Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-10-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-10-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 10th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay
Let’s talk about the intel –let’s see where we are - Now today is Tuesday – of course we get a lot of things between Thursday and Tuesday - an– things change – and they morph – and this target kinda moved – and it moved again – so it doesn’t matter what we thought we were going to get – What really matters is what we are going to get and “when” – right? That’s how I’m looking at it so I’m not going to bring you everything from the past –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-10-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 10th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay
Let’s talk about the intel –let’s see where we are - Now today is Tuesday – of course we get a lot of things between Thursday and Tuesday - an– things change – and they morph – and this target kinda moved – and it moved again – so it doesn’t matter what we thought we were going to get – What really matters is what we are going to get and “when” – right? That’s how I’m looking at it so I’m not going to bring you everything from the past –
This is what’s important - alright – Iraq is a sovereign nation – right? Maybe – Yes they are – but they are the ones that need to bring out – and I hate to say it but when they get the green light from us – they will bring out their new rate and mention the seating of their government – Prime Minister – Parliament – all of that – having been completed and seated
Now listen – it’s probably been done for a while but they just haven’t announced it yet – that’s what I’m talking about – they are operating with a rate in country - they are exchanging with the other countries – in other words they are trading with other countries – and they have a rate - with which they ae doing that
Tomorrow – Wednesday we’re expecting all new rates from all of the countries and everybody is connected to the QFS – everybody is synced up through the ISO20022 protocol – all of that has been completed and the codes that we’re going to call activation code – for the QFS were put in on Sunday morning – a few days ago – and the thinking is that once those codes were entered the algorithms would kick in and as many as 8600 things / events / matters would be started in some time line progression -
That is supposed to be happening now without fail without stoppage so why did we have a what seemingly was a one day delay from today to tonight – or tomorrow – we think there has been some resistance in a couple of 3 letter agencies – that might have held it up – although to be completely clear the banks had meetings all day today – starting this morning until about 2 PM and the redemption centers started around 2:30 PM with meetings this afternoon – these are Zoom calls – one way Zoom calls - from then all the way to 7 pm – so meetings in the morning – afternoon – and evenings till 7 PM –
Now – what did they discuss? We’re not sure – not exactly sure – we know they were meeting last night with 3 principals – Treasury Secretary Mnuchin – Judy Shelton – was appointed to help get everything done with the Treasury – and also Wilbur Ross – those three had four more on the call with them and they were making very good decision over a couple hours that I am sure will affect us – in one way or another
That was last night and then what we thought would occur today with our notifications and notifications to bond holders turned into money or funds that did not get moved last night or this morning would be moved over night tonight – so the monies we looked for to be there today – will be moved over night tonight and as a result for the bondholders and they will get their notifications as I’m told by 10 or 10:30 in the morning – by email – and then they should have access to those funds that are mentioned in the email - once they get their codes they can put those in and should see their account and have access to those funds tomorrow afternoon-
They did not say what time tomorrow afternoon – I am going to say probably after 2 PM but I don’t have that confirmed - it is just a guess -
So when they get access to their funds tomorrow afternoon – I am talking about bond holders – we are supposed to receive our notifications as they are getting their access to funds tomorrow afternoon – which means we would theoretically if everything works out - everything goes - no pause - no stoppage - if everything works according to plan – we would get our notifications tomorrow afternoon when the bond holders get access to funds and then we would be setting our appointments tomorrow afternoon/ evening most likely for our exchanges to start on Thursday
Remember redemption centers can start as early as 8:30 or 9 in the morning and can go as late as 9:30 – 10:30 at night in some locations – ok they can go based on their set up – they can go late – so it’s possible that if we got notified between 2 and 4 in the afternoon we could set our appointments and go in the evening tomorrow night – it’s possible - I’m going to give it 40% chance and say most likely we will set appointments a d start on Thursday – which I think will be fine with everybody
So that’s the nutshell of the intel that we got today from very strong people that are handling the oversight of bonds and paymasters of for Wells Fargo –
Now – obviously this is not an exact science – we know that things happened even though the Quantum System is in charge and running the show through these algorithms - there’s a lot of things that will be happening – but from my understanding everything is moving through and what is moving faster is the funds that didn’t get there by today are supposed to be released over night tonight –
So I think we’re all set – our funds from what we understand – our money we will get at our exchanges we will get without any problems they are already there - in the banks –
Priority one for the banks and Wells Fargo is zim holders - Priority two is if you have any bonds other than zim bring those in – and yes Wells Fargo can take care of those at the redemption center – I know some people that have some of those –
Priority three – is the rest of the currency - speaking of our currency – we know that some people are going to want to get some cash and this should be our new USN or USTN – at the redemption center – and they know that and this is part of what they talked about last night – I believe they decided to have up to 2500 dollars available for us should we want some cash – our new money - I think they topped it out at 2500 to give the people a little walking around money – while they are getting use to the idea of their new debit / credit card
Now I want to go over my best recollection of the new information that we brought out a week ago –
When you go in for your exchange and the redemption of your zim – and remember zim is only redeemed through a Wells Fargo operated redemption center – even if it’s a Chase or Citi or Bank of America - they are going to have a Wells Fargo representative there to oversee the operation – So that is a very positive thing –
So you’ve got the mother lode of your zim – that goes into a Quantum Account – because it’s in the QFS as a digital currency – it’s going in as USTN digital – and it goes into a non interest bearing system of the QFS so we call it the Quantum accounts –
They are trying to decide how much we are going to be able to move – the last time we heard something it was – if you are a zim holder and you have some projects with longevity and you plan on being around for a while – through the med beds or whatever - for more than your normal life span they are going to want you to take up to 50% of that Quantum account and put it in your primary account which for me will be with Wells Fargo –
That is half of your Quantum account and then we’ve used the term spill over account for a long long time – I am going to add the term “secondary” account which could be the same thing as spill over account – because we are going to earn interest on the balance that sets in our primary account
You remember the example we used let’s say you have 100 trillion dollars’ worth of zim to exchange or zim redemption actually and say that goes in your Quantum account – this is only an example – it is not a cap – or limit – a mere example for easy math –
Obviously your numbers are going to be based on your amounts of zim that you have – so start with 100 trillion dollars in new dollars digital in your Quantum account – if you are doing long term projects take 50% of that put right into our mother lode / primary account with the bank – we’ve negotiated a rate of interest at the bank – this is what you would do with your bank if its Wells we roughly know where it is 8 – 8 ¼ maximum – annual APY – annual percentage yearly - term they are using –
So let’s say I take 8% I am going to want 2% per quarter divided up that way and the interest gets dumped in the secondary account – or we could still call it the spill over account from the primary - in other words the interest funds that account - that is my operating account – at least initially - that is what I am going to operate out of -
Spend money out of - with a credit card tied to that secondary account – that is my desire to do it that way – and then do projects and supplies from that secondary account –
So the primary account has half of the 100 trillion dollars – 50 trillion in it – and is earning 8% - 2% pays per quarter – and it’s put into the secondary account and that is what I am operating out of – call that my master account – that is how that should work –
Now obviously you can set these banking things up after your exchange day – when you go in for your exchanges and redemption – it’s not a day to do 15 different banking things – that is what you want to do “after” your exchange appointment – with your main bank or secondary bank – whatever it is you want to work with –
At the appointment – they want us in and out of there in 40 – 42 minutes total – in and out - and that is 5-8 minutes to do a one on one presentation you are going to make to 2-3 people about your project/s
Here’s the deal – we are looking good – Iraq is going to do what they need to do tomorrow – and or Thursday – we should get notified when the bond holders get access to funds tomorrow afternoon - that comes through we should get our emails – it’s sort of a staggered shot gun start not a true shot gun start – a staggered shot gun start – and I think this all comes through then this would be our last call – with no call on Thursday – so we’ll see what happens
Obviously it is all contingent on everything going – and going in the order that I gave it tonight – we will keep an eye on it and monitoring and we will have the 800 number out on our website – when it becomes available
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 51:55
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-5-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-5-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay
Ok let’s get started with some intel – I’ll tell you what – we did get a little bit tonight that I had not counted on so that’s a good thing – Alright – let’s talk about kinda where we were – where I said we were – and how it might have been misconstrued a little bit –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-5-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday May 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay
Ok let’s get started with some intel – I’ll tell you what – we did get a little bit tonight that I had not counted on so that’s a good thing – Alright – let’s talk about kinda where we were – where I said we were – and how it might have been misconstrued a little bit –
Let’s start with this - we look a the possibility of us getting notified – I thought on Tuesday’s call – I believe I said 4th –5th and 6th - which would be Wed – Thurs – Friday - but –that’s before I found out that the information we got directly out of Iraq from people who are connected very highly to …. Let’s say some upper echelon in Kurdistan were radioing back we would get ---- that the Iraqis would seat their government – install their new President –and maybe get their rate put out on the 6th – 7th – or 8th and we focused on the 7th - we know the 6th is a hold day and would not happen on a holy day - 7th is possible 8th is the first business day in Iraq – so maybe everything gets settled in before their first day of business on Sunday - so you’ve got a rock there 6th 7th and 8th –
Then we hear – wait a minute - there’s still a lot happening as we have replaced the Central Banks – that is no longer a term we are ever going to use now – the Central Banks have been disqualified – eliminated - The banks that are now in force in all 206/209 countries are actually duplicated to other countries - there are certain countries and they may use the same bank – These are called Gold Bullion Banks -
These Gold Bullion Banks are not affiliated with the Rothschild’s like the other Central Banks were - so there is no – as least as far as we know at this point – no cabal influence – in theses Bullion Banks – why are they called that? Because they are the banks which would house the gold bullion and other assets that would give each country’s currency their value that it will have
So your gold bullion banks have that – now guess what is tied to those gold bullion banks starting this weekend – we are going to count the weekend as Sat / Sun and going to Monday – these gold bullion banks - these countries that those banks represent are going to put out gold backed bonds – Gold backed bonds –
So this is the first time these countries in many cases – when was the last time the US had a gold backed bond? Probably in the 1880’s or 1890’s – if then – so this is new – now what is a bond? It is a debt instrument – but the fact is gold backed gives it tremendous value and security – especially as the price of gold goes up –
Ok so these gold backed bonds are going to be issued starting this weekend – to those countries from those countries that are “ready” – doesn’t mean every single country is ready – because first of all - what does a country have to be? It has to be gold backed – their currency has to be gold backed or at lease asset backed with some portion of that asset in gold to have a gold backed bond – so that is a very good thing that is happening - a very good thing this weekend
Now I don’t know how many countries will start issuing these but I got the impression they would start over this weekend – does not mean everybody – but the ones ready are good to go
Now what else needs to be “ready”? The Quantum Financial System – the QFS – has to be synchronized with all of these gold backed banks – that process is a process of activation codes – each particular gold backed bank in all of these countries globally has a specific activation code which is provided from the QFS – so the QFS is sending these out – now I don’t believe they started to go out – but these will go out and then this will activate those particular banks to the QFS – now how will the banks respond? They will ping back to the QFS from their banks computer and will be acknowledged – We got it –
Now if there seems to be a hold up or someone is not pinking back I’m sure the proper security authority will be sent out immediately to make sure that bank is activated even if it has to be done manually – so I don’t expect the resistance to this – there could be – some resistance – but not like as if it were with the Rothschild Central Banks
Okay so that is one aspect that I think is very important and I’ll get to when we think we are going but let’s do this first – this is really important – You remember last Thursday a week ago – I brought up the concept of ok if you have a bonafide project in your presentation and you are going to be doing something with longevity you could take – if you are a zim holder – only for zim holders – you would be able to take 10% of your Quantum account – and remember for our example – only an example – we started with 100T zim – and you had that note it went into a digital USN inside the QFS computer and we call that our Quantum Account – it is “digital” – and does NOT earn any interest – it is just there –
Now we have heard that – remember I told you that we would get moved 10% if you had projects – well guess what? That has changed again - changed for the good – because now if you have a bonafide project with longevity that you can present in that 55-8 minutes - guess what? Now you are taking up to 50% of your Quantum account and putting in your “primary” account with – in this case – Wells Fargo - so instead of 10 Trillion which is 10% of our 100T – guess what 50% would be 50 Trillion and guess what? You earn interest on that 50 Trillion that’s in your primary account - so obviously it behooves you to have your project ready to present so they can see you are serious about it –
XXXXXXX skipping – no intel XXXXXXXXX
By the way tier 2 – which are Whales (tier 1 government) (tier 3 bond holders) (tier 4 is us Internet) – tier 2 got paid and got access to funds already – and they paid off the National Debt – I told you this Tuesday night – Tier 2 only gets access to 15% of their total – that’s all they get – the rest of the 85% is donated and used for paying off the National Debt – not 27 ½ trillion – it’s more like 60 trillion and the rest goes to the Treasury for NESARA – it is designed to go to pay for our NESARA benefits and they get to keep 15 % for themselves – that is the deal they agreed to – what they signed up for - Good for them and Thank You tier 2!! We are minnows compared to those whales –
So that’s a big piece right there – to get access to 50% if you have bonafide projects – you are going to go the distance – you show the longevity aspect of it - all these things we’ve talked about – are going to grant you a better deal – I think that is amazing and I couldn’t believe I didn’t get that intel until after 5-6 pm this evening –
So what else did we get about our timing? This is the deal – the QFS is designed with algorithms – obviously I told you it was going to get out the right time – put out those activation codes to the banks - the gold bullion banks – globally - 206-209 countries – some countries share a gold bullion bank because they are on the same currency – the point is that the Quantum Financial System has got that – it is handling that and taking back the pings –
I’m sure we got people monitoring it watching it – keeping up with it but this is something where once that happens and we get those back and everybody is in – then the Quantum begins to put out the information to take care of 8600 events – could be individual events – arrests – start of our notifications – it could be NESARA getting cranked up - it could be any number of factors that we are looking forward to after they get those pings back from all of these gold bullion banks
The latest thing I got this afternoon on our timing is pointing to – and this is exactly how it was worded - for those of us in tier 4B to get notified and get started the middle of next week – the middle of next week – so that would be the 10th 11th and or 12th - Tues – Wed – Thurs - that’s the sweet spot – IF that information holds up and I have to qualify it because you know this moving target has things and I believe we have a better understanding of what has to occur now BEFORE the middle of next week
Now look if these countries that are going to be putting out and issuing gold backed bonds ok – they are going to start Sat – Sun – and into Monday ---- and oh by the way - the bond holders in tier 3 are supposed to be notified Monday with emails – giving them access to funds on Tuesday – it makes Tuesday or Wednesday looking pretty good for us to get started with our notifications – it may not be an exact shotgun start but I believe we are going to be close
I still don’t have any word yet on the intermediary groups like fines & penalties – adjudicated settlements – CMKX – prosperity packages – farm claims etc – those have been sandwiched between tier 3 and tier 4 but I don’t know if they are going to come out over the weekend or whether they will come out when we get notified so that nobody really gets access to their funds until we all essentially are participating in this
So big week ahead – big weekend ahead for the world and then I said on the call Tuesday that we were looking for NESARA to crank up between the 3rd and the 8th in its 3rd phase – now that still may be true but the 8th is Sunday – so what are we going to see from that – what are we going to know? It’s hard to say – I think every time we get down on NESARA they tend to get pushed back –
I don’t have a due date - I don’t have a new date to give you – it could be the 15th for all we know – I don’t know - but I believe it’s going to be really good – I told you the last time on Tuesday that the seniors at least 6 that are not working – would be eligible for Universal Basic Income – UBI – but I don’t know if it’s going to be age 65 or 70 whatever it kicks in but that is who will receive the UBI - nobody else – got to be at that age – so in a real sense it is a part of NESARA after all –
So what do we have? The Quantum computer in charge running the algorithms – calculating when the very best time is to send out those activation codes to the gold bullion banks – we’ve got those countries that are ready issuing gold backed bonds – starting this weekend – Sat – Sun & Mon – and we have us theoretically in theory by the intel I had today starting middle of next week – however you want to define it - that’s what I’ve got –
I’m excited – thanks everyone for listening – and have a great weekend
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:21:35
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-3-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-3-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 3rd and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in once again from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – thank you for tuning in and we welcome you
Alright let’s get this party going – I know many of you are – Sue and I were talking about this prior to the call – and she said you know somebody in leadership needs to say “Where is it?” “We’re waiting for this thing” “Where is it?” - We really thought by the intel I had last Thursday that we would see the 800 number this afternoon – because that’s the intel I had all the way up through Saturday – and there was as predicted another conference call with the redemption centers – and it went 3 hrs and 22 mins – And you think what in the world are they talking about for that long –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 5-3-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday May 3rd and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in once again from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – thank you for tuning in and we welcome you
Alright let’s get this party going – I know many of you are – Sue and I were talking about this prior to the call – and she said you know somebody in leadership needs to say “Where is it?” “We’re waiting for this thing” “Where is it?” - We really thought by the intel I had last Thursday that we would see the 800 number this afternoon – because that’s the intel I had all the way up through Saturday – and there was as predicted another conference call with the redemption centers – and it went 3 hrs and 22 mins – And you think what in the world are they talking about for that long –
Well – it’s hard to say – all I know is for 42 minutes of that call they discussed Med Beds and the rolling out of Med Beds which is interesting because they know so many of us know about that and looked into that – and we may wind up living 3-500+ years – ok
So the reason that is important is that’s what went into their decision as I said on Thursday – that’s what went into their decision to let zim holders that have projects get access to 10% of their Quantum Account instead of 1% ok – so having that 10% and then earning interest on that 10% is a vast difference from just getting access to 1%
So that is why it’s important if you are a zim holder and you don’t have projects then y ou better get working on that because not only will you get a higher rate on the zim but you’ll also get more access to those funds from your Quantum Account - so let’s go back and recap a little bit and just try to revisit the example we did on Thursday night to make sure everyone gets it –
There were some people that were not quite sure what 10% was referring to - so let’s go back and talk about that – as I said – this is applying the zim holders and the fact that the denominations as you know were very large and that means each note and the number of zeros on the note – they are very large – they are bearer bonds and as such they are payable upon demand and when we go in there that’s what we’re doing we’re redeeming those bearer bonds at the redemption center – that is why we call them redemption centers form the get go
Now here’s how it’s going to work - you go in there with your zim – regardless of the denomination you might have – 50 million - 50 billion – you might have a 10 trillion note – 50 trillion – 100 T notes – whatever you’ve got ok it’s all payable at the same rate – there’s no back in the old days - we use to think well – if you have this amount they would pay this amount on that note and pay that amount on that note – NOT TRUE – not ever true – I don’t know who got suckered in on that deal - all denominations pay the same amount per zim dollar – and it is Zimbabwe dollar –
So here’s the deal – if -- as an example if you remember – we started with a total of 100 Trillion zim dollars and that equivalent to the USN would be put into our Quantum Account – that is short for the Quantum Financial System Account –
The Quantum Account is an account that is a digital account that is not in any bank – it is in its own environment – its own QFS - BUT ….. when we access that Quantum Account we can move funds with the help of the bank initially at least - in this case Wells Fargo to put in the case those of us that have projects can move up to 10% of what we have in the account into our primary account with Wells Fargo
That primary account will earn interest and depending on which bank you are in it could be as low as 6 ½% all the way up to 8 and 8 ¼ % per year - Annual percentage yearly APY is the term you want to know –
But – here’s the thing – that 10% if you are not a percentage person think of it as 1/10 of your total money – let’s make a distinction - that 1/10th that you moved in to your primary account is the amount that is earning the interest – NOT the Quantum Account
Quantum Account does not earn interest – it is just sitting there – we’re only earning interest on the 10% or 1/10th of the amount of we’ve moved from the Quantum Account to the “primary” account - now everybody’s got that –
Now the other point that I want to make is – remember I use to use the term spillover account – we are going to use the term as “secondary account” now – we know the primary account is where our 10% of our zim holdings went into – right – it is with Wells Fargo – and then ?? what about the other currencies? Dong – Dinar – Rupiah – Rial etc – you know these other currencies have an immediate value to you when you exchange – you are exchanging into United States New Dollars – USN – ok
When you exchange that – that amount – let’s say and I think my example on Thursday I think I said we had enough currency to come up with 1 billion USN and that amount would be essentially of all of that 1 billion – would be available from day 1 or day 2 maybe –
The point is - and I talked to my sources about this – I very much believe – even though they do not want to do our banking at the redemption center – I believe they can set up our secondary account at the time they are doing our primary account – so what I’m saying is I want my currency proceeds to come out to whatever the number comes up to in the USN to go into that secondary account – so it can operate right out of that smaller secondary account
Now what about the interest that is earned – interest in theory - we won’t know this until we get there – but I believe the same rate of interest will pay out on our primary account as – in my example - my secondary account – notice they are both with wells Fargo –
If I wanted to set up a secondary account with another bank I could certainly do that and send some funds or wire funds to that other account at the other bank – I can do that – no big deal – it’s considered a ledger to ledger transfer and it does not take very long to transfer anymore - actually less than 30 seconds to transfer anywhere in the world – under a minute –
That’s a very new positive – think of it as a little bit of delineation between your currencies that you’ve exchanged and your bearer bonds if they’re zim that you have redeemed - and hopefully I’m getting some new people might not have been in this for a week or two or few months and you’re getting use to the terminology of these exchanges –
So what are we saying? We’re saying that know that when you go in and why is it important if you do not have a project is when they are going to restrict you on the amount that you get down to 1% - not the 10% that those with projects will get -
The interest rate itself is negotiable – now don’t confuse interest rate that you earn on the funds in y our primary account and secondary accounts – don’t confuse that with the rate of “exchange” that your currency gets or the rate you get on your bearer bonds the zim - don't confuse those two - the same term rate is used but it’s completely different - Wells should pay us up to 8 - 8 1/4 percent if you negotiate that at this time ok – and that’s a lot more than we’ve seen it in many many years – but that is something between you and the bank to negotiate and you do that at the redemption center –
Now what I still want to do as I mentioned is to take that interest – that annual number and divide it and have it paid to my account quarterly – in other words it accrued and paid to my account every 3 months – that way I know how much I’ve got to work with – I know what I need to do to get rid of it – I mean spend it wisely - invest it wisely in people’s lives – get the projects cranking – and use that money to help level the playing field for people’s lives – not only in the US as we can get to them –
Now I said it didn’t happen for us today – and here we are on the call – the latest we had this afternoon and this evening is pointing toward us still going this week and I’m hearing 4th - 5th or 6th that would be Wed – Thursday – Friday – of this week – for notifications to come out and obviously if notifications come out one day we might set appointments that day and start exchanges the next – that’s the typical thing that a lot of times we’re hearing notifications are coming out after lunch or after 1PM - set appointments and start the following day –
It could very well happen this week – so this thing changes – a lot – it is a moving target - we are trying to fill in the pieces – we’ve had some positive things come out – recently – especially today we heard that we should see some change in our administration around the 13th and we could have a lot of things happening with NESARA – it’s supposed to kick in between today and the 8th into the so called 3rd phase of NESARA – I went into that in some detail last Thursday – so we are looking for that to manifest –in May – to some extent – but it should happen when we start the rest of the country is getting some funds – especially the older portion of the country –
Now one thing I forgot to mention on the last 2-3 calls – I have said that we would no longer see universal basic income – I’ve been corrected on that for retirees – people that are 65+ no longer working - I don’t know what age it is going to kick in for – but let’s say you are retired and not working – we understand there are supposed to be some Universal Basic Income for you – If you are still working it may not apply to you but we will see what the rules are on that – don’t have that to find yet –
We are all concerned that nobody would want to work if they are on Universal Basic Income – and that is true – they wouldn’t – Hopefully the young people and middle age people will still want to work for a living – and they’re going to be earning a really good wage – If we’re working with them they are going to be in really good shape – earning really good money – and they will do plenty of good things with their money like us –
I’m excited because I can see this plan coming together now – even the bond holders in tier 3 have been put in levels – 10 levels – so that means top of the heap and then all the way down to the smallest bond holder in terms of the amount of bonds they have and the value of them
But what’s cool is even today and starting last Saturday – some of the bond holders did receive their emails with their access codes that they could input and see their account as hydrated and have access to those funds – but guess what – when several of these people put their codes in – nothing happened so that tells me the system is not started yet – it’s not “activated” for that yet – and may not activate until we get notified – that is still my contention – is that nobody really gets paid until we get notified and set our appointments – and maybe the first day of our appointments - but they don’t want unfair advantage in this shotgun start – so we’ll see how that pans out - but I am very encouraged that some of the bond holders did receive their emails already – now even though the codes didn’t work the theory is they tried 12 hrs and continued to do that unless they get another email with something different – but that is encouraging –
Tier 1 and tier 2 have already been paid out and access to those funds so that’s good – and our national debt has been paid off by tier 2 which are whales - what we call super whales and what’s interesting is even the whales with what their agreement was because of their amount of currency and bonds they had – they actually only get 15% of their total – 85% of what they had has been used to pay off the national debt and also to go into paying for NESARA which is a pretty cool deal – so we should have plenty money available from NESARA
Now – your projects are not supposed to contain anything that is related to infrastructure in the US because of what NESARA will pay for – President Trump was clear to tell us that with Rebuild America that we are not to use it for building roads bridges – underground communications – electricity – natural gas – anything that we’re thinking of doing unless it’s the real private situation – if it’s something that would normally be handled by local or state or Fed gov – we are supposed to stay away from that – that is the responsibility of our government
In the meantime Rebuild America is going to work with people all over the country rebuilding their community – homes - walkable communities – as well as with green spaces – food domes – quality food production – non GMO and non pesticide foods – etc
More talk on projects not transcribed but can be heard on replay -
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:13:51
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-28-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-28-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 28th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay
We’ve got some intel for you - I told you it was going to be good – I think it is the mother lode – that’s what Sue called it - I agree – We prayed really hard yesterday that we would get some revelation and would be new and would be conclusive for us – and I believe I have that tonight
So this is what I want to bring: I have several segments – I am going to try to remember all of them – and go through in some order – I want you – if you have a pen a piece of paper make a few notes – some of this stuff especially what I am going to start off with you don’t know – you’ve never heard it before and you’ll never hear it again – this is really important stuff –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-28-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 28th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay
We’ve got some intel for you - I told you it was going to be good – I think it is the mother lode – that’s what Sue called it - I agree – We prayed really hard yesterday that we would get some revelation and would be new and would be conclusive for us – and I believe I have that tonight
So this is what I want to bring: I have several segments – I am going to try to remember all of them – and go through in some order – I want you – if you have a pen a piece of paper make a few notes – some of this stuff especially what I am going to start off with you don’t know – you’ve never heard it before and you’ll never hear it again – this is really important stuff –
Let’s get started on it – obviously if you are listening on a replay you can go back – anyone can listen on the replay and catch this again if they need –
The first thing is something that caught me off guard because we’ve never quite understood exactly how this was going to work – this is my understanding of what we’re looking at now – and there’s been some changes just recently – in this program and I will explain that -
Remember we are hooked up world wide to the Quantum Financial System and we have – we’re about to have our gold backed currency the USN utilized for all exchanges and all for tier 3 bond holders and for us in tier 4A 4B and also the intermediary that are those programs like prosperity packages - CMKX – adjudicated settlements – fines and penalties - farm claims etc – whatever filled in that group we call intermediaries – between tier 3 and tier 4 – those are about to be paid as well – We believe those will be paid over this coming weekend – that’s the latest information that we have about those being paid out – over this coming weekend
Alright – now – now this is the piece that was so new – I had to go back and make sure I understood it – and this is my understanding of it :
We have accounts – or will have accounts in the QFS that we’re going to call our Quantum Bank Accounts – this is not even a bank account – it’s an account where we have money in our mother lode account that is in digital USN – and it’s held by the QFS
We’re going to use an example for purposes – and we’re just going to use this as an example that doesn’t reflect anybody or any particular exchange – or redemption – but we are going to use it for a reason
So let’s say that you have redeemed zim and you have redeemed and have a one hundred trillion dollar benefit – from y our zim – could be any number of 1 note – it could be several notes that accumulate to that total
Let’s start with one hundred trillion – I am not limiting anybody – there are no caps on this – I am giving you an “example” – write this number down -100 T – 100 trillion
They want us that are doing projects – “real” projects - a humanitarian project – and it is scaled - they were going to let bond holders get access to 1% of their money initially – and we were thrown in that mix – remember I told you we would get 1% of our zim? Well guess what – they changed their mind on the 1 deal – why? Because so many people are aware and even the redemption centers are aware of the Med Beds that are going to be rolling out – not too long in the future – not very far –
So they know that we plan on living 300 – 500 more years – because we can do that – with technology – I know this is new – it shocked a lot of people – don’t be shocked – just get on board and learn about it
So – that means they changed from a 1% of a lot – like a hundred trillion – to 10% of 100 T - so that 10% would be 10 trillion dollars – 10% of 100 is 10 – 10 trillion dollars would be what they would allow you to put in what I’m calling now your primary bank account – that’s “my” term - “primary bank account” PBA
Now that primary bank account you can set up with any bank that you want – personally – I am doing with Wells Fargo – and there’s a reason for it – that’s just “me” – you don’t have to – you can go with another tier 1 bank – it has to be a tier 1 bank with the amount being that large –
So you’ve got your 10T account set up with Wells Fargo that you can get access to right away for your project/s – now let’s back off one other second – let’s say that you have a billion dollars’ worth of currency – meaning after your currency exchange it will net you 1 billion USN dollars – that money – that billion is not subject to the QFS – it is just another amount that you would put in your primary bank account
So now for our example we’ve got 1 billion in currency exchange proceeds plus 10T which is the 10% of our 100Trillion that is in our QFS account – so we actually start off with 10 Trillion 1 billion dollars
So we have that starter / primary account - and then what they’re going to do is they will pay interest on that amount – not on the 100 or 90T that we had in the QFS account – we always thought we would get paid on that total – Nope – that is residing in your Quantum account – but the money you get paid interest on – that you accrue interest on APY – Annual Percentage Yearly – is depending upon the bank you have for your “primary” bank account - PBA
So we’ve got 10 trillion and a little change – 1 billion in that primary account = that is what we are going to earn interest on – I know it’s not the full Monty - ok - not the full mother lode at all – it’s a portion of it – 10% of it – BUT …. It’s still going to be a ton of money –
Now what interest rate are we looking at? I’m not going to do the banks job for you however – I have heard on good authority it is going to be in the range of 6 ½ % with one particular bank all the way up to 8 1/2% and maybe one bank might offer 10%
Now that money is annual percentage yearly rate – but in my case I’m hoping I can get it quarterly – I think they will do that – and where am I going to take that money? Into the primary account - yep I will take it into that primary account and that primary account will be moved into various – obviously it is a trust account - but it will be moved into certain LLC’s and my case that is how I’m doing it – and I will be able to funnel those monies based on the projects that we’re doing – I’ve got a complete strategy in terms of what I’m doing - for various reasons –
Money ears – as far as I know – I don’t know the term of the interest - how long we can do that – I hope we can do that for a very long time and I think they are not going to use the structured pay out for us that have projects – they may use a “version” of a structured pay out for those that don’t have projects –
It’s too hard to know what that structured pay out might even be right now - we can’t know that right now – but this is designed so that you can see in real numbers – based on the currency you have and the zim bonds which are bearer bonds – that you have – that will bring face value by the way – and I’ve told you that the Zimbabwe dollar was on par with the US dollar – if anybody understands what that means – you know what the rate would be on the zim – if you have valuable projects –
So do we still need a spill over account? Not unless you want one – but where would the interest come from? The primary account – Right !! It comes from the primary account at whatever interest rate you agree to and if you want the spill that interest into another account – a secondary account you can do that – that’s fine – I’m going to take a look at that option too - maybe you spill that into another bank entirely –
Maybe you are using that into your secondary bank - but initially I’m going with Wells and then maybe a secondary bank after that - but I love the fact that it took us this long - to get this information – to be perfectly candid with you – this is a fairly recent decision on their part – so you can’t really blame me for it - I really just learned this yesterday - and glad I could share it with you – So everybody understand that concept – that’s new – no one knows it but you now –
The other thing is – if you remember back to Tuesday night’s call I gave you some intel that talked about a Code Red Event – May 5th - It happens to be Cinco de mayo - but it has nothing to do with Cinco de mayo – sorry – However - what’s cool is that – remember – I told you or I should have told you at this point that we’re hearing that we will have our tier 4A & 4B group exchanges initialized a couple days prior to the 5th - well that would be the 3rd of May –
Now – more recently I’ve heard we could be notified on the 3rd and go – start exchanges on the 4th OR – we could get the fall back position would be late morning on the 4th to receive notification and start on the 4th or 5th
So that is our window and it looks like they are going to hit this either the 3rd or 4th of May – which is Tuesday and Wednesday – of next week – alright – so we got that –
Now – what else is going on? From the 3rd to the 8th of May we are entering the third phase of NESARA which is for the United States - GESARA - Global Economic Strategic and Reform Act will also enter into that same period
What is it going to mean for us and what does it mean for everybody else that is not a part of these exchanges? This is where it is good news for everybody – especially those that are older Americans – citizens of this country - legal citizens - from the birth year – the year you were born – if you were born from 1943 – 1962 you are in that group – first phase of NESARA retribution and repayment of to you –
We’ve talked about birth certificate traded as a bond - marriage certificate traded as a bond – divorce decree certificate traded as a bond – death certificate traded as a bond – all 4 of those in what ever shape or size those paid for you are payable to you - if you are in that range of 1934 – 1962 ( this is date he stated on call also the 1943 above) as your birth year –
It is going to be in the range of a few – 5 or so million dollars – for that – see how somebody who is not involved in the currencies like we are who might be outside but in that age group would receive benefit from that –
There is another / second tranche of funds that would come in the end of the lot and I think they are trying to get NESARA funded out in that time frame – and that second tranche as I understand it would include interest paid on loans that were illegal by the way - mortgages – car loans – boat loans – everything – and including your tax money you paid - Federal Income Tax - did not go to our US government by the way – and that second tranche may be significantly larger than the first go around - the first might be 4-5 - the second one could be 10-12 or 15 million dollars –
So that is for everybody not involved in these currencies but us too - we will still get it – we won’t “need” it but we’ll get it – I believe it will be direct deposit – to your bank – if they know your bank account – if not they will ask – if you are not on Social Security – disability etc – that is NESARA for the United States
Now what else should go down for us between the 2nd and the 5th of May? We should see the removal of the administration and the return of the rightly elected President – that is supposed to happen in that time frame slightly prior to the 5th let’s see what that brings –
I can’t tell you specifics about 10 days of disclosure but that was intended to come out any day now and could as early as the 1st or 2nd of May – I don’t have that date as official start but it could start in that same time frame – I don’t have anything about 10 days of darkness except what Charlie Ward referred to with the Queen of England who has been gone for a couple of years – realistically - and they will honor her as tradition for Queen or King of England - a 10 day period of mourning and whatever else they do over there –
As far as anything that would interfere here 0 you understand that Elon Musk is working a deal where they have already made an offer to purchase and I believe accepted - Twitter - so that will no longer be restricted –
The buyers of CNN – an investor that had 58 % who was a Trump supporter I understand there’s a group and including Elon Musk is going to buy all of CNN - we will see how that al l plays out
Once the truth comes out and is disclosed on that network – a news max – on others as truth social – twitter etc I think the other news agencies will follow suit - - that is what I predict – we will see how that goes
But this is what I wanted to tell you about the timing that we’re in – it’s very very strong – the sources are as high as you can get – and I feel very confident about the timing that I have been led to believe – when we are going to start – I think we should all take a deep breath and start thinking very seriously about where we stand
I think that is everything I wanted to say tonight – I feel good about what we said – I hope I did not go too long – but I really think this is very important - and by the way – why did all of the redemption centers across the United States and that’s over 7,000 – why did they have a conference call last night from 8:30 – 10:30 PM Eastern? Two hour conference call at night – I think that is telling us something - a lot of stuff - we don’t know what it was about – but I think we have enough information to just say – we know the redemption centers are on call starting tomorrow through the weekend
But we realistically do not expect them to have to go in for another conference call – over the weekend – but realistically …… we’re looking golden for next week - Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday - 3rd 4th 5th
This is going to be an incredible week for us and I’m looking forward to all of it
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:14:25
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-26-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-26-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 26th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – thank you for tuning in and listening to what we have to tell you tonight
Ok let’s get into the intel side of what we’re talking about tonight – this is one of those things where we got very strong information on the – basically Sunday and Monday – that was pointing toward us receiving our toll free numbers – and this is how it was put to us - and I think this scenario – even though it didn’t happen for us today or yesterday –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-26-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 26th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – thank you for tuning in and listening to what we have to tell you tonight
Ok let’s get into the intel side of what we’re talking about tonight – this is one of those things where we got very strong information on the – basically Sunday and Monday – that was pointing toward us receiving our toll free numbers – and this is how it was put to us - and I think this scenario – even though it didn’t happen for us today or yesterday –
This scenario is probably the way they’ll do it – so I’m bringing you up something didn’t happen but the structure of the time line sounds right – and that is – we got this from a premier banker of Wells Fargo which is the lead bank in this whole thing as you know Wells Fargo is over all the exchanges and redemption of zim in the United States –
So – in Canada you’ve got HSBC is the lead bank in charge of Canada and the exchanges that take place there through Scotia bank and Toronto Dominion etc etc - but the lead bank up there is what I just said – so –
The other part is – the information that we got – the redemption centers would receive their notifications first which makes sense – right - they have to be prepared to help us set our appointments if you are a zim holder – ok - you are going to be on that end of the call to set our physical appointments – so they were supposed to receive their notifications after lunch 1-2 PM – and then 2 hrs later those of us in tier 4B would receive our notification
Now that makes sense to me and that would put us at 3-4 PM theoretically right – now some of these times could change – it could vary and remember we understood that when we were notified – we’re to be notified at the same time in each time zone – so that 3-4 Eastern would also be 3-4 Central / Mountain / Pacific and so on – ok “IF” that holds true – and that was sort of proven to us – if you will – my theory about that came back as yes that is how it is going to be – so we’ll see
Now – it didn’t happen yesterday – didn’t happen today – and I/m not sure that we’re going to get started before the end of the month – and I hate saying that - you know I don’t like saying it’s everyday – it’s everyday – it’s everyday - I know it sounds like that – and sometimes it is – but sometimes it’s not – I’m just not convinced by what we have heard today that its necessarily ready to go quite “yet” –
So what has happened to where it almost was – we were hearing – and by the way that information I just gave you came off of a 3 hour zoom call that was done last Wednesday – so it was sort of dated information in the sense that it was a few days old – when we got it - ok – and we’re expecting something yesterday that didn’t manifest or it didn’t manifest today either -
So where do I think we are – there’s been some information some of you may have seen that is very very convincing to me and it talks about different aspects her –
One is that we could go even if a couple countries are not quite ready to go – and I think this is a way to say – we’re going to go *** or high water on May 1st with or without you –
Now maybe that’s true – maybe it’s a bluff but it should get a couple of these countries which I believe are Iraq and Venezuela to come to the party and get their thing done – it might also involve Iran - I’ve been told by one source it was Iran another source it was talking about Iraq - so Iraq / Iran -? I’m not sure which it is – but I believe that Iraq will do what they are supposed to do and get this thing done –
Now here’s the situation that further complicates it – remember the Muslim holiday that precedes Ramadan called EID – a short three day precursor holiday to Ramadan – the dates for that and they observe it throughout countries in the Middle East and other Muslim countries – May 2 – May 4 – does this occur prior to EID on the 1st of May or does this defer to something that may start on the 5th of May? Which we’re also hearing about –
What we’re hearing about is we know the 5th of May is Cinco de Mayo – not really tied to which is observed in Mexico ok – sort of marketing holiday - celebration time BUT --- what does apparently occur starting the 5th of May is a Code Red Event – and possible announcements – and it could be 1 – 2 or possibly all 3 things occurring – and I’ll just tell you what it might be -
It could be the start of what we’re doing with our exchanges and redemption – It could be – Let’s just say a change in scenery with the administration – it could be the start of NESARA / GESARA also or hopefully it is all three of them –
Now maybe we do get started before the 1st or on the 1st of May and maybe the others – the other things or one thing occurs on the 5th of May – but I believe it is a “Code Red Event” that we are going to keep an eye on – to see if we can figure what in the world that is - specifically - I like specifics –
Alright now – the other things that have sort of being floating around are – the idea of the ISO 222 protocols being adopted by everybody globally and we understand that all may be 2-3 countries have adopted those protocols –
My understanding is these are to allow crypto currency to be exchanged into a gold backed currency using an exchange platform like XRP or Stellar
I have a very limited knowledge in those cryptos but if that is something that is connected – and it is connected already – XRP has been connected for a month now with the QFS - so there would be a way for the QFS to monitor and keep an eye on exchanges of cryptos – and everything like that globally – I think that is very important - and it may be important – the start of what we’re doing with the QFS
So are there a couple of countries that may not still be on the QFS – we don’t think so – but is possible – we had everybody supposedly coming to the party by last Sunday night - and that also included the ISO protocols – but I’m not sure that really was accomplished – we’ve got that now and maybe it’s almost done -0 maybe it’s done and we just don’t know – those are areas we have to keep an eye on
The other things that we must be aware of is there may be indictments that are coming out that may trigger a lot of things that we’re looking for and may trigger the May 5th event and the other thing is there may also be the release of the (Durham?) Report – which we have been looking for months and months – and it may be released – very soon
So there are a lot of things we can talk about that I just mentioned that are precursors possibly to this going – even though the information we’re getting from lead bank in many cases is showing that we are ready to go – we are getting the notifications - blah blah blah – redemption gets it first then tier 4B gets notified 2 hrs later -
It all looks great right - BUT --- and this is hard to say – it’s possible that even the lead banks in this whole RV/GCR might be misinformed – on purpose – they may be led to where they’re being fed information that is not 100% accurate at the time – it is possible –
We know that – and I have to say this – we bring a lot of information and have for 11 years – and a lot of stuff comes from the lead bank – some of it comes from other sources that are very strong but at the same time even the information that I’ve been able to put out on the Big Call has in some ways – lot of the QFS information – the StarLink System - a lot of those things happen and are real - ok – But obviously not what everybody wants to hear –
When are the toll free numbers coming out? That’s the bottom line for us – we get our toll free number – we call – we set appointments – we go the next day – or the next whatever day we want – we set it up – and we’re golden – that’s really what it is –
Where is the USN in this process? Where is the announcement of that gold backed currency? Where is NESARA and GESARA? Is that what we are looking for on May 5th? Is that the Code Red Event? The announcements? I would think it could very well be – it could be that – it could be our start - it could be the change of the administration – it could be anything – it could be all of those things
So – I am feeling like we are taking this ride one day at a time – the only really way to do it now - we’ve seen so many things happen – yes every time we think we’re getting ready to go – oops- there’s one more thing - I KNOW!! Believe me I’ve been through it – tired of hearing it - just like you – very tired of hearing it –
I’m ready for a change – like Sue said earlier – I am ready to be fierce and pray things in that are not as though they were and take this thing forward and get to the completion of this ride so we can go about helping humanity making all the changes and the projects we wanted to do etc etc
I know we all want to be there – we all want that together – let’s band together in terms of our prayer life to pray these things in completely – believing for those things as though we have them – believing already for things that are not as though we have them
This is a day by day basis – we could get a surprise – I’m not sure we are going to see it before May 1st which is a Sunday and that may or may not trigger our notifications – we’ll see – we just don’t know – this thing has a way it could turn around and sneak up on us and bite us – so be open to it – but be prayerful about it and let’s see where God takes us on this journey - Remember – a lot of it is enjoying the journey -
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:06:30
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-21-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-21-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 21st and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – thank you for tuning in at this time
Let’s go ahead and jump into some intel and we can figure out roughly where we are – I have to lead off tonight by saying “I get it” - I understand what it’s like when we’re expecting something that hasn’t quite arrived yet – remember it’s 18 years that I’ve been in this – waiting for this – been invested – ok - and knew about it before – but 18 years been in pretty deep so the last 11 years doing the Big Call –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-21-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 21st and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – thank you for tuning in at this time
Let’s go ahead and jump into some intel and we can figure out roughly where we are – I have to lead off tonight by saying “I get it” - I understand what it’s like when we’re expecting something that hasn’t quite arrived yet – remember it’s 18 years that I’ve been in this – waiting for this – been invested – ok - and knew about it before – but 18 years been in pretty deep so the last 11 years doing the Big Call –
We’ve had a lot of things that have come in – especially in the last couple of years – that we didn’t have before – and we still have the same thing today – We’ve got new intel - new things that are taking place – that makes people say – what makes it different? What is different now about where we were a year ago? Or what makes this different?
I understand the frustration – you have to realize that we are fortunate in that I have a number of intel sources in several areas that are at the top levels of banking institutes - redemption centers – government agencies – military and special operations - a lot of the stuff going on behind the scenes we are fortunate to get information about – and some of my stuff as some of you know if you listen for a while – you are not going to find anywhere else – does not mean I am always going to be right –
Unfortunately if I find that I get something and all of a sudden our intel does not pan out or we are not as far along as I thought – I get discouraged with it too – I’m with you on that - I understand – but I am in it for the long haul – obviously – I’ve been in it for the long haul - and I’m continuing to be in it till it gets done -
So if you are new – and new to me would mean anyone 5 y ears or less – if you are new in this situation – you have to have developed a lot of patience – you have to realize there’s a huge scenario going on that requires a lot of different elements have to come together – We know we do not have all of the answers – we don’t – nobody does –
This thing is sort of compartmentalized in some ways – we get this piece from this source – that piece from that source - this puzzle piece here and we do our best to glean the truth out of it all - discern it – and put it together to make one picture so it is cohesive and makes sense –
Believe me – this is tough to make sense of – it is difficult – because No 1 - they and even the good guys – they don’t want us to know when it’s going to go – and that’s why so many bankers – upper level bankers – that we use to talk to a little more frequently – have gone mute – quiet – that have a gag order or super NDA’s and they cannot disclose like they use to – every once in a while we get one that comes through with something but most of the time it’s a little bit quieter – a lot quieter than it used to be – even 2 months ago -
And – with what we have we try to expand in our field a little bit to try to get other information and I’m here to tell you that I’m affected - Sue’s affected – Bob’s affected just like you are – if something does not go or if this doesn’t happen
But I do feel confident that things are happening pretty much behind the scenes – some of the things you may read are true – some of them I really don’t go for – but overall let’s build a picture as I see it as my intel sources are bringing it to me even as late this afternoon
The good news is what we are seeing is two separate scenarios – No # 1 yesterday – out of Reno there was a video conference call on zoom that was from 2-5 pm - 3 hours long on the East coast – so you would think oh man that’s good – did they get it all done – well we find bits and pieces out about the call – not enough for me to give you a run down on it – but just enough for me to suggest that of all the people that were there going through everything they needed to go through I could see why it could take 3 hours
I understand that they have accomplished what it is they intended to do with 8 of the Chinese Elders families represented – with I think at least 40 different countries represented – with our Treasury Secretary – other people – it was a big deal - a really big deal – and was broadcasted I believe not only the Wells Fargo redemption centers and other redemption centers - but I think it might have gone all the tier 1 banks – I don’t absolutely know that - but I have a feeling it did
So – a lot of good information came out – but here’s what I think the synopsis is – some of you might have read about the ISO protocol which is 20022 and that is important and being handled and my understanding with that concept is there were 2 countries that had yet to sort of get that completely together – to get that final protocols knocked out –
Now my understanding those countries were Venezuela and Iraq – I heard Kuwait but I don’t think Kuwait is one – I don’t think so – by the way Kurdistan is northern Iraq – so 2 countries are trying to knock that out and get qualified under that ISO Protocol – I believe from what I’m getting from my sources that will complete over or by the weekend meaning this weekend
The other thing we’re hearing about is that certain banks believe it or not – there are I believe maybe just 1 bank – that has some – due to the merger – that took place – don’t want to name the bank - but die to a merger – there were some elements in the other bank that did some things to try to slow this down – Nefarious activity –
My understanding is that bank is approximately 48 hours from today away from being fully compliant on the QFS - so we’ve heard that all countries banks are tied in to the QFS – we believe that’s true except that this may be the only bank –
So on the one hand – we’ve got ISO protocols that are being implemented in Venezuela and Iraq – and then we have this other country that has a bank that is still trying to get QFS compliant / certified and that everything else that is going on in the way of arrests which are huge – you’ve got to believe that – are taking place –
What I’m hearing and this is coming through a Wells Fargo contact by a Treasury representative it’s indicating that we will have – that the RV and GCR - is scheduled to take place this weekend -
That’s as simple as I can put it – that’s the information we’re getting from our Treasury source through Wells Fargo and through our contact – that says a lot – That’s saying the ISO protocols have to be complete – it says that the country’s bank is taking their time getting the QFS together - those all should come together on or by this weekend – that’s Friday Saturday / Sunday –
Now when that happens and I believe it will do we have access to the toll free numbers that come in our notifications by email from Wells Fargo – do we get those over the weekend or possibly Monday – I’m hearing we’re supposed to get notified over this weekend and if we’re not started over the weekend that we would start exchanges Monday
Nothing has been said to me yet about anything beyond Monday – Nothing has been said about Tuesday so - again – this Thursday let’s see what happens – lets continue to be patient – there are major things happening – major tranches of funds that are moving and there was something we still haven’t confirmed yet – that was supposed to have happened last night between 7:30pm and 3am Eastern daylight time – was that a large tranche of funds moving – we thought it might have been – we don’t know – have not got it confirmed –
What about bond holders? Bond holders are being told to look toward the weekend and I don’t think they’re going to get a nickel until we all get notified and set our appointments – I think their day of liquidity they are looking to get by email - a notification to the tier 3 bond holders – I don’t think they are going to get those until we in tier 4A and 4B get our notifications to set our appointments and start our exchanges –and redemption of zim – I just don’t see it –
I think they were all going as closely as you can imagine – bond holders tier 4A and 4B as a shotgun start – but what about what I’m hearing about May 1st - well what I’m hearing about it is that the public which we refer to as tier 5 is set to start then – in the first week of May but we are supposed to start sooner than that and maybe this weekend will prove to be what it is we have all been waiting for – I certainly hope so –
I was encouraged when I got the report – the intel report – from my sources that indicated that this weekend was a real possibility and that is what Treasury was telling our source – so I’m going to go with that –
I know there is a lot of other stuff out there - I hear about it – I don’t read it but I hear about it and I try to glean the truth out of whatever is out there – but it is complicated - this is definitely a complicated scenario – way more than we thought –
When in fact are we going to see the gold standard here in the US? We heard about China – the Brix countries - all being gold backed and that is coming out – by the way – Iraq is going t do their thing finally this weekend – they have been pushed – we have been pushed – it appears they are going to do it – my gut is they will do it Sunday – their first business day – maybe Saturday but probably Sunday – and that is good – really good
I think this whole thing is going to come together in a beautiful picture and we’ll be amazed when it does
Believe me – won’t we be amazed - when it comes together like we anticipated – it’s going to be terrific – and amazing for us – and we will be walking into paradise – I think in some ways
Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK Intel Begins: 1:21:51
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-19-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-19-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – thank you for tuning in at this time
Ok the intel for tonight fortunately has gotten better and better as the day grew longer – I am happy about that - we did get information over the weekend – it was significant in terms of what has been going on through the weekend – they actually ….. let me give you a little background …..
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-19-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – thank you for tuning in at this time
Ok the intel for tonight fortunately has gotten better and better as the day grew longer – I am happy about that - we did get information over the weekend – it was significant in terms of what has been going on through the weekend – they actually ….. let me give you a little background …..
There was a get together of a number of people in Reno that represented at least 25/30 different countries – all 8 Chinese Elders Families were represented – I think with 8 Chinese elders if my math works out – and our side from the US we know we had our Treasury Secretary S Mnuchin – Judy Shelton – appointed by Trump to get this thing done – and also with Iraq – and probably several others - a total of 82 people at 8 different tables – so picture 10 people to a table with a little over flow on 2 of them for the extra people there - and they have been there since last Wed or Thurs – in Reno – getting this done!!
Getting final touches put on NESARA and GESARA and our currency the new USN and of course the USTN which is our physical money in your pocket / folding money – United States Treasury Notes
We know they’ve already minted - remember for a while you could not get change? Certain places – even certain restaurants did not have change to give you – so they rounded out to the closest dollar on your bill and there were several stores that just did not have change - and so what happened there was – they were taking all of our old dimes and quarters primarily and half dollars - all of that change was taken and melted down and our coinage was minted in 2022 - / reminted with the proper amounts of silver in our dimes / quarters – no longer do you have or see the copper ring on the edges – and in our 50 cent / half dollars -
The proper amount of silver has been minted into those 3 coins and they are brand spanking new – New 2022 – and we’ve seen some of them already out – in circulation – so be looking for that when you see your change –
None of that change really matters a lot – I know - but it’s just something that has been happening –
The other thing – what did they do – these 82 people in Reno – and did they finish as they anticipated last night at 6- PM Pacific time ? We think they have finished - about half of them have already gone back to their home country – but you’ve got to believe that every pacific rim country was represented – North Korea – South Korea – China – Japan – India – Iraq – Iran – basically a lot of major countries were represented - probably at least 30-40 countries – anyway it was a good meeting – they got a lot agreed upon - a lot done - wrapped up – what we’re looking for – which is the release of NESARA – obviously we want those tier 3 bond holders to be released
We’re hearing they will be released with their emails – to get them access to their funds in their accounts – I’ve heard 3 am in the morning Eastern time – let’s call it over-night or early morning tomorrow –“finally” – that’s going to be good when that comes through – because when that comes through for the bond holders –tier 3 - the tier 4A / / admiral’s group and other groups out West – and the tier 4B internet group – that we are a part of – we are right on the heels of the bond holders going –
It wouldn’t surprise me if we are notified when they are notified of their emails for liquidity – we could be getting virtually a shotgun start with them – with tier 3 / bondholders
So when does it look like we are going? The latest info I got is putting us getting notified tomorrow afternoon Eastern time mid to late afternoon – for us - we could set appointments and start on Thursday –
That’s where it is now - that’s what it looks like – we were looking to get notified today – that was the info that came out of that meeting but obviously that did not happen – probably more to do –
We do believe we are going to see our USN completed – so it can actually be put on line – on the banks – on line for trading with other countries sometime tomorrow (Wednesday)
To get these bond holders out of the way is a big deal – and they will get access – they will have their accounts and get access to 1% - they will be able to spend 1% of their accounts for the first 90 days I believe – and then might be 6 months - they’ll have access to the full accounts after that initial period –
If we – who have zim ONLY let’s say – which is a bearer bond – those of us that have zim – let’s say that is the only currency you have - you are going to be when you redeem that currency / that bond – you will have access to 1% just like the other bond holders did – for a first 90 days – or so period – after that you’ll have access to much more of it
I think I told you last Thursday that – that term we had which was structured pay-out – they’re not using that term – they are not creating structured pay outs in the sense that you get a uniform pay-out or payment to you the same as a structured payment for months / years whatever –
What it amounts to you will have an account that you have access to – a mother lode account or master account that you will be able to access with a very special type titanium access card – it’s not designed as a “credit card” even though it’s about 3 times thicker than a credit card and it’s designed for you to use to access your mother lode / master account – which is an account that’s held in the QFS – a system outside the bank – you do not need the “bank” to gain access to this QFS account –
What Wells Fargo will do is set u p a secondary account for you – which I call a “spill over” account or any interest that I would earn on my mother lode/master account which would pay into this secondary or spillover account – that is the account that essentially I am going to be working through and will be set up with Wells Fargo -
I may set – not on day one – the day of exchange and redemption – you are not going to be doing “normal” banking things – other than them setting you up with a secondary account if you wish with Wells Fargo - - which I call the spill over account – for the interest to spill over into - and then you also will get a credit/debit card to “that” spill over account
So you have the account access card which has 3 computer chips inside – the first one is used when they issue that to you with a thumb fingerprint - the other two chips are when you log into the account and then when you log out of the account – 3 computer chips in that card that is 3X’s as thicker as a normal credit card and made of Titanium
That is the card you DON”T carry with you – but put in a very very safe place and never ever lose it – Got it? You are the only one that can see unless you want someone else to see it – You’re the only one that can actually see and gain access to that mother lode / master account –you are the only one that can see it – even the bankers aren’t going to know what you’ve got - the only ones that will know initially are the people that exchange you – or redeem your zim and then “BOOM” – they are going to see so many people they are going to forget it – and they are under DNA’s any way - not to retain any info about this or you or your account - that’s a good thing – a really good thing –
I know that’s getting a little bit technical – but not too much – you have been with me long enough to know it is important sometimes that I bring this stuff up
So what is the timing for this – we’ve got our new … by the way all the British countries Brazil – India – Russia – China – Singapore – maybe a couple more are ALL gold backed – now = they are all ready gold or asset backed – and China was to announce – and I use that term loosely - announce their gold reserves in effect saying they have a gold backed Chinese Yuan - that currency is asset backed – gold backed as well as the others mentioned
So – everything is basically I believe completed with the meetings that had a lot to do with NESARA and GESARA and we should be seeing some evidence of that this month – I don’t know how much we’ll get – how many announcements – whether we get announcement tomorrow on the USN or the USTN or the NESARA – that USN having a gold backed currency is a very intrical part of NESARA - so they may bring that out ok – sometime tomorrow
It is quite possible that we see 10 days of disclosure - NOT darkness – 10 days of disclosure starting – it could be tomorrow – it could very well start tomorrow – and that would be information about the election fraud – child trafficking – etc so many aspects are to be brought out - I believe – I’ve been told over a 10 day period this would be programming that would probably precede other programming on TV and could be broadcast in other locations – and certain news channels have been brought information about Hunter Biden’s laptop etc – and they had certain amount of time to bring that out – as part of this 10 day disclosure thing
Well guess what - if they have been given a certain amount of time to issue that and put that out on the air and they don’t do it for some reason – chances are their lic to broadcast will be taken –
So kinda be looking for things – even though tomorrow we could be busy with these numbers coming out but beware that that is conceivable – very conceivable
We know a lot more than most of these people know – a lot more – probably a lot of it would shock us – imagine what it’s going to do to people that have no clue whatsoever – They don’t know about the currencies - Global Currency Reset - the re-evaluation of all these currencies – don’t know anything about anything really – just in their white bread world and doing their thing –
But….. those of us who have been involved in this and monitoring other media – some other sites – and learning other things – we are much further along than the majority of the people – but we are going to be loving and helpful - not going to be a “I told you so” – but just be helpful and loving to the people we come in contact with
So …. I’m excited -- again … this has been a moving target but what I believe makes this real is the fact they have achieved a lot in Reno over the past several days and I believe they are more or less done and anybody that is still there is just watching for the USN announcement to be revealed –looking for the USN to come out some time tomorrow – could be an overnight thing tonight – but I think we’ll find out about it tomorrow and of course we’re looking to get notified tomorrow afternoon and get this party started
So let’s see how that goes – everybody be in continuous prayer for this as I know you will and we will see how God brings this blessing to us – that is pretty much what I wanted to share tonight
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:11:45
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-14-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-14-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 14th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – glad to have you and we’re looking forward to having a really fun call tonight
This is the opportunity – we’ve been waiting for – let’s see where our intel leads us tonight – for a while it was sort of sparse – we did finally get a little bit of information later this afternoon that helped tie some loose ends together – so let’s go to that
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-14-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 14th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – glad to have you and we’re looking forward to having a really fun call tonight
This is the opportunity – we’ve been waiting for – let’s see where our intel leads us tonight – for a while it was sort of sparse – we did finally get a little bit of information later this afternoon that helped tie some loose ends together – so let’s go to that
Now we know this weekend – I guess starting tomorrow with Good Friday – is what they call Easter weekend – we know we’ve got Resurrection Day on Sunday – a very big day for us – but what I’m going to tell you is one of our sources – and we’ve heard this from 2 or 3 - one of the sources used the expression this Easter weekend will be the greatest distribution of wealth in the history of human kind – this is the greatest distribution of wealth -
Now – we’ve heard that term before for years – but why this weekend? What does that symbolize? What we’ve understood is to use that language that way - is saying that we are expecting something from NESARA and GESARA –
Now what are we going to see? That’s the question – will we see actual funds that have been refunded back to us through direct deposit accounts that we have that they know of? For the ones that know our bank information?
Is it the possibility of getting an announcement about NESARA – GESARA being global is the rest of international world – it kinda affects us indirectly – but NESARA – National Economic Strategic and Reform Act or Recovery Act – is designed for the United States – that’s us – so – what does it look like when something happens this weekend – this Easter weekend – we don’t really know and nobody is telling us – nobody is telling us exactly what to expect – so it’s going to be a surprise –
Don’t know if it’s going to happen Saturday or Sunday but maybe it will –
Is it our notification? – The answer is NO- and the reason I can tell you that is because we have very strong information that’s coming from the lead bank at a very high level that I will tell you in a moment -
So NESARA / GESARA to be …. Let’s put it … let’s say … “revealed” …. Maybe released – but revealed to us - I hope we at least get some announcements on what they plan to do – I really do
Whether they start funding us right away then - I don’t know – I really don’t know – so what else???
The bond holders ….. tier 3 - bond holders – have they been paid? Nooooo! Not yet – When are they going to be paid? Friday and Saturday – so they ae supposed to receive those funds and they’re supposed to receive emails letting them know they have access to those funds in their accounts -
They have been pushed like we have been pushed – believe me – so they are looking at Friday & Saturday – What about us? I thought we had a shotgun start - well we’re not exactly on a shotgun start – but when those guys get their emails – the wording is we in tier 4B are on their heels – we’re next – we’re going to get notified and this is what I’m being told - I am passing on to you what I’m hearing – and that is once they get that – we are Golden – nothing can stop it –and we’re going to get notified –
When? – We’re going to be notified either Monday or Tuesday with exchanges starting Tuesday afternoon possibly – or Wednesday –
Alright – so notifications Monday / Tuesday – exchanges to start Tuesday / Wednesday – and continue through the rest of the month – for sure –
It’s not the news I wanted to bring to you – it’s not what I was prepared to bring earlier until I got the latest update – but I want you to have the latest that I get – fortunately this came in at about 6 PM – and so to make it to the 8 o’clock hour for central time where I am – that’s the latest we have
So this is a big weekend – super big for bond holders – they get access to funds when they get those emails – and big for us come Monday or Tuesday and then exchanging Tuesday or Wednesday – and beyond
So that is the basis of what it is we’re waiting for –
I’m going to say there’s not a whole lot else more – I’ve got just one more piece – I just thought of –
Where is Iraq in this thing? They are still putting out their new rate on Sunday their time – Sunday morning – it’s late Saturday night our time – so I’m looking for that to happen and I’m looking for that to be traded internationally starting Sunday night - that is the first business day in Iraq – our resurrection day
So let’s just believe we are here finally at the end - take advantage of the time we have till Monday or Tuesday and get some things done
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:13:00
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-12-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-12-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 12th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – We’re thrilled that you are here – We’re not thrilled that we’re here but happy enough to be here to impart whatever we’re going to tell you tonight – I hope it is all something you will receive and can use for your edification and the good of the community
Intel wise – this was an amazing day today in terms of what we learned that was “supposed” to have happen today but didn’t – I was fully prepared to not do a call tonight because we had the impression from 2 of the main banks that we would get notified late this afternoon - and that to me is between 4 & 6 PM on a Tuesday – Okay we had heard Tuesday notifications – start exchanges Wednesday –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-12-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 12th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – We’re thrilled that you are here – We’re not thrilled that we’re here but happy enough to be here to impart whatever we’re going to tell you tonight – I hope it is all something you will receive and can use for your edification and the good of the community
Intel wise – this was an amazing day today in terms of what we learned that was “supposed” to have happen today but didn’t – I was fully prepared to not do a call tonight because we had the impression from 2 of the main banks that we would get notified late this afternoon - and that to me is between 4 & 6 PM on a Tuesday – Okay we had heard Tuesday notifications – start exchanges Wednesday –
Well – we got word today more or less by lunch time that was NT going to be the case – NOT going to happen today – I am like – “okay” what do we know? This moving target is moving – now what is it moving to?? Ok – then we heard from the lead bank – one of the reps there said that we would have the redemption centers closed this afternoon because there was a conference call today – went for 2 ½ hours and ended before lunch – and I thought – well – great – we are going to get notified this afternoon - no!! Not yet -
So – What happened? Well – they constructed a new Treasury conference call that was scheduled – it was scheduled for 2-3 PM Friday afternoon – I am going to back up a minute – and say – the redemption centers were closed this afternoon - tomorrow – and were to be closed on Thursday - I think they have rethought that – and I will tell you why –
The conference call with the Treasury was supposed to be the final call that was scheduled for 2-3 PM Friday afternoon was moved up to Thursday morning at 10AM - in other words – a day over 24 hours about 28 hrs earlier –
Why in the world did they schedule a call for Friday afternoon and then come back and say – “NO” we are going to have it Thursday morning at 10AM – we can only guess why that might have been – my opinion is – and only an opinion – that maybe they thought about it and said you know what? We’re ready enough to go – ready enough to start – let’s have that final call Thursday morning and maybe –“maybe” release the emails and toll free numbers Thursday afternoon – “maybe” so that we can set up appointments and start our exchanges for Friday and Saturday – is that conceivable? Is that possible? Does anybody else see that possibility?
It’s not an absolute at all - not definite – I hope that it happens that way – really I do – it would be great to get this and get our exchanges to start before Easter Sunday – this weekend -
Ok what does it mean?? We believe that particular phrase is referring to NESARA and GESARA – wait a minute – does that mean we’re going to get money over the weekend? I don’t think so but I think this – if NESARA and GESARA – are to be brought out – over this Easter Weekend – don’t you think we need an announcement about that? Don’t you think we need to be informed that is going to happen? I would think so - because remember years and years ago – I mean back 12 yrs ago when I was on another call before I started the Big Call –
The word was we’re not going to be able to trade these currencies – and at that time zim was not in the picture – not even a reality to us - 12 yrs ago – but what was - our currencies – we’re not going to be able to exchange those until we get NESARA and GESARA –
We know that they are working to bring all of this NESARA GESARA to fruition – so now we’re at the point – ok – are we talking about having GESARA / NESARA here by the weekend with some information about it – to the people – and listen to this: if they did announce some of that and they announced some of what to be included – let’s just stay with NESARA – National Economic Strategic And Reform Act – let’s stay with that – in the United States - cause that is what NESARA refers to – for our country – that’s us –
If they bring that out think about that - what is included in that is the return of the funds that were traded on your birth certificate – death certificate - marriage license - devoice decree - those were all traded as bonds – you were bet on - you were like a race horse – were bet on – those funds for older folks my age and older - could be significant –
That is just part of it – right - that’s just a piece – the other piece is getting your tax money back – yep that’s right – all the tax money you’ve paid in your adult life – all the way back to 1948 - if you’re that old – ok
What else? What about all the interest you paid on your credit cards – yep – that is coming back to you – maybe some of the credit debt would be wiped out – but the interest you paid will have been calculated and accrued to your account
What else? What about car loans and possibly a boat or RV loan – would that interest come back – yes – anything working through the banking system – what about a private loan? What about a line of equity? All of that stuff is refundable to you in terms of the interest that you paid – and it could be significant –
So why bring NESARA and GESARA out at the time of our GCR and the time of our exchanges – and zim redemption – why? because while we who have these currencies and have had them for 18 yrs in my case – we and those of you in Big Call Universe that have currencies – you would go in to the exchange or to the redemption center – if you have zim – you have to go to the redemption center – and get those currencies exchanged and the zim redeemed - the zim is like a bearer bond – payable to the bearer is on the currency -
You get that and then the rest of country and really the world get hydrated to an extent from all of the refunding that needs to come back to them – I have heard that it’s going to come out - some in lump sums - some over the next year - so much a month over the next year but however they decide to do it will be direct deposit in most cases – to a bank account which they already have for you - especially if you are on Social Security - where you get direct deposit on that – They know that – they got your bank – your account and it would be easy to do that way –
So you’ve got that happening and the world around us is also getting some money back – not the amount that we’re talking about – but “some” money – it could be significant for a lot of people – so if we look at that in terms of the big picture – that becomes cover for us – for going in under a NDA – getting exchanged - getting zim redeemed – and coming back out with a new account “boom” - there we go
So I think the timing is going to be very close on some of the NESARA kicking in for us – in addition to us going for our exchanges –
Now let’s talk a little bit about what I’ve learned that’s new from the redemption center experience:
No 1 the banks are saying now – even though we’ve been told this for the last 8-9 yrs - that there are no structured pay outs – so what does that mean? That means there’s no amount that gets structured and paid to that we are limited by - we are not limited by a payment that comes from our account as a structured pay out –
What do we have? We still have the mother lode account – yep – the master account if you like that term better - but guess what? That master account is an account that we have with the QFS and it is guarded by the US Treasury - So we have a US Treasury account that we access through the QFS – think of it that way – think of the big vault – ok as the US Treasury with gold backed currency – with the gold – silver – and other assets that are in the Treasury – which are huge now – that is in a sense protecting our deposits
How do we access that master account? We’re going to get a specialized – I’m going to call it – a mother lode account access card – that card is one that’s about 3X’s the thickness of a normal credit card – supposedly made of titanium – it is one that gives us access because of 3 computer chips that are embedded in the card – and we’ll have 2 passwords that will enable us to go on a laptop or computer and see our account – I am talking about the mother lode / master account - notice I have not said anything about the bank yet – this is something we do with NO ONE ELSE looking on – just “YOU” - it is open to somebody that maybe you want to see it – maybe an attorney – maybe you don’t – maybe you do not want anyone but you to know what is in the account – the bank is not going to know –
Now at the redemption center staff that handles your exchange will know about the initial set up of that account – they are under NDA not to disclose anything about any of us – so I feel pretty good about that –
Where does the bank come in? What is the banks roll? For doing these redemptions through Wells Fargo redemption centers and guess what – if it is a change redemption center – guess what – Wells Fargo representative is in charge of that – if it’s a Bank of America – same thing – Wells Fargo has a representative there in charge of the redemption center – the redemption centers are designed where we go and exchange and essentially redeem our zim – the rest of the currency we will do them there also
Now the bank comes in because Wells Fargo will set up an account for us which I’m going to call the Secondary account or the Spill-over account – and this is what Wells will calculate the 8% or whatever interest that we negotiate per year – I want to see it quarterly – we may not see it quarterly – maybe I can talk them into it – maybe not –
They are positioned to pay the interest every 6 months – or semi annually - that’s the new piece of information – so what about our account with Wells that we set up? We will have a separate – normal account / debit / credit card – to that secondary account
Why do I call it a spill over account? Because that is the account that the interest we earned from the mother lode account will spill into – that’s the account I am going to operate our projects from – my projects –
Basically – the principal I am not even touching – the QFS mother lode account that’s held in the protection of the US Treasury - I am not really touching it – initially – after the full exchanges are made of currency and zim they are all put into one account and tracking how much was dinar – dong - etc – I track that and know that and so I take those totals - whatever they were – and put those into my secondary Wells Fargo account - and operate from that initially – that is the plan
They want us in and out in 30-42 minutes - any banking thing you want done like proof of funds letters - other things – that will be done at the branch bank - maybe they will make a phone call for you – but basically you’ve got to go to the branch after the redemption appointment to get that done –
What are they doing at the redemption center? Exchanging your currency – counting your currency – verifying it – and then what are they doing? They are letting you do a 5-8 minute presentation on your project then they are going to create that new account for you – plus that huge master / mother lode account with the Treasury through the QFS and get you the titanium access card – You do no take that card to a restaurant – you keep it very safe – in the safest place in the world – that you can think of - you do not carry it around with you - it is only for accessing the account -You are going to have to talk to them about how to keep the card safe – you do not want to lose that card –
The regular card that you get I am sure will have very good limits – you will be able to charge on it – I am going to use the credit card side – I’m not going to use a debit card – but a “credit” card – all that does is allow charges to accumulate for a month and then I’m going to have a plan with the bank for them to pay that off 2 days before its due – getting it from my spill over account –
Ok there is one other segment – the Central banks around the globe – Rothschild designed – you know by now on their way out or gone - however – we’ve got 22 countries where they are in the process of getting rid of the Rothschild Central Banks and there are 14 more countries in addition to that 22 which is 36 total – that are going to be in that process over the next 6 days – so the Central Banks globally will be wiped out – null and void – and out of here – and that is what we know is taking place
What about the 6 days? Is that something that will slow us down? We have heard that it is NOT something that will slow down what we’re going to do – so let’s see how that goes but here’s the thing - what is happening starting tomorrow - bond holders are finally being paid out and notified by email that their accounts have been hydrated – and can get access to their funds – will get that info in the email – that will go out - Wednesday - Thursday – Friday and probably continue well through the weekend
Soooo why did they move that meeting up with the Treasury – conference call 2-3 pm Friday – Good Friday by the way – to Thursday morning at 10 am? It’s hard to know exactly why - I gave you my opinion on it – my theory – hopefully that we will get notified Thursday afternoon and start exchanges on Friday and go Saturday –
Personally I think they won’t do exchanges on Easter Sunday - but start again on Monday - but we will see – if what I’m saying is true – maybe that happens
But why is NESARA and GESARA supposed to be released – the greatest financial windfall in the history of the world - why over Easter weekend????? And does that include telling the world about GESARA – telling the US about NESARA and what the plans are for refunding monies to bonafide American citizens – I don’t know - just for me – maybe I am too optimistic – but I’m looking to see what comes out of that meeting Thursday morning at 10 am – If we don’t get numbers before Thursday night guess what? We will have a call Thursday night
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:05:30
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-7-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-7-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – glad to have you and we’re looking forward to having a really fun call tonight
What we’ve got to talk about tonight – we don’t need a lot of time for – because I’ll tell you where we tend to gauge this based on our proximity and how the bond holders are going – are they paying out ? Are they receiving anything to indicate that their bonds are being handled/traded/exchanged and do they have access to funds yet?
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-7-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – glad to have you and we’re looking forward to having a really fun call tonight
What we’ve got to talk about tonight – we don’t need a lot of time for – because I’ll tell you where we tend to gauge this based on our proximity and how the bond holders are going – are they paying out ? Are they receiving anything to indicate that their bonds are being handled/traded/exchanged and do they have access to funds yet?
Well - the answer on the first question is we know we are getting feed back from the Far East where some of the bonds are being purchased that they are happening - even two days ago people that we know have had their bonds handled – the emails that they are waiting for is the only thing left to wait for any mail from – in this case – Wells Fargo that will tell them they have liquidity in their accounts – that the transfer has been made and they have access to those funds –
So I would say that is definitely in process and all that they are waiting for in this case is the emails – it’s not too different than us waiting for our emails to occur from Wells Fargo about having our 800 numbers and notification information that we can receive and set our appointments
The other thing is when it comes to prosperity packages we know that the prosperity package donor that has a list of 200 people under him or her is in the process – they have been calling some of the recipients – not necessarily all of the recipients but a lot of them have received phone calls already – it doesn’t mean that they have received their funds – they have not received their so called prosperity package yet
Now I believe that the donors are doing that to get the recipients ready to receive that packet but the packet themselves – delivery for them is going to take a green light from the Treasury – I believe that green light from the treasury is going to be turned on when our green light to receive our notifications is turned on –
For example – we talked about Tuesday night – the paymasters for the groups - 220 paymasters for the groups that are based out West have all been funded into their master accounts and now are waiting on the green light for those paymasters to downstream those funds to the group recipients as individuals – they are waiting for that to occur – Again another command will come from the Treasury
Now it also has to come in conjunction with the Military which is usually the Dept of Defense – those two entities have to coordinate and make sure that everything is from a security point of view – everything is good and ready to go – before that green light can be turned on
Alright – so let’s take a look at what else is happening out there – We know that we’ve had crypto currencies talked about the past several days and there are many kinds – I think there are 800-900 different kinds – and that’s all fine but there is a platform that is called XRP that is designed to exchange any type of crypto – ok and make that exchange into something nice – could be into a new currency - something that is a different type of coin – but the point is that – for this to occur with XRP it has to be integrated into the QFS –
I found out today XRP platform has been integrated into the QFS two weeks ago – so that is already handled from that perspective – so that part is not an issue – there’s been some discussion about additional countries needing for coins to be minted quote unquote virtually all the same – we are not hearing that is anything holding this up – ok – that is really not the information that we’re getting right now
Now I remember Jeanie had a request earlier about seeing if we could have this 800 number released prior to Easter – Easter is on the 17th - I hope she is exactly right and that it happens prior to that – I really do
I have heard that we are supposed to have this complete – the end of it all – by the end of April - that is what our sources have received – is that we get started – we do our exchanges and we’re done by or before the end of April - here it is tonight the 7th - we have quite a way to go – before the end of the month – there’s plenty of time for them to bring us out and do that –
Now – we’re also hearing – so going back to the crypto thing – it appears that there’s no way that they are going to allow crypto currencies to continue without monitoring it – without knowing what transition is happening and where and when – and guess what? The QFS can do all of that – it can monitor everything – and if you think about it - it needs to monitor anything that’s happening in the crypto world to make sure that those transactions are going to the right people and not to a Deep State or Cabal type entity –
You all can see how that is important – ok – because remember the USD is no longer useable internationally – we use to hear that only until our new currency comes out our USTN – so already entities around the country are drying up – you can imagine – I won’t go into depth - but you can imagine how difficult it would be to do business quote unquote without internationally tradeable currency
So we have USN that has been internationally tradeable for at least a week – ok – internationally tradeable and of course in a digital format I’m referring to as an on screen currency – USN – alright so that has happened and as far as we can tell – all 206/209 countries are fully integrated into the QFS – everybody is ready to go as far as that goes –
I think I had one more point I wanted to bring out – obviously we got the monitoring of the cryptos – we’ve got the bond holders pretty much handled and when are we going to get our notifications - Well – we have somebody – most of you have heard of – because Charlie Ward spoke with one of our intel sources and said that on two different occasions- the first he said: the bonds and tier 4B were to occur and take place this week – I thought – ok – good – I thought that would be great – good news –
Then we heard yesterday – Charlie was asked again – because remember – Charlie is the lead guy in charge of GESARA projects and getting the funds that are coming from GESARA out to the international banks and to the countries – for those projects – to get them started –
So – it’s a position that he didn’t take willingly but he finally said ok I’ll do it – and so they have him in that position as a result I think he’s really – he’s kinda on the “inside” on a lot of these issues and to be quite frank he is under a NDA – and can only say so much -
But he did say yesterday - to one of our sources that we are in the final days of this - so that was contributed to Charlie (Ward)
You know - we've all been in this for a long time -a lot of us quite a few years - 18 for me - 11 years on the Big Call - a lot has happened we've seen a lot come and go - but this is the kind of thing - what are we getting out of Iraq? Iraq still has not put out an international rate yet but I think they are being handcuffed - I don't think they can feel confident putting that out until we are ready to go here -
Yes they are sovereign - yes they are out of Chapter 7 with the United Nations - yes they have the ability to just go for it - but I think out of respect for President Trump and everything that he's been doing with them (Iraq) I think they are waiting until this weekend - that's what I'm hearing - This weekend could do that but I don't know what day - it could be Fri/Sat/Sunday -
But what we're getting from one of our Iraqi sources -he's hearing that something is supposed to happen over night or tomorrow - well - it Could - I don't want to say that its definite - tomorrow is the the 8th of April - a favorite number for China - I think China would love for it to be released tomorrow - so we'll see - we will see if something is going to happen
What I'm saying is I think they have the crypto side of it under control - I think that is handled through the XRP Platform - integrated already into the QFS -That is a part of a whole blockchain protocol - there are certain nodes that need to be connected and there may be some things that need to be tested or connected to the QFS - but I believe everything is far enough along where this could go - so I am going to say keep an eye out -
Are we in the final hours of this as Charlie suggested? Maybe - we could very well be - is something that could pop over night? - Concerning bondholders - yes - I think tonight and tomorrow and maybe they will stat getting some emails giving them access to funds
But could there be release of the emails from Wells Fargo servers to us in 4B? and would 4A be given the green light for the paymasters downstream those funds into the accounts of those recipients and participants in those groups ? You know - it is hard to say - intel has been very difficult from the banks - they are all NDA - it's very difficult to know really exactly where we are - but I think sometimes the quiet that we've been in speaks volumes
Just maybe - just maybe we are closer than we know and this is going to happen for us so let's just stay focused on it -stay in prayer for it - and lets get prepared
Bruce’s Bog Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:20:20
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-5-22
.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-5-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe – We’re looking forward to having a really good call tonight – I said before the recording started that when Bob played a song – The Final Countdown – I said I believed that is what we are in – “The Final Countdown” right now – so let’s count this thing down –
Ok let’s tell you where we’ve been all the way up to last Thursday – and you know – we kinda got a little bit of information over the weekend – it got a little quiet Sunday and actually yesterday as well but we did get a little bit of information last night that was helpful –
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-5-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe – We’re looking forward to having a really good call tonight – I said before the recording started that when Bob played a song – The Final Countdown – I said I believed that is what we are in – “The Final Countdown” right now – so let’s count this thing down –
Ok let’s tell you where we’ve been all the way up to last Thursday – and you know – we kinda got a little bit of information over the weekend – it got a little quiet Sunday and actually yesterday as well but we did get a little bit of information last night that was helpful –
It appears that where we are right now is in a great place for all of this to happen and the reason I say that is we’ve got the 206 or 209 countries all came with as by last Thurs or Friday - they said they would be all ready with their asset backed currency
They are not all 100% gold backed but partially gold backed and 100% asset backed – and that’s how they are generally referred to – all the countries had until April 1st to be compliant with this - with their currency as part of GESARA
They all made it as far as we know – and now we’ve moved from - ok what does that do to us now? We have a USN digital currency – we have a USTN – our new folding money – paper money – that has been printed for quite a while now – and is located in tier 1 & 2 banks – also redemption centers - it is ready to be put in teller drawers and it’s all set – and that was done a couple/three weeks ago – sorted – divided by denominations like I mentioned 100”s – 50’s – 20’s – 10’s – 5’s and 1’s – and my understanding was the money was actually moved from some of the major banks into the redemption centers – and that just happened
So they are moving that in – got that covered for us and that is a very positive thing for us
Now as far as where we are in the hierarchy of this – we know that a number – a huge number of paymasters – somewhere in the 3300 range is what I remember to be true – those should be the groups that have been based out west that we’ve talked about a little bit – and those have been given the instructions on how to proceed with moving forward with their groups – with their individual recipients – so that is what they are in a position to essentially fund the accounts of those that are group members
When it comes to the bond holders they were told they would receive for the most part would be receiving emails today or tonight that would indicate that they have liquidity and access to that liquidity sometime tomorrow – Wednesday -That is BIG – really BIG - Good News - some of this we know from firsthand accounts
The other thing is we were told today that the adjudicated settlements – Fines & penalties – CMKX - and the prosperity packages were to have initiated today – and we know in the case of the prosperity packages that the donor who has 200 individuals under him or her and the assistance to the donors that are helping doing the calling to verify that person is aware of prosperity – they are aware of it - they’ve got fixed location / address / and phone number – and that is all as of yesterday for sure and probably continuing through today – so prosperity packages are in process and I think that once that has occurred – I believe they should go out starting tomorrow –
I believe they should and it’s strange because we don’t really think in terms of the prosperity packages as part of the shotgun start along with tier 4A & 4B and the bond holders but you know what – I think that’s what we’re looking at – I think that’s what we can anticipate
Alright so you’ve got those groups – and remember CMKX / fines & penalties / prosperity packages / farm claims - all of that was considered immediacy between the three – bond holders – and the tier 4A – Admiral’s group and the tier 4B which is us – the internet group – the largest group of all of them –
So – I believe from what I’ve heard yesterday – last night – and today with no change in that – that’s very important – because if the intel changes or we get a modification or something else then of course that throws off our timing - but what I’ve not heard today is anything that would take us off of what looks like we’re to be notified tomorrow and set appointments tomorrow and start exchanges tomorrow – (Wednesday)
Now for all three of those to happen – to get notified by Wells Fargo emails – to have the 800 number – and to set our appointments direct – I mean these are direct appointments with the redemption centers ok – and to set those – and to go in for those appointments possibly tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon / evening - ok - that would be our shotgun start – especially to get all three on the same day –
Banks told us we would be getting notified this afternoon (Tuesday) – that info changed last night – when we found that “no” we were not going to be notified today - but – and I am going to use the “S” word - we should be notified sometime tomorrow (Wednesday)
Alright now – remember I have been in this for 18 years – on the Big Call for 11 years – I am looking forward to this going just like you are – and I believe we’re in a really good place and we are – in my opinion – in the final countdown –
So let’s all believe that is the case for us and that we’re finally at the end of the ride – we’ll have to see what tomorrow brings – but everything I’ve heard so far and not heard today is painting a picture of all 3 things happening tomorrow (Wednesday)
Don’t worry about rates – that is the least of your worries – rates are all good – very high – you’ll be offered extremely good rates – if you have a presentation that is typed up in outline form – it is very effective to use for a 5-8 minute presentation –
I think this is going to be it – I hope it is – ad I know we’ve been close before – we thought we were right there – but in terms of what has to happen for everything to come together in this process – I think that we have finally reached that – where we have completed everything that needed to be done –
It appears …. And we’re not trying to call it - because we know if we call it – we could get in trouble – this is as close as I have ever seen it – no question - I don’t know – I don’t want to jinx it - you know what I mean – I am really looking forward to what we believe will be notifications / appointments / and start of exchanges – tomorrow – I mean – that’s just as plain as it is –
The bond holders are supposed to be getting their emails tonight and over night – and I believe the bond money has either moved or is moving to those accounts – the Admiral’s paymasters 3300 of them have been notified – been given the green light to begin the process of funding the accounts of those individual group participants –
We know the intermediate are getting ready to go out and so I think we should be within a day or so – maybe we get notified – don’t start tomorrow but Thursday – we’ll see – you know – I believe – everything I’ve heard is working for tomorrow so we’ll see how it goes – don’t shoot me if we come back and we have a call on Thursday – but I am not expecting one – I am not expecting one – I will be here if we don’t have the 800 numbers – if we have the numbers I will not be here – none of us will be here Thursday night – Just to let you know –
Bruce’s Bog Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins: 1:07:17