Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-21-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-21-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday July 21st and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for listening everybody –welcome everybody wherever you are listening - whether it is live or on the replay

Let's move into the Intel segment and see where we are and how we can tell what we're doing. What's interesting about today is yesterday was moderate in terms of information. We did get some good things. Today was very quiet up until about, oh, maybe an hour before the big call tonight and some more information came in which we were happy to see - that where we were yesterday was talking about the bondholders and us in tier 4A and 4B, basically getting released at the same time - and we had a three day period of Thursday, Friday and Saturday, today, tomorrow and Saturday that we were looking at for that to take place.

Now that is still in effect - although we can pretty much write today off. However, tonight is a different subject. Because we also hear  that the bondholders are supposed to receive their emails of notification of access to funds overnight tonight - now that could be late night or early morning, depending how you look at it, but that's supposed to happen.

And we in tier 4B are supposed to be notified most likely tomorrow with the idea of but by Saturday at the latest. But by Saturday that's the third day of our three day stretch at the latest - So tomorrow is looking very good for us. We don't have a time, but we're supposed to be notified right on the heels of the bondholders receiving their notifications.

So it's hard to say when but we're looking very solid over the next two days. Tonight overnight. Friday and and then by Saturday at the latest is how it was played. So let's take that and run with that

Now - regarding the redemption center, and exchanges of currency, if you only have let's say dinar - Dong - rupiah - other currencies to exchange - you're looking not to have to sign a nondisclosure agreement. No NDA for you if your currency only. If you're a Zim holder - that's where the NDA comes into play - and the NDA is only about a page and a quarter long.

So they really shortened that up quite a bit - page and a quarter long - You say well, how long does the NDA last?

Well, it lasts for a minimum of 30 days, and they're going to read you based on what they believe your ability to be upfront - To be quiet - to keep your mouth shut - to just have your wits about you - They'll read that into you during your presentation - and if you - if they feel comfortable and confident that you're going to be good in that area, you might only have a 30 day NDA.

Now, if they read you differently, they may give you a 60 day all the way to a six month NDA. You could be kept under that agreement for six months. So that's really interesting.

Also, we did get word that the public, which we call tier five, the John Q Public is supposed to start between the I believe was the 10th and the 14th of August  - 10th and 14th of August - so that should be well after we're through with our exchanges.

I’m thinking whether or not there was anything else major that you needed to know about tonight, and I think primarily they've got the....   I know one thing - the dinar rate will not come out until we're absolutely in our exchanges.

In other words, they've already agreed upon a rate for the dinar - it was traded up and it will be traded up higher - actually after it gets out there. It's supposed to be traded the ability to be traded now. But it's not going to be something we can see here. Not yet. The bankers can see it on their screens, but we you know, we don't we don't have it where we can see it. So that's not a problem.

It's just that they just don't want the dinar rate out until we're ready to go for our exchange. That's really what it amounts to. Timing is everything as you guys know. And our timing is getting closer and closer to this.

The timeframe frame that we have seems to be compressed somewhat in terms of the way that we have to go. We heard a few days ago it was three days or four days and we heard it was 48 hours. And now we're pretty much in that 48 hour timeframe of something happening more or less from overnight tonight, all the way to Saturday.

I don't believe we'll use the redemption centers on Sunday. But we very well could get this Friday and start Friday or Saturday and then powering through and go jump over into Monday, Tuesday of next week. So we'll see how it goes. We'll see whether that progresses as we hope and everything is moving along very nicely geopolitically as well. So thank you for that.

I'm glad that we've been able to broadcast into 12 different languages all over the globe in various means. And we just welcome everybody that's listening to this call for maybe the first time they've ever heard it. So thank you for listening. Now let's pray the call out and look forward to great things happening hopefully by Saturday.


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:17:00


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