Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-29-22

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-29-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight. It is Tuesday, November 29TH and you're listening to and tuned in to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all around the globe, or just thrilled and I'm in a very ecstatic excited mood tonight. And Bob played some lead in music, you know you probably caught and one of the songs was “the final countdown” - and before the recording started I said Bob, you know - wouldn't it be cool if this were the final Big Call tonight. It’s the final countdown. It was the final Big Call. I think it is - I believe it is - we'll see. Okay, so let's see what happens about in the meantime, welcome everybody out there. We're going to pray the call in Bob’s here – Sue’s here - I'm here - and let's look forward to having a really good final call tonight.

So let's, let's go into some intel. And this is really good you know, we hoped we would have this by the end of November, which is tomorrow - We're going to be very close - very close and I'll tell you why that is.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-29-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight. It is Tuesday, November 29TH and you're listening to and tuned in to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all around the globe, or just thrilled and I'm in a very ecstatic excited mood tonight. And Bob played some lead in music, you know you probably caught and one of the songs was “the final countdown” - and before the recording started I said Bob, you know - wouldn't it be cool if this were the final Big Call tonight. It’s the final countdown. It was the final Big Call. I think it is - I believe it is - we'll see. Okay, so let's see what happens about in the meantime, welcome everybody out there. We're going to pray the call in Bob’s here – Sue’s here - I'm here - and let's look forward to having a really good final call tonight.

So let's, let's go into some intel. And this is really good you know, we hoped we would have this by the end of November, which is tomorrow -  We're going to be very close - very close and I'll tell you why that is.

The information that we've been getting, and we've got quite a bit that's not related to banking, not related to other things. I'm going to try to formulate this in some way that is somewhat chronological, may not be completely.   Alright, so let's go back to Thanksgiving Day.

That's right. You and I are eating turkey, but not carb loading but just kind of hitting the turkey and going for the green salad. You know, the green bean casserole, maybe a little sweet potato casserole take it easy -.that was good. Yeah, it's all good. Right.

While that was going on here, guess what had already gone on in Geneva, Switzerland?

How about a get together, President Trump - Stephen Minuchin, our Treasury Secretary, Rear Admiral Mike Rogers, other individuals and representatives from all of the rest of the countries of the world, the financial representatives, the heads of the countries that needed to be there to do what ??  To sign off on GESARA and for President Trump to sign off on that as well as NESARA for our country.

That's what happened in Geneva, Switzerland on last Thursday, Thanksgiving

Huge or they say in New York. Huge. That was so huge. Why was it huge because it put us effectively on the gold standard. That put us as having a USN officially a digital currency which we've been trading our currency digitally, if you will, for the last month or so. But this made it official with the signing of NESARA and GESARA.

We're moving forward. Now when will that be known here other than on the Big Call - right?

I believe it'd be known on Thursday when President Trump speaks from Mar a Lago on Thursday, the first of December, which will be a day of celebration, and a gala event. Like the apple - GALA - gala, like a gala event

Now 24 hour long event can be big time.

All right. So let's go back we brought up Thanksgiving - we talked about what started then.

We had several countries come into and are part of the BRICS nations now, the BRICS nations banking consortium if you will, Venezuela okay, what do you need to be in the BRICS group. The BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and others, and there are many others, at least 30 maybe 60 or more so far, but the new ones that were added of note were Venezuela - is what was added – Iraq was added to the BRICKS - Iraq.

The United States is added to the BRICS - And I believe it'll officially “officially” be part of the BRICS on Thursday, and there's more coming about Thursday.

I think many nations will come to the party and be part of the Consortium on Thursday.

We have as of today the last day, for any of our US D fiat currency to be used anywhere, internationally globally, except for Canada, oh, Canada, Canada, the US and Mexico - Those three countries are still using the Fiat dollar which is not backed by anything but our good looks.

The full faith and credit of the US government, but that’s the old - that fiat currency is under the corporation. It's fading away. It's here now, but it'll be gone probably by completely by the end of January.

We'll have about two months where both Fiat and USN asset backed currency will be utilized. And then as we get more and more into January, I think you'll have less and less and less Fiat, and they will be pulling it out, pulling it out, pulling it out. And we'll be right there at the very end of the month - its like I think when we started February, there won't be any more US D utilized in this country.

They can be a thing of our past and the recent past. Now, that's big news today that happened that our USD Fiat dollar is no longer being used globally at all. Only only in North America, which is Canada, US and Mexico. That's it. that's North America. Okay, so that's huge news. The BRICS nations are huge, BRICS countries.

I'm sure that many other countries that have come to the party here Recently that I’m forgetting but that's what's coming to my mind so far.

I mean, it's just amazing what's happening right now. Well, let's talk about a court case that was put out and brought before the Supreme Court, and was heard by the Supreme Court, I believe it was around last Friday, may have had it before then, but I believe that's when they adjudicated it – now it was put up by three brothers - Brunson brothers out of Ogden, Utah.

And Lloyd Brunson was the older brother, oldest eldest brother, the lead attorney in this thing, and they put it before the Supreme Court, and this would give the Supreme Court a legal remedy to review what the Congress was supposed to have done but did not do in reviewing the election results for 2020 and the most recent midterm elections of 2022. And you guys know there was tremendous opposition, as a result of that.

My Understanding is the Supreme Court has heard that case and adjudicated that case and as a decision that has been pre recorded, which we will find out about tomorrow, around two o'clock Eastern that's what is supposed to be out. Now - how do you see it or hear it? I don't know that yet - but I'll get to something else in a minute, which might describe that - that verdict - if it comes out as we expect - that decision rather - Supreme Court decision - will invalidate the 2020 and 22 elections - most recent midterms and 2020 presidential elections.

They will be null and void, That's going to be amazing and interesting to see how that goes to-  what happens from that -

What else is happening is we have been on a pretty high level of defense preparedness in this country. We’ve been in DEFCON three. We went from DEFCON four. The lower the numbers more ready we are -we will be running – probably been in five in peace time -We were at four. we went to DEFCON three. I believe it was I think it was last Tuesday. Tuesday or Wednesday at 2:45 and it is Wednesday before at 5pm. All times Eastern.

And so the now we're looking to move all the way into what should be DEFCON one. But the last time we were DEFCON two which by the way the rest of the globe is on right now - Everybody but the United States evidently right now is on DEFCON two - the last time we were on DEFCON two was during the Cuban Missile Crisis at the Bay of Pigs in 1962.  That's a deep level of preparedness.

If we go to DEFCON one or when we go there, which could be tomorrow, but when we go there, the Emergency Alert System which is what it's called now - not called the emergency broadcast system, but called the emergency alert system.

EAS will be triggered and when  that happens - In this case we expected actually happened tomorrow. I don't know what time. It might correspond with that 2 PM. I'm going to call this announcement of the decision by the Supreme Court. Two o'clock may come into play in that way. I don't have that confirmed. I'm just thinking as possible that maybe, when it comes out.

And why does it why does it matter? Because we have right now 1,039,106 Federalized National Guard and Reservists troops in the United States that have been put out or activated - 1,039,106 as of this afternoon, would be higher by now but what they're doing is targeting 139 cities that I'll call hotspots for possible…… whatever you want to call it, Let's just say possible areas of concern in the country, and you can tell roughly where some of those hotspots might be

139 cities - what my understanding is, is this emergency alert system will kick off first in those 139 cities, you might not be living near one or in one unless you're at some of the hotspots we've mentioned in the past.

And then an hour later, this is our understanding - an hour later, the Emergency Alert System would be utilized throughout the United States and the global really – not just here.

Now the mainstream media as you guys know, have not done a whole lot to put out disinformation and lies, for all of our lives - And the mainstream media if they come to the party and bring out the emergency alert, system, notifications and news and stuff that we need to hear – if they don’t do that – guess what - they'll be taken over by other announcers other may take military to get in there and do that at the origins of all those broadcast networks.

So that’s gonna be fun. That should occur - if my information holds true about an hour after the 139 cities are activated with the Emergency Alert System.

So big things happening. All right, cut to where we are. I told you about the gala event out of Mar a Lago - Trump's going to make some major announcement and I have a feeling I know what that announcement is going to be - just not sure. But leading up to them - today's Tuesday night. Tomorrow is the last day of the month.

And what we're hearing is the bondholders will receive their notifications by email of their funds being placed in their accounts - Okay, overnight, tomorrow night, Wednesday night into Thursday morning.

By that - if we’re on a true shotgun start - we should get our notifications overnight and we may wake up to them Thursday morning. In my understanding this is confirmed from five different bank sources and the US Treasury that we will receive or notifications essentially wake up to them - set our appointments Thursday morning and begin exchanges on Thursday which is the day of December 1 and Trump's gala celebration in Mar a Lago.

So you got the EAS cranking in - You've got the BRICS Nations - you've got NESARA and GESARA signed off on last Thursday. You've got us on a gold backed currency that will probably be in effect on the first – on Thursday

it would not surprise me if we went into the redemption centers and if we wanted a little cash and I would not recommend taking too much that we could get the new USN currency of folding money that we put in our purses and wallets and money clips.

Okay, that's what I'm anticipating happening on Thursday. And it's gonna be a big day - first of December. That's what looks good. We'll have both fiat money and USN currency for probably 60 -70 days. 60 days would take us to the very end of December - ish. Okay.

And they'll faze that out - even big box stores know this is going to happen. Lowe’s - Walmart's - your whatever big box you use stores when they get a deposit they will end up going through their currency and depositing the new USN money in one drop box and the fiat money in another Dropbox. Regular stores will probably take it and the bank will sort it out when their deposits are made to the banks.

And they'll be pulling that USD currency out over a period of time and I think we've got about 60 days that we'll have a transition from old to new -  but I believe we'll see the newest of our new money or new USN or US Treasury notes starting in two days - on Thursday.

So once the numbers come out, and we have the numbers won't be any more live calls onThe Big Call.. This is it. This is your last shot - that looks .. I’m very confident. I'm doing everything I can to not to call it - But I feel very confident about the Intel that we've had the last 3-4 days and I think you guys should just about start getting excited. As you can tell – I’ve been excited for last couple of days - Pretty excited here. So this is what I want you to do - realize this is what we've been waiting for. What we've been working for - for me for 18 years for everybody out there in the big call to talk to for the last 11 years. And this is a great time. Now what we're not going to just drop you as we take you over the threshold of this thing, right? I'm not going to drop you but we will be in touch with you by email.

So thanks everybody for listening -


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  1:22:22

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-22-22

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-22-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - It is Tuesday, November 22th and we're in the week of Thanksgiving. In fact Thanksgiving it's only two days away on the 24th and yes we will not -- repeat-- not have a call on Thanksgiving night -- and the audience cheers and some of them Boo, but no, we just are gonna take Thanksgiving off and I want everybody to have a great one so welcome everybody around the globe -

Where do we go from here? What is going on right now? Now I'll say this much, I'll cover several different areas here. Let's start with what is going on now. I talked to you guys I think Thursday about clean-up that is going on. And there is indeed, more clean-up going on than I even mentioned on last Thursday's call.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-22-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - It is Tuesday, November 22th and we're in the week of Thanksgiving. In fact Thanksgiving it's only two days away on the 24th and yes we will not -- repeat-- not have a call on Thanksgiving night -- and the audience cheers and some of them Boo, but no, we just are gonna take Thanksgiving off and I want everybody to have a great one so welcome everybody around the globe -

Where do we go from here?  What is going on right now?   Now I'll say this much, I'll cover several different areas here. Let's start with what is going on now. I talked to you guys I think Thursday about clean-up that is going on. And there is indeed, more clean-up going on than I even mentioned on last Thursday's call.

Some of these areas are with people with groups of people that they really don't want to talk about. But there are definite things that are happening where more and more of our military is being used to do the arrests and pickups of people that are being arrested for anything from treason sedition, crimes against humanity - all of those things you've heard about. Okay?

They're going after those people now. And we're in a situation where we're about to see some, I think some major changes take place, but it's not absolutely sure right now as to exactly when that will take place. We know this - we know that bondholders are still waiting to be paid and get access to their 1% of funds. They haven't received anything yet. or if they have it's only been travel money, because maybe they've traveled to Zurich, or to Geneva for bonds and they've given them some money to cover travel and travel expenses from what they're about to receive.

For the most part, certainly these bonds are being processed in Zurich, and these are the Zim sheet bonds - we talked about these on Thursday night, the sheet bonds which are sheets of like bonds like what we have, but these are in sheets on complete sheets, and these are full boxes, not a partial order at full boxes of those Zim sheet bonds are being processed in Zurich and in Miami, through Wells Fargo in Miami and and thinking, HSBC in Zurich.

So you've got that scenario going on still. We've got arrest going on and you have our troops in the United States that have been put out - you have a reservists, the National Guard that are out and there to help in transitioning things and to give coverage for us. And it gives you security. All of these things are there for this event, for this event to begin.

And the event I'm referring to of course is the GCR - Global Currency Reset and the exchanges and for us exchanges of currencies and redemption of zim.

Now we know the quantum financial system has been tested for a year or more. It's as far as we can tell, complete and ready to go and ready to be utilized. We also have the BRICS nations, you know, that's Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and 14 other countries that have joined in with the BRICs. And I believe three of those countries would be would be Jordan would be Saudi Arabia, I understand and quite possibly Germany – there’s probably quite a few other countries that have said we want to be part of that BRICS consortium of countries like that can --- That were gold back or we're going to declare that we're gold backed and so on.  And that's good. That's moving forward.

And as far as numbers of countries globally, that are currently asset backed, we think it's well over 60 Maybe 80 countries so far, might be higher than that, in fact I seem to remember that number was closer to 100 countries that have declared that they are asset backed.

Now, we haven't exactly declared it here in the US yet, because we're waiting for NESARA to be quote unquote, announced. Now, in the November 15 speech that President Trump gave from Mar a Lago - he did mention twice that there was national economic reform - that's pretty close to NESARA - National Economic  Strategic and Recovery Act, meaning national economic reform, yes, that is really is what NESARA is. So he mentioned it twice.  And I believe that was saying that, in effect that has begun.

That was the timing. We thought that would be the timing - now we were looking for more out of speech regarding that – but there were all kinds of sign -, and codes and things that were said in that speech, that since the speech have become more visible, we're seeing more of it.

So we're looking for NESARA and GESARA to get underway. We're looking for and we currently have our asset backed which is 90 some odd percent gold backed new currency the US TN currency is digitally being traded. Okay, not as a physical currency, money you put in your pocket but digital USN or USTN is being traded internationally, because there's no more fiat money being printed as of a little over a week ago, I believe.

And that was actually since the 9th - So that's not long, the 9th of November  was the stoppage and the end of the printing of it.

So now we say okay, now what happens? Well, the US TN and the USN physical money that we put in wallets and purses has to come out, and we will use that here. And we're using it on our digital use of credit cards and debit cards. They use they're seeing there.

But as far as the physical money is concerned, it's supposed to come out very shortly. It's been printed - it’s at the redemption centers. It's I'm sure in most banks, in the vaults, but they're waiting for the time to bring that out. and that may correspond with us and our start date for our exchanges.

I believe that's going to be pretty close to when we go. So that'll come out. and we will be using the fiat money that we still have maybe and the new money that we'll be getting both of those will be utilized in the United States Up until we believe that end of January will be much more of the new money bringing in in January, December, January.

And the older fiat money will just basically be going away as its spent the big box stores will take that and put it in certain deposit boxes, if you will, where it will be sent back to the banks and the banks will send it to Treasury or whatever wherever it goes to be shredded. The new money will be going into a different deposit box in a big box stores for example. Okay

So we're gonna have a transition that should take place where we're using the new money primarily but as we spend the old fiat money as we take it to the bank and exchange it one for one, obviously in this country for the new USN and currency. All right, so let's see what that looks like - it'd be kind of interesting to see how that plays out.

Because the Fiat dollar remember, has nothing except the full faith and credit of the United States government backing it up and remember that fiat money was under the old USA Corporation which is defunct – it is bankrupt is no longer who we are as a country Since we segwayed over to the Restored Republic. And this goes back to the Republic of 1776. That's why we're going back to the original Constitution. And that's why that's why it's going to be a different game, to go back to that.

What's happening globally is positioning for this and we know that the Starlink system is up and running big time and that interconnected with the quantum financial system - works very closely linked to that - Starlink and essentially, what we’re getting from our bank sources is that there was a slight chance we would see this before Thanksgiving. But most everybody that we're talking to now, I think by tomorrow it'll be everybody - will say that we will not see this before Thanksgiving, which is Thursday, two days away, but rather right after Thanksgiving. so I've asked what right after means –

Does it mean Friday or Saturday. It could be we think some people have suggested that it would be a Friday or Saturday, right after Thanksgiving. I can’t say absolutely that's what it is.   It's not absolute.

We know that certain of our top military sources were talking about this going before the end of November. Well, from tomorrow, the end of November is a week away from tomorrow 23rd last day is the 30th - we should be there by the end of the month if not sooner.

Now, I wish I could say absolutely when we could start - you guys can plan. You can start your shopping list. You can get everything done, I can't give you that right now. I'm sorry. I would love to - I can say that we are we're looking good for right after Thanksgiving - however we define that -- And that may change guys. you know how things change and this has changed quite a bit.

It's 18 years that I've been in this and like Jeanne said, almost 12 years on the Big Call that’s true - But it appears that certain things that need to take place even politically, are just about to take place and certain answers to certain questions that I've asked and others have asked are difficult to get that kind of an answer. I cannot get as much specificity on certain questions I would like it's a little difficult.

It's difficult to know exactly when - when our start is set - we know that the redemption center staff were on call and that was Saturday, Sunday and Monday  - the last three days but we don't know for sure where the schedule goes from here.

Okay, so we're trying our best to find out what really is happening. But I want to say that I want everybody to get to the point where they are relaxed, that they're living in joy and that they're not just scrambling to figure out what in the world is going on for us - because there's so much going on and a lot of it is noise. A lot of it is not what is true and what is real. It's hard. It's hard to discern exactly where the truth is if you're reading with you're getting stuff on telegram -  if you are reading stuff -

I know about it. And it's difficult for me to discern all of it – I’m doing what I can - I compare with other sources. We talked about it we work it through, And we get some form of an idea on where we are. I feel like we're in good shape and I like the fact that very top military source said that we will be there by or before the end of November, maybe – just maybe Just right after Thanksgiving is when we get notified –

One ot the top  international banks begins with an “H” is the one in saying that looking at that, and when I get off this call, I’ll probably get more information but that's what I have for right now.

I think we have a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving – there won't be a big call on Thanksgiving night - and you know what? Let's hope we do get notified Friday or Saturday and go as soon as possible, because I think they want us to have this to do some Black Friday type purchases. you know, to get a Christmas shopping done and bring up the economy

I don't know that we’ve seen bottom though. we may have to hit bottom which is seems hard to believe we're not there. we may need to hit bottom economically before this triggers, whatever that looks like.

So let's just stay positive stay in faith – let’s believe for this to happen sooner rather than later. And let's go forward to that point on

So I want to thank all the listeners out there in big call universe are tuning in again, and keep and stay on this ride  - Because it's good to have everybody positive and moving ahead with projects that we plan to do together. It's going to be turned out to be collaborating on things that I'm excited about moving forward. I wish I could be exact on this on a start date. But you guys know, this has been an inexact science, that's for sure. So let's do this. Let's pray the call out. I want everybody to enjoy their Thanksgiving. Remember, we won't be having a call on Thursday night.

Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:04:40

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-17-22

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-17-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody, tonight, it's Thursday, November 17th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody, whether you're live or whether you run Memorex, which that means the replay link or numbers - Thanks for listening - thanks for tuning in - And as I mentioned very briefly in the pre recording pre call - Sue is still on the mend - and even though her voice is better and she said it was like 65% of normal she thought it was best if she did not come on the call tonight.

Now, beyond that, where are we? You realize Tuesday night, I played part of Trump's speech, maybe 15 - 20 minutes - of President Trump's speech and we were not getting quite what I thought we were going to hear. But there were good reasons for it. And I found out subsequently why that was. And there are good reasons I won't get into as to why certain things were and certain things were not discussed on Tuesday night’s speech.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-17-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody, tonight, it's Thursday, November 17th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody, whether you're live or whether you run Memorex, which that means the replay link or numbers - Thanks for listening - thanks for tuning in - And as I mentioned very briefly in the pre recording pre call - Sue is still on the mend - and even though her voice is better and she said it was like 65% of normal she thought it was best if she did not come on the call tonight.

Now, beyond that, where are we?  You realize Tuesday night, I played part of Trump's speech, maybe 15 - 20 minutes - of President Trump's speech and we were not getting quite what I thought we were going to hear. But there were good reasons for it. And I found out subsequently why that was. And there are good reasons I won't get into as to why certain things were and certain things were not discussed on Tuesday night’s speech.

I wanted you guys hear it because I wanted to see what was going to be said if anything about NESARA or just GESARA. Nothing specific was mentioned - but there were some things said there were some codes and there were some, some little things that if you caught it, you kind of saw what President Trump was doing moving forward. That's all fine.

We know that so called Clean up on aisle three that I always refer to was various arrest and various things are ongoing and are moving very quickly now since the speech - And they've been moving before then but they really took, they went into a whole new gear of moving forward, and that's good news for all of us

When it comes to what we're getting from the redemption centers, it’s not much but it is telling us that redemption center staffs starting tomorrow, just before lunch, are on call to respond in case there's a reason for them to come in. Now what reason would be for them to come in anytime from tomorrow through the weekend.

It would be so that they could be there on their end to set appointments for us, especially Zim holders, appointments. That's the reason and so if they do get notified to go in, it's probably because we have the toll free numbers in our emails. So tomorrow is an on call day.

I don't know what weekend will provide but we are hearing from two or three different sources that the weekend should be good for us - in terms of notifications, that Saturday and Sunday, which makes Monday /Tuesday look good for exchanges.

Now one of our sources has said regarding our exchanges, Monday and Tuesday will be magical days for us.  All right. Okay, that I kind of know what that means. That's good.

Other sources told us that based on the notifications coming out this weekend, should that occur Saturday or Sunday? Monday and Tuesday are looking very good for us.

So that kind of gives us the idea that yeah, if we do get the notifications that we expect over the weekend, we are looking good.

Now what else is happening as far as the weekend is concerned? Well, Iraq, is looking to bring out their new in country - meaning in the country of Iraq - their new in country dinar rate - it is way higher than it is. We would be thrilled to get this rate here in the US at our redemption centers, but the rate that we're gonna get is higher yet than what we're talking about for Iraq. They're supposed to bring their new rate out either Saturday or Sunday.

And that's -- I'm not at liberty to tell you what it will be - but it will be very strong, especially for an in country rate for Iraq.

When we look at everything that it has to come together, for this to manifest, we have to have the scene quieter in terms of arrest and cleanup and so on - and the dust is supposed to settle in a couple of weeks. I Don't believe the goal is for us to wait that long.

I believe we have what we need to go forward. You know that certain things are going on politically, which we'll make changes to bring us to the restored Republic.

And we're going to party like it's 1776 - That's how it has been put out. Now. What does that mean? It's kind of a take off on Prince’s song about party, like its 1999 - Remember that one? This is going back to the original Constitution and a Restored Republic.

And we're going to party like it's 1776 That's how it has been put out. Now - What does that mean? It's kind of a take off on Prince’s song about partying like it's 1999 - Remember that one? This is going back to the original Constitution and a restored Republic.  That's what they're referring to about partying like it's 1776. So let's let that manifest

Now. What is interesting to me is I was looking for a lot of these things like NESARA / GESARA , like the gold back asset backed currency to come out and this maybe be discussed - Even last Tuesday - Didn't happen. Maybe some of this stuff is gonna come out and it might be behind the scenes. It might not be in full view for us yet.

But I believe we're going there we're getting there about our money, our new USTN currency, our folding money that we put in our pocket - we know that the that money will be introduced whenever it gets introduced. Could be any day now. Or it might be when we and the public so called start our exchanges. Because the theory now is that tier 5 – the public at large would go when they find out about it, but theoretically at the same time that we go in, so nobody has any unfair advantage over anybody else.

Of course, we're going to be using redemption centers with our toll free numbers, and they're going to be using whatever bank they think of to go to - not using a toll free number to set appointments like we will do. They'll just willy nilly walk into their own bank and see what they can get for the currency. Okay, and they won't be doing any zim exchanges at all except through Wells Fargo - at least initially - as we understand it.

Remember Wells Fargo is the lead bank on this and United States and they will - they will be overseeing all redemption centers regardless of bank affiliation in the continental United States. Okay. so if it's a chase, bank or a city bank or whatever, wells still has personnel there to oversee the exchanges and of course, the redemption of Zim.

Speaking of Zim what else is happening regarding the bond activity. They started doing Zim sheet bonds. These are whole boxes full, complete boxes of Zim sheet bonds started last Tuesday night and are still doing them all the way through tomorrow, in two cities in Zurich, and in Miami. That's the only place that we have that they're actually doing those redemptions, if you will, of zim sheet bonds okay -

Okay, that's going on. Now. for that to occur - that means that those bondholders are being paid and as they're being paid, that sets up a precedent for us. It also sets a precedent not only for us going in, but also for the platform trades that are using Zim as a way to create a platform trade at the same time.

The other thing is a lot of tier 3 bondholders are funding sources, and as funding sources about to go into blackout mode that should be there by now. That means they're being paid on their tier 3 bonds so that they can begin to fund downstream to their project or their project leaders, which is still something that's going on.

So a lot of activities happening around the bonds - we know the bondholders are waiting for their notifications, the bond sellers, for them to get the access codes, to access their accounts, and be able to have their funds. They don't have that yet. They're waiting like we are we should be going - theoretically as a shotgun start - we should be going together. And if everything comes through, like it's supposed to, this weekend should be that time for both the bondholders and us in tier 4B to be notified.

And with that notification, of course we get toll free numbers in our emails that we can use to set appointments.

Okay, that's how it's supposed to work. And remember when we use one of the four regional call centers in the country; we will probably call in using an automated system at first. And then if we're a zim holder, we'll get routed with a different number to call another number to call or it could be that we get actually routed electronically to the redemption center that corresponds with the zip code that we entered in to begin with.

But we should get a phone number in most cases that we would call and that would get us right to that redemption center that we will be going to and that way we'll be talking to a person who can talk us down and give us all of the information in a minute or two that we need to know to go and set and set our appointment and go in for our exchange when our appointment time is coming - and we don't want to get their ready earlier than 10 minutes before our time - whatever that time is - at some of these redemption centers are going to be open from early morning to late at night - as late as 11 and even 11:30 at night.

So it's gonna be great.  And I believe we're going to have a cover now if you're somebody who wants to have security to get to the redemption center. If you call in and speak to somebody and you feel that let's say, you know, I don't want to just say that you're a woman and you just sort of you would be driving yourself - going in alone - It might be nice to have somebody come get you from the redemption center, but you've got to hook that up with the redemption center when you call to set your appointment to see if that is feasible.

In some cases, it might be doable, not in every case, probably because they only have so many security personnel that can do that. Okay, so keep that in mind.

You can't bring everybody and their brother in with you to the redemption Center. This is designed for a couple a married couple or individual.  I'm bringing my attorney because he can read for me which I can't do right now.  And that's going to work out okay.

But they don't really want just anybody in the brother to come in to the redemption center and they'll probably give you all that information when you set your appointment.

So I'm excited about where we are in this process - but I know it's been a long ride and guys, almost nobody knows that more than I do - I've been in this for over 18 years now. And having done the big call for 11 years, and I'm excited about what should happen this weekend and I hope you guys are too.

Okay, until this goes we'll do these calls live on Tuesday and Thursday nights except for Thanksgiving night, which is a week from today. Okay.

So let's see what happens in the next several days - Hopefully over the weekend we get our toll free numbers and we're able to move forward, set our appointments

Okay, thanks. Thank you so much everybody. Continue to lift Sue up in prayer that she would be completely and totally utterly healed and same thing with Pastor Scott.

Thank you everybody that's listening all around the world whether you're getting this live or on replay thank you for anybody who's still transcribing the call or taking the call notes. I do appreciate that so much. And thank you for anyone who is simultaneously getting this code translated into multiple languages for our listeners around the globe.

So thank you so much, everybody have a wonderful weekend this weekend - let's see if we get these numbers. Let's see if we get the toll free numbers and emails that we're looking for from Wells Fargo. Everybody have a blessed weekend and we'll talk again or we won't - depending on what happens. All right, guys, thank you so much.


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  50:30

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-15-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-15-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday the 16th We are awaiting President Trump's big announcement out of Mar a Lago, Florida, and we've heard several things of what this is supposed to be about, and what it's not supposed to be about. The mainstream news media thinks it's about his running for president again in 2024. A lot of our sources say that is not what he's going to announce tonight. So we'll see what he says - I think the best thing to do is just let him come up and I'm gonna play it live on the call as he comes up to the microphone and he's gonna be coming there pretty quickly because he doesn't have to travel - this is where his Southern white house so to speak is at Mar a Lago. He's coming up right now.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-15-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday the 16th We are awaiting President Trump's big announcement out of Mar a Lago, Florida, and we've heard several things of what this is supposed to be about, and what it's not supposed to be about. The mainstream news media thinks it's about his running for president again in 2024. A lot of our sources say that is not what he's going to announce tonight. So we'll see what he says - I think the best thing to do is just let him come up and I'm gonna play it live on the call as he comes up to the microphone and he's gonna be coming there pretty quickly because he doesn't have to travel - this is where his Southern white house so to speak is at Mar a Lago. He's coming up right now.

I'm watching it, and let's pray the call in and then we'll go to listen to what Trump has said this audio is a little bit unfinished, he’s coming up to the podium. And of course, his song has got to finish before he'll say a thing. So, this could be different. We're going to probably alter what we normally do on a call.

But if he speaks and says anything that is meaningful to us, we'll listen to it. Otherwise, we'll probably pause it and go on with our normal aspects to the call. Let's go and listen to what President Trump has to say.

So far in President Trump's speech, it has not been what we expected it to be. So let's, let's do this. I would rather - I've got this pause where we could go back to it if we want to - so far this is not coming up with what we had been informed that it would - now it's a two hour slot with Newsmax so he may get into more of what we're interested in later.

But I think for the benefit of those that are listening to the big call alive, and those who are listening to it on the replay, let us go into, let's move into the Intel segment a little bit and then we'll pray the call out.

Like I said what we listened to early from Mar a Lago was not going in the direction that we thought it was going to go regarding the NESARA. But he may touch on that later in the broadcast, so I recorded it downstairs. I'm going to probably watch it tomorrow and see what we missed. But I didn't want to hold up the big call, so that we can all listen to President Trump if he wasn't going to get into some of those subjects.

It looks more like he's talking about returning in 2024, which I fully expected, but I didn't expect this to be the announcement about that. So you know, for anybody that's watching it, and listening to the call. You know a lot more than I do right now about because I've got the thing. Frozen, my screen is frozen and paused on purpose. Alright, so let's see where we stand on from an Intel point of view.

What we're getting is that the timing for us and I know this is what everybody tunes in to find out. Where are we where are we gonna go? When we get notified? It looks as though where we had information showing that we would get some notifications to come out either tomorrow afternoon or Thursday.

OneSource that appears to have a pretty good line of information is pointing to everything being shifted to the 19th and 20th. Excuse me, 19th or 20th of this month, which is Saturday or Sunday.

Well, anytime we bring the weekend into play for notifications, we're looking at exchanges to start either Monday or Tuesday of next week. So I was a little bit blindsided by this - this afternoon when I got that piece of information. But I don't know the reason why. Usually we try to figure out why is it not going as we had heard, you know, let's say Wednesday, Thursday. Why is it pushed to Saturday, Sunday? We don't know why - that information has not come in.

So we're gonna take that information and go with it for right now. Knowing that there's probably a reason that we just don't we just don't have at this time.

So when it comes to anything else that's irrelevant - most of the other information is really just political, and is dealing with all kinds of subjects that are really not the crux of what we've talked about on the big call. So we're not going to really delve into those.

I'm just going to say that we have indications that our new asset backed currency, which is almost totally gold backed that we call the USTN – the physical spending money / folding money currency is supposed to come out - we heard either Wednesday or Thursday.

Now with the movement of our gates for notifications to the weekend - Saturday or Sunday. I don't know for sure if that USTN folding money is going to be out you know Wednesday or Thursday or not

I will say this there has been a raid on the Federal Reserve Building in Washington DC that there had been resistance to the Marines that went in there to take out the people that were printing USD fiat currency there. And they had major resistance and loss of three of our Marines on the eighth of this month, which was a week ago, and the next day the Marines came in and the word is they cleaned house –

So they were printing money like it was going out of style and sending it to the Ukraine. And then for the Ukraine, wherever it was going from there. I don't know. But they tracked that. They came back in on the ninth and cleaned house which we didn't hear about that I heard about today.

But they've also found that found out where that fiat money was going and all that and found and arrested whoever they need to go after. There is still a lot of cleanup globally. That is yet to take place over the next couple of weeks. Major numbers over 100,000 - but I believe they have moved this far enough along where we should get a start.

I am surprised to hear that was not going to be 16th or 17th I'm surprised to hear it. but I have heard 19th or 20th , which is Saturday or Sunday, and more than likely, it would be exchanges will take place starting Monday or Tuesday of next week prior to Thanksgiving.

Okay, so that is about all I'm going to bring you guys tonight in the way of Intel - I think it's amazing that we're waiting as long as you guys can tell by my voice I'm frustrated like all of you are that this hasn't manifested yet. There has to be the reason for it. And I believe the reason is continued clean up, continue to arrest, whatever else is going on.

But let's stay with our plan A, let's stay with it until Plan B the blessing manifests in front of us and then we can go ahead and let the plan A go. Right now we've got to stay with it. So I feel like we probably will have a call Thursday night and hopefully Sue’s voice is back.

Thanks everybody, all the big call universe listeners thank you guys for tuning in, whether it's live or whether it's on the replay, thank you so much. We will see you Thursday unless something happens prior to Thursday night. Okay, this point, we're expecting to do a call Thursday. I would love to be wrong, and I would love to get 800 numbers instead. But at this point, our best information is that we're gonna get notifications over the weekend. All right. So everybody have a wonderful, wonderful night, and tomorrow and we'll see you Thursday. All right. Good night, everybody.


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  49:49

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-10-22

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-10-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody the big call tonight. It is Thursday, November 10. And you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in.

This will probably not be a very long segment - What in the world is going on now regarding our currencies and the possibility of an exchange and a time? We had really good information we thought -that gave us the impression from several people that we would go either 24 hours or shortly after the elections completed, which the voting day as you guys know, was Tuesday the eighth - and we thought maybe yesterday, we would get some notification or today, we thought we'd get notified to start –

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-10-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody the big call tonight. It is Thursday, November 10. And you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in.

This will probably not be a very long segment - What in the world is going on now regarding our currencies and the possibility of an exchange and a time? We had really good information we thought -that gave us the impression from several people that we would go either 24 hours or shortly after the elections completed, which the voting day as you guys know, was Tuesday the eighth - and we thought maybe yesterday, we would get some notification or today, we thought we'd get notified to start –

Now, since that time - obviously, as we look back in hindsight, we have information that makes it look like we're not going to go this week, meaning through Saturday. We're not going to go this week. And I think that the majority of the reason is that this is a political situation.

We've got the elections being gone back through from the midterms, because there's been a lot of activity that's being checked out to see what the level of corruption is and so on. To see if the Deep State has been involved in certain shenanigans with this election as they were in 2020. And the general feeling is yes, they were it was corrupted.

So I don't know exactly what is going to happen tomorrow, which is Veterans Day or Armistice Day. The President Trump a few days ago, said that Veterans Day or 11-11- 2022 will be resurrection day. Now, how do we mean that term? What does that term resurrection day really refer to?

I don't think it's necessarily an individual, a person - but I think it could refer more to our government - because when we were founded, we were under a thing called the Republic. We've been calling it a democratic republic, and the Republic needs to be restored.- by that it means going back to the original Constitution. This is all part of NESARA

And I think there's a good possibility that we could see tomorrow with an announcement about NESARA -I don't know - you know, guys, I think that is possible that may not be yet - but I think that it's, it would be a good thing to clarify what is happening with the elections, what we expect to see in terms of changes in our government. Returning to the original Constitution, which did not have a House of Representatives only had a Senate and we may end up going back to that at least we're supposed to go back to that original Constitution, and see when that occurs.

Now, we also thought NESARA and GESARA would come out similarly - meaning in a similar timeframe. But as it is now, we're not quite sure if we are ready to receive NESARA here.

We know that certain aspects of it have been done in a limited capacity, but we know that there's a lot of good things in that legislation for us, a lot of good things.

Just GESARA is a global economic strategic and Recovery Act, you know, and that's going to be happening all over. And Charlie Ward is working in international countries, whereas around the globe where he's in charge of that, and his sidekick Simon Parks (don’t mean to belittle Simon – he’s a good guy) Simon Parks has jurisdiction over South America and Africa as far as GESARA is concerned.

So, when Simon Parks said on the fifth, the fourth, I believe it was fourth of November that we would not see the RV before election day. I took issue with but the appeal is correct. And now I'm my tendency is listened to a little more closely. And as I think that's true of Charlie Ward, he also has a perspective that and he has his own words. your view is not going to happen this week.

I think we got to go through some political change before we see this. Let's see what that looks like.

I've tried for 11 years, not to really be a political person on this call. You know, I've got opinions and I've got political ideas of my own, but the idea may is not I don't want to alienate our listeners who may not share all the same political beliefs. Let's face it, that's okay. But I just think that things have got to things that have to happen from the perspective of this midterm election, to make it workable - so that the RV funds can be used for the right reasons and not to rehydrate the deep state.

So, I'm looking for hopefully we get some direction tomorrow on that.

Being Veterans Day a formerly Armistice Day.

I'm excited about that possibility. Now, the other thing is, we did learn something that I did not know until just today and that was that at the redemption center they have a published book or booklet - 55 pages long that will tell us who we cannot give money to after this goes.

I know that President Trump and the people in charge of getting this RV thing out were not interested in us funding politicians with those funds nor funding their lawyers with this money so they could against crimes against humanity.

So I'm gonna say this is really an important time where we are right now to realize if we did spend or donate some money to things that are in this booklet, that we would have our funds frozen, and quite possibly taken away from us.

I think the quantum financial system will catch a lot of that. I think it'll catch maybe all of it but we should be aware of before we try to send out zells or bank wires or whatever, to certain organizations whether they're listed in that book a 55 page booklet. So let's keep an eye on that at the redemption center. They will probably be giving that to us and we'll probably have to sign that we received it-

So - we've got these political issues - We gotta straighten out what happened in the Midterms on the 8th - only a few days ago. We got to see whether that brings about more political change, but I expect to see and what that looks like for us - We just don't know.

Today was the quietest day on record for us to receive information from all of our sources. We received virtually nothing from our banking sources, from military sources, from our cyber hacker teams, from anybody - Okay, so that's telling me that they're quiet because they're locked up. They got locked jaw, they're locked up can’t say anything - under NDAs. We don't even have anything about the bondholders getting forwarded funds which they should have had theoretically by just by a couple days ago

All we know is that redemption center staff is on call for today. They're on call. Doesn’t even mean they went in - Okay, they weren't gonna go in unless these toll free numbers through the emails were going to come out well - they haven’t come out today and I don’t look for them this week.

We're gonna hope that next week looks differently for us. And I believe it will, meantime, tomorrow being Veterans Day, I am going to go out and be with a number of veterans -

So I'm gonna say there's very little else we can do right now but pray this thing in. And pray that we get clarification on these political issues and situations.

This is an interesting time for me because usually I have a pretty good idea, or I have a heads up, come our sources as to what time we know is. We’re looking good but not for this week - I think we're looking good but it may take some political change for this to happen

Okay. So thank you so much, everybody for listening tonight and coming in. And let's pray the call out.

Good night everybody and we’ll talk to everybody Tuesday night – that’s probably when we will see everybody again – Good night

Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  39:39

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-8-22

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-8-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - it is Tuesday, November the eighth and you're listening to the big call. And that's two calls in a row for us. We did one as a special call last night. And it was only about a 37 minute call but we got the message out we wanted to convey and that was a call special call of “taking our country back”. So hopefully you guys caught that. If you didn't, hopefully you caught it on the replay. And then of course tonight's call the recording will supersede the recording that's on the replay link as soon as it's put up tonight. So welcome everybody because universe all over the globe. Thanks for tuning in.

This is going to be - this could be a very interesting week for us based on not only the election results, but what else is expected to happen. So let's talk about what it - what we had last night.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 11-8-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - it is Tuesday, November the eighth and you're listening to the big call. And that's two calls in a row for us. We did one as a special call last night. And it was only about a 37 minute call but we got the message out we wanted to convey and that was a call special call of “taking our country back”. So hopefully you guys caught that. If you didn't, hopefully you caught it on the replay. And then of course tonight's call the recording will supersede the recording that's on the replay link as soon as it's put up tonight. So welcome everybody because universe all over the globe. Thanks for tuning in.

This is going to be - this could be a very interesting week for us based on not only the election results, but what else is expected to happen. So let's talk about what it - what we had last night.

We had intel, talking about that we thought this week was looking good bankers and other people were telling us Wednesday, Thursday, and we thought okay, Wednesday or Thursday wasn’t much emphasis on either one or the other.

I thought, okay, that's when we reached out – can we redefine that – a little closer - and we heard something today, from one of the one of our sources - it said they expected the emails to the bondholders to actually go out. These are the emails that we give them access to their funds. Would go out Wednesday night into Thursday, the Wednesday night into Thursday, bond holders which are tier 3, would get notified and they get their access to funds after they entered their code and then on the thinking is that if that happens, we're supposed to go in a quasi shotgun start, which we put us getting notified maybe Thursday morning.

But one source - very strong source said before afternoon Thursday. We had HSBC just said plainly, Thursday. And so we've got a number and of course Wells Fargo redemption center was talking about this week being anything from the 6th all the way through the 12th .

Well, the 9th and 10th falls within that window, which would be tomorrow and Thursday today being the 8th but I feel as though things are coming together for us finally, and I can understand finally why the decision have been made to wait until after the elections. Okay, so certainly, that's happening because elections are basically except for the far west and of course, Alaska, Hawaii.

The polls are closed or almost closed - In Maricopa County you have problems with the tallying machines. They had 20% of their machines in Maricopa County, surprise – had issues - Not surprising actually.

And 80% of the machines were functioning perfectly. but that may mean some people that actually signed in and are in line to vote and vote in Maricopa county, Okay, those people have as long as it takes till they got those machines fixed – which we think they had a software issue supposedly the technicians fix so that they could go ahead and vote in those areas.


Here's the thing. We're gonna be set up. We've got - we're gonna have our time freedom back. You can lose your job if you want to do what you love, absolutely love your job - you want to keep doing it, It's up to you - but you're gonna have time freedom, you're gonna have financial freedom.

But what about your health? How's your health doing? We all need to get back to a baseline of a really good health - and we're hearing pretty good things about the med beds rolling out after the 15th of this month. We're hearing that the what is the phones are basically Starlink satellite phone, like a cell phone, but essentially with digital reach like a satphone would have those are supposed to be coming up after the 15th.

And we should be getting a really interesting announcement from President Trump on the 15th. We'll see what that looks like. But I'm telling you this red wave that appears to have taken place today might end up being a red tsunami. We'll see.

But, you know, I appreciate everybody that did tune in to the big call last night for this special call. And hopefully you caught it on the replay, because you got word that hey, we did a special call last night just Sue and I and it was only 37 minutes. So it was really a call to take our country back. And that's what I think we are doing right now. We'll continue to do it.

So what I'm excited about, obviously, is the prospects of the bondholders being finally paid – and us getting our notifications. One source was one source very specifically said 24 hours after the election these notifications can go - 24 hours after the election.

I'm not gonna hold it to a 24 hour time clock, but I know that the idea is that if the election went well, and if the Red wave became a tsunami and if the Restored Republic was looking like it was in fact a Restored Republic, then we would be notified Wednesday or Thursday and it looks more like it'll probably be Thursday at this point.

But if we do get notifications Thursday morning, we are looking at possibly at starting exchanges Thursday afternoon or evening - depending on what time they come out in the morning - If they do come out in the morning on Thursday.

So I'm excited about it. And I'm ready for it all to happen as you guys are - obviously if we get this in the morning on Thursday, we won't be having a big call more than likely on Thursday night unless we do maybe a pre recorded celebration call.  We'll see.

I want you guys to hear that there was some slight update, but still very similar to what I had last night in the Intel portion of that special call. All right, so let's do this. Let's thank everybody - everybody that's out there behind the scenes and is more or less helping us to get the word out - like they did last night.. So I appreciate that. And this call will supersede last night’s call, of course, in the recording format.

A lot of people listen to us on replay numbers or on the replay link. So thank you guys for putting that together. And let's look forward to a possible Thursday. I guess anything's possible maybe even tomorrow, but um, I'm thinking more likely it would be Thursday – at least that’s what we're hearing - So let's go with that. And let's see what happens and then we'll see let's, let's pray it in and see what God brings to us. Okay, let's, let's pray the call out. We’ll talk to you on Thursday if we don’t have the 800 numbers


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 44:04 – 47:57 break 56:46


Bruce’s “Special” Big Call Monday Night  REPLAY LINK

Monday night call actually 2 separate calls on same link with short pause in between – first Bruce only – second with Sue

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-3-22

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-3-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Thursday, November 3rd and as if you didn't know you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in live, wherever you are, and those of you who are listening on the replay link or replay numbers. Thank you for tuning in as well. We're back. It's Thursday. It's the last day of our broadcast week, and we hope to bring you guys some really good information tonight.

I do have a few things I'd like to say and bring everybody up to speed. You know, we tend to judge where we are by what bond holders are in terms of getting access to their funds. They're continuing to process bonds, buyers and sellers, buyers and sellers, but they did reach a point where they did - the golden dragon bonds and yellow dragon bonds - they've done German bonds.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 11-3-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Thursday, November 3rd and as if you didn't know you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in live, wherever you are, and those of you who are listening on the replay link or replay numbers. Thank you for tuning in as well.  We're back. It's Thursday. It's the last day of our broadcast week, and we hope to bring you guys some really good information tonight.

I do have a few things I'd like to say and bring everybody up to speed. You know, we tend to judge where we are by what bond holders are in terms of getting access to their funds. They're continuing to process bonds, buyers and sellers, buyers and sellers, but they did reach a point where they did - the golden dragon bonds and yellow dragon bonds - they've done German bonds.

There are so many different types of bonds - but a lot of them have been done - and a lot of the people that are bond sellers, let's call them - are in a position to receive their liquidity very soon.

Now, we've had some terms talking about shortly, which is one of those hard to define words. Does that mean a few hours a few days?  But what does shortly mean? I don't like I don't like the word and yet that's a word that some of our intel sources have brought when it comes to our timing.

I don't like riddles. I don't like code. We do get some of that. But it's a lot easier when you know the specific timetable that is going on. And so what I'm going to tell you tonight is what we're going to create our own timetable based on the Intel coming from, let's say three different sources.

Now, the bondholders are looking to gain access to funds, more or less when we get our numbers and start setting our appointments.

Now, the latest thing we've heard from people that are involved directly with the bond holders is that they should start getting access to their funds through their emails and give them the codes to enter into their account so they can see them - activate their accounts. Those emails should come out sometime after 4pm tomorrow, which is Friday, the fourth of November.

So they're looking very close for that to happen. That brings the weekend in to play again for us. Alright. HSBC is telling us to keep a close eye on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That's tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday.

Keep an eye on that as when they believe we will be getting notified with our emails because the term terminology has been that everything releases over the next three days.

All right, that's HSBC, then you take another source that's over redemption centers - and that source is saying anywhere from the sixth which is Sunday, through the next week, Sunday through the next week.

Another source said that they really want this to be done before the eighth which is Tuesday for the election.

Now we've also heard from several of our sources that they're trying and not planning to have the elections.

A few sources are saying they are planning to have the elections. Certain banks are saying they're going to have the elections on Tuesday - Guys - I'll tell you what, I think we have to wait and see what happens. I can't tell you definitively - Absolutely -That we're not having Tuesday elections.

But we'll see let them come to us. Let us find that out as this weekend unfolds, and we get into Monday and Tuesday.

So it looks like we are they are wanting us to go before the eighth. We know the Chinese love the number 8 - And the Chinese are telling us they think this will go prior to the eight that we’ll get you know the release of everything we're looking for to start before then which puts weekend into play.

Possibly we get notified by Sunday and we exchange starting Monday or Tuesday. It’s hard to say - It's not absolute. We've got a little window here. We’ve learned to work with windows the best we could on timing.

Beyond that, that's what we're focused on right now is the start of all this. When is it going to show up for us and where are we going to get set appointments and go - I'd love to go with what HSBC is telling us and go with the fourth, fifth or sixth. I would like to stay with that

Wells Fargo is talking more like sixth through the twelfth and let's just take and create our own time line and it starts tomorrow and goes through next week, and we'll see how that manifests for us.

Sooner is better than later. We all know that. Maybe no elections. Maybe we have elections - I don't know when the Emergency Alert System not called emergency broadcast system anymore. It's called emergency alert system. And yes, it's been tested and triggered and it should reveal a lot of information as disclosure of certain events and things that we might have learned one way that we might relearn another way so we're gonna have to unlearn, learn and relearn. Or unlearn, relearn and learn.

And it's going to be something that we have to stay in touch with and watch for and this is something that might in fact, give us the disclosure that we're looking forward to. I know that, you know, we're looking for the possibility of martial law in about 70 different cities.

I've heard 98 counties and I think they're ready for that to start - and maybe that starts in conjunction with our start - and we have some, essentially we have cover for our exchanges - it’s hard to say - there's still quite a lot cleanup going on And I think we're making headway.   

But I know that for some reason, they do want to get this done by or before the eighth. And so I'm looking forward to that.

Beyond that. It's hard to get real specific on anything else that's happening globally. Obviously, there's a lot happening behind the scenes, and that's about all I can say about it, and you guys know what I'm referring to.

So, let's do this. Let's stay in touch - you know, sometimes guys, we've been pushed out and we just push week to week to week was something else that needed to happen.

So we're going to believe that that's not to say now that we do have everything ready to go I can tell you this much. Another source told us that the Treasury will be notifying the banks that the USN and USTN will be gold / slash / asset backed - later this week –

Well later this week is tomorrow or Saturday.  So that could happen right away - and that could be the trigger for us to move forward - just that alone. Because when we have that asset backed then I'm gonna say primarily at least 90% Gold backed dollar or USN we've had that we also have a trigger for us to get started. That may be the trigger.

We believe Iraq has done what they said they would do - their holding back the Iraqi dinar rate here in this country until we start - to see they're not going to release it to us here until we're ready to exchange it - then it will be known not with some big fanfare type announcement, but it'll be known -

And we understand now at this point when the public finds out about it on their own they'll be going to banks will be notified and setting appointments for redemption centers. And to let you know, yes, you will do a dog and pony show or I don't know that's not the right term - a presentation to the staff at the redemption center in five to eight minutes if you're Zim holder - and you if want to do something for humanity, that's where you need a project - that's where you need something you can present in a short period of time, whether it's one project or two or three or five or six, or eight, whatever it is you have to do it quickly, in sort of a, an outline type form

We're all set. We're ready to start. We just want this trigger to come forward for us. So let's take the information that we have tonight - Let's realize that they do want this thing to be done in the timeframe I gave you. I would like for it to happen sooner or later just like you all - Let's just pray and believe and believe it comes in in that timeframe. So that's what I like to do.

I'd like to thank everybody that's involved with our intel behind the scenes. Thank you for your help and participation in getting this to me to get out to the big call and to get out to big call universe - All right. So thanks everybody again, appreciate it.. Let's see what happens this weekend starting tomorrow. And we look forward to it all coming together for us. So let's pray it out together. Good night everybody -


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:   1:21:21

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 10-27-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 10-27-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big CALL night is Thursday, October 27th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in again, catching us live or catching us on the replay link or replay numbers, whichever it is for you. Thanks for listening. We appreciate it. And we are ready to rock it all back. We did rock and roll

Let’s talk about the intel and see where we are. I think we're in a pretty good place right now. I know we've been close. We thought we would be here sometime this week. Even our own Jeanne said she'll do what happened before the end of the month. I think she's gonna get her wish. That's what I'm getting, at least today.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 10-27-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big CALL night is Thursday, October 27th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in again, catching us live or catching us on the replay link or replay numbers, whichever it is for you. Thanks for listening. We appreciate it. And we are ready to rock it all back. We did rock and roll

Let’s talk about the intel and see where we are.  I think we're in a pretty good place right now. I know we've been close. We thought we would be here sometime this week. Even our own Jeanne said she'll do what happened before the end of the month. I think she's gonna get her wish. That's what I'm getting, at least today.

And last night, we picked up some information from five of the very highest of the high sources that are involved in the direct decision making of when the notifications emails will go out - toll free numbers when they're going to go out -

These people - I'm not going to tell you who they are, but they're the very top of the food chain in terms of orchestrating this RV ok - so let's go back first and talk about where Iraq is putting us. Is there one thing that we need to see happen that needed to happen, supposedly yes, but we've narrowed down what we think that is.

Alright, first, let's talk about what it isn't - the 24 septillion dollars which has been coming from Dubai 2 to our accounts for dollar banks, for us in tier 4B has been there for like four days now. So those funds are in place. That's good to go.

The USN as a digital version, trading now for about three and a half weeks. Trading globally for three half weeks. Now are we completely totally on the gold standard? Or is our currency fully asset backed? We're about to find out Saturday or Sunday, I believe is when we could see. I don't know if we're gonna get an announcement about it. But we know that it should be there by then.

Okay, so it seems odd to me that you can have a digital USN and be trading it globally. But that's what has happened for the last three an half weeks. In terms of what's happening internationally - we know from some of the pricing that we've seen, that the USN is on par with meaning as the same value as on par with the euro. Remember, the euro was always higher than the dollar hanging around a buck 25 Buck 30 But I've been to Europe playing with $1.40 and it was horrible.

Okay, but when it gets down to around 133 or 130 it was better - well guess what? It's one to one now. The Euro is one to one with our USN dollar and I believe you can also say the what used to be the British pound there now calling it the British Sterling.

The British Sterling was always above - even the Euro - remember, like a 1.51 1.50 to the dollar. Now it's on par also with the dollar. So much has happened Queen died all that good stuff. And now we're at the point where we're looking on par.

Now - all the currencies of the world eventually will be on par with each other - and for trading that’s going to make it really, really easy, really good. So that's what we have to look forward to. In the meantime, we're looking forward to certain currencies that we know about - that are going to go up in value to bring us a greater value than on par. Right, a lot greater.

That's why Dr Shabibi, of theCBI was talking about the actual value that he saw for the Iraqi dinar - so the dinar is – okay let’s back up - the Iraqi government and Prime Minister were to be seated today.

That announcement of the seating of the government and the prime minister Hashemi – I believe - I'm sorry if I butchered the name - is to be announced either Saturday or Sunday - this weekend, and also Saturday or Sunday - we should have a new internationally known Iraqi dinar rate.

Now probably the international rate is going to be the same as the so called in country rate. We know what it is. It's very good. And we also know that the rate that we are going to see on the screens in the redemption centers that will be the best rates. We know that will be good. And we're looking forward to that.

Now Iraq should be completed and done and announced - not tomorrow because it's the holy day there. All right, but Saturday or Sunday and It should be the dinar should be trading Sunday night when they go to trade against China, Far Eastern countries around nine 9:30pm Eastern Time Sunday night.

So in the meantime, our – let’s talk a minute about bonds - the bondholders we know that completed yellow dragon bonds, Golden Dragon bonds. Today they were doing the German bonds in New York that's through Bank of America. That was good also in Atlanta through BofA and so there's a lot of that going on - doesn't mean all the bonds are done - some of the more the higher denomination type bonds if you will, with greater value will be continuing to be exchanged or a process is used that are processed all the way probably through to Thanksgiving, and maybe beyond that, but I think they're trying to get it done before Thanksgiving - that gives them what a little less than a month to do it.

So today is the 27th that's happening to where does that put us? Now the bondholders are told that they should start getting access to their liquidity. I believe it's going to end up being Monday or Tuesday. It could be could be sooner, could be over the weekend. But when I hear has happened, with yellow dragon bond holders is that they got travel money to travel from Geneva back to where they're going. So they got a piece of it. They got a little bit of it.

They didn't get the full blown 1% that they're going to get for the first 60 days. They got some travel money - to walk around money we used to call it right. So that's a good thing. But where that puts us -This is from the people that are making the decisions about when to go.

We're getting that we're going to be notified either Saturday or Sunday with our notifications - our emails with the toll free numbers - and then we'll be setting appointments for Sunday - Monday or Tuesday.

What do you think I'm thinking?

I'm thinking that the 31st last day of the month and it happens to be on Monday. It's Halloween. I don't know that they're going to start us on exchanges on that day.

We can get notified Sunday Monday, which is the 31st. But what about the idea of Tuesday as the start date? What about starting on the first of November for our exchanges?

I don't know - it could be – it could be we get started this month - with notifications. But I think we are getting started with notifications this month and exchanges probably on the first. Now I'm projecting that. I don't absolutely have it but I know we're supposed to get notified over the weekend, Saturday or Sunday and set appointments for our exchanges to start Sunday, Monday or Tuesday.

Hmm, Okay that's what I got. I like it - I’ll take it – we’ve waited a long time – 18 years for me and 11 years on the Big Call – we are finishing up on our 11th year

So we're pretty much ready for this to go. Are you ready for this to go?

Guys, when I first saw this 18 years ago, a bit more like 19 years ago, and they've got into it and 18 years ago, I said the wealth of the wicked laid up for the just, that's what this is going to be. And at that time we're only talking about dinar and Dong.

And the Zim came along and that was a game changer, major game changer.  And you know you guys are just gonna, it's gonna blow your mind.  I don't have to tell you what on par is - you know what it means.  So you know, the value of those zim notes or zim - They're actually bearer bonds even when we have this payable to the bearer. That's a bond.

All right, so we're not gonna go any further. I think you get the message. We know that we're looking very strongly this weekend. We think that we're trying to confirm it, when we think Iraq did what they were going to do today. And we'll get more confirmation of that in the next day or so.

But this is our last call for the week, maybe or last forever. But don't worry. We will do some podcasts. We will do an occasional update, they call update, podcast, whatever. And we will send it to you in the email. So you can click on it and listen to it on your phone - on your tablet, or PC. All right, so that'll be the deal.

Listen, guys, this has been a lot of fun. I'm saying I'm hoping this is it - I can't call it but the Intel is working very strong. Okay for the timeframe I just gave you so let's do this. Let's get a call out. Let's have a great weekend. Let's keep an eye on your emails over the weekend. Especially Saturday, Sunday. We believe that's where we're going. And then we could exchange as early as Sunday Monday or Tuesday.

All right, let's see if that’s right and I love you guys. I appreciate you guys have enjoyed doing this call twice a week for the last 11 years. It's really been revelatory. So it's been a collaborative experience for me, and I hope you guys can understand. This is a special time for us. Alright, so let's do this. Let's pray the call out and then we'll shut it down.

Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  1:13:45

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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 10-25-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 10-25-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody body to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, October 25th and you're listening to the big call. I think I got the call time and date and day right this time sorry about last Thursday but we welcome everybody all around the globe. Thanks for tuning in and listening on Memorex or on the replay

So let's talk a little bit about where we stand as the intel started coming in yesterday and today. Well, it's funny because I think of things like whenever I spoke with you guys, last year was last Thursday, and what's happened since Thursday, you know, in five days.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 10-25-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody body to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, October 25th and you're listening to the big call. I think I got the call time and date and day right this time sorry about last Thursday but we welcome everybody all around the globe. Thanks for tuning in and listening on Memorex or on the replay

So let's talk a little bit about where we stand as the intel started coming in yesterday and today. Well, it's funny because I think of things like whenever I spoke with you guys, last year was last Thursday, and what's happened since Thursday, you know, in five days.

There can be a lot, then in this case, there was enough because a lot of our emphasis from our sources, has been on bonds and getting the bondholders moving through. We know for example, that even the day before yesterday, which would have been what - Sunday - we know that bonds, certain classes or types of bonds were processed.

Let's use that term “process.” We know the golden dragon bonds were processed. We know yesterday, and today, the yellow dragon bonds were processed in Geneva. We know that bonds will be processed, the German bonds will be processed by Bank of America in New York - tomorrow. And it's like you know Bank of America has been kind of on the outs and they finally got in the good graces again of the Treasury to where they could take a handle those German bonds.

There are bonds process at Reno so a lot of them in Miami. A lot of them over in Geneva, Switzerland, they kind of moved from Zurich to Geneva. And we know the people that are helping to effectuate those bond transactions and where they're moving from and where they're flying to and what's next.

But the good news is that those bonds are paying out and that bond holders are seeing the result of the transactions in their accounts. Now, they still don't have access to funds yet, but they expect that to be happening tomorrow or Thursday.

And what has moved into position is 24 septillion dollars moved from Dubai to into the accounts that will be used for our transactions as tier 4B. So 24 septillion is a pretty big number. And that's the number that's coming from Dubai too - Now that number is being mirrored by the transaction that is coming tonight overnight, and tomorrow.

Okay, so where does that put us based on where we believe we are the information that we're getting from the sources that are very high up and very close to this to the transaction itself, of our exchanges are saying that we in tier 4B - I use that because that's our internet group - should be notified – the one source said before noon tomorrow.

There's a possibility we could get something in our emails that we would wake up to tomorrow, but I'm gonna go with by noon or before noon, tomorrow for tier 4B, in which case if it's early enough in the day, we will be able to set appointments and start tomorrow afternoon, evening. If - if it's late coming in tomorrow for some reason, we would set appointments and start Thursday.

But the good news is that we're hearing - of course that's good news to me - I'm excited about that. But the good news is we are hearing from Iraq than certain transactions - I'm not going to talk about rates in specifics - but the rates are moving up - and we know that certain Iraqi citizens are being able to exchange through ATMs even here in the United States.

So yes, it does require the going into the bank, but they are doing that and getting their old dinars that’s how it’s put - “old dinar” exchanged .

So the good news is we're close because of that alone  - That fact alone, I think that shows that we're very close ourselves. Okay. I feel really good about that. I think that that yes, we've had to wait on the bonds to move along and they're not done and they won't be done tomorrow. They'll continue and their goal is a goal is to try to finish those bonds by Thanksgiving.

Well, that's what about 30 days from today, if I remember right, Thanksgiving is on the 24th of November. Okay on Thursday, and you know, it should be approximately 30 days from today because we're in a 31 day month. So you know, it's this is this is coming down to the wire. And you know, we have heard a lot of people say their goal was to get this done before the end of October.

I believe that is a goal that they should hit. They should make that - because today is - what the 25th - Tomorrow's the 26th - We're hearing that we should get notified tomorrow. So let's see if that occurs. If that happens, guess what? No more big call on Tuesday and Thursday nights. We would be in touch with you by email.

And I hope everybody will still be with us after this goes. Because I'm excited to get started.

In the first two or three weeks, what are we going to be doing? We're going to be getting our, our homes in line, we might end up buying something new to move to, we're going to be maybe taking a vacation, maybe we're gonna get our health up to speed, whatever it is, you know, we're going to take a little bit of time to do some of that stuff initially - and then we go into and create the start of these projects - and we’ll keep you up to speed by the podcasts that we put on the emails.

Now, the other thing is we will when we do get toll free numbers, and you guys should be looking for those I would say as early as tomorrow from Wells Fargo with the toll free numbers and the Secure Link website should you choose to use the SecureLink website.

Me I'm going to use the toll free number and call in and set my appointments with that. And that as a zim holder you get a direct connection or another phone number to call to speak directly to your redemption center contact in the process of calling a toll free numbers. So that'll be important to do that. But we'll send out emails with the toll free number and we'll also post it on our website - probably on the landing page. So we'll see how that goes - so looking forward to that.

We don't know exactly every time we do a call exactly what's going to happen or whether or not you know the numbers are going to come when I hope they are. You guys know that? We've been duped a bunch of times we thought they were right there they weren't. So we continue on in our plan A and that's what we're doing our plan A continues until the plan B our blessing comes in. But I feel very good about the information that we're getting, I guess primarily because I know where the bondholders are in their funds and getting access to those funds.

So let's do this - and that's everything I really wanted to bring to you guys tonight. We’re very close. Let's just believe that this is the case and move forward - move forward in our faith and press into this.

So let's do this. Let's thank everybody first of all.  Thank you everybody behind the scenes - Everybody else in the Intel front that's out there scouting out scenario for us. Thank you for that. We really appreciate all the work that you guys have done and our listeners out in big call universe.

Thank you so much for your involvement with the big call for these 11 years - and if everything works according to planned - maybe this is a final call. We'll just see what happens as far as that goes. All right. I hope so. And I hope you guys hope so as well. So let's just pray our call out and go forward from there


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:13:33

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-20-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-20-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight is Tuesday, October 20. And you're listening to the big call. I'm glad you're listening wherever you're located all over the globe, in some cases and countries that were finally getting to with the message, sometimes in their own language, which is, which is wonderful. And we thank everybody that's tuning in. We're in our 11th year. And let's hope we don't go any further than that. You know what I mean? So we're excited to be on the call tonight.

Now let’s talk about kind of what's been going on and where we stand. This is an interesting time because, you know, whereas we thought certain things would happen for us this week - It looks more like what's happening right now - today, tomorrow and Saturday, they're taking care of the bondholders accounts.

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-20-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight is Tuesday, October 20. And you're listening to the big call. I'm glad you're listening wherever you're located all over the globe, in some cases and countries that were finally getting to with the message, sometimes in their own language, which is, which is wonderful. And we thank everybody that's tuning in. We're in our 11th year. And let's hope we don't go any further than that. You know what I mean? So we're excited to be on the call tonight.

Now let’s talk about kind of what's been going on and where we stand. This is an interesting time because, you know, whereas we thought certain things would happen for us this week - It looks more like what's happening right now - today, tomorrow and Saturday, they're taking care of the bondholders accounts.

We know firsthand from people that are that are bond sellers, that their accounts are being attended to - today, tomorrow and Saturday, with access to funds for them, most likely on Monday.

Now, you say well, they've been doing that for a while. Yeah, they have been and they've been emailing these bondholders and introducers - But they're now at the point where they're taking care of these guys getting the funds put into their accounts. They're opening their quantum account, with they're quantum access card or I call it quantum account access card. Qaac - that's my name for it – and it’s not super thick credit card like titanium – with three chips in it – that has the biometric fingerprint in one of the chips - and it's designed to make it accessible to the quantum financial account.

The Quantum financial system account, which I call the quantum account, I just call it quantum for short. Okay. So, as I mentioned on Tuesday - we're gonna have these quantum accounts that don't generate any interest but we'll be able to move up to $4 billion for the first 60 days into - our I'm using LLCs for my projects - just because of the ease and that's what my attorney was recommending that I use, and that's what I did. And so I can move 4 billion per project LLC into place to be able to access those funds for the start of my project, and that's only for the first 60 days.

Beyond that - I'm not sure what the ability is for us to move those funds. They don't want to super overheat this economy. You guys. They want it to be smoothly heated and not overheated. And it's gonna be a new game - Let's face it, when people - we think next week - probably - it may not be next week but we think we are going next week. And it could be start NESARA / GESARA also kicks off in a bigger way for us next week.

So we'll see how that will keep an eye on that, but in that there will be debt forgiveness. There will be refunding of tax monies - will be refunding of interest paid on loans with banks, credit card interest on mortgage interest. All of that is going to be refunded to us - because it was considered usury and under usury laws, they're not supposed to do that stuff.

And as we come back to the restore of the Republic, you're gonna find that stuff is going away and we'll get back a lot of that money, not to mention the money that they traded on our birth certificates as a bond, or death certificates. our marriage licenses or divorce decrees, they treated with all four of those, as financial instruments or bonds

So we're gonna have the opportunity to get refunded on that. It's going to be going to be pretty cool.

The quantum accounts I'm referring to - the quantum financial system is slowly coming into play I mentioned Tuesday night and 60% of the world's currencies are gold backed or asset back and we're getting there. We're getting there. I thought more than that was 60% gold back actually on Tuesday tonight. That's pretty good 60% of the country's currencies gold backed - so we're getting there.

They're still doing major cleanup, you guys. Major cleanup, high value, target cleanup, heavy duty now through the next week, and that's going to continue on for I don't know at least through the end of the month, if not well into November,

But we know that we are coming in after the bondholders get their emails, getting them access to funds. We should get notified - the best information we got today from Redemption center personnel was pushing us to early next week. That's a Monday/ Tuesday start we think - I know we've heard about Monday, Tuesday forever. I get it, but we know that redemption center staff is on standby or on call to be called in - you know, today tomorrow, Saturday – Sunday is a big question whether they're even going to be on call or not.

So that means they're not going in yet. But if they if this is released to us, they will be called in to go in and take our appointments - so I'm not going to hold up too much hope for the rest of the week until we get to Monday, first part of next week. Monday, Tuesday, is looking very solid for us.

And I think that's really, really our start should be in a Monday / Tuesday - so that's the best information that we're getting right now - it is coming from several sources but like I know a lot of the information that I have set out there in the past that has not come to fruition. I get it - I know -

This thing is much more than a moving target - Like we said - things change - New things come up that we're not aware of - Then we find out about it. We don't like it. Okay I see why it didn’t go – I see why we have been pushed - and we have been pushed – let’s face it – we have been pushed – but - I know that this is coming. I'm very confident in it. I'm confident in the release of new technologies, like the Med Bed - like free energy, all of that is part of GESARA - that should be announced here soon - And it might be next week, in conjunction with us starting.

There's a lot going on. There's a lot going on. And it's all behind the scenes. We can't see a lot of it - like I say for example that I heard a couple days ago - a certain farmer had received a letter in the mail. I think he owed $150,000 on a property just to be just to keep it going with the bank. The bank sent him a letter.

Your mortgage is forgiven on the property. And then he got a visit from USDA and the bank the next day after he received the letter. And I think that falls into farm claims. I believe that would be a farm claim - release of the mortgage - and I'm sure that's happening - In many cases. It just hasn't happened for the majority of us.

So GESARA in the United States has been going on for several months now - in small ways - like the letter I was telling you about just now the small ways, not in a huge all inclusive, you know, here's the money type deal - that's coming - but I don't know how soon that’s going to be revealed to us. I think we could get a heads up on it as early as next week. But we'll find out when we get that.

What's mainly important is for us is to get these bondholders emails out to them giving them access to funds, which should be around Monday - and we could get notified around the same time that they get access to funds - we should be notified by Wells Fargo to set our appointments – and go set our appointments for our currencies and to redeem our Zim bonds.

Alright - So that's what's happening right now. We're getting awfully close to the end of the month

Do we get this started on the 24th / 25th like I'm hearing before the end of the month – let’s hope so because that's what I'm getting right now - And it would occur for us in October so let's just continue to pray for that and believe for that - We will we'll take it one day at a time literally – one day at a time and we'll go from there.

This could be it - this is Thursday and we start the weekend after the Big Call tonight  - I want to thank everybody for listening – we’re excited that this is coming soon and I’ve heard it coming very very soon – so = let’s see what that looks like = especially between the weekend and early next week – ok – first part of next week  - have a great night and a wonderful weekend


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  57:27

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-18-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-18-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday October 18th and you’re listening to the Big Call - Thanks for tuning in where ever you are located all over the globe and whether you’re listening to us live or a replay – thanks for tuning in – thanks for being here tonight - We are going to have a great call tonight and looking forward to it

This has been a good call and I look forward to bringing you guys a little bit of Intel - this intel tonight is going to be sort of bits and pieces of things that we just need to know so let's just get started with it. Okay.

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-18-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday October 18th and you’re listening to the Big Call - Thanks for tuning in where ever you are located all over the globe and whether you’re listening to us live or a replay – thanks for tuning in – thanks for being here tonight - We are going to have a great call tonight and looking forward to it

This has been a good call and I look forward to bringing you guys a little bit of Intel - this intel tonight is going to be sort of bits and pieces of things that we just need to know so let's just get started with it. Okay.

I've got several different things I want to bring and I’m thinking first thing I want to talk about is feedback that we're getting from Iraq – we’ve got contacts in Iraq that we do talk to not as often as we would like - but we do have some people there that are saying that there have been celebrations going on a few days ago.

They are celebrating I believe, their new government and the prospect of a new rate, which we have heard what the new rate might be on our screens. And if you remember what I mentioned to you several times, about what they're what Dr Shabibi, said that the dinar would support a rate of XX dollars 10 years ago at the International Chamber of Commerce meeting in Washington DC, and our friend and contact Bluestar asked him specifically that question, and he got a very specific answer.

Well, guess what? Dr. Shabibi was projecting something that is on the screen now and in certain screens so that's a very positive thing I think for us - the prospect of a new rate and the prospect of the seating of their new form of government and the announcement of their Prime Minister, which we believe will still be Hashami if I'm pronouncing it properly, probably not.

But they're, you know, they're essentially ready to go and hit have been ready to go for quite a while. Even though it sounds like they're continuing to do things. They really aren't doing a whole lot. I think they're ready just when we say that they can say it that they can bring that rate out.

Okay, so that takes care of that - now when we go into other things, let's talk a little bit about what's coming to my mind now is the concept of a Quantum Account - meaning the account that's in our quantum computers - that is backed by the assets that we have in our treasury, which is a lot of gold and at least half of our currency is backed by gold and the other half backed by other precious metals and other assets.

Okay, gold, you know, gold, silver, palladium, platinum, metals, other metals, as well as oil, natural gas, LNG, etc. All these things, intellectual property all of that - these are assets that are backing our USN.

Now - 60% of the world's currencies are gold backed already 60% - so - the countries and we talking about 203 206 countries, are asset backed - many of those have already declared that they are asset backed. Turkey - who is an ally of the United States, or at least was - Turkey has declared that they are now part of the BRICS banking cartel, if you will, the BRICS nations, which we had that over 130 I don't know where it is now, probably 132 or 133 countries are part of the BRICS coalition, if you will, Depegging from the USD, our fiat currency which is no longer really being accepted internationally, but only being used here in North America, Canada, US and Mexico.

And pretty soon when they introduce our new currency, our USN physical paper money - folding money, when that actually comes out, that will be introduced along with the USD that we have now. Then they'll run in parallel for a while and then eventually, when all of the USD/Fiat money is taken in, turned it in to the banks or into the big box stores or wherever it goes. And it ends up going back to the bank. And then eventually it'll be shredded from there.

If we were sort of going to feather it in. It's like doing a paint job where you've got something existing painting and you want to paint something right next to it. You feather it in so that it doesn't look so it blends with the existing paint. That's the same thing, kind of the new currency is going to come in and blend with our fiat money until such time as a fiat money is completely collected and replaced totally in the United States.

Now – digitally -the USN is a digital currency as well in our accounts that we set up will be expressed digitally in USN - So what is it going to look like? Let's talk about the change. This morning on a zoom call between four major banks, HSBC, Wells Fargo, Truist bank, and Banco Santander which is Santander Bank right those three banks, Wells Fargo Truist and Santander all of them are Zim banks, that all exchanging zim in their various locations.

But in the in 48 states here of the United States that are on the mainland, as well, let's talk about Alaska and Hawaii - All right, all 50 states will have Wells Fargo as the lead bank, over the redemption centers, even as the redemption center is connected or is adjacent to another tier one bank. Okay.

Wells is in charge. They are in charge of all the Zim transactions and they will be overseeing that in every redemption center. Okay, so you got that taking place. What did this meeting occur this morning? What happened? What they did was all right, I gotta go back -- previously to this morning.

We were able to take $2.5 billion of our quantum account balance - our motherlode - if you will - and move it from the quantum into our primary account, say with Wells Fargo, right. That's how we're going to fund our projects from that primary bank account - and maybe that goes or part of it goes into a secondary bank account. Okay, even with Wells.

So for example, up until today, we were going to be at 2.5 for the first I think 90 days - Now, they decided, as of today, the banks voted that we would have the ability to take $4 billion from our quantum account and put it in - an easy example, an LLC account.

That means that you have a structure that's been set up as a limited liability company an LLC that is attached to a let's call it a secondary bank account with Wells Fargo.

Now, this is the way of taking this - the $4 billion dollars is an amount per LLC that you've set up - you know, I've told you guys I've set up four LLC for my projects for the big call. I may set up more but right now I've got four - those four LLCs will be attached to four separate bank accounts with Wells Fargo so that when I take the money from my quantum account, and move it into my primary account, it will then be divided into all four of those LLC, account for the purpose of the projects - remember we've got one for rebuild America – Veterans Retreat -Pastoral Retreat – and International Rebuild  etc

We've got veterans retreat network, we've got that strong green network, and we have international which is rebuilding at Dominican Republic and those three for right now - So I'm going to call it something like international rebuild from my account. Alright, so you've got those that would be set up. Why are we putting it in these sub accounts?

Well, these sub accounts are secondary accounts, or the primary account with Wells. Okay. you will earn interest on the money that's in those accounts.

Now you're not making a nickel on anything in the quantum account – right – that’s being held by the quantum computer system but there's no interest paid on it. The only way you're gonna make any interest is when you move some money from your quantum account into your primary Wells account

Some of  you may use the Truist bank - some might  use HSBC if you're international and some may end up usings suddenly end up using Banco Santander if you're in Latin America, Okay? Because they're gonna be a key bank in Spain and in Latin America with them some branches in the United States. We'll have some branches here, primarily in the southeast – I would think Florida, and maybe some other areas, but they're going to be a good thing. So, here's the thing about it.

When you've got your account set up an LLC is created, which you can create those in as little as a day depending on or trust attorney and your ability to set these up. I did it ahead of time. I've done it a couple of years I had about three years ahead of time, but it's something I wanted to have to be ready when this thing went.

So you're going to earn interest. And then there was some discussion on how much interest in terms of the interest rate could you earn – remember interest rate is not currency rate, right. Interest rate pays based on the balances in your account in your primary or secondary accounts – and it could pay - we don't really want to say what it could be, because it's going to be different than we thought years ago.

And it could be better or worse than we thought even recently. So that's going to be something you find out when you go to Wells, or you go into the redemption center to set your account. You'll find out by the way, what interest rate are you paying? Are you gonna pay me on my balance that I put into this primary account? Today? Today?

I'm picking up the, the whatever, let's say I've got four LLC’s I can put 4 billion in each one. I put a total of 16 billion in primary account, so I can start earning on that and then set up the secondary account for each LLC, which could be a day or two later, then I would set those up and move those funds accordingly into each one as needed.

Now it doesn't mean you have to move that much. It's just that's what they want you to use for your projects, be able to have that or an interest on it for the first 60 days, hopefully two months, two months and then it changes and I don't know what it changes to or whatever we open season whatever we need at that point.

All right. So I wanted to get that out about what the Zoom call was this morning. now you say well, what about Bank of America, Chase, and Citi? well, those guys kind of have to do the same thing.

They were more or less put in position to fall in line with the other lead banks and that’s what they did -and why wouldn't they? see the banks will benefit on this too. They all benefit by us by having  more likely instead of 2.5  but 4 billion in each of the accounts - You know, they'll benefit.

Now. Let's get beyond that. And talk about the – well - Let's just go to a few little pieces here and there - President Trump been traveling internationally - meeting I'm sure within the heads of state around the world for the last three and half days and that's really good because I'm sure he's getting a lot of things done before the rally that does this Saturday down in Corpus Christi, Texas.

And so there's a lot of things that are that are happening behind the scenes. And we just have to understand that that is what’s going on and has been going on for quite a while.

Let's see what else I can think of important for us. This is the problem when you've got six or eight different things that you want to bring out and you don’t remember each one of them necessarily in any particular order.

Timing - what is our timing?  We've got a connection that is with HSBC that indicates for us that this can go between the big call tonight and Sunday – that’s a pretty big window - with Sunday's the 23rd 22nd Saturday.

It's hard to say and I'm not going to guess – we have had a little bit that leads us to believe that something With the rate change that Iraq is looking for tomorrow.

You know, it's quite possible that something happens in the middle of this week. I don't think we necessarily have to go to the weekend to get this started.

But our source that gives a lot of credibility to what's going on with the bond holders

We know for example that they introducers or intermediaries to the bonds - In other words, the people that put together their buyers and sellers of bonds together. They've received their emails of their amounts and their account. The accounts have been set up - and they've activated the accounts with the quantum access card.

And that's you know, and then use biometric fingerprint reader as part of the chip. I told you guys that's the first chip on the card holds your biometric finger or thumbprint and then the other two chips used for balances and other things. So that's going to be an important thing.

And then bond holders - people that are bond sellers have also received some emails. And they have also been in a position to see the money coming to them and up their accounts in some cases, but not all cases.

And then they're still going to wait for an activation email that will let them know when they will have access to those funds - nobody has really been paid out to the point where they have those funds readily available yet.

I still think they're trying to create a shot gun start when we get notifications and begin to set our appointments. That's when the liquidity and accessibility to those funds will take place for the tier 3 bond holders

I think tier 4A and 4B - which wells doesn't distinguish between them - they just call it tier 4 – I believe that it's gonna happen shortly, shortly is not as short as we thought it would be last week, and that's why I like words like that because they don't really tell us the when and I know you want to know the when – the rates are not going to be big deal.

If you're into date and rate and then you can forget the rates.  The rates are going to be very very strong – don’t worry about those

The date is the big question mark you know, I have a window, that's all it is, is a time window. That it may happen. It may occur in but we don't have any - They don't want us to know.

They want to keep that secret and so pretty much so far they have -

And yes, we seemingly have been pushed week by week by week but we know there are other things that needed to happen - that needs to be accomplished - maybe we’re there - where this can finally go for us. But we don't know absolutely know it – but we know for the bank that kind of calls that they had today. That's a big deal.

I know that there's a lot happening behind the scenes – that’s all I can say –

All of this depends on when we get notified - All right, because we don't know when this thing is going to hit exactly. We do have a window - Wednesday /Thursday their in the window, let’s see what happens. We just don't know and the intel has not pinned this down for us – hasn’t narrowed it down beyond what I just gave you

So I’m sure there's more things out there that I thought I would be able to do tonight but you get the gist of what we had - I wanted to talk about banking a little bit..

We'll see what happens. If we have this of course before we won't have a call Thursday night. But if we don't get it before Thursday then we will see you Thursday night. Same time, same station.

Everybody, let's pray the call out. And let's look forward to a good week this week.


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:31:31

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