Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-14-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-14-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 14th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – glad to have you and we’re looking forward to having a really fun call tonight

This is the opportunity – we’ve been waiting for – let’s see where our intel leads us tonight – for a while it was sort of sparse – we did finally get a little bit of information later this afternoon that helped tie some loose ends together – so let’s go to that

Now we know this weekend – I guess starting tomorrow with Good Friday – is what they call Easter weekend – we know we’ve got Resurrection Day on Sunday – a very big day for us – but what I’m going to tell you is one of our sources – and we’ve heard this from 2 or 3 - one of the sources used the expression this Easter weekend will be the greatest distribution of wealth in the history of human kind – this is the greatest distribution of wealth -

Now – we’ve heard that term before for years – but why this weekend? What does that symbolize? What we’ve understood is to use that language that way - is saying that we are expecting something from NESARA and GESARA –

Now what are we going to see? That’s the question – will we see actual funds that have been refunded back to us through direct deposit accounts that we have that they know of? For the ones that know our bank information?

 Is it the possibility of getting an announcement about NESARA – GESARA being global is the rest of international world – it kinda affects us indirectly – but NESARA – National Economic Strategic and Reform Act or Recovery Act – is designed for the United States – that’s us – so – what does it look like when something happens this weekend – this Easter weekend – we don’t really know and nobody is telling us – nobody is telling us exactly what to expect – so it’s going to be a surprise –

Don’t know if it’s going to happen Saturday or Sunday but maybe it will –

Is it our notification? – The answer is NO- and the reason I can tell you that is because we have very strong information that’s coming from the lead bank at a very high level that I will tell you in a moment -

So NESARA / GESARA to be …. Let’s put it … let’s say … “revealed” …. Maybe released – but revealed to us - I hope we at least get some announcements on what they plan to do – I really do

Whether they start funding us right away then - I don’t know – I really don’t know – so what else???

The bond holders ….. tier 3 - bond holders – have they been paid? Nooooo!  Not yet – When are they going to be paid? Friday and Saturday – so they ae supposed to receive those funds and they’re supposed to receive emails letting them know they have access to those funds in their accounts -

They have been pushed like we have been pushed – believe me – so they are looking at Friday & Saturday – What about us? I thought we had a shotgun start - well we’re not exactly on a shotgun start – but when those guys get their emails – the wording is we in tier 4B are on their heels – we’re next – we’re going to get notified and this is what I’m being told - I am passing on to you what I’m hearing – and that is once they get that – we are Golden – nothing can stop it –and we’re going to get notified –

When? – We’re going to be notified either Monday or Tuesday with exchanges starting Tuesday afternoon possibly – or Wednesday –

Alright – so notifications Monday / Tuesday – exchanges to start Tuesday / Wednesday – and continue through the rest of the month – for sure –

It’s not the news I wanted to bring to you – it’s not what I was prepared to bring earlier until I got the latest update – but I want you to have the latest that I get – fortunately this came in at about 6 PM – and so to make it to the 8 o’clock hour for central time where I am – that’s the latest we have

So this is a big weekend – super big for bond holders – they get access to funds when they get those emails – and big for us come Monday or Tuesday and then exchanging Tuesday or Wednesday – and beyond

So that is the basis of what it is we’re waiting for –

I’m going to say there’s not a whole lot else more – I’ve got just one more piece – I just thought of –

Where is Iraq in this thing? They are still putting out their new rate on Sunday their time – Sunday morning – it’s late Saturday night our time – so I’m looking for that to happen and I’m looking for that to be traded internationally starting Sunday night -  that is the first business day in Iraq – our resurrection day

So let’s just believe we are here finally at the end - take advantage of the time we have till Monday or Tuesday and get some things done


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:   1:13:00


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