Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-6-22
.Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-6-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - It is Tuesday, September 6th, and you're listening to the big call and think about that for a minute. Welcome, everybody. I'm glad you came in tonight we're gonna have a really fun call. We look forward to imparting some really cool information to you. I know in my segment, I've got some good stuff. So we're looking forward to this one tonight. And you know, we didn't know we would have it, but at this point, we're looking good. But then again, this could be our last call. We don't know. We'll see.
Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-6-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - It is Tuesday, September 6th, and you're listening to the big call and think about that for a minute. Welcome, everybody. I'm glad you came in tonight we're gonna have a really fun call. We look forward to imparting some really cool information to you. I know in my segment, I've got some good stuff. So we're looking forward to this one tonight. And you know, we didn't know we would have it, but at this point, we're looking good. But then again, this could be our last call. We don't know. We'll see.
I love the testimonials. I love the research on aging. I love the fact that we are. We have a chronological age and we have a biological age - and hopefully our chronological age is moving along where our biological age is younger and younger and younger. And we control that - we can have influence on that by keeping our immune system super healthy and super able because anything that comes against us, God created a an immune system that we have, as long as we keep that defense that defense mechanisms up - we can we can stave off a lot of things that would come our way - and obviously autoimmune disease is one of them. All of those – So I think that's really terrific.
I love the idea that we are winding the clock back and even doing this prior to the Med beds if they’re not that far from coming out really very, very closely. They've already been out for 3000 of them or more and throughout the country and they're ready. They're ready to go. So we should get the Med beds to be rolling out for everybody - not too long after this RV or plan B blessing comes out. It's set to time with that with the actual RV itself and possibly with NESARA
So to continue on with this - We've got word that the NESARA is supposed to be announced and maybe initiated this Sunday on September, the 11th 9/11.
So that's going to be really interesting to see how that happens if it does happen on Sunday, which is what we're hearing and what the ramifications of NESARA are going to be visa vie the debt relief the Jubilee that we're expecting. I don't know how soon that's going to roll out in terms of repatriating funds to us for interest paid in.
For example, student debt, right. That's kind of a topic right now. Student debt will be forgiven. But you won't get back the principal that you paid in, but you will get back the interest that you paid.
And I understand the interest will actually have gained interest – In other words the interest that you paid in will have earned interest for three and a half percent per year.
And you will be getting that back - I'm not sure if it's three and a half percent applies to everything else that I'm gonna mention but it also this debt relief is Jubilee into NESARA and GESARA, globally, will include monies that we paid in on credit card debt - for the interest that we paid on credit cards, interest that we paid on bank loans, interest that we paid on mortgages, anything else that you can think of that's a legitimate bank paid loan, you'll get that interest back.
And we're also looking to receive in addition to that, get our tax money back that goes way back. And that's federal income tax. I don't know if it's gonna include state I'm gonna say not I'm gonna say include federal.
That will be added up totaled - they've already got the numbers, they know what they're doing with that. And it's also going to include retribution for what was traded on our birth certificates, our marriage certificates, death certificates, if applicable, and divorce decrees.
So there's quite a group that have certificates that were traded like bonds on us, that we will get the benefit of back to us. And a lot of it is substantial - money is substantial. So it's not currency kind of money like we're talking about, but it is quite a bit for the people who are not involved in the currencies and the Zim like we are now. So that's something that a lot of people will look forward to.
Social Security is gonna go up for seniors 62 and older, It'll make sort of a big difference to seniors - and I think they're going to top out at either 4500 or just below 5000 a month on that if you're in the upper echelon, - and even if you're not, you're getting lower, like 1000 or 1200, you'll get more maybe more like double what you have now. So it's gonna be it's gonna be really amazing. Now that is supposed to start to NESARA supposed to be announced on September 11 - that's this Sunday.
Now let's talk about dates while we're while we're here and I'll get back to where we stand in a minute.
The 15th of September, which is next Thursday, a week from this Thursday, next Thursday. The 15th is when all countries, currencies will be announced to their countrymen and women.
All countries currencies have to be asset backed - some of them are gold backed entirely some are partially gold backed using other precious metals like silver, platinum, palladium, all those other jewels, diamonds.
You know there's a diamond crust about six feet down in Iraq - in the sand. There's a whole six inch crust of diamonds that they found when they're going deeper for oil. Now it's just amazing that the wealth that is in that region that God put there early on, very early on. So what I'm saying is when the 15th rolls around, what was I saying about the 15th?
Yeah, the currencies worldwide will be announced as gold backed or asset backed, including our USTN or United States Treasury notes and the actual US and digital version of our currency.
Okay. Now, the other thing that's kind of interesting, let's pause for a minute between the 11th which is Sunday, and the 15th, which is the following Thursday - next week - there's a period of I'm going to call it possible financial -- don't want to use a word that's not appropriate - Let's call it “financial system change”.
And what do I mean by that in that four or five day period from the 11th through the 14th?
One thing is, the fiat money that we have now might be a little bit less available in the actual banks - and in the ATMs, because during this time, they're getting ready to make the change over to our USTN physical folding money you put in your pocket - that is supposed to occur on the 15th - the new money - on a week from Thursday.
Now, in that period from the 11th to the 15th - we're gonna get announcements on the NESARA - we're gonna get, who knows what else? We might get some disclosure coming in that period of time, I believe, and it might be interesting to see what happens from a cash point of view.
Now, here's the other thing I've been told - during that time - If we buy something on our credit and debit card, let's say we go to the store and we're just buying something or buying groceries or whatever - we use our debit card or credit card to do that - My understanding is between the 11th and the 15th - In that period - those charges will not accrue to our bank account until the 15th - so there'll be stacking up out there but won't be debited to our bank accounts until the 15th. Well, that's interesting.
It's what analogy was, it's kind of like playing hooky for a few days and not getting caught. So I don't know if I liked the analogy because I didn't play hooky - but I would say that that's an interesting time for us as the switch over to our new money is taking place - so with the NESARA and GESARA they both require these asset backed currencies that could - could get announced along with debt relief starting on the 11th, which is Sunday.
And we'll see how that goes. Okay, we'll see what happens.
Now - Let's cut to where we are. We had information coming in last night – Today - Couple of times today, that the bottom line is the Treasury is supposed to contact the lead bank - And my understanding is they were supposed to have done that just prior to this call tonight to tell them when to release the emails for us.
And my understanding is they were supposed to have done that just prior to this call tonight to tell them when to release the emails for us. And the additional information that we got this afternoon and this evening, pointed to bondholders in tier three and currency holders in tier four A and B that's us - the Internet group - should be notified with emails that should show up tomorrow morning -
Now this is not me calling it - this is me telling you what I have heard from bond holder paymasters - and another tier one bank - international bank.
Now that's only two confirmations of tomorrow morning for our notifications by email, But I'm sure that we'll get more and it may not be needed if these show up in the morning.
So the theory is based on this that we would get notified, get our toll free number, call the call center on that number - Put in your zip code if it's automated. You put in the zip code of where you want to exchange, not necessarily where you live, but more likely, where you would want to do your exchange - if you know that and then you would if you're a zim holder you'll be directed to a live person at the redemption center.
That zip code would correspond to you say well, how do I know that? How do I know what where the redemption centers are? You don't need to know. But I'll tell you this much. In the last three months, Wells Fargo and the Treasury have been working together to increase our redemption centers in the United States to 16,950. That's right - 16,950 redemption centers in the United States. That would include Alaska and Hawaii. So that's, that's a bunch. That's almost 10,000 more than we had before.
So they've been setting them up like crazy over the last three months. Also, there's been a lot of cleanup, and it continues to go on a lot of cleanup over the last few months. And weeks - and I think they have things where they're comfortable with the security and you know the fact that they're going to have an eye out for any shenanigans that might take place in 98 counties in the United States that will be under some form of martial law. We'll see - see if that happens –
Now I like the fact that we're getting pretty strong information on the timing of this. I think that we might see some changes politically this weekend.
I think we're going to see a very interesting September with think we're gonna see more and more disclosure - disclosures may start really with NESARA. But I think they're going to use the EAS the Emergency Alert System to bring out some of those disclosure items, and then they'll go to television and it may not be in the same month - it could go a little later that we see things in more detail on television that we would see online - or in, you know, whatever, whatever the form disclosure is.
So it's going to be a really interesting fall - especially working our way up to the midterm elections, which may not happen. We'll see. We'll see what happens on that because remember, we have gone back to a restored Republic - and there are going to be some changes that will be made politically, that may change a lot of what we've had in the past. We'll see they'll be open to that possibility of change that could be very good for us.
So I'm excited about the possibility of getting notifications along with the bond holders tomorrow morning. We'll say never I'm not calling it I'm just saying what this is what I'm hearing and it is from very high up sources.
Okay, so we'll, we'll see if that manifests - and if that comes through for us, that's what I'm hoping. Oh you know, I could go all the way over and through the exchange thing.
Let's hope that this is exactly what happens. I don't ever love new Intel necessarily. But I love what we have to be true - and to come forward as truth. That's what I love. And I'm looking forward to that for all of us.
All right - So this is gonna be a great week I believe for us, you guys. Let's stay focused - stay grounded and be ready for just about anything all right. So I love you guys. It's been great. Thank you, Bob. Thank you, Sue. Thank you GCK Pastor Scott, JD, everybody else out there. Thank you guys all around the globe for tuning in. Anybody that's transcribing the call or doing call notes, thank you so much for that -the beautiful thing that you've done in giving that to our community. So I want to pray us out right now. And then we'll go from there --
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:19:40
Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 9-1-22
.Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 9-1-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome -Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - glad everybody could make it back in. Well, we made it all the way to September 1 and we're glad that you joined us tonight on this Thursday night so we're going to take it and give you the very best call that we can produce for you tonight. Looking forward to it, and hope you're looking forward to hearing it from all over wherever you're tuned in all over the globe. Welcome, welcome to the Big Call.
All right, guys, well, let me tell you where we are from an Intel perspective. As far as I can tell now, we were under the impression that today could be a launch day for us that we would get some notifications and possibly start today. Didn't happen - not quite sure why - sometimes we find out why and sometimes we don't. We know there was sort of a one last thing that we're waiting for - and the one last thing could have been one of two things.
Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 9-1-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome -Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight - glad everybody could make it back in. Well, we made it all the way to September 1 and we're glad that you joined us tonight on this Thursday night so we're going to take it and give you the very best call that we can produce for you tonight. Looking forward to it, and hope you're looking forward to hearing it from all over wherever you're tuned in all over the globe. Welcome, welcome to the Big Call.
All right, guys, well, let me tell you where we are from an Intel perspective. As far as I can tell now, we were under the impression that today could be a launch day for us that we would get some notifications and possibly start today. Didn't happen - not quite sure why - sometimes we find out why and sometimes we don't. We know there was sort of a one last thing that we're waiting for - and the one last thing could have been one of two things.
There was something that did start that we didn't find out about till yesterday - and that was the quantum financial system was to integrate or begin the integration with the global financial system and global banking systems at midnight, Pacific time, last night - That was 3am in the morning, this morning, on the east coast. So that got started today.
Now - we were concerned because we knew that the full integration of the QFS into those various global banking and financial systems would take approximately 10 days to complete - and we thought - oh my god now what - are we waiting for that? And the answer is no, we're not waiting for it.
We found that that connection, that integration of the QFS was for countries to be able to trade goods and services on par with each other in the future - and so that was for trade purposes - not for our exchange - not for our redemption of Zim - so it has nothing to do with the RV per se -or our exchanges, which is great.
Now, where does that put us? Well, what maybe this is the one more thing - we thought that might have been but it wasn't really. It did get done last night at midnight, Pacific time. But one more thing could be the fact that Iraq was supposed to bring in a Hashemi as the commander in chief, dissolved their parliamentary form of government today and make it official - bring in a Hashemi as the commander in chief of Iraq.
Now, what has happened is and we heard this directly from our contact in Iraq today. This did not take place today, but it should take place tomorrow morning. I don't know why it didn't happen today. I don't know why.
I don't know if anything else is contingent on it - but it seems that it should take place tomorrow - and the thinking is, if it does, then we could be off and running for the weekend.
So we believe that will take place because the person we talked to said if it doesn't happen and I'm talking about the Iraqi form of government dissolution of the institution of Hashemi as commander in chief in the Republic, which is the new form of government that they're going to –
They're dumping the parliamentary form of government and bringing in a republic, very similar to what we have - a restored Republic. Okay, so they're kind of modeling that after us, okay - in some form or fashion.
So what we're hearing is if that does not take place tomorrow in Iraq, probably in the morning, then let's just use the term “all hell's going to break loose” - and the people are going to be ticked off and showing their anger on mass.
Now the military are in Iraq, is behind the people. So they're behind what the people are trying to do. I believe it'll get done - if push comes to shove. It sounds like that's where we are - that will get done. I don't know why it didn't happen this morning in Iraq, I can't answer that.
I don't know what the motivation was not to do it today. But it should occur tomorrow. If it does, does that put us on a path that gets our notifications out? Does it happen tomorrow?
These are questions because we don't have obviously the closure on this yet. What's interesting about this whole wait for the blessing for the GCR for the revaluation of all these currencies.
What's interesting is we don't know the end from the beginning. You know, things like well, we found out about the QFS integrating with the global banking and financial systems. What we thought that had already taken place. Well, it basically had but not for the purpose of trading between countries on par with one another, where their actual training values would be one to one. And that's what that new integration is all about.
You know, if we go back we didn't know about the integration of, of asset backed Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that needed to be asset backed and that was done and they found an exchange mechanism to use that or the Q RP to do exchanges of crypto coins.
You know, every time we think we've got it all there seems like there's more to do.
And I don't I think this is all part of the process. But I know it's hard on us. It's hard on me, It's hard on all of us that are waiting for this blessing to come in.
But all I can do is give you guys what I'm hearing and these are high up sources overall. Doesn't mean you know that they're perfect because they're not. But the information at the time appears correct. It appears good, good to go.
However, we know that this is a moving target, information changes, new things seem to pop in, you know, we have timelines. They have timelines, with certain things that we think have occurred and certain things that we think need to occur.
But even those timelines have changes in them so all we can do is take one day at a time really, especially now that we're getting toward the very end of it.
One day at a time, and stay with your plan A but be ready to receive this blessing under Plan B and I only call it Plan B because of blessing. That's why it's Plan B. Plan A is what's getting us there is what's taking us to this point.
And you know, we know that all of the countries in the world have announced that they have asset backed currencies, some are fully gold back. Some are using other assets, precious gems, precious metals, oil, natural gas, etc.
Our currency – our USTN or USN is going to be or is now 50% backed by gold. The other 50% is other assets, our oil or natural gas or intellectual property our palladium, platinum silver, etc. Okay. So, you know, we believe Canada was the last one to come on board a few days ago.
And I think as a Sunday, actually, yes, right. Today's Thursday, that was four or five days ago that everybody came to the party and they've all started trading on the forex and so on. And thanks for now.
We heard that the 15th of September would be the start date for tier 5 to begin exchanges who are tier 5? These are what we call these are the people like people that have currency that are not really keeping up with calls or the big call or blog sites or so on. They're not really informed. They're not going to know to call the toll free number, which we assume is a one 800 Number. When we got it, they're not going to know about it. They're just doing their daily lives. They might have by currency 10 years ago, they put it in a drawer and forgot about it.
That's who we call the John Q Public. tier five. Those people are supposed to be starting because they won't be using redemption centers like those of us with Zim will - but they'll be going in and using the regular tier one and tier two banks to do exchanges. That's fine. That's supposed to start on the 15th.
Now, today's the first Tomorrow's the second of September, we may need that entire full time - but I don't necessarily think we'll be exchanging alone by the 15th - It could be that the public starts on the in the regular banking system, and we're still using redemption centers, but not for too much longer - probably. They're planning to do our exchanges for between 11 to 14 days.
Well, they might just get it all done by the 15th depending on the demographic of where you are - if you're in a high population area, like for example, I'm going to give you Florida because they're the ones that have the most zim in the country.
Number two is Texas. Number three is California. And number four is I'm not quite sure who number four is. So these states - Yeah, we have plenty redemption centers - and they're going to be opened basically up to - not every one - but up to 18 hours a day. Up to 18 hours. That would be three, six plus hour shifts. Six and a half by half an hour. Six and a half hour shifts. That's what I would anticipate.
In some of the larger areas at least 30% of redemption centers will go 18 hour days. The ones that are a little more rural or a little bit smaller populations. They may go 12 hours. You know they may not go anywhere near as late - but they are geared up for us they're ready to go.
They've been doing exchanges and practice exchanges a long time ago. They've learned some of the new systems including monitors that have two screens on them - one screen that they operator sees behind you and then the one screen that you see in front and they can manipulate things on that screen- bring up various things and various values.
So that's been done. As far as I know, the new USTN currency is in the banks in drawers and in the vaults, but it'll be brought out when they're ready to introduce it. My gut is they won’t introduce it till the public starts on the 15th - I don't look for any big announcements on this for the public, or for us because why else would we be under an NDA?
If you're a zim holder you're going to be under an NDA - non disclosure agreement. You're not going to be talking about this to anybody, anybody. And if you have some people that you're doing projects with, or close family members that you want to exclude from your NDA, you need to let them know that in writing on a piece of paper that you submit, so they can use that addendum to your non disclosure agreement - so that they know if you've got this person or that person or that person that you plan to talk with about your projects, and about the implementation of those projects. You have them on your agenda for your nondisclosure list, so they're excluded from your NDA. Okay. They're part of the process.
There's probably a bunch of things that I could go back over. I think most of you guys have kept with the Big Call for a long time. I guess it was Jennifer that came on - what was it two weeks ago or six weeks ago? Anyway? Maybe not quite up to speed. But the point is that we're going to get very good rates that I'm familiar with, but I can't talk about on the call - and that's the least of our concerns. Absolute the least - don't worry about it. It's not important - you're going to be in great shape.
Now. Here's the slight caveat. If you have done your world class presentation, and you’re a zim holder, you're going to be looked at differently - when you present your projects as a presentation in five to eight minutes.
You're going to be seen differently compared to somebody who doesn't have a project written down - When you present your project they’re going to evaluate your capability and your value for the zim based on the fact that you're doing projects. Doesn't matter how many 1 2 3 4 whatever number of projects you're doing, it's not about the number or the quantity. It's about the quality of the products you're doing and the longevity of those projects.
How long are you going to see that project through? Do you need to get into a med bed so you can be around 50 100 200 years to see that project to completion.
And if you are somebody that wants to do that let them know that let them know hey, I want to I plan to be around to watch these projects that I'm initiating come to completion. I want to see some results. I want to see the implementation of these projects, you know, 50 100 200 years down the road and the med beds can allow you to do that with age regression.
Now, without going deep into that they're going to look at people that have issues, medical issues. You've got a leg missing you've got a prosthesis, you can't see your eyes like me - You've got some situation that requires medical attention. You're going to be seen as somebody that gets on the list quickly. You should get in and take care of that pretty quickly.
And there are about 3000 Med beds that are out already throughout the United States. And you don't have to go more than 85 miles at the furthest to get to one. Now obviously in metro areas they're going to be more there and it could be closer trip for everybody. Okay, so don't worry about that either.
Now, I know there's a lot to this, but I tried to make it simple so we can all get, you know, bring everybody up to speed so to speak from those that are new, like Jennifer just came into the party, and there may be newer people than her that are coming to the party. But it's all going to be good. It's all going to be good. I think you guys are going to have fun. I think it's going to be the most fun we've ever had. And it's going to be amazing of what we can do to help level the playing field across the globe to help humanity.
Not just throw money at things, but create real projects. that will that will effect real results. And I'm excited about it guys. You can tell by my voice. I'm very excited. Yeah. Do I want it to start like this weekend? Yes. Do we know that? It will? No, we don't. It's just to nail it down. It has been so tough, especially today.
Okay, but I'm believing that if Iraq does what they're supposed to do tomorrow, since they didn't do it today maybe that's the one more thing. Maybe that's what we're actually waiting for?
I don't know we'll see. But anyway, I just wanted you guys to know that tonight. Guys we need everybody healthy as we move forward. Okay. And then when the med beds come, it'll be great. It'll be we’lll age regressed and whatever we need to go back to within reason. And it'll be fantastic. It'll be everything we hoped it would be and more - All right looking forward to it. And let's go ahead and pray the call out.
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:09:55
Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-30-22
.Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-30-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, August 30th And you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody again, for what will be hopefully, our last call. We'll see how that goes. I do have some intel that's looking very strong for us. So we'll approach that in the Intel section.
Let's take a look at where we are on our intelligence - because we did get some information this afternoon and then we got more information - Oh, an hour, an hour and a half before the call tonight. So it's very, very positive. You know, I get a little antsy when it gets towards the end of the month - wondering whether or not they're going to let it go before the first of next month or not.
Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-30-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, August 30th And you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody again, for what will be hopefully, our last call. We'll see how that goes. I do have some intel that's looking very strong for us. So we'll approach that in the Intel section.
Let's take a look at where we are on our intelligence - because we did get some information this afternoon and then we got more information - Oh, an hour, an hour and a half before the call tonight. So it's very, very positive. You know, I get a little antsy when it gets towards the end of the month - wondering whether or not they're going to let it go before the first of next month or not.
And we kind of have the answer to that. At least we believe the information that we're getting is very strong. We had had three or four different sets of Intel providers - our top sources - indicate for notifications. Remember, we haven't talked since Thursday night.
So we had heard Monday, Tuesday - We had heard Monday, Tuesday from another and then we heard Monday - Tuesday -Wednesday, from our lead bank. And I thought, okay, are we really pushing all the way to Wednesday?
Are we really going all the way to Wednesday, thinking that we would have this today? Well, we didn't have it today. So that information didn't hold up. But what we found out was - alright, let's go back.
Remember, all 209 countries around the globe are having their own currencies asset backed - gold backed - other assets count as well - not just gold.
So we finally had the last two countries come in. See today is Tuesday - They came in Sunday afternoon. One was Mexico - they came in around two or three o'clock in the afternoon with their gold backed currency, their Peso and then we also had Canada was the last country to come in with a gold backed Canadian dollar –
So they got it in just in time to trade starting Sunday night, which they do the Forex itself closes down from about four o'clock in the afternoon on Friday - and then reopens Sunday night - some are Sunday afternoon, Sunday, Sunday evening.
And then the banks do their trading starting at around nine or 9:30pm Sunday night for the week. And so this was the case.
So that was a good thing. I was like okay, we're not waiting on any, any of the countries to have their gold backed currency or their asset backed currency ready or at least declared that they have it.
And I thought okay, but guess what, today we heard earlier, or no, we heard this last night. Oh, but there's one more thing. One more thing to do, but we didn't know what it was. And we still don't know what it is.
So that one more thing which we don't know what it is - Maybe done now, or may not yet be done. We don't know. But the later information is telling us it actually could be Iraq because Iraq did dissolve their parliamentary form of government.
The former Prime Minister Hashemi is going to be taking over again as commander in chief of Iraq - and their new republic. So they're going to a new republic form of government, like we are going to a restored Republic form of government as well.
Okay, so that occurred and what we're hearing and this came directly from our sources in Iraq that the Iraqi dinar rates should be out tomorrow and possibly seen here as early as tomorrow. I'm going to qualify that was the idea of when we think we're going to start exchanges.
Because we got information later today, from I think about as high up as sources you can go in the treasury, and it's indicating that we will have our notifications within 36 hours of 6pm Tonight Eastern.
What that means is as I get distracted here, sorry that we should have our notifications tomorrow.
It could drag over a little bit into Thursday, but I'm being told by from the same source that we would have exchange capability on Thursday - the first of September - and that is what I thought would happen. And I'm not I'm not calling it but I'm very close to doing that - because this makes sense to me.
That they would have an appointment set up on the last day of the month of August, Set our appointment and start on the first of September - that makes sense to me - And I think that's what we should be looking for.
And if the information of 36 hours, and that's within 36 hours, not in within 36 hours of 6pm Tonight, and if you can do the math, you can figure out when that would be over. We should get this party started and get exchanges starting on the first of September, which is Thursday.
So the other thing is the bondholders that are expecting their emails. Those we heard earlier were supposed to go out or they are to go out either overnight tonight or tomorrow to receive those and those emails are the ones that give the bondholders access ability to their funds in that they can already see their accounts. But they haven't been able to access yet -- They would get the codes the access codes in those emails –
Whether it comes in overnight tonight, or tomorrow - we're going to have a virtual shotgun start with tier three bondholders - so Iraq’s got a new deal going tomorrow - Hashemi should be let's say sworn in as commander in chief of Iraq. And that's tomorrow morning. We think Iraq time.
And so we should be receiving our notifications and getting this party started. I would say we'd be hopefully exchanging on Thursday. That's what it looks like.
Is there a possibility we can go tomorrow with exchanges? I think there's that possibility, but I don't see it personally - I think it would be on Thursday - the first - I think that's when they'll do it - and that's what we were getting from the highest source that we have in the treasury.
Okay, so that's what I wanted to share with you guys tonight.
I want to thank you everybody - this has been a really wild 11 years. And I believe you know guys, I'm not calling it but I'm telling you the information that I'm getting. I'm giving you the latest information that we have. It looks very, very good. To be notified tomorrow, and start on Thursday
Let's just believe for that. We're gonna pray that in.
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 58:48
Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 8-25-22
.Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 8-25-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, August 25. And you're listening to the big call. Thanks, everybody, wherever you're listening from, for tuning in, whether it's live, or whether you're listening on the replay. Thanks for listening, and we'd love to have you back every Tuesday and Thursday until our blessing manifests – at that point we won't be doing any more live calls - and well, you know why - So thanks everybody for listening.
All right, let's get into the Intel portion of where we are. You know, guys, we're getting close. We've only got six days left in the month we've heard some things Tuesday night after the call, of course - I hear it later – sometimes - and I got some information that is really very, very interesting.
Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 8-25-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, August 25. And you're listening to the big call. Thanks, everybody, wherever you're listening from, for tuning in, whether it's live, or whether you're listening on the replay. Thanks for listening, and we'd love to have you back every Tuesday and Thursday until our blessing manifests – at that point we won't be doing any more live calls - and well, you know why - So thanks everybody for listening.
All right, let's get into the Intel portion of where we are. You know, guys, we're getting close. We've only got six days left in the month we've heard some things Tuesday night after the call, of course - I hear it later – sometimes - and I got some information that is really very, very interesting.
We also know that it's hard to get some of our sources to be available because of you know, they're clamming up - the redemption center staff is pretty much clammed up at the redemption centers that we talked to
We know that certain bankers that are really connected really connected to Treasury and so on, are tough to get in touch with - but I will say we did get some information that's come through from Tuesday night to yesterday, and verified again today that the bondholders, remember, have received their primary - their first email - telling them how much money they have - and they've got an access code to get into their actual account - to see the money that's waiting for them in their account.
Now they're waiting for an accessibility email to come to give them access to 1% of their total bond exchange - let's call it - okay. Of all the bonds that they put together - Boxes of bonds, German bonds, railroad bonds, yellow Dragon, Red Dragon, whatever bonds they had, there's a bunch of different types of bonds.
So they're waiting, like we're waiting - and the latest information we're getting today and yesterday is saying that they expect us in tier four A & B - 4A and we're 4B the Internet Group will go when that email comes out to the bond sellers - That would give them that 1% access
When they get their emails - we're supposed to get the same emails to get us started on our exchanges - to get us started on our redemption of our zim.
Okay, so where do we stand? We're waiting like they're waiting - although we were given a timeframe Tuesday night that looked like we were good to go from today, through Monday as a back wall.
I don't like the term back wall because tendency is for that goal posts to get moved. Okay? However, we're gonna say okay, I don't know that we're gonna get there to Monday, but that's, it's there.
What we have heard is, this was yesterday, that that five day or six day window has been reduced to a three day window which was today, Friday and Saturday, - Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Well, so far nothing has manifest for us yet today - on Thursday - I think we can pretty much write today off - Although certainly Friday and Saturday are in play – very much in play -
Now I'm not going to call it - but if I were doing this. I would set it up after the markets closed at four o'clock Eastern tomorrow - To where the notifications came out - We could set our appointments and start on Saturday.
Now I may be completely off base - But I think that they may be taking that into consideration. So I'm not disturbed by the fact that we didn't get anything today. I was open to it. It didn't come through. Let's see what Friday and Saturday bring. Let's see.
Okay, remember, it's not an absolute. This thing is the biggest moving target I've ever seen. But the information is coming from bond holders paymasters in New York, in the UK, in Miami, and also certain international banks.
Okay, it's coming with the same information that's lining up the same way.
This is an opportunity for us to take full advantage of what we're about to receive – Now - In addition to that timing, there is a timeline that has a certain amount of things that may be disclosed to the American people. We'll see what happens - we'll see how long it goes - We'll see when it starts - When it starts - It could be an excellent cover for us going in to do our exchanges.
So there are plans to activate a disclosure scenario through - initially through the Emergency Alert System. We'll just see how that manifests - we'll see how that comes through - And when it comes through and for whom it comes through.
So there's a lot going on behind the scenes right now. More than I can say, and I just think it's It's all designed for us to get this thing done, and get it done hopefully - started hopefully, before Monday.
So we'll see what happens. I'm encouraged to think of what could happen tomorrow and Saturday - encouraged by that - because our better bond sources are really narrowing it down to Friday, Saturday right now.
So let's see what happens with that. In the meantime, you've got an opportunity now to get everything ready for your exchange and redemption of zim. Okay, so give that some thought again - and I told you what the Intel is for right now. So we'll see how that manifests. We're going to believe for it to come in. We're going to pray for it to come in. And we're going to watch it manifest in front of our eyes.
So that's what I wanted to share with you guys tonight. The fact that we are close the fact that things are happening major way behind the scenes. And you know a lot of it is something that's that's happening that we can't quite talked about, but it's happening behind the scenes. All right, let's just hope it comes through and manifest to us. So let's pray. Pray the call out with that in mind
And, guys, this is the weekend. So let's see what develops tomorrow and Saturday. And we could be in a whole new dimension next week, so we'll see what happens. Thanks for tuning in everybody. God bless you and we'll see you on the other side.
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:11:41
Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-23-22
.Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-23-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the call tonight. It is Tuesday, August 23rd and you're listening to a perfectly clear Big Call. We had a few technical issues before we turned the recording on - so any of you guys that were here live from the music on, you're hearing a clear call that we're hearing now that it wasn't clear before and we all had to reset. We all had to call back in. But that being said, welcome everybody around the globe, wherever you're listening from. Thank you for listening and thank you for tuning in yet once again.
Let's talk about where we find ourselves now with an Intel that we've that we've had - and really since Thursday night's call, here's five nights to get back here to Tuesday night. And here we sit - waiting again - which is okay -because it's like Sue's teaching tonight - there are things that are going on behind the scenes.
Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-23-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the call tonight. It is Tuesday, August 23rd and you're listening to a perfectly clear Big Call. We had a few technical issues before we turned the recording on - so any of you guys that were here live from the music on, you're hearing a clear call that we're hearing now that it wasn't clear before and we all had to reset. We all had to call back in. But that being said, welcome everybody around the globe, wherever you're listening from. Thank you for listening and thank you for tuning in yet once again.
Let's talk about where we find ourselves now with an Intel that we've that we've had - and really since Thursday night's call, here's five nights to get back here to Tuesday night. And here we sit - waiting again - which is okay -because it's like Sue's teaching tonight - there are things that are going on behind the scenes.
Now, one of which is that all of our military - all five branches on the earth -not including The Secret Space Force or the Space Force, not Secret Space Force, have been called - they've been called out yesterday afternoon - to be ready or to go on mission for something – ok - that happened yesterday.
So, what has to happen? Before we get notified? Let's cut back to where the bondholders sit right now. They've received their emails, they can see the funds in their account - they don't have access to the funds yet - They are looking to get access codes in another email - which they think they're going to get tomorrow between 11 and 1130 in the morning, or say by 11 o'clock rather, in the morning tomorrow.
Now that should give them the access code so they can access 1% of their total funds for the first 30 days - and we talked about this on Thursday night - 1% of their total is what they're going to be able to access as well as 1% of our total - if you're a zim holder - If you're not a zim holder - you have no zim but you've got the other exchangeable currencies - you can get all of that – dinar - Dong - rupiah - Afghani - those other - rial - shekel - whatever - those other currencies you can get full access to that from the time of your exchange.
But if you're a Zim holder that's treated similarly to the bonds since it is a bearer bond, and then you'll be able to get access to 1% of your total exchange everything - And then, as I mentioned last time, you will get nine more tranches of 11% of your total every 30 days, or as needed.
If you don't need it, you can probably - I think - I'm going to project here - I think you can keep it in your quantum account. Okay, but that is available to you - 11% for nine months is nine times 11 is 99 plus your 1% equals 100. That's your total of your exchange - 1% - and then 11% For nine more months.
So your total is over 10 months, isn't it? 30 days for your 1% and then starting month two, you finish out in 10 months - with all of your money coming into your account - as you request.
So that's the overall Okay, so what we're looking for is the bondholders to be notified of their accessibility of funds, meaning having access to the liquidity in their accounts.
Now if they get to see that tomorrow - Let's call it late morning 10:30 to 11 - I believe that's the timeframe I heard - 1030 to 11. Then - could we follow that? Could we follow it in the afternoon with our notification - could we follow it closely and then set up our appointments after that - that is the latest piece that we heard.
Now - Something else that might have to happen first, because we've heard this scenario from another well informed source. He said that there should be coming and a disclosure announcement of some kind - We can only speculate as to what it would be about. I have an idea but I think I better keep that to myself. Whatever that disclosure is - after that announcement takes place - we're supposed to go to an Emergency Alert System.
E A S no longer called emergency broadcast system it’s called Emergency Alert System - and we're to go to that and then we're going to go to martial law in about 71 cities. And we don't know exactly where those cities are - we can only speculate on where they would be.
So - what that tells me is they're expecting this to come out. There might be something that is put out regarding the overturning of the elections, for example - I hope - we know that's already been done and 46 out of 50 states have overturned their election result - and so I think that might have something to do with that.
And then of course we are looking for us to get started - and the theory is that once that occurred, then our numbers would come out and we'd set our appointments and go - so we've got those two scenarios, one, the EAS, disclosure EAS and then shortly thereafter our notifications. And we have the scenario of the bondholders get their notifications of accessibility to their funds. And then we go shortly after that with our notifications.
Remember on to the Thursday night's call - I said the public which is tier five, The John Q Public, not paying attention - not reading online, not listening to the big call - can't believe that - But anyway, these people were supposed to start on the 23rd or 24th Well, today's the 23rd.
So the 24th could be in play - operational word “could” be in play, not only for us in tier four, but also for tier five, the general public. We may go together and we may have a true shotgun start with our bondholders in tier three - getting access to their funds - as we get notified with our toll free number - then the call center appointment - Then we go in and do our exchanges when our appointment time is –
By the way - don't be more than 10 minutes early for your appointment - Don't be late one minute for your appointment - but don't be over 10 minutes early for your appointment. They don't want cars stacking up in the parking lot of exchange centers. Just get there 10 minutes before your appointed time.
Hopefully you get in and get out they want you in and out in 30 to 45 minutes tops. And the 45 minutes is just if you have you know quite a bit of currency that needs to be countered and verified on the delarue machine - That's really what your extra time is there for - you'll have five to eight minutes to do your presentation for your projects.
If this doesn't go - if we don't get the numbers, then it'll continue until it happens until we do get them but things are looking good. I cannot call it I don't want to call it. I know that if I came close to call you in the past it has not come in. And so I'm not calling it I'm just saying we are very close.
I think we're going to get there – Hopefully - Yes By the end of the month. We have Labor Day on the fifth of September. We're supposed to get this thing started here. I'd say this week, but I can't call it you know it doesn't work if anyone any of us calls it
But this is the plan B blessing that we are going to - the plan A - which is the Work Hard Plan - is only going to last until Plan B comes around - which is the Work Smart Plan. Okay, that's the plan that God is blessing us with all that - what do you get? what's the difference going to be - If you have a job, unless you love it - You don't have to keep your job.
If you have a job that's taking 40 or more hours of your week - You get your time back - so you've got your time freedom.
You also have money without working your job. You have a lot of money - more than you'll ever spend in your in your lifetime. And you also have health.
Where do you stand on your health? Are you in Super shape - the best shape of your life at 60 or 70 years old? Or are things starting to break down a little bit and you're talking more about your ales and ailments and you know that's the topic of conversation with people that you're with.
Well, all of that's going to change when the med beds come out. That'll be after the RV is released - after the blessing comes - They're going to release those. We know how many are out there now and what they're doing with them. That'll be something we can look into. So keep in mind that you need your health. So highly recommended that we first we're going to have our time freedom back
We're going to have our money back and we're going to have our health hopefully all the way back so that you guys can enjoy your life. Enjoy getting your project started. Enjoy being the founder of your project, without having to work on them day by day by day and buying yourself a job. It's not the goal of this - Not at all - You will be able to find and hire the people to lead your project to do affect your project to put your project ideas into effect effectiveness.
That's the goal - To sort of stand back and watch it - tweak it a little bit here - advice a little bit there - but watch what God does with your ideas.
And let's see what tomorrow brings. I can't say it's absolute, but I feel like we are really, really getting close. So let's, let's stay with that. Now - In the meantime, we want to keep this in prayer. Obviously this is a blessing from God. We want to pray it in and we want to make sure that we're all as one on one accord or with the prayer of agreement or two or three or touching anything as you know as touching.
We're in agreement is touching anything God sees that and we'll bring that to fruition for us. So let's all of us on the big call wherever you're listening from. Let's all agree in prayer.
And thank you listeners all around the globe for tuning in and listening to the big call for these 11 years that we've been doing it. We thank you for it. Thank you for our future together - So let's do this everybody. Let's pray the call out together and pray the blessing in Okay.
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:04:45
Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 8-18-22
.Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 8-18-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, August 18 - and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody to the call tonight - whether you're new to the call or whether you've been listening for 11 years - we appreciate you tuning in from all over the globe - whether you're listening live or listening on the replay, or the replay numbers or link, thank you for tuning in.
Let's go right into where we are as far as Intel goes - Got a few things I want to give you - Let's start with this. First of all, I want to make sure that we've got clarity on the idea of when we go into the redemption center.
Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 8-18-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, August 18 - and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody to the call tonight - whether you're new to the call or whether you've been listening for 11 years - we appreciate you tuning in from all over the globe - whether you're listening live or listening on the replay, or the replay numbers or link, thank you for tuning in.
Let's go right into where we are as far as Intel goes - Got a few things I want to give you - Let's start with this. First of all, I want to make sure that we've got clarity on the idea of when we go into the redemption center.
We set up our quantum account if you are a Zim holder - and even if you have Zim and other currencies - they would like to combine that - all of the funds from that - meaning all of the amount that we would have in USN dollars digitally - into a mother lode account - which now the mother lode account essentially is the quantum account.
Now that's if you have dinar - Dong - rupiah, Afghani, rial - whatever - Bolivar and zim - They would combine that and you will have access to 1% which would transfer from your quantum account into your primary account with Wells Fargo.
Now 1% of a lot is still a lot, especially if it's combined with your zim - Okay, so that now if you're not a Zim holder - you've got dinar and Dong or just one or the other - You would get 100% of that at the time of your exchange.
So I wanted to clarify that in case I misrepresented that on Tuesday night's call, if you're zim plus currencies, that total goes into your quantum account - and then 1% comes out on your exchange day. 30 days later - you get a tranche, and we're not sure if it's automatic, or we generate it ourselves, but you would be access - you would be accessible to receive another 11% of your total exchange.
I said that we would have nine tranches of 11% of our total - nine tranches. In other words, month two after our first exchange time, okay, 30 days later, let's call that month two - at that time, you would receive one of your nine payments of 11% - I said 11% of the total - times nine equals 99%. Add back the 1% that you got on the day of your exchange, the day of your redemption equals 100% of your total. So you're looking to get all of your zim and other currencies payable to your primary account In 10 months. That's terrific.
That follows the same rule as the bondholders and tier three are getting.
They get 1% upfront and then 30 days later, they get 11% of their total for nine more months. So in 10 months, we've got it all 11% of your total each month for nine more months. Okay, hope that's clear.
So, we're going to have a primary account that primary account is interest bearing - you would negotiate that at the time of your exchange with the bank that you're with. You can move monies, from your primary account to any bank that you wish - to diversify if you wish - and that's up to you. Okay
Now, I mentioned before, that I'm setting up a separate account for each LLC that I'm putting together for my projects - and I'm using that because it's been recommended by my attorney to do it that way - and so we're going to have separate accounts for each LLC - So I will take monies that go from the primary account and move those into secondary LLC accounts for my projects - Work them that way. So you've got that concept.
We still do not have 100% confirmation about the tier three bond holders - the latest information I got today was they were looking for their liquidity to be available next Monday. Today is Thursday. So that's what Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, 1 2 3 4 - 4 days from now, right.
So we believe that we are going virtually in parallel - as a shotgun start with our bondholders and tier three.
We know that the public start - they want the public to start on the 23rd or 24th. Today's the 18th so the 23rd is only five days away.
If they want the tier five public to start - we're not talking tier 4 a and b - we're talking tier 5 - the public that is not paying attention - does not know what's going on - is not watching this online - is not listening for some crazy reason to the big call. Okay, those guys will start exchanging around the 23rd or 24th . That means we need to get this party on the road for us - sooner than that.
Now, one of our sources told us that we would be seeing some major activity and sort of an awesome almost like a revelation of things happening in the next few days. And I interpret that as Friday or Saturday.
I have heard that it's possible that we could get started. There might be some political wranglings going on that would allow us to get started, you know, either tomorrow or Saturday. We've heard this. We have heard this.
The QFS - quantum financial system has been implemented, but not completely - evidently - not totally integrated - Not totally available completely around the globe yet, - but it is supposed to be completed - and initiated tomorrow - Friday at 5pm - Eastern. So it's five tomorrow - Notice that's after the markets close.
That where we are - the wording was - we're supposed to be under a brand new financial system. Well, we know the new financial system is the Quantum Financial System. So that's what it's referring to.
How does that impact us? What does it look like? I think banking is going to be a lot different than we've known for all of our lives. It'll change a lot more will be done digitally online. We'll transfer funds like we can now through Zell with no fee for moving it.
I think we'll see international transfers happening very quickly with or without the banks involvement.
And I think it's going to be it's going to be a new game. The Quantum Financial System is the watchdog over everything that we're doing and to whom we're sending funds and all of that - they're monitoring that - that system is designed to monitor this. So as of 5pm, tomorrow, it is supposed to be fully integrated and initiated.
Now, in addition, excuse me - when we talk about the redemption centers, we know that the redemption centers are in meetings - like I said, Monday and Tuesday. We know that today, Thursday, we understand that the redemption center staff will start going in at 10:30 in the morning tomorrow.
And we could see some - we could see something - or watch to see if anything happens around 1:30 tomorrow. Now, does that mean we're gonna get notified tomorrow? It is possible. I don't have that we're definitely going to get it - they don't want us to know when we're going to get notified. They just don't.
Now, based on the activity of the staffing, I think it's possible we could get a late morning or early to mid- afternoon notification tomorrow. We could get notified and start on Saturday. There's nothing saying we couldn't start tomorrow afternoon/ evening - But we might end up starting Saturday.
But the point is, it seems from the information we got yesterday about that Quantum Financial System being ready - We got it from Europe - we got it from other areas as well. It appears that that system is now fully ready to implement completely - and maybe that's why we had to wait this long. We had to wait until something happened at 5pm tomorrow when it's fully completed. At least that's what we're hearing from our top sources who are paymasters at Wells Fargo. So that is really the gist of it right now
Could there be some new things that are revealed to us over the next few days? That could be awesome, could be all inspiring - Maybe so - we're going to have to keep an eye out for what those things are.
The situation is when I get certain pieces of Intel, sometimes they're not complete. They don't - they're almost as if they're in code. They're not really designed to get direct absolute information. Some of it has to be inferred upon if that's a word. Okay? So where this puts us is again in a good position - I'm going say things are possible to happen through now through the weekend. They're very possible that we get this thing started now through the weekend.
So guys, we are very very close. Like I said it appears that if the quantum system is fully integrated tomorrow at 5pm that the door is open for us to begin to receive. Now these bond holders and tier three have been pushed just like we have for months now. It appears that if they're looking to get their funds starting Monday, that we may also be getting our funds and getting started between now and Monday. So we'll see - we don't absolutely know that - you know that - you know I'm just giving you what I'm getting from some of our very best sources.
So let's see what happens - Let's see where this goes - stay in tune and stay in touch with us - We're not planning to do live calls - after this goes we're planning to do recorded calls - it would be like a podcast that we would send you by email as a link, and then you'd be able to click on the link and listen to it. Okay, that's how we plan to do it.
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:24:44
Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-16-22
.Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-16-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, August 16th and you're listening to the big call. Thank you everybody for tuning in live if you're listening live all over the globe - and then those that are listening by way of replay - replay link or the replay number, thank you for tuning in as well - whether it's live or Memorex, as I always say, and I'm glad that you're here and we're looking forward to having a really interesting and good call tonight - and I mean that seriously - So, standby,
As we move into the so called Intel segment, guys - I do have some good news to report so stay tuned - this is a good one. You know we, we talked Thursday, I believe and sometimes it's five days later and I forget kind of what I said. But I believe we've talked about the fact that Iraq had completed what we wanted them to do.
Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-16-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, August 16th and you're listening to the big call. Thank you everybody for tuning in live if you're listening live all over the globe - and then those that are listening by way of replay - replay link or the replay number, thank you for tuning in as well - whether it's live or Memorex, as I always say, and I'm glad that you're here and we're looking forward to having a really interesting and good call tonight - and I mean that seriously - So, standby,
As we move into the so called Intel segment, guys - I do have some good news to report so stay tuned - this is a good one. You know we, we talked Thursday, I believe and sometimes it's five days later and I forget kind of what I said. But I believe we've talked about the fact that Iraq had completed what we wanted them to do.
They had put out a rate at least in the region, and they had been trading that rate up somewhat since it first came out and they decided they would pay all the contractors working in Iraq, starting yesterday, the 15th at the newly revalued dinar rate so that the contractors would essentially take / get the benefit of that revalued rate.
Now, that started yesterday on the 15th and it's continuing. I don't think they paid everybody yesterday, but they did start paying some of the contractors yesterday and continuing to pay them all the way out.
Now, what's interesting about it is that we thought as a result of when Iraq was planning to do yesterday that we would not only have a new rate from them, but would we get notified and when would we start?
So then we cut to the bondholders. I think I told you Thursday that some of the people we know of that were intermediaries or introducers, to bond buyers and sellers had received their email and they saw in their accounts, the amount that they would have access to.
The question is, when would they have access? That email that would tell them that would come out yesterday and so we're not absolutely confirmed, but we believe that they have access to funds either yesterday or today. The bond sellers that have sold these bonds and boxes of bonds, and so on, are still waiting to be notified as to the availability of those funds for the bonds that they've sold, and the accessibility of those funds - and when they can actually have full access to them –
Now, will they get full access to all of the money right away? No. I think I mentioned Thursday about the idea of 1% - 1% of a lot is still a lot - and for the first - I believe it was 30 days - the bondholders would get 1% of the total for the first 30 days and then after that they would get nine tranches of funds, which would be approximately 11% of what math is right? 11% of the total times nine is 99.
Okay, and then the 1% they got up front, that equals your total 100. So in nine tranches starting in month two, let's say okay, they would receive a tranche of 11% - 11% and everything like that for nine months straight.
I thought okay, that sounds cool. All right. Good for them. What about us? Do we follow that same line, and I got clarification this week since our last call on how that was going to work.
Okay, let's say that you have dong or you have dinar, but you don't have any zim. You got Dong dinar you've got some rupiah you've got some rial etc - Well, I don't know any - any you know, you get every all but you know, any currency that you exchange at the redemption center, or at the tier one bank because remember - if you're not a new holder, you may be going to a tier one bank and not a redemption center.
Okay. So when you do your exchange of those currencies, you are supposed to have full access of all of those funds on your currencies right away - day one - day two. You're supposed to have access to those equivalent funds in USN dollars - our new United States dollar the USN or USTN
Okay, but it'll be digital - It'll be - if I understand it right - It will not have to go into the quantum account. It would go into your primary Wells account or Chase account or Citi account or Bank of America account. You see, because its currency. It's not a bond like the bearer bonds are with the Zimbabwe notes.
All right, so let's cut to those of us that have maybe zim and also currency like dinar and Dong - Well, in our case, we've got a hybrid, that when we do our exchange of the currencies, my understanding is that we would have our primary account setup that those funds would be funneled into. Okay, our primary Wells account, which is an interest bearing account. Right.
Now, let's say we've got some zim notes and we're going to redeem those - because they're bearer bonds, and they're worth quite a bit as you guys know, if you've looked at the face on them, and by the way, and we've got projects, we've got projects, we have a world class presentation, and projects to match our presentation.
And we've done everything right, we've created our presentation, and now we're redeeming. So we're redeeming our zim, and like the bondholders our understanding, and this has changed several times over the last couple of years - the latest understanding is that we also will get access to 1% of the Zim total on day one, and then 30 days later, we also would get 11% of the remaining amount
So we get 11 The next month 11 The following month 11 The last month nine tranches tra n ch e s posh, the French word like transfers, tranche of what amounts to 11% of our total. So nine times 11 is still 99 plus the 1%, boom, there's your one, there's your 100%. I believe that's how it's going to work.
So we're gonna get all of it in a total of what would be what 10 months time in 10 months. Day one plus nine tranches. 10 months you got it.
Now, where does the money stay in the meantime? It stays in the quantum accounts, not making any interest. Now, what if you don't want to take all of it and put it in your primary account? I understand. What if you don't want to take a tranche of 11% of your total and put it in your primary? I can't answer that yet. That's up to you - and it's up to how you work with your premier bankers at Wells, how all that's going to work.
But I think what's interesting is you'll find that for Zim holders, at least, that 1% of that total will still should still be quite a bit of funds to start your project with - and I think it's way more than 1.5 billion for most of us, or 1.8 billion. It's quite a bit more.
Okay, so that's all going to depend on which notes you have and how many you've got, let's face it.
But what's interesting is, this is new in the last couple of days, and this is a new format. And it looks like unless I missed it, unless I missed it and didn't get it right. This looks like we're going to get basically the same routine, as the bond sellers are going to get with getting access to those funds.
I think what is really interesting about it is that it's the fact that the bond sellers apparently have not received their access to funds yet. I believe they're waiting for them to be paid. And give them their access to their 1% when we get access to our 1% at the redemption center.
I can't absolutely confirm that - but if that does happen where the bondholders in tier three essentially are going with us into tier four and for the for that fact, tier five public may also be going with us at the same time in banks but not redemption centers.
Then it might mean that we are truly on a shotgun start that we are going together - even tier three, tier four and five as a shot gun start and that's what I believe is taking place by what I'm hearing and what I'm not hearing. So let's cut to where - where we actually are.
Today, redemption centers were in conference calls this morning. Not super long calls and banks around the globe were in meetings throughout the globe banks were in meetings today
And what we're hearing is, according to a conference call from one of our contacts, that we could very well be notified either tomorrow late morning or tomorrow, early afternoon with our toll free number and therefore set up our appointments and the theory is we might start on Thursday with our exchanges and redemption of zim.
Now, late morning to me is around 11 o'clock, early afternoon it's around one o'clock. Now I verified today again, the theory that whatever they do come out it will be at the same time in each time zone.
So for example, if it were to come out at 11 in the morning, it'd be 11 Eastern 11 Central 11 Mountain and 11 Pacific and so on.
That happened in the afternoon - and it was early afternoon - It could be one o'clock - could be two o'clock - But it would be one o'clock Eastern - one o’clock central - one o'clock Pacific and one o'clock Mountain. I got those backwards but you know what I mean? So that everybody gets it at the same time in their time zone. That is evidently what they're planning to do.
Now, this is information that's coming from good quality sources, but we also know that this is what our source in the bank is expecting. It doesn't mean it's absolute. We have to wait for it to happen for it to be absolute - the staff is going in in the morning at 9:30 in the redemption centers, and then if the numbers come out, more staff will be added in the afternoon.
They'll continue on a program of full staffing with major players and associates or assistants helping for 11 days straight going right through on Sunday.
So if we do get started Thursday, let's say notifications tomorrow, set appointments for Thursday. It'd be Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, blah blah, all the way through for 11 days. Now some redemption centers may go longer, some may go shorter, based on the demographic, the amount of Zim holders and so on and getting them do they want the zim holders in yesterday Yeah, of course they do.
And here's another thing to keep in mind, our tier one banks and it may apply to tier two, three and four banks are reducing their branches. They're reducing their number of branches throughout the country - because there's not going to be the need for as many bank branches in the future.
So they're making these decisions now on what to do in those states. All the way through the US and cutting branches and it's going to be amazing because there won't be that need for those bankers. Sure we need wealth managers or Premier bankers, which is what Wells Fargo calls them - and I'm sure the other banks have their terms for it. But yeah, we'll need those guys as our contact people at the bank.
But beyond that, most everything can be done online –through ATMs, if you want cash, etc so we'll see what that looks like - but I think the banks are going to be under a reduction schedule over the next three months or so. And of course it will take longer than three months to probably do all that reduction, but I know they're going to actively be pursuing that.
If this tarries and if we don't go as I'm hearing - you know guys - have I've been wrong ever before? Don't everybody gang up at once? Of course I have. Everybody has –
The intel that I give you guys - a lot of it is not date sensitive - A lot of it is other things that you can use, but when I'm trying to give you an idea of what I'm hearing as far as the “when” for notifications - Yeah. Yes, we've been misinformed. The banks have been misinformed. It's not up to the bank. It's up to Treasury with the help of the military.
And so that's why we seem to have been pushed. Every time we turn around we've got a delay or what seems to be a delay, but we know that behind the scenes the process is moving.
We had to get the quantum financial system up. We had to get it connected to everybody. We had to get the Starlink system up, get it connected to everybody. We had to get blockchain going. We had to get the cryptocurrencies in an exchangeable format with QRP - we had to get them gold backed. We had to get currencies gold backed.
You know there's so many variables to this but you guys 18 years ago, we thought we were just going to exchange dinar and maybe dong. We've got 13 to 17 currencies that are going up in value. That's what we're going to be exchanging.
And then we had no clue about the zIm back then. And here the zim is what we're going to be able to do all of these humanitarian projects with - so I want to let everybody know that what I'm getting I cannot call it - You know how close I've been calling it in the past.
I'm just saying what I'm hearing is looking very good for tomorrow - looking very good.
And it doesn't matter from our sources, at least from my sources. What - whoever's in the White House right now or not in the White House is - in the case of the foe president is not a factor.
So we shall see how this comes out. We're looking forward to a good result. And I think everybody should be on their computer turning me off now. Get those projects ready to present you guys.
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:10:58
Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday August 11, 2022
.Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday August 11, 2022
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, August, the 11th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe, wherever you're listening from - whether it's live or whether it's on the replay - which is sometimes referred to as Memorex - So thanks for listening everybody.
Sue requested that I talk a little bit about the money availability that we are going to have when we go into the redemption center for the first six months. What they're trying to do is not restrict us or limit us, but try to help us not overheat the economy by buying too much and spending too much of our money.
Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday August 11, 2022
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, August, the 11th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody all over the globe, wherever you're listening from - whether it's live or whether it's on the replay - which is sometimes referred to as Memorex - So thanks for listening everybody.
Sue requested that I talk a little bit about the money availability that we are going to have when we go into the redemption center for the first six months. What they're trying to do is not restrict us or limit us, but try to help us not overheat the economy by buying too much and spending too much of our money.
So what they're wanting to do is, let's say you have your projects and you have three projects - and in my case, I've set up LLCs already to do the projects out of as opposed to nonprofit organizations, or not for profit -nonprofit, or foundations because the IRS is just - in my opinion and the opinion of my attorney - they are just too bad on scrutinizing every dot and tittle of your foundation - I've been on a foundation board, and I've seen how that works- and I'm saying how IRS is and I've seen how the attorney is like walking on eggshells.
So I said look-that sounds good - we'll do it as an LLC - and that'll be all right in that way and that's how we set it up - My attorney did alright, so I'm looking at doing those. In each one of those LLC’s I will have a separate bank account number - could be with the same bank - could be went to different banks.
I'm going to start with Wells because we all need to start with them -they're the ones that are over the redemption centers throughout the United States. Okay, and they'll be setting us up an account –
Now on day one of the redemption center meeting we’ll only have the opportunity to set up one, maybe two accounts - The so called - well we will set up the account with the Quantum Financial System. And that's what I call the quantum account. That's the first account. Remember that quantum account does not bear interest. It's just a holding tank for your money to sit in.
Then we'll move some money from the quantum account to what I'm calling a primary account with Wells Fargo. So we'll do that on day one - the redemption center appointment - and I'll have so much in that account. And I don't know how much yet. But we'll see.
But in each of your LLC accounts, let's say that I'm using - I'll put between 1.5 and $1.8 billion in each of those accounts for my projects, five projects. Now I'm doing it that way so that I'll have plenty of access to funds for rebuild America right away, or the veterans retreat network - for the pastoral retreat network - and for rebuild the Bahamas - and rebuild what's called Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
I'm lumping those two in with rebuild the Bahamas, at least for one second and have one 1.5 billion for each project. Let's say it that way - 1.5 to 1.8 billion for each project that you've got designated - I've got four LLC’s - I'll set up four separate accounts for each - one for each one of those LLC’s. So yeah, so say 1.5 and that's for you to utilize during the first six months -
Now - What else don't they want you to do? They don't want you to buy more than two cars. In the first six months to two cars, two houses, one boat, one airplane and one helicopter. Okay, I'm going to wait and hold off on the plane. I'm going to use a lease company to lease just to basically set up my flights initially.
I'm going to do all that and not buy a plane right away. Okay, because I want to see what my uses my distances I want to cover and all that good stuff. The helicopter I don't know. I'm not too big on the helicopters. But we'll see the boat was not in a hurry on the boat. Okay, so whatever.
That answers that initial question. Now the question comes down to where are we? Right? Here's, here's where we are. Now, if I misled anybody last time by saying that people had already received money - here's what I said. I said on Tuesday’s call that the intermediaries - these are the introducers of bond sellers and bond buyers. The intermediaries were paid digitally in the account. In their accounts, they can see the money but they do not have access to spend it yet.
Hence they do not have liquidity. What they have is money meaning ones and zeros in their account that they can see. Now they're the only ones as far as I know, that have been given sent those emails so far, giving them the access codes to see their accounts
Now, what are we waiting for for bondholders -bond holders are waiting for notifications to come out - So they too could see the money in their account - and they'll be told in their email theoretically, when they will have access to funds - and neither of those they have not received those as far as I can tell yet. They do not have their emails with that information - and they certainly don't have access to funds. Now when is all of that going to change?
We need to see some of that happening. And I think we got a pretty good shot of those notifications to the bondholders coming out tomorrow or Saturday.
I don't know when they're going to have access to funds. But here's the thing - we could be on a shotgun start still between tier 4 and we're taking away a and b now, tier 4 - that’s us - and the tier 3 bond holders or bond sellers.
So we may in a shotgun start everybody goes at the same time. We may do that - we may start with them since they haven't been emailed yet with their notifications and neither have we.
Alright, so let's cut to where we are - Because this may also state where they are - the bondholders - we heard from three different sources so far - They want this to get started - “They” meaning the Treasury - They want this to be started before Monday the 15th. Well, today's Thursday that leaves what Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Can anything good happen over the weekend? Yes, it can.
And what we're hearing from three different sources are all saying the same thing. That they want this to go before the 15th - which is Monday.
We've heard from two sources that we will be happy and when they say happy and content in the next two days referring to Friday and Saturday.
So we could get notified Friday or Saturday or they might blow us off and start next week.
But if they're going to start this before the 15th I think we're going to get notified in the next few days. And even if we do get notified Saturday, we could start Saturday, or we could leapfrog and start on Monday. But we should get notified before the 15th and I think they want us to start exchanges before the 15th - we'll see.
All I can say is the information is fairly similar between a lot of different sources that we have that are pointing toward Friday and Saturday for notifications and quite possibly the start of exchanges and redemption of zim.
Now we know this much. We know that none of the staff or redemption centers went in today. They were a little surprised by that. We're supposed to find out maybe tomorrow morning, whether they're going in tomorrow, which they would be going in to take appointments and to set appointments.
We set appointments by using the toll free number through the call center. The call center connects to the redemption center that is closest to your zip code that you talk to them about or enter and then you will be talking to someone at the redemption center that you may very well be working with for your redemption of Zim. Now that's for Zim holders.
If you are a currency holder with no Zim, you may very well be setting an appointment on the phone system without being connected to that final redemption center. Because a lot of people would just Dong or Dinar or rupiah or Afghani or whatever Rial whatever currency you have, you may be going to a tier one bank without going to an actual redemption center. But the Redemption centers really want is to get the Zim holders in right away - Take care of them. That's the VIP treatment that we're supposed to receive from the redemption centers.
Okay, so that's really where we stand right now. And because of where we are right now, it's absolutely an optimal time to consider getting in touch with Sue so she could send you the world class formula to be able to create a worthwhile project worthy of them.
It's like Sue said before, you don't want to be left behind on this. You don't want to be on the outside, with your nose against the glass looking in at all the fun we're going have with these humanitarian projects. And I think there's a very good chance that those of us who are interested, for example in rebuild America will get together regionally, quite possibly, for an actual get together. I hope that we can do that - if I can find a way through our security teams to make that happen Securely for all of us. We'll see about doing it. It won't be right away.
I believe we're very close. Listen, I want this to go yesterday. but it didn’t. And we have to just hold on to where we are now and move forward into what looks like a good really good weekend for us. I really think we're there.
Now, we can't call it. I can't do that. But I really think we're just about where we want to be. So let's just say thank you for everybody that has been listening to the call - hopefully, this is our last call - Thursday night -but if it's not, we'll see you Tuesday. But I really think we could very well be there before then - in which case this would be our last call - so we'll take this call out - we'll pray it out, and we'll look forward to being in touch with you by email.
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 47:27
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-9-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-9-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, August 9th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – whether you be live or whether you are listening on the replay we appreciate it from wherever you’re tuned in all over the globe – so thanks again for listening
Now, when this thing goes, which I'm going to tell you that in a couple of minutes, when this thing goes, money is not going to be the object is it? You're going to have plenty of money - But don't forget your health. You're going to have all the money in the world. You're going to have your time back.
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-9-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, August 9th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – whether you be live or whether you are listening on the replay we appreciate it from wherever you’re tuned in all over the globe – so thanks again for listening
Now, when this thing goes, which I'm going to tell you that in a couple of minutes, when this thing goes, money is not going to be the object is it? You're going to have plenty of money - But don't forget your health. You're going to have all the money in the world. You're going to have your time back.
You don't have to have a job if you don't want to if you're doing humanitarian projects. What you're primarily doing is you're a founder or creator of these projects - and once you find and create a leadership team, to take your ideas forward to take your plan to take your projects and put them into action. You know, you're just there to watch, to tweak, to tweak to give input.
It's not like you've got to go out there and dig ditches, run wire, you know, put up foundation walls, you know, that's all going to be done by other people. But all you're doing is saying this is what I'd like to have done - this is how we want to do it - and if you're in rebuild America, you'll have some ideas on just how to be effectual in getting your project started.
I'll tell you more about rebuild America when this is done and when you get emails from us after this goes - you know you guys will be able to see what it is we're going to create. And it's going to take a little bit of time - So go ahead - Start looking for your ideal place to live - whether you want to fix up where you are now or whether you want to move that's cool.
If you want to get a ride or two get two cars, for the first six months. They don't want you to buy like a full car collection. They want you to get like maybe one or two new rides. Okay. They want you to get one or two homes, not 15 homes. Okay.
There's there is a slight - I don't want to call it control - but there is some what they do want to restrict us somewhat for the first six months on what we can buy and spend - and all that - how much we spend how much we have access to.
They want to “regulate”, not restrict – “regulate” - Right, that's good. They do want to regulate - hopefully they don't restrict this exactly. So that's really an important part of it.
Now let's cut to where the Intel is for us now. We have heard and I think I mentioned this on last Thursday's call that we had two separate contacts in Iraq, that were telling us that we were one and a half days away from having everything done in Iraq, meaning that their rate would be out.
That would have meant - that would have been by the weekend - by Sunday anyway - that the rate on the dinar would be out - not to us - we're not going to see it until after we start exchanging - or when we go in for exchanges. They're not going to put it out yet here in the US - but we understand that it's out for trading and was - starting Sunday night.
And our USN digital version of the currency was also out Sunday for trading with these international gold backed and asset backed currencies.
Now the other thing was the never haven't seen the manifestation of this, but our new USTN currency - our new money - our folding paper money - I thought would have the United States Treasury note written on it.
Evidently it does not have that. It doesn't have Federal Reserve Note either. All it has is for example, if it's $100 Bill, where the Federal Reserve Note was it will say in printing in full words - one hundred dollars.
Okay, so that's going to take that place and then the pictures of the President's will be shifted further to the left and there won't be a ring around that oval ring around the portrait. That was symbolic of the old USA Inc government and that's gone.
So we're going with a little different looking bill. There may be some different colorations in the notes, but it's not rainbow currency. There is no rainbow currency. It's slight color variations in each particular note, okay.
So there'll be some definite distinct changes. I'm sure there's tons of security features in all of the notes - and that's going to make it very, very good and very secure. Now that US Treasury note - the physical currency is supposed to be already in our banks, and certainly is in the redemption centers. We know that we've known that for months.
So we should - operational word “should” - when we go in for exchanges, they don't want us to take more than about 2500 to $3,000 in that new cash in those USTN paper money notes, but that they just don't want us to get ripped off at any point at any time.
So and the other thing regarding security is they - the military and police force in the area of your redemption Center has your back when you come out of the redemption center on the way to home or work. They've got you - they sort of have your security in mind for sure - and so we're going to be learning much more about that in the future.
But what I'm getting right now is Iraq's thing is done - the government that they're trying to put back in place this I believe is they may still call it the parliament, but it's supposed to be two representatives like we have here senators from each state. They would have two representatives from each region or oh shoot, or would we call it from each city major city or area in Iraq. So I don't know how many total people they're going to have - but they're already elected. They're in the wings right now - they're standing by as they assemble and put together this new form of government.
Now we understand Hashemi is that - I'm sorry if I'm butchering the name - Hashemi has been elected prime minister and is in position and my understanding is, even without parliament, he can run the government of Iraq until the end of the year - by himself.
So we'll see if that is the case or whether they have their new version of their government in place or not. And I think it's going to essentially follow very closely the type of Restored Republic that we are in the midst of going to Alright, so let's get back into where we are.
We understand and I've talked to you about bondholders for a long time now, the facilitators or intermediaries, or introducers that introduced bond sellers, and bond buyers. Those guys we call introducers or intermediaries, they have been notified and should have access to funds tomorrow, they were notified should be able to get access to funds tomorrow.
Now tonight and overnight - we are looking for the bondholders to get their notifications with the access codes, so that they can gain access when they get their emails. They can gain access to their funds, and it'll tell them when they have availability to spend, whether it's tomorrow, which I think it is, or whether it's actually on Thursday, that they can actually spend the funds.
Now, the indication I have is that we and this is based on two different sources. We should - should be able to get notified tomorrow afternoon and set appointments tomorrow afternoon for Thursday.
Now this is coming from the redemption centers themselves - with the fact that they have - we know that the schedule is for certain of the staff to go in at noon tomorrow - to take appointments that we would set when we receive our toll free number by email. We're getting those from the Wells Fargo servers.
Okay, and remember that the so called private group, General’s 64 group from the old days - some of the old timers know that - we had 300,000 names and emails for that - that has been folded into the Wells Fargo servers. Also the admirals group has also their emails have also been folded into the Wells Fargo servers.
So everybody's going to get an email and that should be about one and a half to 2 million emails - that will go out in five, four or five different tranches, one for the Eastern Time Zone one for Central Time Zone, one for Mountain Time Zone and one for Pacific Time Zone. We believe they'll come out at the same time in each time zone. That's what we've been told. I thought that to begin with, and they checked on it and they said yeah, that's how it's going to happen. So let's see if that is true. And that's how it comes out.
So we are looking very strongly right now for everything to come out - Any day now for us really - and it should be that we get something - if everything falls through like it is now - if it follows through, we should get it tomorrow afternoon, Wednesday afternoon, and then set appointments for Thursday.
That's what I've got in terms of our timing and everything. So realize this - this has been a tough ride - a long ride, guys, and it's 18 years for me. I don't know how long it's been for you. I've had the big call for 11 years. Thank God for Bob and Sue that have helped me over the last seven to seven and a half years of this call. And they've really helped make it work for us. As you guys know, we're reaching all the way around the globe. We've got listeners that we never had before and a number of countries in their own language - in some cases there were getting it out there and was simultaneous in translation. So that's been very helpful and good to know.
Right now it is a very important time for you. Because if you haven't got your projects nailed down, and you've got them for a large amount of other currency, you really know that that this is really not just for you, but it's for humanity. This is good. Yes.
Are you going to be able to get everything that you ever want it for yourself and your family? Yes. But there's so much more, especially if you're a Zim holder. There's so much more because these denominations are such so such large numbers. And listen, you're not going to be limited to so many million dollars per 100 T note that's total ******** You guys know what I'm saying?
Those denominations are bearer bonds. If it has $100 trillion on the note, that's what it’s worth. If it's got a 50 trillion or 10 trillion a note, that's what it’s worth. So just be aware that that's the case. Alright.
So what I want to say is guys, we are I believe, very close.
If the intel that I had today and tonight holds up we're in really good shape. Don't be distracted by what you heard went on yesterday down at Mar a Lago. I can't comment on it. I know a lot about it. But I've been told not to discuss it so I'm not but I can assure you that that could have been a tipping point for all of us. Alright. In a very positive way, by the way, so stay positive about that.
Don't believe everything you see, and don't watch the news. Really? I haven't watched the news in two years. I think every once in a while I catch something but my input comes from other sources. So, guys, that's what I wanted to say to you tonight.
I'm excited because I think we're really getting down to what it is we're called to do here. I'm looking forward to it you guys and you know I am
Okay. So thanks, everybody for listening - and let's look forward to something very positive happening for us all - Possibly tomorrow afternoon - All right - So let's do that.
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 58:58
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-4-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-4-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call. It is Thursday, August 4th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – whether you be live or whether you are listening on the replay we appreciate it from wherever you’re tuned in all over the globe – so thanks again for listening
Okay - This is the time we go to the Intel segment and I usually have several things to bring to you - Tonight we've got some information to give you - It's not quite as ??????? as I had hoped it would be as far as our timing, but we know - give you an example - There are people that are involved in the bonds, the handling of the bonds that are called intermediaries - these would be introducers / facilitators to the bond transactions.
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-4-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call. It is Thursday, August 4th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – whether you be live or whether you are listening on the replay we appreciate it from wherever you’re tuned in all over the globe – so thanks again for listening
Okay - This is the time we go to the Intel segment and I usually have several things to bring to you - Tonight we've got some information to give you - It's not quite as ??????? as I had hoped it would be as far as our timing, but we know - give you an example - There are people that are involved in the bonds, the handling of the bonds that are called intermediaries - these would be introducers / facilitators to the bond transactions.
Those guys are to be paid next, and they are to be receiving their emails overnight tonight and tomorrow - and theoretically they receive - and I say that because we just never know exactly when they're going to have it - but in those emails, they should have a timeframe when the liquidity for those transactions that the facilitators the intermediaries, helps to facilitate, they'll have access to those funds in their account. More than likely it could be tomorrow for them - but it could be Saturday before they have access.
Generally speaking, if the email comes out one day, they'll have access the next day or the following day after that. That's typically how it's been working with the bondholders that have been paid so far.
Next after those intermediaries are to be paid comes the actual bond sellers themselves - as the buyers have been put together with the sellers - the transactions have been made and the notifications by email - to those bond sellers should come out Saturday - and for them and they should receive funds Saturday or probably the following Monday.
Now okay, you say Well, that's all great, Bruce - but where does that put us as tier four? It should put us in a position where we receive our notifications over the weekend - and that to me is Saturday or Sunday - over the weekend - and more than likely we'll have access to funds Monday or Tuesday of next week.
Hopefully we get our emails this weekend and that will essentially guarantee us ability to take - to set an appointment - and to get into the redemption centers on Monday or Tuesday. Now that's not quite this week, but we might just get notified this week. So that's that is where that is going right now.
There's been discussion about the Wells Fargo Private group that used to be the general 64 Group years and years and years ago, and many – many - many signed up. We had about 300,000 emails in a group and that private group.
The private group itself from my understanding is no longer - however the emails have been absorbed by the Wells Fargo servers - and then everybody who was in that theoretical private group will have access to the redemption centers when they respond to the 800 number that they get in their email - So no big change there. No big change at all.
Even the admirals group, participants will have an email sent to them by the redemption center and they will be able to access funds that way also, through the redemption center process.
Remember this is how we anticipate that working we're looking to get a toll free number which we will use. Remember Wells Fargo has a representative in every redemption center across the United States - and in that case, you will get a toll free number that you call to a call center –
Part of the call we anticipate to be automated, possibly entering your ZIP code where you anticipate possibly entering a code for the types of currencies that you have - all of that being automated - And then when they see that you are a Zim holder - if you are - then you get a direct transfer to a live person at the potential redemption center where you are interested - where you - which is close to where your zip code reflected. Okay
So you'll get to talk to a live person - quite possibly this is for zim holders - quite possibly the person that will be facilitating your Zim redemption - at the redemption center - Okay.
And remember - depending on how much you have - if you have quite a bit of currency and you've got a suitcase full or that kind of equivalent - it will take a little longer but they'll bring one or two additional people to your exchange time.
And then they'll go ahead and run the Delarue machine with one or two people - and then they'll go ahead and run that currency through as quickly as they can and count it and verify it so that you can move on with the rest of your exchange. All right, so that is nothing new.
That's just a replay of information for everybody - We know that they want to do the appointments in 35 to 45 minutes - They don't really want to exceed that per appointment time - So that's what you need to realize.
That's why when you're doing your world class presentation to a group of two or three people - you're actually presenting your ideas in five to eight minutes - so this is where you have more or less an outline form of bullet points that you have on your projects - in paragraph form - that you can express to those people and then leave them a hard copy of your presentation behind.
So they will scan that in and they will run the programs through the computers to see with algorithms whether or not there are too many duplications and so on - and if there are they would get in touch with you and work the way that you can make it work within the context of your project
That is what I wanted to bring tonight. As far as anything else I'm going to tell you that Iraq did move forward. They did put their rate out to be traded. I don't believe it's out so we can see it yet. But then again, it could happen on Saturday.
Doesn't have to be a Saturday or a Wednesday to make it into the printed version of the gazette - but we know that this is moving forward. This is what I meant by things are happening behind the scenes - So they are - and not only that, but arrests or so called cleanup on aisle three are ongoing and doing well.
There's a lot of movement in that area too - geopolitically things are happening too - for us as well as other countries. We know Iraq's got a new form or structure of government now where they have Hashemi as the prime minister, and he's been voted in on that.
And they also have what's going to be close to a Senate form of representation with elected senators, let's call them for lack of a better word - Representatives from each province or geographical region or large city in Iraq - Those guys are in the wings ready to come in and take over this new form of government.
I remember this the government will take place once it's reopened - and in this Iraqi Government itself was going to close down from today through Saturday. So Thursday, Friday, Saturday, they're probably getting everything ready to reinstitute that new structure of government in Iraq -
Also in Kurdistan, which is the northernmost province of Iraq - They were going to be closed from last Monday through this Saturday - No check that - I believe all the way through Sunday. So a full week for what is being fed is the purpose of I believe celebration of the new rate for the Iraqi dinar but also it could be a religious holiday that they're using as cover for the celebration.
I wish I had more about that but that's the gist of it. In the main part of Iraq definitely closed from today through Saturday - but I believe they will reopen Sunday and Sunday night - they'll be trading the dinar again with the Far East at night like we do here at nine o'clock pm in the United States Eastern Time and so I would expect that to happen again - Sunday night in Iraq.
So is there anything else that needs to be done? As far as we know that countries are all basically ready? There may be a glitch here and there but overall, I think they're ready to go. We're certainly ready for it to begin.
I think we have to keep an eye out for what does look like it might happen this weekend for us - Meaning Saturday, Sunday. Notifications could happen either day, and maybe either day - We don't start until Monday or Tuesday for our actual appointments. But everybody will be receiving an email whether they're in the admirals group or whether they're in the former Wells Fargo Private group.
They had they had 1.2 million emails and they I think that with the duplications and they've vetted some emails and people that were in there, they probably narrowed that down to I believe it was 1.4 something to 1.5 million emails. So we don't know where it is now but those will be coming out - we understand at the same time in each time zone.
So if it came out at 11 o'clock in the morning, let's say Eastern it'd be 11 Central 11 Mountain and 11 Pacific. So everybody gets it at the same time in their time zone. That's how we understand they intend to do it.
And the only reason I suggest that we may start on a Monday or a Tuesday is we understand from the redemption centers that their schedules would begin as far as we know, at this point, realize it's Thursday, but it should begin on next Monday or Tuesday for our exchanges and - and really for and possibly for taking our numbers to set these appointments.
So there's quite a bit left for us to know. And that's just what I was able to glean today for you guys to give you that piece of information.
All right, everybody. I want to thank everybody, thank you so much, and everybody associated with the big call, especially those of you out there that are listening to us and have for many, many years. Some of you haven't missed a call in 11 years. So we thank you for that.
As I mentioned earlier, you can get the big call live like right now or you can come back and pick it up on the replay number on what after the call is ended tonight the replay numbers good or get it on the link when the link is posted to our website.
Okay, so either way is good. All right, let's let everybody have a great night. Thank you for listening. And we'll be in touch with you. Let's everybody keep the faith. Stay in faith. Press in and pray this thing in. Let's look for something very positive for us over the weekend. All right. Good night, everybody.
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins 1:01:51
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-2-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-2-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call. It is Tuesday, August 2nd and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – whether you be live or whether you are listening on the replay we appreciate it from wherever you’re tuned in all over the globe – so thanks again for listening
So let’s do this – let us get into the Intel a little bit here and see if we can figure out where in the world we are right now - thank goodness I was able to get some information this afternoon and this evening, maybe an hour before the big call - that was very helpful in trying to simulate where we are.
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-2-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call. It is Tuesday, August 2nd and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – whether you be live or whether you are listening on the replay we appreciate it from wherever you’re tuned in all over the globe – so thanks again for listening
So let’s do this – let us get into the Intel a little bit here and see if we can figure out where in the world we are right now - thank goodness I was able to get some information this afternoon and this evening, maybe an hour before the big call - that was very helpful in trying to simulate where we are.
Let's start tonight with Iraq, because Iraq has a rate that has been put out for the international trading community. It's not something we can see. It's not something that's there for our eyes yet. But it did come out and the day that it was supposed to appear in the Gazette was Saturday, this past Saturday - I don't believe it made its way into the Gazette - but the printed version, the Gazette - can go out any day - It doesn't have to be a Saturday or a Wednesday - It can just happen on any given day - So don't concern yourself with that.
What's happening in Iraq is that - it's just everything that's happening with the Parliament, and the fact that they don't want to seek their new parliament - or vote those people in yet - has to do with fear of the corruption - and the fact that there's cleanup going on in Iraq. And my understanding is based on what I heard today, is that all of the influence of Iran has been removed from Iraq so that they can do what they need to do in terms of their parliament and so on.
Now, I understand that Iraq will be essentially closed off to us - to the world - between Thursday and Saturday – so that is Thursday – Friday and Saturday of this week - Iraq will go dark so to speak - Now they'll reopen again on Sunday, which is their first business day - And they will - in my opinion - continue trading the dinar starting Sunday night, internationally, especially with the Far East - and that usually starts around 9pm Eastern Time, Sunday night. So that is going to be interesting- Now - From what I understand today - This is where we are –
Now our precious tier 3 bondholders are still waiting like we are to receive their email notifications - and what I've heard today is those notifications - that they were supposed to have received today - Will go out overnight tonight - They'll receive them tomorrow, and they'll continue to go out tomorrow for the bondholders - the bondholders are supposed to receive their email - let's call it by mid morning - tomorrow - and then they should have access to those funds that have been stated for their accounts on tomorrow - Wednesday afternoon. They should have their liquidity and have access to their funds Wednesday afternoon.
Now - we've received this from three separate sources that are paymasters over the bondholders - and the latest thing was mentioned was okay, where do we go in with this? How does this - I always ask - how does this affect us in tier 4B? What happens now that the bondholders are being notified and paid - and this should be the last grouping of these bondholders in tier 3 - because they did pay out - and I think I mentioned this on Tuesday's call – no - on Thursday’s call last week - that there were 690 pretty heavy bondholder players that were paid out.
So their groupings - I've called them groups levels, they refer to him as levels - their level - I think are going down to the final bondholders - as to where they're being notified and paid out tomorrow - Now where do we put ourselves within this context? I believe from what I'm being told that we could get notified shortly after the bondholders emails go out. So it could be tomorrow. Could be tomorrow afternoon - In which case we would probably start our exchanges on Thursday - If we got notified Wednesday afternoon - that's a scenario that we've seen the Wednesday /Thursday before.
We have three sources that are giving us that are bondholders that are tied to this process happening out of Miami and out of Reno and out of New York to an extent that we're hearing that that should happen tomorrow -in terms of emails for notification now, for us.
Now here's the other thing. One of our sources is traveling and is in Europe -and we heard from him this afternoon late - and the word he comes up with what he's hearing is more based on a window that starts Thursday for us and ends on Saturday.
So actually, it would be exchanged starting Thursday. So he's in the same timeframe of Wednesday/ Thursday, but he's continuing it all the way to Saturday with a four day window.
I don't know guys. It's hard for me to say which one is going to be right. We just want one of them to be right. We want the three that agreed on Wednesday and going in for exchanges Thursday to be correct - Because that's our most proximate timeframe.
I believe that we have to continue to stay with this - Watch it - I know you guys have been disappointed as if I and sue in the past. We do expect it and all of a sudden what we think is going to happen doesn't happen - But we know that certain things are being done that have pushed us out a little bit - and most of what is very simple.
It's what we what we've called in the past as Clean up on aisle three, that refers to arrest - and while we're talking about arrest there were 400 up level bankers that were arrested in four days last week – hey - and anytime that happens, and it cleans out the bad apples - It doesn't ruin the entire bunch.
So that's what we're thinking is good for us. You know this cleanup is continuing. There's a huge number of arrests projected over the next month in throughout the world - not just here – globally - But we believe that those that cleanup is underway and taking place right away - right now - Because it started last week with a very large number - They're making progress on it and they're just gonna continue to do it until everybody that they've targeted for arrest has been handled.
Now, we don't get specific on it - I don't even get the specifics on who they are and where they are - The main thing is that it's getting done and geopolitically things are coming together for this to take place.
Can this happen under the current situation? With it with our administration or foe administration? I'm being told it can't but I also know that things are about ready to make a very positive change for the better for all of us.
We know that NESARA and GESARA are about to be announced and brought out with a lot of good things that accompany those two - and that we don't know exactly when - it could be in the next several days. We're just going to have to wait to say I hope August is the month of Jubilee for us - and you guys know that'll refer to debt relief and a number of other good things that'll take place for us.
But I believe the first step to getting to that - to getting to GESARA is to get our notifications -to bondholders handled - and get us notified - and get our appointment set and start exchanging - Okay
When is the public gonna go - tier 5? We don't really care that much, but we know that it'll probably be - it could go all the way to September before they get started in tier five. Those of us in tier four A and B should be going here momentarily - Based on the Intel that we get - and sometimes - you know - as you guys know - the Intel behind the scenes - There's a lot of things happening behind the scenes that we can't really talk about.
But - the good news is this is moving forward - It's moving along - many countries that are part of the BRICS group and the BRICS plus 12 - Many of those have already begun issuing a gold coin with one ounce of gold in the coin - and this is a symbol that these coins - that the country's currency is gold backed. So it would refer to China - to Russia - to India - to Zimbabwe - to Iran. And - you know - we're not too far from it ourselves.
So - the BRICS nations – though - are the ones - South Africa - are the ones that that are doing this - and I think that we're very close to where we can see that happening - Like the crypto coins that are out there.
There's a fairly new appointee to the Treasury that's in charge of working with the crypto coins and what's happening with them and they I don't know how many of them will survive, but we know that several of them are gold back already - and they are interconnected to the quantum financial system.
So we've got the Starlink system - the quantum financial system using Blockchain technology - Everything is the FinTech system - Everything is ready - When will the new currency the new our new money, the USTN - United States Treasury notes, when will they come out? They may wait until the public is ready to start from that - they may wait - But we'll use the Fiat dollars that we have now - until they come out –
We know the fiat currency is no longer usable outside of North America - we know that it's no longer being used for trade - In Canada - the US and Mexico it's still considered viable for a limited time.
And when the new USTN’s come out - and we have our gold back dollar - when we have our gold USN - which we already have - it's already digitally there - We’ll be good to go with that. In the meantime, we'll continue to use the fiat money until that happens.
When will the changeover take place? It may be when NESARA and GESARA are announced - which is supposed to be shortly after the blessing or the RV comes in for us.
So all these things are right there - just about ready to push through or break on through to the other side.
So, guys, ladies, this is our opportunity to stand firm - like our teaching was - to stay firm - to stay grounded - to stay in the game - and look forward to what is coming our way.
I want to encourage everybody to do just that - stand firm - and having all to do we stand - and that's where we are - we're looking for this to manifest - and that's what our prayer out is going to be tonight. So thanks everybody, for coming in tonight - and for being here - wherever you are, wherever you're listening, whether it's live or on the replay number or on the replay link on the website, however you get the big call. Thank you for listening. Thank you for experiencing what we had tonight with us
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:06:46