Of Two Cities – London And Washington D.C. White Hats Auxiliary Briefing #157
.A Tale Of Two Cities – London And Washington D.C. White Hats Auxiliary Briefing #157
September 5, 2020 White Hats Auxiliary / Information Center To unite in support of the white hats, accurately inform about the mission to release the world global settlements/global currency reset, and explore the new frontier of digital wealth
A Tale Of Two Cities – London And Washington D.C. Facing Down The Selfish Alien Parasites Denigrating Each Nation
While we are moving towards a “Hopefully” successful redemption soon, as there are now strong moves to acquire mass Gold volumes from our Chinese Elders Clients, to underpin the coming GCR, there are key questions. Apart from usual stressed Free Lunches howling, there are bigger Real World issues you first need to understand. How to grow your consciousness. How we help Humanity, and You, raises real issues of who is worthy, or not. Tough love!
We have revolutionary moves in planning processes, once Redemptions are cleared, to create a whole new funding concept initiative to help the site and the genuine needy. There are so many causes. We know, we care! Our societies, post Covid, have to, and will, need to change. But now is not yet the time to show our Big Picture hand.
A Tale Of Two Cities – London And Washington D.C. White Hats Auxiliary Briefing #157
September 5, 2020 White Hats Auxiliary / Information Center To unite in support of the white hats, accurately inform about the mission to release the world global settlements/global currency reset, and explore the new frontier of digital wealth
A Tale Of Two Cities – London And Washington D.C. Facing Down The Selfish Alien Parasites Denigrating Each Nation
While we are moving towards a “Hopefully” successful redemption soon, as there are now strong moves to acquire mass Gold volumes from our Chinese Elders Clients, to underpin the coming GCR, there are key questions. Apart from usual stressed Free Lunches howling, there are bigger Real World issues you first need to understand. How to grow your consciousness. How we help Humanity, and You, raises real issues of who is worthy, or not. Tough love!
We have revolutionary moves in planning processes, once Redemptions are cleared, to create a whole new funding concept initiative to help the site and the genuine needy. There are so many causes. We know, we care! Our societies, post Covid, have to, and will, need to change. But now is not yet the time to show our Big Picture hand.
Timing – Is everything. Cards matter. Very large Real Settlements for the Elders are close now. They have the key Assets the US needs. AU! Power, the key to the future to be used with care. Not for Banker‘s and Politico’s greed.
For once, it’s now time to focus on rebuilding our shattered world, not funding bloated Militaries and its myriad of scheming, treacherous Agencies. Fund Humankind to be kind! Reeducate and rethink our goals as a species.
We, in turn, combined with key Elders, also have an Agenda, to ensure the coming releases are rescheduled and developed as an investment strategy, to make a difference. Scheduled for Communities and Individuals deserving of support, by putting back new profits accrued, where most needed. Ethical trading, Ethereal values. A conscious choice and a cogent direction. We are ever aware of need.
Please, break free of the US brain fogged Brokers Dream World and try to understand the core realities impairing all parties progress. Life matters, it’s all about Quality! We need to elevate consciousness and be more than we are. Fail this last chance and NWO, in whatever form, wins.
The juxtaposition of this transient reality, is that the Cabal and Deep State Racketeers who have plundered America while it slept, on your watch, have cross combined with double standard sanctimonious people, unfit for the Presidency, who have then looted the store yet again. As did the Neocon Criminal Bushes, also the Deep State Traitors and Cabal they became. The Cupboard, thanks to these Traitors and degenerates like the Clintons, is now laid threadbare. With it has gone your own, and your family’s future if not recovered. Betrayed from within.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
13 Characteristics of the Most Influential People
.13 Characteristics of the Most Influential People
Success.Com By YEC | August 10, 2020
Everyone has people in their life who have influenced their journey and their success. Whether it’s parents, teachers or mentors—they motivate you to keep pushing forward and achieve your dreams.
While influential people are all different on an individual level, they share a few common traits that help make them so inspirational. We asked the members of the Young Entrepreneur Council about the most influential people in their life and what characteristics set them apart.
Here’s what they’ve looked for and identified in their role models:
1. They aim to help others succeed.
Oftentimes, we think influential individuals are the people we gravitate to, but it’s actually the opposite. Truly influential people train, empower, and create businesses and organizations that can operate and run without them—they put others in an opportunity to succeed, and help gravitate energy out instead of toward themselves. —Jason Khoo, Zupo
13 Characteristics of the Most Influential People
Success.Com By YEC | August 10, 2020
Everyone has people in their life who have influenced their journey and their success. Whether it’s parents, teachers or mentors—they motivate you to keep pushing forward and achieve your dreams.
While influential people are all different on an individual level, they share a few common traits that help make them so inspirational. We asked the members of the Young Entrepreneur Council about the most influential people in their life and what characteristics set them apart.
Here’s what they’ve looked for and identified in their role models:
1. They aim to help others succeed.
Oftentimes, we think influential individuals are the people we gravitate to, but it’s actually the opposite. Truly influential people train, empower, and create businesses and organizations that can operate and run without them—they put others in an opportunity to succeed, and help gravitate energy out instead of toward themselves. —Jason Khoo, Zupo
2. They are charismatic.
The most influential people have mastered the art of charisma. They light up the room and automatically command respect from people the moment they walk in. One thing that sets them apart is their tendency to not follow the conventional norms, which can be seen in their body language, tonality and presence. —Kelly Richardson, Infobrandz
3. They are world-class communicators.
While styles and methods may differ, those able to master the arts of mass communication and personal persuasion are the most influential individuals in society. The more effectively you can drive your messaging, the more successful you will be in influencing others. —Adam Mendler, The Veloz Group
4. They are boldly confident.
The people I admire most are the ones who take bold steps in achieving what the vast majority of the world thinks is unattainable. Nobody believed Elon Musk could start a car company as a viable option in reducing carbon emissions in our environment, but he was able to succeed in spite of all the competition in the auto industry because of his unwavering confidence in himself. —Jacob Tanur, Click Play Films
5. They positively contribute to the world.
The most influential people I know have done something that truly contributes to the world and solves a very specific problem. They have added undeniable value through their work and contributions. —Rachel Beider, PRESS Modern Massage
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Legends Of The Wall Street
.Top 10 Greatest Investors Of All Time: Legends Of The Wall Street
Jun 29, 2020
There is no single, straightforward formula to make big money in the market. Each money manager has their own set of strategies and philosophies that helped them create stupendous wealth. And some of them went on to become legends by consistently outperforming the markets for long periods. Here we take a look at the top 10 greatest investors of all time.
A lot of money managers outperform the broader market for short periods. But there are only a few who have generated massive wealth for themselves and their investors by beating the market over decades. It's almost impossible to compare the performance and track record of legendary investors because they operated in different economic, political and regulatory environments, and they employed different strategies at different times. Anyway, we have attempted to list the ten greatest investors of all time here. Check out the list.
Top 10 Greatest Investors Of All Time: Legends Of The Wall Street
Jun 29, 2020
There is no single, straightforward formula to make big money in the market. Each money manager has their own set of strategies and philosophies that helped them create stupendous wealth. And some of them went on to become legends by consistently outperforming the markets for long periods. Here we take a look at the top 10 greatest investors of all time.
A lot of money managers outperform the broader market for short periods. But there are only a few who have generated massive wealth for themselves and their investors by beating the market over decades. It's almost impossible to compare the performance and track record of legendary investors because they operated in different economic, political and regulatory environments, and they employed different strategies at different times. Anyway, we have attempted to list the ten greatest investors of all time here. Check out the list.
10- Michael Steinhardt
Forbes magazine has called Michael Steinhardt "The Greatest Trader in Wall Street History." He launched the hedge fund Steinhardt Partners in 1967. Between 1967 and 1995, the hedge fund delivered a staggering 24.7% annualized return for investors, after fees.
Steinhardt took 20% of the profits. A $10,000 invested in Steinhardt Partners in 1967 would have grown to $4.8 million in 1995 when he closed his fund. That's impressive, especially considering his fund had lost one-third of its value during the 1994 bond market crisis.
9- Philip Fisher
Philip Fisher is the author of the book Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits. He launched his own money management firm Fisher & Company in 1931, right in the middle of the Great Depression. He led the investment firm until his retirement in 1999 at the age of 91.
Fisher is considered the pioneer of "growth investing." He famously purchased the Motorola stock in 1955 when it was a radio manufacturer and held it until his death in 2004.
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