Frank26 "What If the CBI Is Having Meetings?" 2-10-2020
The Fab 4, (IMF, WORLD BANK, U.S.TREASURY) The CBI and MTA (Allowi) need to come together so a certain switch is flipped.
So what if the CBI is having meetings right now? Who would they have these meetings with? Obviously those to pass the baton too……with the new rate.
IMO the new small category notes have already been delivered to the banks. And imo they were given a schedule . Whats on that schedule? How about a date. And what if the CBI has had a second meeting with all the banks in Iraq about 6 days ago…….I sure have a lot to tell you tonight…..
The Fab 4, (IMF, WORLD BANK, U.S.TREASURY) The CBI and MTA (Allowi) need to come together so a certain switch is flipped.
So what if the CBI is having meetings right now? Who would they have these meetings with? Obviously those to pass the baton too……with the new rate.
IMO the new small category notes have already been delivered to the banks. And imo they were given a schedule . Whats on that schedule? How about a date. And what if the CBI has had a second meeting with all the banks in Iraq about 6 days ago…….I sure have a lot to tell you tonight…..
I will be reading our fireflys reports tonight at 7 pm est. .
The second part of our Monday night CC tonight will be Walkingsticks report
Monday Conference Call: 605-313-5164 PIN: 156996#
Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26 Videos "Move Over CBI- Daddy's Home" 2-8-2020
Frank video update, Eddie’s (FF77) Report and Q&A
Frank video update, Eddie’s (FF77) Report and Q&A
Frank26: 2-8-20 part 2/3
Wednesday Night Frank26 Video "Paper Cut" and more 2-5-2020
Frank26: 2-5-20 PAPER CUT
This video is in Frank’s opinion
They are talking about a reinstatement and that is not 1 to 1
Frank26: 2-5-20 PAPER CUT
This video is in Frank’s opinion
They are talking about a reinstatement and that is not 1 to 1
Don961: The central achieved achievements in the payments system
Wednesday 05 February 2020
Baghdad / Al-Sabah
The Central Bank of Iraq revealed achievements in payment systems in the Payments Department that included a group of hubs.
He added in a bulletin on the central bank's website and followed by "Al-Sabah" that the most important achievements in payment systems in the Payments Department in Iraq were represented by activating the IBAN, which means (International Bank Account Number) on the payment system (RTGS-ACH), which is defined as the international bank account number and based on international special specifications, it is a special pattern of bank customer account numbers that allows its users To verify the validity of the account number transferred to it, and the banks were instructed to approve the unified IBAN in internal transfers as of 1/2/2017.
International standards
He referred to "starting work to assess the readiness of the Iraqi payments system in line with international standards (PFMIs) for the World Bank to improve payment and settlement systems in Iraq within the agreement with the World Bank, which deals with electronic payment systems in the country."
He indicated that the mechanism of paying the salaries of employees of institutions and state departments has been reformed by localizing their salaries with bank accounts and this bank is keen to meet all requirements to implement the process of localizing salaries in banks and converting the system of paying salaries to civil employees, including allocations and benefits, to a system electronic".
Successful localization
He pointed out that it is in this sense that "the Central Bank of Iraq, in cooperation with the banks, sought to bring this project into existence and the success of the localization process for salaries, and work has begun to localize the salaries of the bank's employees, so that the circular will be circulated to the rest of the ministries and all state departments during 2017."
He continued, "Enhancing the role of payment systems in financial inclusion through digital services provided by banks and electronic payment services providers, as it represents an important dimension in the central strategy and automation of work through the use of electronic payment tools and encouraging the use of financial and banking services provided by banks and electronic payment services providers And it supports small, medium and micro enterprises and facilitates their access to finance. "
In addition to "activating electronic payment processes between ministries and government institutions", as well as "evaluating banks and providers of electronic payment services technically, through the evaluation of technical aspects, electronic services and basic banking systems through which it is inferred at the level of banking efficiency in providing electronic services To customers. " LINK
Don961: A relative view of the banking indicators
Wednesday 05 February 2020
Dr.. In the name of Brahimi
The concept of banking intensity refers to the population of each bank in a country and is one of the banking indicators adopted in economic and financial analysis, and then whenever this indicator falls, this indicates the spread of banking habits, in the European Union this indicator scored (1500) people per bank and accordingly it is better Of it in the United States, where five thousand people registered for each bank, except that the forms that some research suffers from are taking the index absolutely without looking at the specificity of the economy in terms of degree of financial depth or technological progress the user.
Therefore, we find a lot of people interested in banking issues and even some officials believe that this indicator in Iraq, which amounts to ten thousand people, will decline for each bank, and they will make recommendations on improving it by increasing the number of banks and banking branches in order to achieve this. And its privacy.
The number of banks in Iraq is currently (76) banks, knowing that the number of their branches combined is close to (1310) branches, and this matter will definitely improve the percentage of banking density in Iraq, but the most important question is to what extent will be achieved that?
To know the answer, it is necessary to return to the previous question, and within the framework of the answer a number of indicators should be reviewed, including the percentage of cash leakage that reaches in Iraq to about (70%), which represents the percentage of what is in the currency outside the banking system out of the total issued currency, and this it indicates weakness in dealing with the banking system despite its improvement as a result of the numerous measures taken by the central bank, especially the salary settlement project, in addition to that (80 percent) of the deposits are almost with the Government banks
On the other hand, the percentage of bank liquidity is around (90 percent) and it exceeds the standard ratio that was set within the requirements of Basel, and this means that banks were unable to use the available liquidity due to them on the one hand, due to the high hedging on the one hand, and the tightness and instability of the market on the other hand.
We see the need to overlook the progress achieved in the work of the banking sector. The index of banking intensity with relative measurements is high for us, not the opposite, as many believe. LINK
Don961: Calls to employ Iraqi expertise to support the economic sectors
Wednesday 05 February 2020
Baghdad / Hussein Faleh
Experts and specialists in the Iraqi economic affairs stressed the need to employ Iraqi expertise and competencies in institutions concerned with economic sectors, because they are capable of advancing the national economy, noting that the revitalization of the national industry will provide job opportunities for the unemployed and provide the federal budget with hard currency.
The expert in industrial affairs Abdul Hassan Al-Shammari said, in a special statement to "Al-Sabah": "Iraq possesses the economic ingredients that help the development of the local industry and promote it, through human capabilities and potentials, but these ingredients need to be activated, through legislation Special laws that support and advance the domestic product. "
Protect the product
Al-Shammari added that “there are legislative laws since 2010 and until now that have not been effectively implemented, such as the customs tariff law and the consumer protection law as well as the national product protection law,” noting that “the enforcement of these laws will ensure the support of the national industrial product and provide the necessary protection for him".
He pointed out that "there are expertise and competencies in Iraq that can be employed correctly in economic institutions that are concerned with the productive sectors in order to be able to move the wheel of development in the country, stressing that there are industrial factories that have begun to work and produce but they are afraid of the importer who invades the markets because of the lack of total control over the ports Borderlands.
The imported material
He stressed "the necessity to prevent imported goods that are similar to them produced in Iraq, to encourage producers to increase the yield of their production from the various consumed products, indicating that" the cost of the local product is higher than the importer, which makes the price of the imported material less than the local material. "
He pointed out that "the national industry needs a number of issues for the purpose of its advancement, including activating laws to protect the product, as well as supporting industrial producers with soft loans that are implemented on the ground smoothly, easily and without complications," noting that "the projects that the government launched earlier were tantamount to Boring measures that make industrialists reluctant to take out loans because of impossible conditions and real estate guarantees Etc. "
He explained that "revitalizing the local industry will provide millions of job opportunities for the unemployed and provide the budget with hard currency, pointing out that the hard currency comes out with tens of billions annually for the purposes of imports."
To that, stressed the economist, Star El-Fili, "the need to pay attention to the Iraqi competencies and benefit from the experiences they have to advance the productive sectors."
Economic institutions
Al-Faili said in a statement to that “Iraq possesses a group of experts and competent competencies in various fields, especially economic ones, that can be used in economic institutions to advance the productive sectors. To this slide and benefit from their experience. "
And he stressed "the need to benefit from the experiences of global countries to develop the national economy through concluding economic agreements to create a major economic revolution that starts from the industrial sector, through agriculture, to production sectors. The other. " LINK
Lynette Zang, Frank26, KTFA and more Wednesday Afternoon 2-5-2020
.Lynette Zang
Streamed live 101 minutes ago
Thanks to the Fed’s “not” QE buying of short-term treasuries that began on August 21, 2019, the Fed’s key recession indicator, 3-month treasury yields vs 10-year treasury yields, were forcefully pushed out of inversion on October 11, 2019. But it didn’t last. Why?
Because of the possible impact of the coronavirus on the global economy. But frankly, it runs much deeper than that.
This retest of inversions that began on December 4, 2018 are telling us that the Fed is losing control as are all central bankers.
Lynette Zang
Streamed live 101 minutes ago
Thanks to the Fed’s “not” QE buying of short-term treasuries that began on August 21, 2019, the Fed’s key recession indicator, 3-month treasury yields vs 10-year treasury yields, were forcefully pushed out of inversion on October 11, 2019. But it didn’t last. Why?
Because of the possible impact of the coronavirus on the global economy. But frankly, it runs much deeper than that.
This retest of inversions that began on December 4, 2018 are telling us that the Fed is losing control as are all central bankers.
What happens when an abuser begins to lose control? They attempt to grab even more control. Central bankers are no different and their traditional tools no longer work, which forces even greater experimentation, in an attempt to remain in control.
Good thing there is a leader in fiscal experimentation…Japan. What about gold? Spot gold in terms of Japanese Yen just concluded a major cup formation (key accumulation pattern) that began in March 1980! The next step would be the 203,368.4 billion yen all time top established in January 1980. At this writing, with spot gold at 171,703.5 billion yen and the BOJ committed to printing the yen into oblivion can a new spot gold high be far off? STAY IN THE KNOW!
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Brad ...looks like so far the little time Allawi has been in he's getting things done which is good. We want to set the government for this revaluation to take place. We want Iraq as stable as absolute possible...
Frank26 ...I believe a couple months ago Donald Trump invited MTA [PM Allawi]...MTA and Donald Trump talked about the monetary reform. And apparently when this guy came to Washington D.C. he gave a complete pre-interview to many business owners of Iraq...this happened 4 or 5 months ago...When he came to see Donald Trump I believe he passed Donald Trump's litmus test...He was being interviewed to be Prime Minister IMO...Donald Trump is a business genius mastermind...This was prepared way in advance in silence...All that MTA is saying right now in Iraq has been talked and discussed thoroughly by Trump and MTA many months ago...IMO Trump has a vision for Iraq...
Samson: Oil rises in hopes that production cuts will dispel the impact of the Coruna virus
5th February, 2020
Oil prices rose on news of OPEC and its allies studying greater production cuts to counter a possible decline in global oil demand as a result of the rapid spread of the Chinese Corona virus
The global benchmark Brent crude futures rose 31 cents, or 0.6 percent, to $ 54.27 a barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate crude futures increased 21 cents, equivalent to 0.4 percent, to $ 49.82 a barrel, and the two crude rose more than 1%
At yesterday's meeting, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its allies, led by Russia, the group known as OPEC +, heard a Chinese envoy to the United Nations in Vienna yesterday to assess the impact of the Corona Virus outbreak on global oil demand and economic growth
Producers are considering further cuts to production and offering a meeting due in March to February
Meanwhile, US crude oil inventories increased in the week ending January 31 by 4.2 million barrels to 432.9 million barrels, according to the American Petroleum Institute data released yesterday, and the number is higher than analysts' expectations of an increase of 2.8 million barrels
The weekly report of the US Energy Information Administration is scheduled to be released later today, Wednesday LINK
Samson: International financial experts: Iraq paid Kuwait $ 49.2 billion and the remaining 3.2 only
5th February, 2020
The International Experts Committee confirmed, today, Wednesday, that Iraq paid Kuwait compensation 49.2 billion dollars and the remaining 3.2 billion dollars only
The committee, as the supervising authority for the follow-up of the DFI account and its alternative account, said in a statement, "Economy News" received a copy of it, that "the total amounts of compensation required by international decisions on Iraq in favor of Kuwait were 52.4 billion USD", indicating that "The amount paid from it until January 2020 amounted to 49.2 billion dollars, and the remaining amount of these compensation is 3.2 billion dollars
The committee expected to "pay the full amount in the first half of 2021 and close the file of compensation to secure the final exit from under Chapter VII in the event that oil revenues continue at the same current rates
All Iraqi revenues from oil exports are deposited into the "Iraq Development Fund", and the United Nations withdraws 5% of these revenues, which are the compensation granted to Kuwait for the 1991 war, while the Ministry of Finance pays all Iraqi debts before the government receives supervision of the "Development Fund for Iraq
The Financial Experts Committee was established on the basis of the Cabinet’s decision and started its work on 1/4/2007, as an alternative oversight body for the International Council for Advice and Supervision, which currently oversees the Iraqi public funds spent on the production and export of oil and petroleum products LINK
Pete2001: seems like this would be paid now .... 3.2 billion if it is required to get out of Chapter VII....For Frank, MM, 2 cents, Delta is this needed to have RI done?? or anyone else?
Tommy17: No. IMO check final article threads Even the imf mid last year came out and said “ they were article 8 compliant. Iraq just needs to announce it.
DCDriver: Just some thoughts: To me it is not out of the realm of possibilities that Iraq is planning on changing their fiscal year to start on April 1st, the same as Kuwait.
Let's not forget that Kuwait was part of Iraq at one time. There could be some fiscal alignment that will take place with Kuwait in order to usher in a more cohesive monetary structure that will become the model of the Middle East, especially if the Iraq currency comes out at or around the same value as Kuwait.
This could be the beginning of things to come for neighboring countries to align themselves to a "hub" or epicenter that Frank speaks of. Food for thought
Samson: A legal expert clarifies the authority of the next government to amend the budget
4/2/2020 9:10 PM
The legal expert, Tariq Harb, confirmed that the next new government has the right to make amendments to the draft budget budget for the year 2020.
Harb said in a press statement that the next government has the right to make amendments to the draft budget law, adding that it has the right to send the bill to the House of Representatives an hour after it gains the confidence of the parliament, because the draft law is ready and has been organized by the previous government
He added that the bill would be sent by the government after it held a meeting in which a vote would be taken to send the bill to the parliament
The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed that the next federal government to be formed by Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Allawi will make amendments to the draft budget law in 2020
Committee member Shirvan Mirza said in a press statement that "the next federal government may make amendments to the federal budget bill for the current year, indicating that this depends on the government's program
" It could be the government opinion and other trends may make changes to the bill may not make any amendments because the time delay for approval," pointing at the same time that it is not currently known whether the Government carried out any amendments to the draft budget or not? LINK
Frank26 and KTFA Members Tuesday PM 2-4-2020
MTA- Muhammed Tawfiq Allawi…
MTA- Muhammed Tawfiq Allawi…
Samson: How will the Allawi government deal with the 2020 budget?
4th February, 2020
Member of the Parliamentary Services Committee Jassem Al-Bukhati confirmed, Tuesday, that the government of the new Prime Minister Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi will review the 2020 budget because its vision differs from that of the previous government, noting that all decisions issued during the period of caretaking of the cabinet and ministries will be reviewed to know the extent of its constitutionality During that time.
Al-Bukhati said in a statement to the "information", that "the government of Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi will not send the budget if it is given the confidence of the House of Representatives, but will review it according to the data of the stage." As it is the body that will send it to Parliament.”
He added that "the Adel Abdul Mahdi government during the period of caretaking committed several violations by issuing decisions that are not permitted by the constitution, and thus all decisions issued by the cabinet and ministries will be reviewed during the period of caretaking for constitutional compliance."
The member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Magda Al-Tamimi, confirmed in a previous statement to / the information /, that the government had implemented the 2020 budget law before its resignation, expressing its surprise at the failure to send the budget after its completion. LINK
Samson: A parliamentary committee reveals the surplus in the investment budget for 2019
4th February, 2020
A committee evaluating the governmental program and parliamentary strategic planning revealed, on Tuesday, the financial surplus in the investment budget for 2019, while it showed that the expected deficit in the 2020 budget is inaccurate and merely a planning deficit that does not exist on the ground.
A member of the committee, Inaam Al-Khuzai, said in a statement to "Information", that "the government allocated 33 trillion Iraqi dinars to the investment part of the 2019 budget, of which only 11 trillion dinars were used until last October," noting that "all projects were suspended since October due to the protests." Popularity.”
She added that "the surplus from the investment budget amounted to 22 trillion Iraqi dinars that can be re-allocated to investment projects or to pay off external debts", indicating that "Iraq pays 13 trillion Iraqi dinars for foreign debt and may benefit from those excess funds in this aspect."
It showed that "the expected deficit in the budget of 2020, amounting to 48 trillion dinars, is exaggerated and does not exist on the ground, as it is planned and not real."
The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, earlier, that the Parliament will receive the federal budget bill for 2020 from the Council of Ministers in the month of April. LINK
Don961: America sets a new rule to impose fees on countries that devalue their currencies
- 11 Minutes Ago
The US Department of Commerce is putting the finishing touches to a new rule to impose anti-subsidy duties on products from countries that the department sees as depreciating its currencies against the dollar, including likely China.
The move, taken by Washington on Monday, could be a new nuisance in trade talks between the United States and China just weeks after the world's two largest economies signed a one-stage trade agreement between them and one day after Beijing accused Washington of spreading fear of the rapidly spreading Corona virus that He grew up in China.
In theory, the new rule would allow the Commerce Department to impose duties on China although the US Treasury recently deleted its classification of China as a currency manipulator under the one-stage commercial agreement.
The Commerce Department said the rule would not apply such duties to all imports from a particular country as it does not all harm US industries. "The administration of President Donald Trump is doing the right thing by confronting the problem directly," the ministry said in a statement.
Trade Minister Wilbur Ross said the new rule represents another important step aimed at "creating space for American companies and workers."
In addition to China, the new base may put other countries' products at risk of increasing tariffs, including Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Vietnam and Switzerland.
(Reuters) LINK
Don961: In the history of the Iraqi state, a deputy reveals the highest corruption rate recorded in 2019 and talks about two reasons
Politics 02/20 2020 18:32 1137 Editor: ht
Baghdad today - private
Member of the Victory Alliance, Faleh Al-Ziyadi, affirmed on Tuesday (04 February 2020) that last year witnessed the highest percentage of corruption cases registered since the founding of the Iraqi state, indicating that the abolition of the offices of general inspectors contributed greatly to the high percentage.
Al-Ziyadi told (Baghdad Today), "Corruption has become politically protected, and in 2019, there has been a significant increase in the percentage of corruption cases since the founding of the Iraqi state, due to mismanagement, and the abolition of offices of public inspectors in state ministries, which made corruption legislated with legal and administrative cover."
He added that "the file of corruption and its seriousness was presented in a wide-ranging meeting held yesterday with the Prime Minister-designate Mohamed Allawi," noting that "restoring the prestige of the state and restricting weapons to the security services and eliminating financial and administrative corruption will push members of the House of Representatives to support Allawi in his subsequent steps."
The MP, Abdel-Khalek Medhat, confirmed Thursday, January 16, 2020, that "the essence of corruption" in Iraq lies in the economic offices of the influential parties.
Medhat said in an interview with (Baghdad Today) that "corruption in Iraq is great and it is no less harmful to terrorism with its repercussions and negatives," noting that "the essence of real corruption lies in the economic offices of the parties that were behind the creation of the black scourge, in reference to corruption." .
Medhat added, "All solutions to tackle corruption in Iraq are formal, and most of them end without deterrent solutions and procedures." He stressed that "implementing a law from where did you get this and removing the country's capabilities from the economic offices of the parties is the one that addresses the scourge of corruption in the country that was behind the conditions reached The current special. "
He pointed out that "most of the governorates suffer from a lack of services despite the large budgets that have been allocated for 17 years." LINK
Saturday Night Frank26 Videos "PS...PM" and more 2-1-220
Frank26: 2-1-20 PS...... PM
Saturday night Q&A
This video is in Frank’s opinion
F26: I like this new PM and the citizens like him too!
Q: Do you and your team still concentrate on the CBI?
F26: yes……that is where we will see it first(Monetary reform) …..then we will hear an announcement from the GOI
Frank26: 2-1-20 PS...... PM
Saturday night Q&A
This video is in Frank’s opinion
F26: I like this new PM and the citizens like him too!
Q: Do you and your team still concentrate on the CBI?
F26: yes……that is where we will see it first(Monetary reform) …..then we will hear an announcement from the GOI
Zenopec: SUPER SUNDAY? 2-2-2020 = 33rd day with 333 left in year?
2-1-20 part 2
Samson: Britain officially graduated from the European Union after 47 years
1st February, 2020
Britain withdrew officially at 23:00 GMT on Friday night from the European Union, after 3 years of the referendum in which about 52% of citizens voted in favor of "divorce" from Brussels.
"Our job now is to unite the country and move it forward," British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said, explaining that "Brexit" is not the end but rather the beginning of a new page in British history.
Britain's official withdrawal will not lead to any fundamental changes until December 2020, when the transitional period in relations between London and Brussels will end.
The UK is expected to hold negotiations with the European Union over their future relationship this year.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson seeks to conclude a free trade agreement and maintain cooperation in many vital areas with Brussels, and above all security cooperation.
In the event of failure of the negotiations, Britain will be exposed to the so-called "harsh Brexit", as it will impose on the UK trade fees according to the rules of the World Trade Organization, which will lead to high prices and a possible shortage of European goods. LINK
Samson: Iraqi leader arrested in Al-Qaeda, Arizona, USA
1st February, 2020
US officials confirmed that a man accused of killing two police officers while he was leading a group linked to al-Qaeda in the Iraqi city of Fallujah was arrested in Phoenix, Arizona.
A statement by the Arizona judicial authorities said, "Ali Youssef Ahmed Al-Nouri, 42, is wanted in Iraq, on charges of intentionally killing the two police officers in 2006."
The statement indicated that "an Iraqi judge issued an arrest warrant for al-Nouri and that the Iraqi government sent the US Department of Justice a request for his extradition."
He added, "Al-Nouri was brought before a federal judge in Phoenix yesterday, Friday, as part of procedures for his extradition to Iraq."
He pointed out that "the details mentioned in the Iraqi complaint are accusations that have not yet been proven in court." He continued, "The extradition of Al-Nouri needs the approval of an American court, and the US Secretary of State will then decide whether to deliver him to Iraq."
The statement did not provide details about the timing of al-Nuri's entry into the United States or the length of his stay in Phoenix. The Iraqi government says al-Nuri was the leader of an al Qaeda-linked group in Fallujah that had planned operations against the police. LINK
Don961: Because of the Corona virus .. Iraq prevents entry to Chinese citizens for a month
Saturday, 01 February 2020 12:04 PM
The Directorate of Citizenship and Passports in Basra, Iraq, announced today, Saturday, the direct implementation of the directive of the Ministry of the Interior to prevent entry of holders of Chinese citizenship, according to the Iraqi News Agency "conscious" Director of Citizenship and Passports in Basra said that "the implementation of the directive of the Interior has been implemented to prevent entry of holders of Chinese nationality through border points And the airport for a month, starting last night 1/31
Earlier, the director of Basra International Airport, Samir Yunus, announced the issuance of an order not to enter any Chinese or Chinese from China to Iraq
The Chinese government said on Saturday that Prime Minister Li Keqiang asked the European Union to facilitate China's purchase of urgent medical supplies from member countries
This comes amid the outbreak of the new Corona virus, which has killed more than 250 people and infected more than 1,000 people
Today, Saturday, the National Health Commission of China announced that 259 deaths and 11,821 confirmed cases of the new Corona virus were recorded by the end of yesterday. From the hospital after recovery
The committee pointed out that the injured can go out when symptoms are relieved, provided that the body temperature remains at the normal rate for at least three days, and the DNA test shows a negative result twice link
KTFA, Frank26, Bix Weir and more Friday PM 1-3-2020
Samson: The Secretary General of the United Nations affirms his support for the unity and stability of Iraq
31st January, 2020
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres emphasized the support for the unity and stability of Iraq.
A statement on the office of Foreign Minister Muhammad al-Hakim said that the latter "received a phone call from Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the recent developments in Iraq and the Middle East region were discussed."
"Guterres expressed the United Nations' willingness to provide the necessary support to Iraq at all levels to ensure its unity and stability," he added. LINK
Samson: The Secretary General of the United Nations affirms his support for the unity and stability of Iraq
31st January, 2020
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres emphasized the support for the unity and stability of Iraq.
A statement on the office of Foreign Minister Muhammad al-Hakim said that the latter "received a phone call from Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the recent developments in Iraq and the Middle East region were discussed."
"Guterres expressed the United Nations' willingness to provide the necessary support to Iraq at all levels to ensure its unity and stability," he added. LINK
Samson: Legal expert: Iraq can recover the smuggled money in accordance with international law
30th January, 2020
Legal expert, Ali Al-Tamimi, confirmed that Iraq can recover the smuggled money in accordance with international law.
Al-Tamimi told Al-Ikhbaria that there is an agreement to combat administrative and financial corruption for the year 2005, and Iraq joined it in 2007, and it allows Iraq to request assistance in recovering the smuggled money, which was estimated at 500 billion dollars.
He added that "Article 50 of the Charter of the United Nations allows Iraq to request international assistance, as Security Council Resolution 2170 of 2014, which placed ISIS under Chapter VII, allows that."
He added that "Iraq can request the Security Council to refer the file to the International Criminal Court, where it considers corruption crimes and considered genocide and crimes against humanity."
Samson: American forces are establishing a security fence around its new airport near Ain Al-Asad base
17:36 - 01/30/2020
A security source said, on Thursday, that the American forces erected a security fence on the site of its new airport near Ain Al-Assad Air Force Base, west of Ramadi.
The source said to the "information" that "the American forces have established a security fence on the location of its new airport for B-52 planes near Ain Al-Asad air base in Al-Baghdadi district, Heat district, west of Ramadi."
He added, "The American forces have installed thermal surveillance cameras as well as barbed wire and prevented approaching the new site while flying and constantly flying over the sky of the airport to ensure the provision of security protection for the site in anticipation of its targeting."
It is noteworthy that the American forces expanded a short time ago the area of Ain Al-Assad Air Base and took new lands close to the leap side to include them in the base area to establish an airport for B-52s." LINK
Samson: Oil jumps as WHO declares a state of emergency
31st January, 2020
Oil prices jumped on Friday after sharp losses this week, as the World Health Organization opposed travel and trade restrictions in declaring a global emergency over the outbreak of the Corona virus, which appeared in China last year
Oil prices fell nearly four percent until Thursday this week, to reach the lowest level in three months, before recovering on Friday, in light of investors and dealers concerned about how the spread of the virus affects the demand for oil and its products
"The WHO decision ... which opposes restrictions on travel and trade against China has boosted market confidence, even though the organization declared a global emergency," said Margaret Young, market analyst at CMC Markets
Brent crude futures jumped $ 1.16 to $ 59.45 a barrel by 0532 GMT, after falling 2.5 percent in the previous session. And Brent is still down 2 percent a week
US West Texas Intermediate crude futures rose $ 1.06 to $ 53.20 a barrel. The crude contract fell 2.2 percent on Thursday and is now down 1.8 percent a week
The World Health Organization announced that the outbreak of the Corona virus in China, which has killed more than 200 people there and spread to about 18 countries, is now a public health emergency
Despite Friday's recovery, analysts remain cautious and warn of further downside risks if the virus continues to spread
The Italian government decided to suspend all flights between Italy and China, and airlines including Air France, American Airlines and British Airways have suspended flights to Chinese cities
Prices also received support from reports that Saudi Arabia had started discussions on submitting the date of the next meeting to discuss production policy until early February of March after the recent drop in oil prices LINK
Frank26: 1-31-29. MEAN DA CHICKEN
I think we are getting closer and closer……
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Chattels It is Holy Day in Iraq. Not a lot of news today. Tomorrow could be a watershed day in the history of Iraq. Can Iraq's competing factions decide upon a Prime Minister for all? The prospects and opportunity over time for good government are not without limits. Iraq is running out of time, IMO.
Jeff ...the 2020 budget can only be implemented at the start of a fiscal year...they're most likely transitioning to a new fiscal year which will most likely start on April 1st...April 1st through the end of March in the 1970's was Iraq's fiscal year which is identical to Kuwait's fiscal year today. That's why Kuwait had changed the [their] rate towards the end of March...there are no delays. There are no holdups. If you want to say there's a delay or hold up you know what it is? It's called the rate change...Iraq can't do a damn thing until that rate change. They can't even start the approval process of the budget until the rate changes...more factual evidence supports Q1...Iraq is walking in Kuwait's footsteps...
Bix Weir
Silver, Stocks, Gold & Cryptos...When a Rigged Market Meets REALITY!
Jan 31, 2020
The reversal of 100 years of market rigging does not come quietly. It comes with a BANG!! Where will you be positioned when the Music Stops?!
Sierra, Frank26 and more Wednesday Evening 1-29-2020
.Thank you Sierra
"Interesting Date for Market Change" by Sierra (NZ) - 1.29.20
Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 7:12 PM EST on January 29, 2020
Here is a series of tweets that point to the date of 4th February 2020 being significant to the financial market...
I ET 17 tweet...
'OMG, China just shut down trading...Still think it's just flu? WTF!!! What occurs the next day on 2/4?' The tweet features a picture of a news headline: 'Coronavirus: China shuts down stock market until 3rd February.'
Thank you Sierra
"Interesting Date for Market Change" by Sierra (NZ) - 1.29.20
Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 7:12 PM EST on January 29, 2020
Here is a series of tweets that point to the date of 4th February 2020 being significant to the financial market...
I ET 17 tweet...
'OMG, China just shut down trading...Still think it's just flu? WTF!!! What occurs the next day on 2/4?' The tweet features a picture of a news headline: 'Coronavirus: China shuts down stock market until 3rd February.'
I ET 17 retweets Craig Mason...
'The Genesis upgrade on Bitcoin is on 4th February 2020. In the article it clearly says that it is 11 years, 1 month and 1 day after the original release. 11:11.'
Finally, I ET 17 retweets WINTRELL...
'This was part of the game all along...Once the Tariff agreement occurred with USA, virus outbreak...Markets get manually manipulated to secure money.'
Phoenx at PIR has discussed a Black Swan event (financial collapse), and the potential for it to be linked to the Corona virus. It will take a major global event, such as a (fake) pandemic, to trigger the collapse of the financial system. It looks promising for this Black Swan event to happen very soon.
Oh, and there is another event on 4th February 2020: President Trump delivers the State of the Union Address. All signs point to him presenting the Address as an acquitted man, triumphant in victory. Bring it on!
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
China Frantically Shuts Down Stock Market to Prevent Coronavirus Selloff
Chinese authorities have decided to suspend trading on the nation's two major stock exchanges. This comes after fears of a coronavirus crash.
January 28, 2020 3:48 AM UTC Author: William Ebbs @ebbs_william
Chinese authorities have announced that stock markets in Shanghai and Shenzhen will remain closed until next Monday as fears over coronavirus continue to swirl. But it may not be enough to stop a selloff once markets reopen next week. | Image: shutterstock.com
Chinese authorities have decided to suspend trading on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges.
This move comes as the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak grows in size and severity.
The government is kicking the can down the road. Investors can expect a massive correction when trading resumes next Monday.
China’s financial markets will remain shuttered until Feb. 3 due to coronavirus fears, according to separate announcements from the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges.
The move comes as the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak grows in size and severity with many fearing it may lead to a global recession.
The Chinese government may be trying to delay panic selling until it can get the massive outbreak under control. But this strategy is unlikely to work because of the sheer impact the virus is already having on the nation’s economy. Investors can expect to see a large correction in the Chinese indices when (and if) trading resumes next Monday.
The impact of this crisis is sure to bleed into American markets and may trigger a stock market correction.
The Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak Intensifies
It’s no secret, the Wuhan Coronavirus is getting worse. So far over 4,000 cases have been confirmed with 106 fatalities. There are over 50 cases outside of China, including five in the United States. Recently, Germany confirmed its first case of the disease bringing the total of infected countries to 16.
In response to the threat, China has quarantined entire cities. The travel restrictions affect a total population of 60 million people and might be slowing economic activity to a halt in the affected areas.
Data from the first day of the Chinese New Year shows a significant decline in travel across all major platforms. There was a 41.6% decline in civil air travel, a 45.5% drop in rail travel and a 25% drop in road travel. U.S-based companies with Chinese subsidiaries are also scaling back their operations.
China Shuts Down The Market
In response to the crisis, China has decided to extend the Lunar New Year break on trading by four days. This looks to be an attempt to prevent panic selling due to the outbreak. However, the Feb. 3rd date for a resumption of trading may be delayed because Shanghai authorities have separately advised companies not to resume work until at least Feb. 9th.
Despite the halt on trading, Chinese firms are still feeling the pain. The U.S listed China Large-Cap ETF (NYSEARCA:FXI) dropped 4% on Monday.
Is The United States Next?
The United States economy is on shaky footing going into 2020. America’s economy is tightly intertwined with China’s, and a massive crash there would have ripple effects across the world.
Companies with significant exposure to China have already posted significant declines with Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and American Airlines (NASDAQ:AAL) down 3% and 8%, respectively.
Chinese airlines are in free fall with U.S-listed China Southern Airlines (NYSE:ZNH) and China Eastern Airlines (NYSE:CEA) both down over 7% on the day.
Economic Downturn?
Investors should also watch for the market fallout over a recent missile strike against the United States’ embassy in Iraq. That situation, along with the ongoing crisis in China, could put pressure on equity prices going forward. With all these black swans hitting the market at once, there’s a growing fear that a
major economic downturn is around the corner.
Thank you Frank
Frank26: 1-29-20 HUDDLE UP
This video is in Frank’s opinion.
Don961: The US House of Representatives votes to authorize the use of force in Iraq
The mandate allowed America to intervene in Iraq in 2003
January 30, 2020
On Thursday, the US House of Representatives votes on a bill that would end the mandate to use force in Iraq, which was passed in 2002 to give the legislative mandate to the United States to launch the Iraq war in 2003
In his Twitter tweet, US President Donald Trump urged members of the House of Representatives to "vote with their hearts" on that legislation, adding that the United States is reducing its presence in Iraq until the number of its soldiers there has reached only five thousand
On the other hand, Trump threatened that he would use the veto against any legislation supported by the Democrats that would restrict his military options against Iran
In separate statements to the White House, sources said that the president may veto both decisions related to ending the 2002 law on the use of force in Iraq and the law restricting military options against Iran
The decision to use force in Iraq gives the president broad powers and freedom to act in response to any threats inside Iraq and the threats that Iran makes against the United States and its allies in the region through its hubs in Iraq
The US administration had justified the beginning of this month of its use of a drone to target Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis in Baghdad as coming within the mandate approved in 2002 and confirmed that canceling that mandate will "strengthen the enemies" of the United States LINK
KTFA Monday Night CC Replay and Tuesday News 1-28-2020
Samson: Barclays expects oil prices to be affected by two dollars a barrel due to Corona
28th January, 2020
Barclays Bank said on Tuesday that oil prices will be affected by two dollars a barrel due to the potential economic impact of the outbreak of the Corona virus in China
China confirmed more than 100 deaths and more than 4,000 infected with the virus, prompting authorities to step up preventive measures, impose travel restrictions and extend the Lunar New Year holiday to limit the spread of the virus
The bank expects Brent and West Texas Intermediate crude prices to fall by two dollars throughout the entire year to 62 and 57 dollars a barrel, respectively
Oil prices have declined over the past six sessions, but the bank says the market's reaction may be overrated
Brent is currently trading near $ 59 a barrel and US crude near $ 53 a barrel LINK
Samson: Barclays expects oil prices to be affected by two dollars a barrel due to Corona
28th January, 2020
Barclays Bank said on Tuesday that oil prices will be affected by two dollars a barrel due to the potential economic impact of the outbreak of the Corona virus in China
China confirmed more than 100 deaths and more than 4,000 infected with the virus, prompting authorities to step up preventive measures, impose travel restrictions and extend the Lunar New Year holiday to limit the spread of the virus
The bank expects Brent and West Texas Intermediate crude prices to fall by two dollars throughout the entire year to 62 and 57 dollars a barrel, respectively
Oil prices have declined over the past six sessions, but the bank says the market's reaction may be overrated
Brent is currently trading near $ 59 a barrel and US crude near $ 53 a barrel LINK
Monday Night CC with Frank, Walkingstick and Delta 1-27-2020
PLAYBACK : 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Don961: Mr. Sadr summarizes the demands of the demonstrators by 3 points
Saleh Muhammad al-Iraqi, spokesman for the Sadrist movement leader, Muqtada al-Sadr, published a picture from Tahrir Square, bearing 3 demands, one of which concerns the candidate for prime minister in the transitional government.
Al-Iraqi posted a post on his account on Facebook today (January 28, 2020), a banner raised by the demonstrators in Tahrir Square in central Baghdad, which includes 3 points, under the comment "Our demands":
1- Resolve the new election law
2- Nomination of an incontestable Prime Minister –
3- Set a date for the early elections
Don961: Trump Offers China Help: Our Experts Are Exceptional
January 27, 2020
Scientists expect the infection of the Corona virus will exceed 40 thousand
Washington — Morsi Abu Touq
Hong Kong AP
US President Donald Trump announced Monday that the United States has offered China help in fighting the spread of a virus Corona, which sparked panic from its spread worldwide. Chirp Trump « We continue very closely with China with regard to the virus » . He added « very few cases monitored in the United States , but we are watching closely. We put on China and President Xi ( Jinping ) any necessary assistance. Our experts are exceptional .
” The researchers from the University of Hong Kong said that the government should take measures « strict »Restriction of people's movements to control the spread of the emerging corona virus, and researchers estimated based on mathematical models that the number of casualties exceeded forty Olva.oukalt World Health Organization said the threat of Corona virus has become the emerging « high » at the international level, China 's first recorded case of death Bkrona in the capital city of Beijing .oosdr these Scientists from the University of Hong Kong warn them after the spread of the virus has accelerated A it led to 80 deaths declared in China
Officially declared 2744 cases in China, including a baby aged nine months, while the number of suspected cases has doubled in 24 hours to reach 6 thousand cases
The research group said Gabriel Leung Director « We must prepare for the possibility of this extraordinary epidemic became an epidemic world » . He added « must take important and tough measures as soon as possible to limit the movements of the population »
On Sunday, Chairman of the Chinese National Health Committee Ma Xiaoyi said that the incubation period for the emerging virus is up to two weeks And that infection is possible during the incubation period, that is, even before the symptoms of infection appear
Based on the mathematical models of the spread of the virus, Leung and his team concluded that the true number of infections far exceeds the toll Announced by authorities that only include officially declared cases
Leong estimated, based on the theory of statistical data, during a press conference in Hong Kong Saturday that « the number of confirmed cases bearing the symptoms must be within 25 or 26 thousand in the first day For the Chinese New Year »
He added that if the cases that are still in the incubation period, and which have not yet been shown to them, are calculated symptoms of the virus, « is approaching the number of 44 thousand »
Saw Leong it can to double the number of casualties every six days, reaching its peak in April / April the May / May in the areas where the epidemic has already found, but acknowledged the possibility of reducing the infection pattern in Once effective public health measures are taken
Wuhan and Hubei Province generally remain the epicenter of the disease. But cases have also been detected in a number of major Chinese cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Canton
Young said « We expect to see the spread of permanent centers of the epidemic in these major cities »
While quarantine considered that « quite sound » , the researcher felt that the measures « may not "It would be sufficient to prevent the epidemic from spreading to other major cities "
The Hong Kong University Institute of Medicine team is a WHO collaborating center in the field Control of infectious diseases LINK
Samson: Historically, how do markets interact in times of viruses and outbreaks?
28th January, 2020
Days she witnessed many developments regarding the "Corona" virus with the fact that the disease spread inside and outside China, but historically, how will the markets and the economy perform in times of epidemic
Investors have recently interacted with updates related to the prevalence of a pneumonia-like disease, as news continues to emerge about the announcement of cases of corona
"There are fears that the Corona virus may spread quickly inside and outside China, which could cause economic and market damages," says Charles Schwab, global investment strategist Geoffrey Kleintop, in a memo quoted by Market Watch
The Corona virus was first detected on December 31 in Wuhan, the capital of the Chinese province of Hubei, but it has spread to other major cities. Eighty-one people have died in China so far as a result of the rapidly spreading virus, with the fact that about 2,681 people have been infected inside the country. The disease has spread outside China to countries such as the United States, Japan, Hong Kong, and others
Ultimately, the severity of the virus will determine the response of markets, as the success of indicators in overcoming infection from past disease outbreaks does not mean that this will be the case this time. The World Health Organization last week avoided declaring a global health emergency, but noted severe consequences in China
The head and chief financial officer of consulting firm "Cumberland" David Cotok wrote in a research note that infectious diseases and epidemics have consequences for the markets as they increase the risks and can be fatal. He continued: "External shocks can hinder economic trends and suddenly change market sentiment. Not all risks lie in economic or monetary policy
In 2003, while the Chinese authorities were struggling to combat the SARS virus, the MSCI Chinese stocks fell more than 10 percent. SARS had infected about 8,100 people with the virus during its outbreak in 2003, with 774 deaths, according to WHO data and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention but the economic damage caused by SARS was more sustainable, according to a study by economists Gong Wha Lee, from the University of Korea, and Warwick Maqueben from the Australian National University. They said during a research paper published in 2004 that the rapidly spreading virus wiped out more than 1 percent of China's gross domestic product and 2.6 percent of Hong Kong's economic growth
It should be noted that during the peak of the spread of the SARS virus in the period from December 2002 to April 2003, the Standard & Poor's index declined by about 8.3 percent, and that the stocks related to discretionary spending and emerging markets (especially China) recorded a weak performance against A jump of 4.8 percent in gold prices. But the markets recovered quickly, in conjunction with the control of SARS, which indicates that in most cases any financial damage will be short-lived, as the chief market economist at Capital Economics in London wrote to “Oliver Jones” during a memo quoted by The Washington Post
Looking at the United States, which reported two cases of the disease in 2020, we find that Wall Street has historically interacted with such outbreaks and rapidly spreading diseases. According to Dow Jones Market data, the Standard & Poor's 500 Index registered gains of 14.59 percent after the first outbreak of SARS in 2002 and 2003, based on the performance of the index in the six months ending in April 2003 but its rise of 20.76 Percentage in the twelve months ended in the same month
Separately, the Standard & Poor's 500 Index rose nearly 11.66 percent in the six months following the 2006 bird flu virus announcement. But the broader US benchmark gained 18.36 percent in the twelve months to June 2006
The aforementioned data on the performance of stocks worldwide are similar based on the data of "Charles Schwab", where the MSCI index, which follows global stocks, rose by an average of 0.4 percent after a month of the epidemic and 3.1 Percent within the next six months and 8.5 percent a year later
In 2014, the outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa led to a stoppage of US stocks as investors worried about the negative impact on consumer spending, as the Dow Jones index fell about 7 percent between mid-September and mid-October of the same year
As for the Corona virus, which causes respiratory syndrome in the Middle East, it scared investors from the end of 2012. From November 1, 2012 to December 1, 2012, the Standard & Poor's 500 Index declined by 0.8 percent, while gold prices rose 0.5 percent. But the broader index quickly recovered from losses much more quickly, gaining 15.1 percent over the next six months
The spread of the virus this year coincides with the country's Lunar New Year holiday, which is usually characterized by travel, leisure and increased consumption by the Chinese people. Analysts at Wells Farges Securities said in a report led by Jay Bryson that celebrating the lunar new year could increase the spread of the virus as well as the economic impact
The epidemic comes at a time when China's economy is experiencing its worst annual growth rate in three decades, with gross domestic product slowing to 6.1 percent in 2019. Wells Fargo analysts added that if the SARS epidemic is used as evidence, the economic impact of the current coronavirus, however, is likely to be temporary
So far, preliminary data on the virus that erupted in the Chinese city of Wuhan indicates that it is less severe, both in terms of infection and severity of impact compared to "SARS", according to analyst at Bank of America "Helen Qiao" in comments reported by "Penzinga
Investigators Robert Sevens, founder of Tom Asai, added during comments commented by Penzinga that investors should be prepared for more headlines on Wuhan which will move markets in the coming weeks. He continued: "From a market perspective, given that this disease is closely related to SARS, I believe that the market's response to the SARS outbreak provides a good model that should be followed
This turmoil comes at a time when Chinese economic growth is already fragile and will unfortunately remove some support in consumer and corporate sentiment from the trade deal between the United States and China, according to the former head of China’s unit at the International Monetary Fund, “Eswar Prasad,” during a comment with a newspaper. Washington Post. He pointed out that the spread of this disease on a larger scale has the potential to disrupt travel, trade and supply chains throughout Asia, with impacts on the global economy, given that Asia is a major driver of global growth
However, experts stress that it is important not to generalize the possibility of unforeseen outcomes from epidemics in economies and markets
Bloomberg cited a 2006 report by Fidelity Investments, indicating that no firm conclusions could be drawn about the effects of epidemics on stock market performance, as stock markets interact unexpectedly with the unknown. However, such events should not be interpreted in isolation, but should be viewed jointly with other prevailing market conditions, the report continued LINK
Ron Paul, PIR and Frank26 Monday PM 1-27-2020
.Ron Paul
The Fed's Swan Song: The Mother of All Financial Disasters
Streamed live on Jan 24, 2020
If the dot-com and housing bubbles were The Fed's prelude and opening acts, they've surely created the biggest bubble of them all since the 2008 bust.
The coming financial crisis may very well be The Fed's swan song.
Sound money and free markets must replace this central planning nightmare!
Ron Paul
The Fed's Swan Song: The Mother of All Financial Disasters
Streamed live on Jan 24, 2020
If the dot-com and housing bubbles were The Fed's prelude and opening acts, they've surely created the biggest bubble of them all since the 2008 bust.
The coming financial crisis may very well be The Fed's swan song.
Sound money and free markets must replace this central planning nightmare!
Patriot Intel Report
WARNING! PIR 01 27 20 (Bad Audio Quality)
Warning: Through many sources this virus is a bioweapon released by the cabal…..This is impacting many countries …they say the infectious rate is twice as bad as the “Spanish flu” This is very dangerous….people may be infected with no symptoms for up to 2 weeks. Meanwhile they are infecting others.
This is a Black Swan Event….and the economic situation in the world may soon change GLOBALLY. I am anticipating something major is about to happen.
Frank26: 1-27-2020 .......TRUMP’S TURN
This video is in Frank’s opinion only
Join KTFA for the 7pm est conference call
Frank26 Videos Saturday Night "An Announcement to the Citizens" 1-25-2020
Intel starts about minute 17:00
This video is in Franks opinion.
Saturday Night Q&A
Intel starts about minute 17:00
This video is in Franks opinion.
Saturday Night Q&A
1-25-20 part 2