Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-2-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 6-2-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday June 2nd and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – We’re looking forward to a really important call tonight –

Alright let’s see where we are in terms of our exchanges – First though we’ve got to talk about the bond holders - it was so cool because I got word this evening that the bond holders in Europe have been notified and started getting some liquidity in many cases – probably not everybody but several of them that we know personally did receive their emails – giving them access to their funds last night in Europe -So it’s working its way over –

Now – we had a very good contact who was in the meeting in Reno – that brought us some information – so this is where it is – we have our start projected from … and we’re talking about bond holders right now – bond holders in the United States being notified when the markets close tomorrow (Fri) at 4 PM – give them an hour and around 5 PM those emails should start going out to bond holders in the United States and that will occur through the weekend

So bond holders if you do not get yours tomorrow evening at 5 / 6 or 8 PM just realize that they have it planned on how to disseminate all of those notifications to the bond holders that will have access to funds when they enter the passcode that’s in their email to their account to see their funds and have access to those accounts

So that’s going to start tomorrow at approximately 5 PM Eastern – now beyond that we come in as tier 4B and tier 4A will be right there with us – Wells Fargo looks at it at tier 4 - they do not designate A or B - but we do – it does not matter - for this purpose we are going to go together and even though we could get notified over the weekend – a very good source has told us that he is putting out the concept of going for our release to take place – for our emails to come out with the toll free number from Wells Fargo’s servers to  come out at 12 noon on Monday - lunch time

Now – remember my theory that when it came out in one time zone it would come out at the same time in the next time zone – so we are talking noon Easter daylight time – noon Central time – noon Mountain daylight time – and noon Pacific time – so everybody gets it at the same time in their time zone

Now that appears to be when we will get our notifications – it’s conceivable that we could get that prior to that – but I really believe that this time line is going to be accurate – as far as noon is concerned

Now here’s the other thing - what has taken us this far?  What has been going on? – We had 33 countries that were slow to get off the SWIFT System and on to the QFS – and the last country to get off of the SWIFT system was Turkey – ad they have as far as we know as of yesterday – they have completely pulled away from the SWIFT and are on the GFS - Everybody needs to be completely on the GFS by noon on Monday

There is also some things that are happening with – I had mentioned this on Tuesday nights call – that the Basel 3 compliant – some banks are Basel 4 compliant – the Basel 3 compliance are on 1 -2 and 3 tier banks should be there by Monday –at noon –

Also we should have all countries with asset backed currency in play – including us the United States – to have our asset backed currency in place by noon Monday – now I can’t tell you when the USTN folding money / paper money – will be available for us – it could coincide with our exchanges or it may coincide with the Public – now the Public start now is looking at the 15th /16th tier 5 – so we should be well on our way before they come in

So I’m excited about the information that has come out indicating how everything is basically almost done and ready to go – bondholders are getting notified in United States after 4 PM / 5 PM tomorrow (Fri) Eastern Daylight time - and then our notifications could happen over the weekend but – it appears it will be on Monday at noon in every time zone - Let’s see if that holds up

That’s pretty much what I wanted to share tonight - Thanks everyone for tuning in


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK    Intel Begins 1:29:35


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