Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-28-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-28-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call. It is Thursday, July 28 and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in yet once again from wherever you are listening, and we appreciate you and we thank you for tuning in. Whether you're live or whether you're on a replay, or a replay link, the number or the link, we welcome you. Thank you if you're listening to us from all over this globe, and we appreciate you and look forward to fun call tonight
Let's talk about the Intel - first of all - last Tuesday night - the information that I gave you - It's not that it didn't come through - it's just that it didn't come through - and I have to say - I came as close as I've ever been to calling it without calling it - and I didn't mean to be quite so optimistic about the timing.
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-28-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome, everybody to the big call. It is Thursday, July 28 and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in yet once again from wherever you are listening, and we appreciate you and we thank you for tuning in. Whether you're live or whether you're on a replay, or a replay link, the number or the link, we welcome you. Thank you if you're listening to us from all over this globe, and we appreciate you and look forward to fun call tonight
Let's talk about the Intel - first of all - last Tuesday night - the information that I gave you - It's not that it didn't come through - it's just that it didn't come through - and I have to say - I came as close as I've ever been to calling it without calling it - and I didn't mean to be quite so optimistic about the timing.
But am I optimistic now about new timing? Yes. All I'm trying to do when I give you guys this Intel is give it to you pretty much like I get it. I really am trying to give you the same information that I'm getting.
Obviously there's some times I'll get things with rates and I can't really share it because they don't want me to talk about rates - and that's fine. Okay, that's fine. I've been red flagged before years ago, if I went over the over the edge, and I don't do that anymore.
So let's talk about where we actually are - now. Today's Thursday, Thursday night the 28th. We got three days before the first of August, which is Monday. All right, I'm gonna give it to you like I got it today.
Number one, Iraq has been told by our - let's just call it representative - that they can when they were asked, Can we put out our new rate on Saturday? The answer was yes. Please do by all means. Put it out. Saturday. That's two days away.
Now they will probably put it out sometime in the morning. I don't know if it'll be after first prayer when we go out exactly - but it will go out – and - more than likely, the announcement about Hashemi being the and I know I'm probably mispronouncing that Hashemi - Hashemi, whatever it is, as the continuing Prime Minister of Iraq will probably also go in the Gazette.
We do finally expect a printed version of the Gazette on Saturday to go out with Hashemi as prime minister and the government - Parliament is seated and we expect it to also mention the new Iraqi dinar international rates. We know the rate internationally is the same as the in country rate for Iraq.
We know how much it is already, what it will be and we know it will be traded up to that number that Dr Shabibi projected back in I believe it's December 15th of 2012 at the International Chamber of Commerce meeting in Washington, DC - 10 years ago almost - right.
So also, it will not only be to that rate that he suggested that we've talked about in the past, but it should exceed it by up to a couple of dollars. So that's going to be really really good.
Also we have heard from Iraq that certain Airlines flight like Iraqi Air is not allowed to fly internationally, because they don't want the information to leak out until after this is a real thing for Iraq on Saturday.
Well guess what? The flights will resume to some of the international markets that they're not serving currently at starting as early as noon - Iraq time on Saturday. So that's sort of a little safety thing that they've got in there to make sure the information was out publicly - if you will - Before their Flights resumed internationally.
Good, good. Now, beyond that, we did get word from two other pretty great sources, that the bondholders that still have not been paid - remember, some have - but the vast majority have not - and that vast majority should be notified - We're hearing now - around five o'clock or one hour -one hour after the markets close Friday.
They close at four and around five or so those notifications to the bondholders should go out or should start going out - I don't know if they'll get them all at once - or they'll give them - let them go out staggered throughout the night - Tomorrow night, Friday night.
Now, what does that say about us? We've heard two things - two separate pieces of information that we have to weigh both of them. I think we weigh them both equally. There's the first piece said that we would receive our email notifications with the toll free number - shortly after the notifications go out to the bondholders, which I mentioned, which start at 5pm tomorrow afternoon.
Now I've heard that we would get them or could receive them overnight - or let's call it overnight to early morning Saturday - and quote unquote wake up to them. That may be how they do it. That may be how they do it. That's the closest thing to a shotgun start for with the bondholders – that’s the closest thing
Do I expect to be notified at five or 6pm tomorrow night? No. But could we wake up to those emails Saturday morning? Yes. I believe we could.
All right - that's one piece of information - all right - Let's finish it though. If that were the case, and we were to receive those Saturday morning when we quote unquote wake up - We know that the redemption center staff are going in - at least in some cases - at noon on Saturday. Could they be going in sooner than that - If they come out at four or five and six in the morning? I would think so - I would think they'd make the adjustment and bring the staff in sooner.
However, we know that some are coming in at noon. All right now, let's go beyond that. If that were the case, could we exchange on Saturday? Even if we got the notifications in the late morning Saturday?
Yeah, the answer is yes, we could - because if we got them in the morning - we call the setup for appointments - and realistically they're ready to have the appointment set a couple hours after we receive notifications –
Now remember, redemption centers are able to stay open as late as 10:30pm - pretty much across the board across the country 1030 - Okay
So could they get a full day of exchanges in? Yes, they could. On Saturday afternoon, Saturday evening, even Saturday night. Now remember your appointment is supposed to take between a half hour and 40 to 45 minutes tops. They want you in and out - in and out.
This is a currency exchange with five to eight minutes designated for a presentation - if you're Zim holder and planning to do projects, okay. All right - that's one scenario - let's go to the other scenario.
The other piece of information Intel came in talking about us receiving notifications and waking up to them on Monday morning. Monday is the first of August and there was always that thought the back of my mind. This is so close to the end of the month. They may wait till the first of August and they may do it that way.
So here's my thinking and it could be guys it could be but here's my thinking about it. Yeah, if the bondholders are to be notified five tomorrow afternoon and get their emails and have access to funds shouldn't say by when they might get access to fund on Saturday. You would think - but whenever that happens, are we in a shotgun start if we get notified Monday morning? That's not a shotgun start.
However, this thing has changed from not shotgun to shotgun - back and forth -same time - three hours later - same day - next day - whatever. It's just going to be hard to say - they've changed it so many times - and they've changed a lot of different aspects of this. So I'm going to suggest that we look for it Saturday morning.
If it doesn't manifest by noon Saturday - Guess what? We should probably start looking for Monday. Now - could anything happen on Sunday? Yes. If we start with notifications and setting appointments on Saturday - I think we'll go right through and include Sunday. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, go right on through - blow right on through it. Will they start on Sunday? I don't think so. I don't think they start us on Sunday.
But I think they'd start a Saturday and run right on through - or they may - like I said - the second piece of Intel talked about Monday morning. So any way we slice it, we're in pretty good shape over the next three days - not including really tomorrow except for bondholders. So it's more like Saturday, Sunday or Monday for us.
Remember this thing guys and Sue stressed it in her segment. This is – make this a part of your life so that you don't - you don't have any fear about it at all. It's you're comfortable, you're relaxed. you're focused, you're grounded - all of those words, because this is really merely an exchange of currencies.
What makes it different is the fact that Zim holders are carrying keeping bearer bonds which are payable to the bearer, very large denominations, very high value that will be on par with our dollar - If they have projects that they can explain in a very simplistic outline form in five to eight minutes.
How do you do that if you haven't written your projects up - with bullet points - with something to adequately describe the longevity, the job creation, the every aspect of your project like that.
I'm trying not to be talking out of both sides of my mouth. But I really think we are extremely close. You know Iraq is going to finally do their thing Saturday, and I think there's a good chance we could get notified Saturday morning and set our appointments and go - so let's believe for that. So there's obviously more than I can share, but most of you have a pretty good handle on what this is all about.
I'm excited because I'm looking forward to getting started with our projects for The big call, like working with veterans in the veterans retreat network, obviously working with rebuild America - that's a huge project and a big undertaking but I think the more I thought about it, it could really be fun.
And we'll probably get together regionally with some smaller group meetings, and so on thinking through all of that we have to meet about that with the advisory group and then create the leadership teams for that but I have a pretty good idea how I think that might go. I think it's gonna be really cool.
And maybe we'll get to work and collaborate with other big call listeners. Got to make sure the security is right for it. And, and it's all on the up and up. Okay, so I'm excited about it. Stay tuned
I'm hoping this is our last call you guys. But let's do this. Let's pray the call out. And then we'll see what happens this weekend. I'm thinking we could very well start on Saturday, but we'll see if that's the start date for us. Okay,
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:09:19
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-26-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-26-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday July 26th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for listening everybody –welcome everybody wherever you are listening in whether it is live or on the replay – Thank you for tuning in – yet again – we are excited to be here – got a lot of good information to share – so we’re ready for a really good call tonight
All right - Oh, golly you guys. Let's see where this puts us tonight. I'm very excited about where we sit right now because we had heard yesterday – I’m kind of cutting to the chase on this. We had heard yesterday that we could get notified right after the bondholders got their notifications by email today.
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-26-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday July 26th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for listening everybody –welcome everybody wherever you are listening in whether it is live or on the replay – Thank you for tuning in – yet again – we are excited to be here – got a lot of good information to share – so we’re ready for a really good call tonight
All right - Oh, golly you guys. Let's see where this puts us tonight. I'm very excited about where we sit right now because we had heard yesterday – I’m kind of cutting to the chase on this. We had heard yesterday that we could get notified right after the bondholders got their notifications by email today.
Then we heard last night that No, no, the bondholders are not going to get their emails on Tuesday - but we're going to get the emails along with the bond sellers emails, or notifications at the same time, Wednesday - that's tomorrow, the 27th of July and that would theoretically - based on the information that we heard last night be coming in before lunchtime tomorrow.
Now - I'm thinking okay, that's about perfect - there's a true shotgun start not Tuesday, but it's Wednesday. We'll take it. We're excited. And then I hear today - that okay, everything that we heard about this coming tomorrow is still on track - we are still on track to be notified Wednesday.
Now - we're also on track to be notified by the Wells Fargo emails coming to us with a toll free number. But we're also being told that we will start exchanges tomorrow. So - notification, set your appointment, two or three hours later, you're going for first appointments, and by that I mean the first ones that signed up or that registered for their appointments - They called to set their appointment - let's say it that way would be starting tomorrow afternoon.
So - this is where the intel that we have - This is why I pray the way I did by praying the call in tonight. Let it be that the intel that we have heard last night and again today - just let it be true - With no changes. Let it happen.
This is our group prayer everybody - Big call universe - wherever you are in the universe - wherever you are in this globe. This is our prayer - that we would get the notifications tomorrow before lunch and set our appointments and go tomorrow. Start tomorrow. That's what we've heard. That's what we're praying into. That's what we're going with. Boom shakalaka Boom shakalaka so this is it.
This is coming down to the wire. Literally, we were told we were in the last 10 yards of a marathon and I believe that's going to be the case.
Now - we know that we've been pushed - bondholders have been pushed - redemption center staff has been pushed. All of us have been pushed - but the indication is very good for this to finally come to fruition - and we're just going to believe that there's nothing else that would keep this from going -that everything is clear - all systems go - everything is all lined up for us
Now what we want to do is make sure that if you're a Zim holder, that you take advantage of the value of those Zim bonds. What do you mean bonds? What do you mean? Why, why why?
The zim is a bearer bond. It says right on the note - it says payable to the bearer of - and you know, I'm not going to give you rates but I can tell you - if the Zimbabwe dollar is on par with the USN - on par means one to one –“helloooo” - that means your large denomination bills are worth what they state on the bill. Pretty simple.
One times one is one - okay, I don't care who else is out there saying other things. I have it on very good authority that what I'm saying is true. Now - the dinar is done. Rates are very, very good. There is a contract rate. I'm not going to tell you what it is. You'll have to ask for it.
Dong doesn't have a contract rate per se, but it has a highly negotiable rate. You could ask for that. This is part of what you'll get when you - well, for your presentation - your presentation formula. Okay, your world class formula is part of what you should know in that –
Will we do a final celebration call recorded? maybe if we're allowed to – maybe - will we do any more live calls? No - Will you be in touch with us by email? Yes. Will you be sending us a podcast as a link in the email? Yes.
Will you be in touch with us after this goes so we can all get together? We believe so. And we'll be in touch by email so that we can get out the information to you about how to be part of rebuild America - The Veterans retreat network - ministerial retreat network - if applicable - and rebuild the Bahamas Rebuild Hispaniola, which is basically Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
How are we going to do that? We're going to use some of Bob's contacts at the DR. to get into the DR and get things started from that side of the island and try to create really a great opportunity for everybody.
You know what they what do they need? They need clean water. They need proper sanitation. They need to be able to grow their own food. They need education. They need clothing, not so much clothing because it’s hot. You need a purpose and that's why you need something to take you to the next level. We're going to bring everybody up, you know from third world the first world - that's the goal for everybody around the globe. That's what we want to get to.
So we're leveling the playing field so that we can all play fairly on an even basis - on an even playing field. That's why all these currencies. Yeah, it's gotta be the dinar, be high first for us. Same thing with Dong and some of these other 27 other currencies that are gonna go up in value.
But at some point, guess what? They'll seek their own level and all be on par with our USN dollar - we will have total even trading between countries. Now it may not take - may not go there immediately Clemente but I think it will go fairly quickly on par.
So we'll see how that happens - if the EU is going to break up in terms of the euro - I think they're going back to individual currencies in Europe - The French franc - the Swiss franc is still outside of the euro - Just like the British Pound sterling is outside of the euro - But you've got the Spanish currency, the Italian lira. You've got all of the countries that are part of the Euro are believe will go back to their own individual currency with reprinted paper money and remitted points.
Yep, leave they're all doing that now - Getting that in prep phase for this to happen. That may be that may end up being part of GESARA but we know that to expect that - we're knowing - we know to expect that that the euro will go away.
Many of the BRICS nations have already minted or are in the process of minting a one ounce gold coin - about the size of our half dollar in the United States. I know we will do one. We haven't started already. There won't be a denomination on it in terms of how much it is worth. Because it's worth what a one ounce of gold will be worth and gold is going to go up and silver is going to go up - much more than they are now.
So many of you guys have collected silver, one ounce coins from different countries. This would be like collecting gold one ounce gold coins from different countries. So that's going to be fun - maybe as a collector as somebody that collects some of these things.
I think the silver coins will be more practical in terms of use if they ever need to be used as currency. But the gold will be fun just to have it. Guys, I'll tell you what. There are things happening behind the scenes. Is there still Clean up on aisle three? You betcha. Yes. There is quite a bit to take place over the next couple of months -globally. It's a big number, but they're going after it.
I don't think we're going to have the Emergency Alert System completely throughout the United States. I think it'll be in in six or seven states. I think that they'll use it where needed and we're going to probably get our 10 or 12 days of disclosure at some point if they need to use the Emergency Alert System to bring that out.
What about the EBS? It's not called the EBS anymore. It's no longer emergency broadcast system. Its Emergency Alert System - on radio, television, phone - It's the same system - EAS
What else has been happening? They've been interconnecting the Starlink satellite system with remote - computerized unmanned stations - to monitor the quantum system that's been connected and synced up. We believe all the financial institutions throughout the world are finally interconnected to the quantum system.
We know that the Zell I think I mentioned this zeller's / zelly transfer system will be utilized starting September 23 - Completely around the globe - totally globally to transfer funds in 30 seconds to a minute it just doesn't take very long.
So I'm excited about where we sit right now.
And by the way, the redemption center staff has been pushed just like we have - so have compassion on them because they know we've waited a long time and they've waited a long time. The difference is they've been getting paid something to wait that we haven’t.
Okay, so that's really what I wanted to share with you guys tonight.
You're going to need to look into your own security. I don't know that they're going to harp on this at the redemption center. But you're going to need to do it. We know the NDA is only one and a quarter pages long. It's only for Zim holders, doesn't affect regular currency people exchanges.
But I want you guys to be aware that you're entering a new arena, a new paradigm. You want to first thing on the NDA should say something like Shut the front door. Be quiet. Think I used to have a teacher said be quiet be quiet. I'll be quiet. Be quiet. Shut up. Don't be saying nothing about all this to anybody.
Don’t be bragging and buying rounds and drinks at the local bar. There'll be sport your ** ride Oh excuse my French your new ride. You know what I’m saying - and you just want to keep it on the down low guys. You want to keep this on the down low - hold this down low and then you'll be fine. You'll be fine. So I want to recommend that everybody have a great night tonight.
All right. Do I expect to have a call Thursday? No, not now I don’t. Do we expect to have a celebration call maybe in the meantime - possibly. But it won't be a live call - it be just a recorded call. Okay, so you guys hang in there. Let's pray this call out.
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:06:06
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-21-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-21-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday July 21st and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for listening everybody –welcome everybody wherever you are listening - whether it is live or on the replay
Let's move into the Intel segment and see where we are and how we can tell what we're doing. What's interesting about today is yesterday was moderate in terms of information. We did get some good things. Today was very quiet up until about, oh, maybe an hour before the big call tonight and some more information came in which we were happy to see - that where we were yesterday was talking about the bondholders and us in tier 4A and 4B, basically getting released at the same time - and we had a three day period of Thursday, Friday and Saturday, today, tomorrow and Saturday that we were looking at for that to take place.
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-21-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday July 21st and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for listening everybody –welcome everybody wherever you are listening - whether it is live or on the replay
Let's move into the Intel segment and see where we are and how we can tell what we're doing. What's interesting about today is yesterday was moderate in terms of information. We did get some good things. Today was very quiet up until about, oh, maybe an hour before the big call tonight and some more information came in which we were happy to see - that where we were yesterday was talking about the bondholders and us in tier 4A and 4B, basically getting released at the same time - and we had a three day period of Thursday, Friday and Saturday, today, tomorrow and Saturday that we were looking at for that to take place.
Now that is still in effect - although we can pretty much write today off. However, tonight is a different subject. Because we also hear that the bondholders are supposed to receive their emails of notification of access to funds overnight tonight - now that could be late night or early morning, depending how you look at it, but that's supposed to happen.
And we in tier 4B are supposed to be notified most likely tomorrow with the idea of but by Saturday at the latest. But by Saturday that's the third day of our three day stretch at the latest - So tomorrow is looking very good for us. We don't have a time, but we're supposed to be notified right on the heels of the bondholders receiving their notifications.
So it's hard to say when but we're looking very solid over the next two days. Tonight overnight. Friday and and then by Saturday at the latest is how it was played. So let's take that and run with that
Now - regarding the redemption center, and exchanges of currency, if you only have let's say dinar - Dong - rupiah - other currencies to exchange - you're looking not to have to sign a nondisclosure agreement. No NDA for you if your currency only. If you're a Zim holder - that's where the NDA comes into play - and the NDA is only about a page and a quarter long.
So they really shortened that up quite a bit - page and a quarter long - You say well, how long does the NDA last?
Well, it lasts for a minimum of 30 days, and they're going to read you based on what they believe your ability to be upfront - To be quiet - to keep your mouth shut - to just have your wits about you - They'll read that into you during your presentation - and if you - if they feel comfortable and confident that you're going to be good in that area, you might only have a 30 day NDA.
Now, if they read you differently, they may give you a 60 day all the way to a six month NDA. You could be kept under that agreement for six months. So that's really interesting.
Also, we did get word that the public, which we call tier five, the John Q Public is supposed to start between the I believe was the 10th and the 14th of August - 10th and 14th of August - so that should be well after we're through with our exchanges.
I’m thinking whether or not there was anything else major that you needed to know about tonight, and I think primarily they've got the.... I know one thing - the dinar rate will not come out until we're absolutely in our exchanges.
In other words, they've already agreed upon a rate for the dinar - it was traded up and it will be traded up higher - actually after it gets out there. It's supposed to be traded the ability to be traded now. But it's not going to be something we can see here. Not yet. The bankers can see it on their screens, but we you know, we don't we don't have it where we can see it. So that's not a problem.
It's just that they just don't want the dinar rate out until we're ready to go for our exchange. That's really what it amounts to. Timing is everything as you guys know. And our timing is getting closer and closer to this.
The timeframe frame that we have seems to be compressed somewhat in terms of the way that we have to go. We heard a few days ago it was three days or four days and we heard it was 48 hours. And now we're pretty much in that 48 hour timeframe of something happening more or less from overnight tonight, all the way to Saturday.
I don't believe we'll use the redemption centers on Sunday. But we very well could get this Friday and start Friday or Saturday and then powering through and go jump over into Monday, Tuesday of next week. So we'll see how it goes. We'll see whether that progresses as we hope and everything is moving along very nicely geopolitically as well. So thank you for that.
I'm glad that we've been able to broadcast into 12 different languages all over the globe in various means. And we just welcome everybody that's listening to this call for maybe the first time they've ever heard it. So thank you for listening. Now let's pray the call out and look forward to great things happening hopefully by Saturday.
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:17:00
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-19-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-19-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday July 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for listening everybody –welcome everybody wherever you are listening in whether it is live or on the replay
Alright, let's get back in the game and see where we stand on the Intel front. Today was sort of a sluggish day. It was really slow through the morning into through the lunch hour. We had heard that well, everything was supposed to go to bondholders this afternoon and tonight - and all of a sudden - we heard that it had stopped -that it had not moved forward like we had thought it would today - and we had a possibility of getting notified this afternoon or tomorrow. Now it looks like that information is pushed about a day. The latest thing that we've gotten, and it was this evening, an hour or two before the big call - we got some good information that came in about bondholders to be paid.
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-19-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday July 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for listening everybody –welcome everybody wherever you are listening in whether it is live or on the replay
Alright, let's get back in the game and see where we stand on the Intel front. Today was sort of a sluggish day. It was really slow through the morning into through the lunch hour. We had heard that well, everything was supposed to go to bondholders this afternoon and tonight - and all of a sudden - we heard that it had stopped -that it had not moved forward like we had thought it would today - and we had a possibility of getting notified this afternoon or tomorrow. Now it looks like that information is pushed about a day. The latest thing that we've gotten, and it was this evening, an hour or two before the big call - we got some good information that came in about bondholders to be paid.
More likely tomorrow or tomorrow night - they would get their emails which would give them access to funds. However, we have heard in the last hour, even well let's call it an hour, hour and a half ago that things are moving smoothly and efficiently for bondholders
In other words, they are being paid out now - where before we thought it was a hold for some reason to hold but they are being paid now - and this is moving smoothly and efficiently toward us being notified - them receiving emails - which some of them are now again
I almost think it's more of a resumption of what is happening for the bondholders but that's good and we are in a position to be notified possibly tomorrow or maybe more likely Thursday and go redeem and exchange our funds starting Thursday.
Now we know that the redemption center staff was on call Monday and Tuesday. They were supposed to - which is today - and then tomorrow they're supposed to go in on a full schedule for 12 to 14 days - taking off Sunday.
Do not expect to go in and do anything on this Sunday or any Sunday - but I do believe we're going to have a full schedule at the redemption center starting tomorrow and that means that they wouldn't be there.
If we do get our email with a toll free number - they would be there for us to use the call center and then the call center will reflect your call over and connected to the redemption center that is within the zip code or close to the zip code that you have entered on the automated system.
We believe that's how it's going to work - for you to call a number - you enter a few things and then you if you're a Zim holder - you do get switched over to a live person at the redemption center you're supposed to go to and they will set your appointment on the phone with you - and more than likely you will work with that person or at least see that person in the redemption center when you go into your appointment.
For us right now - beyond what we have tonight - I think it's a great opportunity to be fully prepared because this thing could fire off where we do get notifications tomorrow or Thursday and go tomorrow afternoon and Thursday - more likely Thursday.
I hate this expression - It's a banned phrase on the big call - but we've been told by more than one that “it will happen this week” - So I'd say that by Thursday or Friday we should be in the redemption centers.
That's what it sounds like. That's what I had to bring to you tonight.
Other than that, so much of what we've said, you know already as far as the NDAs as far as you are going to, I mean there's just so much stuff that we've talked about over the last 11 years that it's hard to capsulize it and put it all in one night
All right, so that's what I wanted to bring to you guys tonight - Thank you Sue - It was a wonderful praise report that you received from Pastor Scott - unsolicited, beautiful, very strong - and Bob, thank you so much for the segment that you do, and for the fact that you're helping do the music and run the board for us. I'm just really thrilled that we're all here together and expecting major, major miracles in our lives to take place. And thank you everyone for listening to the big call for these 11 years.
We don't know if we'll be here Thursday night at this point - we don't know - we could be - if we don't have numbers we'll have a call Thursday - but if we have numbers we won't do the call - we'll just go right on ahead.
Okay, so, otherwise, thanks for listening everybody - Thanks for listening around the globe. We appreciate you and love you and look forward to doing things sort of in a group context after this goes - so keep in touch, watch your emails, because we will probably do a podcast here and there and put it in as a link and send it to you as an email if you're interested. Okay - and we'll qualify all that after this goes. Everybody have a great night and we'll see what happens between now and Thursday
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:11:33
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-14-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-14-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday July 14th an it’s a National Holiday in France and they celebrate Bastille Day on the 14th of July – welcome everybody wherever you are listening in on the Big Call whether it is live or on the replay -
. Well, let's go into the scenario where we find ourselves. Number one this is really the crux of it. We have it on good authority that Iraq will do their RV - if we call it that - do their RV that should mean bring their rate out. Have it officially announced on Friday - that's tomorrow.
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-14-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday July 14th an it’s a National Holiday in France and they celebrate Bastille Day on the 14th of July – welcome everybody wherever you are listening in on the Big Call whether it is live or on the replay -
. Well, let's go into the scenario where we find ourselves. Number one this is really the crux of it. We have it on good authority that Iraq will do their RV - if we call it that - do their RV that should mean bring their rate out. Have it officially announced on Friday - that's tomorrow.
Now we know we have a certain delegation from the United States that is on their way tonight to Iraq I know that announced and getting that as a done deal. This weekend - Totally done deal. It's really interesting because one moment, please, I think Hold on a second.
Okay, so this is where we stand. We know Iraq is going to do their thing. Officially tomorrow. We know Hashemi or Kazemi, however you pronounce his name is prime minister. He is seated and will be announcing that as Prime Minister tomorrow or Saturday. But I think it'll be tomorrow. And it could be very well that the Iraqi dinar rate will make its way finally into the printed gazette Saturday. It was supposed to be last Wednesday.
I didn't get any confirmation that it made it in I doubt it did. But I believe Saturday and Wednesday since those are the two days that the official record for Iraq, the Gazette is in print. I believe it'll show up on Saturdays gazette okay, which is only a couple of days away.
When it comes to the bondholders, I told you guys, the bondholders are the key for us to get started. And we're hearing a lot of good things about the bondholders even last Tuesday, two nights ago at 8:30pm - you remember on the big call Tuesday I told you that there was a group of bondholders that would be receiving emails at 830 Tuesday night. Yes, that did occur. That did give them access to funds.
Okay, now some of these earlier bondholders that are finally being sent emails are what they call the lower smaller fish if you will. Now they're not little - because the amounts are running - the lower ones that were talking about last Tuesday was running from 800 million to 1.4 billion. Okay, so that's a pretty good chunk of change - As you guys know, nothing to sneeze at.
Then, the next night, Wednesday night which was last night, there was another group that was to be notified at 8:30pm - and they were - and they received emails giving them access to funds. Then we are Thursday night, and we've got three more groups that would be considered in the small - Let's call it smaller phase of bondholders -meaning slightly smaller amounts.
Now these are going to be bigger than they were. We went from 800 mil to 1.4 billion now we're in the group that's bigger than that. Yesterday, and then the group tonight, tonight, Thursday, Friday, Saturday - these next three groups tonight, Friday and Saturday - they may hold those off I've heard until Saturday.
Those are supposed to be notified with emails after 5:30pm tomorrow, Friday - that's after the markets closed at four o'clock on the east coast. So around 530 those emails to those bondholders, as I mentioned in the so called smaller phase, are to be notified with emails and given access to funds, I believe on Saturday.
So that's a group let's call it let's call it group three, four and five are in the first phase of bond holders receiving access to funds. Okay, so, group three, four and five which are still considered a smaller payouts are going to be getting notified after 5:30pm Friday that's tomorrow, and then having access to funds according to the best information we had today - on Saturday, the 16th of July –
Now where does that put us?
I told you guys that the bondholders could take up to two and a half to three weeks to complete. But we don't have to wait for that. That's just what they have to wait for to get their full payouts of their bonds and I'm sure if you if you can imagine the smaller group being the first five groups in the first phase of payouts being into the up to $8 billion dollars - that's - imagine what the top players are going to be the top people in tier three.
There'll be quite a bit more than that. So they're starting with a smaller amounts and moving up to the larger amounts. Okay, that's what they're doing now.
Now how does it affect us? They want the release of those funds for groups three, four and five in the first phase, I'm calling it - okay to get access to those funds on Saturday.
Now, I think what they're trying to do was - what I'm hearing - is to coordinate that with our notifications - now, and possibly our start of exchanges. So we have been told, as I told you, last Tuesday, that we could get exchanging the 14th which is today or the 15th, which is tomorrow.
That has been revised to me to say, well, it might be more like 14 or 15 for notification. Then that's been re revised to me today to talk about fourth 15th which is tomorrow, Friday, 15th and 16th. To be notified on tier 4 B 15th or 16th . Well, either way we win.
And if it were to be tomorrow, the 15th that we're actually notified - my gut is would be in line with that email that's going out for that group three, four, and five of the bondholders that's going out at 530 in the afternoon. We could be in that same timeframe. We could be in that same timeframe.
Now - if it does come out tomorrow afternoon - we're probably setting appointments for a start of Saturday. On the other hand, if we don't get notified tomorrow, we could very well get notified Saturday. I'm hearing that our RV meaning here for tier 4B our RV will occur Saturday. Now does that mean exchanges, or does it mean notifications and exchanges? We think it means exchanges - starting Saturday.
So it's a matter of interpretation and it's not absolute. It is not absolute. But - we do know that the redemption center staff are on call - Friday, Saturday and Sunday - with I believe it's one hour notice notification - with one hour notice there to be in the redemption centers and at their desk, ready to set appointments. That's tomorrow, Saturday and quite possibly Sunday. We'll see what happens.
So if you see what I'm saying, there's a lot that should be happening this weekend. And I'm saying starting tomorrow afternoon at 530 for these for three groups - group three, four and five of the phase one, bondholders. And by getting those guys paid out with liquidity, they may shotgun start us with their email with the timing of our emails with the toll free number coming out - and with us starting essentially to set appointments and getting started as early as Saturday.
Now all of this is subject to movement as you guys can tell. We've been moved from 1415 to 1516 which is Friday, Saturday. We know that we're expecting some very positive geopolitical changes to take place over the weekend, which is wonderful - and there's a lot of you guys have been seeing it.
There's a lot that's already happened this week geopolitically - globally. Okay, now, where do we stand on the NESARA and GESARA? NESARA already started months ago in small ways, very small ways, but GESARA it could very well be brought out, starting this weekend, and I'm gonna say possibly starting Saturday.
So we'll see how that plays out. And with that, is there a possibility that we use the Emergency Alert System, the EAS, maybe, but maybe they don't need to? Okay, maybe they don't need to do that.
What about disclosing events that have happened? I think that's something that could start right away. this week or next week - But it's also something that we may a lot of the stuff that is deep, deep information that we all kind of know a little bit about - Some of that could come out even this fall.
It could be brought out sort of in phases, not all at once, it might be too much to handle. Really, it could be too much for the American people to swallow - So I'm sure they're thinking about how to bring it out where people can assimilate the information comfortably or as comfortably as they can before they move on to the next phase. I think that's what it's gonna be like - but we could very well see some GESARA announcements this weekend, which is great - and they could be made here starting Saturday -
So I wanted to get that out to you guys - and say I really do believe this is going to be the timing for us and I say that based on the fact that the bondholders have started receiving emails with giving them access to funds. That's huge.
And we have had a gold back dollar called the USN - United States note or US New. The new gold back dollar since last Sunday - the 10th the 10th of July.
It was signed into law and it was absolute - and that's why Sunday night - the trading with all of these countries globally with asset backed currencies - began last Sunday - the 10th banks - and as far as we know right now all the countries have been able to participate in those currency trades - and we are only receiving US and gold backed dollars Digital - now this is digital - digital.
Okay. It's not the USTN currency or money that we keep in our pocket or in our wallets or purses. It's not that yet. It's the digital form of our gold backed dollar. Okay - called the USN - that's the only currency that we're accepting as the United States - in trade for goods and services from countries outside of North America.
What's North America? It's Canada. Oh, Canada. It's Canada, the United States and Mexico. Those three are considered North America. We're still using our Fiat dollar now for probably through some time in August, and then that will go away. That could be changeable, very changeable. But that is usable.
That's why we can still use our money now. Until the new USTN bills come out. And once the USTN currency comes out from our banks, then we'll be able to turn in or spend out our Fiat dollars that we have left to spend those out as we get the new currency coming in to us.
Now, will that be explained at all in any way on this weekend? They may wait to talk about our new USTN money. I just call it the money, the paper currency that's backed by gold. They may wait on that but the things are definitely moving and they've been moving heavy duty behind the scenes.
And now it's time for this to come to the fore and bring this type of information out –Finally - and it may just be that GESARA is coinciding with the RV for tier 4B and tier 4A, that may be why the timing is set up for Saturday. Let's hope so.
And hopefully, notifications do come out tomorrow afternoon after the markets closed - hopefully - along the lines of the emails going out to the bondholders in groups, three, four and five, which are still small potatoes in the great scheme of things. But it's hard to call 8 billion dollars small potatoes okay, but it's still mine.
Thanks, Sue. Thanks, Bob GCK Pastor Scott, Jeanne and Marie everybody that's helped behind the scenes of the big call. Thank you, Intel providers and thank you those that are taking the big call and translating it simultaneously into other languages around the globe. Congratulations to France for their Bastille Day, their national day, today and the 14th of July.
And thank you everybody for listening all of those around the globe. Whether you're listening live to this call, or whether you're listening on the replay link or on the replay number. Thank you for tuning in. So thanks, everybody. Appreciate everything you've done over 11 years now. And everybody have a great weekend. I look forward to the weekend. And everything that's coming with it. All right, good night, everybody. Have a great weekend.
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins 1:24:54
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-12-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-12-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday July 12th and you’re listening to the Big Call – welcome everybody wherever you are listening in whether it is live or on the replay
So let’s get into some intel and see where we are - fortunately we got some really good information yesterday and today that are giving us a pretty good perspective on where we are for us tier 4B the internet group –
What’s really cool is – remember how I said we need the bond holders to actually start being paid - We need the bondholders to get their funds. We finally found out that the bondholders were started being paid just in the last couple of days. They started being paid so they have funds in their account, but they can see because these people have accounts that they've already set up to receive these funds.
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-12-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday July 12th and you’re listening to the Big Call – welcome everybody wherever you are listening in whether it is live or on the replay
So let’s get into some intel and see where we are - fortunately we got some really good information yesterday and today that are giving us a pretty good perspective on where we are for us tier 4B the internet group –
What’s really cool is – remember how I said we need the bond holders to actually start being paid - We need the bondholders to get their funds. We finally found out that the bondholders were started being paid just in the last couple of days. They started being paid so they have funds in their account, but they can see because these people have accounts that they've already set up to receive these funds.
They can go into those accounts, they can see the funds and they will have access those that have their bond money in their accounts. Can and will have access to that money starting tomorrow. That's Wednesday. Okay, you see the 13th. That's when they get access to it. I don't know exactly what time it could be late morning. Seems like I remember something around 10:30 and 11 in the morning, that they would have access to that.
Now - There are about 20,000 bondholders and so far about 10% of that number has received there plugged into their account. And just so you know, this is an ongoing thing of these bond sellers essentially being hydrated, their accounts being paid for the next three weeks. That's tier three, getting liquidity and access to it over the next three weeks.
We in tier four B are not dependent on tier three being completed. We don't have to wait for that to happen. I'm being told that we should and that's the operational word here the operative word we should receive notifications in the next couple of days.
And I believe our exchanges are to start either Thursday the 14th or Friday the 15th that came from a very, very high up source just today. So we have some liquidity already in these bond holder accounts. And it's interesting because the bond holders they're paying these accounts from the smallest amounts to the largest amounts.
So those that will have to wait two or three weeks for their accounts to be to be funded so let's call it those are going to be the bigger players in tier three. The ones that have their money in the account showing now that will have access tomorrow. But it’s still big money. It's still big money, but it's the lower and the bondholders it's from lowest to highest. Okay, so that's really an interesting piece of it right there.
A lot a lot of things so we should I don't know for sure if we're gonna get notified tomorrow or Thursday. Or we’re supposed to go Thursday or Friday? That's what I believe that's what I've been told from a very high up source. So I'm gonna go with that.
When it comes to other things happening around the globe, we've got a lot of geopolitical events happening, you know, with the assassination. of former Prime Minister Ave Shinzo Abe, of Japan.
We've lost I believe, the current prime minister, his wife of Haiti, they were a were executed I guess you could call it assassinated. There are things happening all over the globe - with government structures, with people being taken out of position of power and new people coming in. This is going to be the norm. This type of activity.
And it's sort of as part of GESARA in a way, because GESARA isn't gonna allow for a lot of things that aren't going to allow lend ourselves to a peaceful, non War world. Things are really moving in that direction. I think now, and there's a lot happening. Behind the scenes, a lot of cleanup on aisle three, all kinds of things that are taking place.
The Euro, as I mentioned, has dropped precipitously against the dollar Thursday was at 98 cents it's hovering near $1 now, I don't know you guys it's just it's just an amazing thing. We know that that the digital US dollar is tradable now - online as a as a virtual essentially a virtual currency. This thing is coming together before our eyes, but most of it is still behind the scenes. Most of it is happening behind the scenes.
There are a lot of structure and process that’s moving in place for certain people to return to Office - for certain people to be removed from office, et cetera, et cetera. And I think it's a it's going to be interesting we'll see how quickly the Emergency Alert System gets actually fully implemented.
And whether or not it's a short period of time, and then whether or not we have 10 days of disclosure, which I've understood that was more of a term to use than 10 Days of Darkness. I think it's more disclosure, I think we’re going to see lot of truths be revealed, hopefully, the truth be revealed, even on mainstream media and even on all channels could be on all channels depends on how broad the EAS is when it kicks in. We know it's been tested - We know it's been utilized in a number of few cities where they needed to get the word out and they've done it all took them us to get certain things out on radio in certain markets. So that is all taking place.
Now another thing I wanted to bring out was, this is something that is affecting those that are the bond holders that are going to see their funds and be able to get access starting tomorrow. That's our best understanding right now is that tomorrow they'll start -
There is a limit to the spending that they're going to be allowed to do - And that same criteria is going to apply to us in tier four B. And I think I can bring this out without hurting anybody's feelings. You're going to be for the first two months let's call it 60 days - two months - limited to purchasing no more than two homes - No more than two cars - And more than one airplane or some people say aeroplane it's really airplane or jet - one helicopter if needed. And did I say two cars? Yeah, I did. Right? And maybe one or two boats depending on the kind of boat. Okay, depending on it.
So there's a little bit of restriction, but think about it's only for two months. So it's not gonna be such a big thing. Bond holders are held to this. We are understanding we're going to be held to that. That same kind of a thing. All right.
And say why? Why are they limiting that because they don't want things that we purchased that are just going to sit, sit around or hope places that are bought they want things that we buy to be used to be usable to be used. Okay, so let's just go with it.
NDA understood today our actual NDA which is only zim holders by the way, is primarily only like a page and a half. Understand the main three points that are Shut the front door - don't talk about your newfound Wealth, or where you got it. Any of that you have to come up with a story. A True Story history as you can make it on how to keep that quiet if you're asked about certain things.
The main thing is don't put yourself in a position where you're asked about what how do you get on? Well, how did you get so rich? You know, don't be talking about that –
The second thing is you can’t talk about the appointment where you had it where the redemption center was who helped you who helped you have redemption center, no names, none of that, which that doesn't even cross my mind. I mean, you think I'm gonna tell somebody about the redemption center that people know neither one or the bank that you did this in? If you use it to your one or two bank, none of that information.
Everything around the aspects of these transactions that you're going to do will remain private. You don't talk about it. You shut your mouth and you don't don't let that out. You just you know what after this go to be looking forward into your projects into some vacay time. Maybe a staycation maybe a real vacation.
You're going to be looking at taking up you know a new ride maybe two you know, there'll be some stuff to do that you'll be doing before we get our projects cranked out or started down. We are going to start our planning stages of starting yearly on our projects, but we'll be revisiting those pretty quickly and talking about how, for example, you would be held involved with rebuild America. We've talked briefly about it, but we'll have more input and more information that we will send out to you -
So this could be the last live call, we'll see. So take this initial time to make sure you're completely out of debt that you find in either redo the home that you're in, if you love where you are, or get ready to move new location, doing the things you know, for your family, for yourself, for your immediate community to start with.
Okay, I’ve talked about NDA - I talked about just let's call it slight limitations, and making purchases in first two months. shouldn't be anything too restrictive for us I don’t think - we are going to receive perk sheets. This is a list of benefits or perks that banks will give us for banking with them. And understand some of these may be renewable every year. They are not supposed to cost us anything that it would matter, but it's not going to be something they have paid for or pay taxes on.
So these are going to be sheets maybe I'm gonna say three, maybe four pages from each bank. I understand that because of competition all the banks be offering the same perks. Now they may vary somewhat. They may vary. So when you get that that's something you'll get at the redemption center appointment, but then you take those home and look those over and decide just saying what you want.
It's like the old days, like 60 years ago - When you set up an account, certain bank accounts would give you a toaster, you know, well, we're not going to need a free toaster. But some of the perks might be worth it - Nice. I'd like to take advantage of that. Check one off your list. I hope there's nothing said about a free toaster. No, I don't think so. Not when it comes to the kind of money we're talking about - otherwise guys, I think that's how close we are two - three days. From what I'm hearing from a super high source
And we know that the bondholders are supposed to get access to funds starting tomorrow and I know and one other piece that was that a lot more bond holders are going to be happy after 8:30pm Let's call it Eastern Daylight Time tonight.
That meant a whole batch of emails would be going out to those bondholders - I have no idea how many – I just know we've got 20,000 total that need to be paid out. So there's probably a pretty good chunk that are going out tonight and they'll continue to get us out of it. Good news. For us.
We do not have to wait to complete we will get started. It may not be a true shot gun start but it could be and also possible that we get some notification tomorrow. I'm not going to hold my breath for tomorrow I’m looking more to Thursday and Friday – we will see -
Stay positive we are getting down to the wire - so that's all I wanted to show you guys tonight. appreciate everybody that's tuned in faithfully some of you may without missing a call over the last seven years which is tremendous even I've missed I think two of my own calls for the last 11 years maybe but everybody that is helped to make this a reality It's just been wonderful.
Thanks everybody for being part of this big call universe wherever you are located around the globe. So thank you everyone.
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:41
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-7-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-7-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 7th and you’re listening to the big call – thanks everybody for tuning in all around over this beautiful blue globe of ours – whether live or recorded – glad you’re here – hope everybody had a wonderful 4th of July or Independence Day in the United States
Let’s start intel wise – let’s start with Iraq – Iraq has been on new platform for trading – they call it the Iraq Stock Exchange - they have been on a new version of that since last Sunday – that new version is completely integrated with the Quantum Financial System and totally connected to the Blockchain – to the StarLink Satellite System - So Iraq is totally up to speed on all of that
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-7-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 7th and you’re listening to the big call – thanks everybody for tuning in all around over this beautiful blue globe of ours – whether live or recorded – glad you’re here – hope everybody had a wonderful 4th of July or Independence Day in the United States
Let’s start intel wise – let’s start with Iraq – Iraq has been on new platform for trading – they call it the Iraq Stock Exchange - they have been on a new version of that since last Sunday – that new version is completely integrated with the Quantum Financial System and totally connected to the Blockchain – to the StarLink Satellite System - So Iraq is totally up to speed on all of that
Continuing about Iraq – I heard today from one of our contacts in Iraq that the Dinar will be international – the international rate for the Dinar will be posted in the Gazette – which is their official document – the Gazette and printed this Saturday - two days away – it will actually be seen and printed in the Gazette – That’s a really good sign – it shows that Iraq is definitely moving forward –
They have been trading up the value of their Dinar – we noticed that for the last several days – since they started trading on the new platform on Sunday and it is really moving up – So that is going to be really good for us –
I don’t do rates as you all know so just trust me in the fat that it is going up and probably will exceed what Dr Shabibi predicted the value of the Dinar to be at the United States Chamber of Commerce meeting of 2012 –
This is ten years later when he suggested what the value of the Dinar would be – He is right on the money and it’s probably a little higher than he suggested – so we will see -So Iraq has done their thing they are ready to go
Let’s talk a minute about the BRICS nations – the BRICS nations plus 12 are nations that have already have a gold backed or asset backed currency - that 12 has been increased to I think 140 countries Now that are tradeable – with an asset backed currency
Now let’s cut to Europe for a second - You have seen probably that the Euro which is a currency that is used in the European Union - with most of the countries there – except of course Great Brittan is on the British Pound Sterling – and Switzerland is on the Swiss Frank - ither than that all the other countries in the European region are on the Euro -
The Euro has taken quite a hit – against the dollar and I don’t even think this is our USN dollar – I think this is against the old USD – its hard to say right now – but the Euro value today is only 98 cents ($.98) compared to 1 dollar of the United States – I remember when traveling to Europe and the Euro was at $1.45
It was 45% higher than the value of our dollar – when you did the exchange you really got hurt – and things were expensive – Now for the very first time in a very long time the Euro is at 98 cents – just 2 cents below the value of the dollar – that is amazing !!
The British Pound is at $1.20 and that is quite a bit lower than it was – at one point it was at $1.60 to the USD now it’s at $1.20 but I predict that the British Pound will drop even more in value because of what’s happening in Great Brittan - You had Boris Johnson – the Prime Minister resign yesterday and a whole group of about 45 Ministers of Parliament left their positions as well - so there is a real shake out going on in government – in Great Brittan – in the UK – so that is something we didn’t know about and we did see the disillusion of the European Union and also the disillusion of the Euro because when this occurs which could be pretty soon - the other countries will assume their other currency – like for example the thinking was that Germany would leave the European Union in terms of the Euro – they would leave the Euro and join the BRICS nations that I just referred to – when that happens all of the dominos fall in Europe and the rest of the countries will seek refuge in their own currency –
So Germany will go to Deutch Mark as their currency – France will go to the Franc – and so on and so forth – all of these countries will go back – Italy to the Lira and all of these countries would settle into a new version of asset backed currencies – How soon will that happen? I am not quite sure – I don’t know how quickly that will happen – I have a feeling that will happen after this global currency reset has started and we have everything working in the direction that we’re looking to go in –
Now let’s talk a little bit of geopolitical – we believe that political changes like what are happening in Brittan are taking place and it may actually be that they announce something this weekend about the demise of the Queen of England – we will see how that comes out –
Also there has been a desire of the deep state to create another virus – you may have heard about this - to be out this fall - to give us a very difficult time medically and to basically take us out - that biolab – for that virus is found in Africa – (Mozaimbique?) They found this lab and they destroyed the contents but I’m sure everybody that was helping to put this virus together has been arrested or worse - and this happened 4 days ago – Monday
What else are the Whitehats doing? You may have heard of the Georgia Guidestones (?) - this was a project designed by the WhiteHats for some time and they are waiting for the right time to go in and take it out – I believe of the 5 – if there are 5 Georgia Guidestones - what’s the deal with that? What is that about?
I know at least one of the Guidestones talks about depopulating the world to no more than half of a billion people – they were looking at 7 1/2 billion + now - so what are they going to take the world population and knock it down – 7 billion people????? And leave only 500 million people?? ½ billion? That was the plan of the deep state – the plan that was actually written on one or more of the Georgia Guidestones – Guess what? Two of them at least were blown up into pieces and that was a sign to the deep state that it “ain’t” happening -
Your new world order - that’s a slam to the new world order – “that ain’t happening”
So that is another good piece that has come out – recently - ok let’s talk about flights that have been grounded – for about 3-4 days now – these are commercial flights and private jet flights for the most part - Military flights have been operating - but in this country and internationally there’s about 80% of commercial flights cancelled - grounded - and I told you Tuesday that the news is talking about because of pilot strikes or covid shots – is a total lie –
The real reason was so to prevent deep state / cabal people from traveling so they could be picked up – and they were - they were all picked up and they resumed commercial flights today – Thursday – Why did they resume them today? Because the bond holders – the bond sellers and the paymasters need to get in position in Reno and Miami to execute the final closings of the bond exchanges / trading –
So they are using this private jets and other ways to get to Reno and Miami to execute these trades – now my understanding is that we are looking for a couple green lights from the treasury - a green light from Treasury for bond buyers – these are the end buyers of these bonds – have been given the go ahead to move funds to the paymasters accounts – so that paymasters accounts are hydrated from bond buyers
The other piece of the equation is bond sellers – those that have sold these bonds or selling these bonds to these end bond users to these end buyers - those guys will get a green light from Treasury that their funds that the paymaster has jurisdiction over – are able to be placed into their accounts - bond sellers accounts and they would have liquidity – would be able to have access to those funds –
Now tomorrow is Friday the 8th of July – I know the Chinese love the number 8 because it is a number that reflects financial prosperity and new beginnings and may have more to do than that but I think 8 is going to trigger the bond holders funds moving from paymasters beginning to move from paymasters to bond holders or bond sellers accounts – may start as early as tomorrow
We know the plan is for it to happen over the weekend which is Saturday and Sunday – Now I told you the Iraqi Dinar would be placed in the Gazette - the printed version of their official record on Saturday – probably – I don’t know this but probably early in the morning – after first morning prayer in Iraq – on Saturday
Now once that happens it sort of changes the game because that piece of the puzzle we can put in place – we’ve got the new international rate of the Iraqi Dinar that is out - publicly known – at least internationally –
Now the question is …… what does that mean for us – does that mean we get notified over the weekend – possibly Saturday and start Saturday afternoon – I’ll give that a low percentage chance – but possible –
Or do we get notified Sunday or Monday and start exchanges Monday or Tuesday? That to me is the most likely scenario - now the redemption center staff – are on call tomorrow and Saturday - with one hour notice – In other words – one hour after they get called they are to be at their desk ready to go to take our appointments
Now they are on call doesn’t meant they are going in – they are “on call” when they get the call they go in – tomorrow and Saturday – they are on call –
Now we will see what the odds are - we have one of our better bond paymasters give us a 98 % of everything going tomorrow with all of this – we’ve also heard that the funds - and this came from a Spanish bank - this bank suggested that we would receive – the funds would be flowing like really moving Sunday – and that would probably be funds going from paymasters into the bond sellers accounts –
So Saturday or Sunday that ought to be taking place – they may have to have that happen and then when are going to have access to funds – they may have a note in their account that gives them access to those funds Monday or Tuesday and that would be the timing to coincide with us having set our appointments - probably Monday and going either Monday or Tuesday at this time to do our exchanges and zim redemption –
So they hold the bond holders back a day or so to line up with us for access to funds and giving us thereby somewhat of a shotgun start – for tier 3 bond holders and tier 4 currency and zim holders would get a fair shot at roughly the same time
So looking for green lights from the Treasury to get the bond holders underway - looking for the green light from Treasury to give us our go ahead so that we can get our emails with the toll free number and then call and set appointments and then follow those appointments with our exchanges and zim redemption
Did you realize there is no NDA except for zim holders – the zim holders are the only ones that have to sign a non disclosure agreement – not the other currency holders ok – so the zim holders are special - we know that because we know the face value of the xim notes – some are 50 billion some are 10 trillion 50 trillion – 100 trillion notes – these notes are bearer bonds – payable to the bearer of this bond payable to bearer upon demand – so these have a very high value –
Some people – not naming names – some people have actually put out mis information on the value of these bonds –on purpose – on purpose ! to mislead us - and to make people stop buying them – just so you know – what ever the face value is – I told you – years ago – that the zim was to be on par with the United States Dollar – and that would include the USN - our new virtual digital – gold backed dollar
Now there are a series of rallies that Pres Trump will be doing with other people coming up starting around the ninth and tenth and there’s 4 different get togethers / rallies - but there’s meetings that will be taking place probably around the time of the 14th and 15th to discuss and to implement NESARA and GESARA - I think that is going to be pretty accurate
Now it could end up being a different date than Thursday the 14th or Friday the 15th or whatever – it’s in that range that final meetings could be held about NESARA and GESARA which is the global Economic Strategic and Reform Act –
So that is going to be on our minds as well even though we should have been well underway on our exchanges by then –but there’s quite a bit coming out at that time for people that don’t have any currency – people haven’t taken advantage of what we know about and what we have – so I’m looking forward to that happening for the public – because it’s going to elevate them and give them money that they can move forward with – and give them benefits under Nesara –
Our tax system should change – and should get announced - to where there is no more Federal personal income tax – and that should get announced around that time and in fact we are going to get our tax money back from a long long time ago – There’s a lot of good news happening like that –
There will be a new consumption tax – and two ways to look at it – consumables and non-consumables - so the consumables will not be taxed – so like medicines – food – certain other things will not have a tax in the value or price of the goods – probably a lot of other things I can’t think of right now –
But we will pay a sort of like a value added tax – it’s a consumption tax on “new” goods – like if you buy a used house – a house that has already been built and sold once – when you repurchased that house you won’t have to pay this tax on that house – Certainly clothing and other items for the house that tax is going to be somewhere around 15% and in boarded in the cost of goods – meaning you won’t see it added as a tax – it will be in boarded in the price of the item – so that is something to look forward to - going to be a lot better for us that have money – a LOT BETTER than a personal income tax
There’s a lot more coming out about NESARA and I look for it somewhere in the 14th 15th area of July and I think it’s actually going to be a time of Jubilee for us because Jubilee refers to debt forgiveness – and there will be a lot of loans and mortgages forgiven – a lot of things will happen
In the meantime – make your house payment until all of that happens and something may change in your favor -
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:19:55
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-5-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-5-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 5th and you’re listening to the big call – thanks everybody for tuning in all around over this beautiful blue globe of ours – whether live or recorded – glad you’re here – hope everybody had a wonderful 4th of July or Independence Day in the United States
We’ve got some intel that has come in and some of it was a little later on this afternoon and this evening – What is happening is – the banks – the redemption centers even some of the bond paymasters have gone silent – where there is new intel / information coming out – they are not answering their phones – it’s going to voice mail and if you leave a message not many are calling back - that is how quiet it is for us and our intel sources
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-5-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday July 5th and you’re listening to the big call – thanks everybody for tuning in all around over this beautiful blue globe of ours – whether live or recorded – glad you’re here – hope everybody had a wonderful 4th of July or Independence Day in the United States
We’ve got some intel that has come in and some of it was a little later on this afternoon and this evening – What is happening is – the banks – the redemption centers even some of the bond paymasters have gone silent – where there is new intel / information coming out – they are not answering their phones – it’s going to voice mail and if you leave a message not many are calling back - that is how quiet it is for us and our intel sources
We fortunately have a little bit to talk about that kind of gives us the impression that things are moving along in the direction we want them to – so I am encouraged – not discouraged today –
First of all let’s talk about Iraq – Iraq’s new dinar and their government seating and the dinar is ready – was put on a new platform and the ISX – Iraq Stock Exchange - went to a new platform that is connected to the QFS – that happened I understand – either Saturday or Sunday –
The government of Iraq was seated over the weekend - so they are ready to go – Is the rate out yet? We don’t have the rate – we know what it was when it first came on – but we also know that the dinar being a gold backed currency is one of 140 some countries that have an asset backed or gold backed currency
There are 6 precious metals that could be used to establish value – gold – silver – platinum – palladium – lithium – and copper – to help establish value – there are a number of gen stones besides diamonds – that help to establish value – there is obviously oil – natural gas and so on also can be used – to establish value for a country
So those countries that have asset backed currency established already have been on the bank screens doing trading since Sunday – which is days ago - since Sunday night –
Where we stand now is relative to our United States dollar – USD – money – currency – which was being printed here in the United States – in Virginia – California – and Oregon – that has been stopped – no longer USD – its also been printed outside the US in the Ukraine – United Kingdom – and one other country – not sure which one – and I do not want to just guess –
So that has stopped both in the United States and outside the US – printing of our US dollar – was halted at 1 am in the morning – yesterday – on the 4th of July – on Independence Day – and in a very real sense - we have freedom from a fiat currency as we have moved into the USN and certainly a digital version of the USN for trading purposes with our country – and that’s a big deal
Certain people in a certain administration have been arrested for printing beyond the 1 am cutoff point yesterday morning
The other thing is and that is really what I wanted to say about Iraq and our currency – the other thing about Iraq is interesting – we have connections over there in Iraq that are telling us that Iraq is no longer – at least two days ago – allowing commercial flights to come into Iraq or out of Iraq – and this is a situation affecting other countries as well – including the US -
You might have seen a report yesterday about cancelled flights – there has been some discussion about it was due to pilot’s strike or covid shots – none of that is true – it was due to the desire for the good guys to go after the remaining cabal and deep state without letting them travel in or out of this country or Iraq and I’m sure many other countries – I understand there was up to 80% of commercial flights were grounded and that is the reason why –
Let’s talk a little bit more about this type of a situation – You know the EAS – Emergency Alert System – that’s the term replacing Emergency Broadcasting System – so the EAS has been activated for the last several days as a test and was used yesterday morning on television stations for up to 3 minutes letting people know if they read the crawler that went across the top of the screen what was going on – that is a pretty long EAS test – 3 minutes
But this has been happening and further to this EAS – yesterday at 8 am Eastern – there were major announcements made on the hour every hour in Washington DC - using speakers that had been mounted on poles throughout the city to alert people to if they saw anything weird or anything going on – they weren’t to join in and be part of that but to stay in their homes or stay in their place of business – in other words – don’t get involved or interfere - that’s because there’s being clean up taking place in many cities across the US – including these and a number of other cities across the country –
That cleanup is what we’re looking for to having completed – that’s going on the EAS to give these announcements every hour on the hour starting yesterday at 8am
So where do we stand – Bondholders were to be notified sometime today – we thought we would be notified late morning today – that did not happen – as you know – or I wouldn’t be doing a call tonight –
But we did get news that suggested that the bond sellers would receive their emails at 9 Eastern tomorrow along with those coming out of Reno at 6 am Pacific time which is 9 am Eastern – and if they come out of Reno at that hour they should very well come out of Miami at 9 oclock in the morning – that would make sense –
So where do we stand if bond holders get emails – I think we could go tomorrow with our notifications – we could go Thursday or we could start on Friday – I think we are in a 3 day window and remember that the 8th is a number the Chinese love – and the 8th is Friday – I don’t know that we’re going to need to go all the way to Friday – we might but we’re looking very possible for something to happen for us over the next 3 days
I know that there is a lot going on behind the scenes – a lot happening with EAS – about to go into disclosure mode – for us –
I know that the airlines being restricted with flights that are grounded and so on whether it’s international flights or just domestic flights inside the US – there is something to this - a lot to that – and has nothing to do with pilots striking or anything like that –
I think this is a way to try to keep the people that they are looking for to pick up – they are looking to pick those people up and have been – they have been doing all along but it’s kind of like “game on” – “game on” right now
So we do have a chance to get notified I hear – that’s sort of the hidden message in some of what has been told to me – I think it could be that we are right smack against it – I even heard one source say that this could happen any minute within the next 6 hours – and that was earlier today
So I’m encouraged because I know we are that close – and we need the USN to be taken as our currency as a legitimate digitized version of virtual currency that we have that is asset backed
I think we are looking at getting our NESARA kicked in – somewhere in the 14th / 15th of this month of July – that’s going to be interesting – I believe – of course as you know it should include debt relief like we talked about – a long time ago - there’s a lot to NESARA – and GESARA – globally – I believe they are both going to come in in a heavier way – somewhere in the 14th /15th region of this month – that’s not too far away – and you know – we’re looking very strong to get this thing done -
Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link Intel Begins: 1:13:53
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-28-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-28-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 28th and you’re listening to the big call – thanks everybody for tuning in all around over the globe where ever you are
Alright – let’s talk a little bit about where we are – now we do have some good news - and “No” I don’t have the toll free numbers yet – However – let’s talk about what is happening – Remember we talked about tier 3 bond holders – and then tier 4A & 4B - we are tier 4B as the internet group – the largest single group of zim holders and other currency holders –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-28-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 28th and you’re listening to the big call – thanks everybody for tuning in all around over the globe where ever you are
Alright – let’s talk a little bit about where we are – now we do have some good news - and “No” I don’t have the toll free numbers yet – However – let’s talk about what is happening – Remember we talked about tier 3 bond holders – and then tier 4A & 4B - we are tier 4B as the internet group – the largest single group of zim holders and other currency holders –
Now – here’s the deal – we heard today and got clarification on something that was supposed to occur at 4 am Eastern Daylight time this morning (Tues) and from 4 am until 11 am bond sellers – were notified that the transactions they are looking for would be complete in 24 hours from 11 am this morning (Tues) and that means around 11 am tomorrow (Wed) the bond sellers will have notifications that they have access to their funds and how much they have access to -
In the meantime between 11 am today and 11 am tomorrow – the bond buyers and their paymasters are connecting and going through their connection of finishing the sells – putting those sells together of those bonds – so that the bond sellers can receive emails from the paymasters tomorrow at 11 am – giving them full access to whatever amount they’re entitled to as of 11 am Wednesday – (Eastern Daylight time)
Now – here’s the thing – we’ve been told for months that we are either running parallel with the bond holders – we are on a shot gun start with the bond holders – or we’re slowly behind or on the heels of the bond holders going –
Well the bond holders are apparently going to be made liquid tomorrow (Wed) by 11 am and we “should” be receiving our notifications shortly thereafter – it could be morning – it could be afternoon but it should be on the heels of the bond holders receiving their notifications tomorrow from their paymaster – at approximately 11 am
Now – obviously – I’m not calling it or saying it’s absolutely going to happen but this is what we’re being told from high ups in Wells Fargo and Chase – and other banks regarding the bonds – remember we had 50% of the bond holders that had received payouts already and notifications out of Zurich and Singapore but out of the United States which is really Reno - New York – and Miami – major action out of Miami and Reno – that information was started this morning at 4 am with notifications to the bond sellers –
So what we need now is recertification and confirmation that the bond holders have been paid which we should get tomorrow (Wed) if they do receive those notifications around 11 am – So – paymasters and bond buyers are coordinating now to complete everything on the purchasing of those bonds and then that should take it and make it a “done deal” so to speak by tomorrow morning around 11 am –
Now – maybe not all transactions will be complete but certainly we’re hearing that a majority of those transactions should be completed and should provide liquidity and access to those funds in those accounts in the sellers accounts when they receive the emails with access codes so that they can access those accounts and see the money in the accounts and have access to those accounts to spend those funds - so that is where that process is –
I think it’s really good that we’re hearing what we’re hearing about it – and I think it’s good that we’re hearing that we in tier 4A and 4B are on the heels of the bond holders which are tier 3 which are the bond holders getting access to funds
If all of that comes through according to plan – and they get their access to funds starting at 11 am then we should be looking to be notified sometime after that – I can’t tell you exactly when because we don’t have that – we weren’t given a time for tier 4B to be notified today – we don’t have it –
The trend then is for us to talk about getting notified in the early to midafternoon and then set appointments and then go exchange and redeem our zim the following day – that’s conceivable - that is possible – with what’s happening with the bonds and bond sellers – ok – that’s really good –
Now another thing - I’ve got two other things to talk about – one is on Sunday the Iraqi Dinar – the new Iraqi Dinar - sometimes they call it the NID – was placed on the banks screens for trading at 9 pm Sunday night – This was last Sunday – 2 nights ago – the Dinar came out at 68 cents ($.68) and by 11 am Monday it had traded up to $5.60 – it should be trading much higher than that now and should be trading on up to numbers that we had talked about that Dr Shabbibi had talked about – if you remember –
the numbers we talked about in the past at the International Chamber of Commerce Meeting – where Blue Star asked him what/how many Iraqi dinars could support – when it came out – and you remember what Dr Shabbibi said – I am hearing that we should be at that number or greater – ok – so we will see how that goes – it’s certainly on its way now and is being traded as we speak – right now –internationally – globally –
Now have all of the other countries that are gold backed – been placed on this for trading yet? I do not have that - I don’t know that - the only way to track it would be to have a legitimate trading account with forex as a forex trader – a bonifide forex trader to be able to follow that – you cannot go to or some of the others and just see it – it’s not there – it’s being traded on what we would call grey screens or back screens – for the banks
When the time is right it will be placed out on the front screens with the other currencies that we are looking to exchange when we go to our appointments at the redemption center – so that’s one piece I wanted to bring out
The next piece is we understand the President of Zimbabwe was faced with an inflation scenario and he wanted to stem and head off to the pass so he ended up saying that they would start minting gold coins for their citizens with 80-90% 22K gold in some form of coin for their people –
Now – this essentially is a gold backed Zimbabwe currency because it’s in gold coins – you know the Zimbabwe bearer bonds that we have are very very large denominations and I’m not sure – it hasn’t been spoken yet as to what size denomination if you will these coins will represent but it is something that has been started and it’s just a few days old – the information started coming out on the 24th today is the 28th of June so they are very new and fresh in getting these gold backed coins minted - the good news is we’ve got evidence that now the Zimbabwe dollar if you will – is gold backed –
Now the Zimbabwe dollar is to be on par with the US dollar which means 1-1 - 1 dollar - 1 USN – would be worth 1 zimbabwe dollar – that is what “on par” means - but the Zimbabwe dollar is no longer pegged to the United States dollar – it is separated – depart from that - that’s a good thing – so looking forward to all of these countries – not only the BRICS nations – BRICS + 12 nations and then some all having asset backed or gold backed currency that will be tradeable with our USN – and of course every time we turn around or try to find out is the USN tradeable yet?? Do we have it on the bank screens as USN a gold backed dollar?
We know the USTN’s have been printed for a while now – we know that represents a gold backed currency for us – our “new” money if you will – United States Treasury Note – no longer a fiat currency called a Federal Reserve Note – these will be currency that will be put in ATM’s – banks – all that – when the right time is known – we don’t know exactly when –
Until that time we use the fiat dollars that we have and when we spend it and we give it to the stores – the stores will actually have drop boxes to put the fiat currency in and when they turn it in to the bank the banks will deal with and we will get new USTN currency when the time is right –
In the meantime just spend out the fiat dollars that you are getting now until we get the new currency – It might take a little while – it might be the 4th of July – it could be after the 4th - maybe the 5th or 6th of July
Now we believe the goal is for us to have our start with our exchanges and zim redemption to start before the end of the month – we’ve only got a couple of days left – we might get started by the end of the month – If the notifications were to come out tomorrow and if we were to set our appointments and start on Thursday – which would be the last day of the month - it’s very conceivable –
I don’t know if we are going to get pushed or not – I don’t know I don’t have that – fortunately for us a lot of times the banks are under severe NDA”s – they are hushed – and quieted – and sometimes we get information but most of the time it’s not what we used to get – which was pretty readily – now it is a little bit tougher and we do find sometimes new sources but this is a deal where they don’t really want us to know the “when” – You know that by now -
There are plenty of forces opposing this going at all – and what we’ve got to do is get the old cabal forces within our government to be removed which they are doing that now – and move forward into our Restored Republic – which we’re also doing now
So – I’m excited about that – I’m excited about the bond holders – I’m hoping that everything goes through as we had heard - for them - by tomorrow morning – and that we could get notified on the heels of the bond holders being notified of their liquidity and access to that liquidity -
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:13:53
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-23-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-23-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 23rd and you’re listening to the big call – welcome everybody all over the globe where ever you are tuned
Let’s talk about where we are as a way of introducing the intel at this time – We got some good information today and we did get more information a little later in the afternoon that helped to give us an idea of where we are in this picture –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-23-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 23rd and you’re listening to the big call – welcome everybody all over the globe where ever you are tuned
Let’s talk about where we are as a way of introducing the intel at this time – We got some good information today and we did get more information a little later in the afternoon that helped to give us an idea of where we are in this picture –
First thing we have to talk about is the concept of the crypto coin or what are being called virtual coins or digital coins – these are the crypto currency coins that Charlie Ward referred to as tokens – remember I told you the coin was backed by and had a value of an ounce of gold – erase - erase that --- 1 gram of gold per crypto coin - There are 28.3 Grams in an ounce of gold
Now that this morning there was a zoom call between 102 countries one of which being the United States – of course - and the US Treasury – so picture 102 countries tuned in at 0500 5 am on a zoom call until 11 am – so a 6 hour zoom call with the US Treasury about the integration of these crypto coins / virtual coins – digital coins and the QFS – they have been fully integrated into a platform that will back the coins with a value of gold
Now that platform allowed this morning from 5am to 11 am for Whales – VIP’s to do their exchanges of cryptos into a gold backed platform - either to exchange it into a currency or another digital coin – That was really important – that was sort of the last integration of the QFS – that should have wrapped it up –
The next integration is the bond holders in tier 3 – now some bond holders have been notified and they have some if not all of their liquidity but not many – I got this clarified this evening about half hour before the call –
There are two releases of emails for the bond holders – 50% of the bond holders will receive their notifications by email overnight tonight and give them access to funds tomorrow – so ½ of the bond holders are to be notified overnight tonight by email so they wake up to it tomorrow (Friday am) – the other 50% will receive their email on Saturday night and wake up to them Sunday – so they are kinda 2 days apart - The first one goes tonight for half of the bond holders and the other half goes on Saturday night and they wake up to it on Sunday
That would give those groups access to funds - that is what the purpose – and gets a lot of the bond holders in tier 3 handled – ok – a lot of them – and of course the vast majority will have access to funds by Sunday –
It might be Monday before they actually do anything with it but certainly they will see it – and will be able to go to their accounts and see the liquidity that they have and have access to it – so that’s a really good move
Now what we heard from the people that told us about that particular call - the zoom call – this morning – and the crypto currencies we heard that we would go on the heels of the bond holders – so when push comes to shove we try to find out – ok what does that mean with what’s happening to the bond holders – what does it mean for us in tier 4?
So we have heard that it is speculated that we could get notified on Saturday and set our appointments and maybe start over the weekend - meaning Saturday/Sunday – and yes Sunday they do plan to have redemption centers opened and operating if in fact we get started on Saturday
In other words it’s not an automatic push to next week – we checked on that – that is not part of the plan – we believe since the bond holders are coming out so strongly overnight tonight and Saturday night we could easily be notified and start Saturday evening or Sunday - It’s possible – It is definitely in our purview to consider that-
So – everything is moving forward with everything happening behind the scenes – there’s quite a bit of things happening politically – and there’s quite a bit of arrests taking place – always – that does not seem to be slowing down – and the rest of it I just don’t typically go into intel on - but I really feel good about knowing that they’ve got the digital coins out of the way in terms of having a connection and integration into the QFS and then of course the same thing with the bond holders getting notified – it’s all good – we’re there - on the heels of the bond holders - that are getting notified overnight tonight and overnight Saturday night – We’re very very close
That’s what I had to bring to you tonight in terms of that form of intel – It’s good that they got the crypto done and out of the way – the bond holders are going to be out of the way tonight and Saturday night – it opens up the possibility for us to be notified quite possibly Saturday and start Saturday or Sunday for our exchanges and our redemption of zim – and yes they are going to be open if we start on Saturday – would be open on Sunday for the redemption centers – not a problem
I think that is everything I wanted to bring to you tonight – that’s everything
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:13:53
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-21-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-21-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 21st and you’re listening to the big call – thanks for tuning in – welcome everybody to the longest day of the year – our summer solstice – we’re excited that you’re here
What is really interesting is to see how this thing has progressed and to see what has been happening behind the scenes – like we talked about earlier during the teaching tonight – we did get some information saying that the bond holders were looking to be notified with their emails to get them access to their funds / liquidity in their accounts - should start over night tonight - should see more of those going out to the tier 3 bond holders
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-21-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 21st and you’re listening to the big call – thanks for tuning in – welcome everybody to the longest day of the year – our summer solstice – we’re excited that you’re here
What is really interesting is to see how this thing has progressed and to see what has been happening behind the scenes – like we talked about earlier during the teaching tonight – we did get some information saying that the bond holders were looking to be notified with their emails to get them access to their funds / liquidity in their accounts - should start over night tonight - should see more of those going out to the tier 3 bond holders
So that is finally a good sign - and we are going to be close I think - to being parallel with what they are experiencing – what we’re getting now is that there are - let’s just say there was a big sting operation that took place yesterday and a certain amount of people tried to exchange Dong in three cities in the US and three in Switzerland –
This was a plan they had to try to catch these people that were not good folks – but deep state – and they were able to get those handled yesterday and that was over 3150 arrests that took place – so that should be as far as we know – maybe that is the last thing that we know of before we go
Now the information that we’re getting which is very limited but every once in a while we get a little piece of intel that comes in – One of those is that we have according to one individual at one of the redemption centers – he is giving it a 98% chance that we would get notified tomorrow –
Now maybe that means that we get notified and start tomorrow (Wed) afternoon / evening - or maybe it means we set appointments tomorrow and go on Thursday – either way is a win / win – as you all know
Getting the notifications – getting the toll free number to set our appointments that is a win – a big deal – Once we get that I say we are golden - we really are
Also we’ve got half of the people around the globe are in economies that are gold backed already – that means that these countries are gold backed and on the QFS and we are moving towards 100% completion of gold backed currency and other asset backed currencies around the globe –
It started with the BRICS Nations and then they added plus 12 including Saudi Arabia and other nations added onto the BRICS Nation - so that’s a really good start –
We know that the QFS is not hackable – we know that it’s going to be safe for us to do our exchanges into a digital currency and get access to our Quantum account too move funds into our primary account with Wells Fargo initially –
The timing is really good for us – we had some information that was not complete and then that got completed and verified today again so we’re looking good – to get this whole thing started for us – that would be tier 4A and 4B which Wells Fargo refers to as tier 4 – so that is the Admiral’s group and us the internet group –
We have over 3 million zim holders globally around the world and what we’re trying to do is get this thing going and have the freedom to go with our projects - Thanks everyone for listening
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:13:03