Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-7-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-7-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – glad to have you and we’re looking forward to having a really fun call tonight

What we’ve got to talk about tonight – we don’t need a lot of time for – because I’ll tell you where we tend to gauge this based on our proximity and how the bond holders are going – are they paying out ? Are they receiving anything to indicate that their bonds are being handled/traded/exchanged and do they have access to funds yet?

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-7-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 7th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe whether live or on the replay – glad to have you and we’re looking forward to having a really fun call tonight

What we’ve got to talk about tonight – we don’t need a lot of time for – because I’ll tell you where we tend to gauge this based on our proximity and how the bond holders are going – are they paying out ?  Are they receiving anything to indicate that their bonds are being handled/traded/exchanged and do they have access to funds yet?

Well - the answer on the first question is we know we are getting feed back from the Far East where some of the bonds are being purchased that they are happening -  even two days ago people that we know have had their bonds handled – the emails that they are waiting for is the only thing left to wait for any mail from – in this case – Wells Fargo that will tell them they have liquidity in their accounts – that the transfer has been made and they have access to those funds –

So I would say that is definitely in process and all that they are waiting for in this case is the emails – it’s not too different  than us waiting for our emails to occur from Wells Fargo about having our 800 numbers and notification information that we can receive and set our appointments 

The other thing is when it comes to prosperity packages we know that the prosperity package donor that has a list of 200 people under him or her is in the process – they have been calling some of the recipients – not necessarily all of the recipients but a lot of them have received phone calls already – it doesn’t mean that they have received their funds – they have not received their so called prosperity package yet

Now I believe that the donors are doing that to get the recipients ready to receive that packet but the packet themselves – delivery for them is going to take a green light from the Treasury – I believe that green light from the treasury is going to be turned on when our green light to receive our notifications is turned on –

For example – we talked about Tuesday night – the paymasters for the groups - 220 paymasters for the groups that are based out West have all been funded into their master accounts and now are waiting on the green light for those paymasters to downstream those funds to the group recipients as individuals – they are waiting for that to occur – Again another command will come from the Treasury

Now it also has to come in conjunction with the Military which is usually the Dept of Defense – those two entities have to coordinate and make sure that everything is from a security point of view – everything is good and ready to go – before that green light can be turned on

Alright – so let’s take a look at what else is happening out there – We know that we’ve had crypto currencies talked about the past several days and there are many kinds – I think there are 800-900 different kinds – and that’s all fine but there is a platform that is called XRP that  is designed to exchange any type of crypto – ok and make that exchange into something nice – could be into a new currency -  something that is a different type of coin – but the point is that – for this to occur with XRP it has to be integrated  into the QFS –

I found out today XRP platform has been integrated into the QFS two weeks ago – so that is already handled from that perspective – so that part is not an issue – there’s been some discussion about additional countries needing for coins to be minted quote unquote virtually all the same – we are not hearing that is anything holding this up – ok – that is really not the information that we’re getting right now

Now I remember Jeanie had a request earlier about seeing if we could have this 800 number released prior to Easter – Easter is on the 17th - I hope she is exactly right and that it happens prior to that – I really do

I have heard that we are supposed to have this complete – the end of it all – by the end of April - that is what our sources have received – is that we get started – we do our exchanges and we’re done by or before the end of April - here it is tonight the 7th - we have quite a way to go – before the end of the month – there’s plenty of time for them to bring us out and do that –

Now – we’re also hearing – so going back to the crypto thing – it appears that there’s no way that they are going to allow crypto currencies to continue without monitoring it – without knowing what transition is happening and where and when – and guess what?  The QFS can do all of that – it can monitor everything – and if you think about it - it needs to monitor anything that’s happening in the crypto world to make sure that those transactions are going to the right people and not to a Deep State or Cabal type entity –

You all can see how that is important – ok – because remember the USD is no longer useable internationally – we use to hear that only until our new currency comes out  our USTN – so already entities around the country are drying up – you can imagine – I won’t go into depth -  but you can imagine how difficult it would be to do business quote unquote without internationally tradeable currency

So we have USN that has been internationally tradeable for at least a week – ok – internationally tradeable and of course in a digital format I’m referring to as an on screen currency – USN – alright so that has happened and as far as we can tell – all 206/209 countries are fully integrated into the QFS – everybody is ready to go as far as that goes –

I think I had one more point I wanted to bring out – obviously we got the monitoring of the cryptos – we’ve got the bond holders pretty much handled and when are we going to get our notifications - Well – we have somebody – most of you have heard of – because Charlie Ward spoke with one of our intel sources and said that on two different occasions- the first he said: the bonds and tier 4B were to occur and take place this week – I thought – ok – good – I thought that would be great – good news –

Then we heard yesterday – Charlie was asked again – because remember – Charlie is the lead guy in charge of GESARA projects and getting the funds that are coming from GESARA out to the international banks and to the countries – for those projects – to get them started –

So – it’s a position that he didn’t take willingly but he finally said ok I’ll do it – and so they have him in that position as a result I think he’s really – he’s kinda on the “inside” on a lot of these issues and to be quite frank he is under a NDA – and can only say so much -

But he did say yesterday - to one of our sources that we are in the final days of this - so that was contributed to Charlie (Ward)

You know - we've all been in this for a long time -a lot of us quite a few years -  18 for me - 11 years on the Big Call - a lot has happened we've seen a lot come and go - but this is the kind of thing - what are we getting out of Iraq? Iraq still has not put out an international rate yet but I think they are being handcuffed - I don't think they can feel confident putting that out until we are ready to go here - 

Yes they are sovereign - yes they are out of Chapter 7 with the United Nations - yes they have the ability to just go for it - but I think out of respect for President Trump and everything that he's been doing with them (Iraq) I think they are waiting until this weekend - that's what I'm hearing - This weekend could do that but I don't know what day - it could be Fri/Sat/Sunday -

But what we're getting from one of our Iraqi sources -he's hearing that something is supposed to happen over night or tomorrow - well - it Could - I don't want to say that its definite - tomorrow is the the 8th of April - a favorite number for China - I think China would love for it to be released tomorrow - so we'll see - we will see if something is going to happen

What I'm saying is I think they have the crypto side of it under control - I think that is handled through the XRP Platform - integrated already into the QFS -That is a part of a whole blockchain protocol - there are certain nodes that need to be connected and there may be some things that need to be tested or connected to the QFS - but I believe everything is far enough along where this could go - so I am going to say keep an eye out -

Are we in the final hours of this as Charlie suggested? Maybe - we could very well be - is something that could pop over night? - Concerning bondholders - yes - I think tonight and tomorrow and maybe they will stat getting some emails giving them access to funds

But could there be release of the emails from Wells Fargo servers to us in 4B? and would 4A be given the green light for the paymasters downstream those funds into the accounts of those recipients and participants in those groups ? You know - it is hard to say - intel has been very difficult from the banks - they are all NDA - it's very difficult to know really exactly where we are - but I think sometimes  the quiet that we've been in speaks volumes

Just maybe - just maybe we are closer than we know and this is going to happen for us so let's just stay focused on it -stay in prayer for it - and lets get prepared


Bruce’s Bog Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:20:20

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-5-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-5-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe – We’re looking forward to having a really good call tonight – I said before the recording started that when Bob played a song – The Final Countdown – I said I believed that is what we are in – “The Final Countdown” right now – so let’s count this thing down –

Ok let’s tell you where we’ve been all the way up to last Thursday – and you know – we kinda got a little bit of information over the weekend – it got a little quiet Sunday and actually yesterday as well but we did get a little bit of information last night that was helpful –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 4-5-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thank you everybody for tuning in from all over the globe – We’re looking forward to having a really good call tonight – I said before the recording started that when Bob played a song – The Final Countdown – I said I believed that is what we are in – “The Final Countdown” right now – so let’s count this thing down –

Ok let’s tell you where we’ve been all the way up to last Thursday – and you know – we kinda got a little bit of information over the weekend – it got a little quiet Sunday and actually yesterday as well but we did get a little bit of information last night that was helpful –

It appears that where we are right now is in a great place for all of this to happen and the reason I say that is we’ve got the 206 or 209 countries all came with as by last Thurs or Friday - they said they would be all ready with their asset backed currency

They are not all 100% gold backed  but partially gold backed and 100% asset backed – and that’s how they are generally referred to – all the countries had until April 1st  to be compliant with this - with their currency as part of GESARA

They all made it as far as we know – and now we’ve moved from - ok what does that do to us now?  We have  a USN digital currency – we have a USTN – our new folding money – paper money – that has been printed for quite a while now – and is located in tier 1 & 2 banks – also redemption centers - it is ready to be put in teller drawers and it’s all set – and that was done a couple/three weeks ago – sorted – divided by denominations like I mentioned 100”s – 50’s – 20’s – 10’s – 5’s and 1’s – and my understanding was the money was actually moved from some of the major banks into the redemption centers – and that just happened

So they are moving that in – got that covered for us and that is a very positive thing for us

Now as far as where we are in the hierarchy of this – we know that a number – a huge number of paymasters – somewhere in the 3300 range is what I remember to be true – those should be the groups that have been based out west that we’ve talked about a little bit – and those have been given the instructions on how to proceed with moving forward with their groups – with their individual recipients – so that is what they are in a position to essentially fund the accounts of those that are group members

 When it comes to the bond holders they were told they would receive for the most part would be receiving emails today or tonight that would indicate that they have liquidity and access to that liquidity sometime tomorrow – Wednesday -That is BIG – really BIG -  Good News -  some of this we know from firsthand accounts

The other thing is we were told today that the adjudicated settlements – Fines & penalties – CMKX - and the prosperity packages were to have initiated today – and we know in the case of the prosperity packages that the donor who has 200 individuals under him or her and the assistance to the donors that are helping doing the calling to verify that person is aware of prosperity – they are aware of it  - they’ve got fixed location / address / and phone number – and that is all as of yesterday for sure and probably continuing through today – so prosperity packages are in process and I think that once that has occurred – I believe they should go out starting tomorrow –

I believe they should and it’s strange because we don’t really think in terms of the prosperity  packages as part of the shotgun start along with tier 4A & 4B and the bond holders but you know what – I think that’s what we’re looking at – I think that’s what we can anticipate

Alright so you’ve got those groups – and remember CMKX / fines & penalties / prosperity packages / farm claims  - all of that was considered immediacy  between the three – bond holders – and the tier 4A – Admiral’s group and the tier 4B which is us – the internet group – the largest group of all of them –

So – I believe from what I’ve heard yesterday – last night – and today with no change in that – that’s very important – because if the intel changes or we get a modification or something else then of course that throws off our timing - but what I’ve not heard today is anything that would take us off of what looks like we’re to be notified tomorrow and set appointments tomorrow and start exchanges tomorrow – (Wednesday)

Now for all three of those to happen – to get notified by Wells Fargo emails – to have the 800 number – and to set our appointments direct – I mean these are direct appointments with the redemption centers ok – and to set those – and to go in for those appointments possibly tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon / evening -  ok -  that would be our shotgun start – especially to get all three on the same day –

Banks told us we would be getting notified this afternoon (Tuesday) – that info changed last night – when we found that “no” we were not going to be notified today -  but – and I am going to use the “S” word - we should be notified sometime tomorrow (Wednesday)

Alright now – remember I have been in this for 18 years – on the Big Call for 11 years – I am looking forward to this going just like you are – and I believe we’re in a really good place and we are – in my opinion – in the final countdown –

So let’s all believe that is the case for us and that we’re finally at the end of the ride – we’ll have to see what tomorrow brings – but everything I’ve heard so far and not heard today is painting a picture of all 3 things happening tomorrow (Wednesday)

Don’t worry about rates – that is the least of your worries – rates are all good – very high – you’ll be offered extremely good rates – if you have a presentation that is typed up in outline form – it is very effective to use for a 5-8 minute presentation –

I think this is going to be it – I hope it is – ad I know we’ve been close before – we thought we were right there – but in terms of what has to happen for everything to come together in this process – I think that we have finally reached that – where we have completed everything that needed to be done –

It appears ….  And we’re not trying to call it -  because we know if we call it – we could get in trouble – this is as close as I have ever seen it – no question -  I don’t know – I don’t want to jinx it -  you know what I mean – I am really looking forward to what we believe will be notifications / appointments / and start of exchanges – tomorrow – I mean – that’s just as plain as it is –

The bond holders are supposed to be getting their emails tonight and over night – and I believe the bond money has either moved or is moving to those accounts – the Admiral’s paymasters 3300 of them have been notified – been given the green light to begin the process of funding the accounts of those individual group participants –

We know the intermediate are getting ready to go out and so I think we should be within a day or so – maybe we get notified – don’t start tomorrow but Thursday – we’ll see – you know – I believe – everything I’ve heard is working for tomorrow so we’ll see how it goes – don’t shoot me if we come back and we have a call on Thursday – but I am not expecting one – I am not expecting one – I will be here if we don’t have the 800 numbers – if we have the numbers I will not be here – none of us will be here Thursday night – Just to let you know –

Bruce’s Bog Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:07:17

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-31-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-31-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – it’s Thursday March 31st and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody for tuning in once again – all over the globe

Ok it’s time for some intel –Let’s tell you what’s going on – I said at the opening that I would give you some information that sort of gives you what “apparently” is very good news for us –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-31-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – it’s Thursday March 31st  and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody for tuning in once again – all over the globe

Ok it’s time for some intel –Let’s tell you what’s going on – I said at the opening that I would give you some information that sort of gives you what “apparently” is very good news for us –

First of all certain things have occurred that we weren’t sure of on Tuesday’s call – two days ago – that they had occurred – okay – and those are – we did know Monday at 5 PM the USN – our US dollar – our accounts that we “currently” have with our banks have all been converted from fiat dollars to gold backed dollars USN – meaning Note or New – depending on how you look at it

Now that is a real good thing – we mentioned that on Tuesday – tat happened at PM on Monday afternoon/evening – 5 PM Eastern time – all the accounts were in USN – do we notice any difference? No – I told  you we wouldn’t know anything different at that time – but guess what also happened at that time and we weren’t  sure of it – When is the USN really going to be out? Per say?  Well – it was out then and it’s out to the point where the USN – our digital currency is being traded for and has been trading internationally as a gold backed currency - finally!!

This is a requirement for GESARA – it was a requirement for us under NESARA and is a requirement and was a requirement for the RV/GCR to take place - we always thought it was important – we just didn’t know we had to have it before this went for us – before the notifications – etc etc – but yes it did occur – and we have been trading internationally with the USN all week - ok

I mentioned currency – the folding money that we have – our denominations 100/50/20/10/5/1 – those have all been printed a long time ago and are already in boxes – laid out – sorted out by denominations – in the banks and in the redemption centers – they are ready to go into the drawers – boom - doesn’t take long to do that – so those are ready

I’ve been told once that occurs – we’ve got the USN / USTN together in parallel we are “golden” we are ready to roll – ok - so that’s where that is –

Now in addition I said – we are going to officially be on the start of NESARA at 12:01 AM tomorrow (Friday) April 1st  which is 1 minute after midnight tonight (Thursday night) – that’s how I look at it – I know it’s morning but it’s really 1 minute after midnight tonight – So officially we go on with whatever that brings for us in terms of NESARA/GESARA and we’re moving forward – So we have the USN – we have the USTN in the banks and redemption centers –

We’ve got to talk about bond holders –we hear that the tier 3 bond holders have been paid to the paymasters and now the paymasters are going to start funding the accounts of the bond holders/bond sellers starting this evening (Thursday) at about now (10:30PM) – right about now – it should have started – and when I say that – here’s how I want you to understand the process as I feel I understand it –

When they are notified by their paymasters with an email – they are supposed to have an access code that will give them access to their account where they would see the $$money$$ from their bonds into their personal account – their own individual accounts - using the passcode  - some may have even 2 passcodes – that’s cool

Here’s the thing – they can “see” it in their accounts – and it’s in USN – that’s good – but when do they get “ACCESS” to the funds????????

Well these notifications are going out from tonight through Sunday night – they will go out through the weekend - tonight – all the way up to Sunday night – those notifications to the bond holders will go out-

They will get access to those funds to 1% of those funds – 1% they will have access to either Monday or Tuesday – that will be the 4th and 5th of April –

Now – here’s the other thing – we were supposed to be going in tandem with the bond holders in tier 3 – our tier 4A the admirals group etc and  tier 4B the internet group which is a much larger group – as you know – has emails coming out from Wells Fargo – that will be somewhat customized to you if you are a zim holder – they know how much – they “think” they know how much you have – unless you gifted some away -  they think they know how much you have – they know who you are – they want to know that – and so you might have a slightly targeted email to  you based upon that  - it’s no big deal either way – you should still get toll free number to call to set your appointment – and that is the main thing – the bottom line –

Now – here’s the thing – when are those notifications to us in tier 4B the internet group coming out? I’ve been told as early as tomorrow (Friday) or Saturday and I’ve been told as late as Monday or Tuesday – so here we have a five day window that we could be notified – we just have to keep our eyes open and we just have to kinda  monitor our emails that will be coming our way –

I tried to pin it down – believe me – I’ve got a couple sources that are pointing to the next 2-3 days which would mean over the weekend – sort of like what the bond holders are getting in terms of their notification – and I’ve got another source that’s talking about Monday or Tuesday and it could be we get notified over the weekend and start Monday – or get notified on Monday and start on Tuesday – it’s going to be interesting and it should be a really good weekend

Now what’s also important is tomorrow our new Restored Republic Government starts – with some new people filling in for some people that are no longer a part of Congress - Use your imagination and wonder – What happened to them??  Do you think??

Ok so –that’s going to be really interesting and good for us to see that happen – Ohhh By the way – the “OLD” Congress is no longer being paid as of last Monday and the NEW Congress will be paid in USN dollars starting tomorrow (Friday)

This is part of the great exchange Sue talked about in the teaching – the old form of government is gone away and the new form of government starts tomorrow – The Restored Republic – you are going to see a lot of personnel changes - you’re going to see even at the top – and you’re going to see some very interesting things happen with NESARA and GESARA which officially starts at 1 minute after midnight tonight – on April 1st and this is NO April Fool’s joke – believe me –

This is what we’ve been waiting for – 12 years ago when I heard that in order to have this RV and GCR come through we have to have NESARA  and GESARA – and I thought oh no what is that going to take – how long is that going to take to get here? Oh my gosh!!  Do we really have to wait for that?  Do we really have to?

Well guess what??  We do and it is – tomorrow – the start – the start – now when is the information on that going to come out?? I believe it’s going to come out right after – meaning Sunday – after the Trump’s speech on Saturday evening and Saturday night – ok

Now I think – this is what I’ve been told – I’ve been told right before the Trump speech or right after – today we had another source that aid he believed it would be right after – which would be Sunday – the start of the EAS - the Emergency Alert System –

So they dropped the term Emergency Broadcast System in favor of the Emergency “Alert” System – and you know what that’s going to look like on main stream television?  I don’t know – we’ll see

We’ll see what happens – we’ll see it comes out – we expect some of the refunding monies coming to us to start between the 4th and the 6th of April – guess when that is?? Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday –

Remember you’re going to get the refunding of Birth Certificate money that was traded on your birth certificate like a bond -  we’re going to get taxes back – I don’t think it all will happen at the same time – but I am saying “some” version of it – taxes that you’ve paid in will be payable back to you – interest on car loans – mortgages – and other forms of bank loans – not personal – just with you and the bank – there is going to be a lot of refunding coming through –

And that first tranche of those funds comes between the 4th and 6th of April I think it’s a way to kinda cover the fact that many of us will exchange around that time – and we will be – obviously hydrating and working with the economy as we spend and buy cars and homes and land and everything else we’re going to do –

So this is a very significant weekend for us – will we get notified over the weekend? Possibly tomorrow or Saturday or Sunday? It’s possible – I’m not going to hold my breath for it because I know these things tend to go at the last minute

Alright – how many countries as of this afternoon have announced that they have gold backed currencies?  206!! How many countries are there in the world??  Either 209 or 214 depending on who you talk to – so the vast majority of the countries have asset backed currencies – could be by gold - silver – palladium – platinum – other precious minerals and metals – could be oil and property - other assets – that give their currency “value” – that’s the whole purpose of a global currency reset – and the whole purpose in having asset backed currencies globally – as part of GESARA – Globally Economic Strategic and Reform / Recovery Act

So this is all a part of it – it all has to happen – we should see a lot of really positive things coming out very soon and possibly starting as early as tomorrow – I don’t know that we’re going to get any major announcement immediately – but I sure hope we get something – to talk about the fact that we have an asset backed currency – a gold backed currency – back to the gold standard – I want them to say it –

We’ve got new money – yeah we’ve got new money -  we’ve got new currency called United States Treasury Note -  there’s no Federal Reserve on there  - no no no mo – no more – ok

This is a new game – a new game with some new players too – going to be real interesting how we take this and exchange the old system – the old self – everything that we had for something that’s NEW – something new and beneficial and will help level the playing field globally

You realize that eventually – I don’t know how long it’s going to take us to get there but under GESARA all currencies will be eventually be on 1 to 1 trading basis – 1 to 1 - so there’s not this huge discrepancy  - oh this country’s currency is worth this and this one is only worth  this and … this is a level playing field for trade – globally and it’s something that’s a part of GESARA and we’re going to find out –

Now – in the meantime though – before that happens guess what? We’re the beneficiary of very high rates on the currencies that we are holding – like the Dinar – Dong – Rupiah – even the Rial has a value – and the Bolivar – and there are many more – probably 27 – 28 currencies that are going up in value – eventually I think like water that will seek its own level – those currencies will see their own level and get back to 1 on 1 – it’s called “on par”  or “parity” between nations – that’s where we’re going – so that’s going to erratically change the landscape in a lot of countries –

I am looking forward to that but in the meantime we are going to be able to take advantage of the discrepancy in the rates with the USN our new gold backed dollar

We believe we have everything done and the bond holders are being notified and we are to be notified and if they – tier 3  are going to get access to their funds on Monday and Tuesday we should also be going Monday or Tuesday and getting access to our funds -

Remember if you are a zim holder – just like the bond holders with the big –ones like the railroad bonds – the Chinese Red / Yellow dragon bonds – all of those different – if you have a bond and y ou have not hypothecated it through a bond trader bring it with you to your appointment with Wells Fargo redemption center and they will take care of it there –

Our bonds the bearer bonds – the “zim”  the zim notes we have are bearer bonds and will be treated as bonds and that’s why we are getting a very fair market value for those – just like currency itself – it’s denominated – all of that  - does not matter how much you have – which denominations -  they are extremely valuable

Thanks for listening to the Big Call over these past 11 years - Good night everybody 


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins: 1:05:30

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-29-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-29-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – it’s Tuesday March 29th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody for tuning in once again – all over the globe wherever you are tuning in from – we appreciate you coming in tonight and listening to what we have to share – we are in our 11th year of The Big Call

Let’s go into where we are now compared to where we thought we were last Thursday – Last Thursday on the Big Call we talked about how this information I was getting was pointing toward a Tuesday/Wednesday start - I believe I told you that on the call that we were looking at something this week –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-29-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – it’s Tuesday March 29th   and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody for tuning in once again – all over the globe wherever you are tuning in from – we appreciate you coming in tonight and listening to what we have to share – we are in our 11th year of The Big Call

Let’s go into where we are now compared to where we thought we were last Thursday – Last Thursday on the Big Call we talked about how this information I was getting was pointing toward a Tuesday/Wednesday start  - I believe I told you that on the call that we were looking at something this week –

Fortunately we are still looking for something this week – however – I don’t think tomorrow is going to necessarily be our day to receive our notification and I’ll be able to tell you why –

What we have learned – another bank that gave us the information said – well – things are rolling out but a little slower than we thought – well of course that’s no great statement to any of us right now – we do believe this is rolling out slower than we thought –

However – as I said on Thursday – there are reasons why this is occurring – these aren’t just delays to delay – that’s not what they are – usually if we see something and we consider it delay it’s actually not a delay – it’s actually waiting for something else to be accomplished – and that’s what has happened here in the last several days –

For example – yesterday – Monday – we had heard p probably Friday/Saturday -  I heard that our current bank accounts that we have with our banks which are denominated in US dollars – USD -  fiat currency – would be converted Sat/Sun/Mon – and I believe I told you that on Thursday night – would be converted to USN denominated accounts

Now that occurred yesterday by 5 PM Eastern Time – our bank accounts were converted to an asset backed – we could call it gold backed – but it certainly is asset backed – and we use the term United States New for the digital version of our new dollar – USN -  or some call it US Note –

We know there is a corresponding currency that is physical – to correspond with our digital dollar – USN – the USTN – United States Treasury Note – I think that may be where the USN is coming from – United States Note

The USTN is the physical folding money in the same denominations that we had plus a couple new ones that we have not seen for a while – that are actually in the redemption centers in the banks – and have been for months

They have been printed for a long time - they are organized and have been reorganized in the boxes they came in by denomination - - we are not talking about a religious denomination – (chuckle) nor Christian denomination – we are talking about a currency like a $100 bill – a $50 – a $20 – a $10 – a $5 and a $1 – those are te denominations of our currency –

The USTN has all of those plus I believe we’re going to see a $500 – and maybe a $1,000 – we could even see a $5,000 and $10,000  USTN note – but these notes and these are from $100’s down to the $1 have all been organized at the redemption centers by those denominations – sorted out – and put in boxes so they can go directly into the teller drawers – whenever that day is come for that to happen – (I’ll talk about that in a second)  they will also go into the drawers of the desk of the redemption center’s staff that are doing our exchanges and redemption of zim – So they are positioned – positioned already in the banks and redemption centers for this to happen

So we have our current accounts with the banks already backed and changed from the USD to USN – that’s positive -  you know we did lose the USD fiat currency for international trading a few days ago- and we’re waiting for the USN to take its place and it is digitally ready to take its place  but here’s the timing –

I thought about this when I got the new timing up – this might be a few days longer – we are looking at maybe towards the end of the week - If we look at the calendar - we see that Friday is April 1st

Now let’s talk about that – April 1st - yes it is  April Fool’s Day -  but don’t be fooled by what should take place on April 1st - It should be the start of NESARA and GESARA – globally  - we should have our USN and USTN xurrency coming out at that time and actually I’ve heard yesterday that we would see – might not see it – but let’s put it this way - 

The USN would be on our bank screens at 12:01 am Friday morning – April 1st in other words 1 minute after midnight on Thursday night because that is when the USN would be in effect –

Now of course our banks are not open at that hour but when they open I think it’s quite possible to bring that currency out either that Friday or Saturday – we don’t know exactly – the day they are going to bring it out – but that should be the day at least that we have an official USN digital currency on our screen

Now with NESARA starting April 1st  we should get some benefits from that – remember how we said -  for months that we would be getting money from various things like – the trading of our birth certificates as a bond – and there are other certificates too –

We are going to get back our tax money – personal Federal Income taxes – we’re going to get back money from interest we paid on loans – (car loans – personal loans also with mortgage with interest – some mortgages may be totally forgiven but we know that the interest  at least will be refunded – we’ll see how that all comes together –

When is that going to happen? Those monies – and there’s substantial money -  they won’t mean as much to us after the zim is redeemed – however they’re meaningful monies  / dollars  - these monies will come to you starting the month of April and be paid out over the next 12 months

So for 1 year you should be getting some form of refunding of the taxes and all of those things I mentioned ok –

I’ve heard as late as this evening that we should start getting that money back somewhere in the April 4-6 range – ok – don’t hold me to this exactly – but this is what I’ve heard – that first installment  - let’s say – of this refunding to us could come back as early as April 4-6 –

Why I think that is important is – when we go in for our exchanges this allows that refunding to hydrate other people in the United States that aren’t part of the currencies that we’ve been part of – they are  not currency holders – they are not zim holders – they are just doing their own thing and were aware of it but decided not to do anything about it –

So in order to sort of begin the levelling of the playing field – I believe those moneies will come out early in April4-6 range – at least that’s what I’ve been told

 Now – what about us?? In terms of our exchanges and zim redemption -  to me – what really makes sense to me yesterday – in learning about the timing that was being put out there – was  for the first time sort of makes sense  - we’ve got NESARA started -  GESARA started and to be enacted on the 1st

We’ve got a new Restored Republic form of government –starting on the 1st of April –

These things are triggers as well – we have – one of the bankers told us - a lead bank -  when the USN and the USTN come out together we would be notified for our exchanges

Well the USTN is already in the banks and the redemption centers and has been for months – so it’s really going to take the USN – which we’re being told – at 1 minute after midnight on Friday morning -  or 1 minute after midnight Thursday night – we should have both of those USN and USTN paired together to be in place for  us to be notified -

 Now – we don’t know exactly when we will get notified but it’s quite possible we would receive that Friday and it’s also possible that we could start our exchanges Friday or Saturday – very conceivable –

I don’t know whether or not that is the exact plan but we know the physical schedules have been handed out at the redemption centers and that was done Monday - yesterday – so they have schedule that says they will get started as soon as those 2 things I just mentioned – USTN and USN are out – are OUT – So I think it looks like that should be on Friday the 1st  -

President Trump has a rally in Detroit on Saturday evening – I am hearing that the Emergency Alert System will be utilized to bring out some information to disclose things to us starting either right before the rally which could be Saturday - sounds like - or possibly after the rally which could be Sunday – they sort of sandwiched it around President Trump’s rally in Detroit on Saturday evening/night –

If it says it starts at 8 PM he never shows up on time and that is for a reason – for security purposes – on the last Saturday’s rally – he was an hr and 15 minutes late – he showed up 1 hr 15 mins after it was to have started – and there is a reason for all of that

It could be a very interesting weekend for us – obviously I am excited  about Friday – I think it is quite possible that we should have a call on Thursday night – it’s also quite possible it should be our very last call –

Before the call started I talked about the Eric Clapton concert Tshirt that I bought when he was in Tulsa – that is a hint for after midnight – cause after Thursday night is when we really think this is going to all come to fruition in terms of USN and USTN there together

Also one other thing – the bonds – if you have bonds and you have not been to a bank trader or bond trader to trade those yet and you have found that you have some – railroad bonds – German Bonds – whatever type – and they are legitimate  - you can bring them with you for the redemption center appointment and they can work with you on those bonds – Wells Fargo can do that for you and I understand Bank America is actually doing the German bonds – your zim bonds are bearer bonds – the currency from the zim is payable to the bearer – it is on the note

Thank  you everyone for listening


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intell Begins:  1:15:55

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-24-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-24-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It is Thursday March 24th and you’re listening to the big call – all around this globe – many of you live and some of you on the replay - thanks for tuning in -

Let’s go into the intel portion – Let’s see what’s been going on – Now we always look into this thing in terms of delays – or it hasn’t gone yet - when is it going to go – Well I’ve changed my perspective on that recently because every time I look into and get more information about the process – I find there’s more to it than we thought – there’s more to it than I thought –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-24-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – It is Thursday March 24th and you’re listening to the big call – all around this globe – many of you live and some of you on the replay - thanks for tuning in -

Let’s go into the intel portion – Let’s see what’s been going on – Now we always look into this thing in terms of delays – or it hasn’t gone yet - when is it going to go – Well I’ve changed my perspective on that recently because every time I look into and get more information about the process – I find there’s more to it than we thought – there’s more to it than I thought –

It’s not so much the delay – really at all – as it is more things need to be finished – more things to be done and then it can go – it’s really that simple – I think we have to change our perspective on it and look at this that way

I’m going to give you some good information – some good intel – so bear with me – First of all the bond holders – yeah - tier 3 – bond holders – they have been told they will be getting emails over the weekend – and probably have access to funds on Monday – or maybe Tuesday –ok so that’s good for them –

We’ve talked about the so called intermediate groups – these were CMKX – Fines & Penalties – Adjudicated Settlements – including Farm Claims & Prosperity Packages  - ok – they started to go out at 6 am and I believe that was on Monday –

Now – I find out that in terms of Prosperity Packages – those have started with phone calls from the donors to the individual recipient – those started today – as a way of pre verifying – pre authorizing the recipients of those prosperity Packages that they are in fact in process –

So at least the donors are beginning to call and they should finish those phone calls to those recipients by Sunday – maybe before but I think by Sunday – we think those will go out based on the calculations that I’ve got – those should go out Monday or Tuesday - we’ll track that and see how it goes

Now as far as the redemption centers go – we know that schedules – new schedules that have gone out that we believe will start on Tuesday – because we have heard that the notifications to tier 4B – internet group - are to start going out Tuesday – and that means that we more than likely would receive our notifications / 800 numbers  - call and set appointments on Tuesday for the appointments to start as far as exchanges go on Wednesday – So that’s giving  us a pretty heavy idea of what our time line really is –

So let’s cut to some information that deals with the voting machines – the Dominion voting machines – we know had a system in there that would allow the votes to be tampered with and for the votes to be corrupted – that occurred in that last 2020 election and they have overwhelming evidence they are calling the smoking gun as to what happened and they’ve got several states at least 6 states that have essentially I believe either have or will overturn the election results let’s see what happens

This I found to be very interesting today – we’ve talked about the USN – our new US dollar – USN is our new asset backed with gold and other resources backed dollar – now our USN is in the process NOW – of being put into the banking system – my understanding is that even the accounts that we currently have in our USD in the banks will convert to USN at the same amount 1 to 1  as what we have in the banks now – that will convert under the new system and this is to take place Saturday/Sunday /Monday – 2 days away

But then I heard another report later on this evening that said or it could be sooner –so they have given a 3 day time frame to change or convert our money from a fiat dollar USD to a gold backed – on the Gold Standard -  USN asset backed currency – which is perfect – what we want and that is part of NESARA – and also a part of GESARA – the Global Economic Strategic and Reform Act - ok I think that’s terrific 

We are finally seeing something on that happening – now when will we actually “know” it I do not know exactly – we may know it Tuesday – who knows? 

It doesn’t really matter to me – it matters that its being changed and happening in the banking system starting Saturday – Sunday – or Monday –

I’ll tell you one thing – we have 7 countries so far that have been Gold backed for the last 3 days – 7 countries that are already gold backed over the last – 3 days and that would be Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday  or Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday – depending on how you look at it and where they are located on the globe –

Alright – China – Russia – India – Philippines – Iraq – Iran – possibly South Korea – there will be more coming on – everybody globally will be asset backed with some portion of their currency backed by gold – silver palladium – Platinum - who knows?  All kinds of assets –

In our country we’ve got intellectual property that hasn’t been stolen by China – Intellectual property has a value too and that’s part of what we have to secure our currency as well  but to be gold standard is HUGE and I hope that gets announced soon - really soon

Who knows when they are going to bring out our new physical currency – which is USTN – United States Treasury Note – ok – that’s going to replace the money we now have in our wallets – that is really good news

I can tell you that the redemption centers have had those USTN bundled for months and they’ve got them in the vaults – all set ready to go in the drawers when they get the to go signal to come out

Now what’s interesting to me is the schedules are already out to the redemption centers and we believe they will have a start probably on Tuesday – which we believe is going to be the day for notifications based on our best information right now and that would put us probably exchanging on Wednesday we believe – it seems to be the case –

Well a lot  of things that are happening in the Ukraine  - in the Ukraine they have actually gone after and found and prosecuted scientists that put these biolabs together – and the info that I’m receiving is saying that all of those biolabs everywhere around the globe have been handled-  basically destroyed and now the scientists involved in this last round over in Ukraine have been picked up - we talk about pick up on aisle 3 or clean up - there has been quite a bit of it and it will continue – it’s not going to stop in the next couple of days – it will continue – probably for months

We are looking forward to NESARA and GESARA coming out –we believe we are going to see something a little more concrete on that for us and that will be really good for us and even those not involved in the currencies –

So that is what I wanted to bring to everybody tonight remember it’s not like we are “delayed” they have got to do certain things and get certain things done especially with the currency – and you know we are not exactly the first one to say we’re gold backed - there are 7 other countries that have been gold backed for 3 days and involved in their trading –

I believe the USN will be complete on Sunday and on the screens and hopefully traded starting Sunday night as a USN – a new gold backed dollar with the Far East – we traded about 9 – 9:30 at night on Sunday  night which is Monday morning in the Far East – that’s when the markets open for trading -  I would think that would probably be the case this Sunday – so everybody hang in there- take a deep breath – and pray that the time line that we have – right now – do come true – Thank you for tuning in


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:21:31

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-22-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-22-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – it’s Tuesday March 22nd and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in once again – all over the globe

So let’s go in to the intel and see if we have anything we can bring out tonight for you – the good news is that things are moving in the correct direction for us - and this is primarily based around the bond holders still –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-22-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – it’s Tuesday March 22nd  and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in once again – all over the globe

So let’s go in to the intel and see if we have anything we can bring out tonight for you – the good news is that things are moving in the correct direction for  us - and this is primarily based around the bond holders still – 

Bond holders started getting paid – out and moving slowly but not getting all of them paid-out right now but we have examples of people that have received emails from their supporting banks / paymasters that they are about to be made liquid a day – or two or three days – or whenever that is - it’s happening – now – much more frequently than it did –

The other thing that we’re getting yesterday – and this started at 0600 am yesterday - we did hear that – we use to call  them the intermediate groups -  the fines & penalties – the CMKX – the farm claims – and even prosperity packages – stated trickling out – was the word that was used - trickling out - yesterday – Monday at 6 am and is continuing to pay out –

Now – we have been told that those intermediates would take between 72-96 hours to pay out – which is 3-4 days – which means they should be done by Thursday maybe Friday at the latest – so that is very positive

The other thing we’re hearing as far as tier 4A is the groups that have been based out West we usually refer to -  in Reno – there is activity that is going on there that suggests that those groups are being at least paid out to  their upper paymasters before down streaming to those individuals accounts – but that could be released very shortly – that’s nice on 4A  is moving along –

We had information from the redemption centers that we talk to that was telling about a final in house meeting that were taking on in the redemption centers themselves this morning – and they were an 1 hr 45 min meetings started around 9:30 – that is very positive – Anytime a final in house meeting is talked about – key in on the word final – that is a positive thing – for us to hear

The other thing that is really good is we got word that the two large global funds – the Rodriquez Trust and the St Germaine Trust are both going to be utilized to fund NESARA and GESARA –

We know the Rodriquez Trust is supposed to pay our US Treasury half of what they need for NESARA tonight overnight and tomorrow – so half of the money that is required for NESARA is coming out of the Rodriquez Trust the other half would come out of the other Trust – the St Germaine Trust -

We told you last Thursday that no longer – we had a rumor that the St Germaine Trust would only be payable on Christmas Day or Easter Sunday – that is NOT true – that was a falsehood that has been put out by the Deep State and it is NOT correct

So these can fund and like I said – The Rodriquez Trust is going to fund out over night  tonight and or tomorrow -  so that is a very positive move forward so we’ll get the US Treasury the NESARA money for our country and GESARA  will get the funds that have been designated for international banks to receive for paying out the GESARA programs ok and its sort of been up to Charlie Ward to determine which banks would go to – he is sort of the head guy when it comes to the GESARA – and how that’s going to be implemented  - so that is positive as far as that goes – 

As far as ourselves and when could we be notified – we only had one individual that gave us an idea that we might be notified today – that did not work out for us - we did not get notified – we don’t know if with everything that’s happening – whether or not we’re going to get notified this week – tomorrow - Thursday -  I don’t want to write it off – it’s only Tuesday night (now) I think we are in a good position –

However – we’re not quite sure when it’s going to go for us – we know that the end of the fiat financial system – meaning our fiat non gold backed dollar – our Federal Reserve Note USD – will probably continue - it’s clean up of those dollars internationally by the end of the month –

The fact that I heard that was going to happen toward the end of the month – it may be – and I only put this out as a theory - it may be that the USN  at least digital may start somewhere around the first of April - maybe before then – so we’re in a pattern where we’re looking for more and more information to indicate  when our start is going to be -

When are we going to see our notifications – set our appointments and go for exchanges and redemption of zim? – It seems like the majority of information that’s coming out – 90-95 % of it is dealing with the bonds and bond holders

We know that German bonds for a large part were taken care of today by bank of America and they were told that the holder of those German bonds would be able to have access to those bonds tomorrow Wednesday – Let’s see if that holds true – Let’s see if the moving forward of what’s going on out West with those groups - Let’s see if that moves forward in a way that we can find it –

Maybe – just maybe there’s a surprise for us in terms of or notifications and exchanges still this week – we just don’t have anything concrete that I can lay out for you to show you that right now – as much as I wanted to do that tonight - so let’s just keep an eye on it and see where that goes

I want to say - wish I could say we are right there – I know we are very close – I do not know exactly how soon this is going to go – thanks everyone for listening


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:19:55

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-17-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-17-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – By the way – Happy Saint Patrick’s Day everyone out there – and hopefully no one got pinched for not wearing green – I’m glad everybody is tuned in – I’m not happy that we are here tonight – you know because of the way the thing has been coming at us intel wise – but I am happy to be on the call and sharing what I do have tonight

So let’s talk about where we are from an intel point of view – I was a little bit disappointed – I am not going to be dishonest with you – I am going to tell you the truth - I was very disappointed today to hear that we were NOT going to be notified today or tomorrow – as I had heard previously - even Wednesday – right?

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-17-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – By the way – Happy Saint Patrick’s Day everyone out there – and hopefully no one got pinched for not wearing green – I’m glad everybody is tuned in – I’m not happy that we are here tonight – you know because of the way the thing has been coming at us intel wise – but I am happy to be on the call and sharing what I do have tonight

So let’s talk about where we are from an intel point of view – I was a little bit disappointed – I am not going to be dishonest with you – I am going to tell you the truth - I was very disappointed today to hear that we were NOT going to be notified today or tomorrow – as I had heard previously - even Wednesday – right? 

Remember – we do get information every day – even Sunday’s – sometimes we get great information Saturday or Sunday – it just comes in when it comes in and we have ways to make that work - we know the banks in general have tightened down – their communication out of the bank – we do what we can to find out what is really going on –

We found out that we had good information that was talking about us being notified today or tomorrow and then it came back to us - and this was from the lead bank – then it came back to us - no --- we’re going to scratch Thursday – so that put Friday into play – and what I was disappointed to hear was that – sorry  on a conference call that was this morning from 9-10 – we understand that the siting on when to let this go – meaning our notifications either Monday or Tuesday - 

Well I wasn’t too thrilled about hearing that - let me put it this way – if that is what it is – meaning Monday or Tuesday – yeah – if we survive – and I believe we will – in Jesus name we will get there – ok - then – fine – alright – good - I just want it to be through – I want it to happen just like all of you do – you are no different than me on that –

It’s 18  years now that I have been involved in this as being directly involved  with ownership of the currencies  - ok – so I have been it this a long time – 11 years on the Big Call - so the point is – we are ready for this to go – I know we are – there are things that have happened in the last week or so – and I don’t know anything specifically that took us from today or tomorrow all the way to Monday or Tuesday - I don’t have that  - I may get it so anyway that was a little bit of a rant - but when we go to what we do know - we know that yesterday morning - which was Wednesday - the US Petro dollar was done away with –

The Petro dollar was what we were using to buy oil – negotiate oil trading with – so that’s gone – and we had heard that the USD our fiat dollar ok – which is that Federal Reserve Note that we have currently in our wallets – but that was going away and we heard a couple of dates on this – we heard a date of overnight last night or today – and then we heard more recently and I think more accurately that would go away – now this is for international trading purposes – doesn’t mean or money “here” ok – is worthless - it’s not –

but -  the money that is used to trade internationally based on our USD / fiat dollar – is going away tomorrow (Friday) – a few days ago it was going away after the markets closed in New York – which is 4-4:30 PM - That’s when that will happen and that is the latest news I’ve had about that – it seems to be holding up –

So we know that there has been an increase of activity in Reno – what it is about we don’t exactly know - though I have a theory I may share with you -  we are hearing a huge increase  of activity happening out of Reno

What we also heard – this is something I’m going to put out that we’ve all heard before that the St Germaine Trust – remember we always said the St Germaine Trust can only be opened Christmas time and at Easter – Well guess what? I didn’t buy it then and I don’t buy it now – because it’s not true – Never was true – False information from the Cabal to make us think we could never get access to that St Germaine’s Trust twice a year – True – and they will access it –and they are JOT going to wait until Easter to do that and they will access that fund and it does not have as quite as big of a reserve as the Rodriguez Trust 

The Rodriguez Trust is a bottomless pit – it has plenty of zeros and it increases daily – ok – but the Rodriguez Trust to my understanding might have had 14 or 16 zeros – maybe – still a sizeable amount of money and I may be off by 1 or 2 zeros on that but that fund is actually going to be used – ok here’s how it works – that fund is going to be used for retribution to families and businesses that were directly affected by the covid 19 virus – and that pay out – if you will – of those funds from the St Germaines Trust was negotiated by President Trump and President of China – just recently -  that has come together so that those funds will go out to help mediate the damage from the covid 19 –

Now – the other thing that we are looking for and we have found to be true – and I’ve told you before – Russia is OT the bad guy over there – and neither is Ukraine – I’ve told you twice already  the bad guys are the Khazarian Mafia ...and most of them have been taken care of - this is continuing – ongoing - but we also heard that Putin of Russia has frozen funds on a number of bad people – let’s say – that have interest in the Ukraine – I think  you know where I was going with that and that is a good thing – they have been frozen  not going to get unfrozen –

So there is activity continuing to happen there with the people that had designed these bio weapons in a number of laboratories  - they found the Labs - they got the scientists  (8 of them) and so they are continuing to clean up –

This is all moving forward for us and I’m sure that now the bond money has started rolling out not in huge waves but in smaller ways and the bond holders are getting full access to their funds – not a small percentage of the but “full” access and it has been first in / first out -  the bonds that were first put up and traded get the first payment –

Now they are switching over from that situation to a deal where the lowest of the bond totals – the “least of the bondholders” will be paid out in the order from smallest to largest  - and I thought that might happen because they don’t want to overheat the economy with too much too fast – from the result of these bonds but that is the transition to that is happening now – and this may be – this is my theory – this may be why Reno is buzzing and things are really popping and large sums of money may be what is happening out of Reno – for the purpose of paying out these bond holders

Remember they tend to negotiate these and pay these out the paymasters out of New York – Reno – Miami – and also Zurich, Switzerland – as well as occasionally in another mid eastern – Far East destination – and they have 2-3 they have used over in the Far East –

So everything else that we know of especially regarding Iraq is an accomplished feat  - ok – I don’t really see a whole lot else but you know as well as I do by now that every time we turn around – oh there’s a Colombo moment – oh just one more thing – and I’m tired of it – know you’re tired of it – unless it’s something major – like a new currency for us – a new USN – digital currency and then a USTN currency – you know – it’s – unless it’s something major – that we don’t know about – which does not make sense – at this point – we kinda know a lot about most of the puzzle pieces and we know that the banking system is completely lined up with the QFS – with the StarLink Satellite  System – with the FenTech System – you know – everything –

Everything seems like it’s coming together and is ready to go – so I believe it probably has to do with getting more of the bond holders paid out before we get notified – maybe that’s what it is – something as simple as that


By the way – President Putin of Russia also has already announced the Gold Standard – for Russia and he’s already announced GESARA for Russia and so we are looking for NESARA and remember I told you about the retribution for the covid 19 virus?  And the money would be going to families and businesses that were affected by that -? That is also going to be handled under NESARA – which we believe we’re going to get more information about – and possibly more financial action still this month –

Remember Tuesday is the 22nd  - I know there were some things said and written about that – I don’t think we’re planning to go all the way to Easter Sunday although I do get the symbolism of it – but we thought we were going to get notified today or tomorrow – Now they are saying Monday or Tuesday - Now that is the most important thing that out of all of this of course  I am concerned about and looking for

So  that is primarily what we have and what I wanted to bring tonight – I think we get the gist and are probably waiting – I think for the USN digital currency to be finalized – I thinks that’s probably – because we heard it was going to take place after 4 PM Friday when the US Fiat Dollar was going to go away – so if that’s the case it may still take a day or two for globally – for the world to be ready for that transition – I bet you a dollar that is what it is – so maybe we’ll find out

Will we have a call next Tuesday? Don’t know – I hope not – I hope we’re all having our numbers and setting appointments and going in for an exchange – so let’s see what happens – obviously we’re going to be here if we don’t have our toll free numbers

Thanks everyone for listening -


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:21:41

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-15-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-15-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – it’s Tuesday March 15th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody again – wherever you are – whether it’s live or on the replay thanks for joining us

You would think that we would be under stress because we’re looking for this thing to happen – we’re looking for this blessing manifest and our call as you remember on Thursday was 2 hrs long and that is longer than we have done in modern history – that is the longest call we’ve done in quite a few years – so - you know – I think we had a really good call Thursday and we brought a lot of concepts out – and I know in terms of the intel side of it we’re looking for something to manifest to us in the way of notifications today – and so were other people – not just me – a lot of people were thinking we would see these toll free numbers today –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-15-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – it’s Tuesday March 15th and you’re tuned in and listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody again – wherever you are – whether it’s live or on the replay thanks for joining us

You would think that we would be under stress because we’re looking for this thing to happen – we’re looking for this blessing manifest and our call as you remember on Thursday was 2 hrs long and that is longer than we have done in modern history – that is the longest call we’ve done in quite a few years – so - you know – I think we had a really good call Thursday and we brought a lot of concepts out – and I know in terms of the intel side  of it we’re looking for something to manifest to us in the way of notifications today – and so were other people – not just me – a lot of people were thinking we would see these toll free numbers today – 

Well –it did not happen – I have some reason understanding why but one of our bond holders / paymasters – told some of our intel sources that he was also expecting and anticipating the notifications for tier 4 to go out today and they did not so he was surprised by that bondholders – at least some were paid out and it’s going to be a process of about 15 days to pay the bond holders all the way out –

In addition to that we were told that some bond holders had received emails – not to give them access to funds today but -  they would be able to get that access to funds in 48 hours – which would be Thursday – so that is encouraging – even though that is 2 days – and then we heard from another source  that the possibility of – in fact this is from the guy that was telling me bond holders that he was anticipating would go today and it didn’t and he told a few of the people – he said -  don’t give up on tomorrow –

In other words he was getting some information I believe from Wells Fargo that we could quite possibly look forward to notifications tomorrow –

Now – this is what we had heard would happen – we thought we would be notified today – set appointments this afternoon – and then to go in for those appointments early tomorrow – now that did not happen – we did not get notified – however if they hold the same schedule – to be true – say it is tomorrow – we get notified – let’s say that does happen - that’s an “IF”  statement -  “IF” we were to be notified by tomorrow then the pattern is the same that they wanted to do today – that we would essentially get the numbers – set the appointment and go on Thursday – for those appointments

Now – they may choose to do that and they may not choose to – but I think based on what we had – the information we were told we were supposed to get – put appointments actually very early in the morning – like 8:15 – 8:30 AM at the redemption centers – I’m talking redemption centers –

Remember zim holders only get routed to redemption centers – if you have other currency and NO zim and you call they will probably route you to a tier 1 or tier 2 bank for your currency exchange – but if you are a zim holder Wells Fargo is in charge of the zim in the United States – They will be doing those redemptions at bonafide redemption centers – ONLY

So as far as our timing – I agree with the person that told these people – he said - don’t give up on tomorrow – so I think he had some information – quite possibly from Wells Fargo that we were going to be notified tomorrow – We’ll see – We’ll see

I was really fully expecting to be notified today and we had a time and everything – but it did NOT occur – so we’re back on a kind of restart – like when you do the restart on your phone – you reset the phone for the possibility of tomorrow –

Now – I said I was going to talk a little maybe about some news – I did get some word through some of our intel sources that the conflict – let’s call it – in the Ukraine has been buttoned up and it has a nice little bow tied to it – and this has been done for a couple of days – But not what you are going to hear on main stream media  

I was told we were going to hear that was the case – that it was a completed fact that had happened – we were supposed to hear about it today – we see that did not happen  

So what is main stream media going to do?? Main stream news? They are going to put out a continuous loop of all ***  breaking loose in Russia – Crimea – Ukraine – everywhere - it’s just not the case - it is NOT the case – Things are better now than they were – so do not watch the news –

Let’s hope - wait a minute – what else was supposed to happen today? We were supposed to get NESARA and GESARA - and I use this term loosely - announced – brought out – at least activated in some form or fashion on the 15th - Today is the 15th!!!

To our knowledge that did not occur – did not get any information about that having happened and maybe because we did not get started and so on – they have delayed that activation of NESARA – and GESARA – so we’ll see what happens

Now what has happened – last Friday – sometimes I forget we have not had a call since Thursday – but last Friday and Saturday Banks were down in their servers for 2 hours on Friday and Saturday which affected the banks operation inside the branch and also affected ATM’s –

The banks did not know what was going on at first – they did not know Friday and a lot of them closed – but the servers were down – why were they down?? And they were down for 2 hours on Saturday – why were they down?? Because the entire QFS was being upgraded and re connected to the banks globally – including the StarLink Satellite System – including the other banking systems

So – that occurred Friday and Saturday and actually really they did the re-connection – if you will – to the full banking system during President Trump’s rally – which was in South Carolina –

So my understanding with that is it’s complete – totally complete – now the SWIFT system is gone – no longer using that – Fiat currency – meaning our US Dollar if not totally gone – it’s on its way out – completely – and we should be getting our gold backed USN digital currency – is what we’re exchanging into when we go to the redemption centers and banks – ok - that is very positive –

So there are a lot of things still happening behind the scenes – it’s just the information that we had did not pan out today but could very well pan out for tomorrow and that is really what I wanted to bring to everybody – that is what I wanted to say – I would say “yes” continue to pray for everyone that is involved in this situation and globally where there may be conflict –

Hopefully there will not be a call on Thursday but rather be involved doing exchanges – obviously if we do not have numbers we will see you on Thursday night – if we get numbers and they have been put out then you will be in the midst of your exchanges – let’s see where that goes – stay in faith – stay positive – it does affect your mindset – before you go into this – Thanks everybody for listening

 Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK        Intel Begins:  1:07:47

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-10-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-10-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday March 10th and you’re listening to the Big Call Welcome from where ever you are listening all over the globe – We do have people hearing us love and we have people who listen to the call on the replay - Glad to hear everybody is in

Let’s talk some intel – this won’t take too long I don’t think – What are we hearing? We are hearing that this is supposed to be the weekend of all weekends – We’re hearing that the golden gates are to be flung open this weekend – We’re hearing that the bond holders and I’m going to include tier’s 1 – 2 – and 3 - which are the bond holders primarily –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-10-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Sorry for the delayed posting of Bruce’s call Wisernow was without internet service all day

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday March 10th and you’re listening to the Big Call  Welcome from where ever you are listening all over the globe – We do have people hearing us love  and we have people who  listen to the call on the replay -  Glad to hear everybody is in

Let’s talk some intel – this won’t take too long I don’t think – What are we hearing? We are hearing that this is supposed to be the weekend of all weekends – We’re hearing that the golden gates are to be flung open this weekend – We’re hearing that the bond holders and I’m going to include tier’s 1 – 2 – and 3 - which are the bond holders primarily –

Tiers 1 – 2 and 3 are supposed to be made liquid – I’ve heard 2 stories as early as tonight around 10:30 – so that would be underway now – or I have also heard from a different source – after markets close tomorrow (Friday) which is 4:30 in the afternoon –

I am more apt to believe tomorrow than tonight – Although the warning was the bulk of the bond monies were to be paid out tonight – or the other piece was tomorrow after t he markets close – I am going with tomorrow after markets close

And we go – wait a minute – where does that put us? They said they were trying to do this as close to a shotgun start as possible – between tier 3 and tier 4 A&B – I am going to tell you again – we’ve got 5 different sources weighing in on this – and couple of them are in agreement that it’s very possible that our notifications could come out as early as Saturday or Sunday –

The Wells Fargo approach that we heard today is talking about Monday notifications and Tuesday start exchanges – and it’s a typical time frame that they have given every single time they come with this – it may be right this time - they only need to be right once – and we hope it doesn’t change – and they said they hope that it doesn’t change – that nothing changes –

Alright – let’s talk about a little backup information as to what is actually happening – why this weekend could be the weekend of all weekends – there is something to the daylight savings time changeover – It may be just a convenient thing to tie into – but we do understand that it is a possible time frame for us to be looking at the transition to our gold backed dollar –

We know that the US Corporation USA, Inc – is going away – has officially gone away – at 1:00 this morning Thursday morning - and we know that the fiat dollar is to be dead – if not already – tonight internationally – and it may take a day or so for that to complete globally – To be completely fair it may take a few days for that to fizzle out – let’s say –

But what has to happen? The new USN – the digital gold back dollar has to come into play – so let’s talk about gold – there are 7 countries that are the top 7 gold owned – owning gold countries – this may not be in the order of highest to lowest – just going to give you the countries by name - Russia – China – India –Indonesia – Iraq - Kuwait -  and United States  -

So what is happening? What is happening tomorrow (Friday) we do not know what time – this is really – you know – not based on our time zone – but theirs - Russia – China - India – are going to be divulging to we think our treasury – we don’t know exactly -  but we think it’s our treasury ----------- they’re going to be divulging their gold “totals”  their total amounts of gold – why? – Because these gold   stores – if you will - are supporting the currency – the gold backed currencies in those 3 countries – and those 3 will be announcing those - if you will – not publically on TV but to whoever needs to know this – probably the treasury – could be another agency but we know the treasury –

Ok – now the other 4 countries are also going to be gold backed / asset backed with primary asset being gold – and those are – like I mentioned – Kuwait – Iraq – Indonesia and the United States – and so we are all going to a gold backed currency and we should have our digital USN – I am going to say – Saturday or Sunday -  and the physical USTN currency we don’t know exactly when our new gold backed dollars – meaning our actual physical  currency that we would put inside our pockets would come out –

It may be somewhere around the 15th because the 15th of March – the Ides of March – there is a lot that is coming form that - we think that even this weekend there might be some NESARA - form or announcement or information coming out -  We are really keying more on the 15th which is next Tuesday – ok – because the 15th is supposed to be when NESARA is enacted -  the beginning of the activation of it  of NESARA

Now we have seen some first fruits of NESARA come through for months now – occasionally we’ll see debt forgiveness – little test things that happen – but we’re supposed to see more – and hopefully we get some announcements – and realistically we need an announcement about our new currency the USTN – physical currency and the new USN new digital currency –

When we exchange our currency and redeem our Zim bonds – we’re going to be doing that into a digital currency called USN through the QFS –

Alright – a little side note – they were I think since Monday – they were connecting our cell phone carriers through the StarLink system - and I remember – was it yesterday - Wednesday morning 8 AM they completed and hooked up Verizon –

T-Mobile was done earlier - ATT was the last and most tedious – because they had forced some companies under ATT’s name - but that got handled – already today – we thought that might drag on but there are a few other aspects to it that are being handled tonight

Let’s talk about where Monday -e we are now -  I ‘ve got to bring out this other piece that I mentioned earlier – that says we may not get notified until Monday – However – my thinking is – I hope I’s accurate – If the bond holders do receive their emails – giving them access to their funds – liquidity – in their account – access to that liquidity – and if that happens for them tomorrow afternoon (Friday) after the markets close – tomorrow “evening” – it might move us along a little sooner - 

We could see something Saturday or Sunday in the way of notifications - and if we did – we’d probably end up exchanging starting – However – like I said – the lead bank is saying notifications to us – they’re hearing from a call they were on today – notifications Monday – exchanges starting Tuesday –

We have to sort of give thought to that – even though we’re getting other information that says it could be sooner – so I am sorry if it’s a little vague – but that is what I’m getting – just telling you what it is I’m hearing – and I’m trying not to take that information and read too much into it one way or another – Lot of puzzle pieces and now its time to put those pieces together and make a picture we can see –

What’s going on in the Ukraine? Ukraine – I told you we found all 13 bioweapons laboratories and destroyed those – we found  - … we’re finding out that the funding for those bio weapons – were started back in the Obama administration -  and has continued through to the current administration - 

That is very unsettling to me but it was funded through the CIA which was NOT a good thing obviously – Now I am going to tell you something very basic about this new bio weapon that thank God we have put an end to it –

But they have storage -  places of storage – for that bio weapon - and they found the Russians went in and found all of those - now – the news is painting Russia as the bad guys – They are not – neither is the Ukraine a bad guy – The bad guys as I said Tuesday is what’s known as the Khazarian Mafia - the Cabal – the Deep State - lot of different names for it

It is important to know that we did find where those bio weapons were being stored – and their intention – the people that funded this – the people that created this – their intention was to wipe out 70% of the world population this Fall – this coming Fall – with that weapon 

It’s NOT going to happen –Our military people went in there and found these things – we’ve got the good intel – they found it and they’re going to put an end to it –

Now on a higher note –President Trump is doing a rally in Florence SC Saturday – it’s on News Max – and several other media sites – That’s going to be interesting – I think Pres Trump may talk a little bit about the Ukraine situation – bio weapons and all of that –

I haven’t seen this but understand that Tucker Carlson did a big report yesterday – and came out with a lot of the same type information – but for you that are shaking your head -  - I don’t get political typically -  I don’t - But – this is important – important that we understand it – and are up to speed on what’s really happening - and that’s why I’m telling everyone that has concerns about the Ukraine - We’ve got to be aware – and we are going to get more and more aware as we go –

Alright I think that is the basic intel – Let's see what happens 


 Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  1:28:50

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-8-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-8-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – it’s Tuesday March 8th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody again all over the globe – wherever you are – thanks for joining us

Ok tonight is really interesting because we got some information – I’ll try to go back but not too far back – we had received some information that was pointing to today being a “shoe-in” – this is exactly how it was put – “today – Tuesday would be a shoe-in for notification – Well ------ maybe ---- even though it’s 10:10 Eastern Time what was supposed to occur and may have occurred at 8:45 – which was 15 mins before the Big Call started – that is when the notifications by email were to start going out to the bond holders for them to receive their actual access to funds – it’s hard to access it may be at 8:45 PM but certainly by tomorrow they would have access to their funds –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-8-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call again tonight – it’s Tuesday March 8th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody again all over the globe – wherever you are – thanks for joining us

Ok tonight is really interesting because we got some information – I’ll try to go back but not too far back – we had received some information that was pointing to today being a “shoe-in” – this is exactly how it was put – “today – Tuesday would be a shoe-in for notification – Well ------ maybe ---- even though it’s 10:10 Eastern Time what was supposed to occur and may have occurred at 8:45 – which was 15 mins before the Big Call started – that is when the notifications by email were to start going out to the bond holders for them to receive their actual access to funds – it’s  hard to access it may be at 8:45 PM but certainly by tomorrow they would have access to their funds – 

What was interesting was it came from a paymaster of the bonds from Miami and this individual also mentioned that our emails  for our notifications could go out any time after 8:45 PM tonight – So whether those two  - the bond holders email showing them liquidity on their accounts and our emails giving us 800 number access to set our appointments – I don’t know if they’re going to be exact – they’re parallel  - maybe not a true shotgun start but they are parallel in the sense that those were to start for us as early as 8:45 PM and go on -So we know that it is coming for us – a little different time frame than we’ve had –

Now this is only my opinion - when those come out – they could very well come out – in my opinion – overnight or wake up to it on Wednesday morning – But here’s some other factors that will probably play into this –

The USD – our dollar – our fiat dollar officially becomes defunct internationally – not for us in the states – we will have about 60 days to spend all of our money or exchange it at the bank – ok – if you have – if you are sitting on stacks of 100’s or 50’s – you may want to pay attention to this – because we’ve got a limited amount of time once this goes but the rest of the globe is being told the fiat dollar is going away and the time frame for this – what we’re hearing is 1 AM on Thursday – so that’s really an hour after midnight tomorrow night – ok that’s how I look at it – 1AM in the morning – is an hour after midnight Wednesday night / Thursday morning

So you’ve got that happening at that time – you have for the most part the SWIFT system is gone – even internationally it is out of service – and I believe that will officially be done away with if you will – tonight – maybe at midnight – I don’t have a time for  that –

However – when it comes to our government the USA Inc – is also going away at 1 AM Thursday – ok – along with that the fiat dollar is gone – the corporation of the United States is gone – and we move into the Restored Republic of the United States at – let’s call it 1:00 AM plus a minute 1:01 AM Thursday morning –

And so we’ve got our new Restored Republic form of government – we’ve got a new USN currency – digitally – up and running – and we should have operational a new USTN physical currency – the money – the USTN – United States Treasury Notes – they have been in the bank vaults for months and months – but now it may be time to bring those out on Thursday morning whatever time the banks open – let’s call it 9 AM –

So – I believe that is what we’ll see – I believe we will see that new introduction of money at that time as well – but digitally – is when we do our exchange – we take physical currency of dinar – dong – rupiah – etc whatever you are holding – will be changed into a digital which is the USN and that will be in our accounts – our QFS accounts ok QFS – 

So – I am excited about all of that – the timing is close – we should be seeing – I think we should be seeing notifications tomorrow – and whatever time – I can’t predict exactly when – but whenever those actually do come in and I get the toll free number I will make sure it is on our website – and do our part to get it out to the community –

Beyond that – I can just tell you like when jenny was concerned about what was going on in Ukraine and we found out quite a bit since before that a little since that time - that Russia is not the bad guy – I don’t care what the news says – I don’t care what you see on TV – Russia is not the bad guy – Ukraine is not the bad guy – if there are bad guys it is the cabal which is the Khazarian Mafia– they are the bad guys –

Now there were 13 bio weapons laboratories in the Ukraine around Kyiv – and also Chernobyl – so these have been taken care of – let’s say – found out where they were – taken care of – and that threat has been neutralized -  over 800 arrests were a part of that – and I can just tell you that the people involved in all of that – scientists – will be found and there’s also some information about servers and we know that we had Rothschild server that was still not located – that was found a couple days ago and taken out – taken care of - there were a couple more servers globally – I don’t know where they are – or whose they are – but I understand those were taken out I believe it was either last night or tonight –

So – there is a lot happening behind the scenes – and I would say it’s good news for us – it usually has to do with clean up - usually has to do with removing the bad guys and finding everybody that is no longer a part of what we’re going to be doing in our future –

So – when will we have some disclosure coming out – when will we find out what exactly has been going on politically and so on – I think that there is something about our start this week that may bring more of that out – I understood – now I can’t absolutely confirm that this from my own research but I understand that the IRS is no longer garnishing wages – as of maybe today –

I understand that certain people have been compensated in large amounts from the IRS so let’s see what that looks like – I would say – maybe some of NESARA starting to manifest a little more now – we’ll see it – I know we’ll hear more about it – and quite possibly some things will really turn around politically – maybe around the 15th or so - beware of the ides of March –

So – we’re in a really good place – what we’re witnessing right now – you just cannot watch the news – and expect to get the truth – not y et – maybe in the near future that will change – and that is one of my hopes – and my understanding is that it will change – I just don’t know exactly when – but I am excited about the possibility that we’re hearing of the timing for this – which is a couple of days away –

Bond holders should be checking their emails to see if they’ve got access to their funds – with these emails that is supposed to give them that – access to their funds – they are not restricted to 1% or 5% or anything – they actually have full access to their full accounts – the only thing they have with some limitation is on their spending - - so there is some limitation for 3 months or 6 months whatever - and then pretty soon it will be a fair open season on that – So let’s be expectant of something happening soon

Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:06:20

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-3-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-3-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday March 3rd and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again - we’re still going and we’re like the Energizer Bunny (chuckle chuckle) we’re still going and will continue to do these shows until we get the numbers and put them out and can no longer do the shows – so that’s the plan -

Intel tonight – I have to tell you - it did change – it changed from what we had even Tuesday night – 2 days ago – I don’t get real happy when I hear certain changes that I believe are changing what we have – I like things (chuckle) knowing a little ahead of time what we’ve got

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 3-3-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday March 3rd  and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again -  we’re still going and we’re like the Energizer Bunny (chuckle chuckle) we’re still going and will continue to do these shows until we get the numbers  and put them out and can no longer do the shows – so that’s the plan -  

Intel tonight – I have to tell you -  it did change – it changed from what we had even Tuesday night – 2 days ago – I don’t get real happy when I hear certain changes that I believe are changing what we have – I like things (chuckle) knowing a little ahead of time what we’ve got

Now – today we had some corrections – so we’re doing a course correction – with a moving target – trying to get it stable so we can shoot at it without it moving – but that’s still been very difficult –

So let’s go over the basics of what is going on – bondholders – you know they have been waiting a year or more to get their money from bonds they did a long time ago – some of them 17 years – but they exchanged their bonds – they did a table top meeting and their bonds were hypothecated and so on –

But – the bond holders are being told actually get their funds released to their accounts after markets closed tomorrow – well the markets close at 4 PM usually about 4:30 aftermarket trading – on the East Coast – so those will start going out in mass tomorrow afternoon (Friday) / evening

And bond holders will be getting confirmation emails should be Saturday – telling them they have access to their accounts – meaning access to “funds” starting Saturday and some will get their emails on Sunday and they will have account access on Monday Now – that’s our bond holders –

Sometimes bond holder information gets construed as our information – it’s not the same – we are close but we’re not exactly in the same timeline as the bond holders – We – sometimes it looks like we are - we think we’re on that double barrel shotgun start – but so far it has not been that way –and it doesn’t look like it’s that way for us –

The latest information we have from the lead bank – they did a conference call at the treasury today – not a super long call – but it suggested that those of us here in tier 4B the internet group would be notified by Monday or Tuesday morning but more than likely go Tuesday – it’s a possibility that we would start on Monday – depending on when the numbers came out – very slight chance we get them Sunday night / overnight – slight chance -  but right now – I think the smart money talking about Monday notifications – Tuesday exchanges – that’s what we’ve got for us – tier 4B – internet group –

Iraq qas supposed to have done their thing last Monday and they’ve been blacked out form us through at least Wednesday and probably still blocked out today – I didn’t find that out – but I have a feeling that if they don’t do what they said they were going to do last Monday then they are done and waiting for us – They are just waiting for our “to go” signal – If they haven’t done it yet they will probably wait and do it Sunday and have everything ready for Sunday night trading –

Either way – it’s going to happen – the government seated – or if not it will be -  all of that stuff is to come together right before we get ready to go  - Why aren’t we ready to go? Why didn’t we go Tuesday? Or even yesterday – I can’t tell you except we know that they’re still  - let me say it this way – they are still working on pick ups and drop offs – let’s see what was it ??  Was it Tuesday night that was the State of the Union address?? That was a big night for pickups and drop offs - a lot of clean up – a lot of clean up on isle 3 - What else?

As far as the Public – I remember the last few weeks I told you that the Public is going to go when we go – Public / tier 5 will go with tier 4A and tier 4B

Then I heard a couple days ago – maybe yesterday – NOT THE CASE - The Public looks like it might not start until the week of March 14th / 15th to be Mon / Tues a week from this coming – now why is that ???? Because there are – as of yesterday – 9 countries that are still on the SEIFT System and they are taking until the 11th to take those countries off of the SWIFT and make sure they’re on the QFS – and some of these countries included even France and I think one or two South America – they were scattered – I heard the list really quick – I think 9 countries – and I thought ok -  well I didn’t get the list for you – not that crucial to us –

However – when those countries come off the SWIFT and go to the QFS that should be done by the 11th of March – and this is affecting other countries which are primarily the Public

Now we have listeners in other countries – we know that – we have listeners in at least 30 – 40 countries that Sue has heard from – and occasionally I will hear from somebody – but the point is most of the other countries are not using our toll free numbers here –to set appointments because our appointments are working with redemption centers in primarily North America including US & Canada

Now – I have told you this forever – don’t forget it – HSBC is the lead International Bank for exchanges – Wells Fargo is the lead bank for the United States – so Canada has HSBC they also have Scotia Bank which I understand has merged with Royal Bank of Canada  - they will all be doing exchanges  and if that is where you live – that’s where you are going – is anywhere else around the globe – you will be exchanging in “your” country – where you live – We here in the US will be exchanging here and will be using the toll free number that comes in email or that you get from  us in your email - when we get it -

Now another thing we’ve got and this will just about wrap it up for us tonight – is that redemption centers – we’ve got quite a few – I think we had 4800 maybe more in the United States and these schedules are going to go out Sunday night to the redemption centers that will give them a 17 day schedule for setting their employees in – redemption center staff – and everything – they will have that and they will have a schedule that they can follow –

I don’t know if the schedule will start them on Monday – which is my guess - they will be taking appointments I hope – taking our calls – setting our appointments  - but it could start Tuesday – We’ll see – but that is going to go out Sunday night throughout the country to at least 4800 redemption centers – ok

So that tells us that we’re moving in the right direction – the bond holders are moving through the weekend -  Saturday and  - Saturday and Sunday emails –Monday –

Emails to redemption centers go out Sunday night – We believe and HOPE that the emails for us will go out Monday – and we’ll set our appointments for exchanges to start on Tuesday -

Now this could be off a day or so either way – we know that – you know that by now – it’s just that the intel has changed – at every chance but all we can do is stay patient –let the Grace of God come to us and it is sufficient for all of  us –

It’s not been easy to wait for this – it’s not been the hardest thing but it’s not been easy – and I think a lot of people are affected by it and  it may be a little easier – it’s been 18 years for me involved in currency this month – 18 years -  we are just doing the right thing – hanging in there for the people –

Now this is the information that we have – today – we know what the redemption centers are doing – getting the schedules out – we know about the conference call today – we know that with the treasury – we know that the timing for this has been at least at this point – is what I just told you – bond holders well underway –especially tomorrow or when they get funds released that haven’t been funded already – and so this is a great opportunity for us to catch up and be completely ready to go next Monday or Tuesday –

So with that – thanks everybody


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins  1:16:51

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