Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-2-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-2-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call. It is Tuesday, August 2nd and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – whether you be live or whether you are listening on the replay we appreciate it from wherever you’re tuned in all over the globe – so thanks again for listening

So let’s do this – let us get into the Intel a little bit here and see if we can figure out where in the world we are right now - thank goodness I was able to get some information this afternoon and this evening, maybe an hour before the big call - that was very helpful in trying to simulate where we are.

Let's start tonight with Iraq, because Iraq has a rate that has been put out for the international trading community. It's not something we can see. It's not something that's there for our eyes yet. But it did come out and the day that it was supposed to appear in the Gazette was Saturday, this past Saturday - I don't believe it made its way into the Gazette - but the printed version, the Gazette - can go out any day - It doesn't have to be a Saturday or a Wednesday - It can just happen on any given day - So don't concern yourself with that.

What's happening in Iraq is that - it's just everything that's happening with the Parliament, and the fact that they don't want to seek their new parliament  - or vote those people in yet - has to do with fear of the corruption - and the fact that there's cleanup going on in Iraq.  And my understanding is based on what I heard today, is that all of the influence of Iran has been removed from Iraq so that they can do what they need to do in terms of their parliament and so on.

Now, I understand that Iraq will be essentially closed off to us - to the world - between Thursday and Saturday – so that is Thursday – Friday and Saturday of this week - Iraq will go dark so to speak - Now they'll reopen again on Sunday, which is their first business day - And they will - in my opinion - continue trading the dinar starting Sunday night, internationally, especially with the Far East - and that usually starts around 9pm Eastern Time, Sunday night.  So that is going to be interesting- Now - From what I understand today - This is where we are –

Now our precious tier 3 bondholders are still waiting like we are to receive their email notifications - and what I've heard today is those notifications - that they were supposed to have received today - Will go out overnight tonight - They'll receive them tomorrow, and they'll continue to go out tomorrow for the bondholders - the bondholders are supposed to receive their email - let's call it by mid morning - tomorrow - and then they should have access to those funds that have been stated for their accounts on tomorrow - Wednesday afternoon. They should have their liquidity and have access to their funds Wednesday afternoon.

Now - we've received this from three separate sources that are paymasters over the bondholders - and the latest thing was mentioned was okay, where do we go in with this? How does this - I always ask - how does this affect us in tier 4B? What happens now that the bondholders are being notified and paid - and this should be the last grouping of these bondholders in tier 3 - because they did pay out - and I think I mentioned this on Tuesday's call – no - on Thursday’s call last week - that there were 690 pretty heavy bondholder players that were paid out.

So their  groupings - I've called them groups levels, they refer to him as levels - their level - I think are going down to the final bondholders  - as to where they're being notified and paid out tomorrow - Now where do we put ourselves within this context? I believe from what I'm being told that we could get notified shortly after the bondholders emails go out. So it could be tomorrow.  Could be tomorrow afternoon - In which case we would probably start our exchanges on Thursday - If we got notified Wednesday afternoon  - that's a scenario that we've seen the Wednesday /Thursday before.

We have three sources that are giving us that are bondholders that are tied to this process happening out of Miami and out of Reno and out of New York to an extent that we're hearing that that should happen tomorrow -in terms of emails for notification now, for us.

Now here's the other thing. One of our sources is traveling and is in Europe -and we heard from him this afternoon late - and the word he comes up with what he's hearing is more based on a window that starts Thursday for us and ends on Saturday.

So actually, it would be exchanged starting Thursday. So he's in the same timeframe of Wednesday/ Thursday, but he's continuing it all the way to Saturday with a four day window.

I don't know guys. It's hard for me to say which one is going to be right. We just want one of them to be right. We want the three that agreed on Wednesday and going in for exchanges Thursday to be correct - Because that's our most proximate timeframe.

I believe that we have to continue to stay with this - Watch it - I know you guys have been disappointed as if I and sue in the past. We do expect it and all of a sudden what we think is going to happen doesn't happen - But we know that certain things are being done that have pushed us out a little bit - and most of what is very simple.

It's what we what we've called in the past as Clean up on aisle three, that refers to arrest - and while we're talking about arrest there were 400 up level bankers that were arrested in four days last week – hey - and anytime that happens, and it cleans out the bad apples - It doesn't ruin the entire bunch.

So that's what we're thinking is good for us. You know this cleanup is continuing. There's a huge number of arrests projected over the next month in throughout the world - not just here – globally - But we believe that those that cleanup is underway and taking place right away - right now - Because it started last week with a very large number - They're making progress on it and they're just gonna continue to do it until everybody that they've targeted for arrest has been handled.

Now, we don't get specific on it - I don't even get the specifics on who they are and where they are - The main thing is that it's getting done and geopolitically things are coming together for this to take place.

Can this happen under the current situation? With it with our administration or foe administration?  I'm being told it can't but I also know that things are about ready to make a very positive change for the better for all of us.

We know that NESARA and GESARA are about to be announced and brought out with a lot of good things that accompany those two - and that we don't know exactly when - it could be in the next several days.  We're just going to have to wait to say I hope August is the month of Jubilee for us - and you guys know that'll refer to debt relief and a number of other good things that'll take place for us.

But I believe the first step to getting to that - to getting to GESARA is to get our notifications -to bondholders handled - and get us notified - and get our appointment set and start exchanging - Okay

When is the public gonna go - tier 5? We don't really care that much, but we know that it'll probably be - it could go all the way to September before they get started in tier five. Those of us in tier four A and B should be going here momentarily - Based on the Intel that we get - and sometimes - you know - as you guys know - the Intel behind the scenes - There's a lot of things happening behind the scenes that we can't really talk about.

But - the good news is this is moving forward - It's moving along - many countries that are part of the BRICS group and the BRICS plus 12 - Many of those have already begun issuing a gold coin with one ounce of gold in the coin - and this is a symbol that these coins - that the country's currency is gold backed. So it would refer to China - to Russia - to India - to Zimbabwe - to Iran. And - you know - we're not too far from it ourselves.

So - the BRICS nations – though - are the ones - South Africa - are the ones that that are doing this - and I think that we're very close to where we can see that happening - Like the crypto coins that are out there.

There's a fairly new appointee to the Treasury that's in charge of working with the crypto coins and what's happening with them and they I don't know how many of them will survive, but we know that several of them are gold back already - and they are interconnected to the quantum financial system.

So we've got the Starlink system - the quantum financial system using Blockchain technology - Everything is the FinTech system - Everything is ready - When will the new currency the new our new money, the USTN - United States Treasury notes, when will they come out? They may wait until the public is ready to start from that - they may wait - But we'll use the Fiat dollars that we have now - until they come out –

We know the fiat currency is no longer usable outside of North America - we know that it's no longer being used for trade - In Canada - the US and Mexico it's still considered viable for a limited time.

And when the new USTN’s come out - and we have our gold back dollar - when we have our gold USN - which we already have - it's already digitally there - We’ll be good to go with that. In the meantime, we'll continue to use the fiat money until that happens.

When will the changeover take place?  It may be when NESARA and GESARA are announced - which is supposed to be shortly after the blessing or the RV comes in for us.

So all these things are right there - just about ready to push through or break on through to the other side.

So, guys, ladies, this is our opportunity to stand firm - like our teaching was - to stay firm - to stay grounded - to stay in the game - and look forward to what is coming our way.

I want to encourage everybody to do just that - stand firm - and having all to do we stand - and that's where we are - we're looking for this to manifest - and that's what our prayer out is going to be tonight.   So thanks everybody, for coming in tonight - and for being here - wherever you are, wherever you're listening, whether it's live or on the replay number or on the replay link on the website, however you get the big call. Thank you for listening. Thank you for experiencing what we had tonight with us


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:06:46


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