Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-16-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-16-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 16th and you’re listening to the big call – thanks for tuning in - Now intel wise – we are going to have the intel segment portion and then we’re going to bring Sue and Bob in for a mini round table to discuss some things that Sue has come up with – which I think will be really exciting

So first of all the intel that we have been receiving has been good and it was yesterday afternoon / evening and a little bit late this afternoon before the call – so I’m excited to bring you what I think is where we actually stand

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-16-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 16th and you’re listening to the big call – thanks for tuning in - Now intel wise – we are going to have the intel segment portion and then we’re going to bring Sue and Bob in for a mini round table to discuss some things that Sue has come up with – which I think will be really exciting

So first of all the intel that we have been receiving has been good and it was yesterday afternoon / evening and a little bit late this afternoon before the call – so I’m excited to bring you what I think is where we actually stand

So first of all we’ve got to look at the situation as a whole – we know that – we had heard for years that stock markets would be dropping etc right before this went – I didn’t quite understand how it could happen under President Trump but we are not in that situation even though he’s definitely working things out in the background –

In the meantime -  we’re seeing major drops in the market – I don’t know what the total was today – I know we dropped on Tuesday – I don’t know what happened yesterday – today we were down 730-740 points by 11 am so I’m thinking  today was also a pretty down day in the markets –

The other thing that is interesting is crypto currencies have pretty much crashed with the exception of – I think _ two – Ripple and Stella - now both of those are asset backed if you will - by gold  -

Charlie Ward brought something out on Tuesday’s call that I heard that said that – he calls them “tokens”  - we use the term crypto coin – I believe we are talking about the same thing – the tokens as Charlie says – a token has a value of 1 gram of gold – how much is that  - most of  us know what an ounce is – and a gram is 28.3 grams to one ounce – that is a small value – 1 gram – of gold – that would be the value of one crypto coin as far as we could tell – that is how it is established –

So now those two coins/tokens - that may be all that is left – I don’t know – I don’t really follow the crypto but I think – and what I’m understanding is that those two are left and have that value because they are gold backed – just like our currencies were asset backed – ok – so that is interesting that’s happening –

So even though it appears that the crypto coins as a whole have crashed the market has dropped propitiously and also real-estate prices are starting to take a dip and this is due to an increase in interest rates a little bit making it a little harder to get to buy as much house as it was a few months ago – and then of course you’ve got the problem with Evergrande bank in China – having major issues as a mortgage lender and China is taking a hit of about 28-30 % - even in a 24 hr period on their housing market –

We are not directly influenced by Evergrande bank here but we are still seeing a shift and possibly a downturn of 15-18% in housing prices – now obviously housing fluctuates up and down and we will have to keep an eye on that and see what happens on that – but this is something that we have heard would be taking place pretty much right up until the time that we were getting ready to get the revaluation of the currencies which that will happen –

Some of you have heard some things by on line people that really - Charlie Ward was much more judicious s in his language of these people than may be I would be but I’m remembering Sue’s teaching tonight so I am going to try to be good –

You have to understand – some people just are not really getting the whole picture – they don’t quite have the intel coming in – they haven’t been in it long enough – people doing interviews that are really not aware of what is happening – do not understand everything that is happening with the global currency reset –

It’s hard to understand the QFS or the blockchain technology – I’ll just say this much – we know – we don’t just think – or maybe it will happen - we know that all currency around the globe will be fluctuating and changing in value – we know about 27 of them will be going up – some going up a large amount – and you know what I’m talking about - you know I am talking dinar and dong -  rupiah - etc

Yes – all of these countries’ currencies - most will go up – some will go down to level the playing field – we know that – we’ve talked about that - but what I think is really interesting is that certain people are just not getting the mental – they have not followed it and don’t understand that this is a very real thing – it is a “when” not “if”

Continuing along the intel line – what we have heard was that we  are looking for bond holders to start being notified today – we had heard yesterday that it would be this afternoon – they would start receiving notifications and of their liquidity and access to their funds –

It ends up they started going out at 4:30 am this morning Easter and those are continuing to go out and will probably continue for a couple of weeks to the bond holders – tier 3 –

So they are in the process of receiving those notifications by email and then they will subsequently have access to funds – whether its tonight – tomorrow or the next day or whatever – they are going to be notified as to when they can access their funds – so that has started -  that’s a good sign

We are coming in a close second to tier 3 – we didn’t get notified yet but we could be notified in the next few days – it looks like we are going to be notified in the next few days

Along those lines  we did get some additional information from a redemption center – new to me -  information suggested that the redemption center staff would be going in Monday at 10:4 am – to set our appointments for tier 4B –

Alright let’s say that is what is going to happen – because that is what we’re hearing from a pretty reliable source – a new source in a way - somebody we really haven’t heard of in this area but he was up on it and fortunately he was able to share with us

Now the other thing we’re hearing is that when would we be notified? If that’s the case for Monday – could we get notified on Father’s Day? On Sunday?  It is quite possible – Could we be notified in the morning Monday before setting appointments when staff goes in at 10:45 – they would be ready to go start setting appointments at let’s say 11 am - now that was central time but it may apply in each time zone – My theory was when we got these notifications they would be at the same time in each time zone

We don’t know if it would be could be Sunday – I doubt it – could be before then – it’s possible – and then certainly if they are going to start setting appointments after they go in at 10:45 - let’s say 11 am -  on Monday morning -  possibly we would be notified and set those appointments at that time

So…. That is late information that just came in prior to the call - happy about that - because otherwise prior to last night we were sort of in the dark for a few days - we weren’t getting the winds of intel that normally keeps us going forward - today it changed a little bit – we were able to get a little bit and it pointed toward what I just mentioned –

Now beyond that we don’t really have anything specific beyond what I just brought out – that says we are going to go at a certain time – What’s interesting is the intel sources that are out there that some of you are reading on line are all saying that they are either under NDA or have been told to be quiet – not to put out any intel blah blah blah --   I have not been told to be quiet – I just haven’t –

I have tried to give you the most accurate information that I get – that’s what I feel my job is – so I wanted to mention that – and I wanted to say that a lot of people we normally talk to have been put under gag orders – new NDA’s and it’s quiet – so I am fortunate to have what I had tonight and I am happy to be able to bring it to you –

I am hoping this intel I received today holds true and we are exchanging as early as Monday of next week – but let’s see what happens in the next 3-4 days –  The mini round table talk will be on Tuesday’s call


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins: 1:06:10

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-14-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-14-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

WiserNow: Sorry for the late posting – I had interrupted internet service

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 14th and Happy Flag Day everybody if you are in the United States - Glad you could make it – looking forward to the call tonight – This week is US Open Week in Charlotte NC and then it’s Juneteenth on Father’s Day this Sunday - so that’s a good celebration – Welcome everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay

Ok let’s get into the intel side of things – and see where we are – The information that we’ve been getting has been a little sparse over the last few days but let’s talk to what’s happening in Iraq - because there is a lot going on there that looks like it’s directly affecting the start of our blessing

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-14-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

WiserNow: Sorry for the late posting – I had interrupted internet service

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 14th and Happy Flag Day everybody if you are in the United States - Glad you could make it – looking forward to the call tonight – This week is US Open Week in Charlotte NC and then it’s Juneteenth on Father’s Day this Sunday - so that’s a good celebration – Welcome everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay

Ok let’s get into the intel side of things – and see where we are – The information that we’ve been getting has been a little sparse over the last few days but let’s talk to what’s happening in Iraq - because there is a lot going on there that looks like it’s directly affecting the start of our blessing

First of all about 70% of the Iraq Parliament has been replaced in the last few days and that means that new people that have been sort of selected on the sidelines – ready to come in and take their positions – we believe they have already stepped up to take their positions in the new parliament – as Iraq is seating their new government –

Along with that we believe that some of the old people that were put in by Maliki were people that were trying to keep this revaluation of the Iraqi dinar from going – actually keep it from being something known internationally - that supposedly according to our sources in Iraq has ended and now we’re looking for the rate of the new dinar – to come out along with the seating of their parliament and this is supposed to be something that could come out in a Wednesday Gazette - they print the gazette Wednesday’s and Saturday’s – tomorrow is a possibility that this information could actually be in the printed version –

They have an online version as well but if this does happen it would be an early morning Wednesday which is a late tonight for us in the United States – so I may hear something about it very late tonight but otherwise it’s a very good sign that things are moving in the right direction for us all because of what is happening in Iraq

In related news there are three airlines that have just started flights in and out of Baghdad – this is a new thing in the last 3 days – the first flight came in Friday night – so Friday night they arrived – then Saturday – Sunday – Monday and today – so 3-4 days into it – the airlines are American Airlines - United Airlines – and United Airline Emirates -That is new and a good sign

One source has told us that we will be dancing in the streets – celebrating when this goes for us either between now and July 4th – it could drag out – it’s possible but we’re hearing anytime between where we are right now and July 4th  we should have our celebration – and be really celebrating so many things – like administration changes – NESARA – GESARA – and something related to GESARA that I think I found out since last Thursday’s call – was there was an agreement between North and South Korea to  be at peace for 1000 years – a 1000 yr Peach Accord – if you will -  with NO WAR -  between North and South Korea and I believe this is the start of reunification of North and South Korea

The same type of agreement took place between Iraq and Iran – not to become one country as far as I know – at all but to be at peace with a 1000 yr peace agreement – that has been signed off –

There are other things that have been happening recently in the last 3 days -  our New Treasury has been working on what is the amount of social security that somebody at retirement age 62 and older can expect we believe in the month of July – and it’s quite an increase – and increases we believe as high up as $5,000 but it’s going to vary of course based on the individual and so many other variables -  but that should start we believe in the month of July – so we will see what that turns into –

Beyond that we do have the expectation that things are happening behind the scenes and this could go anytime between now and the end of the month

Now that’s a long time I know -  another couple of weeks – but I can tell you that they are working behind the scenes to get things done – there are still quite a bit of clean up that’s going on – taking place – and so I’m looking forward to that being further along

There was another point I was going to make – and that is …….. the people have been talking about the ATM’s going off line – I can tell you what they’ve been doing – and this relates to that -  starting last Friday -  remember today is Tuesday -  the tellers in the major banks went into a training Friday – Saturday – Sunday – and Monday

They brought these tellers up to speed  on the revaluation and they trained them on the Delarue machine and they did a lot of this training at the redemption centers  - even though these were regular bank tellers – in fact the banks were told 6-7 of their tellers and have them available to be trained on the currency  and exchanges –

Remember this is brand new for a lot of these tellers – some of them may have had an inkling about it most did not know what was going on – the fact that the tellers at this stage of the game are being brought up to speed tells us that we’re getting very close to the end of this ride

The other thing is I know on Saturday certain tellers were actually working with our new currency the USTN – getting familiar with it – handling it – getting used to it -  running it through the Delarue machine – looking at all the security situations and my thinking is that  if ATM’s go down it’s only to put in the new currency – our new currency and in some states like Michigan – they have an ATM that takes dinar – the new Iraqi dinar as well as our new currency because of the Iraqi population In towns like Dearborn and other towns – so that should happen –

I really I think it will happen when the Public starts – and we have different dates on when that is going to be – I don’t know if it’s going to happen in the month of June for tier 5 or whether it could start in July – it’s hard to say – we are right for change to take place – this is the time to look forward to our new future - Let’s look out for what might be coming out tomorrow in the gazette

Thanks everybody for listening -


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:12:52

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-9-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-9-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 2nd and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay –

Ok let’s see where we are based on Tuesday night – we had heard yesterday that we could get notified Thursday – Friday – Saturday or Sunday – the next four days- Today is out and I have heard yet today that tomorrow is “OUT” - so we can write off Thursday and Friday – However – Saturday – Sunday and Monday are looking very strong for us for our notifications – and as well the bond holders which are still tier 3 – remember they are supposed to go in parallel with us – sort of a shot gun start – maybe a modified shot gun start –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-9-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 2nd and you’re listening to the Big Call –  Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay –

Ok let’s see where we are based on Tuesday night – we had heard yesterday that we could get notified Thursday – Friday – Saturday or Sunday – the next four days- Today is out and I have heard yet today that tomorrow is “OUT” -  so we can write off Thursday and Friday – However – Saturday – Sunday and Monday are looking very strong for us for our notifications – and as well the bond holders which are still tier 3 – remember they are supposed to go in parallel with us – sort of a shot gun start – maybe a modified shot gun start –

But they should get notified also by email – remember the bond holders emails come from HSBC servers – our tier 4B emails comes from Wells Fargo servers – so the tier 3 bond holders emails are also supposed to come out any time after 10 PM Friday night – so it could be midnight – after midnight – early morning Saturday – could be any time – and those will get emails and be able to have access to their funds for about 2-3 weeks –

They’re going to get emailed and get access - they are going to have to roll that out because there are so many bond holders but they want to do that sort of slowly – they are not going to get a deluge at once -

It will start and then continue to go for at least 2-3 weeks - now we don’t have that situation – we’re supposed to be notified Saturday – Sunday – or Monday and set our appointments for very early next week

Now very early next week sounds like Monday – but I’m going to say let’s allow for Monday and Tuesday and call it early next week – this is coming from two very good sources one of which is a Wells Fargo source and by the way there were two conference calls from Wells today – one yesterday with Treasury and Wells Fargo banks and today was Treasury – Wells Fargo banks and then a second conference call between Treasury and Redemption Centers - both were about an hour and 45 minute – to 2  hours long each and both of those were today –

Now the other thing that is new which I think is cool is that for the first time at the banks – bank tellers will be brought up to speed on these currencies – no those of us who have zim and other currencies – we will be using redemption centers - but a lot of people with just dinar – dong or something can be routed – even from the 800 number – they can be routed to a tier 1 bank – even a tier 2 bank

But what is really interesting today for the first time on this call bank tellers are to be chosen – 6 tellers per location – per bank branch – to be brought up to speed in the next 2 days Friday  Saturday on the currencies – Now they have a delarue machine so they’re going to be able to verify currencies with that but this way even tellers are going to know what’s going on - That’s the end – that the last portion of it for people to know – and I think that is really good news – we have gotten to that point

Again – we are looking for tellers to be trained in 2 days which is Friday and Saturday and then we should be notified by Saturday – Sunday or Monday – and go very early hopefully next week  which I would say very early Monday or possibly Tuesday – Now – that is really good news

Now let’s talk a minute about Iraq – they did what they said they were going to do – yesterday – with their rates and it’s a good opening starting rate in country and internationally – it will probably get up to about 8 in a couple days ok just to let you know – and our rate would be much higher than what we’re talking about as an international rate

So – remember we have the potential to get the highest rates available at the redemption centers just to let you know

Now the other thing is Iraq has to take 72 hours from yesterday (thur fri sat) to ratify this new change in their evaluation of the dinar – they’ve got to pass that over that 7 hours period – and they have to work with Kurdistan on that and as the value – as the per barrel price of oil goes UP they are making certain adjustments with that and probably with the budget as well

So that is all good – its all happening but let’s face it will anyone know about the rate for the dinar here? Not until – in my opinion – the public goes

Now if we were to start Monday or Tuesday the theory is the public which is what I call tier 5 – they might start on the 15th or 16th - that would only be a 2-3  day head start for us – but it doesn’t matter because they are using banks only and we are using redemption centers - ok – so they can go 2-3 days after we start –it will be ok – it will be fine –

Now the other thing is we have some form of 10 days of disclosure – NOT darkness – “disclosure” which could be a cover for us going in for our exchanges and our redemption of zim -

I’m not quite sure what’s going to happen with the timing of this but I think we should all be aware that is very possible – that we’ll get certain things spoken of on the Emergency Alert System – or maybe they will get the news network to actually put out something truthful – we’ll see what happens – want to keep an eye on that

So we have the timing for this updated – we know roughly when we’re supposed to get started which is early – or very early next week – we think that – well we know what’s gone with some of the rates but it’s not going to be a concern – the zim will be in it don’t worry about it – it’s all there and you will - if you have projects – you will get a very on par with the dollar rate - so don’t worry

I think that is all I wanted to give on the call tonight Thanks everyone for listening -


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:03:13

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-7-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-7-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay

Ok this is it - we are looking good and yet there is information out there that – if you look at it wrong it could be considered chaotic or mis information so let’s talk about that first

This is something that has been put out and with anything that seems disruptive it seems that way because of all the information was not clearly put out – and there was an addendum to a certain post that was added to help clarify the situation – I don’t know if anyone has seen that – I heard it so it did clarify the situation for me as I heard some things said that really were questionable

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 6-7-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday June 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay

Ok this is it - we are looking good and yet there is information out there that – if you look at it wrong it could be considered chaotic or mis information so let’s talk about that first

This is something that has been put out and with anything that seems disruptive it seems that way because of all the information was not clearly put out – and there was an addendum to a certain post that was added to help clarify the situation – I don’t know if anyone has seen that – I heard it so it did clarify the situation for me as I heard some things said that really were questionable

So – China as you know is really big on a lot of the funding that needs to take place or has already taken place for tier 3 bondholders – and also to help situate up tier 4 – the bond holder information that we have been hearing as of this afternoon was talking about notifications going out after 9 PM tonight to the bond holders –

Now it might take a while to get all of those out but it was the kind of thing that since those notifications to tier 3 bond holders are on or from HSBC servers those should go out at least one source maybe two now – we are talking about after 9 PM tonight Eastern time  -

Now that is quite likely possible I think for those to go out overnight to the bond holders in tier 3 – I don’t know if all of them will be emailed or just some of them but the whole thing is supposed to start basically at the time of the Big Call starts tonight –

The other thing is what about us??? And notifications????  We heard from the same source that our notifications would go out subsequently to the bond holders notifications – In other words not necessarily exactly at the same time but slightly after – and my theory is that would bond holders – would we in tier 4B be notified in the middle of the night or would it be something we could wake up to tomorrow – or would it be in the morning -?? We heard tomorrow morning – we have heard no time but “tomorrow” - tomorrow morning – so it seems that we are on track to be notified -  to get started tomorrow and set appointments and go in to those appointments

Tomorrow is Wednesday June 8th  and you know the Chinese love that number “8” – but are we completely ready to go based on the criteria that we have to meet? Certain blockages? Certain things in the way? That we may or may not have out of the way by now – and some of these things may take a couple to 33 more days to get to

So – I’m not sure whether or not this is going to be a real thing for us tomorrow but we certainly need to pray along those lines to believe that it is – and I think we will be leading that prayer later at the end of the call about how we are going to believe for that –

So we’ve got certain things that have been said – certain things that give us the impression that we can go forward with the zim and every other currency that we have – even though some information is suggesting that we can’t with the current administration in place - I am getting that from some sources and not that from other sources – so I’m going to say – let’s just hold off on that and just see if they have allowed this to go through tomorrow –

Now -  here’s where we’re coming from initially though – we had six major tier 1 banks  and lets’s see was it yesterday morning  which was  Wednesday morning I believe we had all of these banks in a meeting – they were – Wells Fargo -  Chase – Citi – BoA – Truist – and one other -  Those 6 banks weighed in on when they wanted the notifications to go out and for  essentially our redemption to begin -  ok -  and 2 of the banks – one of which I know was Citi Bank – and another bank that I don’t know  which it was -  were voting on a Wednesday start – Well – 4 were for starting this afternoon with notifications and two were for starting tomorrow morning -

I heard earlier today that we were not going to be notified today and so I thought – ok the two banks won – now it was up to the Treasury – Mnuchin and Judy Shelton – I believe were the two decision makers on when we were supposed to have our release – I believe they settled on tomorrow morning – so that would be subsequent to the bond holders getting their notifications from HSBC servers overnight tonight

The other thing that is important is we did get word that Iraq was going to put out their rate – we got this directly from Iraq – they were going to put out their rate on Wednesday between noon and 1 PM Iraq time tomorrow –

Now if I remember correctly we are seven hours behind Iraq on the East Coast – so noon would be 5AM in the morning Eastern time – so between  and 6 in the morning those new rates should be put out – I don’t know how many people are going to be allowed to see that – I don’t think we’re going to see it until it is ready for us to know that  but I think it’s interesting that they have said that is when they are going to do it – so we will see if that occurs – that will be great  and the people of Iraq are standing on their own sovereign feet -  ok so that is another good thing

We have heard that tomorrow will be a real kick starter of a day for u s – we’ll see if that holds up and see if the 8th  is a new day of new beginnings and of financial prosperity for us – which I think is the symbolism of the number “8” for China – so we’ll see how that works out – Beyond that that seems to be the focus of where we are –

When we do our zim exchanges – our zim redemptions  - you realize that goes into  a quantum account as a digital currency  - we’re only going to get access to “part”  of that quantum account that we transfer to our “primary” account with Wells Fargo - now you can move that from your Wells Fargo primary account that you set up at the redemption center – you can move that to another bank if you choose to – after you initiate it into your primary account

The secondary account which I would personally set up also with Wells Fargo – is designed as a spill over account and an actual account that you would use for some of or one of y our projects  - the interest that is earned in the primary account – because – remember – the quantum account does NOT earn interest – it is just a “holding” account – in the quantum financial system – but once you move some money from your quantum account into your primary account – that account is able to earn interest and that interest is what I intend to spill into the secondary account and use that secondary account with Wells to fund projects – that’s my plan

Hopefully the exchange of other currencies  other than the zim bonds – will be used in another account – could be the spill over – could even be another account – because those amounts will be much lower than the interest earned on primary account - if you follow all of that –

I am thinking that they will have a way for us to do all of our currency and our zim redemption at the same time – I don’t think their intention is to do this at a secondary appointment or a second time and the amount – the value of the zim is extremely high because the denomination that are on those bearer bonds – this amount is payable upon demand to the bearer – that’s what gives those zim notes such huge value beyond belief – in a way – but it is real and we do have a rate for those especially for people that have projects and that will  endure for more than 50 – 100+ years – with or without you being directly involved – I plan to be around for a while –

I am excited that we should be able to go hopefully we get our notifications tomorrow morning and we can set our appointments and start tomorrow

The redemption centers across the United States have all received clearance to stay open till 10:30 PM – most will start between 8-8:30 in the morning and go as late as 10:30 at night  The redemption centers will stay open as long as there are zim to redeem – if things fall off and they’ve got all of the zim in the area or they think they do – they will probably close in 7-10 days some may go as long as 15 days – it all depends on the area and the amount of zim holders that are in those areas – it’s going to vary across the country – the largest group of zim holders is in Florida – second largest group is in Texas – third largest is in California – and so on and so on

So they are set up for that – there are approximately 7000 redemption centers across the country – they all have a Wells Fargo operative overseeing the operation – even if it’s a Chase redemption center of Citi – or BoA  etc – Primarily it is Wells and they are in charge of the others – they want to make sure that everything is above board with the zim –

Now I think – we’ve heard a lot of things and we’ve read some things that we knew we would get a lot of dis information at the last minute – I think some of it we’ve read is an example of that – but I also believe if you do find the post I was referring to find the addendum to it and I think it will make more sense - ok - You know what I am talking about – hopefully –

Now the other thing is where we stand right now – I think what is really interesting is  -that we are  in a position right now where we believe --- Oh by the way – sorry we didn’t get notified at noon yesterday or noon today – I think that was their intention – one or the other – but these banks that didn’t want it to happen for us today have evidently agreed to do it tomorrow so we will watch for that and look forward to that happening for us and going –

If I call this thing – I’ve tried to do without calling it – it’s just not a good idea – I’m giving you the information that I’m getting in the same way that I get it – trying not to hold anything back – I’m trying to give you what I’m getting so that you can wait through and discern the information that I’m giving you – You have to have had a great amount of discernment to have made it this far – through this process but I want everybody to be aware of that and continue to ask God for discernment in this area and other areas and I would say based on where we are right now you are right there at the edge like me getting this information – I would say we are as close as we’ve ever been but I really believe that we should be moving forward very soon


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:07:07

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-2-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-2-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 2nd and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – We’re looking forward to a really important call tonight –

Alright let’s see where we are in terms of our exchanges – First though we’ve got to talk about the bond holders - it was so cool because I got word this evening that the bond holders in Europe have been notified and started getting some liquidity in many cases – probably not everybody but several of them that we know personally did receive their emails – giving them access to their funds last night in Europe -So it’s working its way over –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-2-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 2nd and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – We’re looking forward to a really important call tonight –

Alright let’s see where we are in terms of our exchanges – First though we’ve got to talk about the bond holders - it was so cool because I got word this evening that the bond holders in Europe have been notified and started getting some liquidity in many cases – probably not everybody but several of them that we know personally did receive their emails – giving them access to their funds last night in Europe -So it’s working its way over –

Now – we had a very good contact who was in the meeting in Reno – that brought us some information – so this is where it is – we have our start projected from … and we’re talking about bond holders right now – bond holders in the United States being notified when the markets close tomorrow (Fri) at 4 PM – give them an hour and around 5 PM those emails should start going out to bond holders in the United States and that will occur through the weekend

So bond holders if you do not get yours tomorrow evening at 5 / 6 or 8 PM just realize that they have it planned on how to disseminate all of those notifications to the bond holders that will have access to funds when they enter the passcode that’s in their email to their account to see their funds and have access to those accounts

So that’s going to start tomorrow at approximately 5 PM Eastern – now beyond that we come in as tier 4B and tier 4A will be right there with us – Wells Fargo looks at it at tier 4 - they do not designate A or B - but we do – it does not matter - for this purpose we are going to go together and even though we could get notified over the weekend – a very good source has told us that he is putting out the concept of going for our release to take place – for our emails to come out with the toll free number from Wells Fargo’s servers to  come out at 12 noon on Monday - lunch time

Now – remember my theory that when it came out in one time zone it would come out at the same time in the next time zone – so we are talking noon Easter daylight time – noon Central time – noon Mountain daylight time – and noon Pacific time – so everybody gets it at the same time in their time zone

Now that appears to be when we will get our notifications – it’s conceivable that we could get that prior to that – but I really believe that this time line is going to be accurate – as far as noon is concerned

Now here’s the other thing - what has taken us this far?  What has been going on? – We had 33 countries that were slow to get off the SWIFT System and on to the QFS – and the last country to get off of the SWIFT system was Turkey – ad they have as far as we know as of yesterday – they have completely pulled away from the SWIFT and are on the GFS - Everybody needs to be completely on the GFS by noon on Monday

There is also some things that are happening with – I had mentioned this on Tuesday nights call – that the Basel 3 compliant – some banks are Basel 4 compliant – the Basel 3 compliance are on 1 -2 and 3 tier banks should be there by Monday –at noon –

Also we should have all countries with asset backed currency in play – including us the United States – to have our asset backed currency in place by noon Monday – now I can’t tell you when the USTN folding money / paper money – will be available for us – it could coincide with our exchanges or it may coincide with the Public – now the Public start now is looking at the 15th /16th tier 5 – so we should be well on our way before they come in

So I’m excited about the information that has come out indicating how everything is basically almost done and ready to go – bondholders are getting notified in United States after 4 PM / 5 PM tomorrow (Fri) Eastern Daylight time - and then our notifications could happen over the weekend but – it appears it will be on Monday at noon in every time zone - Let’s see if that holds up

That’s pretty much what I wanted to share tonight - Thanks everyone for tuning in


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK    Intel Begins 1:29:35

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-31-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-31-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 31st and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay

Ok let’s start talking about our intel – let’s see where we are – Tuesday I knew we were close – no check that – Last Thursday – on Thursday’s call I didn’t think we would get anything before the last day of the month (today) or tomorrow – the first day of June – I think I told you that –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-31-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 31st and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay

Ok let’s start talking about our intel – let’s see where we are – Tuesday I knew we were close – no check that – Last Thursday – on Thursday’s call  I didn’t think we would get anything before the last day of the month (today) or tomorrow – the first day of June – I think I told you that –

So – what we’ve received since then is certain information has made its way to our premier bankers at Wells Fargo – they did have a conference call - with the banks and redemption centers on Saturday and their target date – the term was- they were pin pointing Wednesday – (tomorrow) as the day to start –

Now we didn’t know if we were going to get notifications today – tomorrow or when - and we still don’t know exactly – they don’t want us to know – but what we do know is – there is a meeting that’s going on right now – that may have just ended at the start of our call tonight – or let’s put it this way – based on the time zone that it occurred in Reno and based on the fact we heard about – the information that they were going make a decision about –which was which day to start this on – which was supposed to be tomorrow June 1st  or possibly Thursday the  2nd of June –

Now – that information that was to be decided upon was to be completed by 10 – 10:30 Eastern tonight – Well Bob gave me a time hack at 12 minutes after 10 – went to about a quarter after so ---- in other words – that meeting or that decision is wrapping up “NOW”

I believe that – I told you Thursday – that the first of June makes complete sense to me – to start on the first day of the month – now we have heard from another strong source in New York – that is saying that from his best information - we should be notified tomorrow (Wed) late morning – I am going to call late morning 11/11:30 am

So if that occurs can we get started Wednesday afternoon/Evening? Quite possibly – maybe all they will do is take appointments all day and we would start on Thursday

So if we get notified it’s either going to be tomorrow morning – late morning - then we should start set our appointments and possibly start tomorrow or Thursday –

Obviously if they are waiting to this very last minute to make that decision in Reno - and we know a lot of the people there for this meeting – they are making that decision now – they have to be looking at everything – everything – probably keeping an eye on the QFS – they are looking at their algorithms that are saying go or no go - everything is being considered –

So it’s probably not the easiest of decisions – but I know they are ready to make that and they may have actually made that decision now –

So what had to be ready?   By today all the currencies of the world needed to be gold backed / asset backed –

By tomorrow morning all countries banks needed to be on the Quantum Financial System – by 9 – 9:30 am

By noon tomorrow (Wed) all countries currency needed to be asset backed – so asset backed by noon tomorrow

By today all countries needed to be on the Quantum Financial System and by 9 – 9:30 in the morning all countries needed to be – all banks in the United States needed to be at least Basel 3 compliant –

Some of our tier1 banks are Basel 4 compliant already – they are ahead of the groups but there are a lot of tier and tier 3 banks that want to be a part of this – the exchanges - NOT part of the zin – forget that – not bonds but they are currency exchanges – So those banks need to be compliant with Basel 3

So those criteria coming together now – some by today – some by 9 in the morning – some by noon Eastern daylight time –

So could notifications come out late morning? Yes – Could we get notified and set our appointments tomorrow afternoon? Yes - so that is how close we are –

So I want to say this before we go any further – I have one other point to make about Iraq – Iraq is supposed to have their currency the Iraqi Dinar – changed of rate in country that would be made known tomorrow (Wed) morning – Iraq time – which is now – our time  (Tues night)

Iraq keeps getting closer – even though they are a sovereign nation they are doing it out of respect for us and our country – to hold back – they have held back and held back and now it is time to let it go

(Skipped over talk non dinar and intel related)

So listen – the other thing is that whatever happened the past week at the World Economic Forum essentially was a bust – and I’m very happy to say none of those things that they think they were going to put out against sovereign nations around the world – none of that stuck – ok and so I’m excited about the results that came out of that meeting – Our time is coming


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:13:33

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-26-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-26-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 26th and you’re listening to the Big Call – I am glad we have the platform where we can share – we can have some fun – I am excited about what we have to share tonight - Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay

Ok let’s see if we can get this done in 10 or 15 minutes –This is the latest update – I did get some information about a half hour before the call started tonight – it’s really helping us to see what’s going on and where we are

First of all – we believe at this point all countries have connected to the QFS – we had 3 countries that were lagging Israel – Lebanon and one other - and those three were to have been connected to the QFS as of 1 AM Eastern Daylight time yesterday (Wednesday) – coo – good – connected – done – good –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-26-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 26th and you’re listening to the Big Call – I am glad we have the platform where we can share – we can have some fun – I am excited about what we have to share tonight - Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay

Ok let’s see if we can get this done in 10 or 15 minutes –This is the latest update – I did get some information about a half hour before the call started tonight – it’s really helping us to see what’s going on and where we are

First of all – we believe at this point all countries have connected to the QFS – we had 3 countries that were lagging Israel – Lebanon and one other - and those three were to have been connected to the QFS as of 1 AM Eastern Daylight time yesterday (Wednesday) – coo – good – connected – done – good –

Now – most of the banks are also connected and are Basel 3 or 4 compliant – but there are some stragglers that were not Basel 3 compliant and they need to be – to do exchanges – so even though they are not going to be dealing with zim those are only to be used at Wells Fargo redemption centers and possibly some Chase redemption centers but not really anywhere else –

You will be happy to know that the majority of those tier 3 banks and some tier 2 should be connected and should be Basel 3 compliant by this weekend - so that is good –

Also – there are some countries and I don’t have a list of these - there are some that are not yet asset backed – could be gold or other assets – to support their new currency - cause all currencies in the globe are backed by the amount of valuable assets – gold – silver – palladium – platinum – precious jewels – oil - etc – all of those things are valued and give value to the currencies around the globe –

So – there are still a few countries left that need to get asset backed and are supposed to be by Monday – this coming Monday – maybe over the weekend – I have heard – and I am going to give them until Monday because thinking by that time – we’ve got this Memorial Day that we celebrate here – so our weekend goes Sat Sun – and Monday – I don’t care so much that it is a 3 day weekend in terms of banking  here I don’t think that’s really a big deal for us – so I think that is ok

The other piece that we are getting is we had heard last night that we would have liquidity and our exchanges would start – the bond holders and tier 3 would get access to their funds in 6 days – that would actually put us  - we start with Thursday – Friday – Saturday – Sunday – Monday – and Tuesday would be in 6 days – so I think what we’re looking at – by the way – Tuesday is the last day of May – the 31st – so the first day of June is then Wednesday –

Now is this possibly going to happen before the 1st of June?  A logical person would say – they would not start before the 1st of the month – that would be the day we start on - doing exchanges – That may be the case – however – most recent intel that I received this evening – is pointing to this starting maybe a day or so sooner – which means the bond holders – and we had heard this yesterday - the bond holders have moved from being notified on Saturday evening or night – to this coming Monday – they got a two day move from Saturday to Monday  evening or night

Now the latest update I have on that is we could be looking at notifications for the bond holders and for us going out Monday evening or night and showing up in our inbox on Tuesday morning – It could be designed to go in early Tuesday morning – and then you set your appointment – and possibly set your appointment on Tuesday for Tuesday the same day – so it’s possible that we do get this before the 1st of June It’s also possible that we get notified on the 31st and set our appointments for the 1st of June – (Wednesday)

So that’s basically - you know we could get there a day sooner which is what brings Monday night into play – it could – it’s possible – we can always hope for that – but any way we go we should be based on everything we are hearing - we should be in place to set those appointments on Tuesday at least for Tuesday or Wednesday –

So that is what I’m getting and it’s not from just 1 source – this is multiple sources that are confirming the timing on this and so I’m excited about that because it takes us where we need to go in less than a week

Tonight is Thursday we should be exchanging in 5 or 6 days – we’ll see what happens – we are excited about that –

I mentioned the NDA’s on Tuesday night to do a list about exempting 4-6 people that are working with you on your projects – like family members etc - putting that on a typed written paper to hand in to the representatives

I’ve talked about the fact that you are going to have time to set up your Quantum account of course – the mother lode where everything goes - you will transfer a certain percentage could be up to 50% of your funds from your exchange into your primary account with Wells Fargo –

I don’t know if we are going to have enough time to set up a secondary account with Wells – which I would like to do – you may just have to come back to your bank in a day or so to do that – that I am calling the secondary or spillover account – that the interest earned in the primary account will go to –

The other thing we did not go in depth on is the zim is one thing that goes into the Quantum but the other currencies like dinar – dong – rupiah - etc those currencies you should get the value of those immediately  and I would try to put into my secondary account (spillover acct) –

I would try to keep that separate from the zim that is in the Quantum account and then the amount of that that is transferred into the primary account which earns the interest – let’s see where that goes - it might be that it’s all combined in that primary account – currency and a certain percentage of your zim redemption – We’ll see what happens

Remember the zim is extremely valuable and denominations on zim are very high – and get use to what a trillion dollars looks like or a quadrillion dollars looks like – with 15 zeros –

So I want to say it’s very important that we get our presentations ready to go - as far as the timing goes – we could all be there by the end of this month – we could go all the way to the 1st of next month which is Wednesday – I would love to have it before the end of the month – that would be great

The timing is great for this to finally come in and I believe we have everything  - once those few countries come in with asset backed currencies by the weekend – Iraq did not put out the rate this week as we had been told but  were being told from Iraq that the new rate will come out this weekend probably Sat or Sun so they can trade it Sunday night with the other countries in the Far East – the new rate I know what it is but I can’t say it – it will be a very strong in country rate and that will also be traded up probably – we will have an excellent rate for us – I am excited

Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:15:25

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-24-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-24-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 24th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay

Alright- here we go – it’s intel time – let’s get started on as much as I can recall to bring to you tonight – Let’s start with one of our connections with one of our redemption centers –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-24-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 24th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay

Alright- here we go – it’s intel time – let’s get started on as much as I can recall to bring to you tonight – Let’s start with one of our connections with one of our redemption centers –

The information that I got yesterday was they were supposed to have people coming in – staff coming in the redemption center today at 1 PM – the “possibility” of this notification coming out – but really the staff was called to come in  hours earlier – at 11 am this morning – one for a private meeting that lasted  one half hour – and then starting at 11:30 – 3:30 a 4 hour conference call – probably a zoom call – imagine that  to all redemption centers all across the country –

Now here’s why I believe that occurred – certainly they have been trained very well in most cases – we just know that – because they have had call after call after call – and they’ve had so much training over the last 2-3 years – but they have had a few new people to come in –a few people that moved on – but what’s really interesting to me is that not all of the redemption centers have been on target –with everything that they should have received –

So I believe this is the way they could get certain areas of the country – read my drift – up to speed – that might not have been as “aware” as other areas of the country in terms of this going and going in the time frame that we’re hearing – so let’s talk about that – so they had nice long 4 hour zoom conference call –

What we are getting is – and this is fun because – we’re getting two different viewpoints at least on the timing of when this is going to go –

One of the view points from Charlie Ward - I think Friday – said he was given a 7-10 day window and he wasn’t specific – he never really is – on his intel is sort of “general” - but then he said – and then for the rest of us 10 – 14 days – call it a fort night which means 14 – (recording mishap here - no voice for several seconds – words / text lost time 1:10:52)

What happens with that is the ? fort night concept is really one that’s dealing more with the public – we’ve heard a few people talking about this going out till the first or second of June – it is possible but we had heard even two days ago that the public would get started somewhere in the 2nd or 3rd of June - so that timing seems to be more in line with the start of the public – which is tier 5 – we are tier 4B – so our theory is we are supposed to go before then –

Now the other side of it is we had heard from one of our redemption centers that we should look forward to numbers coming out tomorrow (Wednesday) – and that was coming from some pretty high sources – also yesterday we received some information from very very high up - so whether it is that quick – that soon -  that we could get notified tomorrow and start Wednesday or Thursday of this week – we have  to look at that as a possibility – and then we also have to look this could delay until the end of the month or first few days of June

Now – like I said that first few days of June may be referring to the public – but it is not clear and Charlie Ward certainly did not – the only thing he said was that for those of us like Me – well Charlie I would not call him the public – he is - then that would make sense – if he was considered the public – the tier 5 – hard to imagine but whatever ------

So I would say based on that we should prepare for any time this week all the way up to the first couple days of June and be prepared for either one – or both scenarios

We’re hearing the bond holders – we got this this evening – the bond holders that are to be notified are looking at Thursday – for notifications – we believe we are a parallel  track with bond holders who are tier 3 to be notified – I’ve heard it said – same time that bond holders get notified about their liquidity – we are to be notified with our toll free  number – with exchanges to follow after we set our appointments -  so that is as tight of a shotgun start can get - really for tier 3 and tier 4

So I will say this -  just as we’ve been pushed the bond holders have been pushed also – for months they have been pushed back – day after day after day after day - to whether they are going to have notifications to receive their liquidity and access to funds

We know the access for funds for tier 4B – that’s us – the internet group – have been in the banks accounts since Friday at 1PM – they’re there - they are there for us to get started

The other thing is that 3 countries still needed to get connected to the QFS and those 3 countries are Israel – Lebanon – and ?? – Those 3 countries are to be connected completely to the QFS by 1 AM tomorrow (Wed)

So then everybody will be connected – all the banks – everybody should be ready to go - so I’m saying that brings us to the “possibility” of getting notified tomorrow and starting Thursday – BUT – AGAIN – it could be stretched out – for some reason –

We had 2 very high up - as high as you can get – in the Treasury – ok – and the person helping him – to get this blessing out to  us said that – he really did not see anything else that would be in the way for us to start –

Now that is the very top of the Treasury and his faithful assistant appointed by President Trump – be on the lookout for possible changes to occur in that first week of June politically as well

We heard today from one of our redemption centers that we talk to – that I don’t care if you have a suitcase full of 10 different currencies – they want to limit your redemption appointment to 45 minutes – and you’re OUT – out the door – this redemption meeting / appointment / exchange opportunity - is to get in – get currency counted – verified - account set up – a primary account – Quantum account set up – I don’t know if there will even be time to set up a secondary account with Wells on that day - they will be going quickly –

By the way – on zim – let’s cut to this – certain people have written that the zim value is so many millions of dollars for a 100 trillion zim note - NOT TRUE - that is not what we have ever gotten – from our bank sources or redemption centers – our top line Wells Fargo Executives - that is a bearer bond – whatever the value on that note is – a 10 trillion note – a 50 trillion note - whatever it is – all have a “face” value – that face value times a very decent rate – if you are a project person you will get a very strong rate times those numbers



Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:07:57

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-19-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-19-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – we’re glad you’re here and we’re looking forward to having a good call today - it may not be quite as long a call because some of us need to delve into some other things and rest and feel better

Ok so let’s see where the intel is going to take us tonight because what we got earlier in the day which came from a redemption center was that they were expecting today – two emails – one earlier in the morning and the other around lunch time that would tell them to have the staff in within a two hour period from the early email and then the second email was to come in to talk about rates and the new USTN currency

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-19-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – we’re glad you’re here and we’re looking forward to having a good call today - it may not be quite as long a call because some of us need to delve into some other things and rest and feel better

Ok so let’s see where the intel is going to take us tonight because what we got earlier in the day which came from a redemption center was that they were expecting today – two emails – one earlier in the morning and the other around lunch time that would tell them to have the staff in within a two hour period from the early email and then the second email was to come in to talk about rates and the new USTN currency

Those two emails the redemption center leaders were looking for – did not happen today -  it could happen tomorrow – there was seemingly a delay – it could happen tomorrow but there is other information that may point to another time frame –

If you have read anything on line you know that something important as an “event” - an event of some kind is supposed to transact tomorrow (Friday) around 4 PM Eastern time – and that event is hard for us to pin down – we’ve had some theories that it could be related to – the new dollar – or more so I think and more likely to the fact that our country – if you will – has paid off all foreign debt – to me that is big – may not be the event but it’s something that could be included in an event type speech

It might reflect political change -  might reflect something else related to NESARA – it’s supposed to be a big deal – we can’t really pin it down – other than I think the announcement of having paid off all of our foreign debt – which is good ! And that would be part of Debt Jubilee – it wasn’t the forgiveness of the debt it was supposedly having paid off the debt – Good – fine – great –

The thing that might be most interesting is information out of Canada – One of their major banks has given us information that suggests that they are waiting in Canada at their redemption centers for an email Saturday morning that would indicate that they could bring in their staff and have set appointments possibly for exchanges to start as early as this weekend which could be Saturday afternoon / evening or Sunday

Now we don't have that here in the so called lower 48 states - we don't have that yet - but it could come in and confirm it - I don't see Canada going ahead of us or behind us - I think we'll all start at the same time - It's just interesting that the information they got today is pointing towards Saturday -for their notifications to the redemption centers - ok - so the redemption centers get a go to start in a couple hours usually -

Our redemption centers should get that earlier email and then have a two hour time frame before the appointments are being taken at the redemption centers - and I mean being set - being taken for those of us who have the toll free number and call in to set those appointments - it should be about a two hour time between the redemption centers get notified and the time that we get notified

Here's an example only - doesn't mean it's the time it's going to happen - let's say the redemption centers got an email at 10am - even on a Saturday and they got their people to be in by noon and we get notified at noon - in this "example" remember people that are taking these notes and writing this down -transcribing the call - this is only an example - so that at noon in our example we would be receiving our notifications from Wells Fargo servers - by email and then we would be calling in and setting our appointments and possibly starting that afternoon - or evening

Now if we were to start on a Saturday we would power right on through Sunday and go Monday and right on through the month and maybe into June - I know the public which we refer to as tier 5 is supposed to start in the first week of June -Now June 1st is a Wednesday and that might be the start for the public or it may not be - but we will go at least 1-17 days in the redemption centers unless the redemption centers pull in as much currency / zim as they expect  to cause they know the zim holders in the area - they know unless they are more people that are gifted that they don't know about - other than those people they know everybody that purchased it and theoretically they still have it and that they would be coming to exchange in that area that we're talking about -

Now there is one thing I would like to bring up now that we may not have talked about in a while and that is the Non Disclosure Agreement – NDA - that we will sign during our exchange – during our redemption – so that we are able to keep quiet and not disclose this – that’s why it’s a “non-disclosure” agreement –

What I’ve been told is – if there are some people on your leadership team or people you are going to be doing projects with – in y our immediate family or circle you can exempt them from your NDA but you have got to have a typed list of these names – maybe 4-5 of people that you plan to discuss things with that need to be exempted from our NDA – so I am going to have that list of mine which is 7-8 names  -typed out – and issue that as an addendum to my NDA  before I sign it and explain why – and they should not have any problem with that – so consider that – think of who you want – obviously some immediate family – not everybody – people that will be helping you directly and initiate your projects – your leadership team – those people – some of which could be family – or others you have confided in that know  you are doing this –

They do not want you talking about this – they do not want you on social media – they are going to clamp down on all of that if they see anything that looks like you’re talking or bragging about this or just celebrating too much – whatever it is if they notice and they will be tracking us for that – they could freeze your accounts – if you are too open with this information – this is not to be discussed –

How long will the NDA’s last? It depends on you – certain people they think have it together they may say well this NDA will last for 30 days – others may be enforced for 6 months or more

Because we don’t know – and they don’t want us to know when this is going to start – we do well to get the information we do get believe me – and they are not going to say well Bruce when is this going to go - when is it happening - you are NOT going to get that – I am not going to get that – I might be fortunate to get something like we had tonight - that gives us an idea of what’s going on

I’m going to say there are individuals that might have tried to talk to the banks – we are not going to do that – I’ve never done that – I’m only waiting for the toll free number to come down from Wells Fargo servers and email and for us to put that out to people that don’t have their email will Wells – what I think is important is that we pay attention to this timing and see when it is going to go – that’s what I’m doing I’m waiting for it to happen – when it does we will put it out on the website -

Thanks everybody for tuning in - Good night


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins at 1:07:17

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-17-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-17-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 17th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay

Let’s talk about the intel side of the call tonight and where we believe we are – What is really interesting is that we have heard about this happening for us this week – We did hear some things about today that we would be notified today - we did NOT get notified today – but we have heard that the funds had moved into place for the tier 3 bond holders and our funds have been in place for quite a while for our exchanges – already there at the banks

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-17-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 17th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay

Let’s talk about the intel side of the call tonight and where we believe we are – What is really interesting is that we have heard about this happening for us this week – We did hear some things about today that we would be notified today - we did NOT get notified today – but we have heard that the funds had moved into place for the tier 3 bond holders and our funds have been in place for quite a while for our exchanges – already there at the banks

We know that we’ve got all of the gold bullion banks which use to be considered Central Banks are now gold bullion banks – one for each country – they are on line with the QFS and the ISO 20022 protocol – Everything seems to be lined up as far as that goes

Now there have been some things that have also happened that Thomas talked about Friday with regard to activity that was to take place Sunday which was the 15th - yesterday the 16th and today the 17th - I think it’s a little pre mature to go into details of it – but suffice it to say – there are changes that have already taken place that will move us from the USA Corporation which we are completely getting away from to the Restored Republic which we have entered into –

We think where as we would have some visual confirmation of that – that appears to have been pushed to Friday which is the 20th and there is something significant about the time 4PM Eastern Daylight time – on this coming Friday the 20th we’ll have to see –

We’ve also been told that we will have a USN – a new US dollar – which is an asset backed currency -  which will be available by the end of the week – I think that is also something that will probably service on Friday – maybe sooner but I’m thinking also aligned with the other information about Friday –

Now – in reference to the bond holders Charlie Ward on yesterday’s call intimated that tier’s 1 and 2 have already delivered funds from their amounts from their accounts to GESARA as well as GESARA has also been funded by the St Germaine Trust – so they are ready to go

Now what about tier 3 and 4B - us? Tier 3 according to Charlie and tier 4 are to see funds and access to those funds starting tomorrow (Wednesday) – now it may or may not include us – he said Tiers 3 and 4 - we are 4B and so maybe that will happen and Wednesday will be significant for us if we’re notified tomorrow and if we set appointments whether it’s for Wednesday or maybe Thursday –

I think we’re at the point where certain changes have taken place that might just propel this in that direction – I think any day this week starting tomorrow is going to be an important day for us – one way or another and it may be that this thing happens before Friday for us – we can’t tell – it’s hard  to get confirmation – it’s hard to get people that we’ve heard from even recently – in the last few days are really tight lip right now – there is a new higher level of a gag order – let’s say – and they have tightened up their NDA’s for employees of the banks as well for us – so we’ll see what that looks like when we go in for our exchanges

I think what is happening right now – sort of behind the scenes – an additional clean up is taking place – I think that is a very good sign about this moving forward for us and it may result in something happening this week – we haven’t heard that said – I haven’t heard that the old banned phrase – “this is our week” – I haven’t heard that -  I’m kidding of course – but that is what we say when we hear that – roll our eyes and go  “we haven’t heard that before have we” – I know a lot of you check the intel – and say “well we’ve never been there before” or “is this new Bruce?” -

Well a lot of this is new and I feel like we are moving in the direction that we want to be in – yes it seems like a long tedious process – and it is - but you have to understand there’s so much that’s going on in this that makes – that we might think a simple process but it’s really involving 209 countries and it’s involving quite a bit of behind the scenes – and of course you’ve got certain factions that are not really with us that are against us going through – you have to know that - most of you do - and yet there are plenty of factions with us that are going and pushing this through as hard as they can – and as soon as they can –

So that is really what I wanted to  share with you tonight – it’s not a ton of information – it’s general – in nature – BUT – this is an important time for us to get prepared for what is eventually going to come through for us -

This is really an incredible time – if you knew what I knew about restoration of our republic – it will come out soon – if for some reason we have a call on Thursday I might be able to bring out more detail – but for right now believe me when I tell you that changes are in the wings and are happening now – Let’s see what happens in the next few days and of course if we don’t have anything by Thursday – we will have a call on Thursday night

Everybody have a great night -

Brude’s Big Call REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins:  59:20

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-12-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-12-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 12th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay

Let’s go into the intel first and then I’m going into the redemption center experience – what to expect – what to anticipate and how to prepare for it – and so on

Number one – we were under the impression that “yes” we would get started this week – meaning yesterday or today we would definitely receive our numbers – set our appointments and go –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-12-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 12th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay

Let’s go into the intel first and then I’m going into the redemption center experience – what to expect – what to anticipate and how to prepare for it – and so on

Number one – we were under the impression that “yes” we would get started this week – meaning yesterday or today we would definitely receive our numbers – set our appointments and go –

Now it got blocked from happening – I would call it a cabal stalled delay – and here’s what happened – remember the banks all across the globe that were connected to the QFS – all on the new banking system – all finally connected and ISO 20022 protocol – synchronized - all of that went through - we ran into a problem – Janet Yellen from the bogus administration did not release Rashid Bank in Iraq from US sanctions – it needed to be done – she was told to do it – she didn’t do it and it dragged –

Rashid bank contacted the Treasury to try to see what the problem was – they knew there was an issue – they contacted Treasury yesterday and Treasury said they would have it handled in an hour – ok good – it won’t slow us down – but guess what – it did slow us down –

They were not able to get everything compliant that needed to be because when the sanctions came off they had to start over and get connected again to the QFS and so on – Rashid bank is a bigger bank in Iraq –

Well we did hear that was handled but it’s too late for us to go this week –

Further to that let’s talk about Iraq – we know that Iraq was supposed to put out their new rates today and also seat their new Parliament and new Prime Minister – that did NOT happen either –

The good news is that on Saturday Iraq will seat their government and their new Prime Minister and on Sunday which is the 15th they will put out their new Iraqi Dinar rates and increase their in country rate to around $6 and they will put out a new rate which will not be our rate – just so you know – ours will be much higher - and they will put out that rate on Sunday

Now all the banks – all the trading that takes place between the currencies – all new rates would be put on the screens by Sunday so they can be traded Sunday night to the Far East –

Remember Iraq’s first business day of the week is Sunday – so this would come on their first business day – they would put their rate out and we would probably find out about it on Monday –

Now with that at least happening this weekend – I’m not sure what else might happen – I don’t know that notifications would happen – but I would think we could be prepared – and what I’ve been told from redemption center staff is next week should be a great week for us –

I know that is similar to the ban phrase on the Big Call – “This is the Week” but it’s a little different version of that – Next week should be a great week for all of us - let’s hold them to that – let’s have the faith to continue to believe that - cause I am  -

And by the way – redemption centers are dark today and tomorrow – so no activity at the redemption centers on Thursday or Friday

They have been on conference call after conference call – zoom calls - 3 zoom calls  yesterday – (Wed) I don’t know what was covered in those - but we don’t get everything – obviously – as you know – but maybe we’ll find something out – the other thing we heard was that yesterday 4 PM Eastern - the bond activity started taking place with bonds paying out from Hong Kong and then later – yesterday evening – from Zurich and Miami – the 3 biggest Hubs for bond activity - can’t confirm it - may have happened – the funds may have moved – but we can’t confirm that has happened yet – so we will just set that one aside –

But we can tell you that so far as the start of the Big Call there has been no email communication to the bond holders that they have funds in their account and have access to those funds on such and such day – that has NOT occurred yet –

So have the funds moved?  Maybe, but have the emails gone out yet like we had anticipated today? NO- Maybe that occurs over the weekend – maybe it goes when we get notified – I am going to say early next week  - hopefully very early next week –

So from an intel point of view and we’re getting our Iraq intel directly from Iraq – from an Iraqi citizen there and well more than a citizen but I don’t want to go into that – so we’re really confident that Iraq will do their thing but you have to realize we’ve held Iraq back for months and really “years” – for getting these things accomplished –

The one good thing about the 15th which is Sunday is that is the day that the UN operational rates change for all currencies – and so it may be that they line that up UN operational rates with the new currency rates for all these countries that are in the so called first basket - at last count there were 27 or 28 currencies that are going to go up and some greatly in value – some will go down most will go up in that basket –

So - I am excited that is the case and we’re still obviously believing for this blessing to come through early next week – so we all can breathe and relax for a minute

Let’s talk about the actual exchange process – let’s start with notifications – these notifications – especially for you new people – the people that have not been in this very long – maybe even a year or less – and maybe longer – we are to be notified by Wells Fargo Servers through emails – they know almost all of the zim holders – if you purchased them they know it – and how much you have –

They are not as concerned about the other currencies – but very concerned about the zim and zim holders – like us - number one priority for the redemption center is zim holders – number two priority is other types of bonds – German bonds – yellow dragon bonds -  red dragon bonds – railroad bonds – every kind of bond -  there’s many kinds –

The redemption center can process those bonds and we know some people that have bonds and they are planning on taking them in with them to the redemption center when they take their currency and zim in –

The third priority is currency – ok – so if you are just a currency holder you are third on the list – if you have zim you are first on the list - Alright – that is how the priorities are working with the redemption centers

Why do we call them redemption centers – because the zim dollar currency is actually a bearer bond – meaning payable to the bearer – you are the bearer – so when you take that in it is considered like a bond – that means it will pay you the face value of that bond at some rate –

We don’t do rates on the Big Call typically – because I don’t want to get in trouble – but I would say because in the past we’ve talked about the zim dollar being on par with the US dollar – and for a long time now – if you don’t know what on par means you need to look it up –

So I am feeling very good about that – now that is going to be somewhat dependent on how well you present your project and what they are  and the longevity of them – and the job creation etc etc

Let’s go back a minute – talking about getting notified which should happen an email to you would have the toll free number – we assume a 1-800 number – on  the email that goes to a call center – and there are 6 regional call centers throughout the US – state where you are calling from – you would call the number and I think there will be some automated aspect to it where you would enter the zip code of the area in which you would like to exchange – you may be living this zip code but you may know there is a redemption center or for some reason you want to exchange in another zip code you would enter the zip code before the area in which you like to exchange and redeem your zim

You probably enter that I think – now remember they have not told me any of this in proper detail – so I am going to learn as you learn - I might get a heads up a day or so early on it – I “might”  but if I do I will be able to tell you on a call – so this is the best I can do –

You will probably enter your zip code on a dial pad of some kind and then you would be if y ou are a zim holder they will ask you maybe what currency do you have – they might even automate to say for zim dollar press 1 – just giving you an “example” - they may not do this –

Please understand this is ONLY a possibility – they might say for dinar press 2 – for dong press 3 - you know what I mean – they may do it that way – they may not – but I know this – when we call the number if we are a zim holder and they know that – they find that out in our process of calling – we will get routed to the redemption center where we will do our zim redemption -  so we’ll get routed from maybe one place to another or given the 800 number to that redemption center – one or the other - We will either get routed there automatically or we’ll call that number and get it

Alright let’s say we are on now with the redemption center -  more than likely you are going to be talking to an individual who will be helping you with your redemption of zim and your currency – more than likely this is the beginning of the relationship that you are creating with the redemption center staff –

Now there are principles meaning main staff members in the redemption centers that are on shifts to work from 8-8:30 am all the way to 10-10:30 pm – so a lot of redemption centers will be on 33 different shifts –

You will have a principle person in one of those and several assistants – at least 2 maybe 3 – probably a Treasury rep and a homeland security rep also  on site – at the redemption center when you are there –and of course they will have security

Ok we got our call – we set it up – we’ve established the time for our appointment – we know not to get there more than 10 minutes early  - they do not want people stacked up in the parking lot – set your appointment – be on time – don’t be late -  but not more than 10 mins early –

Alright what do you need when you go in – remember obviously your currency –hopefully you have counted it – you have it separated by denominations – that means denomination of dinar – the new was available with 1000  notes – 5000 notes – 10,000 notes and the last 25,000 notes – most of us have the 25,000 notes – do not say 25,000 dollar  - it is 25,000 dinar -  whatever your total put in order of the lowest to the highest – same thing with the dong – get a total for all of your currency including your zim  and write it down and type it up so you have a copy to hand to them when it comes time to count and verify your currency and your zim you will have a printed copy to say I have this many of this and this many of this etc -  I have XX of dinar – I have XX number of dong -   I have XX number of zim –

So that is all typed up in a category – so they can see what you believe you have – now they have to verify the same number that you thought you had – you keep a copy and you give them a copy –

Alright so we got to the point where we are now at our appointment and what do we do now?  First of all make sure you bring a picture ID  if you have 2 bring Driver License and Passport – if you are a student bring that ID – if you have government ID bring that -  bring your “picture” ID –

Next make sure you have a copy of a recent bill like for utilities -  cell phone – electricity – natural gas etc that shows the address where you live so they see you are a resident and reside at such and such address – bring 2 different ills just in case –

You do not need to bring receipts for your currency or zim -  they are not going to ask for that – forget the receipts -

You have some things that go under the KYC – Know Your Customer – now remember for zim holders they know pretty much who you are ahead of time – they know your social – they know everything – but what you are going to do when you get there is to verify to them that you are who you think you are – that you take this ID of your utility bill and present that at the very beginning when you walk in the door and you’ve gone through security gates and you just meeting them for the first time – You are introducing yourself and providing that as they call for it

Now you’ve got the ID part the KYC is good to go - now you are ready to move into the redemption side of it and you will be taken to a room where my understanding is now is when you will pony up your currency and have that counted and verify it with the Delarue machine - it means of the street or from the street in French –

You give them your currency for them to run it through the machine they are counting machines – and they count those currencies  verifying at the same time – all that data is fed into their lap top so they have that data right there – and what they will do is give you the totals they came up with and now you are talking about my understanding is now you are talking about your rates for each of those currencies but you may talk about what you plan to do with your zim first – you may be doing your song and dance – 5-8 minute presentation while somebody else is counting your currency – that may be happening at the same time – so they do not lose time –

They want us in and out of there in 40 minutes or less – in and out!! So listen this is what else we are doing so they are counting and verifying our currency – coming up with a total – we’re telling them in 5-8  minutes what our presentation is - what our projects are about – in outline form -  and then you are talking rates – and calculating how much you have of each –

I still see us in a way – the zim is so unique and special they are going to take that and put that in the Quantum accounts because it is so large and we will take as you remember from the last 3-4 calls we are taking a percentage of it which we believe would be from 10 – 50% of that currency in the Quantum and putting into our primary  Wells Fargo accounts is what pays interest – it will pay an interest that is negotiable with the bank that you are there with now Wells Fargo –

I told you it should be around 8 – 8 ¼ % for that rate – an annual percentage yearly rate – I hope I can talk them into paying my interest quarterly - which means 2% per quarter times 4 – that is where I am going – and that’s interest on the primary account – but I am going to have it pay into a secondary account with Wells Fargo which I had previously referred to as a spill over account – we can still use it but I am using primary and secondary accounts with Wells

You can always take that interest and dump it into another bank – you can also set up another account with Chase – or with any number of banks and make that an account as a 3rd account –

So primary / secondary is what your interest gets paid into and you could operate out of that secondary account – I will operate out of that account and have it tied to 3-4 LLC’s in my example

Now beyond that – we need to set up our accounts – which are Trust accounts or accounts tied to LLC’s - you’ve got your primary account already paperwork ready to go for that – secondary account take the interest into and that is what also in that secondary account is where the proceeds from the currency that we exchanged would go into – it would not go into the Quantum account because those monies are available in full on day one –

If you’ve got your dinar – dong – rupiah – etc  all those other currencies the exchange proceeds in USN -  meaning new US dollars – would be in that secondary account – and you would have full access to all of that and it could be a lot of money – it won’t be as much as the primary account which has the 10 or 50% or whatever percentage they settle on with you on the zim – that’s going to be heads or tales way above your secondary account but your  secondary account will be significant if you’ve got a lot of currency – so don’t worry about it – that’s how I’m going to do it if I can talk them into it – I don’t think it’s going to be hard to talk them into it -  cause I think they are going to do the zim separate from the currencies too –

Remember the Quantum account is in the QFS – it is digitized – digital currency – does NOT draw interest – that’s why we take a certain percentage of the Quantum account and put it into our primary account and we do that at the exchange appointment

They do not have a lot of time for regular banking so we’ll see - they won’t have too much time but we knock that out – they are going to give – and this is something I heard just yesterday – and it may change the interest rate that I mentioned –

Supposedly all the tier 1 banks will pay the same rate of interest so there will be no advantage over one bank and another – here’s the deal – we’ve got that – we’re going to take a debit/credit card which will be tied to – this is a big question I have – can I get one that is NOT tied to my primary account unless I want to move funds – yes okay  that’s true - you may want to move funds so I need something that I’ll move funds to my secondary account but can I have a debit/credit card on my secondary account where I can access funds that way – the answer is maybe able to do both –

You may do one and then when you come back to do more banking you might be able to set up another account with its own debit/credit card – I think that would be doable – right now at the redemption center you are looking at one and it will be a high-end card – I hope it’s not a black card – don’t want that – it draws too much attention – it sounds cool – but you just really want to get a platinum card something that is not too different or too out of the ordinary that is tied to your primary account

Now what about the Quantum account? This is where you have what I call the Quantum access card a QAC – the Quantum access card is a thick  3 credit card thickness – titanium card – the only purpose that it has that has 3 chips in it - one of which is biometric finger / thumb print reader and the other two are a start and stop chip embedded in the card – you use that as far as I can tell - you only use that when you want to access your Quantum account to check balance and as far as I can understand to move funds from your Quantum to your primary account I believe you need to do that at the bank – I don’t think that is something you can do on your own on your lap top – I hope not but who knows – it’s such a big amount of numbers you do  not want to mess it up –

Alright we are still at the redemption center – new account set up – we have our debit/credit card – we’re really looking to get a list of perks which are benefits for going to this bank or that bank – they are basically be pretty similar - there may be some advantage with one bank over another – with the perks – we’ll see

That comes later – you take that home and think about – look it over see if there is anything on the perks – should be about 3 pages long – anything you see on the perks that you want you let them know later

Now what about cash? Yes we can get a limited amount of cash up to $2500 – that’s it –if there is a cap it is on the cash – you can ask for up to $2500 of new cash which should be the ne United States Treasury Notes – our new money at the time of your exchange and redemption – just to have a little walking around money –

They do not want to give more – they do not want anyone robbed or picked up  as they go out of the redemption center – you’ve got to keep your mouth shut – you are going to sign a NDA a non disclosure agreement – which means shut the front door – and don’t mention this to anyone – only people that you can talk to about this would be people that are part of your projects – they could be exempted from the NDA – and you better have a page listing those names – do not go crazy with this 3-4-5 names whatever it is that you can write down and these could be exempted  from your NDA because you are going to be talking to these people about your project/s and about the funding  - that is the exception to the NDA –

The NDA’s are supposed to be pretty tight – you that are big on social media – NOT GOOD – you probably should get off of it – if not already – just stay quiet – try to make your life the same as it is now with some upgrades – obviously you are going to want new cars – but if you are living in the hood and you are thinking about getting a Bentley think again!!  That is going to scream I got money honey – and you don’t want that to happen

If you move out of the hood – and you go down to Beverly Hills and the Bentley’s are the routine there – ok that is different – keep that in mind – you are going to want security – look into personal security and don’t be surprised – it’s a good idea make sure that you have it

What else? That has taken us all the way through the redemption process and now you are getting out of there – 30-40 minutes you’re done – don’t celebrate on the way out – probably go out a back door not the same one you went in – and don’t go out to the bar and buy everyone a round of drinks – do not get into that –

Yes you want to take care of your tips – you want to tip waiters and waitresses but don’t go nuts don’t give them $1000 be careful on that stuff – cause otherwise you will be followed out of the restaurant to your car – to your home -  you do not want to draw that type of attention – it’s not wise – be smart

This is the biggest financial turnover in the history of the world – this is the wealth of the wicked laid up for the just – I knew that scripture back 18 years ago – and I understood it and I took it to mean this exchange – this turnover of wealth – the greatest wealth of turnover in the history of the world is occurring when we start these exchanges

So bond holders need to be notified of their monies when they have access to it – we need to be notified that we can set up our appointments – get our toll free number and go – the public – since we are looking at next week which is the week of the 16th of May – the public is probably going to start the following week – that’s my bet on it – they are probably pushed because we got pushed as well –

That is the intel I wanted to bring tonight – this could be our last call

Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 45:15

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